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12,857 4,326 2.972 983

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  • C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. E. T. Merrill)
  Weighted Freq.  
Count Word Max. Freq. Min. Freq. This Word Total Key Term Score Definition Lexicon Entries
in 2,512 0 9.81 9.81 0.0624 unappeasable Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 19.62 0.0624 into, to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
in 2,512 0 9.81 29.44 0.0624 impassable Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 39.25 0.0624 unequal Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 49.06 0.0624 unexamined Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 58.88 0.0624 b Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 68.69 0.0624 unexplained Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 78.5 0.0624 immovable Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 88.31 0.0624 unmoved Lewis & Short
10 in 2,512 0 9.81 98.12 0.0624 inactive Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 107.94 0.0624 unexplored Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 117.75 0.0624 not thought of Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 127.56 0.0624 uneven Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 137.38 0.0624 incalculable Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 147.19 0.0624 incessantly Lewis & Short
in 2,512 0 9.81 157 0.0624 not nicely finished Lewis & Short
qui 1,701 0 110.83 267.83 0.022 in what manner? how? whereby? by what means? why? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
qui 1,563 0 107 374.83 0.0233 who? which? what? what kind of a? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quis 1,164 0 87 461.83 0.018 who? which one? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
20 quis 1,164 0 87 548.83 0.018 any one, anybody, anything, some one, somebody, something Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sum 695 93 233.98 782.82 0.0104 to be, exist, live Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
edo 541 1 135.17 917.98 0.0167 to eat, consume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 923.65 0.0367 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 929.32 0.0367 as long as; see quam Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 934.98 0.0367 forthwith, as soon as possible; see primum, quam Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 940.65 0.0367 how long? see dudum Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 946.32 0.0367 for what reason? on what account? wherefore? why? Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 951.98 0.0367 in what manner, to what degree, how greatly, how, how much Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quam 459 0 5.67 957.65 0.0367 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
30 si 390 0 15.6 973.25 0.0227 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
si 390 0 15.6 988.85 0.0227 if, when, inasmuch as, since Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
si 390 0 15.6 1004.45 0.0227 if ever, if at any time; see quando Elem. Lewis
si 390 0 15.6 1020.05 0.0227 if only, if indeed Elem. Lewis
si 390 0 15.6 1035.65 0.0227 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
cum 334 0 21.25 1056.9 0.0173 with, together with, in the company of, in connection with, along with, together, and Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cum 334 0 21.25 1078.15 0.0173 when, at the time when Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cos 332 0 20.75 1098.9 0.0184 a flint-stone, whetstone, grindstone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cos 332 0 20.75 1119.65 0.0184 Apelles Lewis & Short
hic 322 0 62.17 1181.82 0.0082 haec, gen. hōrum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
40 hic 322 0 62.17 1243.98 0.0082 in this place, here Elem. Lewis
malus 293 0 9.29 1253.27 0.0393 an apple-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malus 293 0 9.29 1262.56 0.0393 an upright pole, beam, mast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malus 293 0 9.29 1271.85 0.0393 bad, not good Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ego 281 175 184.83 1456.68 0.0144 I, me, we, us Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
non 280 0 70 1526.68 0.0112 not, by no means, not at all Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
non 280 0 70 1596.68 0.0112 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
tu 267 227 236.25 1832.93 0.0091 thou, you Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meus 262 22 49.5 1882.43 0.0235 of me, my, mine, belonging to me, my own Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malum 255 0 6.01 1888.44 0.0372 see 1 malus Elem. Lewis
50 malum 255 0 6.01 1894.45 0.0372 an evil, mischief Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malum 255 0 6.01 1900.45 0.0372 an apple Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sed 234 0 26 1926.45 0.0135 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sed 234 0 26 1952.45 0.0135 but, on the contrary, but also, but even, but in fact Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sed 234 0 26 1978.45 0.0135 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
ut 204 0 51 2029.45 0.0111 where Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ut 204 0 51 2080.45 0.0111 that, so that Elem. Lewis
magnus 193 0 18.57 2099.02 0.0101 a great man Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Magnus 193 0 18.57 2117.59 0.0101 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
et 185 185 185 2302.59 0.0022 and Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
60 multus 174 17 31.35 2333.94 0.0117 many, a great number Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meum 171 0 19 2352.94 0.0184 an umbelliferous plant, bear-wort Lewis & Short
O 168 0 42 2394.94 0.0217 O! oh! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
o 168 0 42 2436.94 0.0217 O! Oh! Lewis & Short
ab 153 13 21.75 2458.69 0.0089 all the way from Lewis & Short
huc 141 15 29 2487.69 0.0112 to this place, hither Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
A 140 0 8.75 2496.44 0.0161 littera Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
a 140 0 8.75 2505.19 0.0161 from, away from, out of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
a 140 0 8.75 2513.94 0.0161 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
quo 138 0 3.83 2517.77 0.0125 see quo, and 2 minus Elem. Lewis
70 quo 138 0 3.83 2521.6 0.0125 in what manner, in what way? how? Elem. Lewis
quo 138 0 3.83 2525.44 0.0125 where, in what place, in what situation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ille 127 49 64.33 2589.77 0.007 that Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mala 126 0 2.97 2592.74 0.0287 the cheek-bone, jaw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divus 124 0 12.32 2605.05 0.0157 a god, deity, divine being Elem. Lewis
divus 124 0 12.32 2617.37 0.0157 of a deity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
neque 121 121 121 2738.37 0.0062 and not yet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
solus 118 3 8.74 2747.11 0.0106 alone, only, single, sole Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
do 114 0 11.5 2758.61 0.0059 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
do 114 0 11.5 2770.11 0.0059 to hand over, deliver, give up, render, furnish, pay, surrender Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
80 do 114 0 11.5 2781.61 0.0059 obsol. Lewis & Short
solum 112 0 5.4 2787.01 0.0125 their wheaten board Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
neo 111 0 7.08 2794.1 0.0109 to spin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bonus 110 11 21.42 2815.51 0.012 good Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dico 109 35 46.58 2862.1 0.0074 to say, speak, utter, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state, assert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meo 108 0 12.83 2874.93 0.0121 to go, pass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ne 108 0 6.75 2881.68 0.0126 interj. (not nae), truly, verily, really, indeed (only with pron pers. or demonst.) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ne 108 0 6.75 2888.43 0.0126 no Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
ne 108 0 6.75 2895.18 0.0126 do you remember? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sol 102 2 6.07 2901.25 0.012 the sun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
90 Hymenaeus 100 0 25 2926.25 0.0885 the god of marriage, god of weddings, Hymen Elem. Lewis
Hymenaeus 100 0 25 2951.25 0.0885 the nuptial hymn, wedding song Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magus 99 0 4.8 2956.05 0.0175 magic, magical Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sino 96 7 9.58 2965.63 0.0111 to let down, set, fix Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
super 96 0 0.38 2966 0.0227 overhanging Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2966.38 0.0227 very excellent Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2966.75 0.0227 to lead Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2967.13 0.0227 to leap up Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2967.5 0.0227 to lie down on, cast oneself upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
supo 96 0 0.38 2967.88 0.0171 to throw Lewis & Short
100 super 96 0 0.38 2968.25 0.0227 Carried Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2968.63 0.0227 to superabound Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2969 0.0227 to conceive anew while still with young Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2969.38 0.0227 over, above, upon, on Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
super 96 0 0.38 2969.75 0.0227 to step Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2970.13 0.0227 to be more than effulgent Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2970.5 0.0227 to be over and above Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2970.88 0.0227 to hang over Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2971.25 0.0227 to overtop Lewis & Short
super 96 0 0.38 2971.63 0.0227 extravagant Lewis & Short
110 unus 95 0 15 2986.63 0.0105 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
unus 95 0 15 3001.63 0.0105 One, a single Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
multa 95 0 8.58 3010.21 0.0132 a money penalty, fine, amercement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magis 95 0 3.8 3014.01 0.0176 a plate, dish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magis 95 0 3.8 3017.81 0.0176 more, in a higher degree, more completely Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
facio 91 45 54.83 3072.64 0.0065 to make, construct, fashion, frame, build, erect, produce, compose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sero 89 0 3.85 3076.49 0.0131 to sow, plant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bonum 88 0 9.58 3086.08 0.0182 will do you much good Lewis & Short
bonum 88 0 9.58 3095.66 0.0182 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sinus 88 3 6.37 3102.03 0.011 a bent surface, curve, fold, hollow, coil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
120 fero 87 33 42.03 3144.06 0.0051 to bear, carry, support, lift, hold, take up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Furius 85 0 3.85 3147.91 0.0409 of the poet A. Furius Antias Lewis & Short
sinus 85 0 3.37 3151.28 0.0117 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Solus 85 0 2.4 3153.68 0.0099 a town on the northern coast of Sicily Lewis & Short
solus 85 0 2.4 3156.09 0.0099 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
atque 84 84 84 3240.09 0.0057 and Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sinum 83 0 2.87 3242.95 0.0124 a large vessel of earthenware, pot, jar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
multa 82 0 6.58 3249.54 0.0118 much, very, exceedingly, greatly, earnestly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pedis 79 0 6 3255.54 0.0149 a louse Lewis & Short
Sinis 77 0 2.2 3257.74 0.0118 a mythical robber on the Isthmus of Corinth Lewis & Short
130 omnis 76 76 76 3333.74 0.0045 all, every Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tuus 76 66 68.5 3402.24 0.0048 thy, thine, your, yours Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aurum 75 0 10.6 3412.84 0.0059 gold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dius 75 0 5.65 3418.49 0.016 godlike, divine, worshipful, adorable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dius 75 0 5.65 3424.14 0.016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
multo 74 1 8.25 3432.39 0.0117 to punish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fundo 74 3 6.35 3438.74 0.0146 to pour, pour out, shed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
queo 73 5 12.83 3451.57 0.0084 to be able, can Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
novus 72 1 7.67 3459.24 0.0094 new, not old, young, fresh, recent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sine 72 0 2 3461.24 0.0114 without Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
140 is 70 22 31 3492.24 0.0101 he, she, it, the one mentioned Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volo 70 9 21.33 3513.57 0.0072 to will, wish, want, purpose, be minded, determine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suus 70 10 18.17 3531.74 0.0047 of oneself, belonging to oneself, his own, her own, his, her, its, their Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fusus 69 0 2.85 3534.59 0.0366 stretched out, lying, recumbent, prostrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fusus 69 0 2.85 3537.44 0.0359 a spindle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fusus 69 0 2.85 3540.29 0.0309 a spindle. Lewis & Short
mens 68 15 25.58 3565.87 0.0073 the mind, disposition, feeling, character, heart, soul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mater 68 0 13.67 3579.54 0.0132 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
mater 68 0 13.67 3593.2 0.0132 a mother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nosco 68 3 6.63 3599.84 0.0083 to get knowledge of, become acquainted with, come to know, learn, discern Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
150 eo 67 15 25.67 3625.5 0.0066 to go, walk, ride, sail, fly, move, pass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Novum 67 0 5.67 3631.17 0.0104 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
possum 66 34 42 3673.17 0.0041 to be able, have power, can Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
solo 66 0 9 3682.17 0.0082 to make lonely Lewis & Short
sui 65 53 53.75 3735.92 0.005 Himself, herself, itself, themselves Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pareo 65 0 5.67 3741.59 0.0096 to appear, be visible, be at hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
satis 65 0 2.6 3744.19 0.0144 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
satis 65 0 2.6 3746.79 0.0144 enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
satum 65 0 2.6 3749.39 0.0132 a Hebrew measure Lewis & Short
sata 65 0 2.6 3751.99 0.0134 standing corn, crops Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
160 Soli 64 0 1.57 3753.56 0.0111 A town of Cilicia Lewis & Short
amo 63 27 36 3789.56 0.0087 to love Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mitto 63 12 17.25 3806.81 0.0078 to cause to go, let go, send, send off, despatch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
soleo 63 4 11 3817.81 0.0082 to use, be wont, be accustomed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mius 63 0 7 3824.81 0.0321 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
uno 63 0 7 3831.81 0.01 to make one Lewis & Short
nam 62 62 62 3893.81 0.0057 for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alius 61 2 5.1 3898.91 0.0078 something else Lewis & Short
amor 59 43 47 3945.91 0.0085 love, affection, strong friendly feeling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diva 59 0 5 3950.91 0.022 a goddess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
170 Alius 59 0 3.1 3954.01 0.0078 another, other, different Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aut 58 58 58 4012.01 0.0075 or Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
totus 58 0 14.5 4026.51 0.0068 so great a Lewis & Short
totus 58 0 14.5 4041.01 0.0068 all, all the, all at once, the whole, entire, total Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nascor 58 9 13.73 4054.74 0.0077 to be born, begin life, be produced, proceed, be begotten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quantus 58 0 7.17 4061.91 0.0091 tantus, of what size, how much, as Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quantus 58 0 7.17 4069.07 0.0091 however great Elem. Lewis
res 58 0 4.3 4073.37 0.0065 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
res 58 0 4.3 4077.67 0.0065 a thing, object, matter, affair, business, event, fact, circumstance, occurrence, deed, condition, case Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
miser 57 18 23.25 4100.92 0.0089 wretched, unfortunate, miserable, pitiable, lamentable, in distress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
180 nubo 57 2 4.68 4105.61 0.019 to veil oneself, be married, marry, wed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pedo 57 0 3 4108.61 0.0149 to break wind Lewis & Short
ipse 56 46 48.5 4157.11 0.0037 Self Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meio 56 1 5.17 4162.27 0.013 to make water Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reor 56 0 3.72 4165.99 0.0096 to reckon, calculate, believe, think, suppose, imagine, judge, deem Elem. Lewis
reor 56 0 3.72 4169.71 0.0096 again, back, anew, against Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
qua 56 0 3.5 4173.21 0.0063 on which side, at which place, in what direction, where, by what way Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
qua 56 0 3.5 4176.71 0.0063 by what means? whereby? how? Elem. Lewis
mare 55 0 2.65 4179.36 0.0113 the sea Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saepe 54 0 6 4185.36 0.0131 often, oft, oftentimes, many times, frequently Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
190 saepes 54 0 6 4191.36 0.0103 a hedge, fence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saepis 54 0 6 4197.36 0.0121 that happens often Lewis & Short
nos 53 33 38 4235.36 0.0047 we Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mentum 53 0 10.58 4245.94 0.0094 the chin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alo 53 6 9.45 4255.39 0.0052 to feed, nourish, support, sustain, maintain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
natus 53 0 3.4 4258.79 0.0077 born, made, destined, designed, intended, produced by nature, fit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
natus 53 0 3.4 4262.19 0.0076 birth, age, years Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verus 52 28 28.67 4290.86 0.0064 true, real, actual, genuine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parens 52 0 5.83 4296.69 0.0098 obedient Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parens 52 0 5.83 4302.52 0.0098 a procreator, father, mother, parent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
200 nuptus 52 0 2.35 4304.87 0.0316 P. of nubo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nuptus 52 0 2.35 4307.22 0.0315 a covering, veiling Lewis & Short
nupta 52 0 2.35 4309.57 0.0326 a bride, wife Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ad 51 51 51 4360.57 0.0025 to, toward Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deus 51 15 18.5 4379.07 0.0043 a god, deity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
benus 51 0 5.67 4384.74 0.0132 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
bene 51 0 5.67 4390.41 0.0133 well tended Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bene 51 0 5.67 4396.07 0.0133 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
ex 50 50 50 4446.07 0.0052 out of, from within Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
venio 49 37 38.33 4484.41 0.0037 to come Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
210 animus 49 12 16.67 4501.07 0.0056 the rational soul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
illa 48 0 12 4513.07 0.0067 in that way, in that direction, there Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malo 48 3 4.15 4517.22 0.0154 to choose rather, prefer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pario 48 1 4.14 4521.36 0.0063 to flower Lewis & Short
chordus 48 0 3 4524.36 0.0112 lateborn Lewis & Short
cordus 48 0 3 4527.36 0.0166 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Cordus 48 0 3 4530.36 0.0166 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
cor 48 0 3 4533.36 0.0105 the heart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
noster 47 27 32 4565.36 0.0033 our, our own, ours, of us Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
libo 47 0 9.03 4574.4 0.0122 to take out as a sample, take a little of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
