
Progress of the war.
from the North.

From late copies of Northern journals we make up the following summary of interesting news:

Message of the Governor of New York.

Albany, Jan. 7.
The Governor a message briefly reviews the present condition of the country, and says that the State's credit never stood higher. The finances are in a satisfactory condition. The balance in the treasury in September last was $3,075,000. The war tax has been reduced from two to one and a half millions, forty per cent of the advances made by the State having been returned by the Federal Government to the treasury.--The aggregate number of men raised in the State for the war, has been 120,578, of which $8,000 are now in the field, and 14,000 are now in the State.

He alluded to the subject of harbor defences, urging prompt measures to obtain Congressional appropriations, and recommending that the State proceed at once with the works. War with England is deprecated, as fraught with untold disasters at this time, when the State's resources are so largely drawn upon to overwhelm the rebellion. He concludes with the declaration that New York will do everything to sustain the Union.

The Ohio Legislature--Message of the Governor.

Cleveland, Jan. 6.
--The Ohio Legislature was organized to-day, and the Governor's Message received. The Governor congratulates the people on the prospect of a favorable termination of the present war and on the general prosperity of the State for the past year. He relates briefly the history of the State since 1862, when the Constitution was adopted, showing its immense increase in wealth and populations.

After devoting some space to affairs of local interest, he refers to the report of Secretary Chase, and dissents from his plan of establishing a national currency as liable to many objections, and impracticable as a measure of relief to the Government. He likewise objects to the income tax imposed by Congress as making an unwise discrimination between people who are all willing to contribute to the support of the Government in proportion to their means, and discriminating between the United States and State securities.

Referring to military affairs, the Governor states that on the first call of the President $2,000 men volunteered. The number of men from Ohio now in the three years service is 77,844, of which number 45,985 are in active service outside of the State. This does not include citizens of Ohio who have entered military organizations in other States, because of the want of authority to receive them in Ohio. The total amount expended for was purposes to January 1, 1862, including unpaid liabilities, is $5,385,451.

The Governor thinks the ultimate effect of the war will be the extinction of slavery, but he deprecates immediate emancipation.

From Fortress Monroe--sailing of Charles Henry Poster for Hatteras.

Fortress Monroe, Jan. 6.
--The U. States steamer S. R. Spaulding sails hence for Hatteras Inlet this afternoon. Among her passengers in Chas. Henry Foster, U. S. Marshal for North Carolina.

A flag of truce from the flag ship, this afternoon, brought from Norfolk Captain Ralph Hunt, of company C, 1st Kentucky regiment, and Lieut. Ives, of company G, 79th N. Y. regiment, released prisoners from Richmond. They complete the number of 250 prisoners released.

The accumulation of letters sent to this place for transmission to prisoners of war and others at the South, has become so large that the members of General Wool's staff who are employed in their examination, cannot attend to a third of those that arrive daily. Orders will be issued partially to limit them in some way, the number which are allowed to pass, and meantime all persons desiring to communicate with friends in the South, are requested to make their letters as few and as brief as possible. There are now several thousand waiting to be examined, and many of them which are too long to be read, will be destroyed without being read.

More prisoners at the Washington Female prison Bakery Mass of Insanity.

A Washington correspondent, of the 4th inst., communicates the following to a Baltimore journal:

‘ Three prisoners have been added to the charge of Lieutenant Sheldon, at the female prison, formerly Mrs. Greenhow's house.--Two of them are from Washington, and the other is Mrs. Baxley, from Baltimore, arrested while trying to make her way through our lines across the river, and not upon the Old Point boat, as the papers state. She is an unmitigated rebel and cheered justly for Jeff. Davis and the Southern Confederacy. A perambulatory gentleman of the organic musical persuasion happening to be in the vicinity of the prison the highly excited female rebel in a state of incarceration threw the said musical amateur the sum of two shillings, and requested him to strike up ‘"Dixie."’ But, under the application of a threatened bayonet charge from the grim sentinel who keeps watch and ward over the involuntary inmates, he retreated, not, however, without securing the price of his unearned services, and amid the execrations of the tuneless female. After a night's reflection her passion became mollified, and the next morning she was found bathed in tears, and willing to accept the proffered food which she had so persistently refused since her capture, two days before.

