2 خَدَّدَ لَحْمُهُ خدد لحمه خدد لحمة , (as in the S and K,) or خُدِّدَ, (as in one place in the L,) [both of which may be correct, for the verb is said in the K to be both intrans. and trans.,] (tropical:) His flesh became contracted, shrunk, or wrinkled; (S, TA;) as also ↓ تخدّد : (S, A, * K:) or his flesh wasted so that there appeared streaks upon his skin: (TA in art. خب:) or he (a beast) became lean, or lank, or light of flesh, or slender or lank in the belly, so that his flesh became furrowed, or wrinkled: and لَحْمُهُتخدّد his flesh became flaccid and quivering, by reason of leanness. (L.) And خدّدهُ (tropical:) It (travel) rendered him lean and wasted: (K:) and so evilness of state or condition. (A, * TA.)

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