
Pythian Odes

The victory commemorated in this poem was gained Pyth. 29, i. e. Ol. 76, 3 (474 B.C.). Hieron had himself proclaimed as a citizen of Aitna in order to please the city founded by him, Ol. 76, 1 (476 B.C.), to take the place of Katana. In the same year he had gained a victory over the Etruscans off Cumae, thus crowning the glory of the battle of Himera. The great eruption of Aitna, which began Ol. 75, 2 (479 B.C.), and continued several years, figures largely in this poem, which has been much admired and often imitated, notably by Gray in his “Progress of Poesy.”

Pindar's poems are constellations. There are figures as in the heavens, a belt, a plough, a chair, a serpent, a flight of doves, but around them clusters much else. The Phorminx is the name of the constellation called the first Pythian. In the first part of the poem the lyre is the organ of harmony, in the second the organ of praise. In the first part everything is plain. Apollo and the Muses are to the Greek the authors of all harmony, artistic, political, social, spiritual. The lyre, as the instrument of Apollo, is the symbol of the reign of harmony over the wide domain of Zeus. Everything that owes allegiance to Zeus obeys his son Apollo, obeys the quivering of the lyre's strings. So the footstep of the dancer, the voice of the singer. Even the thunderbolt, the weapon of Zeus, is quenched, the bird of Zeus slumbers, the wild son of Zeus, violent Ares, sleeps a deep sleep. This is the art of the son of Leto and the deep-bosomed Muses (vv. 1-12).

All those that Zeus hath claimed as his own are ruled by harmony. Not so those that he loves not. When they hear the sound of the Pierides, they strive to flee along the solid earth and the restless main. So he who now lies in dread Tartaros, enemy of the gods, Typhon, reared in the famed Kilikian cave. His hairy breasts are pinched by the high sea-shores of Kymé and Sicily, and Aitna's heaven-mounting column pinions him — Aitna, nurse of keen snow, from whose inmost recesses belch purest streams of unapproachable fire, rivers that roll sparkling smoke by day, while purple flame by night bears in its whirl masses of stone down to the surface of the deep, plashing. These jets of fire are upflung by yon monster. Terrible are they — a marvel to behold, a marvel even to hear from those that have beheld. Such a creature is that which lies bound by peak and plain, while his back is goaded by his craggy couch (vv. 13-28).

May we not be of those thou lovest not, may we find favor in thy sight, O Zeus, lord of Aitna's mount — the forehead of this fruitful land, whose namesake neighbor city the famed founder glorified when the herald proclaimed her in the Pythian course by reason of Hieron's noble victory with the chariot. As men who go on shipboard count as the first blessing a favoring wind, an omen of a happy return, so we count from this concurrence that the city will henceforth be renowned for wreaths of victory and chariots, her name be named mid banquet-songs. Lykian and Delian lord, thou that lovest the Kastalian fount of Parnasos, make this purpose good, make the land a land of men (vv. 2940).

So far Apollo and the Muses dominate — dominate as the interpreters of Zeus. Now Zeus himself comes forward. Apollo is mentioned no more, but the prayer to him, v. 40, is matched by a prayer to the Muse in v. 58.

Zeus, Apollo, the Muses, have now led us up to the praise of Hieron. The achievements of mortals are all due to the gods. Men are bards; are valiant and eloquent through them (v. 41); and so, through them, Hieron has the virtues of his high position, and all the so-called counsels addressed to him are merely indications of what he is, or thinks he is, or tries to be. In praising his hero Pindar picks out first the quality that had recently distinguished him, and this success was won θεῶν παλάμαις (v. 48). The future lacks nothing but forgetfulness of toils and pains. Greater prosperity, greater wealth, it cannot give. It can only administer (οὕτω, v. 46). When the forgetfulness of the bitter past comes, then the memory of all the glorious achievements of war, with all its proud wealth, will return. May our hero, like Philoktetes of old (v. 50), have a god to be his friend and benefactor. But the song is not for Hieron alone. His son, Deinomenes (v. 58), shares the joy in the victory of his sire; his son is king of the city Aitna, which Hieron built for him, founding it with god-sent freedom in the laws of Doric stock, after the principles of Doric harmony (v. 65). May this harmony between people and princes abide, and may father pass to son the keynote of concordant peace (v. 79) — peace within and peace from barbaric foes without. Zeus keep the Phoenician and the Tyrrhenian battle-shouts at home, now that they have seen the fell destruction of their ships, the punishment of their insolence, before Kymé — that weight that rests upon Typhon's breast. For what Salamis to Athens, what Plataia to Sparta, that to the sons of Deinomenes is the day of Himera (v. 80).

But brevity is best. Twist the strands tight. Less, then, will be the blame, for surfeit dulleth the edge of expectation. Others' blessings and advantages are a hateful hearing; yet envy is better than pity. Hold, Hieron, to thy high career. Still guide the people with a just helm. Still be thy word forged on the anvil of truth. No sparkle of dross that flieth past is without its weight, coming from thee. Steward of many things thou art. Faithful witnesses there are many for right and wrong. Firm abide in generous temper. Wax not weary in expenditure. Let thy sail belly to the wind. Let no juggling gains lure thee. After mortals liveth fame alone as it revealeth the lives of the departed to speakers and to singers. Kroisos' generous kindliness perisheth not. The cruel soul of Phalaris — brazen-bull-burner — is whelmed by hating bruit; no harps beneath the roof-tree receive him to soft fellowship with warbling boys. Good fortune is first; then good fame. Whoso hath chanced on both and made both his own hath received the highest crown (vv. 81-100).

The mood is Dorian, the rhythms dactylo-epitrite.

Of the five triads, the first two deal with harmony; the third and the fourth have to do with Hieron's work as a founder, his work as a warrior, with the sweet music of a concordant state, the sweet silence from the barbaric cry, have to do with Aitna and Himera. The last triad avoids the weariness of praise by disguising it under sage counsel, with the intimation that Hieron has not only been prosperous, but has gained the fair voices of the world.

Strophe 1

χρυσέα φόρμιγξ: Cf. Hes. Scut. Hercl. 202: ἱμερόεν κιθάριζε Διὸς καὶ Δητοῦς υἱὸς χρυσείῃ φόρμιγγι, N. 5.24: φόρμιγγ᾽ Ἀπόλλων ἑπτάγλωσσον χρυσέῳ πλάκτρῳ διώκων.

ἰοπλοκάμων: Cf. O. 6.30: παῖδα ϝιόπλοκον. Our violet is the ἴον μέλαν of the Greeks, and “black” is the nearest translation of ιο-.

σύνδικον ... κτέανον: “Joint possession.”

βάσις: The dancer's foot listens and obeys the throb of the cithern.

ἀοιδοί: The singers of the chorus.

προοιμίων: “Preludes.”

ἀμβολὰς τεύχῃς = ἀναβολὰς ποιῇ, ἀναβάλλῃ. Cf. Od. 1. 155: τοι φορμίζων ἀνεβάλλετο καλὸν ἀείδειν.

ἐλελιζομένα: “Quivering.” O. 9.14: φόρμιγγ᾽ ἐλελίζων.

αἰχματὰν κεραυνόν : αἰ. better as a subst. than as an adjective. κ. is personified, “spearwielder Thunderbolt.”

ἀενάου πυρός: So ἄνθεμα χρυσοῦ (O. 2.79).

ἀνὰ σκάπτῳ Διός: The eagle on the sceptre of Zeus is a familiar figure. Compare So. fr. 766: σκηπτοβάμων αἰετὸς κύων Διός.

ὠκεῖαν: Of the inherent quality. See note on O. 12.3. Contrasting epithet to heighten χαλάξαις.

Antistrophe 1

ἀρχὸς οἰωνῶν: Cf. O. 13.21: οἰωνῶν βασιλέα.

ἀγκύλῳ κρατί: Od. 19. 538: αἰετὸς ἀγκυλοχείλης.

κνώσσων: This is a deep sleep with fair visions. See O. 13.71.

ὑγρὸν νῶτον: The feathers rise and fall like waves on the back of the sleeping bird in response to his breathing.

ῥιπαῖσι : . often of winds and waves. So P. 4.195: κυμάτων ῥιπὰς ἀνέμων τε.

κατασχόμενος = κατεχόμενος. There is no aor. feeling. Cf. Od. 11. 334: κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο, and Thompson's notes on Plat. Phaidr. 238 D, 244 E.

βιατὰς Ἄρης: To match αἰχματὰν κεραυνόν above.

ἰαίνει: With θυμόν, O. 7.43. “Lets his heart (himself) dissolve in deep repose.”

κῆλα: Compare O. 1.112; 2, 91; 9, 5-12; I. 4 (5), 46 for the same metaphor.

ἀμφί: With the peculiar poetic use, rather adverbial than prepositional. “With the environment of art,” “by virtue of.” So P. 8.34: ἐμᾷ ἀμφὶ μαχανᾷ.

βαθυκόλπων: Like βαθύζωνος, of stately and modest beauty. The deep girdle and the deep folds might be due to amplitude or to dignity, or both. βαθύκολπος of Mother Earth, P. 9.101.

Epode 1

πεφίληκε: Emotional perfect = pres., though on the theory that φίλος means “own,” π. = “hath made his own.”

ἀτύζονται: On the concord, see O. 2.92; O. 10 (11), 93. The neuter ὅσσα conjures up strange shapes.

βοάν: Of music. O. 3.8; P. 10.39; N. 5.38.

γᾶν: ἀμαιμάκετον with πόντον throws up as a complementary color στερεάν, “solid,” with γᾶν. For ἀμαιμάκετον, “furious,” “restless,” see Il. 6. 179, where it is used of the Chimaira. The sea is the favorite haunt of monsters.

κατά: On κ. with the second member, see O. 9.94.

αἰνᾴ Ταρτάρῳ: So Ἰσθμός is fem. in P. O. 8.48; N. 5.37; I. 1, 32.

Τυφώς: See Il. 2. 782, where his bed is said to be εἰν Ἀρίμοις, which is in Kilikia. Cf. Aisch. P. V. 351:τὸν γηγενῆ τε Κιλικίων οἰκήτορα ... ἑκατογκάρανον ... Τυφῶνα” . In this passage, too long to quote entire, Prometheus prophesies the eruption in language that seems to be a reflex of Pindar's description.

Κιλίκιον ... ἄντρον: P. 8.16: Τυφὼς Κίλιξ.

πολυώνυμον = πολυθρύλητον.

ὑπὲρ Κύμας: Behind and above — not immediately over. The whole region is volcanic. Ischia, the ancient Pithekussa, where Hieron established a colony, was rudely shaken by an earthquake in 1880, almost destroyed in 1883.

κίων ... οὐρανία: Aisch. P. V. 349: κίον᾽ οὐρανοῦ τε καὶ χθονὸς ὤμοιν ἐρείδων.

πάνετες ... τιθήνα: τ. is adjective enough to take an adverb.

τιθήνα: Kithairon is χιονοτρόφος, Eur. Phoen. 803.

Strophe 2

ἐρεύγονται μὲν ... ποταμοὶ δέ: Aisch. P. V. 367: ἐκραγήσονταί ποτε ποταμοὶ πυρός.

ἁγνόταται: The commentators see in this epithet Pythagorean reverence of fire. The reverence of fire is Indo-European. For μὲν ... δέ, see O. 11 (10), 8.

παγαί: ποταμοί ... κρουνούς: All carefully used. παγαί, “well up,” ποταμοί, “roll,” κρουνοί are “shot up” in jets.

ἁμέραισιν ... ἐν ὄρφναισιν: Cf. O. 1.2: νυκτὶ ... ἐν ἁμέρᾳ.

βαθεῖαν: Measured from the top of the mountain. “Far below.”

σὺν πατάγῳ: Effective position.

Ἁφαίστοιο: This personification was not so vivid to the Greek as it is to us. See note on P. 3.39.

τέρας ... θαυμάσιον προσιδέσθαι: For the inf., compare I. 3 (4), 68: ὀνοτὸς μὲν ἰδέσθαι. θαῦμα ἰδέσθαι is a common Homeric phrase.

θαῦμα δὲ καὶ παρεόντων ἀκοῦσαι: καί is naturally “even,” and goes with ἀκοῦσαι. “It is a marvel of marvels to see, a marvel even to hear.” This makes προσιδέσθαι refer to the φλόξ, the ἀκοῦσαι to the σὺν πατάγῳ. So Schneidewin. παρεόντων (for which we have the variant παριόντων) is genitive absolute without a subject, “when men are present.” P. uses the construction somewhat charily (see note on O. 13.15), and Cobet's παρ᾽ ἰδόντων, “to hear of from those who have seen,” would be seductive in prose. P. does not happen to use παρά thus.

Antistrophe 2

οἷον: Exclamatory, O. 1.16.

στρωμνά: The bed of the monster is αἰνὰ Τάρταρος, v. 15.

εἴη, Ζεῦ, τὶν εἴη: Asyndeton is common and natural in prayers (see O. 1.115), and so is the suppression of the dative (ἡμῖν).

μέτωπον: The mountain rises from the plain as the forehead from the face. The transfer of the designations of parts of the body to objects in nature is so common as not to need illustration. Whatever original personifying power this transfer may have had seems to have faded out in Greek poetry (Hense, Adolf Gerber).

τοῦ ... ἐπωνυμίαν: Cf. O. 10 (11), 86: ἐπωνυμίαν χάριν νίκας ἀγερώχου.

Πυθιάδος δ᾽ ἐν δρόμῳ: Dissen compares O. 1.94: τᾶν Ὀλυμπιάδων ἐν δρόμοις, but there τᾶν . depends on κλέος.

ἀνέειπε: “Proclaimed.”

ὑπέρ: “By reason of.”

καλλινίκου ἅρμασι: P. 11.46: ἐν ἅρμασι καλλίνικοι.

Epode 2

ναυσιφορήτοις: “Seafaring.” P. refers to a belief of the craft. In this case a good beginning makes a good ending.

ἐς πλόον ... οὖρον: Connected by the rhythm.

ἐοικότα: “Likelihoods” for “likelihood” Cf. O. 1.52: ἄπορα, P. 2.81: ἀδύνατα, P. 4.247: μακρά.

τυχεῖν: In Thukyd. also the regular construction of εἰκός is the aor. inf., never the fut. 1, 81, 6:εἰκὸς Ἀθηναίους ... μήτε ... δουλεῦσαι μήτε καταπλαγῆναι” . So 1, 121, 2; 2, 11, 8; 3, 10, 6, al.

δὲ λόγος: “This (faithful) saying.”

ταύταις ἐπὶ ξυντυχίαις: “With this good fortune to rest on.”

δόξαν: “Belief.”

λοιπόν: So λοιπὸν αἰεί, P. 4.256. — νιν = πόλιν.

σὺν εὐφώνοις θ.: “'Mid tuneful revels.”

Λύκιε: So Hor. Od. 3, 4, 61:Delius et Patareus Apollo” , Patara being in Lykia. In solemn invocations the gods are appealed to by names which remind them of their favorite abodes.

Δάλοι᾽ ἀνάσσων: The participle here and in φιλέων is almost substantive. For the elision of Δάλοι᾽, see O. 13.35.

ἐθελήσαις: “Deign.” P. uses βούλομαι but once (fr. VIII. 1). Attic distinctions do not always apply to the earlier period, but be it noted that ἐθέλω or θέλω is the higher word; hence regularly θεοῦ θέλοντος.

ταῦτα: The implied wishes and hopes.

νόῳ: Local dative, the range of which is narrower even in poetry than is commonly supposed.

εὔανδρον: τιθέμεν must be understood with this as well as with νόῳ. A slight zeugma, τ. being there “put” or “take,” and here “make.” Herm. reads εὐανδροῦν.

Strophe 3

μαχαναί: Sc. εἰσι, “ways and means.”

ἀρεταῖς: “Achievements.”

σοφοί: Specifically of poets. Cf. O. 1.9; P. 1.12; N. 7.23. P. is thinking of his class in σοφοί, the βιαταὶ and περίγλωσσοι being put in another by the force of τε.

περίγλωσσοι: Supposed to refer to the rhetorical school of Korax, who began his career under Hieron. See O. 2.96.

ἔφυ^ν: Gnomic aorist. P. identifies φύσις with θεός. See O. 9.107. 111.

μὴ ... βαλεῖν: ἔλπομαι takes μή as involving wish; βαλεῖν may be fut. (cf. P. 10.55) or aor. (N. 4.92). The negative favors the aor. (μὴ βάλοιμι). P. 4.243 the neg. οὐκέτι indicates the reading πράξεσθαι.

χαλκοπάρᾳον: N. 7.71: ἀπομνύω μὴ τέρμα προβὰς ἄκονθ᾽ ὧτε χαλκοπάρᾳον ὄρσαι θοὰν γλῶσσαν. The tongue, which P. handles boldly, is the missile here also. Being a javelin, it is forged, v. 86. See O. 6.82.

ὡσείτε: The ellipsis (ὡσεί τις βάλοι) is hardly felt. Cf. O. 6.2: ὡς ὅτε.

ἀγῶνος ... ἔξω: “Outside of the lists,” so as not to count.

παλάμᾳ: See P. 3.57.

ἀμεύσασθαι): “Surpass.” Cf. P. 6, end.

ἀντίους: Supposed to refer to Simonides and Bakchylides. It is conjectured that there was to be a contest of poets.

εἰ γὰρ ... εὐθύνοι: A wish that runs over into a condition. See O. 1.108.

πᾶς χρόνος: All time to come, O. 6.56; N. 1.69.

οὕτω: “As heretofore.”

εὐθύνοι: Cf. N. 2.7: εὐθυπομπὸς αἰών. The nautical image was still in the poet's eye. Cf. v. 34 and O. 13.28: Ξενοφῶντος εὔθυνε δαίμονος οὖρον.

καμάτων δ᾽ ἐπίλασιν: Victory brings serenity (O. 1.98); breathing space (O. 8.7); tranquillity (N. 9.44). Hieron suffered with the stone.

παράσχοι: See O. 1.39.

Antistrophe 3

ἁνίχ᾽: “What time.” P.'s usage does not militate against the rule, ἡνίκα: ὅτε :: καιρός: χρόνος. See O. 7.35; 9, 33.

εὑρίσκοντο: “Gained” in the usu. sense of the middle of this verb. So P. 3.111. The active “find” can be used in similar connections (so P. 2.64, and elsewhere), and, in fact, the active being the general, is often used where the particular middl might be expected. The plural of Hieron and his brothers.

τιμάν: τιμή is something practical, and does not correspond to “honor” pure and simple.

δρέπει: Active, O. 1.13; P. 1.49; P. 4.130; P. 6.48; fr. XI. 72, Middle, N. 2.9; fr. IX. 1, 6; fr. IX. 2, 1. The active is colder.

ἀγέρωχον: O. 10 (11), 87: νίκας ἀγερώχον. . only of persons in Homer, who does not use it in the same sense acc. to the lexicographers. To P. the word must have carried with it the γέρας notion denied to it by modern etymologists. The booty gained at Himera was immense.

νῦν γε μάν: A statement that defies contradiction. Cf. v. 63.

Φιλοκτήταο: The type of a suffering hero. See the Philoktetes of Sophokles. “At that very time Syracuse contained the famous statue of the limping Philoktetes by Pythagoras of Rhegion, of which Pliny says that those who looked at it seemed to feel the pain (xxxiv. 59). Even if we hesitate to believe that the sculptor intended an allusion to Hieron, we may well suppose that Pindar's comparison was suggested by the work of Pythagoras” (Jebb).

τὰν ... δίκαν: Notice the rare article with δίκαν, “wise.”

ἐστρατεύθη: An aor. pass., where the middle would seem more natural. Cf. ἐπορεύθη. We can understand the passive of Philoktetes “who was won to the war,” not so well of Hieron.

σὺν δ᾽ ἀνάγκᾳ: “Under the pressure of necessity.” The comitative, personal character of σύν makes it a favorite preposition in poetry, keeps it out of model prose.

φίλον: Predicate, “fawned him into a friend.” Rauchenstein's μὴ φίλον is not Pindaric.

καί τις ἐὼν μεγαλάνωρ: τις is referred to the proud citizens of Kymé (Cumae), who were forced to beg help from the tyrant. According to Euripides, Odysseus and Diomed, according to Sophokles, Odysseus and Neoptolemos, were sent for Philoktetes. Odysseus was evidently not a favorite with P. (N. 7.21; 8, 26), and μεγαλάνωρ may be a sneer.

μεταβάσοντας: So Kayser for the MS. μεταλάσοντας or μεταλλάσσοντας. Compare O. 1.42: μεταβᾶσαι. Böckh gives μεταμείβοντας (Hesych., Suid., Zonaras); but while the present is admissible on general grounds (O. 13.59; P. 4.106), we should not emend it into a text. μεταμεύσοντας would be nearer, but it has even less warrant than Wakefield's μετανάσσοντας, a future formed on the aorist of ναίω (P. 5.70: ἐν Ἄργει ἔνασσεν Ἡρακλέος ἐκγόνους).

Epode 3

τοξόταν: The bow of Philoktetes, being the chief thing, could not be left out. We are not to look for any correspondence to this in the history of Hieron.

Πριάμοιο πόλιν ... πόνους Δαναοῖς: Chiastic not only in position, but also in sense. For the shifting stress on Πριάμοιο and πόνους, see O. 6.5.

ἀσθενεῖ μὲν χρωτὶ βαίνων, ἀλλὰ μοιρίδιον ἦν: On the shift from participle to finite verb, see O. 1.13.

θεός: As one short syllable, possibly as θές. Compare Θέμναστος, Θέδωρος in Megaric inscriptions (Cauer ^{2} 104, and G. Meyer, Gr. Gr. § 119). Schneidewin suggests θεὸς σωτήρ. ὀρθωτήρ does not occur elsewhere. Compare N. 1.14: Ζεὺς ... κατένευσεν ... Σικελίαν ... ὀρθώσειν.

χρόνον ... καιρόν: With the usu. differentiation of “time” and “season.” “To give the season” is “to give in season.”

Δεινομένει: Hieron had appointed his son, Deinomenes, regent of Aitna (v. 60).

κελαδῆσαι: O. 1.9.

ποινάν: “Reward.” So in a good sense N. 1.70; Aisch. Suppl. 626. The reward is the κέλαδος.

Αἴτνας βασιλεῖ: In Greek one is king of the Aitnaians, rather than king of Aitna. The genitive of the place has something of the iure divino stamp. So of the old house of the Battiads, P. 4.2: βασιλῆι Κυράνας. Cf. N. 8.7.

Strophe 4

τῷ: “For whom.” Deinomenes was succeeded by Chromios. See N. 9.

πόλιν κείναν: κ. seems to prove that the ode was sung, not at Aitna, but at Syracuse.

θεοδμάτῳ σὺν ἐλευθερίᾳ: See O. 3.7.

Ὑλλίδος στάθμας: There were three Doric tribes Ὑλλεῖς, Πάμφυλοι, and Δυμᾶνες. The Πάμφυλοι and Δυμᾶνες were the descendants of Pamphylos and Dyman, sons of Aigimios. The Herakleidai did not belong to the Doric stock proper, and so are distinguished from the descendants of Aigimios, P. 5.72: Ἡρακλέος ἔκγονοι Αἰγιμιοῦ τε. Compare also fr. I. 1, 3: Γ̔́λλου τε καὶ Αἰγιμιοῦ. So Ὑλλὶς στάθμα and Αἰγιμιοῦ τεθμοί cover the ground of the Dorians, official and actual.

ἐν νόμοις: Cf. O. 2.83: βουλαῖς ἐν ὀρθαῖσι Π̔αδαμάνθυος.

καὶ μάν: “Ay, and I dare swear.” A clear intimation, if such were needed, that the Herakleidai were not real Dorians. This does not make it necessary to change the MS. Δωριεῖς, v. 65, to Δωρίοις. They all belonged to the Δωριεὺς στρατός, fr. I. 1, 4.

ναίοντες: Though they dwell far from the old home of Aigimios, they are still a Δωρὶς ἀποικία, I. 6 (7), 12.

τεθμοῖσιν: See O. 6.69.

ἔσχον: “They gat” (O. 2.10). The occupation of Amyklai was a memorable event in Doric annals. I. 6 (7), 14: ἕλον δ᾽ Ἀμύκλας Αἰγεῖδαι. We must not forget nor yet exaggerate Pindar's personal interest in all this as an Aigeid.

λευκοπώλων: The Dioskuroi were buried at Therapnai, on the left bank of the Eurotas. The white color of the steeds of the Dioskuroi is fixed by the myth. So Cic. N. D. 3, 5, 11:Tyndaridas ... cantheriis albis ... obviam venisse existimas?” White horses belonged to royalty, P. 4.117. White was not a favorite color for horses in Vergil's time (Georg. 3, 82), but that does not concern us here. Even in the Apocalypse (19, 11) the KING OF KINGS is mounted on a white horse.

Antistrophe 4

Ζεῦ τέλειε: Zeus, God of the Accomplishment, in whose hands are the issues of things. Compare O. 13.115.

αἰεὶ δέ: On δέ, after the vocative, see O. 1.36. The infinitive may be used in wish and entreaty, but δίδοι τοίαν for δὲ τοιαύταν would be more natural. Mommsen's δὸς τοίαν for τοιαύταν is based on the Scholiast's παράσχου. τοιαύταν αἶσαν refers to the first line of the strophe, θεοδμάτῳ σὺν ἐλευθερίᾳ. “Grant that the judgment of the world may with truth assign such a lot to citizens and kings.”

Ἀμένα: Amenas, or Amenanos, “the unsteady” (mod. Giudicello), a stream of varying volume, which flowed through the city of Aitna.

διακρίνειν: Is used of legal decision, O. 8.24; of marking off by metes and bounds, O. 10 (11), 51.

λόγον: See O. 1.28, where ἀλαθὴς λόγος is kept apart from βροτῶν φάτις and δεδαιδαλμένοι μῦθοι.

σύν τοι τίν: “With thy blessing.”

υἱῷ τ᾽ ἐπιτελλόμενος: The position favors the close connection with σὺν τίν, “and with a son to whom he gives commands.” The regent who receives Hieron's behests, being a son, may be expected to carry them out in his spirit.

γεραίρων: A significant concession to the new city, which at once becomes something heroic and divine; “by paying honor due.”

λίσσομαι νεῦσον: Asyndeton in prayer.

ἅμερον: Proleptic. “In peace and quiet.”

ὄφρα ... ἔχῃ, instead of ἔχειν, the temporal final sense of ὄφρα being hardly felt. ἔχῃ is intr.

κατ᾽ οἶκον: Hdt. 6, 39:εἶχε κατ᾽ οἴκους.

Φοῖνιξ = Poenus, Carthaginian.

Τυρσανῶν τ᾽ ἀλαλατός: This forcible form of expression, which is built on the same lines as βία Ἡρακλέος, σθένος ἡμιόνων, is made still bolder by the participle ἰδών, as if ἀλαλάζων Τυρσανός had been written.

ναυσίστονον ... πρὸ Κύμας: Best explained ὅτι ὕβρις πρὸ Κύμης ναυσίστονος ἐγένετο. There is no Pindaric warrant for the use of ὕβρις as “loss,” “damage.” The reflection that their overweening insolence off Cumae had brought groans and lamentations to the ships (cf. P. 2.28) would silence their savage yell and keep them quiet at home. The Etruscans must have been especially prominent in this famous engagement: Diodoros does not mention the Phoenicians (Carthaginians) in his account (11, 51).

πρὸ Κύμας: Brings up the image of the ὑβριστής already depicted (v. 18). Typhon symbolizes every form of violence, domestic (Σικελία) or foreign (Κύμη).

Epode 4

οἷα: See O. 1.16.

ἀρχῷ: Hieron. The dat. with the aor. partic. is easy, as the aor. is the shorthand of the perf.

βάλεθ᾽: The middle is peculiar, as if the ἁλικία were an ἄγκυρα, as I. 5 (6), 13: βάλλετ᾽ ἄγκυραν.

Ἑλλάδ᾽: Where Greek was spoken there was Ἑλλάς. Here Magna Graecia is specially meant.

ἐξέλκων: The image of the sea-fight is half kept up.

ἀρέομαι, κτἑ.: “From Salamis I shall try to get for my reward the favor of the Athenians,” i. e., when I desire reward from the Athenians I shall seek it by praising Salamis. P. climbs up to Himera by parallels, as is his wont. See O. 1, init.

ἐρέω: For the shift, see v. 55. Böckh's ἐρέων lightens the construction if we take it as a present, denied for classic times; but compare Theogn. 492; Soph. O. C. 596.

πρὸ Κιθαιρῶνος μάχαν: Knit together. πρό, “in front of,” “at the foot of.” The battle of Plataia is meant, where the Lacedaemonians distinguished themselves especially.

ταῖσι: Refers to Σαλαμῖνος (= τῆς ἐν Σαλαμῖνι μάχης) and πρὸ Κιθαιρῶνος μάχαν. Not simply “where,” but “in and by which.”

εὔυδρον ἀκτάν: Cf. O. 12.19. παρὰ δὲ σὰν εὔυδρον ἀκτάν, Ἱμέρα, would not be unpoetic nor un-Pindaric.

Ἱμέρα: Genitive of Ἱμέρας, the river.

τελέσαις: Participle; ἀρέομαι must be recalled.

ἀμφ᾽ ἀρετᾷ: v. 12.

καμόντων: Rather strange, so soon after κάμον, in view of P.'s ποικιλία, though the Greeks have not our dread of repetition. See P. 9.123.

Strophe 5

καιρόν: Adverbial. “If thy utterance prove in season.”

φθέγξαιο: The poet to himself with a wish (O. 1.108).

πείρατα συντανύσαις: “Twisting the strands of many things into a brief compass.” The contrast is ἐκτείνειν λόγον, τείνειν, ἀποτείνειν, ἐκτείνειν, μακράν. See Intr. Ess. p. xliii (note).

ἕπεται: “Is sure to follow.” Indic. apodosis, as I. 2, 33; 4 (5), 14.

μῶμος: O. 6.74. In moralizing passages the metaphors follow in rapid succession — not so much mixing as overlapping. A defence of P. in this regard that should flatten his language out so as to make the metaphor disappear would be worse than a confession of the worst.

ἀπὸ ... ἐλπίδας: “Satiety with its gruesomeness dulls quick hopes.” αἰανής, of doubtful etymology, is used of κόρος again Ι. 3 (4), 2. The hopes speed to the end; the poet, by lingering, wearies, and not only so, but rouses resentment at the blessings of those whom he praises. This prepares the return to the praise of Hieron, which is couched in imperatives, a rhetorical form strangely misunderstood to convey a real sermon.

ἀστῶν δ᾽ ἀκοά: “What citizens hear.” Citizens are naturally envious (O. 6.7), and the good fortune of others is an ill-hearing, and oppresses their soul in secret. “What is heard from citizens” has in its favor P. 11.28: κακολόγοι δὲ πολῖται.

κρέσσων ... οἰκτιρμοῦ φθόνος: Proverbial. Hdt. 3, 52:φθονέεσθαι κρέσσον ἐστὶ οἰκτίρεσθαι.

μὴ παρίει καλά: “Hold to thy noble course.” παρίει possibly suggested the following metaphor. Notice the large number of present imperatives, as in the παραίνεσις of Isokrates ad Demonicum (1).

νώμα ... στρατόν: P. 8.98: ἐλευθέρῳ στόλῳ πόλιν τάνδε κόμιζε. On στρ. see O. 11 (10), 17.

ἀψευδεῖ δὲ πρὸς ἄκμονι χάλκευε γλῶσσαν: This is counted as one of P.'s harsher metaphors, in spite of Cic. de Orat. 3, 30, 121:non enim solum acuenda nobis neque procudenda lingua est.” P. might have continued the figure just given, for the tongue may be considered a rudder (compare P. 11.42 with James 3, 4), but the vibrating tongue is to Pindar a javelin (compare κῆλα, v. 12), and in N. 7.71 he has ἄκονθ᾽ ὧτε χαλκοπάρᾳον ὄρσαι θοὰν γλῶσσαν. χάλκευε grows out of νώμα. The “true anvil” refers in all likelihood to the shaping of the arrow or javelin on a part of the anvil designed for that purpose. The figure is reflected in the next sentence.

Antistrophe 5

εἴ τι καὶ φ.: καί, “never so.”

παραιθύσσει: P. is thinking of the sparks that fly from the anvil, sheer dross it may be (φλαῦρον), but “surely you must know, coming from you, it rushes as a mighty mass.” If the figure is pressed, the moral is “Hammer as little as possible,” but the figure is not to be pressed. φέρεται, “is reported,” the common rendering, is too faint after παραιθύσσει.

ταμίας: A higher word than “steward,” in Engl. Compare O. 14.9.

ἀμφοτέροις: Is “good and bad,” as θάτερον is “worse.”

εὐανθεῖ ... παρμένων: “Abide in the full flower of thy spirit.” Contrast to Phalaris.

εἴπερ τι φιλεῖς, κτἑ.: Arguing on a basis of conceded facts.

ἁκοὰν ἁδεῖαν ... κλύειν: A good explanation of the idiom εὖ ἀκούειν.

μὴ κάμνε λίαν δαπάναις: The Christian exhortation, “Be not weary in welldoing,” is addressed to well-doers, and Hieron's expenditure was doubtless liberal enough. It does not follow that he hoarded because he was φιλάργυρος. Of the virtue of generosity Kroisos was the model soon to be adduced.

ἱστίον ἀνεμόεν: The sail (so as to be) breezeful, (so as) to belly with the breeze. Cf. I. 2, 39: οὐδέ ποτε ξενίαν οὖρος ἐμπνεύσαις ὑπέστειλ᾽ ἱστίον ἀμφὶ τράπεζαν.

μὴ δολωθῇς ... κέρδεσςιν): Referred by some to “courtier arts,” but it is better to keep the generosity side uppermost until we come to Kroisos. Tr. “juggling gains.” No mean saving on the one hand, no grasping at unworthy gains on the other. The positive exhortation stands between the two negatives.

φίλος: The commentators note P.'s familiarity. What other word was possible for a Greek gentleman?

ὀπιθόμβροτον: Sensitive as Hieron is to the voice of the world about him, he is far from deaf to the acclaim of posterity.

Epode 5

ἀποιχομένων ... ἀοιδοῖς: Cf. N. 6.33: ἀποιχομένων γὰρ ἀνέρων ἀοιδαὶ καὶ λόγοι τὰ καλά σφιν ἔργ᾽ ἐκόμισαν.

δίαιταν = βίοτον, which is the parallel, O. 2.69.

μανύει = ἀπαγγέλλει.

λογίοις: Usually interpreted of prose-writers, the early logographers; but it may refer to panegyrists. Compare not only N. 6.33, just quoted, but the same ode, v. 51: πλατεῖαι πάντοθεν λογίοισιν ἐντὶ πρόσοδοι νᾶσον εὐκλέα τάνδε κοσμεῖν.

Κροίσου: A romantic figure, if one may say so, in Greek history, though, perhaps, Lydian influence has not been sufficiently emphasized. That a Greek with such close relations to Delphi as Pindar bore should have given a niche to Kroisos is not strange.

ἀρετά: “Generosity,” as often.

τὸν δὲ ταύρῳ χαλκέῳ καυτῆρα: κ. takes the dative of instrument by virtue of its transparently verbal nature.

νόον: Acc. of specification to νηλέα. The prose laws of position are not to be pressed. τὸν δέ may well be “the other,” and the rest in apposition.

ταύρῳ χαλκέῳ: A survival or revival of Moloch worship.

Φάλαριν: See Introd. O. 2.

κατέχει: Evil report weighs upon the memory of Phalaris as Aitna upon the body of Typhon, though κατέχει may be used of a weight of glory, O. 7.10; δ᾽ ὄλβιος ὃν φᾶμαι κατέχοντ᾽ ἀγαθαί.

νιν ... κοινωνίαν ... δέκονται: κ. is construed after the analogy of δέξιν δέχονται, which we have

ἐφ᾽ [σξ. προφάσει] σ᾽ ἐγὼ καὶ παῖδες αἱ λελειμμέναι
δεξόμεθα δέξιν ἥν σε δέξασθαι χρεών.

ὀάροισι: Depends on κοινωνίαν.

τὸ δὲ παθεῖν εὖ: We might expect the present, but the notion of achievement will serve. N. 1.32: εὖ τε παθεῖν καὶ ἀκοῦσαι.

δευτέρα μοῖρα: So So. O. C. 145 speaks of πρώτης μοίρας. With the sentiment compare I. 4, 12: δύο δέ τοι ζωᾶς ἄωτον μοῦνα ποιμαίνοντι τὸν ἄλπνιστον εὐανθεῖ σὺν ὄλβῳ εἴ τις εὖ πάσχων λόγον ἐσλὸν ἀκούσῃ.

ἐγκύρσῃ καὶ ἕλῃ (ἀμφότερα). The two verbs show a combination of luck and will.

This victory, gained not at the Pythian games, but at the Theban Iolaia or Herakleia, is probably to be assigned to Ol. 75, 4 (477 B.C.), in which year Hieron had, by his interposition, saved the Epizephyrian Lokrians from a bloody war with Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegion. The poem, with its dissonances, echoes the discord of the times. Hieron was just then at enmity with his brother, Polyzelos, who had taken refuge with his connection, Theron, the friend of Pindar, and a war was impending. The strain makes itself felt amid all the congratulation.

It is a strange poem, one in which divination and sympathy can accomplish little. Only we must hold fast to the commonsense view that Pindar did not undertake to lecture Hieron.

“Great Syracuse,” the poet says, “rearer of men and horses, I bring this lay from Thebes in honor of Hieron's victory with the four-horse chariot, gained not without the favor of Artemis, goddess of Ortygia, thus wreathed with glory. For Artemis and Hermes, god of games, aid Hieron when he yokes his horses and calls on the God of the Trident. Other lords have other minstrels, other praises. Let Kinyras be praised by Kyprian voices, Kinyras beloved of Apollo, and minion of Aphrodite. Thou, Hieron, beloved of Hermes and minion of Artemis, art praised by the voice of the virgin of Epizephyrian Lokris, to whose eye thy power hath given confidence. Grateful is she. Well hath she learned the lesson of Ixion, whose punishment, as he revolves on the winged wheel, says: Reward thy benefactor with kind requitals.”

So far the opening (vv. 1-24).

In P. 1 we had one form of ὕβρις, sheer rebellion, typified by Typhon. Here we have another typified by Ixion, base ingratitude. Typhon belonged from the beginning to those ὅσα μὴ πεφίληκε Ζεύς (P. 1.13). Ixion was one of those who εὐμενέσσι πὰρ Κρονίδαις γλυκὺν εἷλον βίοτον (v. 25). Ixion was another, but a worse, Tantalos. Tantalos sinned by making the celestial meat and drink common (O. 1.61). Ixion sinned by trying to pollute the celestial bed (v. 34). Each was punished in the way in which he had sinned. Tantalos was reft of food and drink (note on O. 1.60). Ixion was whirled on his own wheel, became his own iynx (compare v. 40 with P. 4.214). Ixion's sin was of a deeper dye, and so, while the son of Tantalos came to great honor (O. 1.90), the son of Ixion became the parent of a monstrous brood.

This is the myth (vv. 25-48).

It is, indeed, not a little remarkable that in every Hieronic ode there is a dark background — a Tantalos (O. 1), a Typhon (P. 1), an Ixion (P. 2), a Koronis (P. 3) — and the commentators are not wrong in the Fight-with-the-Dragon attitude in which they have put Hieron. Who is aimed at under the figure of Ixion no one can tell. The guesses and the combinations of the commentators are all idle. Hieron is a manner of Zeus. He was the Olympian of Sicily as Perikles was afterwards the Olympian of Athens, and the doom of Tantalos, the wheel of Ixion, the crushing load of Typhon, the swift destruction of Koronis, the lightning death of Asklepios were in store for his enemies. The Hieronic odes are Rembrandts, and we shall never know more.

Passing over to the praise of Hieron, the poet emphasizes with unmistakable reduplication the power of God. “God decides the fate of hopes, God overtakes winged eagle and swift dolphin, humbles the proud, to others gives glory that waxes not old (v. 52). This be my lay instead of the evil tales that Archilochos told of the Ixions of his time. Wealth paired with wisdom, under the blessing of Fortune — this is the highest theme of song” (v. 56). The key of the poem lies in this double θεός. God is all-powerful to punish and to bless, and Hieron is his vicegerent.

The praise of Hieron follows, his wealth, his honor. His champion, Pindar, denies that he has ever had his superior in Greece, and boards the herald-ship all dight with flowers to proclaim his achievements — now in war, now in council; now on horse, and now afoot (vv. 57-66). But as we gaze, the herald-ship becomes a merchant-ship (v. 67), and the song is the freight — a new song, which forms the stranger afterpiece of a poem already strange enough. This afterpiece is an exhortation to straightforwardness. The Archilochian vein, against which Pindar protested semi-humorously before (v. 55), stands out. The ape (v. 72), the fox (v. 78), the wolf (v. 84), are contrasts dramatically introduced, dramatically dismissed. “Let there be no pretentiousness, no slyness, no roundabout hate. Straight-tonguedness is best in the rule of the one man, of the many, of the wise. Follow God's leading, bear his yoke. Kick not against the pricks. There lies the only safety. May such men admit me to their friendship” (v. 96).

The difficulty of the last part lies in the dramatic shiftings — the same difficulty that we encounter in comedy, and especially in satire. If there are not two persons, there are two voices. The poet pits the Δίκαιος Λόγος and the Ἄδικος Λόγος against each other in the forum of his own conscience. The Δίκαιος Λόγος speaks last and wins.

A. Show thyself as thou art (v. 72).

B. But the monkey, which is ever playing different parts, is a fair creature, ever a fair creature, in the eyes of children (v. 72).

A. Yes, in the eyes of children, but not in the judgment of a Rhadamanthys, whose soul hath no delight in tricks (vv. 73-75).

B. If the monkey finds no acceptance, what of foxy slanderers? They are an evil, but an evil that cannot be mastered (vv. 76, 77).

A. But what good comes of it to Mistress Vixen? (v. 78).

B. “Why,” says Mistress Vixen, “I swim like a cork, I always fall on my feet” (vv. 79, 80).

A. But the citizen that hath the craft of a fox can have no weight in the state. He is as light as his cork. He cannot utter a word of power among the noble (vv. 81, 82).

B. Ay, but he wheedles and worms his way through. Flattery works on all (v. 82).

A. I don't share the confidence of your crafty models (v. 82).

B. My own creed is: Love your friends. An enemy circumvent on crooked paths, like a wolf (vv. 83, 84).

A. Nay, nay. No monkey, no fox, no wolf. Straight speech is best in monarchy, democracy, or aristocracy. A straight course is best because it is in harmony with God, and there is no contending against God. Success does not come from cunning or overreaching, from envious cabals. Bear God's yoke. Kick not against the pricks. Men who are good, men with views like these, such are they whom I desire to live withal as friend with friend (vv. 86-96).

The rhythms are Aiolian (logaoedic). The introduction occupies one triad, the myth one, the praise of Hieron one, the afterplay one.

Strophe 1

μεγαλοπόλιες Συράκοσαι: A similar position, O. 8.1: μᾶτερ χρυσοστεφάνων ἀέθλων Ὀλυμπία, P. 8.2: Δίκας μεγιστόπολι θύγατερ. Athens is called αἱ μεγαλοπόλιες Ἀθᾶναι (P. 7.1). The epithet is especially appropriate in the case of Syracuse, which, even in Hieron's time, had a vast extent.

