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مَفَثَّةٌ ذ Multitude: (T, O, K:) so in the saying, وُجِدَ لِبَنِى فُلَانٍ مَفَثَّةٌ [Multitude was found to be attributable to the sons of such a one] when they were numbered: (T, O:) and مَقَثَّةٌ signifies the same. (K and TA in art. قث.) ― -b2- And [i. q. نُزُلٌ:] one says, مَا رَأَيْنَا جُلَّةً أَكْثَرَ مَفَثَّةً مِنْهَا, meaning نُزُلًا [i. e. We have not seen a receptacle made of palm-leaves, for dates, having more food prepared for the guest than it]: (T, O:) and كَثِيرُ مَفَثَّةٍ means كَثِيرُ نُزُلٍ [i. e. Abundant in respect of food prepared for the guest]. (So in some copies of the K: in other copies نَزَلٍ. [The TA gives the latter reading; and so, therefore, does the TK, which explains it as meaning “ increase, ” and adds that one says طعام كثير مفثة, an ex. app. without any authority; for what I have cited from the T and O shows, I think, that the former reading, and not the latter, is unquestionably right.])

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