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5 تفضّل عَلَيْهِ ذ [in the CK (erroneously) فَضَّلَ] i. q. تَمَزَّى, (K, TA,) both of which signify He thought himself to be superior to him in excellence; (TA in art. مزو;) whence the saying in the Kur [xxiii. 24], يُرِيدُ أَنْ يَتَفَضَّلَ عَلَيْكُمْ, meaning He desireth that he may have superiority over you in rank and station: (TA in the present art.) or i. q. عليهافضل , (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. إِِفْضَالٌ, (Msb, TA,) i. e. he bestowed, or conferred, a benefit, or benefits, upon him, syn. أَحْسَنَ, (S, TA,) or تَطَوَّلَ, (K, TA,) and gave him of his bounty: (TA:) [and each, followed by بِشَىْءٍ, he presented him, or favoured him, with a thing:] or تفضّل signifies, (K,) or signifies also, (S,) he laid claim to superiority of excellence over his equals, or fellows; (S, K;) whence [accord. to some] the saying in the Kur quoted above: (S:) and [you say] عَلَيْهِ فِى الحَسَبِافضل , (K, TA,) meaning he became possessed of eminence. [or superiority, over him, in the grounds of pretension to respect or honour,] as in a verse of Dhu-l-Isba' cited voce عَنْ, [q. v., p. 2164,] ending with فَتَخْزُوْنِى for فَتَخْزُوَنِى, [which latter reading I have there given,] because the rhyme of the whole ode requires the former. (TA.) -A2- التَّفَضُّلُ also signifies التَّوَشُّحُ [generally meaning The throwing a portion of one's garment over his left shoulder, and drawing its extremity under his right arm, and tying the two extremities together in a knot upon his bosom]: and the putting, or disposing, the extremities of his two garments, or pieces of cloth, contrariwise, or in contrary directions, upon his عَاتِق [or part between the shoulder and the neck]. (K, TA: but in the former, عَلَى عَاتِقَيْهِ is erroneously put for على عَاتِقِهِ. TA.) ― -b2- And تَفَضَّلَتْ said of a woman in her tent or chamber or house, She was in a single garment; (S, O, TA;) [she wore a single garment;] such as is termed مِفْضَلٌ [q. v.]: (S, TA:) or she (a woman) wore the garments of her service. (TA.)

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