220 os 47 0 7.77 4582.16 0.0049 the mouth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paro 47 0 5.92 4588.08 0.0062 to make ready, prepare, furnish, provide, arrange, order, contrive, design Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paro 47 0 5.92 4594 0.0062 to make equal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dives 47 3 5.83 4599.83 0.009 rich, wealthy, opulent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pes 47 0 4 4603.83 0.0103 a foot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
allium 47 0 1.77 4605.6 0.0082 garlic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hymen 46 46 46 4651.6 0.047 the god of marriage, god of weddings, Hymen (only nom sing.) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
potis 46 12 17.5 4669.1 0.0089 able, capable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tam 46 0 11.5 4680.6 0.0079 I. Of a definite time, so long, for so long a time Elem. Lewis
tam 46 0 11.5 4692.1 0.0079 in such a degree, as much, so, so much Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
230 bellus 46 5 9.83 4701.93 0.007 pretty, handsome, neat, pleasant, fine, agreeable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maximus 46 0 1.77 4703.7 0.0087 sup. of magnus Elem. Lewis
maximus 46 0 1.77 4705.46 0.0087 large, great, big, high, tall, long, broad, extensive, spacious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
illic 45 0 7.5 4712.96 0.0051 he, she, it yonder, that Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
illic 45 0 7.5 4720.46 0.0051 in that place, yonder, there Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caelum 45 0 2.28 4722.75 0.0101 the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caelum 45 0 2.28 4725.03 0.0085 to observe the signs of heaven Lewis & Short
caelus 45 0 2.28 4727.31 0.014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
puella 44 40 41 4768.31 0.0131 a female child, girl, maiden, lass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pater 44 0 7.83 4776.15 0.005 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
240 pater 44 0 7.83 4783.98 0.005 a father, sire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suo 44 0 4.17 4788.15 0.0045 to sew, stitch, sew up, sew together Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ius 44 0 2.75 4790.9 0.0155 iuris iurandi, an oath Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
io 44 0 2.75 4793.65 0.021 interj..—Expressing joy, ho! huzza! hurra! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ius 44 0 2.75 4796.4 0.0155 that which is binding, right, justice, duty Elem. Lewis
Ios 44 0 2.75 4799.15 0.0201 a small island of the Sporades Lewis & Short
jam 43 43 43 4842.15 0.0031 are you going so soon Lewis & Short
video 43 33 34 4876.15 0.0033 to see, discern, perceive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pedo 43 0 3 4879.15 0.0132 to break wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dies 42 12 13.2 4892.35 0.0048 a day, civil day Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
250 libet 42 2 10.53 4902.88 0.0115 it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sue 42 0 5.92 4908.8 0.0036 a town in Assyria Lewis & Short
foro 42 0 5.4 4914.2 0.0088 to bore Lewis & Short
quantum 42 0 4.67 4918.86 0.0101 as much as, so much as, to as great an extent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
altus 42 0 3.25 4922.11 0.0052 nourished, grown great, high, lofty, tall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Allia 42 0 1.6 4923.71 0.0086 a little river eleven miles northwards from Rome Lewis & Short
amicus 41 0 6.5 4930.21 0.0085 loving, friendly, kind, favorable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bellum 41 0 4.83 4935.05 0.0062 war Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nitor 41 1 4.7 4939.75 0.006 to bear upon, press upon, lean, support oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mas 41 1 3.05 4942.8 0.0085 male, masculine, of the male sex Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
260 factum 40 0 8.33 4951.13 0.0071 a deed, act, exploit, achievement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furo 40 3 6.42 4957.55 0.0095 to rage, rave, be out of one's mind, be mad, be furious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
novi 40 0 2.67 4960.21 0.0095 perf. of nosco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
marum 40 0 2.05 4962.26 0.0083 a plant Lewis & Short
Marus 40 0 2.05 4964.31 0.0083 a river in Dacia Lewis & Short
nupto 40 0 1.6 4965.91 0.0282 to marry wed Lewis & Short
uter 39 0 3.17 4969.08 0.0083 dat. fem. Lewis & Short
uter 39 0 3.17 4972.25 0.0083 a bag of hide, leathern bottle, vessel of skin, skin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uter 39 0 3.17 4975.41 0.0083 which of two, which, whether Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pario 39 0 2.64 4978.05 0.0056 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
270 qualis 38 5 8.67 4986.72 0.0075 how constituted, of what sort, of what nature, what kind of a Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Venus 38 0 7.83 4994.55 0.009 loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance, charm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
venus 38 0 7.83 5002.39 0.0088 to sell Lewis & Short
beo 38 1 6.67 5009.05 0.0112 to make happy, gladden, bless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lego 38 3 5.03 5014.09 0.005 to bring together, gather, collect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
longus 37 1 10 5024.09 0.0043 long, extended Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ito 37 0 8.83 5032.92 0.0061 to go Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
beatus 37 0 5.67 5038.59 0.0118 happy, prosperous, blessed, fortunate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
delicia 37 0 1.75 5040.34 0.0209 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
delicia 37 0 1.75 5042.09 0.0208 a gutter Lewis & Short
280 deliquia 37 0 1.75 5043.84 0.0208 a gutter Lewis & Short
deliciae 37 0 1.75 5045.59 0.0209 a delight, pleasure, charm, allurement, luxury, voluptuousness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
foris 37 0 1.38 5046.96 0.0103 a door, gate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
foris 37 0 1.38 5048.34 0.0103 out at the doors, out of doors, abroad, without Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
domus 36 26 28.5 5076.84 0.0056 a house, dwelling-house, building, mansion, palace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dico 36 1 9.33 5086.17 0.0067 to dedicate, consecrate, devote Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dum 36 0 9 5095.17 0.0034 a while, now, yet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dum 36 0 9 5104.17 0.0034 while, whilst, at the time that, during the time in which, where Elem. Lewis
tempus 36 0 9 5113.17 0.0035 the vital spot, side of the head near the eye, temple Elem. Lewis
tempus 36 0 9 5122.17 0.0035 a portion of time, time, period, season, interval Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
290 longum 36 0 9 5131.17 0.0047 long, a long while Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
levis 36 0 7.33 5138.51 0.0078 smooth, smoothed, not rough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
levis 36 0 7.33 5145.84 0.0079 light, not heavy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
animo 36 0 4 5149.84 0.0068 to enliven, quicken, animate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
an 36 0 4 5153.84 0.0087 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
an 36 0 4 5157.84 0.0087 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
animo 36 0 4 5161.84 0.0068 to dispose, inspirit Elem. Lewis
an 36 0 4 5165.84 0.0087 or Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medius 36 0 2.02 5167.86 0.0056 in the middle, in the midst, mid, mean, middle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medius 36 0 2.02 5169.89 0.0056 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
300 curro 35 27 29 5198.89 0.0061 to run, move quickly, hasten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puto 35 13 16.17 5215.06 0.0065 to clean, cleanse, trim, prune Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
modus 35 3 11 5226.06 0.004 a measure, extent, quantity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adsum 35 5 9.29 5235.34 0.0055 to be at, be present, be at hand: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lux 35 6 7.44 5242.78 0.0061 light, brightness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Marius 35 0 1.4 5244.18 0.0086 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
nunc 34 34 34 5278.18 0.0028 now, at present, at this time Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
carus 34 10 11.57 5289.75 0.0086 dear, precious, valued, esteemed, beloved: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
par 34 5 6.06 5295.81 0.0075 equal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
carmen 34 0 4.75 5300.56 0.0051 a song, poem, verse, oracular response, prophecy, form of incantation, tune, air, lay, strain, note, sound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
310 carmen 34 0 4.75 5305.31 0.0051 a card Lewis & Short
misero 34 0 4.33 5309.64 0.0082 v., act. Lewis & Short
notus 34 0 1.97 5311.61 0.007 known Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Notus 34 0 1.97 5313.58 0.007 the south wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medium 34 0 1.52 5315.1 0.0057 the middle, midst, centre, interval, intervening space Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medion 34 0 1.52 5316.63 0.0058 a medicinal plant Lewis & Short
Paros 34 0 1.22 5317.85 0.0103 of Archilochus Lewis & Short
parus 34 0 1.22 5319.08 0.0102 a titmouse Lewis & Short
Parus 34 0 1.22 5320.3 0.0103 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
at 33 33 33 5353.3 0.0032 but Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
320 dulcis 33 19 22.5 5375.8 0.0057 sweet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lesbius 33 1 9 5384.8 0.0301 of Lesbos, Lesbian Elem. Lewis
caeles 33 3 4.2 5389 0.0153 heavenly, celestial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bello 33 0 3.67 5392.67 0.0061 to wage war, carry on war, war Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pro 33 0 3.67 5396.33 0.005 interj., of wonder or lamentation, O! Ah! Alas! Elem. Lewis
pro 33 0 3.67 5400 0.005 before the camp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
qualum 33 0 3.67 5403.67 0.0091 a wicker basket Lewis & Short
pro 33 0 3.67 5407.33 0.005 before, in front of, in face of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
qualus 33 0 3.67 5411 0.0091 a wicker basket, work-basket Elem. Lewis
lumen 32 8 14 5425 0.0058 light Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
330 modo 32 0 8 5433 0.005 by a measure, with a limit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lesbia 32 0 8 5441 0.0318 the name of a woman Lewis & Short
desero 32 2 6.17 5447.17 0.0088 to forfeit recognizance, fail to appear Lewis & Short
sedeo 32 1 5 5452.17 0.0057 to sit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pedum 32 0 2 5454.17 0.0113 a town of remote antiquity in Latium Lewis & Short
pedum 32 0 2 5456.17 0.011 a shepherd's crook, sheephook Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sus 32 0 2 5458.17 0.005 a swine, hog, pig, boar, sow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alio 32 0 1.17 5459.33 0.0079 to another place, to another, elsewhere Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nullus 31 31 31 5490.33 0.003 not any, none, no Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
auris 31 1 6 5496.33 0.004 the ear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
340 tero 31 1 5.17 5501.5 0.007 to rub, rub away, wear away, bruise, grind, bray triturate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amicus 31 0 4.83 5506.33 0.0075 a loved one, loving one, friend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Caelius 31 1 2.2 5508.53 0.0099 A Roman gentile name. Lewis & Short
Dicte 31 0 2.08 5510.62 0.0085 Jupiter Lewis & Short
dictum 31 0 2.08 5512.7 0.0077 something said, a saying, word, assertion, remark Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alto 31 0 1.67 5514.37 0.0037 to make high Lewis & Short
teneo 30 7 11.5 5525.87 0.003 to hold, keep, have, grasp, hold fast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cano 30 4 8.42 5534.28 0.0035 to utter melodious notes, make music, sing, sound, play Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
de 30 0 7.5 5541.78 0.0023 down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
de 30 0 7.5 5549.28 0.0023 from, away from, down from, out of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
350 sedes 30 3 6 5555.28 0.0065 a seat, bench, chair, throne Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liceo 30 0 3.33 5558.62 0.0043 to be for sale, be priced, be valued Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liceor 30 0 3.33 5561.95 0.0045 to bid, make a bid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
licet 30 0 3.33 5565.28 0.0043 It is lawful, is allowed, is permitted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Attis 30 0 1.2 5566.48 0.0447 a young Phrygian shepherd Lewis & Short
nisus 30 0 1.2 5567.68 0.006 a pressing upon, pressure, push, striving, exertion, labor, effort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lectus 30 0 1.2 5568.88 0.0104 chosen, picked, selected, choice, excellent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Attius 30 0 1.2 5570.08 0.0286 a Roman proper name. Lewis & Short
Nisus 30 0 1.2 5571.28 0.0061 Scylla, the daughter of Phorcus Lewis & Short
lectus 30 0 1.2 5572.48 0.0104 a couch, bed, lounge, sofa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
360 Atthis 30 0 1.2 5573.68 0.0406 adj. f. Lewis & Short
atta 30 0 1.2 5574.88 0.043 a salutation used to old men Lewis & Short
lectus 30 0 1.2 5576.08 0.0103 a reading Lewis & Short
nisi 30 0 1.2 5577.28 0.0062 if not, unless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Atta 30 0 1.2 5578.48 0.043 a surname for persons who walk upon the tips of their shoes Lewis & Short
nisus 30 0 1.2 5579.68 0.0061 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cujus 30 0 0.83 5580.52 0.0062 pron. rel. Lewis & Short
cujus 30 0 0.83 5581.35 0.0062 pron. interrog. Lewis & Short
simul 29 29 29 5610.35 0.0048 at the same time, together, at once, simultaneously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
novo 29 0 3.5 5613.85 0.0049 to make new, renew, renovate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
370 solium 29 1 1.57 5615.42 0.0062 a seat, official seat, chair of state, chair, throne Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
altum 29 0 1.25 5616.67 0.0042 height Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
altum 29 0 1.25 5617.92 0.0042 deeply Elem. Lewis
tum 28 28 28 5645.92 0.0056 then, at that time, in those times Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
talis 28 10 14.5 5660.42 0.0043 such, of such a kind, such like, the like Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maneo 28 4 7.75 5668.17 0.0046 to stay, remain, abide, tarry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
per 28 0 7 5675.17 0.0017 very crafty Lewis & Short
per 28 0 7 5682.17 0.0017 through, across, through the midst of, from side to side of, traversing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
auro 28 0 4.5 5686.67 0.0037 metals rich in gold Lewis & Short
sedo 28 0 3.67 5690.34 0.0061 to bring to rest, lay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
380 dicto 28 0 1.75 5692.09 0.0084 to dictate, suggest, remind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vero 28 0 1.67 5693.76 0.0072 to speak the truth Lewis & Short
homo 27 27 27 5720.76 0.0042 a human being, man, person Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mille 27 5 10.5 5731.26 0.0053 a thousand, ten hundred Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mollis 27 3 9 5740.26 0.007 yielding, pliant, flexible, supple, soft, tender, delicate, gentle, mild, pleasant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cupidus 27 6 8.33 5748.59 0.008 longing, desiring, desirous, eager, zealous, wishing, loving, fond Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maritus 27 0 4.67 5753.26 0.0108 of marriage, matrimonial, conjugal, nuptial, marriage- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cupido 27 0 3.83 5757.09 0.0095 the god of love, Cupid, son of Venus Elem. Lewis
cupido 27 0 3.83 5760.92 0.0095 a desire, wish, longing, eagerness, passion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opus 27 0 2.33 5763.26 0.0044 work, labor, toil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
390 forus 27 0 0.98 5764.23 0.0086 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
forum 27 0 0.98 5765.21 0.0082 an open space, public place, court, market-place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
forus 27 0 0.98 5766.18 0.0086 a gangway Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lucus 27 0 0.94 5767.13 0.007 a sacred grove, consecrated wood, park surrounding a temple Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lucus 27 0 0.94 5768.07 0.007 light (old for lux): cum primo lucu, at daybreak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lucus 27 0 0.94 5769.01 0.007 at daybreak Lewis & Short
quare 26 26 26 5795.01 0.0121 Interrog. Lewis & Short
iste 26 20 21.5 5816.51 0.0044 this, that, he, she Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ita 26 0 6.5 5823.01 0.0085 in this manner, in this wise, in such a way, so, thus, accordingly, as has been said Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volo 26 1 4.33 5827.35 0.0064 to fly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
400 desertus 26 0 3.17 5830.51 0.0114 deserted, desert, solitary, lonely, waste Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rego 26 0 2.67 5833.18 0.0033 to keep straight, lead aright, guide, conduct, direct, control Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ver 26 2 2.67 5835.85 0.0061 the spring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
superus 26 0 2.58 5838.43 0.0022 that is above, upper, higher Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patrius 26 0 2.5 5840.93 0.004 of a father, fatherly, paternal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patrius 26 0 2.5 5843.43 0.004 of a native country, of home, native Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pedes 26 1 2 5845.43 0.0078 a foot-traveller, walker Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Indus 26 0 1.92 5847.35 0.0043 the name of two rivers. Lewis & Short
Indus 26 0 1.92 5849.26 0.0043 ivory Lewis & Short
nata 26 0 1.5 5850.76 0.0079 a daughter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
410 Gallus 26 0 1.04 5851.8 0.0096 a Roman surname in the Lewis & Short
gallus 26 0 1.04 5852.83 0.0096 a cock, domestic cock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallus 26 0 1.04 5853.87 0.0096 of Gaul, Gallic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallus 26 0 1.04 5854.91 0.0096 the troop of the priests of Isis Lewis & Short
Catullus 25 25 25 5879.91 0.021 a celebrated Roman writer of elegies and epigrams Lewis & Short
puer 25 15 17.5 5897.41 0.0049 a male child, boy, lad, young man Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dea 25 7 9 5906.41 0.0072 a goddess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fallo 25 3 4.7 5911.11 0.0052 to trip, cause to fall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aura 25 1 3.67 5914.77 0.0058 the air (in motion), a breeze, breath of air, wind, blast: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luceo 25 1 2.8 5917.57 0.0072 to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
420 Rhegium 25 0 2.67 5920.24 0.0054 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
commodus 25 0 1 5921.24 0.0111 with due measure, full, complete, of full weight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Commodus 25 0 1 5922.24 0.0113 a Roman cognomen; Lewis & Short
commodum 25 0 1 5923.24 0.0117 a convenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Novius 25 0 1 5924.24 0.0115 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
commodum 25 0 1 5925.24 0.0117 just, just then, just now Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nihil 24 24 24 5949.24 0.0032 I may be somewhat in doubt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
duco 24 18 19.5 5968.74 0.0023 to lead, conduct, guide, direct, draw, bring, fetch, escort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quisquam 24 16 17.17 5985.91 0.0052 any, any one Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unda 24 6 10.5 5996.41 0.0047 a wave, billow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
430 sequor 24 8 10.33 6006.74 0.0023 to follow, come after, follow after, attend, accompany Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
for 24 2 6.75 6013.49 0.0026 to speak, say Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
erus 24 3 6.17 6019.66 0.0055 the master of a house, head of a family Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
usque 24 0 6 6025.66 0.006 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
lumino 24 0 6 6031.66 0.0066 short-sighted Lewis & Short
