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120. God preserve the Union.

by John savage.
“There is no safety for European monarchical Governments, if the progressive spirit of the Democracy of the United States is allowed to succeed. Elect Lincoln, and the first blow to the separation of the United States is effected.” --London Morning Chronicle.

“I hold, further, that there is no evil in this country for which the Constitution and laws will not furnish a remedy. Then we must maintain outer rights inside of the Union in conformity with the Constitution, and not break up the Union.” --Douglas at Memphis, October, 1860.

Brothers, there are times when nations
     Must, like battle-worn men,
Leave their proud, self-builded quiet,
     To do service once again;
When the banners blessed by Fortune,
     And by blood and brain embalmed,
Must re-throb the soul with feelings
     That long happiness hath calmed.
Thus the Democratic faith that won
     The Nation, now hath need
To raise its ever-stalwart arm,
     And save what twice it freed.
So, friends, fill up
     The brimming cup
In brotherly communion;
     Here's blood and blow
For a foreign foe,
     And God preserve the Union!

There are factions passion-goaded,
     There are turbulence and wrath,
And swarthy dogmas bellowing
     Around the people's path;
There are false lights in the darkness,
     There are black hearts in the light,
And hollow heads are mimicking
     The Jove-like people's might.
But ah! the Democratic strength
     That smote an empire's brow,
Can with its regnant virtues tame
     Mere home-made factions now.
So, friends, let's band
     For Fatherland--
In brotherly communion,
     Let every mouth
Cry “North and South,”
     And God preserve the Union!

While the young Republic's bosom
     Seems with rival passions torn--
Growing from the very freedom
     Of the speech within it born:
Europe, in its haggard frenzy
     To behold no earthly sod,
Where its white slaves may unbend them,
     Or bend but to Freedom's God--
Europe madly hails the omen--
     Strains its bloodshot eyes to view
A native treason toiling at
     The work it strove to do.
So, friends, let's all,
     Like a rampart-wall,
In granite-built communion,
     Stand firmly proud
'Gainst the kingly crowd,--
     And God preserve the Union!

Since that day, when frantic people
     Round the State House rose and fell,
Like an angry ocean surging
     Round some rock-reared citadel--
When the Quaker City trembled
     'Neath the arming people's tramp,
And the Bell proclaimed to iron men
     Each house in the land a camp--
Democracy has kept that Bell
     Still pealing sound on sound,
Until its potent energy
     Has throbbed the wide earth round.
So let it ring,
     So let it bring
Us brotherly communion;
     Here's heart and hand!
For life and land!
     And God preserve the Union!

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