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Virginia Navy Company.

A notice of the Virginia Volunteer Navy Company appears in our paper this morning. This organization is under the act of the last Congress on the subject, and is receiving the aid and encouragement of some of our most influential citizens. The example of No. 290--whose achievements we hope will continue at least till she has captured 290 Yankee ships — shows what injury may be inflicted upon the enemy on the seas. The pocket nerve of the Yankee is the only one that is really sensitive, and that has been grievously lacerated by the intrepid Semmes. If under the law of Congress for the establishment of a volunteer navy we can put upon the ocean a number of auxiliaries to our Alabamans, Floridas, Georgias, Virginias, etc., we shall be enabled to spread wider the havoc amidst Yankee commerce, and do our cause incalculable service. Those embarking in this patriotic purpose have besides the stimulant of public spirit and love of country that of pecuniary gain, which promise to be large. The enemy's commerce is crone on every sea, and offers a rich harvest to the daring Confederate seaman.

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