usque 24 0 6 6037.66 0.006 all the way, right on, without interruption, continuously, even Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tecum 24 0 6 6043.66 0.0078 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nimium 24 0 5.17 6048.82 0.0044 too much, too Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maritus 24 0 4.33 6053.16 0.0099 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
pulcher 24 0 4.33 6057.49 0.0049 beautiful, beauteous, fair, handsome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
440 Pulcher 24 0 4.33 6061.82 0.0066 a Roman surname of the Lewis & Short
rus 24 2 3.3 6065.12 0.0053 the country, lands, fields, a country-seat, farm, estate (opp. urbs) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liber 24 0 2.87 6067.99 0.006 an Italian deity of planting and fructification Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
cavus 24 0 2.67 6070.66 0.0093 hollow, excavated, concave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Matrae 24 0 2.67 6073.32 0.0103 dat. plur. Lewis & Short
desertum 24 0 2.67 6075.99 0.0115 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
summus 24 0 2.08 6078.07 0.0033 uppermost, highest, topmost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
summum 24 0 2.08 6080.16 0.0037 at the utmost, at farthest, at most Elem. Lewis
Opus 24 0 2 6082.16 0.0044 of Opus Lewis & Short
Alii 24 0 1.6 6083.76 0.0044 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
450 ora 24 0 1.6 6085.36 0.0035 an extremity, border, brim, edge, rim, margin, end, boundary, limit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caros 24 0 1.57 6086.92 0.0092 heavy sleep Lewis & Short
utrum 24 0 1.5 6088.42 0.0098 ne Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nota 24 0 1.05 6089.47 0.0065 a means of recognition, mark, sign, stamp, impression Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verum 24 0 0.67 6090.14 0.0065 but yet, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
verum 24 0 0.67 6090.81 0.0065 truly, certainly, doubtless, yes: So Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verum 24 0 0.67 6091.47 0.0065 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
alia 24 0 0.67 6092.14 0.0094 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
habeo 23 23 23 6115.14 0.0024 to have, hold, support, carry, wear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corpus 23 15 17 6132.14 0.0034 a body Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
460 candidus 23 7 11 6143.14 0.0074 shining white, clear, bright Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dedo 23 3 4.25 6147.39 0.0035 to give away, give up, surrender, deliver, consign, yield, abandon, render Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cado 23 1 4 6151.39 0.0035 to fall, fall down, descend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genus 23 0 2.83 6154.22 0.004 a race, stock, family, birth, descent, origin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
populus 23 0 2.83 6157.06 0.0037 a people, nation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
populus 23 0 2.83 6159.89 0.0038 a poplar-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quiesco 23 1 2.75 6162.64 0.0063 to rest, repose, keep quiet, be inactive, be at peace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fur 23 1 2.75 6165.39 0.0133 a thief Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nasus 23 1 2.67 6168.06 0.0172 the nose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salio 23 1 2.5 6170.56 0.011 to leap, spring, bound, jump, hop Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
470 noto 23 1 2.3 6172.86 0.0055 to mark, designate with a mark Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
beatum 23 0 2.17 6175.02 0.0096 happiness, felicity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salum 23 1 1.75 6176.77 0.0133 the open sea, high sea, main, deep Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taurus 23 0 1.65 6178.42 0.0092 a bull, bullock, steer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Taurus 23 0 1.65 6180.07 0.0093 a defile between Cappadocia and Cilicia Lewis & Short
Taurus 23 0 1.65 6181.72 0.0093 a Roman proper name Lewis & Short
indo 23 0 1.58 6183.31 0.0041 to put into, insert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furor 22 7 8.67 6191.97 0.0061 a raving, rage, madness, fury, passion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pars 22 7 8.67 6200.64 0.0032 a part, piece, portion, share, division, section Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cupio 22 7 8.67 6209.31 0.0045 to long for, desire, wish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
480 mollio 22 0 5.5 6214.81 0.0081 to make soft, make supple, soften Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ador 22 0 4.67 6219.47 0.0071 a grain, spelt, H. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caedo 22 0 4 6223.47 0.0051 to cut, hew, cut down, fell, cut off, cut to pieces Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
assiduus 22 0 3.25 6226.72 0.0083 common talk Lewis & Short
assiduus 22 0 3.25 6229.97 0.0083 by the busy anvil Lewis & Short
falsum 22 0 1.7 6231.67 0.008 an untruth, falsehood, fraud, deceit Elem. Lewis
falsus 22 0 1.7 6233.37 0.0075 deceptive, feigned, spurious, deceitful, false, pretended, delusive, unfounded Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nasus 22 0 1.67 6235.04 0.0168 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Nasos 22 0 1.67 6236.71 0.0172 a part of the city of Syracuse Lewis & Short
sero 22 0 1.5 6238.21 0.0062 to bind together, interweave, entwine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
490 Sale 22 0 0.75 6238.96 0.0152 a lake in Lydia Lewis & Short
salo 22 0 0.75 6239.71 0.0108 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sale 22 0 0.75 6240.46 0.0152 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
virus 21 21 21 6261.46 0.0027 a potent juice, medicinal liquid, poison, venom, virus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tantus 21 21 21 6282.46 0.0017 of such size, of such a measure, so great, such Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ago 21 21 21 6303.46 0.0023 to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
munus 21 13 15 6318.46 0.0032 a service, office, post, employment, function, duty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jucundus 21 9 12 6330.46 0.0118 pleasant, agreeable, delightful, pleasing Lewis & Short
conjunx 21 9 12 6342.46 0.0064 One who is united in marriage, a consort, spouse, wife; Lewis & Short
Iuppiter 21 9 10.33 6352.79 0.0042 Jupiter, Jove, son of Saturn, brother and husband of Juno, chief of the gods, god of the sky Elem. Lewis
500 tego 21 5 9 6361.79 0.0035 to cover, cover over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maestus 21 3 7.5 6369.29 0.0083 full of sadness, sad, sorrowful, dejected, melancholy, gloomy, despondent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fides 21 0 3.25 6372.54 0.0033 trust, faith, confidence, reliance, credence, belief Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fides 21 0 3.25 6375.79 0.0033 a chord, string (of a musical instrument) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ulter 21 0 3.17 6378.96 0.0042 transalpine Lewis & Short
caveo 21 1 2.87 6381.82 0.0048 to be on one's guard, take care, take heed, beware, guard against, avoid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volo 21 0 2.33 6384.16 0.0128 a volunteer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genu 21 0 2.33 6386.49 0.004 a knee Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genus 21 0 2.33 6388.82 0.0044 collat. form of genu, a knee Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cavum 21 0 2.33 6391.16 0.0086 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
510 jugum 21 0 1.87 6393.02 0.0053 a pair Lewis & Short
jugus 21 0 1.87 6394.89 0.0053 belonging together Lewis & Short
coma 21 0 1.23 6396.12 0.0075 the hair of the head, hair: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
come 21 0 1.23 6397.36 0.0051 a plant Lewis & Short
latus 21 0 1.2 6398.56 0.0038 broad, wide, extensive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
latus 21 0 1.2 6399.76 0.0038 P. of fero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ops 21 0 0.83 6400.59 0.0042 aid, help, support, assistance, succor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Opis 21 0 0.83 6401.42 0.0044 gen. sing. of (ops) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Opis 21 0 0.83 6402.26 0.0044 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
pectus 20 20 20 6422.26 0.0024 a breast, breast-bone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
520 sic 20 20 20 6442.26 0.0017 thus, in this way, as I do, as you see Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
credo 20 12 13.17 6455.42 0.0028 to give as a loan, lend, make a loan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ludo 20 11 12.08 6467.51 0.0049 to play, play at a game Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caput 20 8 9.5 6477.01 0.0033 the head Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taceo 20 7 8.33 6485.34 0.0044 to be silent, not speak, say nothing, hold one's peace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cura 20 4 8 6493.34 0.0028 trouble, care, attention, pains, industry, diligence, exertion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frustro 20 0 5 6498.34 0.0061 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
patruus 20 0 5 6503.34 0.0153 a father's brother, paternal uncle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
milium 20 0 5 6508.34 0.0115 millet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patruus 20 0 5 6513.34 0.0152 of a father's brother, of an uncle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
530 tristis 20 2 4 6517.34 0.0039 sad, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, melancholy, gloomy, downcast, disconsolate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oro 20 2 2.93 6520.27 0.0027 to speak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
como 20 2 2.9 6523.17 0.0054 crested Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Eos 20 0 2 6525.17 0.0063 the dawn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pontus 20 0 1.28 6526.46 0.0065 the sea Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pontus 20 0 1.28 6527.74 0.0066 a kind of hazel-nuts Lewis & Short
carmino 20 0 1.25 6528.99 0.0054 to make verses Lewis & Short
quies 20 0 1.25 6530.24 0.0052 quiet Lewis & Short
carmino 20 0 1.25 6531.49 0.0054 to card Lewis & Short
furio 20 0 1.25 6532.74 0.0084 to be mad Lewis & Short
540 inde 20 0 1.25 6533.99 0.0038 Of place, from that place, thence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quietus 20 0 1.25 6535.24 0.0113 at rest, free from exertion, inactive, in repose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quies 20 0 1.25 6536.49 0.0052 a lying still, rest, repose, inaction, freedom from exertion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salio 20 0 1 6537.49 0.0115 on the shields Lewis & Short
natis 20 0 0.83 6538.32 0.0059 the rump, buttocks Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
delicio 20 0 0.8 6539.12 0.0154 to allure Lewis & Short
virgo 19 19 19 6558.12 0.0055 a maid, maiden, virgin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sive 19 19 19 6577.12 0.0038 or if Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opto 19 13 14.5 6591.62 0.0043 to choose, select, prefer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
linquo 19 10 11.83 6603.46 0.0055 to go away, leave, quit, forsake, depart from Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
550 peto 19 10 11.83 6615.29 0.0025 to strive for, seek, aim at, repair to, make for, travel to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
canus 19 3 5.67 6620.96 0.0049 white, hoary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cerno 19 5 5.65 6626.61 0.0029 to separate, part, sift Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fleo 19 1 5.5 6632.11 0.0052 to weep, cry, shed tears, lament, wail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
talus 19 1 5.5 6637.61 0.0047 an ankle, ankle-bone, pasternbone, knuckle-bone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
voveo 19 3 5.33 6642.94 0.0038 to vow, promise solemnly, engage religiously, pledge, devote, dedicate, consecrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferus 19 2 5.08 6648.02 0.0029 wild, untamed, uncultivated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
castus 19 2 5 6653.02 0.0076 morally pure, unpolluted, spotless, guiltless, virtuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
collum 19 1 4.67 6657.69 0.0045 the neck: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sacer 19 1 3.83 6661.52 0.0026 dedicated, consecrated, devoted, sacred Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
560 capio 19 0 2.83 6664.36 0.0026 to take in hand, take hold of, lay hold of, take, seize, grasp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
capio 19 0 2.83 6667.19 0.0026 A taking Lewis & Short
regius 19 0 2.67 6669.86 0.0049 of a king, kingly, royal, regal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nato 19 1 1.9 6671.76 0.0053 to swim, float Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pons 19 0 1.45 6673.21 0.0073 a bridge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pons 19 0 1.45 6674.66 0.0073 a geographical proper name. Lewis & Short
frater 18 18 18 6692.66 0.0046 a brother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
primus 18 12 13.5 6706.16 0.0018 the first, first Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maesto 18 0 4.5 6710.66 0.0134 to make sad, to grieve, afflict Lewis & Short
undo 18 0 4.5 6715.16 0.0043 to rise in waves, throw up waves, surge, swell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
570 laetus 18 1 4 6719.16 0.0039 joyful, cheerful, glad, gay, joyous, rejoicing, happy, pleased, delighted, full of joy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
morior 18 2 3.9 6723.06 0.003 to die, expire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flo 18 0 3.67 6726.72 0.0066 to blow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
collus 18 0 3.67 6730.39 0.0065 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sacrum 18 0 2.83 6733.22 0.0028 something consecrated, a holy thing, sacred vessel, sacred utensil, holy place, sanctuary, temple Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
triste 18 0 2 6735.22 0.0042 sadly, sorrowfully Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
casus 18 0 2 6737.22 0.0045 a falling, falling down, fall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Casus 18 0 2 6739.22 0.0047 a river of Albania Lewis & Short
detondeo 18 0 2 6741.22 0.0092 to shear off, cut off, clip, shear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defervesco 18 0 2 6743.22 0.0092 to cease raging, cool down, be allayed, be assuaged Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
580 patria 18 0 2 6745.22 0.0036 a fatherland, native land, own country, native place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tertius 18 0 1.5 6746.72 0.0073 third Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
potior 18 0 1.5 6748.22 0.0065 to become master of, take possession of, get, obtain, acquire, receive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tertius 18 0 1.5 6749.72 0.0073 ord. adj., the thirteenth Elem. Lewis
potior 18 0 1.5 6751.22 0.0065 comp. of potis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aris 18 0 1.29 6752.51 0.0084 a kind of arum Lewis & Short
Arius 18 0 1.29 6753.79 0.0108 a renowned heretic Lewis & Short
Arius 18 0 1.29 6755.08 0.0108 a river in Aria Lewis & Short
Ora 18 0 0.93 6756.01 0.0031 a cable, ship's line, head-line Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Remus 18 0 0.9 6756.91 0.0102 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
590 remus 18 0 0.9 6757.81 0.0099 an oar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Remus 18 0 0.9 6758.71 0.0102 the brother of Romulus Lewis & Short
Remi 18 0 0.9 6759.61 0.0111 A considerable people of Gaul Lewis & Short
pasco 18 0 0.6 6760.21 0.0029 to cause to eat, feed, supply with food Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paveo 18 0 0.6 6760.81 0.0038 to be struck with fear, be in terror, tremble, quake with fear, be afraid, be terrified Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
assis 18 0 0.54 6761.35 0.015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
assus 18 0 0.54 6761.88 0.0153 roasted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
assis 18 0 0.54 6762.42 0.015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
assum 18 0 0.54 6762.96 0.0158 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
serum 18 0 0.5 6763.46 0.0074 late at night Elem. Lewis
600 opos 18 0 0.5 6763.96 0.0081 juice Lewis & Short
serum 18 0 0.5 6764.46 0.0074 the watery part of curdled milk, whey Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
serus 18 0 0.5 6764.96 0.0062 a late time, late hour Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Parium 18 0 0.22 6765.18 0.0068 Parium Lewis & Short
ubi 17 17 17 6782.18 0.0027 in which place, in what place, where Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reddo 17 17 17 6799.18 0.0028 I. To give back, return, restore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
idem 17 11 12.5 6811.68 0.0029 the same Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abeo 17 9 11 6822.68 0.0044 to go from, go away, go off, go forth, go, depart: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vox 17 7 9.5 6832.18 0.0023 a voice, sound, tone, utterance, cry, call Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
valeo 17 7 8.67 6840.85 0.0033 to be strong, be vigorous, have strength, be able Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
610 flos 17 7 8 6848.85 0.0049 a blossom, flower Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scribo 17 3 5.67 6854.51 0.0044 to scratch, grave, engrave, draw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vello 17 1 5 6859.51 0.0046 to pluck, pull, tear away, pull out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
complector 17 1 5 6864.51 0.007 to clasp, embrace, grasp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
extremus 17 1 3.33 6867.85 0.0049 outermost, utmost, extreme, farthest, last Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laeto 17 0 3 6870.85 0.0046 to make joyful, to delight, cheer, gladden Lewis & Short
utor 17 0 2.33 6873.18 0.0038 to use, make use of, employ, profit by, take advantage of, enjoy, serve oneself with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fido 17 0 2.25 6875.43 0.0033 to trust, confide, put confidence in, rely upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
regia 17 0 2.17 6877.6 0.0062 a royal palace, castle, fortress, residence, court Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mentior 17 0 1.58 6879.18 0.0041 to invent, assert falsely, lie, cheat, deceive, pretend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
620 tamen 16 16 16 6895.18 0.0018 notwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, however, yet, still Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
manus 16 12 13 6908.18 0.0018 a hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
litus 16 8 10 6918.18 0.0044 to labor in vain, take useless pains Lewis & Short
loquor 16 8 10 6928.18 0.0027 to speak, talk, say, tell, mention, utter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mano 16 4 7 6935.18 0.0035 to flow, run, trickle, drop, drip Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viso 16 6 7 6942.18 0.0029 to look at attentively, view, behold, survey Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferrum 16 4 7 6949.18 0.0027 iron Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lugeo 16 4 7 6956.18 0.0054 to mourn, lament, bewail, deplore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
veto 16 4 5.33 6961.51 0.0029 not to suffer, not to permit, to oppose, forbid, prohibit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
candido 16 0 4 6965.51 0.0057 to make glittering Lewis & Short
630 frustra 16 0 4 6969.51 0.0052 in deception, in error Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quoque 16 0 4 6973.51 0.0022 (i. e. et quo), see -que Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
post 16 0 4 6977.51 0.0022 behind, back backwards Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cinaedus 16 0 4 6981.51 0.0189 one who practises unnatural lust, Iu., Ct. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tectum 16 0 4 6985.51 0.0038 a covered structure, roofed enclosure, shelter, house, dwelling, abode, roof Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cinaedus 16 0 4 6989.51 0.0189 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
post 16 0 4 6993.51 0.0022 behind Elem. Lewis
quoque 16 0 4 6997.51 0.0022 also, too Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
no 16 3 3.73 7001.25 0.0032 to swim, float Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
annus 16 1 2.75 7004 0.0024 a year Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
