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Villere, Jacques Philippe Roy de 1769-1831

Military officer; born in France; was an officer of a regiment which was sent to Canada. He later became naval secretary of Louisiana. In 1769 he led a rebellion against the Spanish authorities, and was captured and killed in Louisiana in the same year.

His son, Jacques, born near New Orleans, La., April 28, 1761, was majorgeneral of volunteers under Gen. Andrew Jackson in 1814-15; and governor of Louisiana in 1818-22. He died in New Orleans, La., in 1831.

His grandson, Gabriel, born in Louisiana, March 15, 1785, was major of militia. During the invasion of the British he was sent to watch the Bayou Bienvenu. He was captured when the enemy landed at Fisherman's Village, but escaped to New Orleans, where he gave information of their approach to General Jackson. He died in New Orleans, La., July 6, 1852.

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