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بَلُّوقَةٌ بلوقه بلوقة , (JK, S, &c.,) [said to be] like عَجُوزَةٌ, (K,) [but this is wrong, and is probably a mistranscription, for عَجُّورَة, with teshdeed and the unpointed ر, n. un. of عَجُّور,] and with damm, [↓ بُلُّوقَةٌ ,] (IDrd, K,) both mentioned by AA, (TA,) but more commonly with fet-h [to the بِ], (IDrd, TA,) A [desert such as is termed] مَفَازَة: (AA, S, K:) or a tract of sand that gives growth to nothing except the [plant or tree called] رُخَامَى, (As, K, * TA,) of which the [wild] bulls are fond, and the roots of which they dig up and eat: (TA:) or a wide tract of fertile land in which no one shares with thee: (Fr, TA:) or a hard place among sands, as though it were swept, asserted by the Arabs of the desert to be of the dwellingplaces of the Jinn: (Aboo-Kheyreh, TA:) or a desert land, destitute of vegetable produce and of water, or of human beings, inhabited by none but Jinn: (TA:) or a level, soft land: (K:) or a place in which no trees grow: (JK:) or white places in sand, which give growth to nothing: (ISh, TA in art. برص:) or a piece of ground differing in colour or appearance from that which is next to it, that produces nothing whatever: as also ↓ بَلُّوقٌ , like تَنُّورٌ: and, with the art. ال, particularly applied to a place in the district of ElBahreyn, asserted (as IDrd says, TA) to be of the dwelling-places of the Jinn: (K:) pl. بَلَالِيقُ; (JK, S, K;) which is syn. with مَوَامٍ (A 'Obeyd, S) and سَبَارِيتٌ, meaning lands wherein is nothing: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) in poetry, بَلَالِقُ occurs as its pl. (K, TA.)

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