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27. step to the front, sons of the heather: respectfully Dedicated to the Highland guard, 79th regiment.

Step to the front, bonnet and feather,
     Linked with the dreams of your own Highland vale;
Step to the front, sons of the heather,
     Show the bold Southrons the face of the Gael.

The lords of the South have unkennelled their beagles,
     The legions of tyranny sweep from afar;
We welcome you, lads, to the feast of the eagles,
     The van of the battle — the honors of war.
Step to the front, bonnet and feather, &c.

Flowers of the vale they have crushed down before them ;
     All to the will of tile despots must bow;
But manhood has met them, and death hovers o'er them--
     The strong-bearded thistle is waiting them now.
Step to the front, bonnet and feather, &c.

Down on them, Highlanders, swoop from your eyry,
     Ruffle the tartans, and give the claymore;
Read them a lesson to pause and to fear ye,
     When gathered the rights of the free to restore.
Step to the front, bonnet and feather, &c.

--Buffalo Daily Courier, May 30.

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