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R. Q. 1 هَأْهَأَ بِالإِِبِلِ ذ , (El-Umawee, S, K,) inf. n. هِيهَآءٌ and هَأْهَآءٌ, (K,) the latter extr., (TA,) [see ظَأْظَأَ,] He called the camels to food, or provender, by the cry هِئْ هِئْ: (S, K:) or he chid them, (زَجَرَهَا), by the cry هَأْهَأْ. (K.) [See also arts. جأ and جيأ.] ― -b2- هَأْهَأَ, inf. n. هَأْهَآءٌ, He chid a dog. (TA.) ― -b3- He called a dog. (TA.) ― -b4- هَأْهَأَ, inf. n. هَأْهَآءٌ, He laughed loud and long: [a word imitative of the sound]. (K, TA.) هِىْءٌ ذ , subst. from هَأْهَأَ, [A call to camels to food, or provender]. (S, K.) هِىْءٌ and جِىْءٌ are said to be thus written by Az's own hand, with kesr: and are thus written in the Jáme' [of Kz]. (L.) [See arts. جأ and جيأ.] هَأْهَأٌ ذ and هَأْهَآءٌ One who laughs loud and long. (K, TA.) ― -b2- جَارِيَةٌ هَأْهَأَةٌ A damsel who laughs loud and long. (Lh, TA.)

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