βαθυπολέμου: “That haunteth the thick of war.” The martial character of Syracuse is emphasized on account of the military movements then on foot.

ἀνδρῶν ἵππων τε: See O. 1.62.

σιδαροχαρμᾶν: “Fighting in iron-mail.” Here we seem to have χάρμη in the Homeric sense. So I. 5 (6), 27: χαλκοχάρμαν ἐς πόλεμον, where the notion of rejoicing would not be so tolerable as in P. 5.82: χαλκοχάρμαι ξένοι. ἱπποχάρμας (O. 1.23) is doubtful. See O. 9.92.

λιπαρᾶν: Orig. “gleaming,” then vaguely “bright,” “brilliant,” “famous.” P. uses it of Thebes (fr. XI. 58), Athens (N. 4.18; I. 2, 20; fr. IV. 4), Orchomenos (O. 14.4), Egypt (fr. IV. 9), Marathon (O. 13.110). The wideness of its application takes away its force.

φέρων: Figuratively, as elsewhere μόλον, P. 3.68; ἔβαν, N. 4.74; 6, 65. Compare v. 68.

ἐλελίχθονος: Used P. 6.50 of Poseidon; in Sophokles of Bakchos (Antig. 153).

ἐν κρατέων: Compare P. 11.46: ἐν ἅρμασι καλλίνικοι.

τηλαυγέσιν: The wreaths send their light afar, like the πρόσωπον τηλαυγές of O. 6.4. Only the light is figurative, as the gold is figurative, O. 8.1. Compare O. 1.23 and 94.

Ὀρτυγίαν: See O. 6.92.

ποταμίας ... Ἀρτέμιδος: Artemis, among her numerous functions, is a river-goddess, and in the Peloponnesos her worship is connected especially with the Kladeos and the Alpheios (Ἄρτεμις Ἀλφειῴα). She has charge of rivers not only as a huntress, but as the representative of the Oriental Artemis. Pursued by Alpheios, she fled under the waters of the Ionian sea, and found rest by the fountain of Arethusa in Ortygia, where a temple was raised in her honor. Of course, Arethusa and Artemis are one (compare Telesilla, fr. 1: ἅδ᾽ Ἄρτεμις, κόραι, φεύγοισα τὸν Ἀλφεόν), but when Alpheios and Arethusa were united, Artemis, the virgin, and Arethusa were separated. Similar is the case of Kallisto. Compare with this whole passage N. 1.1: ἄμπνευμα σεμνὸν Ἀλφεοῦ, κλεινᾶν Συρακοσσᾶν θάλος Ὀρτυγία, δέμνιον Ἀρτέμιδος, Δάλου κασιγνήτα. Note also that the brother of Artemis appears in the corresponding sweep of the antistrophe.

ἇς οὐκ ἄτερ: O. 3.26: Λατοῦς ἱπποσόα θυγάτηρ, fr. V. 2, 2: ἵππων ἐλάτειραν. Hieron has a trinity of helpers, Ἄρτεμις ποταμία, Ἑρμῆς ἐναγώνιος, and κλυτόπωλος Ποσειδάων (fr. XI. 33, 2), whose enmity was so fatal to Hippolytos, favorite though he was of Artemis.

κείνας: The preference for mares comes out distinctly in the famous description, So. El. 702. 734.

ἐν χερσί: Plastic. N. 1.52: ἐν χερὶ ... τινάσσων, instead of χερὶ τινάσσων (instrum.).

ποικιλανίους: “With broidered reins.”

Antistrophe 1

ἐπί: With τίθησι. For sing. compare O. 9.16.

ι^οχέαιρα: In Homer ι_οχέαιρα. The word occurs only here in Pindar.

χερὶ διδύμᾳ: Variously interpreted. As we say, “with both hands,” to show readiness. According to others the reference is to Artemis and Hermes, χ. δ. being an anticipation, like the plural in the schema Alcmanicum.

ἐναγώνιος Ἑρμῆς: Familiar function of Hermes.

qui feros cultus hominum recentum
voce formasti catus et decorae
more palaestrae.

See O. 6.78: ἐδώρησαν θεῶν κάρυκα λιταῖς θυσίαις πολλὰ δὴ πολλαῖσιν Ἑρμᾶν εὐσεβέως, ὃς ἀγῶνας ἔχει μοῖράν τ᾽ ἀέθλων.

αἰγλάεντα ... κόσμον: κ. “reins and trappings.” Compare ἡνία σιγαλόεντα.

ἐν: So for ἐς in the Aeolic poems. Cf. v. 86; P. 5.38; N. 7.31. ἐν, like Lat. in, originally took the acc., as well as the locative-dative. *ἐνς (εἰς) was formed after the analogy of ἐξ, with which it was constantly associated in contrasts. By that time the -ς of ἐξ had lost its abl. force. Compare uls like cis, κάτω like ἄνω, ὄπισθεν like πρόσθεν, ἐμποδών like ἐκποδών (Brugmann). On the preposition with the second member, see O. 9.94.

πεισιχάλινα: “Obedient to the bit.” Only here, as if the chariot were the horses. In the few other compounds πεισι- is active.

καταξευγνυῃ: Hieron.

σθένος ἵππειον: Cf. O. 6.22: σθένος ἡμιόνων.

ὀρσοτρίαιναν: Poseidon is so called, O. 8.48; N. 4.86.

εὐρυβίαν: O. 6.58.

καλέων θεόν: Compare the story of Pelops, O. 1.72: ἄπυεν βαρύκτυπον Εὐτρίαιναν.

ἄλλοις δέ τις, κτἑ.: Pindar now passes to the praise of Hieron's services to the Lokrians. As is his manner, Kinyras is introduced to balance. “I have praised Hieron, favorite of Artemis and of Hermes, for his victory with the chariot. The Kyprians praise Kinyras, the favorite of Apollo and Aphrodite, for his royal and priestly work. The Lokrian virgin praises Hieron for his successful championship.”

ἐτέλεσσεν: Gnomic aorist. “Pays,” as a tribute.

εὐαχέα ... ὕμνον: “The meed of a melodious song.”

ἄποιν᾽ ἀρετᾶς: Contrast this clear accus. with the fading χάριν, the faded δίκην, which needs the article to vivify it (P. 1.50). See O. 7.16.

κελαδέοντι: O. 1.9.

ἀμφὶ Κινύραν: Kinyras was a fabulous king of Kypros, priest and favorite of Aphrodite. He was a great inventor, a kind of Jubal and Tubal Cain in one — a Semitic figure, it would seem — the man of the harp, with whom we may compare Anchises, another favorite of Aphrodite, of whom it is said, Hymn. in Ven. 80: πωλεῖτ᾽ ἔνθα καὶ ἔνθα διαπρύσιον κιθαρίζων. The introduction of Kinyras, lord of the eastern island of Kypros, as a balance to Hieron, lord of the western island of Sicily, leads the poet to mention Apollo in this non-Pythian ode (see Introd.) as a balance to Artemis. A genealogical connection is the merest fancy.

χρυσοχαῖτα: Vocative used as nominative. Elsewhere χρυσοκόμας, O. 6.41; 7, 32.

ἐφίλησε: If φίλος is “own,” “made his own,” “marked him for his own.” See P. 1.13.

Ἀπόλλων: Aphrodite and Apollo are often associated. So esp. in P. 9.10, where Aphrodite receives the spouse of Apollo.

Epode 1

κτίλον: Lit. “Tame pet.” “Minion,” “favorite,” “cherished.”

ἄγει: Without an object. “Is in the van,” “leads,” or neg. “cannot be kept back.” So N. 7.23: σοφία δὲ κλέπτει παράγοισα μύθοις. Compare also O. 1.108.

ποίνιμος: ἀμειπτική (Schol.). Echo of ἄποιν᾽ ἀρετᾶς. For ποινή, in a good sense, see P. 1.59.

ὀπιζομένα: “In reverential regard.” Cf. O. 2.6: ὄπιν.

Δεινομένειε παῖ: Cf. O. 2.13: Κρόνιε παῖ, P. 8.19: Ξενάρκειον υἱόν. Hieron was the son of Deinomenes, and his son, after the Greek fashion, was also called Deinomenes. See P. 1.58.

Ζεφυρία ... παρθένος: The Lokrian women held an exceptional position in Greece. Lokrian nobility followed the distaff side (compare O. 9.60) and Lokrian poetesses were famous. But here we have simply an expression of popular joy, such as virgins especially would feel, and Lokrian virgins would freely express

πρὸ δόμων: Why πρὸ δόμων? Why “haven under the hill?” Why anything that gives a picture? P. 3.78: Ματρί, τὰν κοῦραι παρ᾽ ἐμὸν πρόθυρον σὺν Πανὶ μέλπονται θαμά.

δρακεῖσ᾽ ἀσφαλές: We might expect the pres., but the aor. of attainment is here the aor. of recovery, “having gained the right to fearless glance.” For fear as expressed by the eye, compare So. Ai. 139: πεφόβημαι πτηνῆς ὡς ὄμμα πελείας, O. R. 1221: ἀνέπνευσά τ᾽ ἐκ σέθεν καὶ κατεκοίμησα τοὐμὸν ὄμμα. The inner obj., with verbs of seeing, is familiar. So δριμὺ βλέπειν, δεινὸν δέρκεσθαι. Pindar has ὁρῶντ᾽ ἀλκάν (O. 9.119).

ἐφετμαῖς: “Behests,” usu. of exalted personages.

Ἰξίονα: The story of Ixion and his wheel has often been told. So in a famous (corrupt) passage of So. Phil. 676: λόγῳ μὲν ἐξήκουσ᾽ ὄπωπα δ᾽ οὐ μάλα τὸν πελάταν λέκτρων ποτὲ τῶν Διὸς Ἰξίονα (?) κατ᾽ ἄμπυκα (ἄντυγα?) δὴ δρομάδα δέσμιον ὡς ἔλαβεν (others ἔβαλεν) παγκρατὴς Κρόνου παῖς. The only important points that Pindar's narrative suppresses are the purification of Ixion from bloodguiltiness by Ζεὺς καθάρσιος himself, and the intimacy of Zeus with the wife of Ixion. The former would not have been altogether consistent with v. 31, and the latter would have given a sinister meaning to ἀγαναῖς ἀμοιβαῖς (v. 24).

ταῦτα: Namely, τὸν εὐεργέταν ... τίνεσθαι.

λέγειν: “Teaches.”

παντᾷ: Here “round and round.”

κυλινδόμενον: Instead of the more prosaic inf. See O. 3.6.

ἀμοιβαῖς ἐποιχομένους τίνεσθαι: Notice the fulness of the injunction. ἐποιχομένους, “visiting,” “frequenting.” “To requite the benefactor with ever-recurring tokens of warm gratitude.”

Strophe 2

παρὰ Κρονίδαις: Zeus and Hera.

μακρόν: “Great,” as P. 11.52: μακροτέρῳ (?) .. ὄλγβῳ.

ἐράσσατο: P., like Homer, has no ἠράσθη.

τὰν ... λάχον: Compare O. 1.53.

εὐναί: The pl. of the joys of love. Cf. P. 9.13: ἐπὶ γλυκεραῖς εὐναῖς, fr. IX. 1, 7: ἐρατειναῖς ἐν εὐναῖς, P. 11.25: ἔννυχοι πάραγον κοῖται.

α̈́ϝα̈́ταν = ἄταν. See P. 3.24.

ἀνήρ: He had presumed as if he were a god.

ἐξαίρετον: Elsewhere in a good sense. There is a bitterness in the position, and in ἕλε also, as it recalls v. 26: γλυκὺν ἑλὼν βίοτον.

τελέθοντι: Not historical pres. He is still in hell.

τὸ μὲν ... ὅτι .., ὅτι τε: A double shift. On μέν ... τε, see O. 4.13.

ἐμφύλιον αἷμα: He slew his father-inlaw, Deïoneus.

πρώτιστος: Aisch. Eum. 718: πρωτοκτόνοισι προστροπαῖς Ἰξίονος.

οὐκ ἄτερ τέχνας: He filled a trench with live coals, covered it slightly, and enticed Deïoneus into it when he came after the ἕδνα.

ἐπέμιξε θνατοῖς: . = intulit (ignem fraude mala gentibus intulit), but livelier, “Brought the stain of kindred blood upon mortals,” “imbrued them with kindred blood.”

Antistrophe 2

μεγαλοκευθέεσσιν ... θαλάμοις: Stately plural. So O. 7.29; P. 4.160.

ἐπειρᾶτο: Active more usual in this sense (N. 5.30).

κατ᾽ αὐτόν, κτἑ.: Not καθ᾽ αὑτόν. P. does not use the compound reflexive. See O. 13.53; P. 4.250. “To measure everything by one's self,” i. e. “to take one's own measure in every plan of life.” This is only another form of the homely advice of Pittakos to one about to wed above his rank: τὰν κατὰ σαυτὸν ἔλα. P., like many other poets, has a genius for glorifying the commonplace. Compare Aisch. Prom. 892 on unequal matches.

εὐναὶ δὲ παράτροποι ... ποτε καὶ τὸν ἑλόντα: The MSS. have ποτε καὶ τὸν ἵκοντ᾽. The quantity of ἵ_κοντ᾽ will not fit, an aorist ἱ^κόντ᾽ rests on Il. 9. 414, the sense of ἱκέτην is marred by καί. Böckh's ποτὶ κοῖτον ἰόντ᾽ is ingenious, but coarse; ἑκόντ᾽ is feeble. Schneidewin's ἑλόντ᾽ is not bad, in view of P.'s harping on the word (vv. 26 and 30). The aor. is gnomic, and ἐπεί gives the special application. “Unlawful couchings have many a time plunged into whelming trouble even him that had won them.” Compare the case of Koronis and Ischys (P. 3.25).

πρέπεν: “Was like unto.” Only here in P. with this sense.

ἅντε: The reinforcing relative, “her, whom.” P.'s use of ὅστε does not give ground for any supersubtle distinctions.

Ζηνὸς παλάμαι: More delicate than the other story that Hera played the trick on him. Schol. Eur. Phoen. 1185.

καλὸν πῆμα: P. perhaps had in mind Hes. Theog. 585: καλὸν κακόν (of Pandora).

τετράκναμον ... δεσμόν: “The four-spoked bond” is the “four-spoked wheel.” The magic iynx (“wry-neck”), used in love-incantations, was bound to just such a wheel. Cf. P. 4.214: ποικίλαν ἴυγγα τετράκναμον Οὐλυμπόθεν ἐν ἀλύτῳ ζεύξαισα κύκλῳ μαινάδ᾽ ὄρνιν Κυπρογένεια φέρεν πρῶτον ἀνθρώποισι. It was poetic justice to bind Ixion to his own iynx wheel. Endless are the references to this symbol of mad love. See Theokritos' Pharmakeutriai.

ἔπραξε: “Effected,” “brought about,” and not ἐπράξατο, I. 4 (5), 8. See note on δρέπων, O. 1.13.

Epode 2

ἑὸν ὄλεθρον ὅγ᾽: A renewal of the close of the last line of the antistrophe with effective position. The breath is naturally held at δεσμόν. On the position of ὅγ᾽, see P. 11.22.

ἀνδέξατ᾽: He received the message and delivered it, not in words, but by whirling on the wheel (v. 23). Mitscherlich's ἀνδείξατ᾽ has found much favor.

ἄνευ . . . Χαρίτων=ἄχαριν, “Unblessed by the Graces.” Cf. ἄνευ θεοῦ, O. 9.111.

μόνα καὶ μόνον : καί unusual in such juxtapositions, and hence impressive. No mother like her; so, too, no offspring like this.


γερασφόρον=τίμιον. Without part or lot among men or gods.

νόμοις=τοῖς νομιζομένοις.

τράφοισα: Dor. for τρέφοισα. So P. 4.115; I. 1, 48; 7 (8), 41.

Κένταυρον: This name, of obscure origin, was applied to his descendants, properly Ἱπποκένταυροι.

Μαγνητίδεσσιν: P. 3.45: Μάγνητι . . . Κενταύρῳ.

σφυροῖς: With a like figure we say “spurs.” See P. 1.30.

στρατός: Is in apposition to the subject of ἐγένοντο. “Out they came — a host marvellous to behold.”

τὰ ματρόθεν μὲν κάτω, τὰ δ᾽ ὕπερθε πατρός: “The dam's side down, the upper side the sire's.” Chiasm is as natural to the Greek as mother's milk; not so to us. ματρόθεν is often used parallel with μητρός.

Strophe 3

θεὸς . . . ἀνύεται: “God accomplishes for himself every aim according to his desires.” ϝελπίς, “pleasure,” “wish,” shows here its kinship to volup. ἐπί as in ἐπ᾽ εὐχᾷ, P. 9.96. The wish is crowned by fulfilment. The middle ἀνύεται is rare.

θεός: The emphatic repetition gives the key to the poem. See introd.

= ὅς.

κίχε . . . παραμείβεται . . . ἔκαμψε . . . παρέδωκε: The gnomic aorist often varies with the present. Many examples in Solon, fr. XIII. (Bergk). See also Tyrtaios, fr. XII. (Bergk). In the absence of an aoristic present, the Greek often uses an aor. for concentrated action in the present with a conscious contrast to the durative. See Plat. Phaidr. 247 B. So here κίχε, ἔκαμψε, παρέδωκε) are finalities, παραμείβεται is process.

πτερόεντα = τανύπτερον. Cf. P. 5.111: τανύπτερος αἰετός.

αἰετόν: N. 3.80: αἰετὸς ὠκὺς ἐν ποτανοῖς.

δελφῖνα: Also proverbial. N. 6.72: δελφῖνί κεν | τάχος δι᾽ ἅλμας | εἰκάζοιμι Μελησίαν.

τινα: “Many a one,” tel. So P. 4.86.

ἐμὲ δὲ χρεών: For the connection, see introduction.

δάκος=δῆγμα (Etym. Mag.).

ἀδινόν: “Excessive,” “I must avoid the reputation of a biting calumniator.”

ἑκὰς ἐών: P. was two hundred years later than Archilochos.

ψογερὸν Ἀρχίλοχον: A. is a synonym for a virulent and ill-starred satirist. From such casual mention we should not imagine that the ancients placed A. only lower than Homer.

πιαινόμενον: Not to be taken ironically. There is nothing unhealthier than unhealthy fat, and there is no necessity of an oxymoron. Compare Shakesp. M. of V. i. 3, 48: I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. Archilochos is a fat and venomous toad that lives upon the vapor of a dungeon. A reference to Bakchylides is suspected, but the name does not fit the metre here.

τὸ πλουτεῖν . . . ἄριστον: The Schol. interprets τὸ δὲ ἐπιτυγχάνειν πλούτου μετὰ σοφίας ἄριστον, and so Aristarchos: εὐποτμότατός ἐστιν πλουτῶν καὶ σοφίας ἅμα τυγχάνων, so that we combine τύχᾳ with σοφίας and πότμου with ἄριστον. “Wealth, with the attainment of wisdom, is Fortune's best.” The position is bold, but not incredible. Others, with a disagreeable cumulation, σὺν τύχᾳ πότμου σοφίας, “with the attainment of the lot of wisdom.” But the two genitives cited from P. 9.43: σοφᾶς Πειθοῦς ἱερᾶν φιλοτάτων, are not at all parallel, the relation there being that of a simple possessive. If Archilochos were alone involved, σοφίας ἅριστον might well mean is “the best part of the poetic art,” as “discretion is the better part of valor,” but σοφίας here must be applicable to Hieron as well.

Antistrophe 3

νιν ἔχεις: Sc. τὸ πλουτεῖν μετὰ σοφίας, νιν may be neut. sing. Aisch. Choeph. 542, or pl. P. V. 55; So. El. 436. 624.

πεπαρεῖν=ἐνδεῖξαι, σημῆναι (Hesych.), “for showing them with free soul,” “so that thou canst freely show them.” Others read πεπορεῖν = δοῦναι, which would make νιν refer to τὸ πλουτεῖν alone.

πρύτανι: “Prince.” Used of Zeus P. 6.24: κεραυνῶν . . . πρύτανιν.

εὐστεφάνων: “Battlemented.” This is an early use of στέφανος. Compare O. 8.32.

στρατοῦ: Sc. πολλοῦ στρατοῦ.

περὶ τιμᾷ: π. with the dat. of the stake, as, to some extent, even in prose, “when wealth and honor are at stake.” So with δηρίομαι, O. 13.45; μάρναται, N. 5.47; ἁμιλλᾶται, N. 10.31; μοχθίζει, fr. IX. 2, 6. On the preposition with the second member, see O. 9.94.

χαύνᾳ πραπίδι παλαιμονεῖ κενεά: “(With) flabby soul, his wrestlings are all in vain.”

εὐανͅθέα: The ship of the victor is wreathed with flowers.

στόλον: Cogn. acc. to ἀναβάσομαι (Dissen). στ. as “prow” is more poetical.

ἀμφ᾽ ἀρετᾷ: O. 9.14: ἀμφὶ παλαίσμασιν φόρμιγγ᾽ ἐλελίζων.

κελαδέων: O. 2.2.

νεότατι μὲν, κτἑ.: Contrast chiastic, v. 65: βουλαὶ δὲ πρεσβύτεραι.

θράσος . . . πολέμων: “Boldness in.” Cf. N. 7.59: τόλμαν καλῶν.

εὑρεῖν: See O. 7.89, and compare P. 1.49.

Epode 3

ἱπποσόαισιν ἄνδρεσσι: ., O. 3.26, of Artemis, I. 4 (5), 32, of Iolaos. These achievements refer mainly to Himera.

βουλαὶ δὲ πρεσβύτεραι: Sc. κατὰ τὴν νεότητα, or, as the Schol. says, ὑπὲρ τὴν νεότητα βουλεύη. “Elder than thy years.” P. 4.282: κεῖνος γὰρ ἐν παισὶν νέος, ἐν δὲ βουλαῖς πρέσβυς ἐγκύρσαις ἑκατονταετεῖ βιοτᾷ, P. 5.109. 110: κρέσσονα μὲν ἁλικίας | νόον φέρβεται.

ἀκίνδυνον ἐμοὶ ϝέπος: “Thy counsels, riper than thy age, furnish me with an utterance that runs no risk of challenge to praise thee in full view of the whole account,” through the whole count. The two exhaustive excellences are θράσος and εὐβουλία. If he is wise as well as brave, he has all the virtues. Compare I. 4 (5), 12: δύο δέ τοι ζωᾶς ἄωτον μοῦνα ποιμαίνοντι τὸν ἄλπνιστον εὐανθεῖ σὺν ὄλβῳ, | εἴ τις εὖ πάσχων λόγον ἐσλὸν ἀκούσῃ . . . πάντ᾽ ἔχεις, | εἴ σε τούτων μοῖρ᾽ ἐφίκοιτο καλῶν.

χαῖρε: So N. 3.76: χαῖρε, φίλος, where we have, as here, praise of the victor, farewell, and commendation of the poet's song.

τόδε μέν: This would seem to indicate that the μέλος here sent was different from the Καστόρειον, but P.'s handling of μέν and δέ is so peculiar, not to say tricky, that Böckh has a right to set up the antithesis πέμπεται μὲν τόδε μέλος, ἄθρησον δὲ τὸ Καστόρειον.

κατὰ Φοίνισσαν ἐμπολάν: κ., “like.” Phoenician ware was costly, being brought from afar.

τὸ Καστόρειον: Compare I. 1, 16: Καστορείῳ Ἰολάοἰ ἐναρμόξαι νιν ὕμνῳ. The Καστόρειον was an old Spartan battle-song, the rhythm anapaestic, like the ἐμβατήρια, the mood Doric, the accompaniment the flute. P. uses it as a ἵππειος νόμος, in honor of victory with horse and chariot (Castor gaudet equis); the mood is Aiolian, and the accompaniment the φόρμιγξ. Some suppose that the K. was another poem to be sent at a later time, hence ἄθρησον, as if the prince were bidden descry it coming in the distance: others that the K. is the last part of the poem, which P. made a present of to Hieron, together with a batch of good advice. The figure of the Phoenician cargo runs into the antithesis. The Doric king might have expected a Doric lay, but this Kastoreion, with its Aiolian mood, is to be viewed kindly (θέλων ἄθρησον) for the sake of the Doric φόρμιγξ — Apollo's own instrument. Compare O. 1.100: ἐμὲ δὲ στεφανῶσαι | κεῖνον ἱππείῳ νόμῳ | Αἰολἡΐδι μολπᾷ, and yet 1, 17: Δωρίαν ἀπὸ φόρμιγγα πασσάλου λάμβανε).

χάριν: Before its genitive only here in P.

ἑπτακτύπου: The old Terpandrian heptachord. N. 5.24: φόρμιγγ᾽ Ἀπόλλων ἑπτάγλωσσον χρυσέῳ πλάκτρῳ διώκων.

ἀντόμενος: Absolute. “Coming to meet it, receive it” — the Phoenician ware again. Pindar's power of parenthesis is great. The farewell (v. 67) suggested the commendation, or, if need be, the justification of his poem, and he now returns to the characteristic of his hero. An unprepared break at v. 72 is not likely.

γένοι᾽ οἷος ἐσσὶ μαθών: The necessity of connection makes μαθών refer to the praise of the victor. “Show thyself who thou art, for I have taught it thee.” Some take μαθών as part of the wish or command. γένοιο . . . μαθών=μάθοις has no satisfactory analogy in Pindaric grammar, nor does it give any satisfactory transition. P.'s contempt of mere mechanical learning, as shown O. 2.95: μαθόντες δὲ λάβροι . . . ἄκραντα γαρύετον has suggested a combination with πίθων (Bergk), in which the learned ape is contrasted with Rhadamanthys, who is doubtless πολλὰ εἰδὼς φυᾷ (O. 2.94), but the position of τοι in μαθὼν καλός τοι is hardly credible, to say nothing of the quotation by Galen below.

πίθων. A young ape.

παρὰ παισίν: “In the judgment of children.” The ape was a favorite in the nursery then as he is now. Galen, de Usu Part. 1, 22: καλός τοι πίθηκος παρὰ παισὶν αἰεί, φησί τις τῶν παλαιῶν, ἀναμιμνήσκων ὑμᾶς ὡς ἔστιν ἄθυρμα γελοῖον παιζόντων παίδων τοῦτο τὸ ζῷον. Instead of παρὰ δὲ Ῥαδαμάνθυι, P. changes the form of the antithesis.

Strophe 4

καλός: Child-like and lover-like repetition. The ape is said to have been introduced into Greek fable by Archilochos, and the mention of the ape here may have called up the image of the fox below without any inner nexus. An allusion to the Archilochian fable of “the Ape and the Fox” seems to be out of the question. “Show thyself thyself. Care naught for the judgment of those that be mere children in understanding. Thy judge is Rhadamanthys.”

εὖ πέπραγεν: Rhadamanthys owes his good fortune to his judicial temper. Compare O. 2.83: βουλαῖς ἐν ὀρθαῖσι Ῥαδαμάνθυος | ὃν πατὴρ ἔχει [Κρόνος] ἑτοῖμον αὐτῷ πάρεδρον. Of the three judges in Hades, Aiakos — usually the first met by the new-comer — is in P. only the great Aeginetan hero, except in I. 7 (8), 24, where he is represented as a judge over the δαίμονες. Minos does not appear.

φρενῶν . . . καρπόν: So N. 10.12. Famous in Aischylos' description of Amphiaraos is the line S. c. Th. 593:βαθεῖαν ἄλοκα διὰ φρενὸς καρπούμενος” .

ἔνδοθεν: The wiles of the deceivers do not penetrate the deep soil.

οἷα: See O. 1.16. Half exclamatory. If with the MSS., βροτῶν, “Such things (ἀπάται) always sort with the acts of whisperers!” So ἕπεται, O. 2.24. If with Heindorf, βροτῷ, “Such things always haunt a man by the devices of whisperers!”

βροτῶν: Used like ἀνδρῶν, so that ψίθυροι βροτοί = ψιθυρισταί, but β. is hardly so colorless in P.

ἀμφοτέροις: “To both parties,” the prince and his slandered friends, τῷ διαβαλλομένῳ καὶ τῷ πρὸς ὃν διαβάλλεται (Schol.).

ὑποφάτιες: Böckh has ὑποφαύτιες, Bothe ὑποφάτορες. “Secret speakings of calumnies” for “secret calumniators” does not satisfy. We want a masc. subst. Some MSS. have ὑποφάντιες from φαίνω.

ὀργαῖς: See P. 1.89.

ἀτενές=παντελῶς. P. has proudly compared himself to the Διὸς ὄρνις θεῖος, O. 2.97, and it may be well to remember that the eagle and the fox were not friends, acc. to the fabulist Archilochos, and that the eagle was the “totem” of the Aiakidai and of Aias, Pindar's favorite, a straightforward hero (N. 8.23 foll.).

The usual interpretation gives the whole passage to one voice. “But what good does this do to the fox (the whisperer). I, Pindar, am a cork not to be sunk by his arts. I know it is impossible for a crafty citizen to utter a word of power among the good, and, though by his fawning he makes his way, I do not share his confidence. My plan is: love thy friend and cheat thine enemy — the enemy alone is fair game. The man of straightforward speech hath the vantage-ground everywhere, under every form of government.” In the introduction I have suggested two voices.

κερδοῖ: To me convincing emendation of Huschke for κέρδει. κερδώ is a popular name for fox, Ar. Eq. 1068. First Voice: “But what doth Master Reynard gain by his game?” The pun in κερδοῖ . . . κέρδεσσι is obvious. The proverb ἀλώπηξ δωροδοκεῖται is taken from Kratinos' parody (2, 87 Mein.) of Solon's celebrated characteristic of the Athenians, fr. 11, 5 (Bergk): ὑμέων εἷς μὲν ἕκαστος ἀλώπεκος ἴχνεσι βαίνελ.

ἅτε γὰρ . . . ἅλμας: Second Voice: “His gain is to be an ἄμαχον κακόν (v. 76). He can say: I am a cork that is always atop, though all the rest be under water. I am a cat, and always fall on my feet.” Fennell, who, like the others, understands the poet to speak of himself, allegorizes thus: “The net is the band of contemporary poets; the heavy parts are those of poor and precarious repute, who try to drag down the cork, Pindar.”

εἰνάλιον πόνον: Toil of the sea. So Theokr. 21, 39: δειλινὸν ὡς κατέδαρθον ἐν εἰναλίοισι πόνοισι.

σκευᾶς ἑτέρας: The ἀμφότεροι above mentioned — the whole world outside of the slanderer.

φελλὸς ὥς: The comparison is not so homely in Greek as in English. “Cork” could hardly be used with us in elevated poetry, but

παῖδες γὰρ ἀνδρὶ κλῃδόνες σωτήριοι
θανόντι: φελλοὶ δ᾽ ὣς ἄγουσι δίκτυον
τὸν ἐκ βυθοῦ κλωστῆρα σῴζοντες λίνου.

“Our withers are unwrung” might be as impossible for an un-English poet.

ἅλμας: With ἀβάπτιστος.

Antistrophe 4

First Voice: “But you are, after all, a mere cork. You have no weight. A deceitful man cannot utter a word of power among the good (the conservatives).”

ἀδύνατα: So O. 1.52: ἄπορα, P. 1.34: ἐοικότα.

ἀστόν: . is much more frequently used by P. than πολίτης, as he prefers στρατός to δᾶμος. See O. 6.7. — Second Voice: “Well, what of that? The deceitful man fawns and makes his way thus.”

μάν: Often used to meet objections. Cf. P. 1.63.

σαίνων: Specifically of the dog. See P. 1.52.

ἀ_γάν. The MS. ἄγαν has the first syllable short. ἀγή, “bend,” is not the doubling of the fox, but the peculiar fawning way in which the dog makes an arc of himself. J. H. H. Schmidt reads αὐδάν and compare for διαπλέκει P. 12.8: οὔλιον θρῆνον διαπλέκει.

διαπλέκει: Commentators compare Aischin. 3, 28: ἀντιδιαπλέκει πρὸς τοῦτο εὐθύς, but there the metaphor is from the twists and turns of wrestlers. Here we are still with the dog.

οὔ ϝοι μετέχω θράσεος: First Voice: “I do not share his confidence.” θράσος in a good sense, v. 63.

φίλον εἴη φιλεῖν, κτἑ.: Second Voice: “I do not deny the claims of friendship; it is only mine adversary that I seek to circumvent.” Others think this perfectly consistent with the antique morality of a man like Pindar. Compare I. 3 (4), 66: χρὴ δὲ πᾶν ἔρδοντα μαυρῶσαι τὸν ἐχθρόν, Archiloch. fr. 65 (Bergk): ἓν δ᾽ ἐπίσταμαι μέγα | τὸν κακῶς με δρῶντα δεινοῖς ἀνταμείβεσθαι κακοῖς. P. is supposed to say: “Let my adversary play the monkey, the fox, the dog; I can play the wolf.” Requital in full is antique; crooked ways of requital are not Pindaric.

ὑποθεύσομαι: Incursionem faciam, Dissen. It is more than that; it involves overtaking. The persistency and surprise of the wolf's pursuit are the points of comparison.

ἄλλα: Adverbial.

ἐν=ἐς: See v. 11. The First Voice closing the debate.

νόμον: “Constitution,” “form of the state.”

εὐθύγλωσσος: In opposition to the ὁδοὶ σκολιαί, σκολιαὶ ἀπάται (fr. XI. 76, 2).

προφέρει: “Comes to the front.”

παρὰ τυραννίδι: As if παρὰ τυράννοις.

λάβρος στρατός: Milton's “fierce democratie.”

οἱ σοφοί: The aristocracy.

χρὴ δὲ πρὸς θεὸν οὐκ ἐρίζειν: The neg. οὐκ, as if he were about to say ἀλλὰ φέρειν ἐλαφρῶς ἐπαυχένιον ζυγόν. As it stands, it looks like a licentious οὐκ with the inf., of which there are very few. The connection is shown in the introduction. Though the straightforward man has the lead in every form of state, yet his enemies have sometimes the upper hand, and we must not quarrel with God for this. But the envious do not wish him to have anything at all, and so they overreach themselves, and come to harm.

Epode 4

ἀνέχει: As in So. O. C. 680:κισσὸν ἀνέχουσα” , “upholding,” “holding high.”

τὰ κείνων: The fortunes of the whisperers.

ἔδωκεν: As there is no metrical reason for not using δίδωσιν, we may accept a contrast between continued and concentrated action. See v. 50.

ἰαίνει: O. 2.15; 7, 43; P. 1.11.

στάθμας: στάθμη is γραμμή, N. 6.8. The Schol. thinks of a measuring-line. The measuring-line has two sharp pegs. The measurer fastens one in the ground and pulls the cord tight, in order to stretch it over more space than it ought to cover (περισσᾶς). In so doing he runs the peg into his own heart. Hermann finds an allusion to the play διελκυστίνδα, still played everywhere. This would make ἑλκόμενοι reciprocal, “one another,” and στάθμας a whence-case, but for περισσᾶς we should have to read περισσῶς. On the other interpretation, στάθμας is the genitive of the hold, as in P. 9.132: παρθένον κεδνὰν χερὶ χειρὸς ἑλών. Schneidewin has noticed the play on ἑλκόμενοι and ἕλκος.

ἑᾷ . . . καρδίᾳ: As if “one's heart” for “their heart.”

ὅσα . . . τυχεῖν: τυγχάνω often takes a pronominal neut. acc.

φροντίδι μητίονται: “Are planning with anxious thought.”

φέρειν . . . ζυγόν: Yet another animal. This whole fabulistic passage seems to point to court pasquinades. A reference to Hieron's secret police of ὠτακουσταί, “eavesdroppers,” and ποταγωγίδες (-δαι), “tale-bearers,” Aristot. Pol. 5, 11, is to me incredible.

ποτὶ κέντρον . . . λακτιζέμεν: A homely proverb familiar to us from Acts [9, 5] 26, 14. Doubtless of immemorial antiquity in Greece, Aisch. P.V. 323; Ag. 1624; Eur. Bacch. 795.

ἀδόντα = ἁδόντα. Cf. O. 3.1; 7, 17.

This poem, which is not so much an ἐπινίκιον as a Consolatio ad Hieronem, is classed with the ἐπινίκια because it celebrates the victories that Hieron gained with his race-horse Φερένικος (v. 74) at Delphi, Pyth. 26 and 27 (Ol. 73, 3, and 74, 3, 486 and 482 B.C.). According to Böckh, the composition of the poem belongs to a much later period, Ol. 76, 3 (474 B.C.). Earlier than Ol. 76, 1 (476 B.C.) it cannot be, for Hieron is called Αἰτναῖος (v. 69), and Aitna was founded in that year. Later than Ol. 76, 3 it cannot well be, for in that year Hieron won a chariot-race at Delphi, of which no mention is made in this poem. Böckh thinks that the ode was composed shortly before P. 1, probably to celebrate the recurrent date of the previous victories. Hieron was suffering (compare P. 1.50), and hence the blending of congratulation and consolation. The “historical” allusions to scandals in Hieron's family and to the quarrels of the court physicians are all due to the fancy of the commentators.

The drift of P. 3 seems to be plain enough. Hieron is victorious, but suffering, and he must learn that the gods give two pains for one pleasure, and be content to have only one against one. To expect more is to reach out to what is not and cannot be. To this lesson the poet leads up step by step. So in the very beginning of this ode he himself sets an example of the impatient yearning he condemns. “Would that the old Centaur, the master of Asklepios, the great healer, were alive!” A poet, Pindar longs for the control of leechcraft, and does not recognize his own ambition until other examples of disappointment pass before his eyes. Such an example is Koronis, mother of Asklepios. This was her sin: she had one love, she wanted yet another (v. 25). Asklepios himself comes next. He was a leech of wide renown — a benefactor to his kind — but he was a slave to gain (v. 54). This was his sin, and, like his mother, he perished (v. 57). And now the poet draws the moral. “Mortals must seek what is meet for mortals, and recognize where they stand, what is their fate.” The wish is renewed, but this time with a sigh. The poet is not satisfied with paying Hieron his homage in music, he yearns to bring him the master of healing and gain a double share of favor. It must not be; he cannot cross the water with this double joy (v. 72). He must be content to stay at home and make vows to the goddess at his door (v. 77). This lesson Hieron and Hieron's poet must divide: ἓν παρ᾽ ἐσλὸν πήματα σύνδυο δαίονται βροτοῖς | ἀθάνατοι (v. 81). That is the rule. Make the best of it. Look at Peleus. Look at Kadmos (vv. 87, 88). They heard the Muses, as Hieron heard Pindar's songs. One married Harmonia, one Thetis (vv. 91, 92). Both saw the sons of Kronos banqueting with them, both received bridal gifts of the gods. But three daughters brought threefold sorrow to Kadmos. True, one daughter's couch was shared by Zeus (v. 99), yet this is only one joy to three sorrows. Against the bridal of Thetis set the death of Achilles (v. 100), an only son, and so more than a double sorrow. “Enjoy, then, what thou mayest while thou mayest in the changing breezes of fortune, in the ticklish balance of prosperity. This be our creed. Fit thy will to God's will. Pray for wealth. Hope for fame. Fame rests on song. Nestor and Sarpedon — the one who lost his noble son, the other lost to a divine sire — live on in lays. Few achieve this” (vv. 102115). And so the poem ends with the tacit pledge that Hieron shall live on in P.'s song as they in Homer's.

The rhythms are dactylo-epitrite (Dorian).

The distribution of the elements is different from that of an ordinary ἐπινίκιον. The myth, with a slight introduction, takes up nearly half the poem. Indeed, the whole ode is a picturegallery of mythic troubles. We have at full length Koronis and Asklepios, who were guilty; with less detail Kadmos and Peleus, who were innocent; and, in mere outline, Nestor and Sarpedon — Nestor, who was lord among the third generation but to see Antilochos die; Sarpedon, who was mourned by Zeus himself. But all this sorrow is lost in the light of poetry.

Strophe 1

Χείρωνα: Cheiron was the great mythical healer and teacher; he gave Machaon healing drugs (Il. 4. 219), and taught Achilles medicine (Il. 11. 832). The Χείρωνες of Kratinos was a plea for a return to the old training, of which Achilles was the mythical example. See N. 3.43, foll.

Φιλυρίδαν: So the Centaur is called, P. 9.32. Compare N. 3.43: Φιλύρας ἐν δόμοις.

ἁμετέρας ἀπὸ γλώσσας: Contrast to κοινὸν ϝέπος. Something more was expected of the poet than such an every-day utterance. P. apologizes, as it were, on the ground of the naturalness of the wish. It was on everybody's tongue then. P. 5.107: ἄνδρα κεῖνον ἐπαινέοντι συνετοί: λεγόμενον ἐρέω.

γόνον . . . κρόνου: Cf. N. 3.47: Κρονίδαν Κένταυρον.

Παλίου: His cave was on Pelion (P. 9.30), a mountain full of medicinal herbs.

Φῆρα = θῆρα): “Centaur.” So called Il. 1. 268; 2, 743; as well as P. 4.119.

ἀγρότερον: “Upland,” as in Chapman's Homer, with the same note of ruggedness

ἀνδρῶν φίλον=φιλάνθρωπον: A contrast to his name, Φήρ. Cheiron was δικαιότατος Κενταύρων (Il. 11. 832).

θρέψεν . . . τέκτονα: θρ. like ἐδίδαξεν, “bred.”

γυιαρκέο_ς: The ο must be lengthened to save the metre. Compare O. 6.103: ποντόμεδο_ν, P. 4.184: πόθο_ν, 11, 38: τριοδο_ν.

ἥρω^α: So ἥρω^ας, P. 1.53.

Antistrophe 1

Φλεγύα: The myth was taken from the Ἠοῖαι of Hesiod, a κατάλογος γυναικῶν, or list of heroines to whom the gods had condescended. The story of Koronis is an especially good exemplification of the difference between epic and lyric narrative. Epic narrative is developed step by step. “The lyric poet gives the main result briefly in advance, and follows it up by a series of pictures, each of which throws light on the preceding” (Mezger).

πρὶν τελέσσαι: “Before having brought to term,” “before she had borne him the full time.”

ἔτεκεν δ᾽ ἁνίκα Μοῖραι
τέλεσαν ταυρόκερων θεόν.

χρυσέοις: P. 1.1.

Ἀρτέμιδος: A. kills women, Apollo men.

ἐν θαλάμῳ: With δαμεῖσα, an additional touch of color. The MSS. have εἰς Ἀίδαοδόμον ἐν θαλάμῳ κατέβα, which would give a quibbling tone, “went to Hades without leaving her chamber;” nor is a lingering death implied by ἐν θαλάμῳ. Artemis is expected to kill queens ἐν μεγάροισι (Od. 11. 198); Artemis smites Aribas' daughter, who stole Eumaios, by hurling her into the hold of the pirate vessel (Od. 15. 479); and it was meet that the wanton Koronis should be slain ἐν θαλάμῳ — not in her chamber, but in the bed of Ischys.

γίνεται: “Proves.”

ἀποφλαυρίξαισά νιν: Sc. τὸν χόλον.

ἀμπλακίαισι: Homeric plural, not common in Pindar. ἀνορέαις (P. 8.91; N. 3.20; I. 3 [4], 29) is not exactly parallel.

αἴνησεν γάμον: Cf. Eur. Or. 1092:ἧς λέχος γ᾽ ἐπῄνεσα” (Dind. ποτ᾽ ᾔνεσα), and 1672:καὶ λέκτρ᾽ ἐπῄνεσα.

