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Young women's Christian associations,

Societies devoted to the spiritual, mental, social, and physical development of young women. The first young women's association was formed in London, England, in 1855. In the United States these associations grew out of the Ladies' Christian Union of New York, established in 1858, the first Young Women's Christian Association in this country being formed in Boston, Mass., in 1866. In 1871 there were three young women's Christian associations and twenty-seven other women's associations. The associations since 1871 have held biennial conferences. There is a distinct organization of young women's Christian associations in the colleges, all sprung from the first association in the State Normal University, Normal, Ill., in November, 1872. The work in young women's Christian associations was at first modelled on that of the young men's Christian associations, but it was found that women's needs required that it should be different. An important feature is the maintenance of boarding-homes for young women. Besides this, the associations in the large cities have gymnasiums, educational classes, entertainments, lectures, employment bureaus, etc.

The work of the associations among women is fourfold: Physical—systematic training in the gymnasium, health talks, holiday excursions, and outing clubs. Social—receptions and socials in homelike rooms, boarding clubs, employment bureaus. Intellectual—libraries and reading-rooms, educational classes, lecture courses, concerts, library, musical, and art clubs. Spiritual—Bible training classes, evangelistic meetings, personal work, Gospel meetings.

The number of associations in the United States (associations connected with the American committee) is 431; total membership, 35,000.

The International Association was formed in 1886.

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