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Order Enrolling principals who have put in substitutes.

The following order has been issued from the War Department. It gives those who are unexpectedly put into the field the desirable right to choose their companies.

Ajt. And Insp. General's officer,

Richmond, Jan. 9th, 1864.

    General order, no. 3.

  1. I. The following Acts of Congress and Regulations are published for the information of all persons concerned therein:
    An Act to prevent the enlistment or enrollment of Substitutes in the military service of the Confederate States.
    The Congress of the Confederate States of American do enact, That no person liable to military service shall hereafter be permitted or allowed to furnish a substitute for such service, nor shall any substitute be received, enlisted, or enrolled in the military service of the Confederate States.
    [Approved, 28th, 1863.]
    An Act to put and end to the exemption from military service of those who have heretofore furnished substitutes.
    Whereas, in the present circumstances of the country, it requires the aid of all who are able to bear arms:
    The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That no person shall be exempted from military service by reason of his having furnished a substitute; but this act shall not be a construed as to affect persons who, though not liable to under military service, have nevertheless furnished substitutes.
    [Approved, January 5th, 1864.]
  2. II. Persons rendered liable to military service by operation of the preceding acts are placed on the same footing with all others hitherto held liable by acts of Congress.
  3. III. Persons herein rendered liable to military service are required to report as volunteers or conscripts without delay to the enrolling officers; and all who delay beyond the 1st day of February, 1864, will be considered as having renounced the privilege of volunteering, and held for assignment according to law.
  4. IV. Enrolling officers will proceed as rapidly as practicable in the enrollment of persons herein made label to military service. Previous to enrollment as conscripts, all such persons will be allowed to volunteer in companies in service, on the 16th April, 1862, provided the company chosen does not at the time of volunteering reach the maximum number allowed; and upon such company being selected, the volunteer will receive from the enrolling officer a certificate to the effect that he has so volunteered; and no volunteer will be received into any company except on such certificate. Persons who fail to make their selection at the time of enrollment will be assigned according to existing regulations.
  5. V. Persons who report to the enrolling officers will be enrolled, and may be allowed a furlough of ten days before reporting to the Camp of Instruction.
  6. VI All persons, whether volunteers or conscripts under this order, will pass through the Camp of Instruction of the State to which they belong, and be forwarded thence to the companies which are selected, or to which they may be assigned.
  7. VII. The Bureau of Conscription is charged with adopting proper regulations for the enforcement of this order.
  8. VIII. All exemptions heretofore granted are subject to revision, under instructions from the Bureau of Conscription, and if found to be improper or unauthorized by law, will be revoked.
By order.
(Signed) S. Cooper,
Adj't and Insp, Gen'l.

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