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Vinton, Francis Laurens 1835-1879

Military officer; born in Fort Preble, Me., June 1, 1835; son of Maj. John Rogers Vinton; graduated at West Point in 1856; entered the 1st Cavalry, but resigned in September and devoted himself to the science of metallurgy, becoming in 1857 a pupil of the Imperial School of Mines in Paris, where he graduated with distinction. At the beginning of the Civil War he was made captain in the 16th United States Infantry, and colonel of the 43d New York Volunteers, with which he served through the Peninsular campaign; was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg. In March, 1863, he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers, resigned in May following because of his wound; and became Professor of Mining Engineering in Columbia College in 1864, from which he retired in 1877. He died in Leadville, Col., Oct. 6, 1879.

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