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5 تفخّت ذ He walked in the manner of the bird called فَاخِتَة: thus in the K: but in most of the lexicons تَفَخَّتَتْ: (TA:) i. e. she (a woman) walked as walks the فَاخِتَة: (A:) [or,] accord. to Lth, [in the 'Eyn,] signifying مشت مجنبحة: (TA: in the O, مَشَتْ مجنحه; and in the margin thereof, مُجَنْبِخَةً: [the right reading is مَشَتْ مُجْتَنِحَةً; thus in the JK, a lexicon founded upon the 'Eyn:] thought by him to be from the walking of the bird called فَاخِتَة: (O, * TA:) he means, she strode in her walking, and held out her arms apart from [her sides beneath] her armpits. (TA.) ― -b2- And He wondered, syn. تَعَجَّبَ, (O, K, TA,) and said, How good, or goodly, is he, or it! (O, TA.) And it is said of a man as signifying تعجّب فِى مِشْيَتِهِ [app. meaning He showed عُجْب, i. e. self-admiration, &c., in his gait: but I do not find this signification assigned to تعجّب]. (TA.) ― -b3- And He affected lying; or lied purposely; syn. تَكَذَّبَ. (A, TA.)

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