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4 اوهب لَهُ الشَّىْءَ ذ He prepared, or made ready, the thing for him. (K.) ― -b2- أَوْهَبْتُكَ الطَّعَامَ وَالشَّرَابَ I prepared, or made ready, for thee the food and beverage, and abundance of them. (Tahdheeb el-Af'ál.) But see this verb in an intrans. sense. ― -b3- أَوْهَبَ الطَّعَامُ (tropical:) The food, or corn, or the like, became abundant and ample, so that some of it was given away. (A.) -A2- أَوْهَبْتُ لِأَمْرِ كَذَا (tropical:) I became capable of such a thing and able to do it. (A.) ― -b2- أَوْهَبَ لَكَ الشَّىْءُ The thing was, or became, within thy power, or reach, so that thou mightest take it. (K. *) Related on the authority of IAar alone, who says, They did not say أَوْهَبْتُهُ لَكَ. (TA.) ― -b3- أَوْهَبَ لَهُ الشَّىْءُ The thing was lasting to him. (A'Obeyd, AZ, S, K.) J cites the following verse: “ عَظِيمُ القَفَا رِخْوُ الخَوَاصِرِ أَوْهَبَتْ
لَهُ عَجْوَةٌ مَسْمُونَةٌ وَخَمِيرُ
” [Large in the back of the neck, soft (or loose or flabby) in the flanks: dates of the best that ElMedeeneh produces, prepared with clarified butter, and leaven, are lasting (provisions) to him]. But 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh says, that this is a mistake, and that the right reading is أُرْهِنَتْ, meaning “ are prepared, and continued. ” So in a marginal note in a copy of the S. (TA.) [So too in the margin of one of my MS. copies of the S.]

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