640 poena 16 1 2.67 7006.66 0.0053 indemnification, compensation, recompense, retribution, satisfaction, expiation, punishment, penalty, price Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amica 16 0 2.33 7009 0.0054 a female friend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
votum 16 0 2.33 7011.33 0.0034 a promise to a god, solemn pledge, religious engagement, vow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeceps 16 0 2.33 7013.66 0.0061 headlong Elem. Lewis
praeceps 16 0 2.33 7016 0.0061 headforemost, headlong Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Carus 16 0 1.03 7017.03 0.0065 a Roman cognomen. Lewis & Short
parum 16 0 1 7018.03 0.0071 too little, not enough, insufficiently Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
potio 16 0 1 7019.03 0.0065 made a slave of him Lewis & Short
parento 16 0 1 7020.03 0.0054 to offer a solemn sacrifice in honor of dead kindred Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tertia 16 0 1 7021.03 0.0085 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
650 Naso 16 0 1 7022.03 0.0128 amplif. Lewis & Short
missus 16 0 1 7023.03 0.0055 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tertio 16 0 1 7024.03 0.0084 to plough for the third time Lewis & Short
missus 16 0 1 7025.03 0.0055 a sending away, sending, despatching Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ara 16 0 0.79 7025.82 0.0052 a structure for sacrifice, altar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilum 16 0 0.57 7026.38 0.0096 a heavy javelin, pilum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oculus 15 15 15 7041.38 0.0026 an eye Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quisque 15 11 12 7053.38 0.002 whoever it be, whatever, each, each one, every, everybody, every one, everything (of more than two) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
loco 15 9 10.5 7063.88 0.0029 to place, put, lay, set, dispose, arrange Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perdo 15 9 10.5 7074.38 0.0041 to make away with, destroy, ruin, squander, dissipate, throw away, waste, lose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
660 accipio 15 8 9.33 7083.72 0.0029 to take without effort, receive, get, accept Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sancio 15 7 9 7092.72 0.0031 to make sacred, render inviolable, fix unalterably, establish, appoint, decree, ordain, confirm, ratify, enact Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tener 15 7 9 7101.72 0.0033 soft, delicate, tender, yielding Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sentio 15 4 5.7 7107.42 0.0023 to discern by sense, feel, hear, see, perceive, be sensible of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impius 15 1 4.5 7111.92 0.0052 of persons, irreverent, ungodly, undutiful, unpatriotic, abandoned, wicked, impious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
promitto 15 3 3.75 7115.67 0.0054 to let go, put forth, let hang down, let grow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
clarus 15 1 3.67 7119.33 0.0026 clear, bright, shining, brilliant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
castum 15 0 2.5 7121.83 0.0071 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
furor 15 0 1.67 7123.5 0.0056 to steal, purloin, pilfer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cupa 15 0 1.67 7125.17 0.0094 a cask, tun, barrel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
670 cupa 15 0 1.67 7126.83 0.0094 the handle of an oil-mill, a crooked handle Lewis & Short
Poenus 15 0 1.67 7128.5 0.0049 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Poenus 15 0 1.67 7130.17 0.0049 Punic, Carthaginian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caro 15 0 1.23 7131.4 0.004 flesh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Maria 15 0 0.6 7132 0.0079 a female proper name Lewis & Short
morus 15 0 0.6 7132.6 0.0023 a mulberry-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Maria 15 0 0.6 7133.2 0.0079 a town of the Parthians Lewis & Short
lecto 15 0 0.6 7133.8 0.0067 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
commodo 15 0 0.6 7134.4 0.0073 fits Lewis & Short
Marium 15 0 0.6 7135 0.0076 an ancient town of Cyprus Lewis & Short
680 Lecton 15 0 0.6 7135.6 0.0072 a promontory on the coast of Troy Lewis & Short
morum 15 0 0.6 7136.2 0.0026 a mulberry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
audio 14 14 14 7150.2 0.0023 to hear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vertex 14 14 14 7164.2 0.0041 a whirl, eddy, whirlpool, vortex Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vivo 14 6 8 7172.2 0.0019 to live, be alive, have life Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adeo 14 6 7.17 7179.37 0.0029 to submit a cause to a referee: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conjugium 14 4 6.5 7185.87 0.0066 a connection, union Lewis & Short
vagus 14 2 5 7190.87 0.0065 strolling, rambling, roving, roaming, wandering, unfixed, unsettled, vagrant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quivis 14 2 5 7195.87 0.0036 whoever it be, whom you please, any one, any whatever, anything Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
labellum 14 0 3.5 7199.37 0.0107 a little lip Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
690 dexter 14 0 3.5 7202.87 0.0032 to the right, on the right side, right (opp. laevus, sinister) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tulo 14 0 3.5 7206.37 0.0035 to bring Lewis & Short
labellum 14 0 3.5 7209.87 0.0107 a small basin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dextera 14 0 3.5 7213.37 0.0035 the right hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impio 14 0 3.5 7216.87 0.0061 to render impious Lewis & Short
senex 14 2 3.42 7220.28 0.003 old, aged, advanced in years Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sacro 14 2 3.33 7223.62 0.0026 to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate, devote Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salveo 14 2 2.75 7226.37 0.0077 to be well, be in good health Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jus 14 0 2 7228.37 0.0027 the juice of the purple-fish Lewis & Short
jus 14 0 2 7230.37 0.0027 to maintain Lewis & Short
700 Roseus 14 0 1.83 7232.2 0.0079 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
flamma 14 0 1.83 7234.03 0.0037 a blazing fire, blaze, flame Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Flamma 14 0 1.83 7235.87 0.0037 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
extremo 14 0 1.83 7237.7 0.0058 at last, finally Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ultimum 14 0 1.83 7239.53 0.0053 finally, for the last time Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secundus 14 0 1.83 7241.37 0.0033 following, next, second Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
roseus 14 0 1.83 7243.2 0.007 rose-colored, rosy, ruddy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
extremum 14 0 1.83 7245.03 0.0047 at last, finally Elem. Lewis
putus 14 0 1.17 7246.2 0.0057 pure, bright, splendid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jugo 14 0 1.17 7247.37 0.0046 to bind to laths Lewis & Short
710 Tauri 14 0 0.65 7248.02 0.0067 the Taurians Lewis & Short
Ilium 14 0 0.65 7248.67 0.009 Paris Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ilium 14 0 0.65 7249.32 0.009 see ilia Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cretus 14 0 0.65 7249.97 0.0083 P. of cresco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ilius 14 0 0.65 7250.62 0.0088 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
cretus 14 0 0.65 7251.27 0.0083 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Galla 14 0 0.29 7251.55 0.0091 a priest of Cybele; Lewis & Short
Ares 14 0 0.29 7251.84 0.0088 the war-god Mars Lewis & Short
Aris 14 0 0.29 7252.12 0.0088 a Sardinian Lewis & Short
assa 14 0 0.29 7252.41 0.0138 see assus. Elem. Lewis
720 galla 14 0 0.29 7252.7 0.009 Oak-apple Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
assa 14 0 0.29 7252.98 0.0138 a dry nurse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Galla 14 0 0.29 7253.27 0.0091 a gall-apple, gall-nut (an excrescence on the oak, caused by insects) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aros 14 0 0.29 7253.55 0.0081 wake-robin Lewis & Short
subtemen 13 13 13 7266.55 0.0154 that which is woven in, a woof, weft Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prior 13 13 13 7279.55 0.0022 former, previous, prior, first Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ante 13 13 13 7292.55 0.0018 before, in front, forwards Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fugio 13 11 11.5 7304.05 0.0022 to flee, fly, take flight, run away, make off Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
certus 13 11 11.5 7315.55 0.0021 determined, resolved, fixed, settled, purposed, certain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vester 13 11 11.5 7327.05 0.003 your, yours, of you Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
730 parvus 13 9 10 7337.05 0.0015 little, small, petty, puny, inconsiderable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nomen 13 7 8.5 7345.55 0.0014 a means of knowing, name, appellation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quisquis 13 7 7.67 7353.22 0.0022 whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, every one who, everything which Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quicumque 13 5 7 7360.22 0.0029 whoever, whatever, whosoever, whatsoever, every one who, everything that, all that Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trado 13 5 7 7367.22 0.004 to give up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
audeo 13 5 6.17 7373.39 0.0027 to venture, dare, be bold, dare to do, risk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
muto 13 4 5.83 7379.22 0.0034 to move, move away, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
voco 13 3 5.5 7384.72 0.0017 to call, summon, invoke, call together, convoke Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dono 13 3 5.5 7390.22 0.0027 To give as a present, present, bestow, grant, vouchsafe, confer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
culpa 13 1 4 7394.22 0.0054 a fault, error, blame, guilt, failure, defect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
740 pronus 13 1 4 7398.22 0.0054 turned forward, bent over, inclined, leaning, hanging, stooping, bending Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mos 13 3 3.4 7401.62 0.0017 a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
edo 13 1 3.17 7404.79 0.0036 to give out, put forth, bring forth, raise, set up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
itis 13 0 2.83 7407.62 0.0048 day Lewis & Short
flammo 13 1 2.33 7409.95 0.0044 to kindle, inflame, blaze, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fera 13 0 2.08 7412.04 0.0026 a wild beast, wild animal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
metior 13 1 1.75 7413.79 0.0035 to measure, mete Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uto 13 0 1.33 7415.12 0.0045 act. Lewis & Short
rex 13 0 1.33 7416.45 0.0019 an arbitrary ruler, absolute monarch, king Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rex 13 0 1.33 7417.79 0.0019 brotherin-law of Clodius Lewis & Short
750 recingo 13 0 1.33 7419.12 0.0038 to ungird, loosen, undo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Celer 13 0 1.25 7420.37 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
celer 13 0 1.25 7421.62 0.0038 swift, fleet, quick, speedy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Celer 13 0 1.25 7422.87 0.0038 a Roman cognomen in the Lewis & Short
Comum 13 0 0.73 7423.6 0.0082 a considerable town in Lewis & Short
jugo 13 0 0.7 7424.3 0.0048 v. n., to utter the Lewis & Short
Lato 13 0 0.7 7425 0.0051 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
semper 12 12 12 7437 0.0015 ever, always, at all times, continually, perpetually, forever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
velut 12 12 12 7449 0.003 In a comparison, even as, just as, like as, like Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inquam 12 10 10.5 7459.5 0.0025 to say Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
760 advenio 12 8 9 7468.5 0.0044 to come to, reach, arrive at: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mors 12 8 9 7477.5 0.002 death Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nemus 12 7 7.83 7485.34 0.0039 a tract of woodland, forest pasture, meadow with shade, grove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequor 12 6 7.5 7492.84 0.0044 an even surface, level Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saevus 12 6 7.5 7500.34 0.0033 raging, mad, furious, fell, fierce, savage, ferocious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
venustus 12 5 6.33 7506.67 0.0086 charming, pleasing, winning, agreeable, beautiful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ignis 12 4 6 7512.67 0.0023 fire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
filum 12 4 6 7518.67 0.0058 a thread, string Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
era 12 4 5.17 7523.84 0.0036 the mistress of a house, mistress, lady Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vis 12 2 4.5 7528.34 0.0014 strength, force, vigor, power, energy, virtue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
770 curo 12 2 4.5 7532.84 0.0017 to care for, take pains with, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, regard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fors 12 2 4.5 7537.34 0.0016 chance, hap, luck, hazard, accident Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nescio 12 2 4.5 7541.84 0.0031 not to know, to be ignorant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
felix 12 2 4.5 7546.34 0.0027 fruitful, productive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
redeo 12 2 3.75 7550.09 0.0018 Of persons, to go back, turn back, return, turn around Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
membrum 12 0 3 7553.09 0.0028 a limb, member Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Troja 12 0 3 7556.09 0.0075 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
jucundo 12 0 3 7559.09 0.0087 to please, delight; Lewis & Short
nimis 12 0 3 7562.09 0.0038 beyond measure, too much, overmuch, excessively, too Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quamvis 12 0 3 7565.09 0.0035 I. Adv, as you will, as much as you will, however much, as much as possible, very much, extremely, exceedingly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
780 campus 12 0 3 7568.09 0.0027 a plain, field, open country, level place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
complexus 12 0 3 7571.09 0.0074 a surrounding, encompassing, encircling, embracing, embrace, clasp, grasp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fatum 12 0 3 7574.09 0.0023 an utterance, prophetic declaration, oracle, prediction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
domo 12 0 3 7577.09 0.0035 to domesticate, tame, break, subdue, master Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
campus 12 0 3 7580.09 0.0027 a seaanimal Lewis & Short
culpo 12 0 3 7583.09 0.0055 to reproach, blame, censure, reprove, disapprove, condemn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
membro 12 0 3 7586.09 0.0031 to form limb by limb, to furnish with limbs Lewis & Short
Troius 12 0 3 7589.09 0.0071 of Troy, Trojan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tueor 12 2 2.92 7592 0.002 to look at, gaze upon, behold, watch, view, regard, consider, examine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nimius 12 0 2.17 7594.17 0.0028 beyond measure, excessive, too great, too much Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
790 capitum 12 0 1.5 7595.67 0.004 fodder for cattle Lewis & Short
invideo 12 0 1.5 7597.17 0.004 to look askance at, cast an evil eye upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juro 12 0 1.5 7598.67 0.0028 to swear falsely Lewis & Short
invideo 12 0 1.5 7600.17 0.004 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
occido 12 0 1.42 7601.59 0.0043 to fall down, fall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
seni 12 0 1.42 7603 0.0036 six each Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Jovius 12 0 1.33 7604.34 0.0034 of Lewis & Short
incensus 12 0 1.33 7605.67 0.0081 not assessed, unregistered Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pulchre 12 0 1.33 7607 0.0119 beautifully, excellently, finely, nobly, very Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paulum 12 0 1.33 7608.34 0.0045 a little, somewhat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
800 irrito 12 0 1.33 7609.67 0.0061 enrages Lewis & Short
Jovius 12 0 1.33 7611 0.0034 a legion of honor instituted by Diocletian Lewis & Short
amice 12 0 1.33 7612.34 0.0078 in a friendly manner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palma 12 0 1.33 7613.67 0.0048 the palm, flat hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pelagium 12 0 1.33 7615 0.007 sea-mussels Lewis & Short
leviter 12 0 1.33 7616.34 0.0089 lightly, not heavily Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paulus 12 0 1.33 7617.67 0.0042 little, small Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
irrito 12 0 1.33 7619 0.0072 to make void Lewis & Short
palma 12 0 1.33 7620.34 0.0048 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
factus 12 0 1.33 7621.67 0.0045 A making Lewis & Short
810 Pelagius 12 0 1.33 7623 0.007 of the sea Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incendo 12 0 1.33 7624.34 0.006 to set fire to, kindle, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ultimo 12 0 1.33 7625.67 0.0049 to come to an end Lewis & Short
cavo 12 0 1.33 7627 0.0052 to make hollow, hollow out, excavate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Paulus 12 0 1.33 7628.34 0.0042 the victory of L. Æmilius Paulus over Perseus Lewis & Short
irritus 12 0 1.33 7629.67 0.007 of no significance Lewis & Short
Rosea 12 0 1.33 7631 0.0093 a very fertile district near Reate Lewis & Short
populi 12 0 1.33 7632.34 0.0025 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
pelagus 12 0 1.33 7633.67 0.0048 the sea Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incense 12 0 1.33 7635 0.008 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
820 marito 12 0 1.33 7636.34 0.0069 to wed, marry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praecipito 12 0 1.33 7637.67 0.0054 to throw headlong, cast down, hurl down, precipitate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
claudo 12 0 0.9 7638.57 0.0028 to shut, close, shut up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
claudo 12 0 0.9 7639.47 0.003 to limp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salve 12 0 0.75 7640.22 0.0072 well, in good health, in good condition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mensus 12 0 0.75 7640.97 0.0039 abl. sing. Lewis & Short
assiduo 12 0 0.75 7641.72 0.0074 to apply constantly Lewis & Short
Vada 12 0 0.75 7642.47 0.0063 a port in Etruria south of Pisa Lewis & Short
mane 12 0 0.75 7643.22 0.0063 at the earliest dawn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salve 12 0 0.75 7643.97 0.0072 imper. of salveo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
830 menta 12 0 0.75 7644.72 0.0041 mint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
manon 12 0 0.75 7645.47 0.004 a kind of soft sponge Lewis & Short
promissum 12 0 0.75 7646.22 0.0063 a promise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vas 12 0 0.75 7646.97 0.0046 a bail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mane 12 0 0.75 7647.72 0.0063 in the morning, early in the morning Elem. Lewis
salvus 12 0 0.75 7648.47 0.0049 while their friends are living Lewis & Short
Vada 12 0 0.75 7649.22 0.0063 a stronghold in Lewis & Short
promissus 12 0 0.75 7649.97 0.0061 hanging down, long Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
summa 12 0 0.75 7650.72 0.0025 the top, summit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mensus 12 0 0.75 7651.47 0.0039 P. of metior Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
840 assiduo 12 0 0.75 7652.22 0.0084 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
caelo 12 0 0.75 7652.97 0.0046 to engrave in relief, make raised work, carve, engrave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vada 12 0 0.75 7653.72 0.0063 a city in Liguria Lewis & Short
promissus 12 0 0.75 7654.47 0.0061 a promise Lewis & Short
mensa 12 0 0.75 7655.22 0.0045 a table Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conditus 12 0 0.33 7655.55 0.0054 a preserving of fruits Lewis & Short
condio 12 0 0.33 7655.89 0.0041 to make savory, season, spice, concoct Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
condo 12 0 0.33 7656.22 0.0027 to put together, make by joining, found, establish, build, settle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conditus 12 0 0.33 7656.55 0.0054 close, hidden, secret Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sero 12 0 0.33 7656.89 0.005 late, at a late hour Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
