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‘“You have the defeated Cicero for your general.”’

I am the more glad to hear that word “general,” because he certainly uses it against his will; for as for his saying “defeated,” I do not mind that; for it is my fate that I can neither be victorious nor defeated without the republic being so at the same time.

‘“You are fortifying Macedonia with armies.”’

Yes, indeed, and we have wrested one from your brother, who does not in the least degenerate from you.

‘“You have entrusted Africa to Varus, who has been twice taken prisoner.”’

Here he thinks that he is making out a case against his own brother Lucius. [31]

‘“You have sent Capius into Syria.”’

Do you not see then, O Antonius, that the whole would is open to our party, but that you have no spot, out of your own fortifications, where you can set your foot?

‘“You have allowed Casca to discharge the office of tribune.”’ What then? Were we to remove a man, as if he had been Marallus1 or Caesetius, to whom we own it, that this and many other things like this can never happen for the future? ‘“You have taken away from the Luperci the revenues which Julius Caesar assigned to them.”’

Does he dare to make mention of the Luperci? Does her not shudder at the recollection of that day on which, smelling of wine, reeking with perfumes, and naked, he dared to exhort the indignant Roman people to embrace slavery?

‘“You, by a resolution of the senate, have removed the colonies of the veterans which had been legally settled.”’

Have we removed them, or have we rather ratified a law which was passed in the comitia centuriata? See, rather, whether it is not you who have ruined these veterans (those at least who are ruined), and settled them in a place from which they themselves now feel that they shall never he able to make their escape. [32]

‘“You are promising to restore to the people of Marseilles what has been taken from them by the laws of war.”’

I am not going to discuss the laws of war. It is a discussion far more easy to begin than necessary. But take notice of this, O conscript fathers, what a born enemy to the republic Antonius is, who is so violent in his hatred of that city which he knows to have been at all times most firmly attached to this republic.

1 These two were tribunes of the people, who had been dispossessed of their offices by Julius Caesar.

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load focus Latin (Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark, 1918)
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