ἀκειρεκόμᾳ: So the best MS., and not ἀκερσεκόμᾳ. Compare Ov. Trist. 3, 1, 60:intonsi candida templa dei” , and the description of Iason, P. 4.82. A. is ever young.

Epode 1

σπέρμα . . . καθαρόν: κ., because divine.

ἔμειν᾽ ἐλθεῖν: Subj. of ἐλθεῖν is τράπεζαν.

τράπεζαν νυμφίαν: Koronis should have waited until the birth of the son of Apollo, and then have married. The gods were tolerant of human successors.

παμφώνων ἰαχὰν ὑμεναίων: P. 12.19: αὐλῶν πάμφωνον μέλος. On the shield of Achilles, Il. 18. 493: πολὺς δ᾽ ὑμέναιος ὀρώρει: | κοῦροι δ᾽ ὀρχηστῆρες ἐδίνεον, ἐν δ᾽ ἄρα τοῖσιν | αὐλοὶ φόρμιγγές τε βοὴν ἔχον.

οἷα: Loose reference to ὑμεναίων. Cf. P. 1.73.

ὑποκουρίζεσθαι): “Such petting, playful strains as girlmates love to utter in even-songs.” In the even-songs of the bridal the maids were wont to use the pet name, “baby name” (ὑποκόρισμα), of the bride, while they indulged in playful allusions to her new life.

ἤρατο τῶν ἀπεόντων: Nikias warns the Athenians against this “δυσέρωτας εἶναι τῶν ἀπόντων(Thuk. 6, 13) . Lys. 12, 78:τῶν ἀπόντων ἐπιθυμῶν” . Theokr. 10, 8: οὐδαμά τοι συνέβα ποθέσαι τινὰ τῶν ἀπεόντων.

οἷα καὶ πολλοὶ πάθον, κτἑ.: Pindar unfolds a moral as Homer unfolds a comparison. A reference to Hieron and foreign physicians (ἀπεόντων), which Hermann suggests, is altogether unlikely, not to say absurd.

φῦλον . . . ὅστις: A common shift, as in “kind who;” only we follow with the plural.

αἰσχύνων: “Putting shame on.”

παπταίνει τὰ πόρσω: O. 1.114: μηκέτι πάπταινε πόρσιον.

μεταμώνια: P. multiplies synonyms to show the bootlessness of the quest. The seekers are “futile,” the object is “unsubstantial,” the hopes “unachievable.” Cf. O. 1.82, and 14, 6.

θηρεύων. Cf. N. 11.47: κερδέων δὲ χρὴ μέτρον θηρευέμεν.

Strophe 2

ἔσχε: “Caught.” On the ingressiveness, see O. 2.10.

τοιαύταν μεγάλαν: Keep the words separate.

α̈́ϝα̈́ταν = ἄταν. P. 2.28. Note the quantity.

λῆμα Κορωνίδος: “Wilful Koronis.” Cf. O. 6.22: σθένος ἡμιόνων, 1, 88: Οἰνομάου βίαν, and note on 8, 68. It may be of some significance that she was the sister of the wilful hero Ixion, who came to his bad end by εὐναὶ παράτροποι (P. 2.35).

ξένου: Ischys, as we are told below (v. 31).

σκοπόν: Used of the gods (O. 1.54), but esp. of Apollo. O. 6.59: τοξοφόρον Δάλου θεοδμάτας σκοπόν.

μηλοδόκῳ: See

ἐπὶ δ᾽ ἀσφάκτοισι
μήλοισι μὴ πάριτ᾽ ἐς μυχόν.

τόσσαις (Aeolic) = τυχών. Compare τόξον.

Αοξίας: There is, perhaps, a play on λοξός and εὐθύτατος, “crooked” and “straight.”

κοινᾶνι (Dor.) = κοινῶνι = μηνυτῇ. Hesiod says (fr. 90) that a raven told it to Apollo. Pindar delights to depart from the popular version in little points that affect the honor of the gods; hence the emphasis laid on the πάντα ϝίσαντι νόῳ.

παρὰ ... νόῳ: As it were “in the courts of.” He did not go out of himself. The Schol. dulls the expression by παρὰ τοῦ νόου πυθόμενον.

γνώμαν πιθών: For the MS. γνώμᾳ πεπιθών. πιθών= πείσας. The acc. γνώμαν gives the finer sense. Apollo forced conviction on his will, his heart. So also Mezger, who cites for this use of γν. O. 3.41; 4, 16; P. 4.84. Fennell prefers “judgment” to “heart.”

ϝίσαντι = εἰδότι. Cf. P. 4.248: οἶμον ἴσαμι βραχύν.

ψευδέων δ᾽ οὐχ ἅπτεται: Neither deceiving nor deceived. Cf. P. 9.46: σέ, τὸν οὐ θεμιτὸν ψεύδει θιγεῖν.

ἔργοις οὔτε βουλαῖς: On the omission of the former negative, compare P. 10.29. 41.

Antistrophe 2

Εἰλατίδα: Ischys, son of Elatos, seems to have been a brother of Aipytos (O. 6.36), who was an Arkadian lord.

ξεινίαν κοίταν = κοίταν ξένου. “Couching with a stranger.”

ἀμαιμακέτῳ: Homer's ἀμαιμάκετος suits all the Pindaric passages. See P. 1.14.

Λακέρειαν: In Thessaly. Van Herwerden has called attention to the resemblance between Koronis of Lakereia and Hesiod's λακέρυζα κορώνη (O. et D. 745).

κρημνοῖσιν: Specifically of “bluffs.” O. 3.22: κρημνοῖς Ἀλφεοῦ.

δαίμων: Where we should blame her mad passion, her λῆμα.

ἕτερος= κακοποιός (Schol.). N. 8.3: τὸν μὲν ἁμέροις ἀνάγκας χερσὶ βαστάζεις, ἕτερον δ᾽ ἑτέραις. So often after P., πλέον θάτερον ποιεῖν, ἀγαθὰ θάτερα. “The δαίμων ἕτερος is one of the notes by which Bentley detected the false Phalaris. See ‘Letters of Phalaris,’ p. 247 (Bohn and Wagner),” C. D. Morris.

ἁμᾶ: See O. 3.21.

πολλὰν . . . ὕλαν: Inevitable expansion of the moral. See v. 20. The sentence is proverbial, as in James 3, 5: ἰδού, ὀλίγον πῦρ ἡλίκην ὕλην ἀνάπτει.

σπέρματος: O. 7.48: σπέρμα . . . φλογός, Od. 5. 490: σπέρμα πυρὸς σῴζων.

Epode 2

τείχει . . . ἐν ξυλίνῳ: On the pyre.

σέλας . . . Ἁφαίστου: P. 1.25: Ἁφαίστοιο κρουνούς. The person of Hephaistos is little felt, but it can always be brought back as in Ἡφαίστου κύνες, “sparks,” Alexis, fr. 146 (3, 452 Mein.).

οὐκέτι: Apollo has been struggling with himself. Cf. O. 1.5.

α̈́μόν = ἡμέτερον, but ἡμέτερον = ἐμόν, and does not refer to Koronis. “Our” would be a human touch. Here it is the selfish “my.” P. 4.27: ἀμοῖς = ἐμοῖς.

ὀλέσσαι: The MSS. ὀλέσαι. ὀλέσθαι would not be so good. He had killed the mother, and so was about to kill the child.

ματρὸς βαρείᾳ σὺν πάθᾳ: The same principle as λῆμα Κορωνίδος (v. 25). The ill-fate of the mother = the ill-fated mother.

βάματι δ᾽ ἐν πρώτῳ: An exaggeration of τριτάτῳ, which Aristarchos preferred, after Il. 13. 20: τρὶς μὲν ὀρέξατ᾽ ἰὼν (Ποσειδῶν), τὸ δὲ τέτρατον ἵκετο τέκμωρ (Schol.). Bergk suggests τέρτῳ (Aeol.) = τρίτῳ. See note on O. 8.46.

νεκροῦ: There is no good fem.

διέφαινε: Imperfect of vision, in an intercalated clause. So the best MS. διέφανε would be an unusual intransitive, “flamed apart,” literally “shone apart,” “opened a path of light.” The flames were harmless to him.

διδάξαι: The old final infinitive.

ἀνθρώποισιν: More sympathetic than ἀνθρώπων.

Strophe 3

αὐτοφύτων: In contradistinction to wounds.

ξυνάονες: The sphere of partnership and companionship is wider in Greek than in English. We usu. make the disease, not the sufferer, the companion. See Lexx. under σύνειμι, συνοικῶ, συνναίω.

θερινῷ πυρί: Sunstroke. Perh. “Summer fever.”

ἔξαγεν: “Brought out,” still used by the profession.

τοὺς μέν: Resumes the division indicated, v. 47.

μαλακαῖς ἐπαοιδαῖς: Incantations were a regular part of physic among the Greek medicine-men. The order is the order of severity.

οὐ πρὸς ἰατροῦ σοφοῦ
θροεῖν ἐπῳδὰς πρὸς τομῶντι πήματι.

ἀμφέπων . . . πίνοντας . . . περάπτων: P. breaks what seems to him the hateful uniformity by putting πίνοντας instead of a causative, such as πιπίσκων, or an abstract, such as ποτοῖς.

προσανέα: “Soothing potions.”

περάπτων . . . φάρμακα: “Swathing with simples.” Plasters and poultices are conspicuous in early leechcraft. περάπτων (Aeolic) = περιάπτων. So N. 11.40: περόδοις.

τομαῖς ἔστασεν ὀρθούς: τομή is the regular surgical word for our “knife,” and the pl. gives the temporal effect of τέμνων. P. makes in ἔστασεν a sudden and effective change to the finite verb, so as to be done with it. Compare O. 1.14; P. 1.55. ἱστάς would be feeble. To punctuate at ἔξαγεν: and make τοὺς μὲν ... τοὺς δὲ προσανέα depend on ἔστασεν is to efface the growth of the sentence and the rhythm. The methods are in the durative tenses, the results in the complexive (aorist).

Antistrophe 3

δέδεται: “Is a thrall,” “is in bondage.” δεῖται would mean “lets itself be enthralled by.” The instr. dative is the regular construction.

ἔτραπεν . . . κομίσαι: P. 9.47: ἔτραπε . . . παρφάμεν. The prose προτρέπειν has lost its color.

ἀγάνορι: Cf. P. 10.18: ἀγάνορα πλοῦτον, and O. 1.2: μεγάνορος . . . πλούτου. One cannot help thinking of χρήματα χρήματ᾽ ἀνήρ (I. 2, 11). See Plato's criticism of this passage, Resp. 3, 408 B. C.

ἄνδρα: Hippolytos, son of Theseus, acc. to the Schol. Compare Verg. Aen. 7, 765-774.

κομίσαι: N. 8.44: τεὰν ψυχὰν κομίξαι | οὔ μοι δυνατόν.

ἁλωκότα: Sc. θανάτῳ.

χερσί: O. 9.32: σκύταλον τίναξε χερσίν. The addition of “hand” does not give the same vigor in English.

ἀμφοῖν: The Hesiodic fragment tells only of the death of Asklepios (Athenag. Leg. p. 134).

ἐνέσκιμψεν: “Brought crashing down.”

θναταῖς φρασίν: Depends on ἐοικότα, and is not dat. of manner (Dissen) to μαστευέμεν, modesta mente. Cf. I. 4 (5), 16: θνατὰ θνατοῖσι πρέπει.

τὸ πὰρ ποδός: P. 10.62: φροντίδα τὰν πὰρ ποδός (I. 7, 13: τὸ . . . πρὸ ποδός), “that which stretches from the place of the foot,” “our nearest business.”

οἵας εἰμὲν αἴσας: As Archilochos says: γίγνωσκε δ᾽ οἷος ῥυσμὸς ἀνθρώπους ἔχει. αἴσας: Genitive of the owner.

Epode 3

φίλα ψυχά: P. is addressing himself and swinging back to his theme. “Asklepios sought to rescue a man fordone. We must seek only what is meet, see what is before us, what are the limits of our fate. Seek not the life of the immortals, my soul; do the work of the day, play thy humble part to the end. And yet, would that I could bring the double delight of health and poesy; would that my song had power to charm Cheiron! Then the unreal would be achieved by the real, health which I cannot bring by poesy which I do.” φίλα ψυχά of Hieron would be too sweet. It is more likely that P. is taking a lesson to himself.

βίον ἀθάνατον = τὸ ἐξομοιοῦσθαι τοῖς θεοῖς (Schol.).

τὰν δ᾽ ἔμπρακτον ἄντλει μαχανάν: “Exhaust all practicable means,” “drain each resource.”

εἰ δὲ . . . ἔναιε: Wish felt in the condition.

μελιγάρυες ὕμνοι: So O. 11 (10), 4; N. 3.4.

ἀνδράσιν: The plural is part of the shyness with which the poet alludes to Hieron's disorder.

θερμᾶν νόσων: “Fevers.”

τινα Λατοΐδα , κτἑ.: “Some one called (the son) of Latoides, or son of the Sire;” Asklepios or Apollo, son of the great Sire Zeus. Bergk suggests πατέρα=Ἀπόλλω.

καί κεν . . . μόλον: This shows that the poem was composed in Greece, and not in Sicily.

Ἰονίαν . . . θάλασσαν: Elsewhere (N. 4.53) called Ἰόνιον πόρον.

Ἀρέθουσαν: The famous fountain of Ortygia (P. 2.6), called N. 1.1: ἄμπνευμα σεμνὸν Ἀλφεοῦ.

Αἰτναῖον ξένον: See P. 1.

Strophe 4

νέμει: “Rules” without an object.

ἀστοῖς: Seems to mean here the rank and file of the citizens (O. 13.2).

ἀγαθοῖς: The optimates, doubtless, for they are “the good” to a Dorian.

χάριτας = χάρματα.

ὑγίειαν . . . χρυσέαν: See P. 1.1; and for the praise of health, compare Lucian's De lapsu inter salutandum.

κῶμόν τε: On the effect of τε in twinning the two χάριτες, see O. 1.62.

ἀέθλων Πυθίων: Depends on στεφάνοις. So N. 5.5: παγκρατίου στέφανον.

αἴγλαν στεφάνοις: Cf. O. 1.14: ἀγλαΐξεται δὲ καὶ μουσικᾶς ἐν ἀώτῳ, and O. 11 (10), 13: κόσμον ἐπὶ στεφάνῳ . . . ἁδυμελῆ κελαδήσω. The song lends additional lustre to the lustrous crowns. The plur. on account of the victories of Pherenikos.

Φερένικος: O. 1.18.

ἐν Κίρρᾳ ποτέ: Kirrha was the Delphian hippodrome. The victory was won at least eight years before.

φαμί: Out of construction. Elsewhere in P. with acc. and inf.

φάος: Acc. to J. H. H. Schmidt, φάος is the light of joy (O. 10 [11], 25; I. 2, 17), φέγγος, for which we here have αἴγλαν, is the light of glory (O. 2.62; P. 9.98; N. 3.64; 9, 42).

Antistrophe 4

ἀλλά: “Well,” since that may not be.

ἐπεύξασθαι: “Offer a vow to,” not simply “pray.”

ἐθέλω: See P. 1.62.

Ματρί: Magna Mater or Rhea (Kybele is not mentioned in Pindar). The worship of this Phrygian goddess was hereditary in the flute-playing family of P. (see P. 12), and he had a chapel in front of his house dedicated to the joint service of Rhea and Pan. Among the κοῦραι, who sang παρθένια by night to the two deities, are said to have been P.'s daughters, Eumetis and Protomache. The Scholiasts tell us that Magna Mater was τῶν νόσων αὐξητικὴ καὶ μειωτική. Welcker takes κοῦραι with Πανί, and considers them to be nymphs. But there is an evident connection between the μολπή and the ἐπευχή.

σὺν Πανί: Cf. fr. VI. 1: Πάν, . . . σεμνῶν ἀδύτων φύλαξ, Ματρὸς μεγάλας ὀπαδέ.

λόγων . . . κορυφάν: “The right point (the lesson) of sayings.”

μανθάνων: “Learning.” The lesson is ever before him. It is a proverb.

ἓν παρ᾽ ἐσλὸν, κτἑ.: One and two are typical. So we have not to do with avoirdupois or apothecaries' weight in Spenser's “a dram of sweete is worth a pound of soure” (F. Q. III. 30).

κόσμῳ =κοσμίως.

τὰ καλὰ τρέψαντες ἔξω: Another proverbial locution; “turning the fair part outward” (of clothes), as we might say, “putting the best foot foremost” (of shoes).

Epode 4

τὶν δὲ . . . ἕπεται: Thy ἓν ἐσλόν is great.

δέρκεται: As the Biblical “look upon” (with favor). Compare O. 7.11: ἄλλοτε δ᾽ ἄλλον ἐποπτεύει Χάρις. “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous.”

εἴ τιν᾽ ἀνθρ.: Compare O. 1.54.

μέγας πότμος: N. 4.42: πότμος ἄναξ.


ἔγεντο = ἐγένετο: Aor. with neg.

Πηλεῖ . . . Κάδμῳ: Proverbial examples of high fortune and noble character, O. 2.86.

οἵ = οὗτοι.

σχεῖν: O. 2.10.

χρυσαμπύκων . . . Μοισᾶν: The Muses so styled again, I. 2, 1.

ἐν ὄρει: Pelion. Cf. N. 5.22: πρόφρων δὲ καὶ κεῖνος ἄειδ᾽ ἐν Παλίῳ | Μοισᾶν κάλλιστος χορός. The marriage of Peleus and Thetis was a favorite theme with the poets. See N. 4.65, quoted below. Catullus makes the Fates sing at the wedding (64, 322).

ὁπόθ᾽: The indic. of a single occasion. With the indic. ὁπότε has very much the sense of ἡνίκα. Compare O. 1.37; 9, 104; P. 8.41; 11, 19; I. 6 (7), 6; fr. V. 1, 6.

Νηρέος: The sea-gods were oracular. So Poseidon (O. 6.58). So Proteus and Glaukos. For Nereus as a prophet, the commentators. cite Hesiod, Theog. 233, Eur. Hel. 15, Hor. Od. 1, 15, 5. See also P. 9.102.

Strophe 5

Κρόνου παῖδας . . . ἴδον , κτἑ.: N. 4.66: εἶδεν δ᾽ εὔκυκλον ἕδραν, τᾶς οὐρανοῦ βασιλῆες πόντου τ᾽ ἐφεζόμενοι, κτἑ.

Διὸς . . . χάριν: Here “thanks to Zeus.”

ἔστασαν ὀρθὰν καρδίαν: “Raised their hearts again,” “raised their sunken hearts,” ὀρθάν being proleptic, “erect.”

μέρος: ἐρήμωσαν, with two acc., as ἀφαιρεῖσθαι in prose.

αἱ τρεῖς: Ino, Agaue, Autonoë. Cf. O. 2.25.

Θυώνᾳ = Σεμέλᾳ.

Antistrophe 5

τίκτεν: P. uses the imperf. seven times (nearly all in dactylo-epitrites), the aorist nine times. See note on O. 6.41.

τόξοις: Il. 22. 359: ἤματι τῷ ὅτε κέν σε Πάρις καὶ Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων | ἐσθλὸν ἐόντ᾽ ὀλέσωσιν ἐνὶ Σκαιῇσι πύλῃσι.

καιόμενος: See O. 3.6.

τυγχάνοντ᾽ εὖ πασχέμεν = εὐτυχοῦντ᾽ εὖ πασχέμεν. Compare O. 2.56: τὸ δὲ τυχεῖν, “success,” and N. 1.32: ἀλλ᾽ ἐόντων εὖ παθεῖν, κτἑ.

ἄλλοτε δ᾽ ἀλλοῖαι , κτἑ.: O. 7.95: ἄλλοτ᾽ ἀλλοῖαι διαιθύσσοισιν αὖραι.

πάμπολυς: So Dissen for ὃς πολύς. Others ἄπλετος. π. with ἐπιβρίσαις, “in all its fulness.”

ἐπιβρίσαις: “Coming down with weight.”

Epode 5

σμικρὸς ἐν σμικροῖς , κτἑ.: σμικροῖς is neut. “I will be small when my fortunes are small, great when they are great.” P. puts himself in Hieron's place. See O. 3.45.

τὸν ἀμφέποντ᾽ αἰεὶ . . . δαίμονα: “My shifting fortune.” Though prosperity is a πολύφιλος ἑπέτας, excessive prosperity is dangerous, and the wise man must be prepared to do homage to the fortunes that attend him from time to time.

φρασίν: “Heartily.”

ἀσκήσω: So ἀσκεῖται Θέμις, O. 8.22; N. 11.8. . of honor and homage, while θεραπεύων is used of service.

κατ᾽ ἐμὰν . . . μαχανάν: “To the extent of my power,” “with all my might.” Cf. v. 62: τὰν ἔμπρακτον ἄντλει μαχανάν.

εἰ δέ μοι . . . ὀρέξαι: Hieron might be expected to say ὤρεξεν. P. looks upon such fortune as a dream. See note on O. 6.4.

εὑρέσθαι: “Gain.” P. 1.48.

πρόσω: With a solemn indefiniteness, that is yet made sufficiently plain by the mention of Nestor and Sarpedon. The πρόσω is “among them that shall call this time ancient” (Dante), where songs shall make thee what N. and S. are to us.

Νέστορα: A model prince, though mentioned by P. only here and P. 6.35, Μεσσανίου γέροντος.

Σαρπηδόνα: Lykian Sarpedon balances (Pylian) Nestor. One shining light is taken out of each camp. Sarpedon, we are reminded, was the grandson of Bellerophon, B. was from Corinth, and Corinth was the metropolis of Syracuse. But P. is thinking of Homer and the looming figures of Nestor on the Greek, Sarpedon on the Trojan side. Some quiet mischief in this, perhaps (N. 7.21).

ἀνθρώπων φάτις: φάτι_ς = φάτιας, hominum fabulas, compare “the talk of the town” — “whose names are in every mouth.”

τέκτονες: So Kratinos (Schol., Ar. Eq. 527): τέκτονες εὐπαλάμων ὕμνων.

ἅρμοσαν: “Framed.” So Lat. pangere.

χρονία τελέθει: Cf. N. 4.6: ῥῆμα δ᾽ ἑργμάτων χρονιώτερον βιοτεύει.

πράξασθαι) = εὑρέσθαι (v. 111).

Arkesilas1 IV., son of Battos IV., king of Kyrene, won a Pythian victory with the chariot, P. 3.1 (Ol. 78, 3 = 466 B.C.). This victory is commemorated in the fourth and fifth Pythian odes. P. 5 was composed to celebrate the return of the victorious πομπή, which took place, as has been conjectured, at the time of the Κάρνεια, a festival which fell about the same time as the Pythian. The fourth ode was doubtless composed to be sung at a banquet in the royal palace, and seems to have been prepared at the urgent request of one Damophilos, who had been exiled by Arkesilas for participating in an aristocratic rebellion. That he was related to Arkesilas, that he was akin to Pindar, is little more than conjecture. “Urgent request” means in Pindar's case a lordly recompense. The poem was a grand peace-offering, and the reconciliation had doubtless been quietly arranged in advance.

Not only in size, but also in many other respects, the fourth Pythian is Pindar's greatest poem — a prime favorite with all Pindaric scholars. The obscurities are few in proportion to the bulk, the diction is noble and brilliant. The aesthetic value is great, for in this poem we have a whole incorporated theory of the lyric treatment of epic themes, the Argonautic expedition in points of light.

After a brief invocation of the Muse, Pindar tells how the priestess of Apollo bade Battos leave his sacred island, Thera, and found a city on a shimmering hill in Libya, and thus bring to honor the prophecy of Medeia (vv. 1-9).

In the Prophecy of Medeia, we learn the story of the wonderful clod that a deity delivered to the Argonaut Euphamos where the Libyan lake Tritonis empties into the sea. Washed overboard, this symbol of sovereignty followed the wet main to Thera, whence the descendants of Euphamos should, at the bidding of Apollo, go forth and possess the land promised to their ancestor (vv. 10-56).

Such is the prophecy that was fulfilled by Battos, the founder of Kyrene, and it is to the descendant of this Battos in the eighth generation that Apollo has given the glory of the victory in the chariot-race, the theme of Pindar's song (vv. 57-69).

So far the overture. Then follows the Quest of the Golden Fleece, or the Voyage of the Argonauts, which constitutes the bulk of the poem (vv. 70-256).

On their return voyage the Argonauts had shared the couches of Lemnian heroines. From such a union came the stock of Euphamos, which went first to Lakedaimon, thence to Thera, and from Thera to Kyrene (v. 261).

Here the poem seems to pause. A stop at Κυράνας (v. 261) would satisfy mind and ear. But P. continues with an afterthought participle, which emphasizes the importance of right counsel, and prepares the message that he has to deliver. The message is one that needs delicate handling, and, like the wise woman of Tekoah, P. clothes it in a parable — the Apologue of the Lopped Oak (vv. 263-268).

The answer is not given at once. The king is a healer that knows well the art of the soothing hand. The king is one that, under the guidance of God, can put the shaken city on its true foundation. He has only to will and it is done. Let him then take counsel, and consider what Homer said, that a fair messenger makes fair tidings. Such a fair messenger is the poet's Muse (vv. 270-279).

The way being thus prepared, the name of Damophilos is mentioned for the first time, and the praise of the banished nobleman is blended with an appeal for such forgiveness as Zeus accorded the Titans. “Let him see his home again; let him take his delight in banquets by Apollo's fountain. Let him make melody on the harp. Let his days be days of quietness, himself all harmless, by the world unharmed. Then he can tell what a wellspring of song he found for Arkesilas at Thebes” (vv. 281-299).

As the fourth Pythian is thrown out of line with the other odes by its size, and as this characteristic determines the handling of the poem, the distribution of the masses becomes a matter of leading importance and cannot be relegated, as has been done elsewhere, to a mere summary. Pindar nowhere else goes beyond five triads. Here he has the relatively vast structure of thirteen. If the introduction bore any proportion to the myth, or to the introductions of the other poems, we should have a large porch of song. What do we find? The poet seems to enter upon the theme at once, as if he were composing an epic and not a lyric. The ringing relative that so often introduces the myth makes itself heard almost immediately after the invocation of the Muse (v. 4). We slip out of port in a moment, and find ourselves in the midst of the returning Argonauts. But the introduction is longer than it seems. The first three triads constitute an introductory epyllion — the Prophecy of Medeia — which bears a just proportion to the rest. Only if the usual measure were observed the myth would occupy seven triads and the conclusion three (3+7+3), but the story runs over into the eleventh triad, when the poet chides himself as having lingered too long (v. 247), and the slow imperfects give way to the rapid aorists. He calls on Arkesilas (v. 250) in order to show that he is hasting to Kyrene, and the emphasis laid on the guidance of Apollo prepares the conclusion. Notice that the story of the Argonauts makes the same returning sweep to Arkesilas and Apollo as the Prophecy of Medeia (vv. 65, 66). Apollo is an oracular god, and speaks in riddles. “So read me,” the poet says, “the riddle of Oidipus” (v. 263). After this riddle is given, “fulfil the word of Homer” (v. 277). Both Oidipus and Homer, be it noted, are Apollinic. The answer to the riddle is — Damophilos (v. 281); but it is not until the poet has claimed the good messenger's credit, according to the word of Homer, that he brings forth the name. The poem closes with a commendation of the banished nobleman, and with the evident intimation that this song was made at his desire (v. 299).

The myth itself (vv. 70-256) is natural enough. It is natural enough that in celebrating the victory of Arkesilas, Pindar should sing of the founding of Kyrene; and the introduction of the Argonautic expedition may be justified on general grounds; but this is not the only time that Pindar has sung Kyrene. In P. 5 Battos and the Aigeidai come to honor, in P. 9, the heroine Kyrene, but there is no such overwhelming excess of the myth. In the length of the myth nothing more is to be seen than the costliness of the offering. If the poem was to be long, the myth must needs be long.

There are those who see in Pindar's Argonautic expedition a parable. Damophilos is Iason. Then Arkesilas must be Pelias — which is incredible. Damophilos is anybody else, anything else. Sooner the soul of Phrixos (v. 159), sooner the mystic clod that Euphamos received (v. 21). The tarrying of the soul of Phrixos, the drifting of the clod, the long voyage of the Argonauts, may be symbolical of the banishment of Damophilos. He could not rest save in Kyrene (v. 294). The true keynote, then, is the sweetness of return, the sweetness of the fulfilment of prophecy and of the fruition of hope long deferred. The ancient prophecy came to pass, and Battos founded Kyrene (vv. 6, 260). The word of Medeia was brought to honor in the seventeenth generation (v. 10). The ships should one day be exchanged for chariots (v. 18). The clod, following the watery main, was borne to Thera, not to Tainaros (v. 42), and yet the pledge failed not. Iason came back to his native land (v. 78). Everybody comes back, not Iason alone, else the moral were too pointed. Let Damophilos come back. Let there be one Kyrenaian more.

The measures are dactylo-epitrite (Dorian), and the grave, oracular tone is heard in rhythm as well as in diction.

“As this poem, among all the Pindaric odes, approaches the epos most closely, so the rhythmical composition reminds one of the simplicity of an hexametrical hymn. Four times in succession we have precisely the same pentapody, “ 3 u | - - | - u u | - u u | - ^
” the close of which reminds us of the hexameter, which, like it, prefers the trisyllabic bar towards the close. Another example of this will be sought in vain throughout Pindar. These five pentapodies are followed by nine tetrapodies, interrupted only by a dipody in the middle of the strophe, where there is usually most movement” (J. H. H. Schmidt).

Strophe 1

σάμερον . . . στᾶμεν: So N. 1.19:ἔσταν δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ αὐλείαις θύραις” . P. “floats double.” The Muse is his shadow. στᾶμεν =στῆναι. So βᾶμεν (v. 39)=βῆναι.

ἀνδρὶ φίλῳ: See on P. 1.92.

εὐίππου: Compare v. 17.

Κυράνας: See on P. 1.60.

Ἀρκεσίλᾳ: The position gives zest to the postponed proper name. Compare P. 8.42.

Λατοίδαισιν: Compare N. 6.42: ἀδὼν ἔρνεσι Λατοῦς (of a victory at the Pythian games); 9, 4: ματέρι καὶ διδύμοις παίδεσσιν . . . Πυθῶνος αἰπεινᾶς ὁμοκλάροις ἐπόπταις. Apollo and Artemis, together with their mother, presided over the Pythian games. Hence ὀφειλόμενον. — αὔξῃς: “Freshen the gale of songs” (Fennell).

οὖρον ὕμνων: N. 6.31: οὖρον . . . ἐπέων. P. makes much use of nautical metaphors and similes, but as the Battiads were originally Minyans, a manner of Vikings (O. 14.4), there is a special Argonautical propriety in this use of οὖρον.

χρυσέων . . . αἰητῶν: There were two golden eagles on the ὀμφαλός at Delphi, the white stone navel, at which two eagles, sent from east and west, had met, and so determined the centre of the earth. αἰητῶν in one MS.

οὐκ ἀποδάμου . . . τυχόντος: When the god was present in person the oracle was so much more potent. Cf. P. 3.27: ἐν δ᾽ ἄρα μηλοδόκῳ Πυθῶνι τόσσαις. Apollo was a migratory god, now in Lykia, now in Delos (P. 1.39). For Apollo's sojourn among the Hyperboreans, see P. 10.30 foll.

ἵρεα, an Aeolic form = ἱέρεια, which Christ gives. Böckh and others, ἱρέα.

χρῆσεν οἰκιστῆρα Βάττον: “Appointed by an oracle Battos (as) colonizer.” Compare O. 7.32: πλόον εἶπε, where the verbal element is felt, as here.

καρποφόρου Λιβύας: P. 9.63 οὔτε παγκάρπων φυτῶν νήποινον.

ἱερὰν | ϝᾶσον: Thera (Santorini = Saint Eirene).

ὡς . . . κτίσσειεν = κτίσαι. As χρῆσεν is here a verb of will, ὡς is hardly so purely final as in O. 10 (11), 31; N. 8.36. It is used rather as ὄφρα, P. 1.72. Compare Il. 1. 558: τῇ σ᾽ ὀίω κατανεῦσαι ἐτήτυμον ὡς Ἀχιλῆα | τιμήσῃς, ὀλέσῃς δὲ πολέας ἐπὶ νηυσὶν Ἀχαιῶν, and L. and S. ed. 7, S. V. ὅπως, end.

ἀργινόεντι μαστῷ: “A shimmering hill,” an Albion Mamelon. P. 9.59: ὄχθον . . . ἀμφίπεδον. Kyrene was built on a chalk cliff. For description and recent researches, see F. B. Goddard in Am. Journ. of Philology, V. 31 foll.

Antistrophe 1

ἀγκομίσαι: “Bring back safe,” “redeem,” “fulfil.” Cf. “my word shall not return unto me void.” The MSS. have ἀγκομίσαι θ᾽, of which the editors have made ἀγκομίσαιθ᾽. P. nowhere uses the middle of κομίζω, nor is it necessary here.

ἑβδόμᾳ καὶ σὺν δεκάτᾳ: As this is not equivalent to σὺν ἑβδόμᾳ καὶ σὺν δεκάτᾳ, P. 1.14 is not a parallel. Cf. O. 13.58: γένει φίλῳ σὺν Ἀτρέος. It is idle to count these seventeen generations.

Θήραιον: “Uttered in Thera,” the ἁλίπλακτος γᾶ of v. 14.

ζαμενής: Animosa. Others think of non sine dis animosa, and consider Medea “inspired.” It is simply “bold,” “brave,” “highspirited,” as suits such a heroine. There is no such curious adaptation of epithet to circumstance as we find in the hivework of Horace (“apis Matinae | more modoque”).

Κέκλυτε: The speech ends, v. 56.

Ἐπάφοιο κόραν: Epaphos, son of Zeus and Io. The Scholiasts notice the blending of nymph and country, which is very easy here, as ῥίζαν and φυτεύσεσθαι are often used of persons. N. 5.7: ἐκ δὲ Κρόνου καὶ Ζηνὸς ἥρωας αἰχματὰς φυτευθέντας τᾶσδε γᾶς.

ἀστέων ῥίζαν: This root, which is to spring up out of Libya, is Kyrene, metropolis of Apollonia, Hesperides, Barka, etc.

φυτεύσεσθαι: “Shall have planted in her” (Fennell), as one should say “shall conceive and bring forth.” P. has no fut. pass. apart from the fut. middle.

μελησίμβροτον: Only here in Greek. Compare Od. 12. 70: Ἀργὼ πᾶσι μέλουσα.

ἐν Ἄμμωνος θεμέθλοις: The whole region was sacred to Zeus Ammon (Schol.).

Epode 1

ἀντὶ δελφίνων, κτἑ.: The dolphins were to the Greeks the horses of the sea, and we must not spoil poetry by introducing the notions of “fisheries” and “studs,” as some have done. On the speed of the dolphin, see P. 2.50: θεὸς . . . θαλασσαῖον παραμείβεται | δελφῖνα, and N. 6.72: δελφῖνί κεν | τάχος δι᾽ ἅλμας εἰκάζοιμι Μελησίαν.

θοάς: O. 12.3.

ἁνία τ᾽ ἀντ᾽ ἐρετμῶν δίφρους τε: ἓν διὰ δυοῖν, in the extreme form assumed here, can hardly be proved for Greek, and ἁνία δίφρους τε is not ἁνία δίφρων. The correspondence between “oar” and “rein” is not to be pressed, the “rein” being rather “the rudder” (πηδάλιον). The two spheres of ship and chariot have much in common, and borrow much from each other.

νωμάσοισιν: νωμᾶν of ships, P. 1.86: νώμα δικαίῳ πηδαλίῳ στρατόν, of reins, as here, I. 1, 15: ἁνία . . . νωμάσαντα). Subject “they,” i. e., “men.”

ἀελλόποδας: For the metonymy, compare P. 2.11: ἅρματα πεισιχάλινα, and O. 5.3: ἀκαμαντόποδος ἀπήνας.

κεῖνος ὄρνις: “That token,” the clod of earth (v. 21). ὄρνις and οἰωνός are familiarly used without too lively a sense of the bird meaning. See Ar. Av. 719:ὄρνιν δὲ νομίζετε πάνθ᾽ ὅσαπερ περὶ μαντείας διακρίνει” , and Professor Postgate in Amer. Journ. of Phil. IV. 70.

Τριτωνίδος ἐν προχοαῖς: The geography of the Argonautic expedition will always be misty, and the mistiness is essential to its poetry. On their return from Kolchoi, the Argonauts passed by the Phasis into Okeanos, thence to the Red Sea, carried their ship overland twelve days, reached Lake Tritonis, in Libya, and found an outlet from Lake Tritonis to the Mediterranean. The Okeanos is not our Ocean, the Red Sea is not our Red Sea, the Lake Tritonis that we know is inland, and Pindar is poetry.

θεῷ ἀνέρι ϝειδομένῳ: “A god taking to himself the likeness of man.” No ambiguity to a Greek. θεῷ depends on δέξατο (v. 22), which takes the dat. of interest (see O. 13.29), just as πρίασθαι, “buy,” and so “take off one's hands.” Ar. Ach. 812:πόσου πρίωμαί σοι τὰ χοιρίδια; λέγε” . A gift blesseth both. The god is supposed to be Triton. Poseidon was masking as his own son and speaking to his own son (v. 45).

γαῖαν: An immemorial symbolism. “With our Saxon ancestors the delivery of turf was a necessary solemnity to establish the conveyance of land.”

πρῴραθεν: Because he was πρῳρεύς.

αἴσιον . . . ἔκλαγξε βροντάν: “As a sign of favor he sounded a thunder peal.” Compare v. 197: ἐκ νεφέων δέ ϝοι ἀντάυσε βροντᾶς αἴσιον φθέγμα. Bergk reads βρονταίς, Aeolic participle, fr. βρόνταιμι = βροντῶ.

Strophe 2

ἄγκυραν: In Homer's time there were no ἄγκυραι, only εὐναί.

ποτί: With κρημνάντων.

χαλκόγενυν: The flukes bite; hence “jaws” of an anchor, which is itself a bit. Compare Lat. dens ancorae.

κρημνάντων: Commonly considered a genitive absolute with αὐτῶν, or the like, understood. Not an Homeric construction, and sparingly used in P. See O. 13.15, and below, v. 232: ὣς ἄρ᾽ αὐδάσαντος. ἐπέτοσσε takes the acc. P. 10.33, but it is hard to see why it cannot be construed with the genitive here, as ἐπέτυχε in prose.

ἐπέτοσσε=ἐπέτυχε: Sc. θεὸς ἀνέρι εἰδόμενος. On the change of subject, see O. 3.22.

δώδεκα . . . φέρομεν: φ. is imperfect. Definite numbers usu. take the aor., but the imperfect is used when the action is checked, usu. by the aor., sometimes by the imperf. There are numberless passages from Homer on, Od. 2. 106: ὣς τρίετες μὲν ἔληθε . . . ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε τέτρατον ἦλθεν ἔτος. Cf. Il. 1. 53. 54; 9, 470. 474; Od. 3. 118. 119. 304. 306, al.

νώτων . . . ἐρήμου: Cf. v. 228: νῶτον γᾶς, and Homer's εὐρέα νῶτα θαλάσσης. Here we have a desert sea of sand.

εἰνάλιον δόρυ: Consecrated oracular language.

μήδεσιν: Medeia was not above an allusion to her name.

ἀνσπάσσαντες: Usu. “drawing ashore.” Mezger tr. “shouldering.”

ἀμοῖς = ἡμετέροις = ἐμοῖς, P. 3.41.

οἰοπόλος: An Homeric word, Il. 13. 473; Od. 11. 574.

δαίμων: The god of v. 21.

περ᾽ ὄψιν θηκάμενος: So Bergk, after the Schol., for πρόσοψιν θηκάμενος. περιθηκάμενος, “having put on.” In resuming the story P. amplifies it.

ἅτε: “As,” “such as those in which.”

εὐεργέται: “The hospitable.” I. 5 (6), 70: ξένων εὐεργεσίαις ἀγαπᾶται.

δεῖπν᾽ ἐπαγγέλλοντι: The model words are found in Od. 4. 60, where Menelaos: σίτου θ᾽ ἅπτεσθον καὶ χαίρετον.

Antistrophe 2

ἀλλὰ γάρ: “But it might not be for.” Cf. O. 1.55.

πρόφασις: Is an assigned reason, true or false.

Εὐρύπυλος: Son of Poseidon and Kelaino, and king of Libya (Schol.). Poseidon (Triton) assumes a name like one of his own attributes. εὐρυβίας (O. 6.58), εὐρυμέδων (O. 8.31).

Ἐννοσίδα: So v. 173. In Homer ἐννοσίγαιος, ἐνοσίχθων.

ἀρούρας: Is not felt as dependent on προτυχόν, which comes in as an after-thought, but as a partitive on ἁρπάξαις.

προτυχόν: “What presented itself,” “what came to hand.”

οὐδ᾽ ἀπίθησέ νιν: “Nor did he fail to persuade him.” Herm. οὐδ᾽ ἀπίθησέ ϝιν (dat.), “nor did he disobey him,” the subject coming up emphatically in the second clause — the ἥρως (Euphemos) being set off against the god (Eurypylos).

ϝοι: The position speaks for dependence on χεῖρ᾽ ἀντερείσαις. See O. 2.16.

βώλακα: More special and technical than γαῖαν (v. 21).

δαιμονίαν: “Fateful.”

ἐναλίαν βᾶμεν: So Thiersch for ἐναλίᾳ βᾶμεν σὺν ἅλμᾳ. The adj. (esp. in -ιος) for the prepos. and subst. So ὑπαίθριος (O. 6.61). Compare “πεδάρσιοι ναίουσι,Aisch. Prom. 710 ; θυραῖον οἰχνεῖν, So. El. 313. The ἐναλία βῶλαξ would thus match the εἰνάλιον δόρυ and take its own course.

βᾶμεν = βῆναι. See v. 1.

σὺν ἅλμᾳ: Comitative-instrumental use of σύν. See P. 12.21. The clod went with the spray by which it was washed into the sea.

Epode 2

ἑσπέρας: When men wax tired and careless.

σπομέναν: Coincident with βᾶμεν.

μάν: Protest.

ὤτρυνον: “I, Medeia.” ὤτ. with dat., like κελεύω in poetry.

λυσιπόνοις: “Who relieve their masters of their toils.” So also Schol. Il. 24. 734. “Reliefs,” “relays,” would be to us a natural translation.

πρὶν ὥρας: First and extremely rare use of πρίν as a preposition.

εἰ γὰρ οἴκοι νιν βάλε: Wish passing over into condition.

Ἄιδα στόμα: This was one of the most famous entrances to Hades.

ϝἱὸς ἱππάρχου Ποσειδάωνος: A half-brother of Eurypylos on the Triton theory. This Poseidonian origin accounts for the Battiadai's love of horses.

τίκτε: See O. 6.41.

Καφισοῦ παρ᾽ ὄχθαις: A Minyan of Orchomenos (see O. 14), and so an interesting figure to a Boeotian poet. παρ᾽ ὄχθαις as παρὰ κρημνοῖσιν, P. 3.34.

Strophe 3

τετράτων παίδων . . . αἷμα: The blood (offspring, N. 3.65) of the fourth generation (τ. π. ἐπιγεινομένων need not be genitive absolute) is the fifth generation, the time of the Dorian migration, or the return of the Herakleidai.

σὺν Δαναοῖς: The Danaoi (or Achaians) were the old inhabitants of the Peloponnesos, who were driven out by the general unsettling known as the Dorian conquest.

