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جَذْمَارٌ ذ or جِدْمَارٌ: see what follows, in two places. جُذْمُورٌ ذ The root, or lowest part, of a thing: or the first thereof; (K;) the beginning, or commencement, and fresh state, thereof; its first and fresh state. (TA.) ― -b2- A piece, or portion, (S, K,) of the lowest part (S) of a palm-branch, (S, K,) [i. e. a stump thereof,] remaining upon the trunk when the [rest of the] branch has been cut off; (S, K;) as also ↓ جَذْمَارٌ , (S,) or جِذْمَارٌ. (K.) [Accord. to the S, the م is an augmentative letter.] ― -b3- The stump of a [tree of the kind called] نَبْعَة, remaining when the tree has been cut down. (TA.) ― -b4- The stump of a hand of which the greater part has been cut off; (TA;) what remains of a hand that has been amputated, at the extremity of the two bones of the fore arm. (T, TA.) One says, ضَرَبَهُ بِجُذْمُورِهِ and بِقَطَعَتِهِ [He struck him with the stump of his amputated hand]. (TA.) ― -b5- What remains of anything that has been cut off. (IAar, TA.) ― -b6- [Pl. جَذَامِيرُ.] ― -b7- You say, أخَذَهُ بِجُذْمُورِهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it altogether; (K;) as also اخذه بِجَذَامِيرِهِ: (Ks, S, K:) or he took it in its first and fresh state: and Fr also mentions the phrases ↓ اخذه بِجِذْمِيرِهِ and ↓ بِجِذْمَارِهِ . (TA.) أَخَذَهُ بِجِذْمِيرِهِ ذ : see what next precedes.

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