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1 فَرَقَ بَيْنَ الشَّيْئَيْنِ ذ , (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, *) aor. فَرُقَ , (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) and in one dial. فَرِقَ , (Msb, TA,) inf. n. فَرْغٌ and فُرْقَانٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) the latter of which has a more intensive signification, (TA,) He made a separation, or a distinction, or difference, (Msb, K, TA,) between the two things, (K, * TA,) or between the parts of the two things: (Msb:) relating alike to objects of sight and to objects of mental perception: (TA:) IAar, by exs. that he mentions, makes it to relate particularly to objects of the mind, such as sayings; and ↓ فرّق , to persons, or material things: (Msb: [and it is stated in the Mgh that the same distinction is mentioned by Az:]) others, however, state that the two verbs are syn.; but that the latter has an intensive signification. (Msb.) It is said in the Kur [v. 28], فَا@فْرُقْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ ا@لْقَوْمِ الفَاسِقِينَ [Therefore decide Thou, or make Thou a distinction, between us and the unrighteous people]: accord. to one reading, فَا@فْرِقْ. (Msb, TA.) فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ, in the Kur [xliv. 3], means [Wherein] is made distinct [every firm decree]: (Lth, TA:) or is decided; (O, K, TA;) thus expl. by Katádeh. (O, TA.) And in the phrase وَقُرآنًا فَرَقْنَاهُ, (S, O, K, TA,) in the same [xvii. 107], (S, O, TA,) by فَرَقْنَاهُ is meant We have made it distinct, (S, O, K, TA,) and rendered it free from defect, (O, K, TA,) and explained the ordinances therein: (TA:) but some read ↓ فَرَّقْنَاهُ , meaning We have sent it down in sundry portions, in a number of days. (S, TA.) وَإِِذْ فَرَقْنَا بِكُمُ ا@لْبَحْرَ, (O, K, TA,) in the Kur [ii. 47], (O, TA,) means And when we clave because of you the sea; i. q. فَلَقْنَاهُ: (O, K, TA:) another reading, ↓ فَرَّقْنَا , meaning we divided into several portions, is mentioned by IJ; but this is unusual. (TA.) It is also said that الفَرْقُ is for rectification; and ↓ التَّفْرِيقُ , for vitiation: and IJ says that دِيْنَهُمْإِِنَّ ا@لَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا , in the Kur [vi. 160, and the like occurs in xxx. 31], means Verily those who have divided their religion into sundry parts, and dismembered it, and have disagreed respecting it among themselves: but that some read فَرَقُوا دِيْنَهُمْ, without teshdeed, meaning, have severed their religion from the other religions [app. by taking it in part, or parts, therefrom]; or this, he says, may mean the same as the former reading, for sometimes فَعَلَ has the same meaning as فَعَّلَ. (TA.) IJ also says that فَرَقَ لَهُ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ signifies He made the thing distinct, or plain, to him. (TA.) ― -b2- فَرَقَ الشَّعْرَ بِالمُشْطِ, aor. فَرُقَ and فَرِقَ , inf. n. فَرْقٌ, He separated his hair with the comb: and رَأْسَهُ بِالمُشْطِفَرَّقَ , inf. n. تَفْرِيقٌ, He separated the hair of his head with the comb. (TA.) [And it is implied in a trad. cited in the O and TA that فَرَقَهُ signifies the same as the latter of the two phrases in the next preceding sentence.] -A2- فَرَقَ لَهُ الطَّرِيقُ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. فُرُوقٌ, (K,) The road presented itself to him divided into two roads: (S, O, K, TA:) or [it means] an affair presented itself, or occurred, to him, and he knew the mode, or manner, thereof: (TA, as from the K: [but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K:]) and hence, in a trad. of I'Ab, فَرَقَ لِى رَأْىٌ An idea, or opinion, appeared [or occurred] to me: (TA:) [or] one says, فَرَقَ لِى هٰذَا الأَمْرُ, inf. n. فُرُوقٌ, This affair became, or has become, distinct, apparent, or manifest, to me: and hence the saying, فَإِِنْ لَمْ يُفْرُقْ لِلْإِِمَامِ رَأْىٌ [And if an idea, or an opinion, appear not, or occur not, to the Imám]. (Mgh.) ― -b2- فَرَقَتْ said of a she-camel, and of a she-ass, (S, O, K,) aor. فَرُقَ , (S, O,) inf. n. فُرُوقٌ, She, being taken with the pains of parturition, went away at random in the land. (S, O, K.) -A3- فَرَقَ, (O, K,) aor. فَرُقَ , (K,) He voided dung; syn. ذَرَقَ [which is said of a bird, and sometimes of a man]. (O, K. [See also أَفْرَقَ.]) -A4- And He possessed a فِرْق [q. v.] (O, K, TA) of sheep or goats: (O, TA:) accord. to the K, of date-stones with which to feed camels: but the former explanation is the right. (TA.) -A5- فَرَقَهَا, (K,) inf. n. فَرْقٌ, (TA,) He fed her (i. e. a woman) with فَرِيقَة [q. v.]; as also ↓ افرقها , (K,) inf. n. إِِفْرَاقٌ. (TA.) -A6- فَفَرَقْتُهُفَارَقَنِى , aor. فَرُقَ , [He vied with me in fear and] I exceeded him in fear. (Lh, L, TA.) ― -b2- See also 2, last sentence. -A7- فَرِقَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. فَرَقَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. فَرَقٌ, (S, O, Msb,) He feared; or was, or became, in fear, afraid, or frightened. (S, O, Msb, K.) You say, فَرِقْتُ مِنْكَ [I feared thee, or was in fear of thee]: (S, O, Msb: *) but you should not say, فَرِقْتُكَ: (S, O:) Sb [however] mentions فَرِقَهُ, suppressing مِنْ. (TA.) And you say also, فَرِقَ عَلَيْهِ [He feared for him]. (TA.) -A8- And فَرِقَ, aor. فَرَقَ , He entered into a wave, [which is termed فِرْقٌ,] and dived therein. (K.) -A9- And the same verb accord. to the K, but accord. to Sgh [in the O] it seems, from the context to be فَرَقَ, (TA,) He drank (O, K) the measure called فَرَق, (O,) or with the فَرَق. (K, TA.)

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