κε ... λάβε: One of P.'s few unreal conditions. See O. 12.13.

ἐξανίστανται: Prophetic present, as O. 8.42.

Λακεδαίμονος , κτἑ.: The order is the line of invasion, though such coincidences are not to be pressed.

νῦν γε: Regularly νῦν δέ. “As it is.”

ἀλλοδαπᾶν . . . γυναικῶν: The prophecy fulfilled, v. 252: μίγεν . . . Λαμνιᾶν . . . ἔθνει γυναικῶν ἀνδροφόνων. These murderous brides are often mentioned in classic poetry. See O. 4.17.

εὑρήσει: See P. 2.64. Subject is Εὔφαμος.

τάνδε . . . νᾶσον: P.'s range of the terminal acc. is not wide. For ἐλθεῖν with δόμον, see O. 14.20; with μέγαρον, P. 4.134; with πεδίον, P. 5.52; with Λιβύαν, I. 3 (4), 71; with a person, I. 2, 48. For μολεῖν, see O. 9.76; N. 10.36. ἵκεο (P. 9.55; Ν. 3, 3), ἵκοντι (O. 10 [11], 95), ἀφίκετο (P. 5.29), ἀφίξεται (P. 8.54), ἐξίκετο (P. 11.35) hardly count, as these verbs are felt as transitives, “reach.”

οἵ κεν . . . τέκωνται: The plural agrees with the sense of γένος. κεν, with the subj., as a more exact future, where in prose the future indic. would be employed; an Homeric construction, nowhere else in P.

σὺν τιμᾷ θεῶν: θ., subjective genitive, “favor of the gods.” Cf. v. 260.

φῶτα: Battos (Aristoteles), who is glorified in the next ode.

κελαινεφέων: Kyrene had rain, the rest of Libya none. Hence κ. by contrast rather than absolutely.

πολυχρύσῳ: So. O.R. 151: τᾶς πολυχρύσου | Πνθῶνος. The presence of Phoibos is emphasized, as v. 5.

ἀμνάσει = ἀναμνάσει.

θέμισσιν: “Oracles.” Pl. as ἀγγελίαις, O. 3.28.

Antistrophe 3

καταβάντα: The threshold is much higher than the floor (Od. 22. 2: ἆλτο δ᾽ ἐπὶ μέγαν οὖδον); hence, κατ᾽ οὔδου βάντα, Od. 4. 680.

χρόνῳ | ὑστέρῳ: With καταβάντα.

ἀγαγέν: Doric = ἀγαγεῖν (see O. 1.3).

Νείλοιο πρὸς . . . τέμενος Κρονίδα: “To the Nile precinct of Kronides” (Zeus Ammon). With Νείλοιο τέμενος, compare O. 2.10: οἴκημα ποταμοῦ = οἴκ. ποτάμιον. The Schol. combines N. Κρονίδα, and considers it equivalent to Διὸς Νείλου, but there is no Ζεὺς Νεῖλος in the sense meant.

ῥα: The Homeric asseveration (Il. 16. 750; Od. 12. 280) is well suited to the solemn, oracular passage.

ἐπέων στίχες: “Rows of words,” “oracular, verses.” On the absence of εἰσι, see O. 1.1.

ἔπταξαν: Only here in P. Not the usual tone of the word, which is ordinarily “to cower,” as in So. Ai. 171: σιγῇ πτήξειαν ἄφωνοι. The attitude here assumed is that of brooding thought.

υἱὲ Πολυμνάστου: Aristoteles - Battos (v. 52).

σὲ δ᾽: O. 1.36.

ἐν τούτῳ λόγῳ: “In consonance with this word” (of prophecy).

ὤρθωσεν: “Exalted,” “glorified.”

μελίσσας: “The bee” is the Pythia. Honey is holy food. Cf. O. 6.47.

αὐτομάτῳ κελάδῳ: “Unprompted cry.” He had only asked a remedy for his stuttering tongue.

ἐς τρίς: The consecrated number.

αὐδάσαισα: The original sense of αὐδᾶν is not lost, as is shown by κελάδῳ, “loudly bade thee Hail!” The oracle is given by Herodotos, 4, 155: Βάττ᾽ ἐπὶ φωνὴν ἦλθες: ἄναξ δέ σε Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων | ἐς Λιβύην πέμπει μηλοτρόφον οἰκιστῆρα.

Epode 3

δυσθρόου φωνᾶς: “Slowness of speech.” Βάττος means “stutterer.” Cf. βατταρίζω. His real name was Ἀριστοτέλης. Herodotos (l. c.) says that B. was the Libyan word for “king.”

ποινά: ἀμοιβὴ λύσις (Schol.).

μάλα δή: Nowhere else in P. Od. 9. 507: μάλα δή με παλαίφατα θέσφαθ᾽ ἱκάνει. There of a painful revelation, here of a joyous vision.

μετά: Adverbial.


φοινικανθέμου ἦρος: I. 3, 36: φοινικέοισιν ἄνθησεν ῥόδοις. The rose is the flower by excellence. Arkesilas was in the flower, the rosy flush of his youth.

παισὶ τούτοις , κτἑ.: “These children” are the descendants of Battos, to whom A. is the eighth bloom. “Eighth in the line of these descendants blooms Arkesilas.” Battos is counted in after the Greek fashion.

μέρος: P. 12.11: τρίτον κασιγνητᾶν μέρος.

Ἀπόλλων τε Πυθώ: A complex; hence ἔπορεν. Compare O. 5.15.

κῦδος . . . ἱπποδρομίας: “Glory in chariot-racing.” Others make ἀμφικτιόνων depend on ἱπποδρομίας.

ἐξ ἀμφικτιόνων: ἐξ is “over,” O. 8.54. ἀμφικτιόνων, not Ἀμφικτυόνων, “the surrounding inhabitants.” This is understood of those who lived around Delphi, but it would apply with more force to the Libyan rivals of Arkesilas. So. El. 702: δύο | Λίβυες ζυγωτῶν ἁρμάτων ἐπιστάται.

ἀπὸ . . . δώσω: “I will assign him to the Muses” as a fit theme for song. The meetness lies in ἀπό, often used of that which is due. Cf. I. 7 (8), 59: ἔδοξ᾽ ἆρα καὶ ἀθανάτοις, | ἐσλόν γε φῶτα καὶ φθίμενον ὕμνοις θεᾶν διδόμεν.

αὐτόν: Ipsum. Euphamos in contrast to τῷ μέν, his descendant, Arkesilas, the δέ shifting, as often in P. See O. 11 (10), 8.

σφισιν: The house of Euphamos.

φύτευθεν: I. 5, 12: δαίμων φυτεύει δόξαν ἐπήρατον. θάλλει, v. 65, shimmers through.

Strophe 4

δέξατο: Without an object, as ἄγει, P. 2.17. Bergk reads ἀρχη ᾿κδέξατο.

κίνδυνος: The dangerous quest, the ναυτιλία.

κρατεροῖς . . . ἅλοις: The Argonauts were riveted to their enterprise as the planks were riveted to the Argo, which may have suggested the figure, but we must not forget that Hera inspired them (v. 184), and so may be said to have driven the nails. The passages cited certatim by the editors do not really help, such as Aisch. P. V. 64, and Hor. Od. 1, 35, 17. These are not the nails of necessity, but the nails of passion — the nails that fastened the ἶυγξ to her wheel, just as the proverb ἧλον ἥλῳ, clavum clavo pellere can be used “of the expulsive power of a new affection.”

ἀδάμαντος: On the genitive see O. 2.79. . iron of special hardness.

ἐξ ἀγαυῶν Αἰ.: ἐξ of the source, not of the agent. So Thuc. 1, 20.

Αἰολιδᾶν: Here is the genealogy of Iason that seems to be followed:

Aiolos Enarea Kretheus Salmoneus Athamas Aison Pheres Amuthan Tyro Poseidon Phrixos IASON Admetos Melampos Pelias Neleus Nestor Periklumenos

ἀκάμπτοις: Pelias perished by the latter means. ., “inflexible,” “invincible.”

ἦλθε δέ ϝοι . . . θυμῷ: On the double dative, see O. 2.16. ϝοι depends on θυμῷ κρυόεν. The relation is not that of apposition. Cf. P. 1.7: ϝοι . . . κρατί, and above, v. 37.

κρυόεν: “Blood-curdling.”

πυκινῷ . . . θυμῷ: O. 13.52: Σίσυφον μὲν πυκνότατον παλάμαις ὡς θεόν. Pelias is not only “wary,” but “crafty.” Compare v. 138: βάλλετο κρηπῖδα σοφῶν ἐπέων.

μέσον ὀμφαλόν: See note on v. 4.

εὐδένδροιο . . . ματέρος: Gaia was the first tenant of the oracle.

πρῶτον μὲν εὐχῇ τῇδε πρεσβεύω θεῶν
τὴν πρωτόμαντιν Γαῖαν,

and the ὀμφαλός was a reminder of her. N. 7.33: παρὰ μέγαν ὀμφαλὸν εὐρυκόλπου | μολὼν χθονός. Cf. P. 6.3; 8, 59; 11, 10.

αἰπεινῶν ἀπὸ σταθμῶν: On Pelion, where he was brought up by Cheiron. στ. is used in its special Homeric sense.

εὐδείελον: The Homeric signification “far-seen” suits Kronion after a fashion (Ο. 1, 111), but not Iolkos, whereas “sunny,” an old interpretation, suits Kronion perfectly (O. 3.24), and is not inapt for Iolkos, as opposed to the forest shade of Pelion and the cave of the Centaur. P. was not always clear himself as to the traditional vocabulary.

Antistrophe 4

ξεῖνος αἴτ᾽ ὦν ἀστός: Only passage where αἴτε is used = εἴτε. Even in prose the first εἴτε is sometimes omitted. Iason was both.

αἰχμαῖσιν διδύμαισιν: As Homer's heroes. Od. 1. 256: ἔχων . . . δύο δοῦρε.

τε . . . ἀμφὶ δέ: τε . . . δέ, again P. 11.29, the reverse of the common shift, μὲν . . . τε (O. 4.13).

Μαγνήτων ἐπιχώριος: A close-fitting dress was necessary for hunters in a dense forest.

παρδαλέᾳ: So Paris, Il. 3. 17: παρδαλέην ὤμοισιν ἔχων καὶ καμπύλα τόξα | καὶ ξίφος: αὐτὰρ δοῦρε δύω κεκορυθμένα χαλκῷ | πάλλων. But Paris was brought up on Mt. Ida, not on Mt. Pelion, and P. has blended his colors. Philostratos II. (Imagg. c. 7) gives Iason a lion-skin, which is a symbol of the Sun, who was Medeia's grandsire, πατρὸς Ἥλιος πατήρ, Eur. Med. 1321.

φρίσσοντας ὄμβρους = φρίσσειν ποιοῦντας (Schol.). “Shivering showers” = “shivery showers.” But as ὄμβρος is a στρατὸς ἀμείλιχος (P. 6.12), “bristling showers” may well represent bristling spears. Compare Il. 7. 62: στίχες . . . ἔγχεσι πεφρικυῖαι.

οὐδὲ κομᾶν . . . κερθέντες: He was still a boy, and had not shorn his locks off — for Greek youths were wont to dedicate their first hair to the river-gods (Schol.). Hence Pelias' sneer at him, v. 98. Others think of the κάρη κομόωντες Ἀχαιοί, and the vindication of his Achaian origin, despite his strange attire.

ἅπαν νῶτον καταίθυσσον: For acc. compare P. 5.11: καταιθύσσει . . . μάκαιραν ἑστίαν. As P. seems to associate αἰθύσσω with αἴθω (P. 1.87; 5, 11), “flared all down his back.” Compare ἀγλαοί above.

σφετέρας = ἑᾶς. See O. 9.78.

ἀταρβάκτοιο (not in L. & S.) = ἀταρβάτοιο. Herm. reads ἀταρμύκτοιο after Hesych. ταρμύξασθαι: φοβηθῆναι. I. makes trial of his unaffrighted soul — his soul that cannot be affrighted — just as, on one interpretation, Kyrene makes trial of her unmeasured strength (P. 9.38).

ἐν ἀγορᾷ πλήθοντος ὄχλου: In prose, πληθούσης ἀγορᾶς, from 10 o'clock in the morning. Genitive of time, from which the genitive absolute, with present participle, springs.

Epode 4

ὀπιζομένων: Not genitive absolute. “Of the awed beholders.”

ἔμπας: “For all that,” though they knew not that he was the heir.

τις . . . καὶ τόδε: “Many a one (ὧδε δέ τις εἴπεσκε, Hom.), among other things this.”

Οὔ τί που: Half-question, half-statement. “It can't be, although it ought to be.” Compare Ar. Ran. 522, and the famous skolion of Kallistratos: Φίλταθ᾽ Ἁρμόδι᾽, οὔ τί που τέθνηκας.

οὐδὲ μάν: Swearing often indicates a doubt which one desires to remove (P. 1.63). Apollo's hair is the first thing suggested by the πλόκαμοι . . . ἀγλαοί (v. 82). Ares is next (ἔκπαγλος, v. 79) — but not so beautiful as Apollo, though Aphrodite's lord — then the demigods.

πόσις | Ἀφροδίτας: Ares, for Hephaistos is not recognized by Pindar as the husband of Aphrodite; nor is he by Homer in the Iliad, and the episode of Od. 8. 266 was discredited in antiquity.

ἐν δέ: And yet who else can it be, for Otos and Ephialtes are dead?

Νάξῳ: The Aloeidai were buried in Naxos and had a cult there.

Ὦτον . . . Ἐφιάλτα: Homer calls them πολὺ καλλίστους μετά γε κλυτὸν Ὠρίωνα (Od. 11. 310). According to him the brothers were slain by Apollo for threatening the immortals with war. According to another account, they slew each other by the device of Artemis. The comparisons are taken from the Artemis cycle, as Iason is clearly a hunter.

Ἐφιάλτα: For the voc. compare v. 175; P. 11.62. The voc. naturally gives special prominence and interest, but it must not be pressed too much, as has been done with Πατρόκλεις ἱππεῦ and Εὔμαιε συβῶτα. Metre and variety have much to do with such shifts.

καὶ μάν: It is hard to believe Tityos dead with this gigantic youth before our eyes; hence the oath by way of confirmation, as v. 87.

Τιτυόν: T. was slain by Artemis. Od. 11. 580: Λητὼ γὰρ ἥλκησε Διὸς κυδρὴν παράκοιτιν | Πυθώδ᾽ ἐρχομένην διὰ καλλιχόρον Πανοπῆος. Those who wish to moralize P.'s song see in these figures warning examples. It would be as fair to say that Tityos was introduced as a compliment to Arkesilas, whose ancestor he was (v. 46).

ὄφρα . . . ἔραται: ἔρα_ται is subj. A bit of obbligato reflection without any personal application. The Greek moralizes as Shakespeare quibbles.

τᾶν ἐν δυνατῷ φιλοτάτων: See P. 2.34.

Strophe 5

γάρυον: The lower range of this word, as O. 2.96.

ἀνὰ δ᾽ ἡμιόνοις: Compare O. 8.51: ἀν᾽ ἵπποις.

ἡμιόνοις ξεστᾷ τ᾽ ἀπήνᾳ: Greek seldom comes nearer than this to ἓν διὰ δυοῖν (v. 18). Mules were a favorite team among the Thessalians as well as among the Sicilians.

δεξιτερῷ: Iason had lost his left shoe in crossing the Anauros. See v. 75.

κλέπτων = καλύπτων. Cf. O. 6.36. The Greek associated the dissociate radicals of these words.

Ποίαν γαῖαν: There is something disrespectful about ποίαν, and γαῖαν is not especially courteous. The Homeric formula (Od. 1. 170) is: τίς πόθεν ἐσσ᾽ ἀνδρῶν; πόθι τοι πόλις ἠδὲ τοκῆες; Pelias had come προτροπάδαν, looking neither to the right nor to the left of him, his eye riveted on the unsandalled foot, and seeing nothing of the ὄπις on the face of the multitude.

ἀνθρώπων . . . χαμαιγενέων: “Groundling wenches.”

πολιᾶς . . . γαστρός: No father is mentioned (contrast Homer's τοκῆες), and the mother is an old drab, by whom Iason was “ditch-delivered.” The insinuation that she petted her child is not impossible, though to less prejudiced eyes Iason could not have suggested a μαμμάκυθος.

ἐξανῆκεν: “Sent forth,” “spewed forth,” “spawned.”

καταμιάναις: Ironical.

Antistrophe 5

θαρσήσαις ἀγανοῖσι γόγοις: Both lesson, that Iason had learned from Cheiron — boldness of action, gentleness of speech.

ἀμείφθη: This form, only here in P., becomes common in later times; perhaps “was moved to answer.” Cf. ἐστρατεύθη (P. 1.51).

οἴσειν: May be an undifferentiated fut., equiv. to a present. But the future = μέλλειν οἴσειν is defensible, “that I am going to show myself the bearer of Cheiron's training.” Cheiron's great lesson, reverence for Zeus, and reverence for one's parents (P. 6.23), is the very lesson which Iason is about to carry out. In restoring Aison he is obeying Zeus.

Χαρικλοῦς: Chariklo was the wife and Philyra the mother of Cheiron (P. 3.1).

κοῦραι . . . ἁγναί: Repels the πογιὰ γαστήρ, the old drab who is supposed to have spoiled him.

ϝέργον . . . εἰπών: Zeugma for ποιήσας.

εὐτράπελον: The reading of the old codices, ἐντράπεγον, might mean “to cause concern, shame, anxiety.” εὐτράπεγον (Cod. Perus.) would mean “shifty,” “deceitful.” “I have never said nor done aught that was not straightforward.” ἐκτράπελον (Schol.), “out of the way,” “insolent.”

ἀρχὰν ἀγκομίζων: So with Bergk after the grammarian Chairis for the MS. ἀρχαίαν κομίζων. ἀγκομίζων: “To get back,” pres. part. for fut. (ἀγκομίζων has been suggested, but is unnecessary. The conative present will serve. See O. 13.59. If ἀρχαίαν is read, notice how far the adjective carries in the equable dactylo-epitrites. Cf. O. 11 (10), 19.

πατρός: Pelias had asked for his mother, Iason proudly speaks of his father.

Epode 5

νιν: Sc. τιμάν.

λευκαῖς πιθήσαντα φρασίν: λευκαῖς is variously interpreted. “White,” i.e. “envious.” Others compare λευγαλέος (Il. 9. 119: φρεσὶ λευγαλέῃσι πιθήσας), λυγρός, Fennell λύσσα (λυκψα), “yielding to his mad desires.”

ἀρχεδικᾶν: “Lords by primal right,” “lawful lords.”

κᾶδος . . . θηκάμενοι: “Having made lamentation.”

μίγα κωκυτῷ: So μίγδα with dat., Il. 8. 437.

πέμπον: With the imperf. the thoughts follow the motion. See note on O. 2.23.

σπαργάνοις ἐν πορφυρέοις: The σπάργανα are also κροκωτά, N. 1.38.

νυκτὶ κοινάσαντες ὁδόν: “Having made night privy to the journey.” Time is often considered a companion (O. 2.11).

τράφεν = τρέφειν: The inf. as O. 6.33: ἥρωι πορσαίνειν δόμεν Εἰλατίδᾳ βρέφος.

Strophe 6

λευκίππων: White horses were princely. See P. 1.66: λευκοπώλων Τυνδαριδᾶν.

οὐ ξείναν ἱκοίμαν . . . ἄλλων: The MSS. have ἱκόμαν, which is unmetrical. οὐ ξείναν ι?̔́κοιμ᾽ ἄν (=ἀφιγμένος ἂν εἴην), “I can't have come to a strange land” would be easy, and an aorist ἵκοιμι is supported by ἵκωμι, Il. 9. 414, and by P. 2.36, where the codices have ι?̔κόντ᾽. The pure opt. might stand here as a half-wish, a thought begotten of a wish, “I hope it will turn out that I have come to no strange land,” οὐ being adhaerescent. Bergk has written οὐ μὰν ξεῖνος ἵκω γαῖαν ἄλλων, which does not explain the corruption. οὐ μάν does not occur in P., though οὐδὲ μάν does.

ἄλλων = ἀλλοτρίαν. Cumulative,

Φήρ = θήρ. Only of the Centaurs. P. 3.4.

ἔγνον = ἔγνωσαν.

πομφόλυξαν: For the plur. see P. 1.13. The dualistic neut. plur. often retains the plur. verb, and there are two streams of tears here.

ἃν περὶ ψυχάν: “All round (through) his soul” — κατὰ τὴν ἑαυτοῦ ψυχήν (Schol.).

Antistrophe 6

κασίγνητοι: Aison's brothers. See v. 72.

σφισιν: O. 3.39: Ἐμμενίδαις Θήρωνί τ᾽ ἐλθεῖν κῦδος. The brothers were an accession.

κατὰ κλέος: “At the report,” “close on the report.” Compare κατὰ πόδας, “at the heel of,” “following.”

Φέρης: See v. 72. Most memorable to us for his part in the Alkestis of Euripides, where he declines to die for his son Admetos: χαίρεις ὁρῶν φῶς, πατέρα δ᾽ οὐ χαίρειν δοκεῖς;

Υπερῇδα: A fountain in the ancient Pherai, near Iolkos, Hypereia. See commentators on Il. 2. 734; 6, 457.

ἐκ δὲ Μεσσάνας: Messene was distant, hence an implied antithesis to ἐγγὺς μέν.

Ἀμυθάν = Ἀμυθάων, as Ἀλκμάν for Α᾿λκμαίων (P. 8.46).

Μέλαμπος: A famous seer, son of Amythan. Od. 11. 259; 15, 225.

ἀνεψιόν: Must depend on ἷκεν — cf. P. 11.35: Στρόφιον ἐξίκετο — but it would be easier to have ἷκον (suggested by Bergk), and ἀνεψιοί (Hartung). ἷκον would then be in the schema Alcmanicum. See v. 179. It is wholly inconceivable that ἀνεψιόν should depend on εὐμενέοντες = φιλέοντες.

ἐν δαιτὸς . . . μοίρᾳ: At a shared, i. e. common, banquet.

ἁρμόζοντα: Compare N. 1.21: ἁρμόδιον δεῖπνον. The Thessalians lived well, as we know from Euripides' Alkestis, Plato's Kriton, and other familiar passages.

πᾶσαν . . . τάνυεν: “Stretched joy to its full extent,” “kept it up to its full height.”

δραπών: N. 2.8: δρέπεσθαι κάλλιστον ἄωτον. The aor., on account of the definite number (v. 26). Otherwise we should have expected the present part., as the action is coincident with τάνυεν.

Epode 6

πάντα: Acc. pl. with παρεκοινᾶτο. In contradistinction to v. 116: κεφάλαια λόγων.

θέμενος = ποιησάμενος. “Speaking in sober earnest.”

σπουδαῖον: Before v. 129 it was all εὐφροσύνα.

ἐπέσποντο: Figuratively. “They took sides with him.”

ἦλθον . . . μέγαρον: v. 51.

Τυροῦς ἐρασιπλοκάμου: See v. 72, and note the contrast to πολιᾶς . . . γαστρός, both at the time of bearing.

πραῢν . . . ὄαρον: Cf. v. 101. πραΰς, “gentle” by nature; ἥμερος, by culture (J. H. H. Schmidt).

ποτιστάζων: Compare the Biblical “distil” (Deut. 32, 2), and Homer's ῥέεν αὐδή.

βάλλετο κρηπῖδα: P. 7.3: κρηπῖδ᾽ ἀοιδᾶν βαλέσθαι. The metaphor shifts rapidly, but the notion of drink - offering is not foreign to that of laying the foundation.

Παῖ Π.: Stately genealogical address, with effective position of vocative.

Πετραίου: Poseidon was worshipped in Thessaly as the Cleaver of the Rock, because he had opened a way through the rock for the Peneios. On the π's, see v. 150.

Strophe 7

ὠκύτεραι: “Are but too swift.” N. 11.48: ἀπροσίκτων δ᾽ ἐρώτων ὀξύτεραι μανίαι.

ἔπιβδαν: “Day after the feast,” the next morning with all its horrors, next day's reckoning.

θεμισσαμένους ὀργάς: “Having ruled our tempers by the law of right (θέμις).”

ὑφαίνειν: Cf. v. 275.

μία βοῦς: Not common, yet not surprising after the frequent use of heifer (“Samson's heifer”) everywhere for a girl or young married woman. Cf. Aisch. Ag. 1126 (Kassandra speaks): ἄπεχε τῆς βοὸς τὸν ταῦρον.

θρασυμήδεϊ Σαλμωνεῖ: See v. 72. S. imitated Zeus's thunder and lightning, and was struck by lightning for his pains.

κείνων φυτευθέντες: v. 256: Εὐφάμου φυτευθέν.

σθένος ἀελίου: The sun rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

χρυ^σέου: υ_ in Homer, υ common in P.

Μοῖραι δ᾽ ἀφίστανται), κτἑ.: “The Fates withdraw . . . to hide their blush” (Dissen). This has a modern sound, but is better than Rauchenstein's, “The Fates avert their faces, if enmity among the members of a family obscures reverence (die heilige Scheu).” Hermann reads αἰδοῖ, and makes the Fates revolt against concealment.

Antistrophe 7

ἀκόντεσσιν: The historical Thessalians were famous ἀκοντισταί. X. Hell. 6, 1, 9.

ξανθάς: “dun.”

ἀπούραις ἁμετέρων τοκέων , κτἑ.: This is hardly πραῢς ὄαρος, according to modern ideas, but Iason warms as he goes on. Compare v. 109 with v. 101.

πλοῦτον πιαίνων: “Feeding fat thy wealth.” P. has an especial fancy for π- alliteration.

πονεῖ: “Irks,” a rare transitive use.

ταῦτα πορσύνοντα = ὅτι ταῦτα πορσύνει.

καὶ σκᾶπτον μόναρχον καὶ θρόνος: The verb of ταῦτα is not exhausted, and there is no need of a nominativus pendens.

Κρηθεΐδας: Aison.

ἱππόταις . . . λαοῖς: The Thessalian cavalry was famous.

εὔθυνε . . . δίκας: Solon, fr. IV. 37: εὐθύνει δὲ δίκας σκολιάς.

τὰ μέν: Notice the lordly indifference to τὰ δέ, which had already been disposed of — flocks and fields.

Epode 7

ἀναστήῃ: To which the ἀναστήσῃ, ἀναστήσῃς, of the MSS. points. ἀνασταίη, the opt., is a rare sequence and cannot be paralleled in P. As there is no touch of a past element, ἀνασταίη would be a wish, and detach itself from λῦσον. See Am. Journ. of Phil. IV. p. 425.

νεώτερον, itself threatening, is reinforced by κακόν.

Ἔσομαι | τοῖος: “I will be such” as thou wishest me to be, will do everything thou wishest. Compare the phrase παντοῖον γενέσθαι.

γηραιὸν μέρος: Yet Pelias belonged to the same generation with Iason, acc. to Pindar (see v. 72), although not acc. to Homer, who makes Aison and Pelias half-brothers (Od. 11. 254 foll.). This makes the fraud transparent. Notice also his vigorous entrance (v. 94). It is true that his daughters cut him up, in order to restore his youth, but that does not prove that he was as old a man as Aison.

σὸν δ᾽ ἄνθος ἥβας κυμαίνει: κ. “is swelling,” “is bourgeoning.” κῦμα is not only the “wave,” but also the “swelling bud.” (J. H. H. Schmidt).

κομίξαι: This refers to the ceremony of ἀνάκλησις, by which the ghosts of those who had died and been buried in foreign parts were summoned to return home and rest in their cenotaph. So we might translate κ., “lay.”

ἐλθόντας: We should expect ἐλθόντα, sc. τινά. But there is a ἡμᾶς in Pelias' conscience.

Strophe 8

ματρυιᾶς: Ino-Leukothea, acc. to the common form of the familiar legend; acc. to P., Demodike (Schol.).

εἰ μετάλλατόν τι: “Whether there is aught to be followed up.” Dreams might be false, for they come through the gate of ivory as well as through the gate of horn, Od. 19. 562.

ὀτρύνει: Sc. Ἀπόλλων, a very natural ellipsis whenever oracles are mentioned.

ναῒ πομπάν: Almost as one word, “a ship-home-bringing.” πομπάν: Od. 6. 290; 10, 18.

τέλεσον . . . προήσειν = ἐὰν τελέσῃς . . . προήσω.

μοναρχεῖν | καὶ βασιλευέμεν: Compare v. 152: καὶ σκᾶπτον μόναρχον καὶ θρόνος.

Ζεὺς γενέθλιος: Cf. O. 8.16. Z. was the father of their common ancestor, Aiolos.

κρίθεν = διεκρίθησαν.

Antistrophe 8

ἐόντα πλόον = ὅτι ὄντως ἔστιν.

φαινέμεν: Compare the use of φρουρὰν φαίνειν among the Spartans, Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 23. 5, 6. There may be an allusion to fire-signals

τρεῖς: Herakles, Kastor, Polydeukes.

ἑλικοβλεφάρου: Of Aphrodite, fr. IX. 2, 5: Ἀφροδίτας ἑλικοβλεφάρου. Cf. Hesiod. Theog. 16; Hymn. Hom. V. 19.

Ἐννοσίδα: Of the sons of Poseidon (v. 33), Euphamos, ancestor of Arkesilas, is from Tainaros (v. 44); Periklymenos, grandson of Poseidon, brother of Nestor (Od. 11. 286), is from Pylos. Notice the chiasm. They are all Minyans.

αἰδεσθέντες ἀλκάν: In modern parlance, “from self-respect,” ἀλκάν being an equiv. of “self,” as χαίταν (O. 14.24), as κόμας (P. 10.40). ἀλκάν is “repute for valor,” a brachylogy made sufficiently plain by κλέος below. αἰδώς and αἰσχύνη are often used in the sense of military honor. Il. 15. 561: φίλοι, ἀνέρες ἔστε, καὶ αἰδῶ θέσθ᾽ ἐνὶ θυμῷ. See also v. 185.

ὑψιχαῖται: Hardly a reference to the top-knot. Poseidon's sons were all tall (the unit of measurement being the fathom), and if they were tall, so was their hair. Cf. οἰόζωνος (So. O.R. 846), “ἑκατομπόδων(O. C. 717) .

Περικλύμενε: Compare v. 89. P. has no special interest in Periklymenos.

εὐρυβία: A title in the Poseidon family, O. 6.58; P. 2.12.

ἐξ Ἀπόλλωνος: Orpheus is the son of Oiagros (fr. X. 8, 10; hence ἐξ . may be taken as ‘sent by.’ Cf. Hes. Theog. 94.

ἀοιδᾶν πατήρ: Even in prose the speech-master at a symposium is a πατὴρ λόγου (Plat. Sympos. 177 D).

Ὀρφεύς: First mentioned by Ibykos of Rhegion, assigned to the Argonautic expedition by Simonides of Keos.

Epode 8

πέμπε; See v. 114.

χρυσόραπις: χρυσόρραπις is an Homeric epithet of Hermes.

Ἐχίονα . . . Ἔρυτον: Hold-fast and Pull-hard, sons of Hermes and Antianeira.

κεχλάδοντας: A peculiar Doric perfect participle with present signification (compare πεφρίκοντας, v. 183). The Schol. makes it = πληθύοντας, “full to overflowing with youth.” The anticipation of the plural is called σχῆμα Ἀλκμανικόν. See note on v. 126. Il. 5. 774; 20, 138; Od. 10. 513: εἰς Ἀχέροντα Πυριφλεγέθων τε ῥέουσιν Κωκυτός θ᾽ ὃς δὴ Στυγὸς ὕδατός ἐστιν ἀπορρώξ. The figure becomes much easier if we remember how distinctly the plural ending of the verb carries its “they,” and here κεχλάδοντας recalls υἱούς.

ταχέες: So the better MSS. for ταχέως. Cf. P. 11.48: θοὰν ἀκτῖνα.

Παγγαίου: On the borders of Thrace and Macedon.

ναιετάοντες: “Dwelling, as they did,” far to the north, while Euphamos dwelt in the far south. Cf. P. 1.64.

θυμῷ γελανεῖ: Compare O. 5.2: καρδίᾳ γελανεῖ. Notice the cumulation.

ἔντυεν: O. 3.28: ἔντὐ ἀνάγκα.

πεφρίκοντας: See v. 179.

πόθον ἔνδαιεν Ἥρα: Hera favored the expedition, as appears from other sources. Od. 12. 72: Ἥρη παρέπεμψεν, ἐπεὶ φίλος ἦεν Ἰήσων.

Strophe 9

τὰν ἀκίνδυνον . . . αἰῶνα: αἰών is fem. P. 5.7; N. 9.44. The article has a contemptuous fling. So. Ai. 473: αἰσχρὸν γὰρ ἄνδρα τοῦ μακροῦ χρῄζειν βίου, “your.”

παρὰ ματρί: Compare the slur cast on Iason (v. 98), and P. 8.85: μολόντων πὰρ ματέρα.

πέσσοντα: O. 1.83.

ἐπὶ καὶ θανάτῳ: Even if death were to be the meed (like ἐπὶ μισθῷ).

φάρμακον . . . ἑᾶς ἀρετᾶς: φάρμακόν τινος is either “a remedy for” or “a means to.” Here it is the latter. It is not “a solace for their valorous toil,” but an “elixir of valor,” as we say the “elixir of youth.”

λέξατο: “Reviewed.”

ἐπαινήσαις: Coincident action.

Μόψος: A famous soothsayer.

ἐμβόλου: The ἔμβολον was more modern, but P. had in mind the famous talking-plank in the ship Argo.

ἀγκύρας: The same mild anachronism as above, v. 24. The anchors were suspended at the prow, v. 22 and P. 10.52. On the two anchors, see O. 6.101.

Antistrophe 9

φιάλαν: Compare the famous scene in Thuk. 6, 32.

ἐγχεικέραυνον: So O. 13.77: Ζηνὸς ἐγχεικεραύνου.

ὠκυπόρους: Proleptic. So εὔφρονα and φιλίαν, v. 196.

κυμάτων ῥιπὰς ἀνέμων τε: ἀνέμων ῥιπαί is common enough everywhere. So in our author, P. 9.52; N. 3.59; fr. V. 1, 6; So. Antig. 137. . not so common of the waves. Fr. XI. 83: πόντου ῥιπαί.

ἐκάλει: He called on Zeus, and then on the other things that he feared or desired. Nothing is more characteristic of the heathen mind than this meticulous prevision. Zeus answered for all.

φθέγμα . . . ἀκτῖνες: No ὕστερον πρότερον. The lightning was secondary.

ἀμπνοὰν . . . ἔστασαν: ἱστάναι is used in poetry to form periphrases with abstract nouns (Böckh), very much as ποιεῖσθαι is used in prose. . ἔστ.=ἀνέπνευσαν, for which see So. O.R. 1221: ἀνέπνευσά τ᾽ ἐκ σέθεν καὶ κατεκοίμησα τοὐμὸν ὄμμα. “They drew a free breath again.”

Epode 9

ἐνίπτων: Not the Homeric ἐνίπτω, but a new present formation from ἔννεπε (Curtius).

ἄκορος: Gives life to the dipping oar, that cannot get its fill.

Ἀξείνου: The Ἄξεινος, afterwards Εὔξεινος.

ἕσσαντο = καθίδρυσαν. Cf. P. 5.42: καθέσσαντο (MSS.), where, however, we read κάθεσσαν.

φοίνισσα . . . ἀγέλα ταύρων: Cf. v. 149: βοῶν ξανθὰς ἀγέλας. For the sacrifice, see O. 13.69. 81.

Θρηικίων: Hieron, the seat of the altar, was on the Asiatic shore and in Bithynia. The Bithynians were Thracians (Hdt. 7, 75), but Thracian had a nobler sound, such as Norse has to us, a sound of the sea. So. O.R. 196: τὸν ἀπόξενον ὅρμον Θρῄκιον κλύδωνα, Antig. 588:δυσπνόοις ὅταν Θρῄσσαισιν ἔρεβος ὕφαλον ἐπιδράμῃ πνοαῖς” .

νεόκτιστον: Built by the sons of Phrixos.

λίθων: The best MSS. have λίθινον, which is a gloss. This shows that the old readers connected it with θέναρ.

θέναρ: I. 3 (4), 74: βαθυκρήμνου πολιᾶς ἁλὸς ἐξευρὼν θέναρ, where it means the hollow (depth) of the sea, as it elsewhere means the hollow of the hand. Acc. to the Schol. τὸ κοίλωμα τοῦ βωμοῦ τὸ ὑποδεχόμενον τὰ θύματα.

δεσπόταν . . . ναῶν: Poseidon.

Strophe 10

συνδρόμων . . . πετρᾶν: The famous Symplegades.

ἀμαιμάκετον: See P. 1.14.

στίχες: The winds come like files of armed men. Contrast P. 6.12.

τελευτάν: “Death.”

Φᾶσιν: Long a notable demarcation for the Greeks.

κελαινώπεσσι: See Hdt. 2, 104, on the dark skin of the Kolchians.

βίαν μῖξαν = “Joined battle,” “fought hand to hand with.”

παρά: “In the realm of.”

αὐτῷ: Contrast to their previous adventures.

πότνια . . . βελέων: Aphrodite. Cf. Il. 21. 470: πότνια θηρῶν (Artemis).

ποικίλαν ἴυγγα: See P. 2.40, and add N. 4.35: ἴυγγι δ᾽ ἕλκομαι ἦτορ, and Plaut. Cistell. 2, 1, 4:versor in amoris rota miser.

Antistrophe 10

μαινάδα: “Maddening.”

λιτάς: “Supplicatory,” “the litany of incantations.” Cf. O. 6.78: λιταῖς θυσίαις. Some prefer to consider λιτάς as a substantive in apposition.

ἐκδιδάσκησεν σοφόν: Sc. εἶναι. So τούτους ἱππέας ἐδίδαξεν, τὸν ϝἱὸν ἱππέα ἐδιδάξατο, αὐτοὺς γενναίους ἐξεδίδαξας.

ποθελνὰ . . . Ἑλλάς = ποθουμένη Ἑλλάς = πόθος Ἑλλάδος.

καιομέναν: The metaphor of the ἄλυτος κύκλος lingers. She is a wheel of fire, lashed by Peitho, who is Aphrodite's first maid of dishonor. So Aisch. Ag. 385 (of an unholy love): βιᾶται δ᾽ τάλαινα Πειθώ.

πείρατ᾽ ἀέθλων: “The achievements of (the means of achieving) the labors.”

ἀντίτομα: Magic herbs were shredded (τέμνειν), as in Aisch. Ag. 17: ὕπνου τόδ᾽ ἀντίμολπον ἐντέμνων ἄκος.

καταίνησαν: They pledged (themselves). Desponderunt. “They vowed sweet union in mutual wedlock.”

μῖξαι: A promise, as a vow, takes the aor. of the future. Od. 4. 252: ὤμοσα . . . μὴ . . . ἀναφῆναι. With μῖξαι cf. P. 9.13: ξυνὸν γάμον μιχθέντα. On ἐν with μιγνύναι, O. 1.90.

Epode 10

ἀδαμάντινον: So Apoll. Rhod. 3, 1285: ἀδάμαντος ἄροτρον.

σκίμψατο: “Pressed hard.” L. & S. transl. “alleged!” Applies strictly to ἄροτρον alone, not to the oxen, which would require ἔστησεν. Transl. καί, “with.”

ξανθᾶν: See v. 149: βοῶν ξανθὰς ἀγέλας.

γενύων = γενύ̂ων: υ is semi - vocalic (consonantal). See G. Meyer, Gr. Gr. § 147.

πνέον: Monosyllabic. Sometimes written πνεῦν. See G. Meyer, Gr. Gr. § 117.

πέλασσεν: Apoll. Rhod. 3, 1307: εἷλκεν ἐπικρατέως παντὶ σθένει ὄφρα πελάσσῃ ζεύγλῃ χαλκείῃ.

ὀρθὰς δ᾽ αὔλακας , κτἑ.: “Straight stretched he the furrows as he was driving.” The process and the result side by side.

ἀνά: With σχίζε. ἀν᾽ ὀρόγυιαν would mean “a fathom at a time,” not “fathom high.”

βασιλεύς, ὅστις ἄρχει ναός: He disdains to turn to Iason.

στρωμνάν: “Coverlet.”

Strophe 11

θυσάνῳ: “Flocks.”

αὐδάσαντος: Genitive absolute of participle without a subject. See v. 25.

κροκόεν: A royal color, as well as purple. See N. 1.38: κροκωτὸν σπάργανον.

ἐόλει = ἐϝόλει. Plupf. of εἴλω. Compare ἔοργα and the rest.

ἐφετμαῖς: P. suppresses the details. So he does not say that Medeia bade Iason not plough against the wind. Even here we have to do only with the κεφάλαια λόγων. For the pl., see O. 3.28.

ἀνάγκας ἔντεσιν: So N. 8.3: χερσὶν ἀνάγκας. Compare

saeva Necessitas
clavos trabales et cuneos manu
gestans aena.

αἰανές: P. 1.83.

ἴυξεν: His anguish was inarticulate (ἀφωνήτῳ . . . ἄχει), but his amazement forced from him the whistling ἰύ of astonishment.

Antistrophe 11

ποίας: Cf. P. 8.20: ποίᾳ Παρνασίδι.

ἔρεπτον = ἤρεφον (I. 3, 72: ἐρέφοντα). Homer has only an aor. ἔρεψα.

Ἀελίου θαυμαστὸς υἱός: Od. 10. 136: Κίρκη ἐυπλόκαμος, δεινὴ θεὸς αὐδήεσσα, αὐτοκασιγνήτη ὀλοόφρονος Αἰήταο: ἀμφὼ δ᾽ ἐκγεγάτην φαεσιμβρότου Ἠελίοιο.

δέρμα . . . ἔννεπεν, ἔνθα: Prolepsis.

ἐκτάνυσαν: Poetical condensation. Phrixos had slain the ram with his sacrificial knife in honor of Ζεὺς Λαφύστιος, flayed him, and stretched the skin.

ἤλπετο . . . πράξεσθαι: As ἔλπομαι contains an element of wish it may take the aor. πράξασθαι (with the MSS.) instead of the future, but P. uses the first aor. only here, and the neg. οὐ favors πράξεσθαι (P. 1.43), unless we write κεῖνόν κε. Compare P. 3.43. The subject of πράξ. is Ἰάσονα. Easier πράξ. as fut. pass. (note on v. 15) with οἱ = Ἰάσονι. Perh. πεπράξεσθαι.

λόχμᾳ: The grove of Ares.

εἴχετο . . . γενύων: “Was sticking to the jaws.” The dragon guarded it thus when he saw Iason approaching.

ναῦν κράτει: The absence of the article does not exclude the Argo, which is never lost sight of (πᾶσι μέλουσα). The antecedent of the relative does not require the article.

τέλεσαν ἃν . . . σιδάρου: Picturesque addition. The finishing of the ship was the beginning, the finishing of the dragon the achievement, and there the main story ends.

Epode 11

μακρά: For the plur. O. 1.52; P. 1.34; N. 4.71. From this point to the end of the story proper (v. 256), P. has nothing but aorists, whereas the statistics of the myth show the proportion of imperf. to aor. to be 1: 1.78, which is unusually high. See Am. Journ. of Phil. IV. p. 162.

κατ᾽ ἀμαξιτόν: The point of this is heightened by the existence of grooves in the Greek highways, “in the old groove.”

