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2 فهّر ذ , inf. n. تَفْهِيرٌ, He compressed without consummating the act, i. e. without إِِنْزَال, by reason of weariness and languor. (Msb in art. عزل. [See also 1.]) ― -b2- Also, inf. n. as above, He (a man) was, or became, weary, or fatigued. (S, TA.) Said of a horse, as also ↓ فَيْهَرَ and ↓ تَفَيْهَرَ , He was, or became, out of breath by reason of fatigue or running; (K, TA;) and interrupted, or stopped short, in running; and jaded: (TA:) or he fell back by degrees from running, by reason of weakness, and being interrupted, or stopped short, in running: (K, TA:) or the first deficiency of the rate of running of the horse is termed التَّرَادُّ [the falling back by degrees]; the next, الفُتُورُ [the becoming languid]; and the next, التَّفْهِيرُ. (S, TA.)

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