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McNair, Frederick Vallette 1839-

Naval officer; born in Jenkintown, Pa., Jan. 13, 1839; graduated at the United States Naval Academy in June. 1857; promoted passed midshipman, June, 1860; master, October, 1860; lieutenant, April, 1861; lieutenant-commander, April, 1864; commander, January, 1872; captain, October, 1883; commodore, May, 1895; rear-admiral, 1898. In the latter year he was appointed superintendent of the United States Naval Academy. During the Civil War he took part in many engagements, including the actions at Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip, and the Chalmette batteries; the capture of New Orleans; the opening of the Mississippi River; and the engagements and surrender at Fort Fisher. He died in Washington, D. C., Nov. 28, 1900.

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