ὥρα . . . συνάπτει: “Time presses.” καιρὸς γάρ μ᾽ ἐπείγει (Schol.).

ἅγημαι = ἡγεμών εἰμι.

σοφίας: “Poetic art” (O. 1.116). Poetry is a path (O. 9.51).

γλαυκῶπα: O. 6.45.

τέχναις: By putting him to sleep. Pl., as O. 9.56; P. 3.11.

Ἀρκεσίλα: The poem is soon to become more personal.

σὺν αὐτᾷ: “With her own help.” Cf. O. 13.53.

φόνον: We expect φονόν like τροφόν, but compare Eur. I. A. 794:τὰν κύκνου δολιχαύχενος γόνον” . “Her . . . the death of Pelias” seems violent. In the story of the return, the passage through Africa is presupposed on account of the overture (v. 26).

ἐν . . . μίγεν: “They (the Argonauts) entered the stretches of Ocean.”

Λαμνιᾶν . . . ἀνδροφόνων: O. 4.20: Λαμνιάδων γυναικῶν.

ἀέθλοις: Funeral games in honor of Thoas, father of Hypsipyle. See O. 4.23. — ϝῖν᾽: So Kayser for κρίσιν, on the strength of the Schol.'s ἀνδρείαν. I. 7 (8), 53: ἶνας ἐκταμὼν δορί.

ἐσθᾶτος ἀμφίς: “About (for) raiment.” Such a prize is mentioned O. 9.104. This does not exclude the wreath mentioned O. 4.24. Note ἀμφίς = ἀμφί only here.

Strophe 12

ἐν ἀλλοδαπαῖς . . . ἀρούραις: Familiar symbolism. So in the marriage formula ἐπὶ παίδων γνησίων ἀρότῳ. Eur. Phoen. 18:μὴ σπεῖρε τέκνων ἄλοκα δαιμόνων βίᾳ” . The fulfilment echoes the prophecy. Cf. v. 50: ἀλλοδαπᾶν . . . γυναικῶν ἐν λέχεσιν.

τουτάκις = τότε. P. 9.15.

ὑμετέρας ἀκτῖνος ὄλβου: Run together (so-called hypallage). “Your radiant prosperity.” ἀκτῖνος is due to Hermann. The MSS. have ἀκτῖνας.

μοιρίδιον: The rhythm connects it with σπέρμα), and μ. σπέρμα is as easily understood as μόριμος υἱός (O. 2.42). But the standing phrase μόρσιμον ἦμαρ forces the other combination with ἆμαρ.

νύκτες: “Or, shall I say? night.” The plur., as often of “nightwatches.”

μιχθέντες: See v. 251.

ἤθεσιν: “Abode.” See P. 5.74: ὅθεν (Sparta) γεγενναμένοι ἵκοντο Θήρανδε φῶτες Αἰγεΐδαι.

Καλλίσταν = Θήραν.

Λατοίδας: The next ode emphasizes the agency of Apollo.

Λιβύας πεδίον: Cf. v. 52: κελαινεφέων πεδίων.

σὺν θεῶν τιμαῖς: Cf. v. 51: σὺν τιμᾷ θεῶν.

κἄστυ χρυσοθρόνου . . . Κυράνας: κἄστυ for ἄστυ with Hartung. More about Kyrene in P. 9.

Antistrophe 12

ὀρθόβουλον . . . ἐφευρομένοις: An after-thought participle (P. 6.46) which recalls ὔμμι, balances σὺν θεῶν τιμαῖς, and, like σὺν θεῶί τιμαῖς, gives at once the cause and condition of success in administration, “by the devising of right counsel.” These words link the conclusion to the myth, and ὀρθόβουλον μῆτιν prepares the way for the wisdom of Oidipus and the saying of Homer. The Battiadai are a wise race; they can read riddles and apply proverbs that bear on the management of the state. Neither text nor interpretation is settled. A full discussion is impossible in the limits assigned to this edition. I give first a close rendering of Christ's text, which I have followed: “Learn to know now the wisdom of Oidipus. For if a man with a keenedged axe hew off the branches of a great oak and put shame on its comely seeming, e'en though its fruit fail, it puts a vote concerning itself, if at any time into the wintry fire it comes at last, or together with upright columns of lordliness being stayed it performs a wretched toil in alien walls, having left desolate its own place.”

γνῶθι . . . σοφίαν: Twisted by the interpreters to mean “show thyself as wise as Oidipus.” τὰν Οἰδιπόδα σοφίαν is as definite as τῶν δ᾽ Ὁμήρου καὶ τόδε συνθέμενος. P., to whom all Theban lore was native, is repeating a parable of Oidipus, and, if I mistake not, a parable of Oidipus in exile.

ἐξερείψῃ μέν: So Christ after Bergk, who has also changed αἰσχύνοι into αἰσχύνῃ. εἰ γάρ with the opt. would not be consistent with P.'s handling of this form. On the other hand, εἰ with the subj. is found in comparison O. 7.1.

διδοῖ ψᾶφον περ᾽ αὐτᾶς: The oak is on trial. διδόναι ψῆφον is equiv. to ἐπιψηφίζειν. “It puts its own case to the vote.” “Enables one to judge of it” (Jebb), and so shows its quality. On περ᾽, see O. 6.38; on αὐτᾶς, P. 2.34.

εἴ ποτε . . . λοίσθιον: “If at last it comes into the wintry fire,” i. e., shows its good qualities by burning freely. Although it cannot bear fruit, it is good for burning, good for building. ποτε . . . λοίσθιον like ποτὲ χρόνῳ ὑστέρῳ (vv. 53, 55), ποτε χρόνῳ (v. 258).

σὺν ὀρθαῖς . . . ἐρειδομένα: The great oak forms a beam, which, stayed by the help of the upright columns, bears up the weight of the building. According to some, the beam is horizontal; according to others, it, too, is an ὀρθὰ κίων, and the κίονες δεσπόσυναι its fellows.

μόχθον . . . δύστανον: The weight of the building.

ἄλλοις . . . τείχεσιν: ἄλλοις = ἀλλοτρίοις. τ. cannot be the “walls of a house,” only the “walls of a city.” The oak is supposed to be the people, the ὄζοι the princes of the state of Kyrene, or the oak is the Kyrenaian nobility and the branches the members. But nothing seems clearer than that the oak is one. Who is the oak? Iason. But as Iason would be the type of Damophilos, Arkesilas would be Pelias, which is monstrous. Are all these accessories of fire and column mere adornments? Or is “the fire insurrection and the master's house the Persian Empire?” Is this an Homeric comparison, or a Pindaric riddle? Why should not the ‘wisdom of Oidipus’ refer to the case of Oidipus himself? Oidipus is uttering a parable for the benefit of those to whom he had come as an exile. The parallel between the exiled Oidipus and the exiled Damophilos is one that would not insult Arkesilas, and the coincidences in detail between the oak and Oidipus are evident enough. Like the oak, Oidipus has lost his branches, his sons (ὄζους), who, according to one version of the legend, perished before their father, his comeliness has been marred (θαητὸν εἶδος), the place that knew him knows him no more (ἑὸν ἐρημώσαισα χῶρον), and yet, though his fruit perish (καὶ φθινόκαρπος ἐοῖσα), he can render services to an alien state, such services as are set forth in the Oidipus at Kolonos of Sophokles. By drawing a lesson from the mistaken course of his own people towards one of their great heroes, Pindar acquits himself of a delicate task delicately, and then, for fear of making the correspondence too close, breaks off. ‘But why this parable? Thou art a timely leech.’

Epode 12

ἐσσὶ δ᾽ ἰατήρ: In any case an interruption to a parable that is becoming awkward.

ἐπικαιρότατος: “That knowest how best to meet the time.”

Παιάν: This is a Delphic victory, and the mention of the Healer is especially appropriate, as Apollo is the ἀρχαγέτας of the Battiadai, P. 5.60.

ῥᾴδιον . . . σεῖσαι: In such passages P. delights to change the figure. σεῖσαι and ἐπὶ χώρας suggest a building, κυβερνατήρ forces us to think of a ship. The house suddenly floats. So. Ant. 162:τὰ μὲν δὴ πόλεος ἀσφαλῶς θεοὶ πολλῷ σάλῳ σείσαντες ὤρθωσαν πάλιν.ἐπὶ χώρας ἕσσαι = ὀρθῶσαι.

τίν = σοί.

ἐξυφαίνονται: “For thee the web of these fair fortunes is weaving to the end.” The achievement of this restoration is at hand, is in thy reach.

τλᾶθι: The imper. instead of the conditional ἐὰν τλῇς, as v. 165.

Strophe 13

τῶν δ᾽ Ὁμήρου: There is nothing exactly like it in our Homer, but we must remember that Homer was a wide term, and P. may have had a bad memory. The nearest, and that not near, approach is Il. 15. 207: ἐσθλὸν καὶ τὸ τέτυκται ὅτ᾽ ἄγγελος αἴσιμα εἰδῇ.

συνθέμενος: Od. 17. 153: ἐμεῖο δὲ σύνθεο μῦθον, “take to heart.”

πόρσυνε: “Further,” “cherish.”

ἄγγελον ἐσλόν: P. means himself.

ἀγγελίας ὀρθᾶς: “A successful message.” Everything points to a private understanding between P. and Arkesilas as to the restoration of Damophilos. D. paid for the ode, and one is reminded of the Delphic oracle and the banished Alkmaionidai. It would be very innocent to suppose that P. was really pleading for a man whose pardon was not assured.

ἐπέγνω: With πραπίδων, “had knowledge of.” γιγνώσκω occurs with genitive in Homer. Il. 4. 357: γνῶ χωομένοιο, Od. 21. 36: γνώτην ἀλλήλων, 23, 109: γνωσόμεθ᾽ ἀλλήλων. So also Xen. Kyr. 7, 2, 18:ἔγνω καὶ μάλα ἄτοπα ἐμοῦ ποιοῦντος.

ἐν παισὶν νέος: Cf. N. 3.80: ὠκὺς ἐν ποτανοῖς, So. Phil. 685: ἴσος ἔν γ᾽ ἴσοις ἀνήρ. It does not necessarily follow from this statement of Damophilos' versatility that he was really young.

ἐγκύρσαις: Adjective use of the participle in predication. πρέσβυς ἐγκ. . βιοτᾷ = πρέσβυς ἑκατονταετής.

ὀρφανίζει . . . ὀπός: He hushes the loud voice of the calumnious tongue.

ὑβρίζοντα: Above we have the word, here the deed.

Antistrophe 13

τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς: Doubtless in the conservative sense.

οὐδὲ μακύνων τέλος οὐδέν: “Not postponing decisive action” — a hint, if one chooses, to Arkesilas, but on my theory Arkesilas had decided.

γὰρ καιρὸς πρὸς ἀνθρώπων: With Pindaric freedom = καιρὸς πρὸς ἀνθρώπων. “The favorable season.”

θεράπων δέ ϝοι , κτἑ.: The Greeks conceive Time and man as companions ( χρόνος συνών, Soph.). See O. 2.11. If, as Hesiod says, Day is sometimes a stepmother, sometimes a mother to a man (O. et D. 825), so a man may be a son or a stepson to Time — an attendant (θεράπων), as Patroklos was on Achilles, or a mere drudge. A θεράπων is one who has rights, who can avail himself of an opportunity without servility.

τοῦτ᾽ ἀνιαρότατον: “A sorrow's crown of sorrow.”

ἐκτὸς ἔχειν πόδα: “To stand without,” ἐκτὸς καλῶν, as Aisch. P. V. 263: πημάτων ἔξω πόδα ἔχει.

κεῖνος Ἄτλας: “He, an Atlas,” “a second Atlas,” which recalls very prettily v. 267.

ἀπό: “Far from, reft of.”

Τιτᾶνας: The comparison shows that Damophilos has been at least indiscreet.

χρόνῳ: In the introduction stress has been laid on the fulfilment of prophecy, long postponed, yet unfailing; and, if the catch-word theory is worth anything, it is at least to be noted that χρόνῳ occurs four times, each time at the end of a verse (vv. 55, 78, 258, 291), where the position demands stress. Whoever chooses to hear in it the sigh of Damophilos “at last” is welcome.

Epode 13

οὐλομέναν νοῦσον: νόσος is a common word for any misfortune.

κράνᾳ: The great fountain Kyré or “ring,” whence Κυρήνη.

ἐκδόσθαι πρὸς ἥβαν: As he is ἐν παισὶν νέος, he can give himself up to the enjoyment of youthful pleasures.

ἡσυχίᾳ θιγέμεν: “To attain quiet.” For the dat. see P. 8.24; 9, 46.

μήτε ... ἀπαθὴς δέ: Compare P. 8.83: οὔτε . . . οὐδέ.

καί κε μυθήσαιθ᾽ ὁποίαν , κτἑ.: The real apodosis to the wish in v. 293: εὔχεται = εἰ γάρ.

εὗρε παγάν: This fountain that he had found in Thebes was the ode that P. composed for him in honor of Arkesilas, the ode we have before us.

πρόσφατον . . . ξενωθείς: Cf.P. 5.31. This does not seem to favor Böckh's hypothesis that Damophilos was an Aigeid and a connection of Pindar.

The fifth Pythian celebrates the same victory as the fourth (Pyth. 31, Ol. 78, 3=466 B.C.), and was sung in the festal procession along the street of Apollo at Kyrene. The charioteer, who plays a conspicuous part in the ode, was Karrhotos (Alexibiades), brother of the king's wife.

For the legendary portion of the story of the Battiadai, Pindar himself, in these two odes, is our chief authority. Herodotos has given much space in his fourth book (c. 150, foll.) to the early history of the house.

The founder of Kyrene was Aristoteles, surnamed Battos, descendant of Euphemos, the Minyan, of Tainaros. From Tainaros the family went to Thera, and in the seventeenth generation fulfilled an ancient oracle by the occupation of Kyrene, which had been settled five hundred years before by the Trojan Antenoridai. Kyrene was founded Ol. 37 (632 B.C.), and the throne was filled by eight kings in succession, an Arkesilas succeeding a Battos to the end. The rule of the Battiadai seems to have been harsh; revolts were frequent; and the Arkesilas of this poem was the last of the kings, and fell in a popular tumult.

This ode seems to be the one ordered by the king; the preceding ode was a propitiatory present from a banished nobleman, Damophilos.

In the fifth Pythian the theme is stated in the very beginning. Wealth wedded to Honor and blessed by Fortune hath a wide sway (v. 1, foll.). The word ὄλβος is repeated with a marked persistency. So we read v. 14: πολὺς ὄλβος ἀμφινέμεται, v. 55: ὄλβος ἔμπαν τὰ καὶ τὰ νέμων, v. 102: σφὸν ὄλβον. As variants, we have μάκαιραν ἑστίαν (v. 11), μάκαρ (v. 20), μακάριος (v. 46), μάκαρ (v. 94). But Honor is not less loved. We have σὺν εὐδοξίᾳ (v. 8), γέρας (vv. 18, 31, 124), λόγων φερτάτων μναμῇον (v. 48), μεγάλαν ἀρετάν (v. 98). There is a συγγενὴς ὀφθαλμός (v. 17), an ὄμμα φαεννότατον (v. 56). But above Wealth and Honor is the blessing of God. The power is given of God (v. 13). The glory must be ascribed to God (v. 25). The men who came to Thera came not without the gods (v. 76). God makes of potency performance (v. 117). The higher powers aid at every turn — Kastor of the golden chariot (v. 9); Apollo, god of the festal lay (v. 23); Apollo, leader of the colony (v. 60); and, to crown all, Zeus himself (v. 122). This iteration makes the dominant thought plain enough, and there seems to be no propriety in classing the poem “among the most difficult of the Pindaric odes.”

After an introduction, then, which has for its theme the power of prosperity paired with honor under the blessing of Fortune, as illustrated by Arkesilas' possession of ancestral dignity and his attainment of the Pythian prize (vv. 1-22), the poet is about to pass to the story of Battos, founder of Kyrene, in whose career are prefigured the fortunes of his race. But Pindar pauses perforce to pay a tribute to Karrhotos, the charioteer, before he tells the legend of Battos, just as in O. 8 he pauses perforce after the legend of Aiakos to praise Melesias, the trainer. Such details were doubtless nominated in the bond. This time the honor is paid to one who stands near the king, and it needs no apology. The trainer has but one sixth of O. 8, the charioteer has one fourth of P. 5. The transition is managed here with much greater art than in O. 8, which shows the jar of the times. Karrhotos represents the new blessing of the Pythian victory as Battos represents the old blessing of Apollo's leadership.

The story of Battos is briefly told, as is the story of Aiakos in O. 8. True, he put lions to flight (v. 58), but it was Apollo's doing, and Battos is as faint in the light of Apollo as Aiakos in the light of his divine partners. He was fortunate while he lived, and honored after his death (vv. 94, 95), but we are not allowed to forget the thought of the opening, v. 25: παντὶ μὲν θεὸν αἴτιον ὑπερτιθέμεν, a thought which is reinforced by the close also.

The rhythms are logaoedic in the main, but the strophe has a long Paionian introduction of sixteen bars (I. II.). Compare the structure of O. 2,2 and see Introductory Essay, p. lxxiv.

The introduction proper (Arkesilas) occupies one triad, one is given to Karrhotos, one to Battos, the fourth returns to Arkesilas.

Strophe 1

πλοῦτος εὐρυσθενής: On the union of πλοῦτος and ἀρετά, see O. 2.58: μὰν πλοῦτος ἀρεταῖς δεδαιδαλμένος φέρει τῶν τε καὶ τῶν καιρόν.

κεκραμένον: Blended with=wedded to. See O. 1.22.

καθαρᾷ: As ἀρετά is “honor,” so καθαρά is used of it as καθαρόν is used of φέγγος. P. 9.97: Χαρίτων κελαδεννᾶν μή με λίποι καθαρὸν φέγγος, fr. XI. 3: καθαρὸν ἁμέρας σέλας. The poet strikes the keynote of the ode: “Wealth with Honor” as a gift of God, who appears here as πότμος.

παραδόντος . . . ἀνάγῃ: There is a festal, bridal notion in both words. For ἀνάγειν, see Il. 3. 48; Od. 3. 272; 4, 534.

θεόμορε: This string is harped on. So v. 13: θεόσδοτον, v. 25: παντὶ μὲν θεὸν αἴτιον ὑπερτιθέμεν, v. 60: ἀρχαγέτας Ἀπόλλων, v. 76: οὐ θεῶν ἄτερ, v. 117: θεός

τέ ϝοι . . . τελεῖ δύνασιν.

νιν: “Wealth blent with Honor;” but νιν may be πλοῦτον and σὺν εὐδοξίᾳ a variant of ἀρετᾷ.

κλυτᾶς | αἰῶνος ἀκρᾶν βαθμίδων ἄπο: Life is represented as a flight of steps. ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς τοῦ βίου, says the Schol. The κλυτὰ αἰών is the lofty position to which Arkesilas is born. Kastor plays the part of πότμος, and the king goes after the wealth that he is to bring home as a πολύφιλον ἑπέταν. For αἰών fem. see P. 4.186.

χρυσαρμάτου Κάστορος: The Dioskuroi, whose worship was brought from Thera to Kyrene, had a temple on the famous ἱππόκροτος σκυρωτὰ ὁδός (v. 92). Castor gaudet equis, but the Dioskuroi were, and, in a sense, are still, sailor gods. The wealth of Kyrene was due to its commerce in silphium, its fame to its chariots (P. 4.18; 9, 4), and Kastor represents both commerce and chariots. This sailor element suggests the next figure.

εὐδίαν: The special function of the Dioskuroi was to calm storms. Compare “the ship of Alexandria whose sign was Castor and Pollux” (Acts 28, 11), and

Dicam et Alciden puerosque Ledae,
hunc equis, illum superare pugnis
nobilem: quorum simul alba nautis
stella refulsit,
defluit saxis agitatus umor,
concidunt venti, fugiuntque nubes,
et minax, quod sic voluere, ponto
unda recumbit.

χειμέριον ὄμβρον: Cf. v. 120: φθινοπωρὶς ἀνέμων χειμερία . . . πνοά. This is the storm of state in which Damophilos was banished. See introd. to P. 4.

καταιθύσσει: καταιθύσσειν is used of Iason's hair that streamed down his back (P. 4.83), and is well suited to the meteoric Kastor, called by the sailors of to-day St. Elmo's fire.

μάκαιραν ἑστίαν: Cf. O. 1.11.

Antistrophe 1

σοφοί: “The noble.” From P.'s point of view wisdom is hereditary, the privilege of a noble caste. P. 2.88: χὤταν πόλιν οἱ σοφοὶ τηρέωντι. Compare O. 7.91, foll., where Diagoras' straight course, despite his prosperity, is attributed to the hereditary balance of his soul.

ἐρχόμενον: “Walking.” The first figure echoes still.

ἐν δίκᾳ: O. 2.83.

ἔχει συγγενής: I follow the MSS., though it is hard to frame a clear translation. ὀφθαλμός is used as O. 2.11; 6, 16, metaphorically. συγγενὴς ὀφθαλμός is really = συγγενὴς πότμος (I. 1, 39). It is the blessing that comes from exalted birth. “Born fortune hath this (τὸ βασιλέα εἶναι) as its meed most fit for reverence when wedded to a soul like thine.” Compare O. 8.11: σὸν γέρας, “a privilege like thine.” One cannot be born to higher fortune than to have thy rank and thy nature. Hermann's ἐπεὶ συγγενές is easier. “Since this born meed of reverence wedded to a soul like thine is a light of life.” To be born a king, and to be of kingly mould, is a real ὀφθαλμός, a true ὄλβος. J. H. H. Schmidt (Synon. 1, 376) maintains that ὀφθαλμός is clearly differentiated from ὄμμα. “ὀφθαλμός is not the eye as a jewel, but the eye as a guiding star.” So O. 2.11; 6, 16 (cited above). Here he makes συγγενὴς ὀφθαλμός to mean “native insight.”

μιγνύμενον: Cf. v. 2.

εὖχος . . . ἑλών: Compare O. 10 (11), 69: εὖχος ἔργῳ καθελών.

Epode 1

Ἀπολλώνιον ἄθυρμα: So I. 3 (4), 57 ἀθύρειν is used of the joy of poesy.

Κυράναν: So Bergk for Κυράνα. K. depends on ἀμφί. Cf. P. 9.114: Ἴρασα πρὸς πόλιν.

κᾶπον Ἀφροδίτας: As P. calls Libya (P. 9.57) Διὸς κᾶπος, and Syracuse (P. 2.2) τέμενος Ἄρεος. Kyrene, a luxurious place, was famed for its roses, flowers sacred to Aphrodite.

ἀειδόμενον: With σε. This gives the necessary contrast, whereas with κᾶπον it would only be a picturesque detail. “While thy praises are sung, do not forget what thou owest to God, what thou owest to Karrhotos.” According to Bergk, the inf. gives the contents of the song, and ἀειδόμενον is=ὅτι ἀείδεται. “Forget not that there is a song that resounds about Kyrene: Ascribe everything to God.” Cf. P. 2.23. This message is supposed to have been delivered to Kyrene by an oracle.

ὑπερτιθέμεν: The sense is “to give the glory of everything to God.” The figure is that of setting up God, as the author, over the achievement, which is the pedestal.

Κάρρωτον: Arkesilas' wife's brother, who was the charioteer.

Ἐπιμαθέος: “After-thought,” the opposite of Προμηθέος (Fore-thought). Compare O. 7.44: Προμαθέος Αἰδώς.

ἄγων: The figure of a procession, as v. 3: ἀνάγῃ. No lingering bride delayed his steps.

θυγατέρα: See O. 8.1.

θεμισκρεόντων: The word, which occurs only here, seems to refer to the oracular institution of the kingship. P. 4.53: τὸν μὲν . . . Φοῖβος ἀμνάσει θέμισσιν . . . πολεῖς ἀγαγὲν Νείλοιο πρὸς πῖον τέμενος Κρονίδα.

ὕδατι Κασταλίας ξενωθείς: With reference to the usual lustration in the waters of Kastalia, and not merely a periphrasis for Pytho. Cf. P. 4.299: Θήβᾳ ξενωθείς.

Strophe 2

ἀκηράτοις ἁνίαις: Dative of circumstance. The reins which were passed round the body (see fig. p. 170) often got broken or tangled. Compare So. El. 746: σὺν δ᾽ ἑλίσσεται τμητοῖς ἱμάσι (τ. .=ἡνίαις), and

αὐτὸς δ᾽ τλήμων ἡνίαισιν ἐμπλακεὶς
δεσμὸν δυσεξήνυστον ἕλκεται δεθείς.

ποδαρκέων δώδεκα δρόμων τέμενος: “Through the sacred space of the twelve swiftfooted courses.” τέμενος is acc. of extent to the verbal idea in ἀκηράτοις. Bergk considers ποδαρκέων to be a participle=τρέχων. Böckh writes ποταρκέων=προσαρκέων, “holding out,” ποτί=πρός being elided as O. 7.90: ποτ᾽ ἀστῶν. On the number twelve, see O. 2.55; 3, 33; 6, 75. The hippodrome was sacred soil, hence the propriety of τέμενος.

ἐντέων σθένος: Compare O. 6.22: σθένος ἡμιόνων. “No part of the strong equipage.” ἔντεα embraces the whole outfit.

κρέμαται: The change of subject is nothing to P. Cf. O. 3.22.

ὁπόσα ... δαίδαλα: The chariots of Kyrene were famous (Antiphanes ap. Athen. 3, 100 f.). The ὁπόσα gives the positive side of οὐδέν above, and δαίδαλα can only be referred to the chariots and their equipment (ἔντεα) which were hung up as ἀναθήματα at Delphi, a usage for which, however, we have no very safe warrant.

ἄγων ... ἄμειψεν: “Brought across.”

ἐν = ἐς: See P. 2.11.

τοῦ: Sc. Ἀπόλλωνος (Bergk). The MSS. τό, “therefore” (“wherefore”).

ἀνδριάντι: Why the especial mention of this Cretan statue? Böckh thinks of a connection between the Cretans and the Battiadai. But the peculiar sanctity of the effigy is enough to account for the mention.

κάθεσσαν τόν: For καθέσσαντο (unmetrical), with Hermann. Bergk, καθέσσανθ᾽ , being = σφετέρῳ = Κρητῶν.

μονόδροπον φυτόν: “Grown in one piece.” Of a tree that had an accidental likeness to a human figure, which likeness had afterwards been brought out by Daidaleian art.

Antistrophe 2

τὸν εὐεργέταν: Usu. referred to Karrhotos. L. Schmidt and Mezger make it apply to Apollo, and cite v. 25. The only thing that favors this is the bringing in of Alexibiades, as if some one else had been mentioned.

ὑπαντιάσαι: “To requite.” The construction after the analogy of ἀμείψασθαι. The subject σέ is implied as ἐμέ (ἡμᾶς) is implied P. 1.29.

Ἀλεξιβιάδα: The patronymic gives weight and honor.

σὲ δέ: See O. 1.36.

φλέγοντι: “Illume.” Compare O. 9.24: φίλαν πόλιν μαλεραῖς ἐπιφλέγων ἀοιδαῖς.

Χάριτες: See O. 7.11.

μακάριος, ὃς ἔχεις , κτἑ.: He might have had the κάματος without the λόγοι. This furnishes the transition.

πεδά=μετά (Aiol.-Dor.). Cf.O. 12.12.

μναμῇον (Aeolic) for μνημεῖον (Bergk). The MSS. μναμήιον, Christ μναμήι᾽.

τεσσαράκοντα: The number seems high. Il. 23. 287 there are but five competitors, So. El. 708 but ten.

πετόντεσσιν (Aeolic) = καταπεσοῦσι (Schol.).

ἀταρβεῖ φρενί: Cf. P. 9.33: ἀταρβεῖ ... κεφαλᾷ. Karrhotos owed the victory to his coolness. So did Antilochos in the Iliad (23, 515): κέρδεσιν οὔ τι τάχει γε παραφθάμενος Μενέλαον.

ἦλθες ... πεδίον: See P. 4.51.

ἀγλαῶν: So Moschopulos for ἀγαθῶν. Mommsen reads ἀγαθέων = ἠγαθέων, “divine.”

Epode 2

πόνων ... ἔσεται: In another mood Pindar says, O. 10 (11), 24: ἄπονον δ᾽ ἔλαβον χάρμα παῦροί τινες.

ἔμπαν τὰ καὶ τὰ ϝέμων: “Despite its chequered course.” So I. 4 (5), 52: Ζεὺς τά τε καὶ τὰ νέμει, and I. 3 (4), 51: τῶν τε γὰρ καὶ τῶν διδοῖ. Success and defeat, good and bad, glory and toil.

πύργος ἄστεος ... ξένοισι: Compare P. 3.71: πραῢς ἀστοῖς, οὐ φθονέων ἀγαθοῖς, ξείνοις δὲ θαυμαστὸς πατήρ. Significant omission here of the ἀγαθοί. The conspiracy was among the upper classes.

ὄμμα: See note on v. 17.

φαεννότατον: See P. 3.75.

λέοντες ... φύγον: P., according to his wont (cf. P. 3.83: τὰ καλὰ τρέψαντες ἔξω), turns the old tale about. Kyrene was infested by lions, like the rest of Africa (“leonum arida nutrix”), until the arrival of Battos. According to Pausanias, 10, 15, 7, Battos, the stammerer, was frightened by the sight of a lion into loud and clear utterance; P. makes this utterance frighten the lion and his kind into flight.

περὶ δείματι: περί here takes the peculiar construction which is more frequently noticed with ἀμφί, “compassed by fear,” hence “from fear.” So Aisch. Pers. 696: περὶ τάρβει, Choëph. 35: περὶ φόβῳ, Hymn. Cer. 429: περὶ χάρματι.

ἔδωκε ... φόβῳ: So N. 1.66: δώσειν μόρῳ, O. 2.90: θανάτῳ πόρεν, O. 10 (11), 102: ἔπορε μόχθῳ.

ταμίᾳ Κυράνας: ταμίας is a high word. See P. 1.88.

ἀτελὴς ... μαντεύμασιν = ψευδόμαντις. “One that effects naught by his prophecies.”

Strophe 3

βαρειᾶν νόσων , κτἑ.: Apollo's various functions are enumerated, beginning with the physical and proceeding to the musical and the political, which had a natural nexus to the Greek. The development is perfectly normal.

ἀκέσματα:) The Kyrenaians, next to the Krotoniates, were the best physicians of Greece, Hdt. 3, 131. The medical side is turned out v. 91: ἀλεξιμβρότοις πομπαῖς. Compare P. 4.270. Silphium also had rare virtues.

πόρεν τε κίθαριν: Compare v. 107 and P. 4.295. The moral effect of the κίθαρις (compare the φόρμιγξ in P. 1) prepares the way for ἀπόλεμον ... εὐνομίαν.

μυχόν τ᾽ ἀμφέπει | μαντῇον: This is the crowning blessing. Kyrene owes her very existence to the oracle of Apollo, P. 4.53.

μαντῇον = μαντεῖον.

: “Whereby.”

Λακεδαίμονι: The most important is put first and afterwards recalled, v. 73: ἀπὸ Σπάρτας. Λ. is geographically central, with Argos and Pylos on either hand. On ἐν with the second dat. see O. 9.94.

Αἰγιμιοῦ: A Dorian, not a Herakleid. See P. 1.64.

τὸ δ᾽ ἐμόν: Cf. I. 7 (8), 39: τὸ μὲν ἐμόν. The healing power, the gift of the Muse, the fair state, the settlement of the Peloponnese — all these wonderful things are due to Apollo — but mine it is to sing the glory of Sparta and the Aigeidai, who are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. By insisting on the ancient ties of kindred, P. gives a warmer tone to his narrative. Compare O. 6.84.

γαρύεν: So with Hermann and Bergk for γαρύετ᾽ γαρύεντ᾽ of the MSS.

Antistrophe 3

Θήρανδε: Thera is called Kallista, P. 4.258.

ἐμοὶ πατέρες: P. was an Aigeid of the Theban branch. If ἀδελφός may be stretched to mean “cousin,” πατέρες may be stretched to mean “uncles.” According to Herodotos, 4, 149, the Aigeidai colonized Thera, and were preceded by Kadmeians, c. 147. On the Theban origin of the Aigeidai, see I. 6 (7), 15.

οὐ θεῶν ἄτερ ἀλλὰ μοῖρά τις ἄγεν: Some editors punctuate after ἄτερ and connect ἄγεν with what follows, but the divorce of ἀλλά from οὐ θεῶν ἄτερ and ἄγεν from ἵκοντο is unnatural. Compare O. 8.45: οὐκ ἄτερ παίδων σέθεν, ἀλλ᾽ ἅμα πρώτοις ἄρξεται. The leading of fate in the imperfect, the special case of Aristoteles-Battos in the aor., v. 87.

ἔρανον: The Karneia was a sacred festival, to which each participant contributed. See O. 1.38.

ἔνθεν: Cf. O. 2.9 on the trajection of the relative.

ἀναδεξάμενοι: Pindar identifies himself with the worshipping multitude at Kyrene. Hermann's ἀναδεξαμέναν is unnecessary.

Καρνήιε: The Karneia, the great festival of Apollo Karneios, was transmitted from Sparta to Thera, from Thera to Kyrene.

ἔχοντι: Not an historical present. The old stock of the Antenoridai is still there. If not, they still hold the land, as Aias holds Salamis. N. 4.48: Αἴας Σαλαμῖν᾽ ἔχει πατρῴαν.

χαλκοχάρμαι: See P. 2.2.

Τρῶες Ἀντανορίδαι: Lysimachos is cited by the Schol. as authority. A hill between Kyrene and the sea was called λόφος Ἀντηνοριδῶν.

καπνωθεῖσαν ... ϝίδον: In prose the aor. part. is seldom used of actual perception, not unfrequently in poetry of vision. I. 7 (8), 37. Aor. part. with ἰδεῖν, P. 9.105; 10, 26.

Epode 3

ἐλάσιππον: As Trojans the Antenoridai were κέντορες ἵππων (Il. 5. 102) and ἱππόδαμοι (Il. 2. 230, etc.).

δέκονται: Not historical present. The Antenoridai are still worshipped by the descendants of the colony under Battos.

οἰχνέοντες: Cf. O. 3.40; P. 6.4.

Ἀριστοτέλης: Battos I. See P. 4.63.

εὐθύτομον ... ὁδόν: Bergk reads εὐθύτονον, which is not so good. The road was hewn out of solid rock, the occasional breaks being filled in with small stones carefully fitted together; hence σκυρωτὰν ὁδόν. This road was evidently one of the sights of Kyrene, and the remains still stir the wonder of travellers.

ἀλεξιμβρότοις: See note on v. 64.

πεδιάδα: “Level.” All care was taken to prevent ill-omened accidents in the processions.

δίχα κεῖται: Special honor is paid him as κτιστής. So Pelops' tomb is by itself (Schol., Ol. 1, 92). Catull. 7, 6:Batti veteris sacrum sepulcrum.

Strophe 4

λαοσεβής: The honors thus received are described O. 7.79, foll.

πρὸ δωμάτων: On either side of the road. The monuments are still numbered by thousands; many of them are little temples.

λαχόντες ἀίδαν: P.'s ποικιλία for θανόντες.

μεγάλαν ... Ἀρκεσίλᾳ: “They hear, sure, with soul beneath the earth great achievement besprent with soft dew 'neath the outpourings of songs — their happiness a joint glory with their son, and richly due to him, even to Arkesilas.” Another reading is μεγαλᾶν ἀρετᾶν ῥανθεισᾶν. Yet another, ῥανθεῖσιν. The codices have κώμων, for which Beck reads ὕμνων to save the metre.

δρόσῳ μαλθακᾷ: A favorite figure. P. 8.57: ῥαίνω δὲ καὶ ὕμνῳ, I. 5 (6), 21: νᾶσον ῥαινέμεν εὐλογίαις.

ῥανθεῖσαν: The aor. part. is not very common even in poetry after verbs of hearing as actual perception. See v. 84.

ὑπὸ χεύμασιν: Plastic. δρόσος μαλθακά forms the χεύματα.

ποί = πώς. Compare O. 1.28: πού. Böckh prefers τοί.

χθονίᾳ φρενί: χθονιᾳ = ὑπὸ χθονός. Fennell: “With such faculty as the dead possess.”

σφόν = σφέτερον. Only here in P.

ὄλβον: The Scholiast refers this to the κῶμος. Grammatically it is in apposition to the whole preceding clause. τὸ ῥανθῆναι is the ὄλβος, the ἀκοή involved in ἀκούοντι. The honor is common to them and their son (compare P. 6.15), but it is peculiarly due to Arkesilas; hence the neat division of υἱῷ and Ἀρκεσίλᾳ, which should not be run together.

ἐν ἀοιδᾷ: O. 5.19: Λυδίοις ἀπύων ἐν αὐλοῖς.

χρυσάορα: Hung with (the) gold(en φόρμιγξ). Compare P. 1.1. The same epithet is applied to Orpheus, fr. X. 8, 10.

Antistrophe 4

ἔχοντα: With τόν.

καλλίνικον λυτήριον: Both adj

δαπανᾶν: The inevitable other side, never forgotten by the thrifty Greek. Cf. O. 5.15: πόνος δαπάνα τε.

λεγόμενον ἐρέω: I can only say what all the world says. See P. 3.2: κοινὸν ϝέπος.

κρέσσονα μὲν ἁλικίας: Compare the laudation of Damophilos P. 4.280.

φέρβεται: Used like τρέφει.

ἐν ... Μοίσαισι: Not “in musical arts,” which were colorless. He flits among the Muses (P. 6.49), a winged soul from his mother's lap — not “taught by his mother dear,” but as an inheritance from her nature.

πέφανται: Now. Not to be supplied with the other predicates.

σοφός: See note on v. 51.

Epode 4

ὅσαι τ᾽ εἰσὶν ... τετόλμακε: τε sums up. The ἐπιχώρια καλά embrace all the forms of generous rivalry in Kyrene.

ἔσοδοι: Cf. P. 6.50.

τελεῖ δύνασιν: “Maketh his potency performance.”

ὁμοῖα: So Hartung for MS. , Moschopulos' πλεῖστα. May the blessed Kronidai give him like fortune in deeds and counsels.

μὴ ... χρόνον: Punctuate after ἔχειν. Asyndeton presents no difficulty in wishes.

φθινοπωρίς: The compound recalls φθινόκαρπος, P. 4.265. Compare v. 10.

κατὰ πνοά: So with Christ for καταπνοά, κ. with δαμαλίζοι.

δαμαλίζοι: Bergk reads δνοπαλίζοι.

χρόνον = βίον (Schol.). “His lifetime,” as O. 1.115. Not satisfactory. θρόνον (Hecker). χλόαν would keep up the figure (Bergk).

δαίμονα: “Fate.” Here it suits P. to make Zeus the pilot and the δαίμων the oarsman.

τοῦτο ... γέρας: It is not necessary to change to τωὐτό, O. 8.57. The desired victory was gained Ol. 80.

ἔπι: “As a crowning mercy.” See O. 2.12; 9, 120.

The victory here commemorated was gained P. 24 (Ol. 71, 3) 494 B.C., and was celebrated by Simonides also, acc. to the Schol. on I. 2. The victor, Xenokrates, was an Agrigentine, brother of Theron. Compare O. 2.54: Πυθῶνι δ᾽ ὁμόκλαρον ἐς ἀδελφεὸν Ἰσθμοῖ τε κοιναὶ Χάριτες ἄνθεα τεθρίππων δυωδεκαδρόμων ἄγαγον. The charioteer was Thrasybulos, son of Xenokrates. Böckh thinks that the ode was sung at a banquet held at Delphi in honor of Thrasybulos.

The theme is the glory of filial devotion. As the man that hath dared and died for his father's life, so the man that hath wrought and spent for his father's honor hath a treasure of hymns that nothing shall destroy, laid up where neither rain nor wind doth corrupt.

The simplicity of the thought is not matched by the language, which is a trifle overwrought.

The poet's ploughshare is turning up a field of Aphrodite or the Charites as he draws nigh to the temple centre of the earth where lies a treasure for the Emmenidai, for Akragas, for Xenokrates (vv. 1-9).

A treasure which neither the fierce armament of wintry rain nor storm with its rout of rubble shall bear to the recesses of the sea — a treasure whose face, shining in clear light, shall announce a victory common to thy father, Thrasybulos, and to thy race, and glorious in the repute of mortals (vv. 10-18).

At thy right hand, upheld by thee, rideth the Law, once given in the mountains by the son of Philyra to Peleides when sundered from father and mother, first of all to reverence the Thunderer, then of such reverence never to deprive his parents in their allotted life (vv. 19-27).

There was another, Antilochos, man of might, that aforetime showed this spirit by dying for his father in his stand against Memnon. Nestor's chariot was tangled by his horse, stricken of Paris' arrows, and Memnon plied his mighty spear. His soul awhirl the old man of Messene called: My son! (vv. 28-36).

Not to the ground fell his word. Stedfast the god-like man awaited the foe, bought with his life the rescue of his father, for his high deed loftiest example of the olden time to younger men, pattern of filial worth. These things are of the past. Of the time that now is Thrasybulos hath come nearest to the mark in duty to a father (vv. 37-45).

His father's brother he approaches in all manner of splendor. With wisdom he guides his wealth. The fruit of his youth is not injustice nor violence, but the pursuit of poesy in the haunts of the Pierides, and to thee, Poseidon, with thy passionate love of steeds, he clings, for with thee hath he found favor. Sweet also is the temper of his soul, and as a boon companion he outvies the cellè labor of the bees (vv. 46-54).

The poem is the second in time of Pindar's odes. Eight years separate it from P. 10, and Leop. Schmidt notices a decided advance, although he sees in it many traces of youthfulness. The parallel between Antilochos, son of Nestor, who died for his father, and Thrasybulos, son of Xenokrates, who drove for his, has evoked much criticism, and, while the danger of the chariot-race must not be overlooked, the step from Antilochos to Thrasybulos is too great for sober art.

The poem consists of six strophes, with slight overlapping once, where, however, the sense of the preceding strophe (v. 45) is complete, and the participle comes in as an after-thought (compare P. 4.262). Of these six strophes two describe the treasure, two tell the story of Antilochos, son of Nestor, prototype of filial self-sacrifice, the last two do honor to the victor's son.

The rhythm is logaoedic.

Strophe 1

ἀκούσατε: A herald cry. So ἀκούετε λεῴ, the “oyez” of the Greek courts.

ἑλικώπιδος: This adj. is used of Chryseïs, Il. 1. 98; variously interpreted. “Of the flashing eye” is a fair compromise.

Ἀφροδίτας: Pindar goes a-ploughing, and finds in the field of Aphrodite, or of the Charites, treasure of song. Aphrodite is mentioned as the mistress of the Graces, who are the goddesses of victory. See O. 14.8 foll.

ἄρουραν: Cf. O. 9.29: Χαρίτων ... κᾶπον, N. 6.37: Πιερίδων ἀρόταις, 10, 26: Μοίσαισιν ἔδωκ᾽ ἀρόσαι.

ὀμφαλόν: See P. 4.74; 8, 59; 11, 10.

ἐριβρόμου: Refers most naturally to the noise of the waterfall, though the gorge was full of echoes, the roar of the wind, the rumble of thunder (v. 11), the rattling of chariots, the tumult of the people.

νάιον: The MSS. have ναόν, for which Hermann writes νάιον = ναοῦ, “of the temple” (cf. v. 6), Bergk and many editors λάινον.

Ἐμμενίδαις: O. 3.38.

