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Capture of an "Iron-Clad."

--The statement published some days since that Tim Morris, alias Joe Griffin, one of the "Iron-Clad" Opera Troupe, which for a few weeks past were giving exhibitions at Metropolitan Hall, but have since been broken up in consequence of the descent made upon them by the conscript gatherers, had succeeded in reaching the Federal lines, turns out to be incorrect. The "iron-clad" was boarded and captured by the Confederate detectives in the foretop of a house on 25th street, between Main and Franklin, at an early hour yesterday morning, where he was snugly ensconced between the roof and the ceiling of the upper story. When drawn from his hiding place and led away by his captors, they were besieged by some six or eight infuriated women, who heaped such an avalanche of abuse upon them that they were at one time considering whether it would not be best to turn their prisoner loose. By quickening their pace, however, and vigorously brandishing several heavy clubs, the viragoes were made to give up the assault and sulkily retrace their steps to the shelter from which they had so furiously sallied forth. Morris, alias Griffin, denies having even been out of the city, and avers that, while he has kept pretty closely within doors during the day time, yet at night he has frequently aired himself on the streets. He was committed to Castle Thunder.

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