
The reported occupation of Winchester by the enemy.

The latest information we have does not confirm the reported occupation of Winchester by the enemy in force, although they are evidently making preparations for a movement up the Valley, but whether for permanent occupation or for a raid on a grand scale can only be conjectured. Martinsburg, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad has been made the base of their operation, and for some time they have been accumulating a force there, and receiving a large number of new wagons and mules.

Major Harry Gilmer, with his command, has recently been in the Lower Valley, observing their movements. At Halltown and Harper's Ferry there is a force of about five thousand, and two or three regiments along the railroad between Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry. At Charlestown there is one company on picket. The belief that they intend a movement up the Valley is strengthened by the fact that sutlers and Union men have been to Winchester on the lookout for store rooms.

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