850 conditus 12 0 0.33 7657.22 0.0054 seasoned, savory Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nates 12 0 0.33 7657.55 0.0066 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conditus 12 0 0.33 7657.89 0.0054 a preparing, founding, establishment Lewis & Short
Theseus 11 11 11 7668.89 0.0095 the desertion of Ariadne Lewis & Short
gaudeo 11 11 11 7679.89 0.0023 to rejoice, be glad, be joyful, take pleasure, be pleased, delight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mons 11 11 11 7690.89 0.0023 a mountain, mount, range of mountains Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nox 11 11 11 7701.89 0.0018 night Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
terra 11 9 9.5 7711.39 0.0012 the earth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dens 11 9 9.5 7720.89 0.0042 a tooth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sidus 11 8 8.33 7729.22 0.0031 a group of stars, constellation, heavenly body Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
860 rideo 11 7 8 7737.22 0.003 to laugh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cieo 11 7 8 7745.22 0.0027 to cause to go, move, stir, drive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fulgeo 11 7 8 7753.22 0.0033 to flash, lighten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
labor 11 5 6.5 7759.72 0.0017 labor, toil, exertion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mundus 11 3 4.17 7763.89 0.0029 too elegant dress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fortis 11 1 3.5 7767.39 0.0014 strong, powerful, mighty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
grates 11 1 3.5 7770.89 0.0046 thanks, thanksgiving Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inviso 11 3 3.5 7774.39 0.0045 to look after, go to see, visit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cito 11 1 3.5 7777.89 0.0039 to put in quick motion, rouse, excite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fletus 11 1 3.5 7781.39 0.0052 a weeping, wailing, lamenting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
870 amarus 11 1 3.5 7784.89 0.0039 bitter, pungent: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luctus 11 1 3.5 7788.39 0.0045 sorrow, mourning, grief, affliction, distress, lamentation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nescius 11 1 3.5 7791.89 0.0038 unknowing, ignorant, unaware Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gratus 11 1 3.5 7795.39 0.0021 beloved, dear, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liber 11 2 3 7798.39 0.0032 the official gazette Lewis & Short
durus 11 1 2.67 7801.05 0.0019 hard (to the touch) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lepidus 11 1 2.67 7803.72 0.007 pleasant, agreeable, charming, fine, elegant, neat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
servus 11 0 2.33 7806.05 0.004 slavish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juvencus 11 0 2.33 7808.39 0.006 Helen Lewis & Short
linteum 11 0 2.33 7810.72 0.009 a linen cloth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
880 linteus 11 0 2.33 7813.05 0.0089 of linen, linen- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
floreo 11 1 2 7815.05 0.0027 to bloom, blossom, flower Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dica 11 0 1.5 7816.55 0.0037 a lawsuit, judicial process, action Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nonus 11 0 1.5 7818.05 0.0072 the ninth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
castus 11 0 1.5 7819.55 0.0091 an abstinence from sensual enjoyments on religious grounds Lewis & Short
Dia 11 0 0.87 7820.42 0.0063 The old name of the island of Lewis & Short
como 11 0 0.83 7821.25 0.0026 to comb, arrange, braid, dress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tacitus 11 0 0.83 7822.09 0.0044 passed in silence, not spoken of, kept secret, unmentioned Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tacitus 11 0 0.83 7822.92 0.0044 a Roman proper name; Lewis & Short
rectus 11 0 0.83 7823.75 0.0033 in a straight line, straight, upright, direct, undeviating Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
890 Medus 11 0 0.46 7824.21 0.0065 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Medus 11 0 0.46 7824.67 0.0065 son of Ægeus and Medea; the title of a tragedy of Pacuvius Lewis & Short
Medus 11 0 0.46 7825.13 0.0065 a small river of Persia, a tributary of the Araxes, now the Polwar Lewis & Short
juvenis 10 10 10 7835.13 0.0023 sons Lewis & Short
tollo 10 10 10 7845.13 0.0019 to lift, take up, raise, elevate, exalt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sub 10 10 10 7855.13 0.001 under, below, beneath, underneath, behind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eripio 10 10 10 7865.13 0.0035 to tear out, snatch away, wrest, pluck, tear, take away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gaudium 10 10 10 7875.13 0.0027 inward joy, joy, gladness, delight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nolo 10 10 10 7885.13 0.0037 to wish . . . not, will . . . not, not to wish, to be unwilling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pereo 10 8 8.5 7893.63 0.0022 to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
900 scio 10 8 8.5 7902.13 0.0022 to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of, be skilled in Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quatio 10 8 8.5 7910.63 0.0046 to shake Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quaero 10 8 8.5 7919.13 0.0022 to seek, look for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medulla 10 6 7 7926.13 0.0061 marrow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
basio 10 4 5.5 7931.63 0.0093 to kiss Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mirus 10 4 5.5 7937.13 0.0027 wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, extraordinary, amazing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
colo 10 4 4.75 7941.88 0.0013 to till, tend, care for, cultivate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flavus 10 4 4.67 7946.54 0.005 golden yellow, reddish yellow, flaxen-colored, blonde Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cunctus 10 2 4 7950.54 0.0016 all in a body, all together, the whole, all, entire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volvo 10 2 4 7954.54 0.0021 to cause to revolve, roll, turn about, turn round Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
910 filius 10 2 4 7958.54 0.0037 a son Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
placeo 10 2 4 7962.54 0.0021 to please, give pleasure, be approved, be pleasing, be agreeable, be acceptable, suit, satisfy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liqueo 10 1 2.83 7965.38 0.0033 to be fluid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vago 10 0 2.5 7967.88 0.0039 act. Lewis & Short
lateo 10 2 2.5 7970.38 0.002 to lurk, lie hid, be concealed, escape notice, skulk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
donum 10 0 2.5 7972.88 0.0024 a gift, present Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Amata 10 0 2.5 7975.38 0.0082 a beloved woman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hora 10 0 2.5 7977.88 0.0033 the wife of Quirinus Lewis & Short
saltus 10 0 2.5 7980.38 0.004 a leaping, leap, spring, bound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Musa 10 0 2.5 7982.88 0.0029 a muse, one of the nine Muses (goddesses of poetry, music, and all liberal arts) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
920 arvum 10 0 2.5 7985.38 0.0031 an arable field, cultivated land, field, ploughed land, glebe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nasco 10 0 2.5 7987.88 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Romulus 10 0 2.5 7990.38 0.0069 of Romulus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puera 10 0 2.5 7992.88 0.0063 a girl Lewis & Short
saltus 10 0 2.5 7995.38 0.004 a forest, woodland, untilled mountain land, forest-pasture, woodland-pasture, thicket, jungle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moenia 10 0 2.5 7997.88 0.0034 defensive walls, ramparts, bulwarks, city walls Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Musa 10 0 2.5 8000.38 0.0029 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
arvus 10 0 2.5 8002.88 0.003 ploughed, arable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gurges 10 0 2.5 8005.38 0.0044 a raging abyss, whirlpool, gulf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dulce 10 0 2.5 8007.88 0.0043 agreeably, charmingly, delightfully Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
930 Romulus 10 0 2.5 8010.38 0.0069 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
innubo 10 0 2.5 8012.88 0.0105 to marry into Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coitus 10 0 2.5 8015.38 0.0052 sexual union Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sinister 10 0 2.5 8017.88 0.0052 left, on the left, on the left hand, at the left side Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arx 10 0 2.5 8020.38 0.0024 a castle, citadel, fortress, stronghold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prono 10 0 2.5 8022.88 0.006 to bend forward Lewis & Short
munia 10 0 2.5 8025.38 0.0035 duties, functions, official duties Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gurges 10 0 2.5 8027.88 0.0045 a surname. Lewis & Short
penitus 10 0 2.5 8030.38 0.0041 inwardly, deeply, far within, into the inmost part Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caedes 10 0 2.5 8032.88 0.004 a cutting-down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
940 laus 10 0 2.5 8035.38 0.0017 praise, commendation, glory, fame, renown, esteem Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
filix 10 0 2.5 8037.88 0.0024 fern Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comparo 10 0 2.5 8040.38 0.0062 I will institute no comparison Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
artus 10 0 2.5 8042.88 0.0017 close, strait, narrow, confined, short Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
innuptus 10 0 2.5 8045.38 0.0108 unmarried, unwedded, single Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coitus 10 0 2.5 8047.88 0.0049 a coming Lewis & Short
sinistra 10 0 2.5 8050.38 0.0061 see sinister Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
penitus 10 0 2.5 8052.88 0.0041 furnished with Lewis & Short
Laus 10 0 2.5 8055.38 0.0017 the name of several cities Lewis & Short
hora 10 0 2.5 8057.88 0.0033 an hour (one twelfth of the day between sunrise and sunset) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
950 comparo 10 0 2.5 8060.38 0.0062 to bring together as equals, connect, pair, match, unite, join Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ipsus 10 0 2.5 8062.88 0.0023 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
foedus 10 0 2.5 8065.38 0.0039 a league, treaty, compact, alliance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
copia 10 1 2 8067.38 0.0037 an abundance, ample supply, plenty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
varius 10 0 1.75 8069.13 0.0019 Of color and appearance, variegated, party-colored, mottled, diverse, various Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comito 10 0 1.75 8070.88 0.0025 to accompany, attend, follow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Varius 10 0 1.75 8072.63 0.0026 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
sanus 10 0 1.67 8074.29 0.004 sound, whole, healthy, well Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
famulus 10 0 1.67 8075.96 0.006 serving Lewis & Short
sane 10 0 1.67 8077.63 0.0052 soberly, sensibly, reasonably, discreetly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
960 scriptum 10 0 1.67 8079.29 0.0042 something drawn, a space enclosed by lines Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lepidus 10 0 1.67 8080.96 0.0069 which broke out a year after Sylla's death, in the consulate of M. Æmilius Lepidus Lewis & Short
Syrius 10 0 1 8081.96 0.0069 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Syrius 10 0 1 8082.96 0.0069 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
calvus 10 0 1 8083.96 0.0093 bald, hairless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Calvus 10 0 1 8084.96 0.0098 a cognomen of several persons Lewis & Short
Niger 10 0 0.92 8085.88 0.0034 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
occaedes 10 0 0.92 8086.79 0.0042 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Niger 10 0 0.92 8087.71 0.0034 a river in Africa Lewis & Short
niger 10 0 0.92 8088.63 0.0034 black, sable, dark, dusky Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
970 occido 10 0 0.92 8089.54 0.004 to strike down, knock down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
canis 10 0 0.42 8089.96 0.0026 a dog Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Canis 10 0 0.42 8090.38 0.0026 a small river tributary to the Po Lewis & Short
alieno 10 0 0.4 8090.78 0.0046 to make strange, make another's, transfer, make over, part with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
clausum 10 0 0.4 8091.18 0.0043 an enclosure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alienum 10 0 0.4 8091.58 0.0043 the property of a stranger, another's possessions: Elem. Lewis
fores 10 0 0.4 8091.98 0.0036 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
Creta 10 0 0.4 8092.38 0.0073 Cretan earth, pipe - clay, chalk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilus 10 0 0.4 8092.78 0.0069 has not a hair of a good man about him Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alienus 10 0 0.4 8093.18 0.0041 of another, belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, alien, strange Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
980 philus 10 0 0.4 8093.58 0.0082 beloved Lewis & Short
clausus 10 0 0.4 8093.98 0.0053 close, reserved Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
creta 10 0 0.4 8094.38 0.0072 removes all trouble from the mind Lewis & Short
morus 10 0 0.4 8094.78 0.0021 a mulberry-tree Lewis & Short
ilia 10 0 0.4 8095.18 0.0066 the abdomen below the ribs, groin, flanks Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilus 10 0 0.4 8095.58 0.0069 a maniple of the triarii, company of veteran reserves Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Taurii 10 0 0.4 8095.98 0.0063 games at Rome in the Lewis & Short
Philus 10 0 0.4 8096.38 0.0083 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
Clausus 10 0 0.4 8096.78 0.0053 a Sabine proper name Lewis & Short
Come 10 0 0.4 8097.18 0.0036 a town in Caria Lewis & Short
990 Ilia 10 0 0.4 8097.58 0.0066 Romulus Lewis & Short
alienum 10 0 0.4 8097.98 0.0043 see aliēnus. Elem. Lewis
medio 10 0 0.4 8098.38 0.0022 to halve, divide in the middle Lewis & Short
redimo 10 0 0.4 8098.78 0.0059 to buy back, repurchase, redeem Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alienus 10 0 0.4 8099.18 0.0041 one of another house, a stranger to the family, foreigner, alien: Elem. Lewis
Paris 10 0 0.1 8099.28 0.0072 The son of Priam and Hecuba Lewis & Short
ah 9 9 9 8108.28 0.0045 interj.—Of distress or pity, ah! alas! H.—Of reproach or admonition, ah! oh! V.—Of surprise, Oh! I see! H. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desino 9 9 9 8117.28 0.0035 to leave off, give over, cease, desist, forbear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gremium 9 9 9 8126.28 0.0047 a lap, bosom Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quondam 9 9 9 8135.28 0.0019 at some time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, on a time Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,000 cubile 9 9 9 8144.28 0.0048 a place of rest, couch, bed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
domina 9 9 9 8153.28 0.0038 a mistress, dame, lady, she who rules Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spero 9 9 9 8162.28 0.0025 to hope, look for, trust, expect, promise oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
etiam 9 9 9 8171.28 0.0016 now too, yet, as yet, even yet, still, even now Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ullus 9 9 9 8180.28 0.0016 any, any one Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fio 9 9 9 8189.28 0.0017 pass. of facio; see facio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urbs 9 5 6 8195.28 0.0012 a walled town, city Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poeta 9 5 6 8201.28 0.0031 a poet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moveo 9 5 6 8207.28 0.0013 to move, stir, set in motion, shake, disturb, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aliquis 9 4 4.83 8212.11 0.0028 pron indef., some one, any one, anybody, one or another; neut., something, anything. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,010 fax 9 3 4.5 8216.61 0.0025 a torch, firebrand, flambeau, link Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obliviscor 9 3 4.5 8221.11 0.0037 to forget Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comes 9 3 4.5 8225.61 0.0023 a compan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenuis 9 3 4.5 8230.11 0.0025 drawn out, meagre, slim, thin, lank, slender Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
invitus 9 3 4.5 8234.61 0.0037 against the will, unwilling, reluctant, perforce, on compulsion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dominus 9 3 4.5 8239.11 0.0022 a master, possessor, ruler, lord, proprietor, owner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hospes 9 3 3.75 8242.86 0.0037 an entertainer, host Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jungo 9 3 3.67 8246.53 0.0019 to close the ranks Lewis & Short
otium 9 2 3.33 8249.86 0.0038 leisure, vacant time, freedom from business Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anima 9 2 3.33 8253.19 0.0019 air, a current of air, breeze, breath, wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,020 placo 9 1 3 8256.19 0.0024 to quiet, soothe, assuage, allay, appease Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
foedo 9 1 3 8259.19 0.0036 to make foul, defile, pollute, disfigure, mutilate, mar, deform Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
passer 9 1 3 8262.19 0.0095 a sparrow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anxius 9 1 3 8265.19 0.0047 anxious, troubled, solicitous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infestus 9 1 3 8268.19 0.0042 made unsafe, disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet, unsafe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fidus 9 1 2.25 8270.44 0.0024 trusty, trustworthy, faithful, sure, credible Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
heros 9 1 2.17 8272.61 0.0036 A hero, illustrious man Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
odium 9 0 1.83 8274.44 0.0033 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
caecus 9 0 1.83 8276.28 0.003 not seeing, blind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
claro 9 0 1.83 8278.11 0.0027 to make bright, exhibit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,030 Juvencus 9 0 1.83 8279.94 0.0056 a priest in Spain in the time of Constantine the Great, who made a metrical version of the four Gospels Lewis & Short
odium 9 0 1.83 8281.78 0.0033 hatred, grudge, ill-will, animosity, enmity, aversion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caeco 9 0 1.83 8283.61 0.0046 to make blind, blind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
albus 9 1 1.67 8285.28 0.0039 white (without lustre, opp. ater; cf. candidus, opp. niger): Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
preco 9 0 1.2 8286.48 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
liberi 9 0 1.2 8287.68 0.0054 free persons Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
misereo 9 0 1.08 8288.76 0.0039 that we should feel pity for suppliants Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
misereor 9 0 1.08 8289.84 0.0039 to feel pity, have compassion, pity, compassionate, commiserate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
navis 9 0 1.08 8290.93 0.0041 a ship Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anus 9 0 1 8291.93 0.0059 an old woman, matron, old wife, old maid: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,040 Annius 9 0 1 8292.93 0.0023 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
palmus 9 0 1 8293.93 0.0062 the palm Lewis & Short
paratus 9 0 1 8294.93 0.0045 a preparation, provision, outfit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anus 9 0 1 8295.93 0.0062 an old woman Lewis & Short
populo 9 0 1 8296.93 0.0029 to lay waste, ravage, plunder, pillage, spoil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pecus 9 0 1 8297.93 0.0026 cattle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aero 9 0 1 8298.93 0.0051 a braided Lewis & Short
decem 9 0 1 8299.93 0.0051 the heads of the ten decuriae forming the senate in a colony or municipal town Elem. Lewis
Anna 9 0 1 8300.93 0.0026 the sister of Dido Lewis & Short
laeta 9 0 1 8301.93 0.0027 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,050 Copia 9 0 1 8302.93 0.0034 The goddess of abundance Lewis & Short
decem 9 0 1 8303.93 0.0051 ten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequus 9 0 1 8304.93 0.0026 even, plain, level, flat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Patrae 9 0 1 8305.93 0.0027 of Patrœ Lewis & Short