ποταμίᾳ ... Ἀκράγαντι: Cf. O. 2.10: οἴκημα ποταμοῦ. Akragas, the city, is blended with the nymph of the river Akragas. See P. 9.4; 12, 2.

καὶ μάν: P. 4.90.

ὕμνων | θησαυρός: A store of victories is a treasure-house of hymns.

πολυχρύσῳ: P. 4.53: πολυχρύσῳ ποτ᾽ ἐν δώματι.

τετείχισται: The figure shifts from the field to the gorge, or rather the temple in the gorge, where the treasure is safely “guarded by walls.”

Strophe 2

χειμέριος ὄμβρος: The original of

quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens
possit diruere.

ἐπακτός: The rain comes from an alien quarter. Compare the hatefulness of the ποιμὴν ἐπακτὸς ἀλλότριος, O. 10 (11), 97.

ἐριβρόμου: P., with all his ποικιλία, is not afraid to repeat, as a modern poet would be. See P. 1.80.

στρατός: The figure is perfect. Rain comes across a plain, or across the water, exactly as the advance of an army. One sees the στίχες ἀνδρῶν. The wall protects the treasure against the hostile (ἐπακτός) advance.

ἀμείλιχος: “Relentless,” “grim.”

ἄξοισι: With the plur. compare Eur. Alc. 360:καί μ᾽ οὔθ᾽ Πλούτωνος κύων οὔθ᾽ οὑπὶ κώπῃ ψυχοπομπὸς ἂν Χάρων ἔσχον” . Similar plurals are not uncommon with disjunctives in English. In Lat. compare

Tum nec mens mihi nec color
certa sede manent.

παμφόρῳ χεράδει: So, and not χεράδι. The nominative is χέραδος, not χεράς. The Schol. says χερὰς μετὰ ἰλύος καὶ λίθων συρφετός. It seems to be rather loose stones, and may be transl. “rubble.”

τυπτόμενον: So Dawes for τυπτόμενος. Bergk's κρυπτόμενον is not likely. The whirlwind drags the victim along while he is pounded by the storm-driven stones. The rain is an army (imber edax), the wind is a mob (Aquilo impotens).

πρόσωπον: The πρόσωπον is the πρόσωπον τηλαυγές of the treasure-house made luminous by joy (P. 3.75). Mezger: “thy countenance” (of Thrasybulos) after Leop. Schmidt. We should expect τεόν, and we need the τεῷ that we have.

πατρὶ τεῷ ... κοινάν τε γενεᾷ: π. depends on κοινάν, not on ἀπαγγελεῖ.

λόγοισι θνατῶν ... ἀπαγγελεῖ: “Will announce to the discourses of mortals,” will furnish a theme to them. Cf. P. 1.93: μανύει καὶ λογίοις καὶ ἀοιδοῖς.

εὔδοξον: Proleptic.

ἅρματι νίκαν | Κρισαίαις ἐν πτυχαῖς: All run together, “a Pythian chariot-victory,” as I. 2, 13: Ἰσθμίαν ἵπποισι νίκαν.

Strophe 3

σχέθων: Shall we write σχεθών aor. or σχέθων pres.? Most frequently aor., the form seems to be used as a present here.

τοι ... νιν: νιν anticipates ἐφημοσύναν. See O. 7.59; 13, 69. Another view makes νιν the father, who stands on the right of the son in the triumphal procession. Bergk writes νυν, after the Schol. τοίνυν.

ἐπιδέξια χειρός: Compare Od. 5. 277: τὴν ... ἐπ᾽ ἀριστερὰ χειρὸς ἔχοντα. The commandment is personified. She is mounted on the chariot of Thrasybulos as a πολύφιλος ἑπέτις (cf. P. 5.4), and stands on his right hand because upheld by him. The word shall not fall to the ground. It is an ὀρθὸν ἔπος. Cf. v. 37: χαμαιπετὲς ... ἔπος οὐκ ἀπέριψεν.

τά: Compare, for the shift, P. 2.75: οἷα.

μεγαλοσθενῆ: So with Bergk for μεγαλοσθενεῖ. The teacher is to be emphasized this time.

Φιλύρας υἱόν: Cheiron, P. 3.1. On Achilles' education in the abode of Cheiron, see N. 3.43. The Χείρωνος ὑποθῆκαι were famous. The first two of them seem to have been identical with the first two of Euripides' three, Antiop. fr. 46: θεούς τε τιμᾶν τούς τε θρέψαντας γονεῖς. Compare also P. 4.102.

ὀρφανιζομένῳ. Verbs of privation connote feeling, hence often in the present where we might expect the perfect. Compare στέρομαι and ἐστέρημαι, privor and privatus sum. Achilles is parted from father and mother.

μάλιστα μὲν Κρονίδαν: The meaning, conveyed in P.'s usual implicit manner, is: Zeus above all the gods, father and mother above all mankind.

βαρυόπαν: Immediately applicable to the κεραυνῶν πρύτανιν, but στεροπᾶν κεραυνῶν

τε form a unit (O. 1.62).

ταύτας ... τιμᾶς = τοῦ σέβεσθαι.

γονέων βίον πεπρωμένον = τοὺς γονέας ἕως ἄν ζῶσιν.

Strophe 4

ἔγεντο: For ἐγένετο (as P. 3.87) = ἐφάνη, “showed himself.”

καὶ πρότερον: In times of yore as Thrasybulos now (καί).

φέρων: With νόημα is almost an adjective, τοιοῦτος τὸν νοῦν.

ἐναρίμβροτον: Occurs again, I. 7 (8), 53: μάχας ἐναριμβρότου.

Αἰθιόπων Μέμνονα: This version of the story is taken from the Αἰθιοπίς of Arktinos.

Νεστόρειον: O. 2.13.

ἐπέδα: Il. 8. 80: Νέστωρ οἶος ἔμιμνε Γερήνιος οὖρος Ἀχαιῶν οὔ τι ἑκών, ἀλλ᾽ ἵππος ἐτείρετο, τὸν βάλεν ἰῷ δῖος Ἀλέξανδρος, Ἑλένης πόσις ἠυκόμοιο. In Homer it is Diomed that comes to the rescue. Still the death of Antilochos by the hand of Memnon was known to the poet of the Odyssey, 4, 188.

δαϊχθείς: O. 3.6.

ἔφεπεν: “Plied,” “attacked him with.”

Μεσσανίου: Not from Triphylian, but from Messenian Pylos. See P. 4.126.

δονηθεῖσα φρήν: See P. 1.72.

Strophe 5

χαμαιπετές = ὥστε χαμαιπετὲς εἶναι. Compare O. 9.13: οὔτοι χαμαιπετέων λόγων ἐφάψεαι.

αὐτοῦ: “On the spot,” hence “unmoved,” “stedfast.”

μὲν ... τε: O. 4.13.

τῶν πάλαι: τῶν depends on ὕπατος.

γενεᾷ: Cf. Il. 2. 707: ὁπλότερος γενεῇ.

ὁπλοτέροισιν: The position favors the combination, ἐδόκησεν -- ὁπλοτέροισιν -- ὕπατος. Antilochos belonged to the ὁπλότεροι, and the position accorded to him by them was the more honorable, as younger men are severer judges.

ἀμφὶ τοκεῦσιν: Prose, περὶ τοὺς τοκέας.

τὰ μὲν παρίκει: The parallel is strained, and it is hard to keep what follows from flatness, although we must never forget the personal risk of a chariot-race.

τῶν νῦν δέ: Contrast to τῶν πάλαι.

πατρῴαν ... πρὸς στάθμαν: “To the father-standard,” “to the standard of what is due to a father.” Not “to the standard set by our fathers.” Antilochos was and continued to be an unapproachable model. Xen. Kyneg. 1, 14:Ἀντίλοχος τοῦ πατρὸς ὑπεραποθανὼν τοσαύτης ἔτυχεν εὐκλείας ὥστε μόνος φιλοπάτωρ παρὰ τοῖς Ἕλλησιν ἀναγορευθῆναι.

Strophe 6

πάτρῳ: Theron.

νόῳ δὲ πλοῦτον ἄγει: Compare P. 5.2. 3: ὅταν τις ... [πλοῦτον] ἀνάγῃ. νόῳ, “with judgment.”

ἄδικον οὔθ᾽ ὑπέροπλον: On the omission of the first οὔτε, see P. 10.29: ναυσὶ δ᾽ οὔτε πεζὸς ἰών. A similar omission of “neither” is common enough in English. So Shakespeare, “The shot of accident nor dart of chance,” “Thine nor none of thine,” “Word nor oath;” Byron, “Sigh nor word,” “Words nor deeds.” ἄδικον and ὑπέροπλον are proleptic. The youth that he enjoys is not a youth of injustice or presumption.

ἥβαν δρέπων: Cf. O. 1.13.

σοφίαν: O. 1.116.

Ἐλέλιχθον: Cf. P. 2.4.

ὀργᾷς ὃς ἱππειᾶν ἐσόδων: This is Christ's reading. “Who art passionate in thy love of chariot contests.” ὀργᾷς construed like ὀρούεις (P. 10.61). The inferior MSS. have εὗρές θ᾽, the better ὀργαῖς πάσαις, which is supposed to be a gloss to μάλα ϝαδόντι νόῳ = ἑκόντι νόῳ, P. 5.43, but when did ἁδών ever mean ἑκών̣ μάλα ϝαδόντι νόῳ must mean that the spirit of Thrasybulos had found favor in Poseidon's eyes. All the MSS. have ἱππείαν ἔσοδον. ἵππειαι ἔσοδοι = ἱππικαὶ ἅμιλλαι.

γλυκεῖα δὲ φρήν: Supply ἐστι, which P. seldom uses. O. 1.1.

συμπόταισιν ὁμιλεῖν = ἐν ταῖς συμποτικαῖς ὁμιλίαις. καί throws it into construction with ἀμείβεται. To say that “a spirit that is sweet to associate even with one's boon companions surpasses the honey and the honeycomb” is a bit of sour philosophizing that does not suit the close of this excessively sugary poem.

τρητὸν πόνον: Has a finical, précieux, sound to us.

The seventh Pythian is the only epinikion in honor of a citizen of Athens except N. 2. Megakles, whose victory is here celebrated, was a member of the aristocratic house of the Alkmaionidai, a grandson of that Megakles who married the daughter of Kleisthenes, tyrant of Sikyon (Hdt. 6, 127 foll.). Whether our Megakles was the son of Kleisthenes, the lawgiver, or of Hippokrates, brother of the lawgiver, does not appear. The latter is called simply συγγενής by the Scholiast. The victory was gained Pyth. 25 (Ol. 72, 3), the year of the battle of Marathon. Whether the Pythian games were celebrated and the ode composed before the battle or not is a question that has led to elaborate discussion, which cannot be presented here even in summary. Pindar's patriotism, so dear to many, so doubtful to some, is thought to be at stake; but we have to do with Pindar the poet, rather than Pindar the patriot; and all that can be said in this place is, that even if the ode was composed and performed after the battle, there were reasons enough why the poet should not have referred distinctly to a victory, the greatness of which was not necessary to make Athens great enough for poetry; a victory which would not have been a pleasant theme for the Alkmaionidai, on account of the suspicions of treachery that attached to them (Hdt. 6, 115).

Athens is the fairest preface of song, the fairest foundation of a monument of praise to the Alkmaionidai for their victory in the chariot-race. No fatherland, no house, whose name is greater praise throughout Greece (vv. 1-6).

The story of the Erechtheidai haunts every city, for they made the temple of Apollo in divine Pytho a marvel to behold. That were enough, but I am led to further song by five Isthmian victories, one o'ertopping victory at Olympia, and two from Pytho (vv. 7-12).

These have been won by you that now are and by your forefathers. My heart is full of joy at this new good-fortune. What though noble acts have for their requital envy? Abiding happiness brings with it now this, now that (vv. 13-17).

Mezger sees in this ode a complete poem, not a fragment, as L. Schmidt does. No part of an epinikion, he says, is wanting. Praises of the victor, the victory, the family, the city, the god of the games, form the usual garland. In the heart of the poem stands the great act of piety, the building of the Delphic temple. The victories of the Alkmaionidai are a reward of their service to Apollo. The citizens are not all so grateful as the god, but their envy is only an assurance of abiding happiness.

So short a poem does not call for an elaborate analysis. Chiefly noteworthy is the way in which each member of the triad balances itself. The strophe has to do with Athens and the Alkmaionidai, the antistrophe with splendid generosity and brilliant success, the epode sums up new and old, and sets off abiding happiness against the envy which it costs. Compare the structure of O. 12.

The measures are logaoedic.


αἱ μεγαλοπόλιες Ἀθᾶναι: Cf. P. 2.1: μεγαλοπόλιες Συράκοσαι. As this is poetry, there is no need of scrutinizing the epithet closely with reference to the period. Solon calls Athens μεγάλην πόλιν. Herodotos, writing of the end of the sixth century, says (5, 66): Ἀθῆναι καὶ πρὶν μεγάλαι τότε ἀπαλλαχθεῖσαι τῶν τυράννων ἐγένοντο μέζονες.

προοίμιον: Athens is the noblest opening for a song in honor of the Alkmaionidai. πρ. is the prelude sung before the foundation is laid.

γενεᾷ ... ἵπποισι: The double dat. is not harsh if we connect, after Pindar's manner, ἀοιδᾶν with ἵπποισι, “chariot-songs.” Cf. P. 6.17, and I. 1, 14: Ἡροδότῳ τεύχων τὸ μὲν ἅρματι τεθρίππῳ γέρας.

κρηπῖδ᾽ ἀοιδᾶν ... βαλέσθαι: Cf. P. 4.138: βάλλετο κρηπῖδα σοφῶν ἐπέων. The architectural image recalls the service that the Alkmaionidai had rendered the Delphian temple. βαλέσθαι: “For the laying.” P. is instructive for the old dat. conception of the inf.

πάτραν: Cannot be “clan” here. It must refer to Athens, as οἶκον to the Alkmaionidai.

ναίοντ᾽: With τίνα. “Whom shall I name as inhabiting a fatherland, whom a house more illustrious of report in Greece?” (τίς ναίει ἐπιφανεστέραν μὲν πάτραν, ἐπιφανέστερον δὲ οἶκον;) P.'s usual way of changing the form of a proposition. ναίων is the reading of all the MSS. The Scholia read ναίοντ᾽, as they show by οἰκοῦντα. No conjecture yet made commends itself irresistibly.

πυθέσθαι: Epexegetic infinitive.


λόγος ὁμιλεῖ: Semi-personification. . = ἀναστρέφεται (Schol.). Cf. O. 12.19: ὁμιλέων παρ᾽ οἰκείαις ἀρούραις. The story is at home, is familiar as household words.

Ἐρεχθέος ἀστῶν: Indication of ancient descent. Compare O. 13.14: παῖδες Αλάτα. P. includes Athens in the glory of the liberality.

τεόν νε δόμον: When the temple of Delphi, which had been burned Ol. 58, 1 = 548 B.C.), was rebuilt, the Alkmaionidai, then in exile, took the contract for the façade, and carried it out in an expensive marble instead of a cheap stone (Hdt. 5, 62).

θαητόν = ὥστε θαητὸν εἶναι. “Fashioned thy house in splendor.”

ἄγοντι δέ: P. is not allowed to linger on this theme. Other glories lead him to other praises.

ἐκπρεπής: Cf. O. 1.1


ὑμαί: By you of this generation.

χαίρω τι: A kind of λιτότης. “I have no little joy.”

τὸ δ᾽ ἄχνυμαι: “But this is my grievance.”

φθόνον ἀμειβόμενον = ὅτι φθόνος ἀμείβεται. Instructive for the peculiar Attic construction with verbs of emotion, e. g. So. Ai. 136: σὲ μὲν εὖ πράσσοντ᾽ ἐπιχαίρω. . “requiting.”

γε μάν: “Howbeit.” μάν meets an objection, made or to be made, γε limits the utterance to φαντί. Compare O. 13.104; P. 1.17; N. 8.50; I. 3 (4), 18. “Yet they say that thus prosperity that abideth in bloom for a man brings with it this and that” (good and bad), or, analyzed, οὕτως ἂν παραμόνιμος θάλλοι εὐδαιμονία ἐὰν τὰ καὶ τὰ φέρηται. Ups and downs are necessary to abiding fortune. Perpetual success provokes more than envy of men, the Nemesis of God. We hear the old Polykrates note.

τὰ καὶ τά: Here “good and bad.” as I. 3 (4). 51.

Aristomenes of Aigina, the son of Xenarkes, belonged to the clan of the Midylidai, and had good examples to follow in his own family. One of his uncles, Theognetos, was victorious at Olympia, another, Kleitomachos, at the Isthmian games, both in wrestling, for which Aristomenes was to be distinguished. His victories at Megara, at Marathon, in Aigina, were crowned by success at the Pythian games. It is tolerably evident that at the time of this ode he was passing from the ranks of the boywrestlers (v. 78). No mention is made of the trainer, a character who occupies so much space in O. 8.

P. was, in all likelihood, present at the games (v. 59). The poem seems to have been composed for the celebration in Aigina — compare τόθι (v. 64), which points to distant Delphi, and note that Hesychia, and not Apollo, is invoked at the outset of the ode.

What is the date? According to the Schol., Pyth. 35 (Ol. 82, 3 = 450 B.C.), when Aigina had been six years under the yoke of Athens; but the supposed reference to foreign wars (v. 3), and the concluding verses, which imply the freedom of the island, led O. Müller and many others to give an earlier date to the victory, 458 B.C. Allusions to the battle of Kekryphaleia (Thuk. 1, 105) were also detected, but Kekryphaleia was a bad day for the Aiginetans, because the Athenian success was the forerunner of Aiginetan ruin (Diod. 11, 78), and a reference to it would have been incomprehensible. In any case, P. would hardly have represented the Athenians as the monstrous brood of giants (v. 12 foll.). Mezger, who adheres to the traditional date, sees in πολέμων (v. 3) an allusion, not to foreign wars, but to domestic factions, such as naturally ensued when the Athenians changed the Aiginetan constitution to the detriment of the nobles (οἱ παχεῖς). Krüger gives the earlier date of Ol. 77, 3 (470 B.C.). or Ol. 78, 3 (466 B.C.). Hermann goes back as far as Ol. 75, 3 (478 B.C.), and sees in the ode allusions to the Persian war, Porphyrion and Typhõeus being prefigurements of Xerxes — altogether unlikely. Fennell, who advocates 462 B.C., suggests the great victory of Eurymedon four years before “as having revived the memory of Salamis, while apprehensions of Athenian aggression were roused by the recent reduction of Thasos.”

If we accept the late date, the poem becomes of special importance as Pindar's last, just as P. 10 is of special importance as Pindar's earliest ode. Leopold Schmidt has made the most of the tokens of declining power. Mezger, on the other hand, emphasizes the steadiness of the technical execution, and the similarity of the tone. “In P. 10.20 we have μὴ φθονεραῖς ἐκ θεῶν μετατροπίαις ἐπικύρσαιεν, in P. 8.71: θεῶν δ᾽ ὄπιν ἄφθιτον αἰτέω, Ξέναρκες, ὑμετέραις τύχαις, and in P. 10.62 we have as sharp a presentation of the transitoriness of human fortunes as in the famous passage P. 8.92.” But this comparison of commonplaces proves nothing. There is undoubtedly an accent of experience added in P. 8; and, according to Mezger's own interpretation, P. 8.71 is deeper than P. 10.20. Jean Paul says somewhere, “The youngest heart has the waves of the oldest; it only lacks the plummet that measures their depth.” In P. 8 Pindar has the plummet.

Hesychia is to Aigina what the lyre is to Syracuse; and the eighth Pythian, which begins with the invocation Φιλόφρον Ἡσυχία, is not unrelated to the first Pythian, which begins with the invocation Χρυσέα φόρμιγξ. In the one, the lyre is the symbol of the harmony produced by the splendid sway of a central power, Hieron; in the other, the goddess Hesychia diffuses her influence through all the members of the commonwealth. In the one case, the balance is maintained by a strong hand; in the other, it depends on the nice adjustment of forces within the state. Typhõeus figures here (v. 16) as he figures in the first Pythian; but there the monster stretches from Cumae to Sicily, and represents the shock of foreign warfare as well as the volcanic powers of revolt (note on P. 1.72); here there is barely a hint, if a hint, of trouble from without. Here, too, Typhõeus is quelled by Zeus, and Porphyrion, king of the giants, by Apollo (vv. 1618); but we have no Aitna keeping down the monster, and a certain significance attaches to ἐν χρόνῳ of v. 15.

The opening, then, is a tribute to Hesychia, the goddess of domestic tranquillity, who holds the keys of wars and councils, who knows the secret of true gentleness (vv. 1-7), who has strength to sink the rebellious crew of malcontents, such as Porphyrion and Typhõeus — the one quelled by the thunderbolt of Zeus, the other by the bow of Apollo — Apollo, who welcomed the son of Xenarkes home from Kirrha, crowned with Parnassian verdure and Dorian revel-song (vv. 8-20).

Then begins the praise of Aigina for her exploits in the games, and the praise of Aristomenes for keeping up the glory of his house and for exalting the clan of the Midylidai and earning the word that Amphiaraos spoke (vv. 21-40).

The short myth follows, the scene in which the soul of Amphiaraos, beholding the valor of his son and his son's comrades among the Epigonoi, uttered the words: Φυᾷ τὸ γενναῖον ἐπιπρέπει | ἐκ πατέρων παισὶν λῆμα (v. 44). The young heroes have the spirit of their sires. “Blood will tell.” Adrastos, leader of the first adventure, is compassed by better omens now; true, he alone will lose his son, but he will bring back his people safe by the blessing of the gods (vv. 41-55).

O. 8, another Aiginetan ode, is prayerful. Prayer and oracle are signs of suspense; and the utterance of Amphiaraos carries with it the lesson that Aigina's only hope lay in the preservation of the spirit of her nobility. What the figure of Adrastos means is not so evident. It may signify: Whatever else perishes, may the state abide unharmed.

Such, then, were the words of Amphiaraos, whose praise of his son Alkmaion is echoed by Pindar — for Alkmaion is not only the prototype of Aristomenes, but he is also the neighbor of the poet, guardian of his treasures, and spoke to him in oracles (vv. 56-60).

Similar sudden shifts are common in the quicker rhythms (Aiolian), and the Aiginetan odes of P. presume an intimacy that we cannot follow in detail.

P. now turns with thanksgiving and prayer to Apollo — entreats his guidance, craves for the fortunes of the house of Xenarkes the boon of a right reverence of the gods. Success is not the test of merit. It is due to the will of Fortune, who makes men her playthings. “Therefore keep thee within bounds.”

Then follows the recital of the victories, with a vivid picture of the defeated contestants as they slink homeward (vv. 61-87).

“The bliss of glory lends wings and lifts the soul above riches. But delight waxeth in a little space. It falls to the ground, when shaken by adversity. We are creatures of a day. What are we? what are we not? A dream of shadow is man. Yet all is not shadow. When God-given splendor comes there is a clear shining and a life of sweetness.”

“Aigina, mother dear, bring this city safely onward in her course of freedom, with the blessing of Zeus, Lord Aiakos, Peleus, and good Telamon and Achilles” (vv. 88-100).

Compare again the close of O. 8. This invocation of all the saints in the calendar is ominous.

To sum up: The first triad is occupied with the praise of Hesychia, ending in praise of the victor. The second triad begins with the praise of Aigina, and ends with the Midylidai, to whom the victor belongs. The third triad gives the story of Alkmaion, as an illustration of the persistency of noble blood. The fourth acknowledges the goodness of Apollo, and entreats his further guidance; for God is the sole source of these victories, which are now recounted. The fifth presents a striking contrast between vanquished and victor, and closes with an equally striking contrast between the nothingness of man and the power of God, which can make even the shadow of a dream to be full of light and glory. At the end is heard a fervent prayer for Aigina's welfare.

So we have two for introduction, one for myth, two for conclusion. It is evident that the circumstances are too absorbing for the free development of the mythic portion. We have here a tremulous poem with a melancholy note in the midst of joyousness.

The lesson, if there must be a lesson, is: In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. The only hope of Aigina, as was said above, is the persistence of the type of her nobility, but it is clear that it is hoping against hope.

The rhythms are Aiolian (logaoedic). The restlessness, in spite of Hesychia, forms a marked contrast to the majestic balance of P. 1.

Strophe 1

φιλόφρον: “Kindly.” Ar. Av. 1321:τὸ τῆς ἀγανόφρονος Ἡσυχίας εὐήμερον πρόσωπον.εὐμενής seems to be more personal. Compare v. 10.

Ἡσυχία: A goddess. Compare Αἰδώς, Φήμη, Ἔλεος, Ὁρμή, at Athens (Paus. 1, 17, 1). The Romans carried this still further.

Δίκας . . . θύγατερ : Εἰρήνη (peace between state and state) is the sister of Δίκη (O. 13.7), but Ἡσυχία, domestic tranquillity, is eminently the daughter of right between man and man. Cf. P. 1.70: σύμφωνον ἡσυχίαν, and if “righteousness exalteth a nation” the daughter of righteousness may well be called μεγιστόπολις.

: For the position, compare O. 8.1.

πολέμων: The Schol. understands this of factions (στάσεις). But when a state is at peace within itself, then it can regulate absolutely its policy at home and abroad, its councils and its armies. This is especially true of Greek history.

κλαῗδας ὑπερτάτας: Many were the bearers of the keys — Πειθώ (P. 9.43), Ἀθηνᾶ (Aisch. Eum. 827, Ar. Thesm. 1142), “Εὐμολπίδαι(So. O. C. 1053) .

Πυθιόνικον τιμάν = κῶμον.

Ἀριστομένει: On the dat. with δέκευ, see O. 13.29; P. 4.23.

τὸ μαλθακόν: “True (τό) gentleness.”

ἔρξαι τε καὶ παθεῖν : παθεῖν pushes the personification to a point where analysis loses its rights. There is no ἔρξαι without παθεῖν, hence the exhaustive symmetry. Hesychia knows how to give and how to receive, and so she teaches her people how to give and how to receive.

καιρῷ σὺν ἀτρεκεῖ = εὐκαίρως (Schol.).

Antistrophe 1

ἀμείλιχον . . . ἐνελάοη: The figure is that of a nail. Whose heart? The Schol.: ἐνθῇ τῇ ἑαυτοῦ καρδίᾳ, and that is the only natural construction of the Greek. Dissen and others think of the bitter hatred of the Athenians towards the Aiginetans. “Plants deep in his heart ruthless resentment.” If Ἡσυχία were meant, we should expect τεᾷ.

τραχεῖα . . . ὑπαντιάξαισα: “Meeting the might of embittered foes with roughness.” Tranquillity (conservatism) is harsh whenever it is endangered. No class more cruel than the repressive.

τιθεῖς . . . ἐν ἄντλῳ: ἄντλος is “bilgewater” (O. 9.57). ἄντλον δέχεσθαι is “to spring a leak,” ναῦς ὑπέραντλος is “a leaky, foundering ship.” ἐν ἄντλῳ τιθέναι is opposed to ἐλευθέρῳ στόλῳ κομίζειν (v. 98), hence = “to scuttle,” or, if that is unlyrical, “to sink.” The Schol., ἀφανίζεις καὶ ἀμαυροῖς.

τάν: Sc. Ἡσυχίαν.

Πορφυρίων: Porphyrion, the βασιλεὺς Γιγάντων mentioned below, attempted to hurl Delos heavenward, and was shot by Apollo, who is, among other things, the god of social order. If there is any special political allusion, this would seem to refer to parties within rather than enemies without.

μάθεν = ἔγνω, Schol. πάθεν and λάθεν are unnecessary conjectures.

εἴ τις . . . φέροι: We should expect εἴ τις . . . φέρει (see note on O. 6.11), but the opt. is used of the desirable course. Compare I. 4 (5), 15. One of Pindar's familiar foils. There is no allusion that we can definitely fix.

ἐκ δόμων: Adds color, as πρὸ δόμων, P. 2.18.

Epode 1

ἔσφαλεν: Gnomic aorist, which does not exclude the plumping effect of the tense. See P. 2.50.

ἐν χρόνῳ: Cf. P. 3.96; 4, 291.

Τυφὼς Κίλιξ: See P. 1.16: Τυφὼς ἑκατοντακάρανος: τόν ποτε | Κιλίκιον θρέψεν πολυώνυμον ἄντρον. — νιν = Ἡσυχίαν.

βασιλεὺς Γιγάντων: Porphyrion.

δμᾶθεν δὲ κεραυνῷ: Instead of the circumstantial δμᾶθεν μὲν κεραυνῷ δὲ τόξοισιν Ἀπόλλωνος. Typhõeus was slain by Zeus.

εὐμενεῖ: See v. 1.

Ξενάρκειον . . . υἱόν: Aristomenes. O. 2.13: Κρόνιε παῖ, P. 2.18: Δεινομένειε παῖ.

ποίᾳ: A wide term. Cf. P. 9.40.

Δωριεῖ: Always complimentary in Pindar (Mezger) — when he is addressing Dorians.

Strophe 2

ἔπεσε: The figure is like that of the lot (λάχος), O. 7.58.

Χαρίτων: The goddesses of the hymn of victory. See O. 9.29.

δικαιόπολις: According to the genealogy of Ἡσυχία (v. 1).

ἀρεταῖς: P. 4.296: ἡσυχίᾳ θιγέμεν, P. 9.46: ψεύδει θιγεῖν.

θιγοῖσα: P. uses θιγεῖν as an aor., and I hesitate to follow the MS. accent θίγοισα. Aigina has attained.

πολλοῖσι: With ἀέθλοις.

Antistrophe 2

τὰ δέ: “And then again,” with the shift δέ to another part of the antithesis, a Pindaric device instead of ἥρωας μὲν . . . ἀνδράσι δέ. See O. 11 (10), 8. On the contrast, see O. 2.2. On τὰ δέ, O. 13.55.

ἄσχολος: “I have no time” = “this is no time.”

ἀναθέμεν: To set up as an ἀνάθημα. Cf. O. 5.7: τὶν δὲ κῦδος ἁβρὸν | νικάσαις ἀνέθηκε, O. 11 (10), 7: ἀφθόνητος δ᾽ αἶνος Ὀλυμπιονίκαις | οὗτος ἄγκειται. The poet is thinking of the inscription of the votive offerings (O. 3.30).

λύρᾳ . . . φθέγματι: Cf. “liquidam pater vocem cum cithara dedit.

μὴ . . . κνίσῃ: μή sentences of fear are really paratactic, and are often added loosely. Compare note on P. 4.155. “I have no time” = “I say that I have no time.” κνίσῃ: Lit., “nettle,” “irk.”

τὸ . . . ἐν ποσί μοι τράχον: A more forcible τὸ πὰρ ποδός (P. 3.60; 10, 62), τὸ πρὸ ποδός (I. 7 [8], 13). ἐν ποσί, “on my path,” as ἐμποδών, “in my way.” τράχον shows that the matter is urgent, “my immediate errand.” Dissen combines τράχον ἴτω. But τράχον is heightened by the poet to ποτανόν.

τεὸν χρέος: Thy victory.

ποτανόν: Cf. P. 5.114: ἔν τε Μοίσαισι ποτανός. He calls his art ποτανὰ μαχανά (N. 7.22).

ἀμφὶ μαχανᾷ: Cf. P. 1.12. ἀμφίτε Αατοίδα σοφίᾳ βαθυκόλπων τε Μοισᾶν.

Epode 2

ἰχνεύων: “Following hard upon the track.” Echo of τράχον. Notice εῦ.

Ὀλυμπίᾳ: Pindaric brachylogy for Ὀλυμπιονίκαν.

Θεόγνητον: Honored by an epigram of Simonides (149 Bgk., 206 Schndw.): Γνῶθι Θεόγνητον προσιδὼν τὸν Ὀλὺμπιονίκαν | παῖδα, παλαισμοσύνης δεξιὸν ἁνίοχον, | κάλλιστον μὲν ἰδεῖν, ἀθλεῖν δ᾽ οὐ χείρονα μορφᾶς, | ὃς πατέρων ἀγαθῶν ἐστεφάνωσε πόλιν. See Paus. 6, 9, 1.

κατελέγχεις: Cf. O. 8.19 and I. 3 (4), 14: ἀρετὰν | σύμφυτον οὐ κατελέγχει, 7 (8), 65: τὸν μὲν οὐ κατελέγχει κριτοῦ γενεὰ πατραδελφεοῦ.

θρασύγυιον: See O. 8.68, for the propriety of the compound.

αὔξων: O. 5.4.

πάτραν: “Clan.”

λόγον: O. 2.24. Used as the Homeric ἔπος.

φέρεις: As a prize. “Thou earnest.”

Ὀικλέος παῖς: Amphiaraos, the seer, the just man and wise among the seven against Thebes. See O. 6.13. His spirit speaks.

αἰνίξατο: “Uttered as a dark saying, in a riddle,” as became an oracular hero.

Strophe 3

ὁπότε: See P. 3.91.

μαρναμένων: Cf. O. 13.15.

Φυᾷ . . . λῆμα: “By nature stands forth the noble spirit that is transmitted from sires to sons.” This is nothing more than an oracular way of saying τὸ δὲ συγγενὲς ἐμβέβακεν ἴχνεσιν πατρός (P. 10.12). Amphiaraos recognizes the spirit of the warriors of his time in his son and his sons' comrades, hence the plural. Tafel gives φυᾷ the Homeric sense, “growth,” “stature.” The Epigonoi had shot up in the interval, and become stalwart men. So also Mezger. But how would this suit Aristomenes?

δράκοντα: The device occurs on the shields of other warriors, but it is especially appropriate for Alkmaion — our Ἀλκμᾶνα — the son of the seer Amphiaraos. The serpent is mantic. See O. 6.46.

Antistrophe 3

δὲ καμών: Adrastos, who had failed in the first expedition, was the successful leader of the second.

προτέρᾳ πάθᾳ: A breviloquence, such as we sometimes find with ἄλλος and ἕτερος: ἕτερος νεανίας, “another young man,” “a young man beside.” The προτέρα ὁδός was a πάθα. Tr. “before.”

ἐνέχεται: Usu. in a bad sense. Here “is compassed.”

ὄρνιχος: Omen. See P. 4.19.

τὸ δὲ ϝοίκοθεν: “As to his household.” τὸ is acc.

ἀντία πράξει: “He shall fare contrariwise” (Fennell). Cf. O. 8.73: ἄρμενα πράξαις ἀνήρ.

θανόντος . . . υἱοῦ: Aigialeus.

Epode 3

Αβαντος: Abas, son of Hypermnestra and Lynkeus, king of Argos, not Abas, grandfather of Adrastos.

ἀγυιάς: On the acc. see P. 4.51.

καὶ αὐτός: As well as Amphiaraos.

στεφάνοισι βάλλω: P. 9.133: πολλὰ μὲν κεῖνοι δίκον | φύλλ᾽ ἔπι καὶ στεφάνους.

ῥαίνω δὲ καὶ ὕμνῳ: Cf. P. 5.93; I. 5 (6), 21: ῥαινέμεν εὐλογίαις, O. 10 (11), 109: πόλιν καταβρέχων.

γείτων ὅτι μοι: Alkmaion must have had a shrine (ἡρῷον) in Pindar's neighborhood that served the poet as a safety-deposit for his valuables.

ὑπάντασεν: Figuratively, “offered himself as a guardian.”

ἰόντι: As it would seem on this occasion.

ἐφάψατο: “Employed.” The dat., as with θιγοῖσα, v. 24. The prophecy doubtless pertained to this victory of Aristomenes, which P. describes with all the detail of a spectator. His relations to the Aiginetans were very intimate. The prophecy leads to the mention of the fulfilment.

συγγόνοισι: Alkmaion, through his father Amphiaraos, was a descendant of the great seer Melampus.

Strophe 4

πάνδοκον | ναόν: A temple, and not a simple ἡρῷον.

διανέμων: P. 4.260: ἄστυ . . . διανέμειν.

ἁρπαλέαν δόσιν: “A gift to be eagerly seized.” Phil. 2, 6: οὐχ ἁρπαγμὸν ἡγήσατο τὸ εἶναι ἴσα τῷ θεῷ.

ἑορταῖς: The Delphinia in Aigina. See note on O. 13.112.

ὑμαῖς: Of Apollo and Artemis. See P. 4.3.

ἄναξ, ἑκόντι δέ: O. 1.36.

Antistrophe 4

κατὰ τὶν ἁρμονίαν: The MSS. have τιν᾽ τίν = σοί is De Pauw's conjecture, and is to be combined with the verbal subst. ἁρμονίαν. Cf. O. 13.91.

βλέπειν: With κατά. καταβλέπειν (not elsewhere in the classic period), like καθορᾶν. “It is my heart's desire to keep my eyes fixed on agreement with thee at every step of my whole path” (of song). The poet prays for accordance with the divine in his own case, as he afterwards asks (v. 71) that the successful house of the Midylidai may ever have reverential regard for the gods. Others take εὔχομαι as “I declare.” The passage has been much vexed.

ἕκαστον ὅσα = ἕκαστον τῶν ποιημάτων ὅσα . . . ἐπέρχομαι (Schol.).

νέομαι: Cf. ἀναδραμεῖν (O. 8.54), διελθεῖν (N. 4.72).

κώμῳ μὲν . . . Δίκα παρέστακε: P. is certain that Apollo stands by him as Justice does, but he looks forward to the future of the race: hence the demand that the fortunes of the Midylidai should be guarded by reverence for the divine. On μὲν . . . δέ, O. 11 (10), 8. With παρέστακε, compare O. 3.4: παρεστάκοι.

θεῶν δ᾽ ὄπιν: Usu. “favor of the gods,” but can the gods have ὄπις for men as they have τιμά? (P. 4.51).

Ξέναρκες: Father of Aristomenes (cf. v. 19), addressed as the head of the house, as the Amphiaraos of our Alkmaion.

εἰ γάρ τις . . . μαχαναῖς: A mere foil to v. 76. “Easy success is not wisdom, as the vulgar think. 'Tis not in mortals to command success. Each man's weird determines now success, now failure. Have God in all your thoughts. Keep within bounds.”

πεδ᾽ ἀφρόνων = ἐν ἄφροσι (Schol.). For this use of μετά, P. 5.94: μάκαρ ἀνδρῶν μέτα | ἔναιεν. “Wise amongst fools.” Success is the vulgar test of merit, of wisdom. See O. 5.16: ἠῢ δ᾽ ἔχοντες σοφοὶ καὶ πολίταις ἔδοξαν ἔμμεν. On πεδά see P. 5.47.

Epode 4

κορυσσέμεν: “To helmet,” where we should say “to panoply.” The head-piece was the crowning protection, πολλῶν μεθ᾽ ὅπλων σύν θ᾽ ἱπποκόμοις κορύθεσσιν (Soph.).

τὰ δέ: Such success with its repute of wisdom. Compare P. 2.57: νιν.

ἐπ᾽ ἀνδράσι κεῖται: Cf. the Homeric θεῶν ἐν γούνασι κεῖται, and P. 10.71.

παρίσχει: “Is the one that giveth.” It is not necessary to supply anything.

ὕπερθε βάλλων . . . ὑπὸ χειρῶν: “Tossing high in the air . . . under the hands (where the hands can catch it).” Men are the balls of Fortune (δαίμων). ὑπό with genitive instead of the accusative on account of the contrast with ὕπερθε, which suggests the genitive. Bergk reads ὑποχειρῶν, not found elsewhere.

μέτρῳ κατάβαινε: μ. = μετρίως, litotes for μὴ κατάβαινε. “Seek no further contests.” Thou hast victories enough of this kind (v. 85 shows that his opponents were boys). Aristomenes was leaving the ranks of the παῖδες παλαισταί.

ἐν Μεγάροις: O. 7.86.

μυχῷ: Marathon lies between Pentelikon and Parnes.

Μαραθῶνος: O. 9.95.

Ἥρας τ᾽ ἀγῶν᾽ ἐπιχώριον: The Aiginetan Heraia were brought from Argos.

ἀγῶνα ... δάμασσας: An easy extension of the inner object — νικᾶν στέφανον.

ἔργῳ: Emphasizes the exertion in contrast to the lucky man who achieves his fortune μὴ σὺν μακρῷ πόνῳ (v. 73). Schol.: μετ᾽ ἔργου καὶ ἐνεργείας πολλῆς.

Strophe 5

τέτρασι: See O. 8.68.

ἔμπετες = ἐνέπεσες.

σωμάτεσσι: In the other description (O. 8.68) we have γυίοις, which some consider an equiv. to σώμασι.

κακὰ φρονέων: Literally “meaning mischief.” “With fell intent” (Fennell). Cf. N. 4.95: μαλακὰ φρονέων.

οὔτε . . . οὐδέ: So I. 2, 44: μήτε . . . μηδέ.

ὁμῶς: Like as to thee.

ἔπαλπνος = ἡδύς, προσηνής (Schol.).

μολόντων: Easier to us as genitive absolute than as dependent on ἀμφί. See note on O. 13.15.

λαύρας: “Lanes,” “back-streets.”

ἐχθρῶν ἀπάοροι: “In suspense of their enemies” would be perfectly intelligible.

δεδαγμένοι: So with Bergk for δεδαιγμένοι = δεδαϊγμένοι.

Antistrophe 5

δὲ . . . μέριμναν: “He that hath gained something new (a fresh victory) at the season, when luxury is great (rife), soars by reason of hope (at the impulse of Hope), borne up by winged achievements of manliness (by the wings of manly achievements), with his thought above wealth.” This is a description of the attitude of the returning victor in contrast to that of the vanquished. He seems to tread air. Hope, now changed to Pleasure (see P. 2.49), starts him on his flight, and his manly achievements lend him the wings of victory (P. 9.135: πτερὰ Νίκας). From this height he may well look down on wealth, high as wealth is (O. 1.2). Hermann, and many after him, read ἁβρότατος ἔπι, in disregard of the Scholiast (ἀπὸ μεγάλης ἁβρότητος καὶ εὐδαιμονίας), and, which is more serious, in disregard of P.'s rules of position (see note on O. 1.37). Mezger considers ἀνορέαις as dat. termini (for which he cites O. 6.58; 13, 62, neither of them cogent), and sees in ἐλπίδος and ἀνορέαις the prophecy of future success among men. ἁβρότατος is not “the sweet spring-time of life,” but rather the time when there is every temptation to luxury, and when the young wrestler is called on to endure hardness.

ὑποπτέροις: Compare further O. 14.24: κυδίμων ἀέθλων πτεροῖσι.

τὸ τερπνόν: See note on O. 14.5.

οὕτω: Sc. ἐν ὀλίγῳ.

ἀποτρόπῳ γνώμᾳ: “Adverse doom.”

Epode 5

ἐπάμεροι: Sc. ἐσμέν. A rare and impressive ellipsis.

τί δέ τις; τί δ᾽ οὔ τις; “What is man? what is he not?” Man continueth so short a time in one stay that it is not possible to tell what he is, what he is not. One Scholiast understands it as “What is a somebody? what a nobody?” which is a clearer way of putting it.

σκιᾶς ὄναρ: Life had often been called a shadow and a dream before P., but this famous combination startles the Scholiast: εὖ τῇ ἐμφάσει χρώμενος, ὡς ἂν εἴποι τις τοῦ ἀσθενοῦς τὸ ἀσθενέστερον.

αἴγλα: Cf. O. 13.36: αἴγͅλα ποδῶν. The dream may be lighted up by victory.

