to fight back, oppose, make resistance, resist,
struggle, defend oneself: integris viribus fortiter, Cs.:
in repugnando telis obruta est, L.: ille repugnans Sustinet a iugulo dextram, V.—To resist, make
resistance, oppose, make opposition, object, dissuade, contend against: quod ego multis repugnantibus egi, against the opposition of
many: Catone acerrime repugnante, Cs.: valde: nec ego repugno: omnibus meis opibus repugnarim et restiterim
crudelitati: dictis, O.: his omnibus rebus unum repugnabat,
quod, etc., there was one objection, Cs.: si quis, ne fias
nostra, repugnat, O.: amare repugno Illum,
quem, etc., I shrink from loving, O.—Fig., to disagree, be contrary,
be contradictory, be inconsistent, be incompatible: simulatio
amicitiae repugnat maxime: haec inter se quam repugnent: sensūs moresque
repugnant, H.
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