pecus 9 0 1 8306.93 0.0026 a head of cattle, beast, brute, animal, one of a herd Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secundo 9 0 1 8307.93 0.0032 to favor, further, second, prosper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subeo 9 0 1 8308.93 0.0014 to come under, go under, enter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decem 9 0 1 8309.93 0.0051 a commission of ten men, college of ten magistrates Elem. Lewis
amico 9 0 1 8310.93 0.0034 to make friendly to one's self Lewis & Short
nona 9 0 1 8311.93 0.007 see nonus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,060 copis 9 0 1 8312.93 0.0035 a short, curved sword, yataghan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anus 9 0 1 8313.93 0.0059 a ring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pecus 9 0 1 8314.93 0.0026 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Nona 9 0 1 8315.93 0.007 one of the three Fates Lewis & Short
aequum 9 0 1 8316.93 0.0028 a plain, level: Elem. Lewis
limen 8 8 8 8324.93 0.0025 a cross-piece, threshold, head-piece, lintel, sill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
refero 8 8 8 8332.93 0.0011 to bear back, bring back, drive back, carry back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
postquam 8 8 8 8340.93 0.0019 after that, after, as soon as, when Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
niveus 8 8 8 8348.93 0.0032 of snow, snowy, snow- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gellius 8 8 8 8356.93 0.0089 a friend of Cicero Lewis & Short
1,070 cur 8 8 8 8364.93 0.0018 why? wherefore? for what reason? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
umquam 8 8 8 8372.93 0.0024 at any time, ever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
indomitus 8 8 8 8380.93 0.005 untamed, ungovernable, wild Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aetas 8 8 8 8388.93 0.0023 the life of man, age, lifetime, years Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nego 8 8 8 8396.93 0.0019 to say no, deny, refuse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ibi 8 8 8 8404.93 0.0034 in that place, there Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lingua 8 8 8 8412.93 0.0021 the tongue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mentula 8 8 8 8420.93 0.0103 membrum virile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cognosco 8 6 6.5 8427.43 0.0022 to become acquainted with, acquire knowledge of, ascertain, learn, perceive, understand ; perf., to know Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tango 8 6 6.5 8433.93 0.0021 to touch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,080 moecha 8 6 6.5 8440.43 0.0106 an adulteress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
turpis 8 6 6.5 8446.93 0.0024 ugly, unsightly, unseemly, repulsive, foul, filthy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gero 8 5 5.33 8452.26 0.0014 to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
porto 8 4 5 8457.26 0.0026 to bear, carry, convey, take Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dux 8 4 5 8462.26 0.0012 a leader, conductor, guide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attingo 8 4 5 8467.26 0.0042 to touch, come in contact with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fortuna 8 2 3.5 8470.76 0.0019 chance, hap, luck, fate, fortune Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aufero 8 2 3.5 8474.26 0.0027 to take away, bear off, carry off, withdraw, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
basium 8 2 3.5 8477.76 0.0067 to throw kisses of the hand, Ph., Iu. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laboro 8 2 3.5 8481.26 0.0018 to labor, take pains, endeavor, exert oneself, strive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,090 affero 8 2 3.5 8484.76 0.0028 are driven Lewis & Short
insula 8 2 3.5 8488.26 0.0047 an island, isle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vasto 8 2 3.5 8491.76 0.0035 to make empty, deprive of occupants, desert, vacate, void, empty, lay waste, desolate, ravage, devastate, destroy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequo 8 2 3.5 8495.26 0.0021 to make equal, equalize Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coepio 8 3 3.2 8498.46 0.0024 to begin, commence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
umbra 8 1 2.33 8500.79 0.0018 a shade, shadow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cuncto 8 0 2 8502.79 0.0017 to delay, hesitate Lewis & Short
mando 8 0 2 8504.79 0.0025 to put in hand, deliver over, commit, consign, intrust, confide, commission Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Heius 8 0 2 8506.79 0.0061 a Greek proper name Lewis & Short
laetor 8 0 2 8508.79 0.0038 to rejoice, feel joy, be joyful, be glad Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,100 sanctus 8 0 2 8510.79 0.0023 consecrated, established as inviolable, sacred, inviolable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puteo 8 0 2 8512.79 0.0033 to stink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moror 8 0 2 8514.79 0.0025 to delay, tarry, stay, wait, remain, linger, loiter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
citatus 8 0 2 8516.79 0.0054 quick, rapid, speedy, swift, in haste, at full speed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
duo 8 0 2 8518.79 0.0022 two Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
odor 8 0 2 8520.79 0.0036 perfumed waters Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corporo 8 0 2 8522.79 0.0024 to make Lewis & Short
scelerus 8 0 2 8524.79 0.003 wicked Lewis & Short
moror 8 0 2 8526.79 0.0025 to be foolish, be a fool Lewis & Short
munero 8 0 2 8528.79 0.0023 to render Lewis & Short
1,110 anxio 8 0 2 8530.79 0.0052 to make uneasy Lewis & Short
Asius 8 0 2 8532.79 0.0044 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
iter 8 0 2 8534.79 0.0018 a going, walk, way Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ignio 8 0 2 8536.79 0.0028 to ignite Lewis & Short
infesto 8 0 2 8538.79 0.0045 to annoy, disturb, infest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
duo 8 0 2 8540.79 0.0022 a board of two persons, an extraordinary criminal court, duumviri Elem. Lewis
traditor 8 0 2 8542.79 0.0053 a betrayer, traitor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laetus 8 0 2 8544.79 0.0023 a foreign bondman who received a piece of land to cultivate, for which he paid tribute to his master, a serf Lewis & Short
flamen 8 0 2 8546.79 0.0059 a priest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
servus 8 0 2 8548.79 0.0035 a slave, servant, serf, serving-man Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,120 litus 8 0 2 8550.79 0.0043 the sea-shore, sea-side, beach, strand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mandatum 8 0 2 8552.79 0.0038 a charge, commission, injunction, command, order Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scelus 8 0 2 8554.79 0.0023 a wicked deed, heinous act, crime, sin, enormity, wickedness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Asia 8 0 2 8556.79 0.0045 the marshy region on the river Cayster Lewis & Short
Passer 8 0 2 8558.79 0.0102 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
hei 8 0 2 8560.79 0.0062 interj. (of grief or fear), ah! woe! oh dear! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
miro 8 0 2 8562.79 0.0015 v. a., to wonder Lewis & Short
cursus 8 0 2 8564.79 0.0019 a running, course, way, march, passage, voyage, journey Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flamen 8 0 2 8566.79 0.005 a blowing, blast, breeze, wind, gale Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
artus 8 0 2 8568.79 0.0024 joints Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,130 verto 8 1 1.58 8570.38 0.0012 to turn, turn up, turn back, direct Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verro 8 1 1.58 8571.96 0.0019 to sweep, brush, scour, sweep out, sweep together Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torqueo 8 1 1.58 8573.54 0.0026 to turn, turn about, turn away, twist, bend, wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acer 8 0 1.25 8574.79 0.0023 the maple-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acer 8 0 1.25 8576.04 0.0023 sharp, piercing, penetrating, cutting, irritating, pungent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caneo 8 0 1.25 8577.29 0.0019 to be gray, be hoary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tenes 8 0 1.17 8578.46 0.0048 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
mundus 8 0 1.17 8579.63 0.0022 toilet ornament, decoration, dress (of women) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aliqui 8 0 1.17 8580.79 0.0028 some, any Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aratrum 8 0 1.17 8581.96 0.0052 a plough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,140 autor 8 0 1.17 8583.13 0.0024 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
creditum 8 0 1.17 8584.29 0.0038 a loan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
famulo 8 0 1.17 8585.46 0.0063 to use as a servant Lewis & Short
Claros 8 0 1.17 8586.63 0.0024 a small town in Ionia Lewis & Short
arater 8 0 1.17 8587.79 0.0056 a plough Lewis & Short
album 8 0 0.67 8588.46 0.0038 white color, whiteness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Canae 8 0 0.67 8589.13 0.0037 a town on the coast of Æolis Lewis & Short
Libera 8 0 0.53 8589.66 0.0033 Proserpine, daughter of Ceres, and sister of Lewis & Short
adverto 8 0 0.53 8590.19 0.0022 to turn to, turn towards, direct: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adverro 8 0 0.53 8590.73 0.0024 advolvensque. Lewis & Short
1,150 caesus 8 0 0.5 8591.23 0.0037 P. of caedo. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pala 8 0 0.5 8591.73 0.0042 a spade Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Licinius 8 0 0.5 8592.23 0.0073 auction-halls Lewis & Short
florus 8 0 0.5 8592.73 0.0035 bright, gleaming Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eo 8 0 0.5 8593.23 0.0039 there, in that place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Syrie 8 0 0.5 8593.73 0.0065 an island near Ephesus Lewis & Short
pale 8 0 0.5 8594.23 0.0039 a wrestling Lewis & Short
optime 8 0 0.5 8594.73 0.0041 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
ei 8 0 0.5 8595.23 0.0041 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
licinus 8 0 0.5 8595.73 0.0074 adj., bent Lewis & Short
1,160 missa 8 0 0.5 8596.23 0.0037 the mass Lewis & Short
Florus 8 0 0.5 8596.73 0.0038 a Roman surname. Lewis & Short
calveo 8 0 0.5 8597.23 0.0102 to be bald Lewis & Short
invisus 8 0 0.5 8597.73 0.0037 unseen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palam 8 0 0.5 8598.23 0.0044 before, in the presence of Elem. Lewis
ei 8 0 0.5 8598.73 0.0041 oh! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
optume 8 0 0.5 8599.23 0.0041 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quanto 8 0 0.5 8599.73 0.0035 with how great effort, how carefully Elem. Lewis
palam 8 0 0.5 8600.23 0.0044 it is well known Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caesa 8 0 0.5 8600.73 0.0048 a cut Lewis & Short
1,170 Cares 8 0 0.5 8601.23 0.0059 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Licinus 8 0 0.5 8601.73 0.009 a surname in the Lewis & Short
missum 8 0 0.5 8602.23 0.0033 a prize Lewis & Short
calvor 8 0 0.5 8602.73 0.0069 To devise tricks Lewis & Short
uti 8 0 0.5 8603.23 0.0038 inf. of utor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Jura 8 0 0.5 8603.73 0.0021 a chain of mountains extending from the Rhine to the Rhone Lewis & Short
visum 8 0 0.5 8604.23 0.0021 a thing seen, sight, appearance, vision Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
false 8 0 0.5 8604.73 0.0119 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
puta 8 0 0.5 8605.23 0.0041 suppose, for instance, namely Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uti 8 0 0.5 8605.73 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,180 quanto 8 0 0.5 8606.23 0.0035 by how much, by as much as, according as Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caesum 8 0 0.5 8606.73 0.0043 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
visus 8 0 0.5 8607.23 0.0024 a looking, look, act of seeing, power of sight, vision Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
licinium 8 0 0.5 8607.73 0.008 lint Lewis & Short
Syria 8 0 0.5 8608.23 0.0065 nard Lewis & Short
beate 8 0 0.5 8608.73 0.0075 happily Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Puta 8 0 0.5 8609.23 0.0041 a goddess that presides over the pruning of trees Lewis & Short
rectum 8 0 0.5 8609.73 0.0026 good, uprightness, rectitude, virtue Elem. Lewis
tacito 8 0 0.5 8610.23 0.0052 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
optime 8 0 0.5 8610.73 0.0041 well, better, best Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,190 Sirius 8 0 0.12 8610.85 0.0076 the dog-star, Sirius Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Medi 8 0 0.12 8610.98 0.0079 Persian Lewis & Short
Sirae 8 0 0.12 8611.1 0.0123 a town of the Odomantic region in Thrace Lewis & Short
Parius 8 0 0.12 8611.23 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
siris 8 0 0.12 8611.35 0.0099 subj perf. of sino, for sīveris, etc. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sirius 8 0 0.12 8611.48 0.0076 of Sirius Elem. Lewis
Siris 8 0 0.12 8611.6 0.0099 The name of a branch of the Nile in Ethiopia Lewis & Short
sirus 8 0 0.12 8611.73 0.0094 a pit for storing grain, underground granary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sirium 8 0 0.12 8611.85 0.0108 a plant Lewis & Short
solvo 7 7 7 8618.85 0.0014 to loosen, unbind, unfasten, unfetter, untie, release Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,200 somnus 7 7 7 8625.85 0.0021 sleep Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diu 7 7 7 8632.85 0.0018 by day, all day Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cedo 7 7 7 8639.85 0.0012 to go from, give place, remove, withdraw, go away, depart, retire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crudelis 7 7 7 8646.85 0.0023 rude, unfeeling, hard, unmerciful, hard - hearted, cruel, severe, fierce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nequiquam 7 7 7 8653.85 0.006 in vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tremulus 7 7 7 8660.85 0.0041 shaking, quaking, quivering, trembling, tremulous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quot 7 7 7 8667.85 0.0021 how many? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
janua 7 7 7 8674.85 0.0046 the key of Asia Lewis & Short
rapidus 7 7 7 8681.85 0.0024 tearing away, seizing, fierce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unicus 7 7 7 8688.85 0.0032 only, sole, single, singular, unique Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,210 mulier 7 7 7 8695.85 0.0036 a woman, female Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deinde 7 7 7 8702.85 0.0032 then, next, thereafter, thence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
absum 7 7 7 8709.85 0.0021 abesse, in general, to be away from, be absent: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ardeo 7 7 7 8716.85 0.0015 to be on fire, burn, blaze, be burned Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ocellus 7 7 7 8723.85 0.0044 a little eye, eyelet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Phrygius 7 7 7 8730.85 0.0041 Phrygian, of Phrygia Elem. Lewis
saeculum 7 7 7 8737.85 0.0017 a race, generation, age, the people of any time Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pudicus 7 7 7 8744.85 0.0041 shamefast, bashful, modest, chaste, pure, virtuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
soror 7 7 7 8751.85 0.0019 a sister Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diligo 7 5 5.5 8757.35 0.0023 to single out, value, esteem, prize, love Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,220 relinquo 7 5 5.5 8762.85 0.0012 to leave behind, not take along, not stay with, leave, move away from, quit, abandon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
finis 7 5 5.5 8768.35 0.0014 that which divides, a boundary, limit, border Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rogo 7 5 5.5 8773.85 0.002 to ask, question, interrogate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conjungo 7 5 5.5 8779.35 0.003 to yoke together Lewis & Short
gravis 7 5 5.5 8784.85 0.0012 heavy, weighty, ponderous, burdensome, loaded, laden, burdened Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
restituo 7 4 4.33 8789.19 0.0033 to set up again, replace, restore, reconstruct, rebuild, revive, renew, reform, rearrange Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
digitus 7 3 4 8793.19 0.0032 a finger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vinco 7 3 4 8797.19 0.0011 to conquer, overcome, get the better of, defeat, subdue, vanquish, be victorious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
teres 7 3 4 8801.19 0.005 rounded off, rounded, well-turned, round, smooth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tunica 7 3 4 8805.19 0.0048 an under-garment, shirt, tunic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,230 contendo 7 2 2.83 8808.02 0.0023 to stretch, bend, draw tight, strain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verso 7 1 2.5 8810.52 0.002 to turn often, keep turning, handle, whirl about, turn over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vastus 7 1 2.5 8813.02 0.0028 empty, unoccupied, waste, desert, devastated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arca 7 1 2.5 8815.52 0.0045 a place for safe-keeping, chest, box Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
funus 7 1 2.5 8818.02 0.0021 a funeral procession, funeral rites, burial, funeral Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nepos 7 1 2.5 8820.52 0.0028 a grandson, child's son Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
femina 7 1 2.5 8823.02 0.0036 a female, woman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
repo 7 1 2.5 8825.52 0.0025 to creep, crawl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flammeus 7 1 2.5 8828.02 0.0063 flaming, fiery Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parcus 7 1 2.5 8830.52 0.0023 sparing, frugal, thrifty, economical, niggardly, stingy, penurious, parsimonious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,240 supplicium 7 1 2.5 8833.02 0.0033 a kneeling, bowing down, humble entreaty, petition, supplication Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ala 7 2 2.2 8835.22 0.0026 a wing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
leo 7 1 1.67 8836.89 0.0023 a lion Lewis & Short
Quintius 7 1 1.67 8838.55 0.006 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
ceterus 7 1 1.67 8840.22 0.0021 the other, remainder, rest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
polliceor 7 0 1.33 8841.55 0.0033 to hold forth, offer, promise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
otior 7 0 1.33 8842.89 0.0033 to be at leisure, keep holiday Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trivius 7 0 1.33 8844.22 0.0054 of the cross-roads Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
venusto 7 0 1.33 8845.55 0.006 to make lovely Lewis & Short
araneus 7 0 1.33 8846.89 0.008 Pertaining to the spider Lewis & Short
1,250 acceptum 7 0 1.33 8848.22 0.0039 the receipt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
permulceo 7 1 1.17 8849.39 0.0033 to rub gently, stroke Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sentius 7 0 0.7 8850.09 0.0045 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
latus 7 0 0.7 8850.79 0.0022 the side, flank Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torta 7 0 0.58 8851.37 0.0062 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
colon 7 0 0.58 8851.95 0.0033 The colon Lewis & Short
colum 7 0 0.58 8852.54 0.0033 a vessel for straining, colander, V. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unctus 7 0 0.58 8853.12 0.0062 anointed, oiled Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
navus 7 0 0.58 8853.7 0.0041 busy, diligent, assiduous, active Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circos 7 0 0.58 8854.29 0.0019 a precious stone Lewis & Short
1,260 unctus 7 0 0.58 8854.87 0.0062 an anointing Lewis & Short
ludus 7 0 0.58 8855.45 0.0028 a play, game, diversion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tortum 7 0 0.58 8856.04 0.0054 a cord Lewis & Short
ungo 7 0 0.58 8856.62 0.0053 to smear, besmear, anoint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
versus 7 0 0.58 8857.2 0.002 a line, row Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circus 7 0 0.58 8857.79 0.0018 a circular line, circle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
colus 7 0 0.58 8858.37 0.0032 a distaff: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ludius 7 0 0.58 8858.95 0.0039 a stage-player, pantomimist Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
senium 7 0 0.58 8859.54 0.0025 old age, senility, decline Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
syrus 7 0 0.14 8859.68 0.0046 see Syriacus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,270 Surae 7 0 0.14 8859.82 0.0075 a people of India Lewis & Short
