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2 فَرَّخَتْ ذ , and ↓ أَفْرَخَتْ , said of a bird, (S, A, Msb, K, but in the S and Msb the verbs are in the masc. forms,) [inf. n. of the former تَفْرِيخٌ,] She had [or she produced by hatching] a young one, (Msb, K,) or young ones. (A.) [In the L, in one place, and so, accord. to the TA, in other lexicons, for صَارَ in the explanatory phrase صَارَ لَهَا فَرْخٌ, is put طَارَ; as though the verbs signified She had a young one that flew.] ― -b2- And both verbs, said of an egg (بَيْضَةٌ), It had [or produced] a young one: (L, K:) or افرخت said of an egg, it had in it a young bird: (ISh, TA in art. بيض:) or it broke open from over the young bird, which thereupon came forth from it. (AHeyth, TA in art. روع; and Msb.) ― -b3- See also the next paragraph, in two places. ― -b4- فرّخ الزَّرْعُ, (S, A, L, K,) inf. n. تَفْرِيخٌ, (S, L,) (tropical:) The seed-produce, or corn, was ready to cleave open, when it had come up: (S:) or produced many shoots: (A:) or put forth its shoots: (K:) or shot forth into leaf from the grain, when the latter had cloven asunder; as also ↓ افرخ . (L.) [See also قَصَّبَ.] And فرّخ شَجَرُهُمْ فِرَاخاً كَثِيرَةً (tropical:) Their trees produced many offsets, or shoots from their roots or stems. (A.) ― -b5- See also 1. ― -b6- [Hence,] وَفَرَّخَ َبَاضَ فِيهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ, occurring in a trad., means (tropical:) The devil made his fixed abode among them; like as a bird keeps to the place of its eggs and young ones. (L.) And [in like manner] one says, فرّخ الشيطان فِى رَأْسِهِ (tropical:) The devil took up an abode in his head. (TA in art. فحص.) ― -b7- فرّخ القَوْمُ means (assumed tropical:) The people, or party, became weak; i. e., became like young birds. (K.) And فرّخ said of a man, (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, base, vile, or abject. (T, TA.) And (assumed tropical:) He (a man) was frightened; or he feared, or was afraid. (K.) And فُرِّخَ, in the pass. form, said of a coward, and of a weak old man, inf. n. تَفْرِيخٌ, (assumed tropical:) He was frightened, and made to tremble. (L.)

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