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Quintus, son-in-law of L. Aemilius Paulus, served under the latter in his war against Perseus, king of Macedonia.


Q., son of the preceding, was a pupil of Panaetius, and is called “the Stoic. ” He had a reputation for talent and legal knowledge. He was praetor in 123, and consul suffectus in 118. He was an opponent of Tib. Gracchus, as well as of C. Gracchus, and delivered some speeches against the latter, 123. Tubero is one of the speakers in Cicero's dialogue De Republica.


Lucius, an intimate friend of Cicero. On the breaking out of the Civil War, Tubero espoused the party of Pompey, under whom he served in Greece. He was afterwards pardoned by Caesar, and returned with his son Quintus to Rome. Tubero cultivated literature and philosophy.


Q., son of the preceding, obtained considerable reputation as a jurist, and is often quoted in the Digest.

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