Syrus 7 0 0.14 8859.96 0.0046 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Lucius 7 0 0.14 8860.11 0.0031 a Roman prænomen, usually represented by Lewis & Short
sura 7 0 0.14 8860.25 0.0063 the back part of the leg, calf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Syrus 7 0 0.14 8860.39 0.0046 the name of a slave Lewis & Short
lucius 7 0 0.14 8860.54 0.0031 a fish Lewis & Short
fori 7 0 0.14 8860.68 0.0031 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Sura 7 0 0.14 8860.82 0.0066 a river of Germany Lewis & Short
luci 7 0 0.14 8860.96 0.0059 by daylight, see lux Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
forio 7 0 0.14 8861.11 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,280 Sura 7 0 0.14 8861.25 0.0066 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
culus 6 6 6 8867.25 0.0074 the fundament Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aerius 6 6 6 8873.25 0.0038 their way in the air Lewis & Short
centum 6 6 6 8879.25 0.0024 indecl, a hundred: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Fabullus 6 6 6 8885.25 0.0113 a friend of Catullus Lewis & Short
ni 6 6 6 8891.25 0.0017 not Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vestigium 6 6 6 8897.25 0.002 the bottom of the foot, sole Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sodalis 6 6 6 8903.25 0.0036 of companions, friendly, companionable, sociable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
irrumo 6 6 6 8909.25 0.0113 to extend the breast to Lewis & Short
olim 6 6 6 8915.25 0.0013 at that time, some time ago, once upon a time, once, formerly, of old Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,290 putidus 6 6 6 8921.25 0.0072 rotten, decaying, stinking, fetid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
doceo 6 6 6 8927.25 0.0009 to cause to know, make aware, teach, instruct, inform, show, prove, convince, tell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
numquam 6 6 6 8933.25 0.0012 at no time, never Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pius 6 6 6 8939.25 0.0012 Of character, dutiful, pious, devout, conscientious, religious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sanguis 6 6 6 8945.25 0.0012 blood Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alter 6 6 6 8951.25 0.001 one, another, the one, the other Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
requiro 6 6 6 8957.25 0.0029 to seek again, look after, search for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jubeo 6 6 6 8963.25 0.001 imposed Lewis & Short
decet 6 6 6 8969.25 0.0016 it was becoming Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hiberus 6 4 4.5 8973.75 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,300 charta 6 4 4.5 8978.25 0.0042 a leaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patior 6 4 4.5 8982.75 0.001 to bear, support, undergo, suffer, endure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jaceo 6 4 4.5 8987.25 0.0013 to be thrown or cast Lewis & Short
doleo 6 4 4.5 8991.75 0.0019 to feel pain, suffer, be in pain, ache Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silva 6 4 4.5 8996.25 0.0014 a wood, forest, woodland Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ineptus 6 4 4.5 9000.75 0.0041 absurd, awkward, silly, inept, impertinent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
molestus 6 4 4.5 9005.25 0.0036 troublesome, irksome, grievous, annoying, unmanageable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cogo 6 4 4.5 9009.75 0.0012 to drive together, collect, crowd, bring together, summon, congregate, convene Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pello 6 4 4.5 9014.25 0.0013 to beat, strike, knock, push, drive, hurl, impel, propel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nihilum 6 3 3.33 9017.58 0.0028 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,310 turbo 6 3 3.33 9020.92 0.0028 that which whirls, a whirlwind, hurricane, tornado Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
velo 6 3 3.33 9024.25 0.0024 to cover, cover up, enfold, wrap, envelop, veil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cachinnus 6 3 3.33 9027.58 0.006 a loud laugh, immoderate laughter, jeering: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
monstrum 6 2 3 9030.58 0.0023 a divine omen, supernatural appearance, wonder, miracle, portent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tardus 6 2 3 9033.58 0.0025 slow, not swift, sluggish, tardy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sensus 6 2 3 9036.58 0.002 a perceiving, observation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lepor 6 2 3 9039.58 0.0033 pleasantness, agreeableness, attractiveness, charm Lewis & Short
purus 6 2 3 9042.58 0.0022 free from dirt, free from admixture, clean, pure, unstained, unspotted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mordeo 6 2 3 9045.58 0.0029 to bite, bite into Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proficio 6 2 3 9048.58 0.0026 to make headway, advance, make progress, have success, profit, succeed, effect, accomplish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,320 gener 6 2 3 9051.58 0.0019 a daughter's husband, son-in-law Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lentus 6 2 3 9054.58 0.0026 pliant, flexible, tough, tenacious, sticky, viscous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tergum 6 2 3 9057.58 0.0018 the back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jacio 6 2 3 9060.58 0.0013 that will bear Lewis & Short
invenio 6 2 3 9063.58 0.0018 to come upon, find, meet with, light upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sono 6 2 3 9066.58 0.0014 to make a noise, sound, resound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ignosco 6 2 3 9069.58 0.0021 to pardon, forgive, excuse, overlook, allow, indulge, make allowance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
demo 6 1 1.83 9071.42 0.0017 to take away, take off, subtract, remove, withdraw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contineo 6 1 1.83 9073.25 0.0019 to hold together, bound, limit, comprise, enclose, surround, environ Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lex 6 1 1.83 9075.08 0.0011 a formal proposition for a law, motion, bill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,330 rapio 6 1 1.83 9076.92 0.0011 to seize and carry off, snatch, tear, pluck, drag, hurry away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mutus 6 1 1.83 9078.75 0.0033 dumb, mute, speechless, without speech Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ponticus 6 0 1.5 9080.25 0.0057 a poet Lewis & Short
laevus 6 0 1.5 9081.75 0.0032 left, on the left side Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
signum 6 0 1.5 9083.25 0.0012 a mark, token, sign, indication, proof Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
castor 6 0 1.5 9084.75 0.005 the castor, beaver, O.; Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Insula 6 0 1.5 9086.25 0.0036 nom. prop. Lewis & Short
reditus 6 0 1.5 9087.75 0.0033 a going back, returning, return Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mutatus 6 0 1.5 9089.25 0.0028 different, successive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nome 6 0 1.5 9090.75 0.001 a corroding sore, eating ulcer Lewis & Short
1,340 saliva 6 0 1.5 9092.25 0.0073 spittle, saliva Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pubes 6 0 1.5 9093.75 0.0035 grown up, of ripe age, adult, pubescent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divitiae 6 0 1.5 9095.25 0.0028 riches, wealth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
potens 6 0 1.5 9096.75 0.0013 able, mighty, strong, powerful, potent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oblitor 6 0 1.5 9098.25 0.0042 a forgetter Lewis & Short
annalis 6 0 1.5 9099.75 0.0046 a record of events, chronicles, annals Elem. Lewis
Idas 6 0 1.5 9101.25 0.0051 Son of Aphareus Lewis & Short
versor 6 0 1.5 9102.75 0.0026 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
saevio 6 0 1.5 9104.25 0.0023 to be fierce, be furious, rage, rave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incido 6 0 1.5 9105.75 0.0033 to fall in, fall, light, strike, reach, find the way Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,350 Castor 6 0 1.5 9107.25 0.005 on the forum Lewis & Short
praes 6 0 1.5 9108.75 0.0028 a surety, bondsman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attulo 6 0 1.5 9110.25 0.0037 to bring to Lewis & Short
volens 6 0 1.5 9111.75 0.0027 willing, with purpose, of choice Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contingo 6 0 1.5 9113.25 0.0019 to touch, reach, take hold of, seize Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salivo 6 0 1.5 9114.75 0.0079 To spit out Lewis & Short
pubes 6 0 1.5 9116.25 0.0032 grown-up males youth able to bear arms, youth, young men Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
letum 6 0 1.5 9117.75 0.0026 death, annihilation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rufus 6 0 1.5 9119.25 0.0056 red, reddish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ida 6 0 1.5 9120.75 0.0051 Ida Lewis & Short
1,360 inter 6 0 1.5 9122.25 0.0009 between, betwixt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Parca 6 0 1.5 9123.75 0.0037 a goddess of Fate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fortuno 6 0 1.5 9125.25 0.0014 to make prosperous, make happy, speed, further, prosper, bless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incido 6 0 1.5 9126.75 0.003 to cut into, cut through, cut open, cut away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
digno 6 0 1.5 9128.25 0.0014 to deem worthy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abstulo 6 0 1.5 9129.75 0.0033 to take away Lewis & Short
contingo 6 0 1.5 9131.25 0.0027 to wet, moisten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eadem 6 0 1.5 9132.75 0.0019 by the same way Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Peta 6 0 1.5 9134.25 0.0031 the goddess of praying Lewis & Short
Letus 6 0 1.5 9135.75 0.003 a mountain in Liguria Lewis & Short
1,370 pendeo 6 0 1.5 9137.25 0.0017 to hang, hang down, be suspended Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
priscus 6 0 1.5 9138.75 0.0021 of former times, of old, olden, ancient, primitive, antique Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pietas 6 0 1.5 9140.25 0.0015 dutiful conduct, sense of duty, religiousness, devotion, piety Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
invito 6 0 1.5 9141.75 0.0028 to invite, treat, feast, entertain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fessus 6 0 1.5 9143.25 0.002 wearied, tired, fatigued, exhausted, worn out, weak, feeble, infirm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opaco 6 0 1.5 9144.75 0.004 to make shady, shade Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
funero 6 0 1.5 9146.25 0.0025 to bury Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
niteo 6 0 1.5 9147.75 0.0018 to shine, look bright, glitter, glisten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
agricola 6 0 1.5 9149.25 0.0039 a husbandman, agriculturist, ploughman, farmer, peasant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
annalis 6 0 1.5 9150.75 0.0046 relating to a year Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,380 os 6 0 1.5 9152.25 0.0028 a bone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perditor 6 0 1.5 9153.75 0.0043 a ruiner, destroyer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quacumque 6 0 1.5 9155.25 0.0044 by whatever way, wherever, wheresoever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dominium 6 0 1.5 9156.75 0.0026 a feast, banquet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mortuus 6 0 1.5 9158.25 0.0032 dead Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
smyrna 6 0 1.5 9159.75 0.0067 myrrh Lewis & Short
Nepos 6 0 1.5 9161.25 0.0026 a surname in the Lewis & Short
femino 6 0 1.5 9162.75 0.0034 to pollute one's self Lewis & Short
supplex 6 0 1.5 9164.25 0.0021 kneeling in entreaty, begging, entreating, humble, submissive, beseeching, suppliant, supplicant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pendo 6 0 1.5 9165.75 0.0015 to suspend, weigh, weigh out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,390 Ponticus 6 0 1.5 9167.25 0.0057 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Priscus 6 0 1.5 9168.75 0.0029 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
laeva 6 0 1.5 9170.25 0.0034 the left hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
signo 6 0 1.5 9171.75 0.0012 to set a mark upon, mark, mark out, designate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
odorus 6 0 1.5 9173.25 0.0035 emitting odor, scented, fragrant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pietas 6 0 1.5 9174.75 0.0015 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
primo 6 0 1.5 9176.25 0.002 at first, at the beginning, first, in the first place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fatisco 6 0 1.5 9177.75 0.0019 to open in chinks, fall apart, tumble to pieces Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opacus 6 0 1.5 9179.25 0.0033 in the shade, shaded, shady Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeda 6 0 1.5 9180.75 0.0023 property taken in war, booty, spoil, plunder, pillage Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,400 flammeum 6 0 1.5 9182.25 0.0058 a red bridal veil Elem. Lewis
Cures 6 0 1.5 9183.75 0.0024 the ancient chief town of the Sabines Lewis & Short
inter 6 0 1.5 9185.25 0.0009 the space between two rows Lewis & Short
divitia 6 0 1.5 9186.75 0.0029 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
spurco 6 0 1.5 9188.25 0.008 to defile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Agricola 6 0 1.5 9189.75 0.0042 a Roman proper name Lewis & Short
repens 6 0 1.5 9191.25 0.0026 sudden, hasty, unexpected, unlooked for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nympha 6 0 1.5 9192.75 0.0026 Carmenta, the mother of Evander Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nymphe 6 0 1.5 9194.25 0.0026 a bride, mistress, young woman Elem. Lewis
Smyrna 6 0 1.5 9195.75 0.0067 Homer Lewis & Short
1,410 aveo 6 0 0.75 9196.5 0.003 nor bid him God-speed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Navius 6 0 0.75 9197.25 0.0041 a fig-tree in the Comitium at Rome, on the spot where Navius cut the stone in two with a razor. As long as it flourished Roman liberty was to endure Lewis & Short
hospitus 6 0 0.75 9198 0.0037 hospitable, friendly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concipio 6 0 0.75 9198.75 0.0024 to take hold of, take up, take in, take, receive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mereo 6 0 0.75 9199.5 0.0009 to deserve, merit, be entitled to, be worthy of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aro 6 0 0.75 9200.25 0.002 to plough, till Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
largus 6 0 0.75 9201 0.0025 abundant, copious, plentiful, large, much Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aveo 6 0 0.75 9201.75 0.003 to wish for, long after, desire earnestly, crave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mereor 6 0 0.75 9202.5 0.001 to deserve, merit, be entitled to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Largus 6 0 0.75 9203.25 0.0034 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
1,420 lepis 6 0 0.67 9203.92 0.0047 a scale Lewis & Short
frigida 6 0 0.67 9204.58 0.0034 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
germanus 6 0 0.67 9205.25 0.0029 full, own Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viduus 6 0 0.67 9205.92 0.0042 deprived, bereft, destitute, without Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
valens 6 0 0.67 9206.58 0.0051 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Quintus 6 0 0.67 9207.25 0.0035 Roman prænomen; Lewis & Short
aliquando 6 0 0.67 9207.92 0.0025 at some time or other, once; at any time, ever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ambrosius 6 0 0.67 9208.58 0.0039 divine, ambrosial: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corono 6 0 0.67 9209.25 0.0023 to furnish with a garland, crown, wreathe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lutum 6 0 0.67 9209.92 0.0051 mud, mire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,430 aratro 6 0 0.67 9210.58 0.0044 to plough Lewis & Short
varus 6 0 0.67 9211.25 0.0061 an eruption Lewis & Short
incommodo 6 0 0.67 9211.92 0.0041 to occasion inconvenience, be inconvenient, trouble, annoy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scriptor 6 0 0.67 9212.58 0.0044 one who writes, a writer, scribe, copyist, clerk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigido 6 0 0.67 9213.25 0.0035 to make cold Lewis & Short
putus 6 0 0.67 9213.92 0.0033 a boy Lewis & Short
luteum 6 0 0.67 9214.58 0.0062 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
subito 6 0 0.67 9215.25 0.0018 suddenly, immediately, unexpectedly, at once, off-hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
testa 6 0 0.67 9215.92 0.0028 a piece of burned clay, brick, tile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Germanus 6 0 0.67 9216.58 0.0029 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,440 Herous 6 0 0.67 9217.25 0.0034 of a hero, heroic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ceterum 6 0 0.67 9217.92 0.0025 for the rest, in other respects, else, otherwise Elem. Lewis
Leo 6 0 0.67 9218.58 0.0021 the priests of the Persian god Mithras Lewis & Short
credito 6 0 0.67 9219.25 0.0042 to believe firmly Lewis & Short
Tenos 6 0 0.67 9219.92 0.005 one of the Cyclades Lewis & Short
piso 6 0 0.67 9220.58 0.0059 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
lutus 6 0 0.67 9221.25 0.0051 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
barbara 6 0 0.67 9221.92 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Varus 6 0 0.67 9222.58 0.0062 defeated by Arminius Lewis & Short
famula 6 0 0.67 9223.25 0.0049 a maid-servant, handmaid, female slave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,450 incommodum 6 0 0.67 9223.92 0.0039 inconvenience, trouble, disadvantage, detriment, injury, misfortune, loss Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cato 6 0 0.67 9224.58 0.0037 of high morality Lewis & Short
Aequi 6 0 0.67 9225.25 0.0029 with the Æqui Lewis & Short
tuto 6 0 0.67 9225.92 0.0018 safely, securely, in safety, without danger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Flavius 6 0 0.67 9226.58 0.0055 built by Domitian Lewis & Short
tritus 6 0 0.67 9227.25 0.004 oft-trodden, beaten, frequented, common, worn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luteus 6 0 0.67 9227.92 0.0057 colored with yellowweed, golden-yellow, saffron-yellow, orange-yellow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subitum 6 0 0.67 9228.58 0.0016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
herous 6 0 0.67 9229.25 0.0033 of Lewis & Short
peccatum 6 0 0.67 9229.92 0.0042 a fault, error, mistake, transgression, sin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,460 Horus 6 0 0.67 9230.58 0.0027 name of the sun among the Egyptians Lewis & Short
catus 6 0 0.67 9231.25 0.0039 clear - sighted, intelligent, sagacious, wise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Irus 6 0 0.67 9231.92 0.0016 the name of a beggar in the house of Ulysses at Ithaca; Lewis & Short
piso 6 0 0.67 9232.58 0.0059 a mortar Lewis & Short
barbarum 6 0 0.67 9233.25 0.0029 a plaster applied to raw wounds Lewis & Short
dice 6 0 0.67 9233.92 0.0022 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
incommodus 6 0 0.67 9234.58 0.0038 inconvenient, unsuitable, unfit, unseasonable, troublesome, disagreeable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ceterum 6 0 0.67 9235.25 0.0025 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ratis 6 0 0.67 9235.92 0.0025 a raft, float Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nimio 6 0 0.67 9236.58 0.0035 by far, excessively Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,470 Nostius 6 0 0.67 9237.25 0.0039 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
tuto 6 0 0.67 9237.92 0.0018 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
aditus 6 0 0.67 9238.58 0.0029 a going to, drawing near, approach, access Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ambrosia 6 0 0.67 9239.25 0.0044 ambrosia, sustenance of immortal life, food of the gods: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigidus 6 0 0.67 9239.92 0.0029 cold, cool, chill, chilling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tritus 6 0 0.67 9240.58 0.004 a rubbing down, wearing away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
junctus 6 0 0.67 9241.25 0.0021 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
corona 6 0 0.67 9241.92 0.0021 a garland, chaplet, wreath Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luteus 6 0 0.67 9242.58 0.0057 of mud, of clay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
marita 6 0 0.67 9243.25 0.0053 a married woman, wife Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,480 testis 6 0 0.67 9243.92 0.0022 neutr. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
