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Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Count de 1620-

Colonial governor; born in France in 1620; was made a colonel at seventeen years of age, and was an eminent lieutenant-gen- [484] eral at twenty-nine, covered with decorations and scars. Selected by Marshal Turenne to lead troops sent for the relief of Canada, he was made governor of that province in 1672, and built Fort Frontenac (now Kingston), at the foot of Lake Ontario in 1673. He was recalled in 1682, but was reappointed in 1689, when the French dominions in America were on the brink of ruin. With great energy he carried on war against the English in New York and New England, and their allies, the Iroquois. Early in 1696 an expedition which he sent towards Albany desolated Schenectady; and the same year he successfully resisted a land and naval force sent against Canada. He was in Montreal when an Indian runner told him of the approach to the St. Lawrence of Colonel Schuyler (see King William's War). Frontenac, then seventy years of age, called out his Indian allies, and, taking a tomahawk in his hand, he danced the war-dance, and chanted the war-song in their presence and then led them successfully against the foe. He afterwards repulsed Phipps at Quebec, having been informed of his expedition by an Indian runner from Pemaquid. So important was that repulse considered that King Louis caused a medal to be struck with the legend, “France victorious in the New world.” This success was followed by an expedition sent by Frontenac against the Mohawks in 1696; and he led forces in person against the Onondagas the same year. Frontenac was the terror of the Iroquois, for his courage and activity were wonderful. He restored the fallen fortunes of France in America, and died soon afterwards, in Quebec, Nov. 28, 1698.

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