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--The Texas Convention confirmed the permanent Constitution of the Confederated States, and adjourned sine die without referring the question to the people. Gen. Houston's opposition to secession is said to have proved entirely fruitless. The following is the closing portion of Gov. Houston's address to the people of Texas:

"I am ready to lay down office rather than yield to usurpation and degradation. I have declared my determination to stand by Texas in whatever position she assumes. Her people have declared in favor of a separation from the Union. I have followed her banners before, when as exile from the land of my fathers. I went back into the Union with the people of Texas. I go out from the Union with them, and although I can see but gloom before me, I shall follow the 'Lone Star' with the same devotion as of yore.

‘"I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her. To avert this calamity, I shall make no endeavor to maintain my authority as Chief Executive of this State except by the peaceful exercise of my functions. When I can no longer do this, I shall calmly withdraw from the scene, leaving the Government in the hands of those who have usurped its authority; but still claiming that I am its Chief Executive."’

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