The other two ladies were taken before the Provost Marshal to-day to obtain their statements, and it is stated that they will probably be released. It is probable, also, that Miss Poole will be released and sent to Richmond via Fortress Monroe and Norfolk, the Government having nothing particular against her, except being a dangerous woman at large. She has conducted herself very quietly and properly since her arrest.

As to Mrs. Greenhow, the physicians in attendance pronounce her a monomaniac, and if confined much longer, will become hopelessly crazy. It is already stated, and with much show of probability, that she will be removed further North--probably Fort Warren--in a few days.

Mr. Stevens's bill in the Federal Congress--its provisions.

The following is the bill introduced in the Yankee House of Representatives a few days ago, by Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania:

  1. 1. That all laws or parts of laws creating and establishing ports of entry or delivery in any State now in rebellion be and the same are hereby repealed.
  2. 2. Hereafter no vessel, either foreign or domestic, except such as belong to or are employed by the Government of the United States shall enter or leave any of the said ports, unless driven there by stress of weather.
  3. 3. If any vessel shall violate, or attempt to violate, the provisions of this act, the said vessel, cargo, and everything appertaining thereto, shall be forfeited, the one-half to go to the captors, and the other half to the United States, and every person is hereby authorized to make such seizure, and the captain or commander of such vessel shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars.
  4. 4. The said vessel and cargo may be seized at any place at sea or in any port, and the goods may be taken wherever found, either on land or water.
  5. 5. The proceeds shall be divided amongst the captors according to the law now regulating prizes.
  6. 6. The ship and cargo may be tried, as well as the officers, in any court in the United States into whose jurisdiction the same may be taken.
  7. 7. The States now in rebellion are Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. If any other States should hereafter become rebellious the President shall proclaim the fact, and the provisions of this act shall then apply to such State or States.
  8. 8. The President shall have power to declare any harbor or harbors ports of entry when in his judgment it shall be expedient.

Another Newspaper excluded from the mails.

The New York Journal of Commerce says that the Caucasian, of that city, a weekly journal, and the successor of the Day Book, has been excluded from the mails. The editor of the Caucasian, in announcing the fact says:

‘ There is no charge that we have opposed the war; that we have advocated secession, or laid ourselves liable to any charge of disloyalty, unless it be disloyal to oppose negro freedom. Our only, our sole cause of offending, so far as we can learn, is, that we have advocated the subordination of the negro to the white man as the formal order of American society, and contended that the relations of the races, as it has come down to us from the founders of our Government, is right.--This being simply a question of political opinion, we had no suspicion that its advocacy

could fall under the ban of the Administration.

Arrival of a Prize schooner.

The Baltimore Patriot, of the 7th instant, says:

‘ The schooner William H. Northrop, balling from Havana, December 1st, was brought into New York yesterday by Prize Master Rhodes and five men from the gun-boat Fernandina. She has a cargo of eighteen bags of coffee and a quantity of quinine and other medicines. She was taken December 25, off Cape Fear, by the gun-boat Fernandini, while attempting to run the blockade at Wilmington, North Carolina. She was formerly a Charleston pilot boat of about 80 tons burden.

Deserters from the Confederate Army.

The Washington Star, of the 6th inst., has the following items of interest:

‘ Yesterday, Lieuts. Bigelow and Brown, of Michigan, brought into General Heintzelman's quarters eight deserters from the rebel army, of which five were privates, two sergeants, and one captain. They relate, with every appearance of sincerity, a pitiable story of the suffering condition of the rebel army. Their food is scarce, and poor, their clothes thin, and they are suffering intensely from cold and hunger, while dissatisfaction and insubordination are rampant. It is requested that we do not mention the information they gave of the situation of the rebel forces. They are now in Alexandria.

The Capt. says: ‘"This is a severe punishment you are inflicting upon them, keeping them in a state of inaction."’

Captain Kethil, of the steamer Reindeor brought up to-night two seceen prisoners, 22 four-bushel bags full of India. rubber overcoats, several large and small boxes, containing woollen shirts, military trimmings, quinine, &c. These goods were put ashore on the Maryland side, near the mouth of the Chicomoxen, on Saturday night, from a small boat, which was chased by a Federal gun-boat.

Arrest of a Suspicious person.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, dated the 6th inst., says:

‘ Yesterday a Virginia farmer named Richard Lacy, who is suspected of having given aid and comfort to the enemy, came inside the lines of Gen. Heintzelman's division near the Quaker Church, in the vicinity of Accotink, with the ostsible purpose of hauling wood to ship from Dage creek. Both he and a river captain, who accompanied him, were sent to the Provost Marshal, at Alexandria.

