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فَائِلُ الرَّأْىِ ذ : see فِيلٌ, latter half, in two places. -A2- الفَائِلُ [as a subst.] signifies The flesh that is upon the خُرْبَة, (S, O,) or خُرْب, (K, [in the M, accord. to the TT, حرف, app. a mistranscription,]) of the وَرِك; (S, M, O, K;) [which, I think, will be plainly seen from what follows to mean the flesh that is upon the sacro-ischiatic foramen; though خُرْبَةُ الوَرِكِ and خُرْبُ الوَرِكِ are said in the TA, in art. خرب, to mean “ the hole where the head of the thigh-bone is inserted; ”] so says A 'Obeyd: (S, O:) or, (S, M, O, K,) as some say, so adds A 'Obeyd, (S, O,) a certain vein (T, S, M, O, K) in the خُرْبَة of the وَرِك, descending into the leg, (T,) or in the thigh: (S, O:) As says, in “ the Book of the Horse, ” in the وَرِك is the خُرْبَة, which is a نُقْرَة wherein is flesh, no bone being in it; and in that نُقْرَة is the فَائِل, and there is no bone between the said نقرة and the belly, but only skin and flesh; (T, * S, O;) and he cites the saying of El-Aashà, “ قَدْ نَخْضِبُ العَيْرَ فِى مَكْنُونِ فَائِلِهِ
وَقَدْ يَشِيطُ عَلَى أَرْمَاحِنَا البَطَلُ
” [Oft we stain the ridge of the spear-head in what is concealed in the interior of his فائل, and oft the man of valour dies by means of our spears]; مَكْنُونُ الفَائِلِ means his blood: he says [by implication], we are skilful in respect of the place of piercing: (S, O:) but As said مِنْ in the place of فِى; and AA, قَدْ نَطْعُنُ; which has been pronounced to be wrong: (O:) or the فَائِلَانِ, (T, M,) or the ↓ فَائِلَتَانِ , (so in the K, [app. a mistranscription,]) are two veins entering into the interior parts of the thighs (T, M, K,) in the hinder parts thereof; (M, K;) and they adduce as an evidence thereof the verse of El-Aashà cited above, saying that the epithet مكنون would not have been used if the فائل were not a vein; but others say that [the poet meant that] he made the spear-head to become concealed in the furthest part of the flesh; and if the فائل were a vein, it would not have been mentioned as it has been in a phrase of Imra-el-Keys which will be cited in what follows: (M:) [hence it is said,] or they are two portions of flesh [between which is the lower part of the os sacrum, i. e.] the lower parts of which are upon the صَلَوَان [dual of صَلًا], from the region of the lower portions of the حَجَبَتَانِ to the عَجْب, bordering upon the عُصْعُص on either side, descending in the two sides of the two thighs; [so in a human being,] and thus in the horse: (M, K: [for the meanings of the words that I have here left untranslated, I must refer to their several proper arts.; as they are variously explained:]) ↓ الفَالُ is a dial. var. of الفَائِلُ; (M, K, TA;) which is expl. by Sgh [in the O] as meaning a certain vein issuing from the فَوَّارَة of the وَرِك [i. e. from the sacro-ischiatic foramen]: (TA:) [but the assertion that الفال is a dial. var. of الفائل seems to be founded only upon what here follows:] Imra-el-Keys says, [describing a horse,] “ لَهُ حَجَبَاتٌ مُشْرِفَاتٌ عَلَى الفَالِ
” (S, M; or على الفَالِى, as in the O and TA;) [i. e. He has edges of the haunch-bones projecting above, or beyond, the فائل; for] he means على فَائِلِ, having altered the latter word by transposition. (T, S, O, TA.)

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