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5 توشّحت ذ , (S, K,) and ↓ اتّشحت , (K,) She (a woman) put on, or decked herself with, a وِشَاح q. v. (S, K.) ― -b2- تّوشح بِثَوْبِهِ, (S, K, &c.,) and بِهِاتّشح , (Msb,) (tropical:) i. q. تَقَلَّدَ: (K:) but MF disapproves of this explanation: (TA:) or He put his garment under his right arm-pit, and threw it [meaning a portion of it] over his left shoulder, like as the مُحْرِم does; (T, Msb;) like تَأَبَّطَ and اِضْطَبَعَ: (T:) or he threw a portion of his garment over his left shoulder, and drew its extremity under his right arm, and tied the two extremities together in a knot upon his bosom. (M.) Also, He wrapped himself up in his garment. (L.) ― -b3- الثَّوْبَوشّحهُ , as also أَشَّحَهُ (tropical:) He put on him the garment in the manner described in the explanation of the phrase توشّح بِثَوْبِهِ. (M, L.) ― -b4- توشّح بِسَيْفِهِ (S, K, &c.) (tropical:) i. q. تَقَلَّدَهُ: (K:) [or i. q.] توشّح بِحَمَائِلِ سَيْفِهِ He put the suspensories of his sword over his left shoulder, leaving the right bare: (T:) and توشّح بِنِجَادِهِ [signifies the same]. (A.) ― -b5- توشح بِلِجَامِهِ (L) (tropical:) He threw the bit and bridle of his horse upon his shoulder, and put his arm through it, so that it became like a وِشَاح. (Expos. of the Mo'allakát printed at Calcutta, p. 171.) [See the verse of Lebeed quoted below.] ― -b6- توشّح ا@مْرَأَةً (tropical:) Inivit feminam: (A, TA:) or he embraced a woman round the neck, and turned her over. (TA.)

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