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خَاذِلٌ ذ Abstaining from, or neglecting, the rendering of aid, or assistance. (S, K.) ― -b2- And Any one leaving, forsaking, or deserting. (TA.) ― -b3- Also, and ↓ خَذُولٌ , (T, K,) A female gazelle, and a [wild] cow, holding back from going with her female companions, or remaining behind them, with her young one, in the place of pasturage: or remaining alone with him: (T:) or a female gazelle, &c., (K,) as, for instance, a [wild] cow, (TA,) holding back from going with her female companions, and remaining alone: or holding back, or remaining behind, not overtaking [the others]: (K:) or the latter signifies a female gazelle that has left, forsaken, or deserted, her young ones. (EM p. 60.) ― -b4- And the former, A female gazelle remaining attending to her young one; as also ↓ مُخْذِلٌ . (K. [See 1.]) ― -b5- Also Routed, defeated, or put to flight. (IAar, K.)

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