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Mechanical skill in Olden times.

--In the twentieth year of Queen Elizabeth, Mark Sealiott, a blacksmith, made a lock, consisting of eleven pieces of iron, steel and brass, all which, together with the pipe-key to it, weighed but one grain of gold He made also a chain of gold, consisting of forty-three links, whereunto, having fastened the lock and key before mentioned, he put the chain about a flea's neck, which drew them all with ease. It is said that Janellus Turrianus, "a great master in the mathematics," amused the leisure of Charles V.--he who was frightened into a monastery by a comet — by exhibiting "miracles of study." Sometimes he sent wooden sparrows to the Emperor's dining room, which flew about there and returned; at other times he caused little armed men to muster themselves upon the table and artistically move according to the discipline of war, "which was done so beyond example that the superior of the religious' house of St. Jerome, being ignorant of the mysteries of art, suspected him of witchcraft."

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