ἐπεστιν ἀνδρῶν: The Schol. ἔπεστι κατὰ τῶν ἀνθρώπων. If the text is right, we must understand ἔπεστιν as ἐστὶν ἐπί, “rests on.” Cf. ἐπιβαίνω. P.'s ἐπί, with genitive, is used of fixed position, O. 1.77; P. 4.273; 8, 46; N. 5.1.

φίλα μᾶτερ: P.'s love for Aigina and his interest in her fate are abundantly evident in his Aiginetan odes, nearly one fourth of the whole number. Here, of course, the heroine is meant.

ἐλευθέρῳ στόλῳ: Nautical figure. “In the course of freedom.”

κόμιζε: As always with the note of care.

Δὶ . . . Ἀχιλλεῖ: i. e. σὺν Δὶ καὶ σὺν Αἰακῷσὺν Πηλεῖ . . . σύν τ᾽ Ἀχιλλεῖ. See O. 9.94, and for this special case compare N. 10.53: Ἑρμᾷ καὶ σὺν Ἡρακλεῖ, where god and hero are connected, as god and heroes are connected here, by καί. The brothers of the first generation are coupled by τε καί, Achilles completes the line with τε.

The ninth Pythian was composed in honor of Telesikrates of Kyrene, son of Karneiades, who was successful as an ὁπλιτοὸρόμος, Pyth. 28 (Ol. 75, 3 = 478 B.C.). Telesikrates had previously distinguished himself at all the local games of Kyrene, had been victorious in Aigina, at Megara, and, after the race in armor, gained a foot-race at Delphi, Pyth. 30 (Ol. 77, 3 = 470 B.C.). P. tells of the former victory only, and the poem must have been composed at the earlier date. Böckh thinks that Telesikrates had not returned to Kyrene when the poem was sung; nor, on the other hand, is there any trace of a κῶμος at Delphi. Hence the inference that the performance was at Thebes. Unfortunately δέξεται (v. 79) proves nothing more than that the ode was not composed at Kyrene. Otfried Müller conjectures that Telesikrates belonged to the Aigeidai, and we have good reason to believe that Pindar was an Aigeid (P. 5.76). The name Karneiades points to the Karneia, a traditional festival among the Aigeidai.

The acknowledged difficulty of the poem will justify a detailed abstract.

I sing Telesikrates, crowning glory of Kyrene, whom Apollo brought on golden chariot from windy Pelion, and made the huntress-maiden queen of a fruitful continent (vv. 1-9). Silverfoot Aphrodite received the Delian guest and shed winsome shamefastness on the bridal couch of Apollo and the daughter of Hypseus, king of the Lapithai, to whom a Naiad bore her (vv. 10-18). Naught did this white-armed maiden reck of loom or dance or home-keeping with her playmates. With dart and falchion slew she the fierce beasts of prey and gave rest to her father's kine, scant slumber granting to eyelids on which sleep loves to press towards dawn (vv. 19-27).

He found her — he, God of the Wide Quiver — as she was struggling alone, unarmed, with a furious lion. Out he called Cheiron from his cave to mark the woman's spirit, and to tell her parentage (vv. 28-36). Whate'er her lineage, the struggle shows boundless courage. “Is it right,” asks the god, “to lay hand on her and pluck the sweet flower of love?” The Centaur smiled and answered: “Secret are the keys of Suasion that unlock the sanctuary of love's delights; gods and men alike shun open union” (vv. 37-45). Thou didst but dissemble, thou who knowest everything, both end and way, the number of the leaves of spring, the number of the sands in sea and rivers, that which is to be and whence it is to come. But if I must measure myself with the Wise One — (vv. 46-54).

I will speak. Thou didst come to be wedded lord to her, and to bear her over sea to the garden of Zeus, where thou wilt make her queen of a city when thou shalt have gathered the islandfolk about the plain-compassed hill. Now Queen Libya shall receive her as a bride in golden palaces, lady of a land not tributeless of fruits nor ignorant of chase (vv. 55-62). There shall she bear a son, whom Hermes shall bring to the Horai and to Gaia, and they shall gaze in wonder at their lapling, and feed him with nectar and ambrosia, and make him an immortal Zeus and a pure Apollo, God of Fields, God of Pasture; to mortal men, Aristaios. So saying he made the god ready for the fulfilment of wedlock (vv. 63-72). Swift the achievement, short the paths of hastening gods. That day wrought all, and they were made one in the golden chamber of Libya, where she guards a fair, fair city, famed for contests. And now the son of Karneiades crowned her with the flower of fortune at Pytho, where he proclaimed Kyrene, who shall welcome him to his own country, land of fair women, with glory at his side (vv. 73-81).

Great achievements are aye full of stories. To broider well a few among so many — that is a hearing for the skilled. Of these the central height is Opportunity — Opportunity, which Iolaos did not slight, as seven-gated Thebes knew. Him, when he had shorn away Eurystheus' head, they buried in the tomb of Amphitryon, his father's father, who came to Thebes a guest (vv. 82-90). To this Amphitryon and to Zeus, Alkmena bare at one labor two mighty sons. A dullard is the man who does not lend his mouth to Alkmena's son, and does not alway remember the Dirkaian waters that reared him and his brother Iphikles. To whom, in payment of a vow for the requital of their grace to me I will sing a revel song of praise. May not the clear light of the Muses of Victory forsake me, for I have already sung this city thrice in Aigina, at Megara (vv. 91-99), and escaped by achievement the charge of helpless dumbness. Hence be a man friend or be he foe, let him not break the commandment of old Nereus and hide the merit of a noble toil. He bade praise with heartiness and full justice him that worketh fair deeds. (So let all jealousy be silent. Well hast thou wrought.) At the games of Pallas mute the virgins desired thee as lord, (loud the mothers) thee as son, Telesikrates, when they saw the many victories thou didst win (vv. 100-108).

So at the Olympian games of Kyrene, so at the games of Gaia and at all the contests of the land. But while I am quenching the thirst of my songs, there is one that exacts a debt not paid, and I must awake the glory of thine old forefathers, how for the sake of a Libyan woman they went to Irasa — suitors for the daughter of Antaios. Many wooed her, kinsmen and strangers — for she was wondrous fair (vv. 109-117) — all eager to pluck the flower of youthful beauty. The father, planning a more famous wedding for his daughter, had heard how Danaos had found speedy bridal for his eight-and-forty virgins ere midday should overtake them, by ranging all that had come as suitors for his daughters, to decide who should have them by contests of swiftness (vv. 118-126). Like offer made the Libyan for wedding a bridegroom to his daughter. He placed her by the mark as the highest prize, and bade him lead her home who should first touch her robes. Then Alexidamos outstripped the rest in the whirlwind race, took the noble maid by the hand, and led her through the throng of the Nomad horsemen. Many leaves they threw on them and wreaths; many wings of Victory had he received before (vv. 127-135).

The ode, beautiful in details, has perplexed commentators both as to its plan and as to its drift. The limpid myth of Kyrene has been made to mirror lust and brutality. Telesikrates is supposed by one to have violated a Theban maiden, by another to be warned against deflouring his Theban betrothed until he is legally married to her. It is hard to resist the impression of a prothalamion as well as of an epinikion, but all conditions are satisfied by the stress laid on καιρός, which Leopold Schmidt has made the pivot. Mezger happily calls the ode “Das Hohelied vom Καιρός,” “the Song of Songs, which is Season's.” The key is v. 84: δὲ καιρὸς ὁμοίως | παντὸς ἔχει κορυφάν. The poet, following his own canon — βαιὰ δ᾽ ἐν μακροῖσι ποικίλλειν, | ἀκοὰ σοφοῖς, v. 83 — has selected four examples to show that the laggard wins no prize. Witness how Apollo, no laggard in love, seized Kyrene (ὠκεῖα δ᾽ ἐπειγομένων ἤδη θεῶν | πρᾶξις ὁδοί τε βραχεῖαι, v. 73); how Iolaos, no dastard in war, shore off the head of Eurystheus (v. 87). Witness Antaios (v. 114), who caught from Danaos the lesson of speedy marriage for his daughter (ὠκύτατον γάμον). Witness Alexidamos (v. 131), who won the prize by his impetuous rush in the race (φύγε λαιψηρὸν δρόμον). Mezger, who emphasizes the recurrence of αὐτίκα (vv. 31, 62, 124), shows, in perhaps unnecessary detail, that the poem breathes unwonted determination and energy, and thinks that it is intended to urge the victor to make quick use of his victory for pressing his suit to some eligible maiden. The poet is to be to Telesikrates what Cheiron was to Apollo. This view seems to me rather German than Greek, but it is not so unbearable as Dissen's rape and Böckh's caution against the anticipation of the lawful joys of marriage.

The poem has certain marked points of resemblance and contrast with P. 3. As in P. 3, the myth begins early; as in P. 3, the foremost figure is a heroine beloved of Apollo. There the god espies his faithless love — wanton Koronis — in the arms of Ischys. Here he finds the high-hearted Kyrene struggling, unarmed, with a lion. There Cheiron was charged with the rearing of the seed of the god. Here Cheiron is summoned to leave his cave and witness the courage of the heroine. The fruit of this love is not snatched from the body of the mother fordone, and borne in haste to the foster-father, but the child is taken by Hermes, in virtue of his office, is fed with nectar and ambrosia by the Horai and Gaia, and becomes, not an Asklepios, to perish in lightning flame, but an Aristaios.

In P. 9, as in P. 4, the myth comes to the front, the myth of Kyrene occupying three fifths of the ode. Iolaos dominates one fifth, Alexidamos the last.

The rhythms are Dorian (dactylo-epitrite). They are lighter than the norm (O. 3), and hence are supposed to be a mixture of Dorian and Lydian.

Strophe 1

ἐθέλω: “I am fain.”

χαλκασπίδα: The ὁπλιτοδρόμος originally wore shield, helmet, and greaves (Paus. 6, 10, 4), and is so figured on a celebrated vase (Gerhard, A. V., IV.). Afterwards the shield only was worn, which, being the heaviest, is here made prominent. Compare Paus. 2, 11, 8: καὶ γυμνὸς καὶ μετὰ τῆς ἀσπίδος.

βαθυζώνοισιν: Cf. O. 3.35: βαθυζώνου . . . Λήδας.

ἀγγέλλων: See O. 7.21

Χαρίτεσσι: Mistresses of the song of victory, as often: O. 4.8; 7, 11; P. 6.2.

γεγωνεῖν: Of the herald cry, as O. 2.5: Θήρωνα . . . γεγωνητέον.

διωξίππου: Cf. P. 4.17. A further illustration of the subject is given by the description so often referred to, So. El. 680 foll., where two of the contestants are Libyans (v. 702) and their chariots Barkaian (v. 727).

στεφάνωμα: The result of the γεγωνεῖν, rather than apposition to ἄνδρα. See P. 1.50 and 12, 5.

τάν: Change from city to heroine, P. 12.3.

χαιτάεις . . . Λατοΐδας: We can afford to wait for Λατοΐδας, as the epithet is characteristic of Apollo, who is ἀκειρεκόμας, P. 3.14 and I. 1, 7, and the ode is Pythian. Compare v. 28: εὐρυφαρέτρας . . . Ἀπόλλων, and O. 7.13.

χρυσέῳ π. . δ.: Notice the pretty chiasm.

ἀγροτέραν: P. 3.4: Φῆρ᾽ ἀγρότερον. The myth, as many of P.'s heroine myths, is taken from the Ἠοῖαι of Hesiod, a fragment of which opens the Ἀσπὶς Ἡρακλέους.

πολυμήλου: See on O. 1.13. The Schol. here has distinctly πολυπροβάτου.

ῥίζαν: The earth is conceived as a plant with three roots, Libya being one, Europe and Asia being the other two. The order from θῆκε to οἰκεῖν is noteworthy — θῆκεν (a), δέσποιναν (b), χθονὸς ῥίζαν (c), ἀπείρου τρίταν εὐήρατον (c), θάλλοισαν (b), οἰκεῖν (a). So the Schol.

Antistrophe 1

ἀργυρόπεζα: Aphrodite, as a sea-goddess, was specially honored in Libya. Compare P. 5.24. ἀργ. refers to the sheen on the waves, the track of the moonlight. We have here the lunar side of the goddess.

θεοδμάτων: The latter part of the compound is still felt here. See O. 3.7. Add to the instances there given fr. XI. 40: θεόδματον κέλαδον.

ὀχέων: Depends on ἐφαπτομένα. On the construction, see O. 1.86. Simply a natural bit of color. To make ὀχ. depend on ὑπέδεκτο as a whence - case is not happy.

χερὶ κούφᾳ: Often taken as = χερὶ κουφιζούσῃ. Surely the young couple did not need bodily help so much as moral sympathy, and it is a pity to spoil Pindar's light touch as well as Aphrodite's.

ἐπὶ . . . εὐναῖς: Dat.-locative of the result of the motion often with ἐπί in Homer, regularly with ἐν and τίθημι in prose.

εὐναῖς: P. 2.27.

βάλεν αἰδῶ, κτἑ.: This αἰδώς is the ἁρμός that binds the pair in wedlock. The intimate union is emphasized by ξυνόν, ἁρμόζοισα, μιχθέντα. θεῷ and κούρᾳ depend on ξυνόν (compare P. 6.15), resumed and varied by μιχθέντα (compare P. 4.222), an anticipatory contrast to the light of love κεῖραι μελιαδέα ποίαν, that Apollo proposes (v. 40). For the complex, compare P. 5.102: σφὸν ὄλβον υἱῷ τε κοινὰν χάριν | ἔνδικόν τ᾽ Ἀρκεσίλᾳ. “And shed upon the pleasures of their couch the charm of shamefastness, uniting thus in bonds of mutual wedlock the god and the maiden-daughter of Hypseus.”

ἁρμόζοισα: Below, v. 127, ἁρμόζων is used of a lawful marriage.

Λαπιθᾶν ὑπερόπλων: The statues of the western pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia represent the combat between the Centaurs and the Lapithai. — τουτάκις = τότε, P. 4. 255.

γένος: Acc. of limit to δεύτερος.

ἔτικτεν: See O. 6.41.

Epode 1

Γαίας θυγάτηρ: Not necessary to the sense. By putting the end of the sentence at the beginning of the epode (compare O. 1.23. 81; 2, 17; 3, 26 al.), antistrophe and epode are closely combined, and the mechanical (a) + (a) + (b) of strophe, antistrophe, and epode is avoided, and we have instead (a) + ((a) + (b)). So J. H. H. Schmidt.

λευκώλενον: So Lehrs (after the Schol., λευκόπηχυν) for the MS. εὐώλενον.

θρέψατο: O. 6.46.

παλιμβάμους . . . ὁδούς: The to and fro necessary with the upright loom.

δείνων τέρψιας οὔθ᾽ ἑταρᾶν οἰκουρίαν: The best MSS. have οὔτε δείπνων οἰκουριᾶν μεθ᾽ ἑταιρᾶν τέρψιας, for which the metre demands οἰκοριᾶν, a form for which there seems to be no warrant. The Scholia show an old trouble. I have accepted Bergk's recasting of the passage — δείνων = δίνων, “dances.” The monotonous to and fro of the loom would be well contrasted with the “whirl” of the dance. Maidens and banquets are disparate in Pindar. ἑταρᾶν οἰκουρίαν is = μεθ᾽ ἑταρᾶν οἰκουρίαν, and this may help to account for the corruption of the text.

φασγάνῳ: “Falchion.”

: With a note of asseveration, as in μήν.

τὸν δὲ σύγκοιτον γλυκύν: “Him that as bed-fere (bedfellow) is so sweet.”

παῦρον . . . ὕπνον: Transposed with Mommsen. π. “scant,” litotes for “not at all.”

ἐπὶ γλεφάροις: Od. 2. 398: ὕπνος ἐπὶ γλεφάροισιν ἔπιπτεν. Cf. v. 13.

ἀναλίσκοισα: “Wasting sleep,” brachylogy for wasting time in sleep.

ῥέποντα πρὸς ἀῶ: Sleep is sweetest and deepest before dawn (“suadentque cadentia sidera somnum”). Yet this is the time when the huntress has no right to sleep. “This is the time,” as a naturalist says, “when savages always make their attacks.”

Strophe 2

λέοντι: Whether there were lions in Greece at that time or at any time matters not. There were lions in Kyrene, P. 5.58.

ὀβρίμῳ: Used of the monster Typhõeus, O. 4.7.

ἄτερ ἐγχέων: Schol. ἄνευ δόρατος.

αὐτίκα: See the introduction.

ἐκ μεγάρων: “From out his halls,” sc. Cheiron's. Called him out and said to him.

ἄντρον: Cf. P. 3.63: εἰ δὲ σώφρων ἄντρον ἔναἰ ἔτι Χείρων.

Φιλυρίδα: Cf. P. 3.1.

ἀταρβεῖ . . . κεφαλᾷ: A steady head is a compliment as well as ἀταρβεῖ κραδίᾳ, which Schneidewin reads. Note the serenity of the heads of combatants in Greek plastic art. κραδίᾳ is unlikely with ἦτορ to follow.

κεχείμανται φρένας: The MSS. have φρένες. Some recognize in this the σχῆμα Πινδαρικόν (O. 11.6). Mommsen suggests οὐκ ἐχείμανθεν, others see in κεχείμανται a plural. Compare Curt. Gr. V. II.^{1} 223. I have no hesitation in following Bergk's suggestion, φρένας.

ἀποσπασθεῖσα: The lover cannot imagine such a maiden to have come into such surroundings except by accident.

Antistrophe 2

ἔχει: “Inhabits.”

γεύεται: “Tastes,” “makes trial of.”

ἀλκᾶς: Doubtful whether the lion's or the maiden's, and, to add to the trouble, we have ἀπειράντου, “boundless,” and ἀπειράτου, “untried.” Apollo has no fear for the heroine, and so, on the whole, it is better to understand “the boundless strength” of the maiden.

ὁσία: Especially hard to define. Plato's Euthyphron discusses τὸ ὅσιον. Grote translates ὁσιότης, “holiness;” Jowett, “piety.” Ammonios says: ὅσιον καὶ ἱερὸν διαφέρει: ὅσια μὲν γάρ ἐστι τὰ ἰδιωτικά, ὧν ἐφίεται καὶ ἔξεστι προσάψασθαι: ἱερὰ δὲ τὰ τῶν θεῶν, ὧν οὐκ ἔξεστι προσάψασθαι. ὁσία, the human right, is also the divine right, as Eur. says,

Ὁσία πότνα θεῶν
Ὁσία δ᾽ κατὰ γᾶν
χρυσέαν πτέρυγα φέρεις.

Perhaps the use of the word here is another of those strokes that serve to show that this is no ordinary amour.

κλυτὰν χέρα: With the same epic simplicity as Od. 9. 364: εἰρωτᾷς μ᾽ ὄνομα κλυτόν.

ῥα; Not disjunctive, and best punctuated thus. Myers translates after Donaldson, who makes disjunctive, “or rather on a bridal bed,” λεχέων being the lectus genialis spread δώμασιν ἐν χρυσέοις (v. 60). Unfortunately for all this legality, the Centaur, despite his refined environment, the κοῦραι ἁγναί of P. 4.103, understood λεχέων to be nothing more than εὐνᾶς.

ποίαν: P. 8.20. Here of the flower of love. Cf. v. 119: ἀποδρέψαι καρπὸν ἀνθήσαντα. The oracular god, who has been speaking in oracular phrase, winds up with an oracular hexameter.

ζαμενής: “Inspired” (Fennell). But see P. 4.10.

χλαρόν: The passage requires an equivalent of προσηνὲς καὶ γλυκύ (Schol.), which is better satisfied by association with χλιαρόν, “lukewarm,” than by derivation from the root of κέχλαδα with Curtius. We have not here the “lively” horse-laugh of the other Centaurs; we have the half-smile of the great teacher.

κλαΐδες: See P. 8.4, and add Eur. Hippol. 538:Ἔρωτα . . . τὸν τᾶς Ἀφροδίτας φιλτάτων θαλάμων κλῃδοῦχον.

Πειθοῦς . . . φιλοτάτων: Both genitives depend on κλαΐδες. “Secret are the keys that Suasion holds to the hallowed joys of love.” On Peitho, see P. 4.219.

τοῦτο . . . τυχεῖν: This apposition serves to show the growth of the articular inf., sparingly used even in Pindar.

τοπρῶτον: τυχεῖν τοπρῶτον εὐνᾶς: “To enter the bridal bed.” Not as if this applied only to the first time.

Epode 2

ψεύδει θιγεῖν: On the dat., see P. 4.296. For the thought, P. 3.29: ψευδέων οὐχ ἅπτεται.

μείλιχος ὀργά: “Bland humor,” “pleasant mood.” Apollo is merely teasing the Centaur by pretending to ask his advice. Others, “soft desire,” “guiling passion.”

παρφάμεν: “To dissemble,” “utter in jest.” παρά, “aside” (from what is meant).

ὁπόθεν: Sc. ἐστί.

κύριον . . . τέλος , κτἑ.: “The decisive end.” The final destiny, and the ways that lead thereto.

ὅσσα . . . κλονέονται: Oracle in Hdt. 1, 47:οἶδα δ᾽ ἐγὼ ψάμμου τ᾽ ἀριθμὸν καὶ μέτρα θαλάσσης.

φύλλα: Fits the woodland environment.

ἀναπέμπει: The spring leaves are an army in rank and file, the sands are an army in rout (κλονέονται).

χὤ τι μέλλει: The τέλος again (v. 48).

χὠπόθεν | ἔσσεται = ὁπόθεν τὸ μέλλον ἔσται: The κέλευθοι again.

καθορᾷς: From thy lofty height. Apollo is a σκοπός, and κατά is not effaced.

καὶ πὰρ σοφὸν ἀντιφερίξαι: καὶ σοφῷ σοι ὄντι ἐξισωθῆναι (Schol.). “To match myself against the Wise One.”

Strophe 3

ἐρέω: Effective position. The word is not necessary.

πόσις: Compare P. 4.87: πόσις | Ἀφροδίτας, and contrast dative and genitive. Kyrene becomes Apollo's wife. As A. was unmarried it was easy to put the myth in this honorable form.

ἵκεο βᾶσσαν: O. 6.64: ἵκοντο πέτραν. See P. 4.51.

μέλλεις . . . ἐνεῖκαι: On the aor., O. 7.61; 8, 32.

Διὸς . . . ποτὶ κᾶπον: See O. 3.24, for κᾶπος. For Διός, P. 4.16: Διὸς ἐν Ἄμμωνος θεμέθλοις.

ἐπὶ . . . ἀγείραις = ὲπαγείραις.

λαὸν . . . νασιώταν: See P. 4.17 foll. The island was Thera.

ὄχθον ἐς ἀμφίπεδον: Cf. P. 4.8: πόλιν ἐν ἀργινόεντι μαστῷ. Cheiron has the oracular tone in perfection. He parodies Apollo.

Λιβύα: The nymph, daughter of Epaphos (P. 4.14).

δώμασιν ἐν χρυσέοις: Where she will abide, not ἐς, as N. 11.3: Ἀρισταγόραν δέξαι τεὸν ἐς θάλαμον.

ἵνα: Always “where” in P.

αῖσαν: Share.

αὐτίκα: Cf. v. 31.

συντελέθειν ἔννομον: “To abide with her as hers in law,” “to be her lawful possession.” Paley tr. “To become an occupier of it together with herself.” Cf. Aisch. Suppl. 565: βροτοὶ δ᾽ οἳ γᾶς τότ᾽ ἦσαν ἔννομοι. But see O. 7.84. The Schol., misled by νήποινον, glosses συντελέθειν by συντελεῖν, “to contribute.”

νήποινον: With the good sense of ποινή, P. 1.59; ποίνιμος, P. 2.17, glossed as ἄμοιρον. “Not tributeless.”

Antistrophe 3

Ἑρμᾶς: Hermes was not only the patron of flocks and herds, but also the great gerulus of Olympos. The Hermes of Praxiteles, with the infant Dionysos, is one of many.

εὐθρόνοις: A note of majestic beauty. So Kleio (N. 3.83) and the daughters of Kadmos (O. 2.24). Even Aphrodite as εὔθρονος (I. 2, 5) is more matronly than she is as ποικιλόθρονος (Sappho). On the images of the seated Horai at Delphi, see O. 13.8.

Ὥραισι: The Horai, as authors of ἀρχαῖα σοφίσματα (O. 13.17), are well introduced here, but who would question the appropriateness of the Seasons and Mother Earth as the foster-mothers of a rural deity like Aristaios?

Γαίᾳ: Great-grandmother of Kyrene (v. 19), if the relation is to be insisted on.

ὑπό: Vividly local, “from under,” “from his mother's womb.” See O. 6.43.

ἐπιγουνίδιον = ἐπὶ γονάτων. P. makes the very widest use of these adjj. in -ιος. Combine ἐπιγουϝίδιον with αὐταῖς. αὑταῖς is unknown to Pindar. See O. 13.53.

θαησάμεναι: So Bergk for θηκάμεναι, θησάμεναι of the codices, for which Moschopulos κατθηκάμεναι. θαης. = θαυμάσασαι (Schol.).

αὐταῖς: Bergk reads αὐγαῖς.

θήσονται: “Shall decree,” to which καλεῖν is epexegetic.

καλοῦσι δ᾽ Ἰοκάστην μετοῦτο γὰρ πατὴρ
ἔθετο καλεῖν,

which shows that τίθεσθαι and καλεῖν are not necessarily synonymous, as Shilleto would make them here.

Ζῆνα: Aristaios, an ancient divinity of woodland life, of flocks, herds, and fields, is a representative of Ζεὺς Ἄριστος (Ἀρισταῖος), of Ἀπόλλων Ἀγρεύς, . Νόμιος. Best known to modern readers by the passage in Verg. Georg. 4, 317 foll.

ἁγνόν: Used of Helios, O. 7.60.

ἄγχιστον: “Ever nigh.”

ὀπάονα: St. Anthony has taken his place.

καλεῖν: Epexegetic inf. By insisting so much on the fruit of the union, the Centaur hallows it, and formally weds the two.

γάμου . . . τελευτάν: Cf. O. 2.19: ἔργων τέλος.

ἔντυεν: Cf. O. 3.28; N. 9.36.

Epode 3

ὁδοὶ . . . βραχεῖαι: Cf. v. 49: οἶσθα καὶ πάσας κελεύθους.

διαίτασεν: “Decided,” as an umpire decides, hence “accomplished.” διαιτᾶν = διανύειν (Hesych.).

θαλάμῳ δ᾽ ἐν πολυχρύσῳ: Cf. v. 60: δώμασιν ἐν χρυσέοις.

ἀμφέπει: City and heroine are blended, as P. 12.2.

νιν: Kyrene, the city.

Καρνειάδα: A name of good omen, recalling Ἀπόλλων Κάρνειος. See P. 5.80.

συνέμιξε: See O. 1.22.

ἀνέφανε: By the voice of the heralds. Cf. N. 9.12: ἄμφαινε κυδαίνων πόλιν.

δέξεται: Shows that the ode was not composed at Kyrene.

καλλιγύναικι πάτρᾳ: κ. not a likely adjective on Dissen's theory. See introduction.

Strophe 4

ἀρεταὶ . . . πολύμυθοι, κτἑ.: “Great achievements aye bring with them many legends, but to adorn a few things is a hearing for the wise,” what the wise, the poets, those who understand the art, love to hear. P.'s art in his selections among the mass of themes will be appreciated by his fellows. In this transition we have the key to the poem, for in all P.'s chosen myths καιρός is atop — the καιρός of Kyrene and Apollo, the καιρός of Iolaos, the καιρός of Antaios, of Alexidamos.

ἀκοὰ σοφοῖς: Cf. O. 2.93: φωνάεντα συνετοῖσιν.

παντὸς ἔχει κορυφάν: Cf. O. 7.4: κορυφὰν κτεάνων.

ἔγνον = ἔγνωσαν.

Ἰόλαον: The son of Iphikles and nephew of Herakles, trusty companion of the latter hero. See O. 9.105. This example of the headship of καιρός may have been suggested by the training of Telesikrates in the gymnasium of Iolaos at Thebes, by the neighborhood of the celebration, by P.'s vow to Herakles and Iphikles (v. 96). Compare a similar introduction of Alkmaion, P. 8.57.

νιν = τὸν καιρόν.

Εὐρυσθῆος: The taskmaster of Herakles. See O. 3.28.

Ἀμφιτρύωνος | σάματι: Before the Proitid gate, where there was a gymnasium of Iolaos (Paus. 9, 23, 1). See also O. 9.105 for the Ἰολάου τύμβος.

πατροπάτωρ: Amphitryon — Iphikles — Iolaos.

ϝοι: O. 9.16: θυγάτηρ τἐ ϝοι.

ξένος: Amphitryon had been exiled from Tiryns by Sthenelos.

λευκίπποισι: Cf. O. 6.85. Hypallage for λευκίππων.

Antistrophe 4

ϝοῖ: Amphitryon.

δαΐφρων: On the meaning and etymology of this word, see F. D. Allen in Am. Journ. Phil. I. pp. 133-135, who rejects both δαῆναι and δαΐ, “battle,” and looks to δαΐς, “torch” (√du, δαϝ). From the “fiery-hearted” of the Iliad, it becomes, acc. to A., the “high-spirited” of the Odyssey. Mezger's “doppelsinnig,” as of one divided between her mortal and her immortal love, has no warrant.

διδύμων: Iphikles and Herakles.

σθένος υἱῶν: See O. 6.22.

κωφὸς ἀνήρ: P.'s characteristic way of whirling off from the subject in order to come back to it with more effect.

παραβάλλει: “Lends.” Cf. παραβάλλειν κεφαλήν, οὖς, and O. 9.44: φέροις . . . ἄστει γλῶσσαν.

θρέψαντο: See v. 20. On the plur. see O. 10 (11), 93. The copiousness of the Dirkaian stream (Διρκαίων ῥεέθρων, Soph.) is emphasized by the plural. The name of Iolaos is heightened by this glorification of father and uncle, and the poet at the same time shows how he can avail himself of a καιρός to fulfil his vow.

τέλειον ἐπ᾽ εὐχᾷ κωμάσομαι: “I must needs sing a song to crown my vow with fulfilment,” τέλειον κωμάσομαι = τέλειον κῶμον ᾁσομαι. The κῶμος is to fulfil the obligation that rests upon the vow. A much-disputed passage. τι with τέλειον is unsatisfactory, τι with ἐσλόν may be made tolerable by litotes, “a great blessing.” See P. 7.14: χαίρω τι. Hermann makes the vow refer to μή με λίποι, whereas in that case we should have expected λιπεῖν. The great blessing may very well be the victory of Telesikrates.

κωμάσομαι: The modal future. “I must needs,” “I am fain.”

Χαρίτων: See v. 3. Nothing suggests prayer like successful prayer. On the asyndeton, see O. 1.115.

καθαρὸν φέγγος: To illumine the path of the victories of Telesikrates. On φέγγος and φάος, see note on P. 3.75.

Αἰγίνᾳ τε . . . Νίσου τ᾽ ἐν λόφῳ: On the one ἐν, compare O. 9.94. Nisos was a mythic king of Megara. The poet, as usual, transports himself to the scene where the victories were won. See P. 1.79.

Αἰγίνᾳ τε γάρ, κτἑ.: P. has thrice already glorified the city in Aigina and Megara, and vindicated there his poetic art, of course, in the praise of the victories of Telesikrates in these places. Now he hopes that the light of the Charites will continue to illumine his poesy (compare O. 1.108: εἰ δὲ μὴ ταχὺ λίποι), for he looks forward to other themes.

τάνδε: Dissen has τόνδε. The poet says that he has glorified this city (Thebes) by celebrating the victories of Telesikrates at the places mentioned. T. evidently had close ties with Thebes, a Σπαρτῶν ξένος, like Amphitryon. Others refer τάνδε to Kyrene.

Epode 4

σιγαλὸν ἀμαχανίαν: “Dumb helplessness,” “silence from want of words.” Pindar is fighting his own battles as well as those of Telesikrates. Compare the passage O. 6.89: ἀρχαῖον ὄνειδος ἀλαθέσιν | λόγοις εἰ φεύγομεν.

ἔργῳ: Must refer to Pindar, “by my work,” “by my song.” Beck's φυγόντ᾽ would, of course, refer to Telesikrates.

τοὔνεκεν, κτἑ.: “Wherefore,” as I have glorified the city, and Telesikrates has won his prize, let friend and foe alike respect good work done in the common interest (ἐν ξυνῷ), for the common weal.

λόγον: “Saying.”

βλάπτων: “Violating.”

ἁλίοιο γέροντος: Old men of the sea are always preternaturally wise. See P. 3.92. Here Nereus is meant, whom Homer calls ἅλιον γέροντα (Il. 18. 141).

κρυπτέτω: The word of Nereus is a light unto the path, and disobedience quenches it in silence. Cf. O. 2.107: κρύφον τε θέμεν ἐσλῶν καλοῖς ἔργοις, N. 9.7: μὴ χαμαὶ σιγᾷ καλύψαι. See also O. 7.92: μὴ κρύπτε κοινὸν | σπέρμ᾽ ἀπὸ Καλλιάνακτος.

καὶ τὸν ἐχθρόν: Would apply strictly only to εἴ τις ἀντάεις, but εἰ φίλος is there only to heighten εἴ τις ἀντάεις.

σύν τε δίκᾳ: So the MSS. and the Scholia. σύν γε δίκᾳ introduces a qualification that is not needed for καλά. The praise is to be hearty and fair. προθύμως τε καὶ δικαίως (Schol.).

ὡρίαις: In their season.

Παλλάδος: Armed Pallas (Τριτογένεια, Ὀβριμοπάτρη) was worshipped at Kyrene, and weapon-races run in her honor.

παρθενικαὶ πόσιν: The Doric maidens of Kyrene were present at the games. The wish, as the wish of Nausikaa, Od. 6. 244: αἲ γὰρ ἐμοὶ τοιόσδε πόσις κεκλημένος εἴη.

υἱὸν εὔχοντο: “Or they (the mothers) wished as son.” The shift is sudden, and Hartung's αἱ δ᾽ for is worth considering; not so Bergk's awkward παρθενικᾷ, which destroys the color of ἄφωνοι, and does not allow us to supply the complementary φωνᾷ to the complementary ματέρες, as Hartung's αἱ δ᾽ would do.

Strophe 5

Ὀλυμπίοισι: A local game.

βαθυκόλπου: Especially appropriate to Mother Earth (v. 18). Compare P. 1.12.

ἀοιδᾶν δίψαν: “The songs are athirst,” as “deed is athirst” (N. 3, 6), but the poet finds that he is quenching the thirst of his Muse, and would fain pause, but Telesikrates (τις) reminds him that there is one more theme to call up — the glory of his ancestors.

ἐγεῖραι . . . δόξαν: A half-forgotten tale is roused from sleep, and this, too, is a καιρός story.

καὶ τεῶν: As well as the glory of the Thebans, Herakles and Iphikles.

προγόνων: Plural, for though Alexidamos alone is meant, the whole line is involved.

Ἴρασα: The choice part of the country, through which the Libyans led the new-comers by night for good reasons, acc. to the story of Herodotos, 4, 158. As P. would say Ἴρασα πρὸς πόλιν more readily than πρὸς πόλιν Ἴρασα, it is not fair to cite this passage as an example of ἔβαν with acc. See P. 4.52.

Ἀνταίου: The father of the maiden (Barké) bore the same name as the famous Libyan antagonist of Herakles.

Antistrophe 5

ἔπλετο: Binds strophe and antistrophe together, and thus gives special prominence to the epode, which here contains the καιρός-point.

χρυσοστεφάνου: O. 6.57: τερπνᾶς δ᾽ ἐπεὶ χρυσοστεφάνοιο λάβεν | καρπὸν Ἥβας.

ἀνθήσαντα: Flower and fruit are one.

ἀποδρέψαι: Cf. v. 40. On the active, see O. 1.13.

φυτεύων: Of a deep-laid plan. So N. 4.59: φύτευέ ϝοι θάνατον ἐκ λόχου.

γάμον: “Wedding,” not “wedlock.”

τεσσαράκοντα καὶ ὀκτώ: One of the fifty Danaides (Hypermnestra) had saved her husband, N. 10.6; Hor. Od. 3, 11, 33; one (Amymone) had yielded to Poseidon.

πρὶν μέσον ἆμαρ ἑλεῖν = πρὶν τὸ μέσον τῆς ἡμέρας γενέσθαι (Schol.). “Before the oncoming of midday.” ἑλεῖν does not require an object any more than αἱρεῖ in the familiar phrase λόγος αἱρεῖ.

γάμον: No fear of repetition. See note on P. 1.80.

αὐτίκα: See v. 31.

ἀγῶνος: “Lists,” as O. 10 (11), 26.

σὺν δ᾽ ἀέθλοις: Cf. O. 2.46. “With the help of,” instead of “by means of.”

σχήσοι: Opt. in or. obl. = ind. only with interrog. in P., as in Homer, except O. 6.49, which see. First occurrence of fut. opt.

Epode 5

ἐδίδου: “Offered.”

Αίβυς: Antaios.

ἁρμόζων: See v. 14.

τέλος . . . ἄκρον: Praemium summum (Dissen), “the great prize.”

ἀπάγεσθαι: Where we should expect ἀπαγαγέσθαι: but ἄγειν often tricks expectation, and there is, besides, a note of triumph in the present. So ἆγεν below, v. 133.

ὃς ἂν . . . ψαύσειε: The oratio recta would be ὃς ἂν . . . ψαύση, and ὃς ἂν . . . ψαύσειε would be a slight anakoluthon. This, however, is doubtful for P. ἂν . . . θορών may possibly be=ἀναθορών, but in all likelihood ἄν belongs to the opt. and gives the view of the principal subject, Antaios. Compare Hes. Theog. 392: ὃς ἂν μάχοιτο, implying μάχοιτ᾽ ἄντις. So here ὃς ἂν ψαύσειε implies ψαύσειεν ἄντις.

ἀμφί: With ψαύσειε.

ϝοι: Does not depend on πέπλοις, but on the whole complex.

πέπλοις: The fluttering robe heightens the picture (v. 128: κοσμήσαις). On the dat. see v. 46.

φύγε λαιψηρὸν δρόμον = δρόμῳ λαιψηρῶς ἔφυγεν.

χεπὶ χειρός: P. 4.37: χειρί ϝοι χεῖρα.

Νομάδων: The scene is laid in Barka.

δι᾽ ὅμιλον: In prose we must say δι᾽ ὁμίλου. With the accus. we feel the throng.

δίκον . . . ἔπι: A similar scene in P. 4.240.

πτερὰ . . . Νίκας: O. 14.24: ἐστεφάνωσε κυδίμων ἀέθλων πτεροῖσι χαίταν. On the prothalamion theory we have a parallel with Telesikrates.

A peculiar interest attaches to this poem as the earliest work of Pindar that we have, for, according to the common count, the poet was only twenty years old when he composed the tenth Pythian in honor of the victory of Hippokleas, παῖς διαυλοδρόμος, Pyth. 22 (Ol. 69, 3 = 502 B.C.). The Scholiast says that Hippokleas gained another victory the same day in the single-dash foot-race (σταδίῳ), but no direct mention of it is made in this poem. The father of Hippokleas had overcome twice at Olympia as ὁπλιτοδρόμος, once at Pytho in an ordinary race. Pindar was employed for this performance not by the family of Hippokleas, but by the Aleuadai of Larisa. Dissen thinks that the ode was sung at Larisa, Böckh at Pelinna, the home of Hippokleas.

Always an aristocrat, at the time of P. 10 Pindar had not reached the years of balance in which even he could see some good in the λάβρος στρατός. Here he simply repeats the cant of his class. He is what we may suppose the Kyrnos of Theognis to have been when he started life, and this poem is redolent of the young aristocracy to which P. belonged. The Persian war had not yet come with its revelation. “The Gods and the Good Men,” that is his motto, but the good men must be of his own choosing. He believed in God, he believed also in Blood. The praise of Hippokleas, as aristocratic as his name, was a congenial theme. “Rich is Lakedaimon, blessed is Thessaly; o'er both the seed of Herakles bears sway.” This is the high keynote of the poem — the name of Herakles, the pride of race. “Is this an untimely braggart song?” he asks. “Nay, I am summoned by Pytho and the Aleuadai, descendants of Herakles, to bring to Hippokleas a festal voice of minstrels” — Pytho and the Aleuadai, God and Blood (vv. 1-6). “For Hippokleas maketh trial of contests, and the Parnassian gorge hath proclaimed him foremost of boys in the double course. Apollo, achievement and beginning wax sweet alike when God giveth the impulse, and it was by thy counsels that he accomplished this, but by inborn valor hath he trodden in the footsteps of his father.” Apollo gave the accomplishment, the father the native vigor — God and Blood again (vv. 7-13). “That father was twice victorious at Olympia, clad in the armor of Ares, and the field of contests 'neath the rock of Kirrha proclaimed him victor in the footrace. May fortune attend them in after-days also with flowers of wealth.” May Blood have the blessing of God (vv. 13-18).

Now follows the moral, not other for the youthful poet than for the gray-haired singer, and Pindar prays for Pelinna as he is afterwards to pray for Aigina (P. 8, end). “Having gained no small share of the pleasant things of Hellas, may they suffer no envious reverses from the gods. Granted that God's heart suffers no anguish, 'tis not so with men. A happy man is he in the eyes of the wise, and a theme for song, who by prowess of hand or foot gains the greatest prizes by daring and by strength (vv. 19-24), and in his lifetime sees his son obtain the Pythian wreath. Higher fortune there is none for him. The brazen heaven he cannot mount, he has sailed to the furthest bound. By ships nor by land canst thou find the marvellous road to the Hyperboreans” (vv. 25-30).

Then follows the brief story of Perseus' visit to the Hyperboreans, a land of feasts and sacrifices. The Muse dwells there, and everywhere there is the swirl of dancing virgins, with the music of lyre and flute. Their heads are wreathed with golden laurels, and they banquet sumptuously. Disease nor old age infests this consecrated race.

The land of the Hyperboreans is a glorified Thessaly, and P. was to come back to it years after in O. 3. What Perseus saw, what Perseus wrought, was marvellous; but was he not the son of Danaë, was he not under the guidance of Athena? (v. 45). And so we have an echo of the duality with which the poem began; and as Pindar, in the second triad (v. 21), bows before the power of God, so in the third (v. 48) he says: ἐμοὶ δὲ θαυμάσαι | θεῶν τελεσσάντων οὐδέν ποτε φαίνεται | ἔμμεν ἄπιστον.

And now, with the same sudden start that we find in his later poems, Pindar returns to the victor and himself. And yet he is haunted by the image of the Hyperboreans, and as he hopes “that his song sweetly sung by the Ephyraian chorus will make Hippokleas still more a wonder for his victories mid elders as mid mates, and to young virgins a sweet care,” the notes of the lyres and the pipings of the flutes and the dances of the Hyperborean maidens (vv. 38-40) come before him. Again a moralizing strain is heard. The highest blessing is the blessing of the day. “What each one striveth for, if gained, he must hold as his near and dear delight. That which is to be a year hence is beyond all ken” (vv. 61, 62). What is that but the τὸ δ᾽ αἰεὶ παράμερον ἐσλὸν | ὕπατον ἔρχεται παντὶ βροτῷ of O. 1.99? Only the young poet has the eager clutch of youth (ἁρπαλέαν φροντίδα), and a year was a longer time for him in P. 22 than in Ol. 77. Then P. thanks the magnate who yoked this four-horse chariot of the Pierides, the chariot which would never be yoked on so momentous occasion for the poet (see O. 6.22), and the ode closes with a commendation of the noble brethren who bear up the state of the Thessalians. On them, the Good Men, depends the blessing of the right governance of the cities ruled by their fathers (vv. 55-72). The last word of the fourth triad is the praise of Blood, as the great thought of the third is God.

