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Yes, that is fair; I cannot dispute it. [165] Name your wage, except for my sovereignty.

I do not covet your toilsome sovereignty.

Well then, marry a daughter of Priam and become my brother-in-law.

No, I do not wish to marry among those beyond my station.

There's gold, if this you'll claim as your prize.

[170] I have it in my home; I lack no sustenance.

What then is your desire of all that Ilium stores within her?

Promise me my gift when you conquer the Achaeans.

I will give it to you; ask anything except the captains of the fleet.

Slay them; I do not ask you to keep your hand off Menelaus.

[175] Is it the son of Oileus you would ask me for?

Hands that are well brought up are worthless at farming.

Whom then of the Achaeans will you have alive to hold to ransom?

I told you before, my house is stored with gold.

Why then, you shall come and with your own hands choose out some spoil.

[180] Nail up the spoils for the gods on their temples.

Then what greater prize than these will you ask me for?

Achilles' horses. The prize must be worth the toil when one stakes one's life on Fortune's dice.

Ah! but your desires clash with mine about those horses; [185] for they are immortal and born from immortals, who bear the son of Peleus on his headlong course. Poseidon, lord of the ocean, broke them and gave them to Peleus, so runs the legend. Yet, for I urged you on, I will not break my word; I will give to you [190] Achilles' team, a fair possession for your house.

I thank you; in receiving then, I assert that I am taking a fairer gift than any other Phrygian for my bravery. Yet you should not be envious; you have other things to gladden your heart, in your kingship over this land.

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  • Commentary references to this page (1):
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, 443
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