a reed, cane: longa O.:
fluvialis, V.: casae ex harundine
textae, L.: harundinum radices,
Cs.—A fishing-rod: captat harundine
piscīs, O.: moderator harundinis,
O.— Collect., limed twigs for catching birds, Pr.—A wreath of reeds:
crinīs umbrosa tegebat harundo, V.: redimitus harundine crines, O.: in vertice
(Priapi) fixa (to frighten birds), H.—An arrowshaft, arrow:
habet sub harundine plumbum, O.: letalis, V.—A reed pipe, shepherd's pipe, Pan-pipes (of reeds,
joined with wax): iunctisque canendo Vincere harundinibus, O.: tenuis, V.: fissa, Pr.— A flute:
harundine victus, O.—A comb of reed (for
setting threads of a web): stamen secernit harundo, O.—A hobby-horse,
cane-horse: equitare in harundine, H.
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