A Startling order from Gen. Hunter.

The St. Louis Democrat, (Rep.,) publishes the following order from Gen. Hunter, and remarks:

‘ If the following, which has been handed to us, is correct, Gen. Hunter should at once be drummed out of the United States service.--It is a shocking and horrible order, nearly as wicked as Cameronism. It will be seen that a Major-General of the United States army threatens to burn Platte City, Missouri, unless some secession scoundrel is seized or expelled from it; that he will reduce it to ashes and steal all the negroes. It is unquestionably a canard, but the gentleman who sent it to this city is certified to by one of our most distinguished citizens, who agrees with us that his friend may be deceived. We shall inclose it to Washington, and if there are any real facts in the case, they must be brought out, and Gen. Hunter ought to be superseded:

Headquarters Department of Kansas,

Fort Leavenworth, Dec. 2, 1861.
To the Trustees of Platte City, Missouri:Gentlemen:
--Having received reliable information of depredations and outrages of every kind, committed by a man called ‘"Si Gordon,"’ a leader of rebel marauding bands, I give you notice that unless you seize and deliver the said Gordon to me at these headquarters within ten days from this date, or drive him out of the county, I shall send a force to your city with orders to reduce it to ashes, to burn the house of every secessionist in your county, and to carry away every negro. Col. Jennison's regiment will be entrusted with the execution of this order.

The following named persons are particularly directed to this notice: David Hunt, Clinton Cockrill, Joe Merryman, Robert Cain, John Murray, H. J. Freeland, W. M. Paxton, W. C. Remington, Andrew Tribble, R. P. S. Filey, Jackson Miller, Robt. Clark, W. Tatman, H. M. Cochran, S. M. Hays, Joseph Todd, and James Burcksbarte.

D. Hunter, Maj. Gen. Commanding.

Improved Dwelling for soldiers.

A Missouri correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of December 27, says:

‘ I noticed yesterday a series of structures occupied by one of Colonel Ellis's First Missouri Cavalry companies, which combined the lightness of the tent with the warmth of a dwelling. This novel-looking kind of coral consisted of a circular picket surmounted by a tent. A circular trench eighteen inches deep is first dug, equalling the diameter of a Sibley tent at the bottom, and posts seven and a half feet in length, and some six inches through, are placed upright close together in the trench, leaving an opening for entrance, and another on the opposite for a fire-place. The interstices between the posts are filled with mortar, thus forming a substantial wall impervious to the wind. A light beam is then placed on top of this circle across the centre, and a Sibley tent surmounts the row of posts, the bottom of the former being fastened by pins, and the tent-pole entering the centre of the beam, holds the canvas to its place.

What the French Think of the Indian Allies of the South.

The Moniteur del' Armee of the 13th of December publishes the following remarks on the announcement in the American papers that the Cherokee Indians had joined the Confederate States of America, and had raised a regiment of cavalry to reinforce President Davis. The moral importance of this event will be understood when it is recollected that the Cherokees are one of the rare Indian tribes who have renounced a wandering life to establish themselves in a fixed locality. They constructed a town in Georgia, in which they established schools, a printing press, and a newspaper written in their own language. It was under the energetic and intelligent impulse of John Ross, their chief, that they made this progress in civilization. But the Northern Americans, in place of encouraging them, looked on them with a jealous eye, for reasons easily understood. They took advantage of the absence of their chief to attack their town, destroyed it, and drove out the inhabitants, to seek shelter in the Far West, where John Ross collected the fugitives. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Cherokees should be delighted to have an opportunity of fighting against their persecutors.

Freak of nature.

--Col. John McKee, of this county, sent to our office last week a rare natural curiosity, which shows how fantastically nature disports at times, and departs from what is considered uniform laws. Col. McKee slaughtered a hog, the two fore legs of which had four well-developed feet, or twice the usual number. The extra feet were attached on the outside forming two angles of a square, and connected with the superiors about one and a half inches above the hoof, appearing as if the animal was preparing to side foremost as well as in the direction which the snout indicated--Iredell (N. C.) Express, 9th.

Movements of British troops.

Eastport, Jan. 1.
--A British transport screw steamer, from Halifax, passed here at half-past 7 this morning, with 600 of the 62d regiment--400 to remain at St. Andrews, and 200 to proceed to Woodstock per railroad.

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