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Ὀρέστης : Orestes.—(1) the son of Agamemnon, who having been reared at Athens returns to Mycēnae and slays Aegisthus, after the latter had reigned eight years. Clytaemnestra was slain at the same time. (See cut under ἕδρη, from a painting on an ancient Greek vase.) The murder of Agamemnon was thus avenged, and the throne restored to its rightful heir, Od. 3.306, Od. 11.461, Od. 1.30, 40, 298, δ 546, Il. 9.142, 284.—(2) a Greek slain by Hec. tor, Il. 5.705.—(3) a Trojan, slain by Leonteus, Il. 12.139, 193.
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