Leopold Schmidt has detected the signs of youthfulness in every element of the poem — in periodology, in plan, in transitions, in the consciousness of newly acquired art, in the treatment of the myth, in the tropology, in the metres, in the political attitude. In an edition like this the examination of so subtile a study cannot find a place. A few words on the general subject will be found in the Introductory Essay, p. lvii.

It is noteworthy that the triads do not overlap. Praise occupies the first triad; prayer, fortified by an illustration of God's power, the next two; hope takes up the fourth.

The measures are logaoedic. The mood is set down as a mixture of Aiolian and Lydian.

Strophe 1

ὀλβία ... μάκαιρα: Climax. Asyndeton and climax remain characteristics of P. to the end.

Ἡρακλέος: The Aleuadai were of the Herakleid stock.

τί; κομπέω παρὰ καιρόν; “What? Am I giving utterance to swelling words untimely?” This is Mommsen's reading, and more natural and lively than τί κομπέω παρὰ καιρόν; “Why this swelling (prelude) untimely? with the implied answer, ‘It is not untimely.’”

ἀλλά: “Nay — but.”

Πελινναῖον: Also called Πέλιννα (Πέλινα), in Hestiaiotis, east of Trikka, above the left bank of the Peneios. identified with the ruins near Gardhiki.

ἀπύει: For the sing. (as it were, “with one voice”), compare O. 9.16; P. 4.66; 11, 45.

Ἀλεύα ... παῖδες: The Aleuadai were one of the great aristocratic families of Thessaly. It does not appear in what relation Hippokleas stood to them. Perhaps he was the favorite, or ἀίτας (Theokr. 12, 14), of Thorax, who ordered the song. Fennell, however, thinks that Thorax was the father. See v. 16.

Ἱπποκλέᾳ: The form objected to by Ahrens has been defended by Schneidewin on the authority of inscriptions.

ἀγαγεῖν: As a bride to her husband. Compare also v. 66.

Antistrophe 1

γεύεται γὰρ ἀέθλων: Cf. P. 9.38; N. 6.27: πόνων ἐγεύσαντο, Ι. 4 (5), 19: τὸ δ᾽ ἐμὸν κέαρ ὕμνων γεύεται.

στρατῷ: O. 5.12. Pure dative dependent on ἀνέειπεν.

Παρνάσιος ... μυχός: Cf. P. 5.38: κοιλόπεδον νάπος.

διαυλοδρομᾶν: For the δίαυλος, see O. 13.37.

ἀνέειπεν: O. 9.100; P. 1.32.

Ἄπολλον, γλυκὺ δέ: On δέ, see O. 1.36. γλυκύ is predicative, “waxes a thing of sweetness,” “a delight.”

τέλος ἀρχά τε: The whole, from beginning to end, hence the sing. αὔξεται, as ἀπύει, v. 4. There were two τέλη and two ἀρχαί in the δίαυλος. The first τέλος is the second ἀρχή, and δαίμονος ὀρνύντος is needed for both. Hence perhaps the position, though πρᾶξις ὁδοί τε (P. 9.74) would suffice as a parallel, “the end as the beginning.”

τὸ δὲ συγγενές: Accus. dependent on ἐμβέβακεν. Pindaric variation for τῷ συγγενεῖ opposed to τεοῖς γε μήδεσιν.

ἐμβέβακεν: Cf. N. 11.44: μεγαλανορίαις ἐμβαίνομεν.

Epode 1

πολεμαδόκοις: On the armor of the ὁπλιτοδρόμος, see P. 9.1. As the shield is the important part, the adjective is well chosen.

βαθυλείμων: So with Hartung for βαθυλείμων᾽ β. seems to be a fit epithet for the low-lying course, ἀγών, for which see P. 9.124. Compare also P. 1.24: βαθεῖαν ... πλάκα. The acc. βαθυλείμωνα) is tr. by Fennell “rising from rich meadows.”

ὑπὸ ... πέτραν: “Stretching along under,” hence the accusative. For πέτραν, compare P. 5.37: Κρισαῖον λόφον.

κρατησίποδα: Dependent on θῆκεν. “Made prevalent of foot,” “victorious in the race.”

Φρικίαν: The position is emphatic, but the examples cited by Rauchenstein are all nominatives, Ο. 10 (11), 34. 38. 56; P. 12.17; I. 5 (6), 30. 35. The emphatic acc. naturally takes the head of the sentence. Φ. is the victor's father; according to Hermann and others a horse. If Phrixos is an aristocratic Thessalian name, Phrikias might also be suffered to pass muster.

ἀνθεῖν: As if ἕποιτο μοῖρα were equivalent to εἴη μοῖρα.

σφίσιν: Depends on ἕποιτο. The extremes are rhythmically near. Compare Hdt. 1, 32:εἰ μή οἱ τύχη ἐπίσποιτο πάντα καλὰ ἔχοντα τελευτῆσαι εὖ τὸν βίον.

Strophe 2

φθονεραῖς ἐκ θεῶν | μετατροπίαις: Cf. I. 6 (7), 39: δ᾽ ἀθανάτων μὴ θρασσέτω φθόνος, Hdt. 1, 32:τὸ θεῖον πᾶν φθονερόν.

θεὸς εἴη = θεὸς ἔστω. Compare O. 3.45. Schneidewin's αἰεί is unnecessary, nor need we take εἴη as = εἴη ἄν. “Let him that is free from heartache be a god.” “Set him down as a god.”

γίνεται σοφοῖς: “Is accounted in the eyes of the wise.” More natural than ὑμνητὸς σοφοῖς, “a theme for poets.”

ὃς ἂν χερσὶν ποδῶν ἀρετᾷ, κτἑ.: Cf. Od. 8. 147: οὐ μὲν γὰρ μεῖζον κλέος ἀνέρος ὄφρα κ᾽ ἔῃσιν | τι ποσσίν τε ῥέξῃ καὶ χερσὶν ἑῇσιν.

Antistrophe 2

κατ᾽ αἶσαν = κατὰ τὸ προσῆκον (Schol.). “Duly” with τυχόντα. Cf. P. 4.107.

τυχόντα: On the aor. part. with ἴδῃ, see P. 5.84.

στεφάνων: According to the Scholiast, Hippokleas gained both δίαυλος and στάδιον the same day. See v. 58.

χάλκεος οὐρανός: Compare the story about Diagoras, quoted in the introduction to O. 7, Cic. Tusc. 1, 46, 111:Morere, Diagora, non enim in caelum ascensurus es.

ὅσαις ... πλόον: “Whatsoever brilliant achievements we men of mortal race attain, he sails to the outmost bound.” Combine περαίνει πλόον πρὸς ἔσχατον with Rauchenstein and Leop. Schmidt. Cf. Ι. 5 (6), 12: ἐσχατιὰς ... πρὸς ὄλβου. The dative with ἅπτεσθαι, as Ι. 3 (4), 29: ἀνορέαις δ᾽ ἐσχάταισιν | οἴκοθεν στάλαισιν ἅπτονθ᾽ Ἡρακλείαις. Compare the close of O. 3.

ἀγλαΐαις: For the word, see O. 13.14; the pl., O. 9.106.

ναυσί: On the omission of οὔτε, see P. 6.48, and compare below, v. 41: νόσος οὔτε γῆρας.

κεν εὕροις: Simply εὕροις in the old MSS. ἄν is supplied by Moschopulos. In such passages, P. prefers κεν. See v. 62; O. 10 (11), 22; P. 7.16; N. 4.93. Bergk, following an indication of the Scholia, writes τάχ᾽, the opt. being used in the old potential sense. See note on O. 3.45.

Ὑπερβορέων: See O. 3.16.

ἀγῶνα = ἀγοράν (Eustathios).

θαυματάν: O. 1.28.

Epode 2

Περσεύς: See P. 12, 11.

ὄνων: The ass is a mystic animal. Hence the ready belief that the Jews worshipped an ass. See Justin Martyr, Apol. I. 32, and esp. c. 54, where Christ and Perseus, Pegasos and the foal of an ass are paralleled.

ἐπιτόσσαις = ἐπιτυχών. Cf. P. 3.27: τόσσαις, 4, 25: ἐπέτοσσε.

θεῷ: Apollo.

ῥέζοντας: The acc., as if ἐπιτόσσαις were = εὑρών.

ὕβριν ὀρθίαν: “Rampant lewdness” (Paley). “Towering wantonness.” ὕβρις is “braying,” and its accompaniments (compare Hdt. 4, 129:ὑβρίζοντες ὦν οἱ ὄνοι ἐτάρασσον τὴν ἵππον τῶν Σκυθέων” ), and ὄρθιος in P. is regularly used of sound (O. 9.117; N. 10.76), as Mezger notes, but ὁρῶν cannot be explained away. On the sacrifice of the ass to Apollo, the musical beast to the musical god, see A. B. Cook, Journ. Hell. Stud. XIV., pt. 1, where this passage is illustrated by a fresco found at Mycenae representing two rampant asses with lolling tongues and leering eyes.

κνωδάλων: Properly used of “gnawing” (ravening) monsters; hence, as here, of untamed beasts of draught, Aisch. P. V. 407: ἔζευξα πρῶτος ἐν ζυγοῖσι κνώδαλα.

Strophe 3

τρόποις ἑπὶ σφετέροισι : ἐπί of the conditions. See P. 1.84. “With such ways as theirs” to make her stay. “Such are their ways.” These ways are next set forth

σφετέροισι: See note on O. 9.84.

βοαί: O. 3.8: βοὰν αὐλῶν, Ν. 5, 38: καλάμοιο βοᾷ, which seem to us more natural.

δονέονται: The music swirls with the dance and as well as the dance. N. 7.81: πολύφατον θρόον ὕμνων δόνει ἡσυχᾷ.

δάφνᾳ τε χρυσέᾳ: O. 11 (10), 13: ἐπὶ στεφάνῳ χρυσέας ἐλαίας, and see note on O. 8.1.

ἀναδήσαντες: Where we might expect the middle, but κόμας will serve for the reflexive. See note on O. 14.24: ἐστεφάνωσε.

εἰλαπινάζοισιν: Od. 1. 226: εἰλαπίνη ἦε γάμος; ἐπεὶ οὐκ ἔρανος τάδε γ᾽ ἐστίν.

νόσοι δ᾽ οὔτε γῆρας: See v. 29.

κέκραται: Is “blended” with the current of their blood. See O. 10 (11), 114.

Antistrophe 3

ὑπέρδικον: This stern (over-just) goddess they had escaped, not that they were not subject to her, but because they had satisfied her; they had been found guiltless before her

θρασείᾳ δὲ πνέων καρδίᾳ: A variation from what we should expect, θρασύ or θρασέα, like χαμηλὰ πνέων (P. 11.30); κενεὰ πνεύσας (O. 10 [11], 102).

ἁγεῖτο: Parenthetic imperf.

ποικίλον: Cf. P. 8.46: δράκοντα ποικίλον.

δρακόντων φόβαισι = δρακοντείοις φόβαισι. The locks were snakes.

νασιώταις: The Seriphians. See P. 12.12.

θαυμάσαι: “For wondering.” “To rouse my wonder.” The strict grammatical dependence is on ἄπιστον. In prose, ἄπιστον ὥστε θαυμάσαι. Schol. Flor.: ἐγὼ πιστεύων πάντα τοὺς θεοὺς δύνασθαι οὐ θαυμάζω.

Epode 3

σχάσον: “Check,” “hold.” σχ. is a nautical word. Eur. Phoen. 454:σχάσον δὲ δεινὸν ὄμμα καὶ θυμοῦ πνοάς” . Asyndeton in a sudden shift

ἄγκυραν: The boat-figure grows out of νασιώταις, and χοιράδος πέτρας out of λίθινον θάνατον. Cf. P. 12.12. χ. π. “reef,” “rocky reef.”

ἔρεισον χθονί: “Let it go and grapple the bottom.” The dat. is instrumental.

πρῴραθε: P. 4.191.

ἄλκαρ: “A guard against.”

ἐγκωμίων: Do not land. Your bark will be dashed against the rocks of a long story. Your ship must go to other shores, your song to other themes, as a bee hies from flower to flower. Pindar lives himself into a metaphor, as if it were no metaphor; hence metaphor within metaphor. No mixed, only telescoped, metaphor.

ἄωτος: Is hardly felt as our “flower” or “blossom.” This would make both μέλισσα and λόγον flowers, and P., even in his nonage, could hardly have been guilty of that.

ὧτε: Cf. P. 4.64.

Strophe 4

Ἐφυραίων: Ephyra, afterwards Kranon, was ruled by the Skopadai, great lovers of art. The inhabitants belonged to the stock of the Herakleidai, from Ephyra, in Thesprotia.

ἀμφὶ Πηνεϊόν: At Pelinna.

γλυκεῖαν: Proleptic.

τὸν Ἱπποκλέαν: The article seems prosaic to G. Hermann. Rauchenstein writes ποθ᾽. The other examples are not exactly parallel, but “this Hippokleas of ours” will serve.

ἔτι καὶ μᾶλλον: Even more than he now is, by reason of his victories.

σὺν ἀοιδαῖς: Much more lively than ἀοιδαῖς or δι᾽ ἀοιδῶν. Cf. P. 12.21.

στεφάνων: See v. 26.

νέαισίν τε παρθένοισι μέλημα: A hint that Hippokleas is passing out of the boy-stage. Compare the allusions to love in P. 9, esp. v. 107.

ὑπέκνισεν: Danger is a nettle, ἔρως is a κνίδη. κνίζειν is used of love, Hdt. 6, 62:τὸν δὲ Ἀρίστωνα ἔκνιζε ἄρα τῆς γυναικὸς ταύτης ἔρως” . Cf. I. 5 (6), 50: ἁδεῖα δ᾽ ἔνδον νιν ἔκνιξεν χάρις, where ἔνδον = ὑπό.

Antistrophe 4

τῶν ... ὀρούει : ὀρ. with genitive, like ἔραμαι. Compare also P. 6.50: ὀργᾷς ὃς ἱππειᾶν ἐσόδων.

τυχών κεν ... σχέθοι = εἰ τύχοι, σχέθοι κεν. Similar positions of ἄν are common enough in prose. Here the opt. with κεν is an imperative.

ἁρπαλέαν = ὡς ἁρπαλέον τι. “With eager clutch.” Compare P. 8.65: ἁρπαλέαν δόσιν.

φροντίδα = μέλημα.

πὰρ ποδός: Cf. P. 3.60: γνόντα τὸ πὰρ ποδός, and I. 7 (8), 13: τὸ δὲ πρὸ ποδὸς ἄρειον αἰεὶ σκοπεῖν.

εἰς ἐνιαυτόν: “A year hence.”

ξενίᾳ: Thessalian magnates were famous for a rather rude hospitality. See note on P. 4.129. Xen. Hell. 6, 1, 3:ἦν δὲ καὶ ἄλλως φιλόξενός τε καὶ μεγαλοπρεπὴς τὸν Θετταλικὸν τρόπον.

Θώρακος: Thorax was the magnate who ordered the poem. His relation to Hippokleas is obscure.

ἐμὰν ποιπνύων χάριν: Acc. to the Schol. ἐμὰν χάριν=τὴν ἐξ ἐμοῦ χάριν, “my song of victory.” ποιπνύων would then be transitive, “panting to gain.” But the other interpretation, “in panting eagerness for my sake,” would be more appropriate to the circumstances of the young and unknown poet. Thorax was a personal friend of victor and singer.

τόδε: “This” of mine.

ἅρμα Πιερίδων: Compare O. 6.22 and I. 7 (8), 62: Μοισαῖον ἅρμα. This is for P. a grand occasion.

τετράορον: Böckh sees an allusion to the four triads, and sees too much.

φιλέων φιλέοντ᾽ ἄγων ἄγοντα: We should say, in like manner, “lip to lip, and arm in arm,” so that it should not appear which loves, which leads. Whether this refers to Hippokleas or to Pindar depends on the interpretation of χάριν.

Epode 4

πρέπει: “Shows” what it is.

κἀδελφεοὺς μὲν ἐπαινήσομεν: With Hermann. Thorax, Eurypylos, and Thrasydaios were at the headquarters of Mardonios before the battle of Plataia (Hdt. 9, 58).

νόμον: The state. Cf. P. 2.86.

ἐν δ᾽ ἀγαθοῖσι κεῖνται: Cf. P. 8.76: τὰ δ᾽ οὐκ ἐπ᾽ ἀνδράσι κεῖται. Some MSS. have κεῖται (schema Pindaricum), for which see O. 11 (10), 6. ἀγαθοῖσι in the political sense.

πατρώιαι: Another mark of the youthful aristocrat. Besides, Pindar had nothing to hope for from the mob.

According to the Scholia, Thrasydaios, a Theban, was victorious, as a boy, in the foot-race, Pyth. 28 (Ol. 75, 3 = 478 B.C.), the year after the battle of Plataia. He was long afterwards victorious in the δίαυλος, Pyth. 33 (Ol. 80, 3 = 458 B.C.), before the battle of Tanagra. The expression γυμνὸν στάδιον (v. 49) has led some to suppose that the earlier victory is meant. See the passage. The failure to mention the trainer of Thrasydaios may mean that Thrasydaios, like Hippokleas of P. 10, had outgrown his attendant, although in a poem supposed to be full of obscure hints we might see in Pylades and in Kastor the reflection of that unnamed friend. The ode shows that Thrasydaios belonged to a wealthy and prominent family. His father had been successful at Pytho (v. 43), and another of the same house had gained a victory with a chariot at Olympia (v. 47). The song was sung in the procession to the temple of Ismenian Apollo, to whom the prizer was to return thanks for the guerdon of a victory.

Pindar calls on the daughters of Kadmos and Harmonia to chant Themis and Pytho in honor of the victory of Thrasydaios, which he won in the land of Pylades, the host of Orestes (vv. 116).

Upon this invocation — an unbroken sentence that extends through a whole triad and bristles with proper names — follows the familiar story of Orestes, which ends here with the death of Klytaimnestra and her paramour, Aigisthos, a myth which hardly seems to belong to a joyous epinikion (vv. 17-37).

If Pindar had kept his usual proportion, the story would have extended through the third triad, but, with a common poetical device, he exclaims that he has been whirled out of his course, summons the Muse to fulfil the promised task, and praises the achievements of Pythonikos, the father, and Thrasydaios, the son, recounting how the house had won in the chariot-race at Olympia and put to shame their rivals at Pytho (vv. 38-50).

Then, putting himself in the victor's place, P. prays for a right spirit, for the love of what is noble, for self-control in the midst of effort. Hence the middle rank is best, not the lofty fate of overlords. But if the height is scaled, then avoid insolence. Such a noble soul is Thrasydaios, son of Pythonikos; such Iolaos, son of Iphikles; such Kastor and Polydeukes, sons of the gods, who dwell one day at Therapnai, one within Olympos (vv. 51-64).

The eleventh Pythian has given the commentators much trouble. In most of the odes the meaning of the myth, its office as an incorporation of the thought, can, at least, be divined. Here the uncertainty of the date and the unusual character of the story combine to baffle historical interpretation. Historical romances have been framed to fit the supposed fortunes of the house of Thrasydaios. The figures of Agamemnon, Klytaimnestra, Kassandra, Orestes, have been made to represent, now political characters, now political combinations and conflicts. What does the praise of the middle estate mean? What light does that throw on the question of the date? Or are we simply to say that the poem belongs to a period in Pindar's earlier career, when he had not yet acquired the art of handling the myth, and is the story of Orestes a mere ornament, without deeper significance?

The two main difficulties, then, are the selection of the myth of Orestes and the praise of the middle estate. Apart from all historical side-lights, which here seem to confuse rather than to help, the meaning of the myth of Orestes is given by the poet in the line ἴσχει τε γὰρ ὄλβος οὐ μείονα φθόνον (v. 29). This is true of all the figures in the piece — Agamemnon, Klytaimnestra, Aigisthos, Orestes. Pindar does not carry out the story of Orestes, simply because he feels that he might do what some of his commentators have done so often, and push the parallel between the hero of the myth and the hero of the games too far. So he drops the story, as he has done elsewhere — drops it just as Bellerophon is dismissed (O. 13) when his further fortunes would be ominous. The return to the praise of Thrasydaios and his house is, however, a reinforcement of the moral Pindar has just been preaching — the moral that lies in the myth — and when he reaches the point at which the house of Thrasydaios put the Greeks to shame by their speed, he pauses and prays for moderation, the corrective of too great prosperity. This is all too high for him, the glory is too great. So, in the commonwealth, he chooses the middle station and dreads the fortunes of tyrants. The feats he aims at are within the common reach. And yet even the highest is not in danger of envy, if there is no o'erweening pride nor insolence. Witness Iolaos, a Theban, townsman of Thrasydaios; witness Kastor and Polydeukes, brothers of Klytaimnestra. Doubtless this is not all that the poem means — but shall we ever know more?

The first triad is occupied with the introduction. The myth begins with the beginning of the second triad, but is stopped in the third triad by the whirl (v. 38), which prepares the return to the victor and his house.

The rhythms are logaoedic.

Strophe 1

Κάδμου κόραι: O. 2.24: ἕπεται δὲ λόγος εὐθρόνοις | Κάδμοιο κούραις.

Σεμέλα ... ἀγυιᾶτις: “Neighbor.” One would expect a special office, as in the case of Ἀπόλλων ἀγυιεύς, for Semele is a special favorite (O. 2.28), and lives at the court end of Olympos. Ov. Met. 1, 172:plebs habitat diversa locis: a fronte potentes caelicolae clarique suos posuere penates.

Ἰνὼ δὲ Λευκοθέα: Familiar from Od. 5. 333 on. Compare O. 2.33.

ἀριστογόνῳ: Mommsen reads (with the Schol.) ἀριστογόνου, but Herakles does not need the adjective, and it is time for Alkmena to have it.

Μελίαν: Who bare Ismenios and Teneros to Apollo, Paus. 9, 10, 5.

χρυσέων ... τριπόδων: Golden tripods were sent to this shrine by the Θηβαγενεῖς — the old pre-Boeotian stock — and the high-priest was chosen yearly from the δαφνηφόροι.

Λοξίας: Oracular name in connection with an oracle. So P. 3.28.

Antistrophe 1

μαντίων: More natural than μαντεΐων = μαντευμάτων (Schol.). The divination was δι᾽ ἐμπύρων.

Ἁρμονίας: Wife of Kadmos.

ἐπίνομον: With στρατόν. ἐπίνομον is glossed by σύννομον, but the other version seems more natural: τὰς [sc. ἡρωίδας] ἐπινεμομένας καὶ ἐποπτευούσας τὰς Θήβας. ἐπίνομον would then be proleptic. The host of heroines is invited to visit (ἐπίνομον) the shrine in a body (ὁμαγυρέα), and the two daughters of Harmonia (v. 7) are to sing (v. 10).

καλεῖ: Sc. Λοξίας.

Θέμιν: Gaia was the first, Themis the second mistress of the Pythian shrine. See note on P. 4.74.

γᾶς ὀμφαλόν: See P. 6.3.

κελαδήσετε: We have a right to call this a subjunctive. See O. 6.24.

ἄκρᾳ σὺν ἑσπέρᾳ: “The edge of even,” “nightfall.” See the commentators on So. Ai. 285, where Jebb translates this passage “at fall of eventide.”

Epode 1

χάριν: Apposition to the action. κελαδήσετε = ποιήσεσθε κέλαδον. “To grace.”

ἀγῶνι ... Κίρρας: P. 10.15: ὑπὸ Κίρρας ἀγὼν | πέτραν.

ἔμνασεν: Causative. The herald was the agent. Compare P. 1.32: κᾶρυξ ἀνέειπέ νιν.

ἐπί: With βαλών.

ἀρούραισι Πυλάδα: The father of Pylades was Strophios, king of Phokis.

Λάκωνος: Orestes was made king of Lakedaimon, acc. to Paus. 2, 18, 5.

Strophe 2

τόν: The relative begins the myth, as often. See Index.

Ἀρσινόα: By others called Λαοδάμεια, Κίλισσα.

ὑπό = ὑπέκ: Cf. O. 5.14: ὑπ᾽ ἀμαχανίας, 6, 43: ὑπ᾽ ὠδῖνος.

κἀκ: So after Bergk's κἠκ for the simple ἐκ of the MSS., which gives a harsh construction.

ὁπότε: See P. 3.91.

Δαρδανίδα^: With κόραν.

Ἀγαμεμνονίᾳ | ψυχᾷ: O. 2.13.

ἀκτὰν παρ᾽ εὔσκιον : παρά not strictly as in prose, not “along the shore,” but “to the stretch of the shore.”

Antistrophe 2

νηλὴς γυνά: On the position, see O. 1.81; 10 (11), 48; P. 12.17.

Ἰφιγένεια . . . σφαχθεῖσα: Rather than τὸ σφαχθῆναι, ὅτι ἐσφάχθη, σφαγή. See O. 3.6; P. 2.23.

ἐπ᾽ Εὐρίπῳ: At Aulis.

ἑτέρῳ λέχεϊ δαμαζομέναν: The paraphrast: ἑτέρῳ ἀνδρὶ μισγομένην. Fennell tr. “humiliated by another connection on Agamemnon's part.” This would bring in Kassandra, but the sense cannot be extracted from the words. Pindar enlarges on the more shameful alternative, “guilty passion and sensual delight.”

ἔννυχοι πάραγον κοῖται: P. 2.35: εὐναὶ παράτροποι.

τὸ δὲ νέαις , κτἑ.: Inevitable Greek moralizing, as inevitable to Pindar as to Euripides.

Epode 2

ἀλλοτρίαισι γλώσσαις: “Owing to alien tongues,” as if δι᾽ ἀλλοτρίας γλώσσας.

ἴσχει τε ... δέ: Cf. P. 4.80.

οὐ μείονα: Sc. τοῦ ὄλβου. Prosperity is envied to its full height. The groundling may say and do what he pleases. No one notices him.

χαμηλὰ πνέων: Compare O. 10 (11), 102: κενεὰ τνεύσαις, Ν. 3, 41: ἄλλοτ᾽ ἄλλα πνέων.

ἄφαντον βρέμει: To him who lives on the heights the words and works of χαμηλὰ πνέων amount to nothing more than an “obscure murmur.” The contrast is, as the Scholiast puts it, between ἐπιφανής and ἀφανής.

μὲν ... τε: O. 4.13.

χρόνῳ: P. 4.78: χρόνῳ ἵκετο).

κλυταῖς ἐν Ἀμύκλαις: Homer puts the scene in Mykenai, Stesichoros in Amyklai. Acc. to O. Müller, Amyklai was the old capital of the Pelopidai, and the same city that Homer calls Lakedaimon. See Paus. 3, 19, 5, on the statue of Kassandra and the monument of Agamemnon at Amyklai.

Strophe 3

μάντιν ... κόραν: “Prophetic maid,” or “maiden prophetess.”

πυρωθέντων | Τρώων: Not genitive absolute.

ἁβρότατος: Depends on ἔλυσε. “Reft of luxury.” Such a combination as δόμους ἁβρότατος = δόμους ἁβρούς, πλουσίους, is very unlikely.

δέ: Orestes. Return to the hero of the myth, v. 16.

Στρόφιον: See note on P. 4.51.

νέα κεφαλά: So with Bergk for νέᾳ κεφαλᾷ. The paraphrast has νέος ὢν ἔτι, though that is not conclusive. The appositional nominative gives a tender touch.

χρονίῳ σὺν Ἄρει: Keep the personification. “With Ares' tardy help.”

ἐν φοναῖς: Notice the effect of the plural. “Weltering in his gore.” θεῖναι regularly with ἐν everywhere.

Antistrophe 3

ἀμευσίπορον τρίοδον: Lit. “path-shifting fork.” The τρίοδος is the place where two roads go out of a third. Plat. Gorg. 524 A:ἐν τῇ τριόδῳ ἐξ ἧς φέρετον τὼ ὁδώ” . See my note on Justin Martyr, Apol. II. 11, 8. “The place where three roads meet” is misleading without further explanation.

τρίοδο_ν: Notice the prolongation of the last syllable, P. 3.6.

ὀρθὰν κέλευθον: vv. 1-16. The words ὀρθὰν κέλευθον suggest the paths of the sea, and the image changes.

ὡς ὅτε: Compare O. 6.2: ὡς ὅτε θαητὸν μέγαρον.

ἄκατον εἰναλίαν: For the figure, see P. 10.51.

Μοῖσα, τὸ δὲ τεόν: For δέ, see O. 1.36. With τὸ δὲ τεόν, compare O. 5.72: τὸ δ᾽ ἐμόν.

μισθοῖο: In these matters P. is to us painfully candid.

παρέχειν: As συνέθευ is a verb of will, the future is not necessary.

ὑπάργυρον: “For silver.” The double meaning of “silver voice” is plain enough. Much disputed is I. 2, 8: ἀργυρωθεῖσαι πρόσωπα μαλθακόφωνοι ἀοιδαί.

ἄλλοτ᾽ ἄλλᾳ ταρασσέμεν , κτἑ.: “That is thy duty, to let it flit now this way, now that — now to father, anon to son.” P. has already flitted from land (τρίοδον) to water (πλόου).

Epode 3

Πυθονίκῳ: Elsewhere Πυθιόνικος. Bergk considers it a proper name.

ἐπιφλέγει: Cf. O. 9.23: φίλαν πόλιν | μαλεραῖς ἐπιφλέγων ἀοιδαῖς. For the sing. of a welded pair, see P. 10.10, and for English usage Fitzedward Hall in Am. Journ. of Phil. II. p. 424.

ἐν ἅρμασι: Cf. P. 2.4: τετρασρίας ... ἐν κρατέων.

ἔσχον: O. 2.10.

θοὰν ἀκτῖνα: “The swift halo,” “swiftly the halo.” Cf. P. 4.179: ταχέες ... ἔβαν. For ἀκτῖνα, cf. I. 3 (4), 60: ἑργμάτων ἀκτὶς καλῶν ἄσβεστος αἰεί,

σὺν ἵπποις: Not simply = δι᾽ ἵππων.

Strophe 4

Πυθοῖ τε: With preceding μέν, as v. 31.

γυμνὸν ἐπὶ στάδιον: “The bare course,” usually opposed to the ὁπλίτης δρόμος, as I. 1, 23. Here the course, where the runner has nothing to help him; opp. to ἐν ἅρμασι, σὺν ἵπποις.

ἤλεγζαν: “Put to the blush.”

θεόθεν ἐραίμαν καλῶν: P. often uses the first person when he desires to put himself in the place of the victor (O. 3.45; P. 3.110). A familiar trick of familiar speech, and suited to the easy terms on which P. stood with most of his “patrons.” The sense “May the gods so guide my love for that which is fair that I may not go beyond the limit of my power.” Others: θεόθεν καλῶν, “The goods the gods provide.” There is not the least necessity for considering ἐραίμαν as = ἐραίμαν ἄν.

μαιόμενος: The participle is restrictive, ὥστε τὰ δυνατὰ μόνον μαίεσθαι.

ἐν ἁλικίᾳ: “In my life's bloom.”

τῶν γὰρ ἂμ πόλιν , κτἑ.: Some see in this an oblique reference to the men who were carrying things with a high hand at Thebes in 478 B.C. For the condition of Thebes at the time of the Persian war, see the speech of the Thebans in Thuk. 3, 62:ὅπερ δέ ἐστι νόμοις μὲν καὶ τῷ σωφρονεστάτῳ ἐναντιώτατον, ἐγγυτάτω δὲ τυράννου, δυναστεία ὀλίγων ἀνδρῶν εἶχε τὰ πράγματα.

μάσσονι = μακροτέρῳ, the MS. reading, which is unmetrical (Bergk). μ. = μείζονι. See P. 2.26: μακρὸν ὄλβον.

Antistrophe 4

ξυναῖς δ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ ἀρεταῖς : ξυναὶ ἀρεταί are achievements that are within the reach of all, that are open to all (Dissen). Mezger prefers “Excellences that inure to the good of all,” such as victories. This is τό γ᾽ ἐν ξυνῷ πεποναμένον εὖ of P. 9.101. Jebb: “Those virtues move my zeal which serve the folk.” But the stress is laid directly on the avoidance of envy

τέταμαι: “I am at full stretch” as it were, with his arms about the prize. Compare

ὃς δ᾽ ἂν πρῶτος θορὼν
ἀμφί ϝοι ψαύσειε πέπλοις.

ἀται: The MSS. have ἄτἄ, ἄτᾳ. The dat. makes no satisfactory sense. ἀμύνεσθαι occurs only once more in P., and then in the common sense “to ward off” (I. 6 [7], 27). “The evil workings of envy are warded off” (pass.) makes a tolerable sense. This, of course, makes φθονεροί fem., for which we have analogy elsewhere. ἆται would embrace both human and divine (Mezger). ἆται, as a masculine nominative plural, “mischief-makers,” “workers of ἄτη,” would account for φθονεροι. For the metre read ἆται εἰ as two syllables, not three (synizesis).

ἄκρον ἑλών: Compare P. 9.128: τέλος ἄκρον, and I. 1, 51: κέρδος ὕψιστον.

μέλανος ... γενεᾷ: I have rewritten the passage after Bergk with no great confidence. “A fairer end in black death does he find (than the ὑβρισταί), having bequeathed to his sweet race the favor of a good name, the highest of treasures.”

κράτιστον: So Bergk for κρατίσταν.

Epode 4

τε: Sc. χάρις.

Ἰφικλείδαν: As P. is praising transmitted glory he does not forget the genealogy of Iolaos and of the Dioskuroi.

διαφέρει: “Spreads [the fame] abroad.”

Ἰόλαον: Iolaos and Kastor are coupled, I. 1, 16. 30, as the διφρηλάται κράτιστοι.

σέ τε, ϝάναξ Πολύδευκες: Cf. P. 4.89. Polydeukes was the son of Zeus, and when Kastor fell, Zeus said to Polydeukes

εἰ δὲ κασιγνήτου πέρι
μάρνασαι, πάντων δὲ νοεῖς ἀποδάσσασθαι ϝίσον,
ἥμισυ μέν κε πνέοις γαίας ὑπένερθεν ἐών,
ἥμισυ δ᾽ οὐρανοῦ ἐν χρυσέοις δώμασιν.

παρ᾽ ἀμαρ: “Day about,” “every other day.”

Θεράπνας: I. 1, 31: Τυνδαρίδας δ᾽ ἐν Ἀχαιοῖς δ᾽ ὑψίπεδον Θεράπνας οἰκέων ἕδος. Ν. 10, 56: ὑπὸ κεύθεσι γαίας ἐν γυάλοισι Θεράπνας. On the left bank of the Eurotas, where the Menelaïon commanded Sparta as the Janiculum Rome. “Nowhere does ancient Sparta come so vividly before the traveller as on the high plateau of Therapne, with its far-reaching view” (E. Curtius).

Midas of Akragas, a famous αὐλητής, master of the Athenian Lamprokles, who in his turn taught Sophokles and Damon, was victorious in αὔλησις twice, Pyth. 24 and 25, and likewise, according to the Scholia, at the Panathenaic games. We do not know positively for which of the two victories at Pytho this poem was composed; but if Pindar had been celebrating the second victory, he would, according to his usual manner, have mentioned the first. If this is the first victory, the poem belongs to the same year with P. 6 (494 B.C.), in which Pindar celebrated the success of another Agrigentine, his friend Xenokrates, brother of Theron, and we have in P. 12 one of Pindar's earliest odes.

The contest in αὐλῳδία (song with flute accompaniment) was abolished at the second Pythiad, and the game at which Midas won was the ψιλὴ αὔλησις. The antique αὐλός, like the old English flute, was a kind of clarionet, with a metallic mouth-piece, and one or two tongues or reeds. Midas had the ill-luck to break the mouth-piece of his flute, but continued his playing, to the great delight of his audience, and succeeded in winning the prize.

The poem is constructed on the usual Pindaric lines. It announces the victory, tells of the origin of flute music, the invention of the tune called κεφαλᾶν πολλᾶν νόμος (πολυκέφαλος νόμος), and returns to the victor with some not unfamiliar reflections on moil and toil linked with prosperity.

According to Mezger, ἐφεῦρε, v. 7, and εὗρεν, v. 22, which mark beginning and end of the myth, show the tendency of the poem. The value of the victory consists in its having been gained in an art invented by Athena.

Mezger notices a resemblance to O. 3 in the handling of the myth. In both poems the person of the victor is brought into connection with the centre of the mythical narrative — the olive there, the πολυκέφαλος νόμος here.

The rhythms are dactylo-epitrite.

Strophe 1

φιλάγλαε: Not without allusion to the function of Ἀγλαΐα, O. 14, 13

καλλίστα βροτεᾶν πολίων: Cf. P. 9.75 (of Kyrene): καλλίσταν πόλιν.

Φερσεφόνας ἕδος: The whole island was presented by Zeus to Persephone εἰς τὰ ἀνακαλυπτήρια (the presents given to the bride when she first took off her veil).

ὄχθαις ... κολώναν: The commanding position of this ὑψηλὰ πόλις, as P. calls it elsewhere, is emphasized by travellers, old and new. ὄχθαις: See P. 1.64.

ναίεις: Heroine and city are blended, after Pindaric fashion. See P. 9.75.

Ἀκράγαντος: The river.

ϝάνα = ἄνασσα.

σὺν εὐμενείᾳ: The favor that he is to find in his reception, not the favor that he has already found.

στεφάνωμα: The song as well as the wreath. See P. 9.4.

Μίδᾳ: For the dat., see P. 4.23. It is to Midas's honor that the offering is to be received.

τέχνᾳ, τάν, κτἑ.: Acc. to the common tradition, Athena invented the flute, Olympos this special melody ( πολυκέφαλος νόμος). P. modifies the tradition so as to give both to Athena. We cannot limit τέχνᾳ to Midas's art in this one melody, in spite of the coincidence of ἐφεῦρε and διαπλέξαισα.

διαπλέξαισα: “Winding.”

Strophe 2

παρθενίοις = παρθένων. The sisters of Medusa, Euryale and Stheno

ὑπό τ᾽ ἀπλάτοις: The virgins are bowed in grief, which position is better brought out by ὑπό, with the dat. On ὑπό, with the second word, see O. 9.94.

ὀφίων: Acc. to another version, only Medusa had the snake locks.

λειβόμενον: After the analogy of χεῖν ( I. 7 [8], 58:θρῆνον ... ἔχεαν” ), and δάκρυα λείβειν. The οὔλιος θρῆνος brought with it a shower of tears (ἀστακτὶ λείβων δάκρυον, Soph.), hence the blending.

σύν, Almost equivalent to “amid.”

ὁπότε: “What time.” Cf. P. 3.91.

τρίτον ... μέρος: Medusa was one of three sisters. Cf. P. 4.65:ὄγδοον ... μέρος Ἀρκεσίλας.

ἄνυσσεν: “Despatched.”

εἰναλίᾳ τε Σερίφῳ τοῖσί τε: So Hermann. εἰναλίᾳ Σερίφῳ λαοῖσι, the reading of the best MSS., makes ι in Σ. short. τοῖσι = αὐτοῖς = Σεριφίοις. If λαοῖσι is retained, it must be read as a dissyllable. Seriphos was turned into a solid rock, and the inhabitants, who had maltreated Danaë, mother of Perseus, were petrified by the apparition of the Gorgon's head

Φόρκοιο: The father of the three Graiai, as well as of the three Gorgons.

μαύρωσεν: “Blinded.” The Graiai had one eye in common, of which Perseus robbed them in order to find his way to the abode of the Gorgons.

Πολυδέκτᾳ: Polydektes of Seriphos, enamoured of Danaë, made her his slave, and, pretending to desire wedlock with Hippodameia, invited the princes of the realm to a banquet, in order to receive contributions towards the ἕδνα. Perseus promised, as his contribution to this ἔρανος, the head of Medusa.

εὐπαρᾴου ... Μεδοίσας: Medusa is mortal, the others immortal. See the story in

clarissima forma
multorumque fuit spes invidiosa procorum.

After she yielded to Poseidon, her hair was turned into serpents by Athena, of whose temple she was priestess, and with whom she vied in beauty. The transmutation of Medusa in plastic art from a monster to a beauty is well known.

Strophe 3

υἱὸς Δανάας: On the position, see O. 10 (11), 38.

ἀπὸ χρυσοῦ ... αὐτορύτου: The shower of gold in which Zeus descended to Danaë. I. 6 (7), 5:χρυσῷ μεσονύκτιον νίφοντα ... τὸν φέρτατον θεόν” .

φίλον ἄνδρα: Perseus was special liegeman of Athena.

τεῦχε: The tentativeness of the inventor may be noted in the tense, as in the ΕΠΟΙΕΙ of the Greek artist, though in earlier times ΕΠΟΙΗΣΕ is more common (Urlichs).

πάμφωνον: Cf. O. 7.12:παμφώνοισί τ᾽ ἐν ἔντεσιν αὐλῶν” , and P. 3.17:παμφώνων ἰαχὰν ὑμεναίων” .

τὸν ... γόον: On the long suspense, see O. 12.5.

Εὐρυάλας: The eminence is due to the metrical form of the name.

καρπαλιμᾶν γενύων: Quivering jaws.

χριμφθέντα: Lit. “brought nigh,” “that assailed her ears.”

σὺν ἔντεσι: “With the help of instruments” instead of the simple instrumental ἔντ. Cf. P. 4.39.

ἀνδράσι θνατοῖς ἔχειν: This would seem to imply that she does not mean to use the flute herself. Still the story that Athena threw away the flute after she invented it, because it disfigured her face, is doubtless an Athenian invention aimed at the Boeotians.

ἔχειν: Epexegetic infinitive.

κεφαλᾶν πολλᾶν νόμον: Fanciful explanation of the “winding bout,” or “many-headed” tune.

λαοσσόων: The αὐλός called to games as well as battles.

Strophe 4

θάμα = ἅμα (Bergk). See O. 7.12.

δονάκων: For which Boeotia was famous.

παρὰ καλλιχόρῳ ... πόλει: The dat. is more poetical than the acc. See O. 1.20.

Χαρίτων: The city of the Charites is Orchomenos. See

λιπαρᾶς ἀοίδιμοι βασίλειαι
Χάριτες Ὀρχομενοῦ


Καφισίδος: The nymph Kopaïs.

πιστοὶ χορευτᾶν μάρτυρες: The αὐλός is the timekeeper, and so the witness of the dances.

ἄνευ καμάτου: Allusion to the mishap of Midas, though the story may have been imported.

νιν = κάματον.

= ὅς.

τινα: Sc. σέ. Some read τίν = σοί, dependent on δώσει.

ἀελπτίᾳ βαλών: “Smiting with unexpectedness.” “With unexpected stroke.” ἀελπτία is a βέλος. Less likely is ἀελπτίᾳ as semi-personification as Il. 7, 187:κυνέῃ βάλε” , where the helmet catches the lot.

ἔμπαλιν γνώμας: Compare O. 10 (11), 95:νεότατος τὸ πάλιν” .

τὸ μὲν δώσει, κτἑ.: While it will give part, will part postpone. A note of unsatisfied longing on the part of Midas.

1 Doric form of Arkesilaos.

2 Details for both odes in J. H. H. Schmidt, Kunstformen, IV. 497-507.

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