peccatus 6 0 0.67 9244.58 0.0057 a failing, fault, trespass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
catus 6 0 0.67 9245.25 0.0039 a male cat Lewis & Short
mundum 6 0 0.67 9245.92 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Iris 6 0 0.67 9246.58 0.0016 the goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sano 6 0 0.67 9247.25 0.0032 to make sound, heal, cure, restore to health Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Piso 6 0 0.67 9247.92 0.0059 a Roman surname in the Lewis & Short
solitum 6 0 0.67 9248.58 0.0022 the customary, what is usual Elem. Lewis
solito 6 0 0.67 9249.25 0.0028 to be much accustomed Lewis & Short
barbarus 6 0 0.67 9249.92 0.0025 of strange speech, speaking jargon, unintelligible: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,490 collis 6 0 0.67 9250.58 0.0021 an elevation, high ground, hill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viduo 6 0 0.67 9251.25 0.0046 to deprive, bereave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nostos 6 0 0.67 9251.92 0.0039 name of a Roman slave Lewis & Short
Valens 6 0 0.67 9252.58 0.0051 strong, stout, vigorous, powerful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quamquam 6 0 0.67 9253.25 0.0021 though, although, albeit, notwithstanding that Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
leo 6 0 0.67 9253.92 0.0021 a lion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quintus 6 0 0.67 9254.58 0.0035 the fifth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
solor 6 0 0.67 9255.25 0.003 to comfort, console, solace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ambrosie 6 0 0.67 9255.92 0.0045 Ambrosia Lewis & Short
junctus 6 0 0.67 9256.58 0.0021 a joining Lewis & Short
1,500 Corone 6 0 0.67 9257.25 0.0021 a city on the west coast of the Messenian bay Lewis & Short
lutum 6 0 0.67 9257.92 0.0051 a plant used in dyeing yellow, yellow-weed. dyer's-weed, weld Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
testis 6 0 0.67 9258.58 0.0022 a testicle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pecco 6 0 0.67 9259.25 0.0029 to miss, mistake, do amiss, transgress, commit a fault, offend, sin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
varus 6 0 0.67 9259.92 0.0054 bent, turned awry, crooked Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vidua 6 0 0.67 9260.58 0.0049 an unmarried woman Elem. Lewis
mel 6 0 0.17 9260.75 0.0032 honey Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Persa 6 0 0.17 9260.92 0.0041 the name of a little dog Lewis & Short
mello 6 0 0.17 9261.08 0.0044 to make Lewis & Short
Perses 6 0 0.17 9261.25 0.0039 a Persian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,510 Alba 6 0 0.17 9261.42 0.0032 The mother city of Rome Lewis & Short
mella 6 0 0.17 9261.58 0.0037 honey-water Lewis & Short
Persae 6 0 0.17 9261.75 0.0042 the Persians Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilo 6 0 0.17 9261.92 0.004 to ram down; Lewis & Short
mellum 6 0 0.17 9262.08 0.0034 a dog's collar Lewis & Short
Canius 6 0 0.17 9262.25 0.0025 a Roman proper name. Lewis & Short
Alba 6 0 0.17 9262.42 0.0032 the name of a king in Lewis & Short
pila 6 0 0.17 9262.58 0.0038 a mortar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mella 6 0 0.17 9262.75 0.0038 a river in Upper Italy, near Brescia Lewis & Short
pilo 6 0 0.17 9262.92 0.004 to put forth hairs Lewis & Short
1,520 dis 6 0 0.17 9263.08 0.0026 deity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis, Elem. Lewis
Persa 6 0 0.17 9263.25 0.0041 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Alba 6 0 0.17 9263.42 0.0032 a river in Hispania Tarraconensis Lewis & Short
maxime 6 0 0.17 9263.58 0.0026 in the highest degree, most particularly, especially, exceedingly, altogether, very Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pila 6 0 0.17 9263.75 0.0038 a pillar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mella 6 0 0.17 9263.92 0.0038 a Roman surname in the Lewis & Short
serius 6 0 0.17 9264.08 0.0032 grave, earnest, serious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Dis 6 0 0.17 9264.25 0.0026 godhead, deity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dis 6 0 0.17 9264.42 0.0026 neutr. Lewis & Short
Persa 6 0 0.17 9264.58 0.0041 Æetes Lewis & Short
1,530 pila 6 0 0.17 9264.75 0.0038 a ball, playing-ball Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dis 6 0 0.17 9264.92 0.0026 c, p, q, t, s Lewis & Short
alba 6 0 0.17 9265.08 0.0031 a white precious stone Lewis & Short
ingratus 5 5 5 9270.08 0.0022 unpleasant, disagreeable, unacceptable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
codicilli 5 5 5 9275.08 0.0071 a writingtablet, note-book Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prope 5 5 5 9280.08 0.002 In space, near, nigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dolor 5 5 5 9285.08 0.001 pain, smart, ache, suffering, anguish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vita 5 5 5 9290.08 0.0008 life Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
servio 5 5 5 9295.08 0.0018 to be a servant, be enslaved, serve, be in service Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
supinus 5 5 5 9300.08 0.0039 backwards, bent backwards, thrown backwards, on the back, supine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,540 incito 5 5 5 9305.08 0.0035 sally out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fluctus 5 5 5 9310.08 0.0017 a flood, flow, tide, wave, billow, surge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
memini 5 5 5 9315.08 0.0018 I remember, recollect, think of, am mindful of, bear in mind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
renideo 5 5 5 9320.08 0.0047 to shine again, shine back, glitter, glisten, be bright, be resplendent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adimo 5 5 5 9325.08 0.0024 to take away, take from, deprive of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
carpo 5 5 5 9330.08 0.0017 to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
addo 5 5 5 9335.08 0.0011 to put to, place upon, lay on, join, attach Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quidam 5 5 5 9340.08 0.0019 a certain, a certain one, somebody, one, something Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tunc 5 5 5 9345.08 0.0009 then, at that time, just then, on that occasion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genitor 5 5 5 9350.08 0.0023 a begetter, parent, father, creator, sire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,550 horribilis 5 5 5 9355.08 0.0043 terrible, fearful, dreadful, horrible Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
interea 5 5 5 9360.08 0.0015 meanwhile, in the meantime, in the interim Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
neglego 5 5 5 9365.08 0.0022 to disregard, not heed, not trouble oneself about, not attend to, slight, neglect, be regardless of, be indifferent to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contra 5 5 5 9370.08 0.0013 in opposition, opposite, face to face, in front, on the other side Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sepulcrum 5 5 5 9375.08 0.0021 a place where a corpse is buried, burial-place, grave, tomb, sepulchre Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Oceanus 5 5 5 9380.08 0.0024 the great sea, outer sea, ocean Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urbanus 5 5 5 9385.08 0.0031 of the city, of the town, in the city, in Rome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vesta 5 5 5 9390.08 0.0029 daughter of Saturn and Ops, goddess of flocks and herds, and of the household; in her temple the Vestal virgins maintained a perpetual fire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juvo 5 5 5 9395.08 0.0011 to help, aid, assist, support, benefit Lewis & Short
verbum 5 5 5 9400.08 0.0008 a word Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,560 amplus 5 5 5 9405.08 0.0016 of large extent, great, ample, spacious, roomy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hesperus 5 5 5 9410.08 0.005 western Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
misellus 5 5 5 9415.08 0.0048 poor, wretched, unfortunate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concubinus 5 5 5 9420.08 0.0077 one who lives in concubinage Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quin 5 5 5 9425.08 0.0012 why not? wherefore not? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
specio 5 5 5 9430.08 0.0026 to look Lewis & Short
fraternus 5 5 5 9435.08 0.0031 of a brother, brotherly, fraternal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amictus 5 5 5 9440.08 0.0028 a throwing on, throwing around Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
retineo 5 5 5 9445.08 0.0018 to hold back, keep back, keep, detain, retain, restrain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concedo 5 5 5 9450.08 0.0015 to go away, pass, give way, depart, retire, withdraw, remove: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,570 venenum 5 3 3.5 9453.58 0.002 a strong potion, juice, drug (old) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cohors 5 3 3.5 9457.08 0.0019 a court, enclosure, yard, pen, cattle-yard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reperio 5 3 3.5 9460.58 0.0021 to find again, find, meet with, find out, discover Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
densus 5 3 3.5 9464.08 0.0021 thick, close, compact, dense, crowded Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amitto 5 3 3.5 9467.58 0.0019 to send away, dismiss, part with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palus 5 3 3.5 9471.08 0.0026 a swamp, marsh, morass, bog, fen, pool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sto 5 3 3.5 9474.58 0.0008 to stand, stand still, remain standing, be upright, be erect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pugno 5 3 3.5 9478.08 0.0016 to fight, combat, give battle, engage, contend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
officium 5 3 3.5 9481.58 0.0019 a service, kindness, favor, courtesy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
augeo 5 3 3.5 9485.08 0.0015 to increase, augment, enlarge, spread, extend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,580 nudo 5 3 3.5 9488.58 0.0018 to make naked, strip, bare, lay bare, expose, uncover Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pateo 5 3 3.5 9492.08 0.0012 to stand open, lie open, be open Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
libellus 5 3 3.5 9495.58 0.0026 a little book, pamphlet, manuscript, writing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flagro 5 3 3.5 9499.08 0.0024 to flame, blaze, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nemo 5 3 3.5 9502.58 0.0018 no man, no one, nobody Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
convenio 5 3 3.5 9506.08 0.0016 to come together, meet, assemble, gather, come in a body Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
figura 5 3 3.5 9509.58 0.0024 a form, shape, figure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sabinus 5 3 3.5 9513.08 0.004 of the Sabini, Sabine Elem. Lewis
taeda 5 3 3.5 9516.58 0.0039 a resinous pine-tree, pitch-pine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
purpureus 5 3 3.5 9520.08 0.002 purple-colored, purple, dark-red Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,590 excito 5 3 3.5 9523.58 0.0022 to call out, summon forth, bring out, wake, rouse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lavo 5 2 2.33 9525.92 0.0019 to wash, bathe, lave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nuntio 5 2 2.33 9528.25 0.0026 to announce, declare, report, relate, narrate, make known, inform, give intelligence of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fodio 5 2 2.33 9530.58 0.0022 to dig, dig up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nuntius 5 2 2.33 9532.92 0.0025 that announces, making known, informing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tussis 5 2 2.33 9535.25 0.0061 a cough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pando 5 2 2.33 9537.58 0.0018 to split Lewis & Short
odi 5 2 2.33 9539.92 0.0022 to hate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tundo 5 2 2.33 9542.25 0.0032 to beat, strike, thump, buffet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vetus 5 1 2 9544.25 0.0013 old, aged, advanced in years Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,600 insidiae 5 1 2 9546.25 0.002 a snare, trap Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vereor 5 1 2 9548.25 0.0016 to reverence, revere, respect, stand in awe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vivus 5 1 2 9550.25 0.0014 alive, living, having life Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
error 5 1 2 9552.25 0.0019 a wandering, straying, strolling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sospes 5 1 2 9554.25 0.0037 saved, safe, sound, unhurt, unharmed, uninjured Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
telum 5 1 2 9556.25 0.0014 a missile weapon, missile, dart, spear, shaft, javelin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
egredior 5 1 2 9558.25 0.0026 to go out, come forth, march out, go away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viridis 5 1 2 9560.25 0.0017 green Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigus 5 1 2 9562.25 0.002 cold, coldness, coolness, chilliness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deduco 5 1 2 9564.25 0.0017 to lead away, draw out, turn aside, divert, bring out, remove, drive off, draw down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,610 educo 5 1 2 9566.25 0.0024 to go out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sepelio 5 1 2 9568.25 0.0024 to bury, inter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paene 5 1 2 9570.25 0.0023 nearly, almost, as I may say Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tela 5 1 2 9572.25 0.0016 a web Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aridus 5 1 2 9574.25 0.0031 dry, arid, parched Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acerbus 5 1 2 9576.25 0.0019 harsh, bitter, unripe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consto 5 1 2 9578.25 0.0016 to agree, accord, be consistent, correspond, fit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
monstro 5 1 2 9580.25 0.0015 to point out, exhibit, make known, indicate, inform, advise, teach, instruct, tell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tardo 5 1 2 9582.25 0.0026 to make slow, hinder, delay, retard, impede, check, stay, prevent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
orior 5 1 2 9584.25 0.0011 to arise, rise, stir, get up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,620 unanimus 5 1 2 9586.25 0.0052 of one mind, of one accord, in union, concordant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dignus 5 1 2 9588.25 0.0008 worthy, deserving, meritorious, deserved, suitable, fitting, becoming, proper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prex 5 1 2 9590.25 0.0015 a prayer, request, entreaty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Septimius 5 1 2 9592.25 0.0061 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
erro 5 1 2 9594.25 0.0013 flying about Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sestius 5 1 1.25 9595.5 0.0053 of the tribune of the people Lewis & Short
sitio 5 1 1.25 9596.75 0.0019 to thirst, be thirsty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avus 5 1 1.25 9598 0.0017 a grandfather Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
capto 5 1 1.25 9599.25 0.0018 to strive to seize, lay hold of, catch at, snatch, chase, hunt, capture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
celo 5 1 1.25 9600.5 0.0018 to hide from, keep ignorant of, conceal from Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,630 carina 5 1 1.25 9601.75 0.0027 a keel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procerus 5 0 0.83 9602.58 0.0029 high, tall, long Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inanis 5 0 0.83 9603.42 0.0015 empty, void Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trivium 5 0 0.83 9604.25 0.0046 a place where three roads meet, fork, cross-road Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
continuus 5 0 0.83 9605.08 0.0023 joining, connecting, uninterrupted, continuous, unbroken Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cognatus 5 0 0.83 9605.92 0.0029 sprung from the same stock, related by blood, kindred Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Minous 5 0 0.83 9606.75 0.0058 the wife of Minos Lewis & Short
infirmus 5 0 0.83 9607.58 0.0033 not strong, weak, feeble, infirm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juvenca 5 0 0.83 9608.42 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
caesius 5 0 0.83 9609.25 0.0042 cutting, sharp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,640 contexo 5 0 0.83 9610.08 0.0035 to weave, entwine, join, bind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fatuus 5 0 0.83 9610.92 0.0051 speaking by inspiration Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impendo 5 0 0.83 9611.75 0.0029 to weigh out, lay out, expend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fosso 5 0 0.83 9612.58 0.0032 to dig Lewis & Short
Caesius 5 0 0.83 9613.42 0.0044 a Roman cognomen. Lewis & Short
praeruptus 5 0 0.83 9614.25 0.0043 broken off, steep, abrupt, rugged Elem. Lewis
patro 5 0 0.83 9615.08 0.0012 to bring to pass, execute, perform, achieve, accomplish, bring about, effect, finish, conclude Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Fatuus 5 0 0.83 9615.92 0.0054 another name for the prophesying Lewis & Short
probus 5 0 0.83 9616.75 0.0026 estimable, good, serviceable, excellent, superior, upright, honest, honorable, virtuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cognatus 5 0 0.83 9617.58 0.0029 a kinsman, blood-relation Elem. Lewis
1,650 praerumpo 5 0 0.83 9618.42 0.0043 to break off before, tear away in front Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Minos 5 0 0.83 9619.25 0.0051 A son of Zeus and Europa, brother of Rhadamanthus, king and lawgiver in Crete, and after death a judge in the infernal regions Lewis & Short
aranea 5 0 0.83 9620.08 0.006 a spider: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lympho 5 0 0.83 9620.92 0.0036 driven crazy, mad Lewis & Short
Trivia 5 0 0.83 9621.75 0.0051 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
continuo 5 0 0.83 9622.58 0.0021 to join, make continuous, connect, unite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sponsus 5 0 0.2 9622.78 0.0042 an engagement Lewis & Short
Alis 5 0 0.2 9622.98 0.0026 a town in Achaia Lewis & Short
vernum 5 0 0.2 9623.18 0.0036 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
commode 5 0 0.2 9623.38 0.005 duly, properly, completely, rightly, well, skilfully, neatly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,660 falso 5 0 0.2 9623.58 0.0021 untruly, unfaithfully, deceitfully, falsely, erroneously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coeptus 5 0 0.2 9623.78 0.0024 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spondeo 5 0 0.2 9623.98 0.0026 to promise sacredly, warrant, vow, give assurance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
precarium 5 0 0.2 9624.18 0.0042 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
delicium 5 0 0.2 9624.38 0.0038 a sweetheart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pontius 5 0 0.2 9624.58 0.0026 the name of a Lewis & Short
vernus 5 0 0.2 9624.78 0.0033 of spring, spring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Commodius 5 0 0.2 9624.98 0.0046 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sentus 5 0 0.2 9625.18 0.0038 thorny, rough, rugged Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adversus 5 0 0.2 9625.38 0.0017 turned towards, fronting, facing, before, in front Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,670 falso 5 0 0.2 9625.58 0.0031 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
palo 5 0 0.2 9625.78 0.0028 to support with pales Lewis & Short
coeptus 5 0 0.2 9625.98 0.0024 a beginning, undertaking Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sponsum 5 0 0.2 9626.18 0.0039 a covenant, agreement, engagement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caris 5 0 0.2 9626.38 0.0047 a kind of sea-crab, O. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
precarius 5 0 0.2 9626.58 0.0042 obtained by entreaty, granted to prayer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jugis 5 0 0.2 9626.78 0.0023 joined together Lewis & Short
Senta 5 0 0.2 9626.98 0.004 a place in Dalmatia Lewis & Short
mora 5 0 0.2 9627.18 0.0013 a delay, procrastination Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vernus 5 0 0.2 9627.38 0.0033 of Lewis & Short
1,680 adversus 5 0 0.2 9627.58 0.0017 an enemy, opponent: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palo 5 0 0.2 9627.78 0.0028 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sponsus 5 0 0.2 9627.98 0.0043 a betrothed man, bridegroom Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verna 5 0 0.2 9628.18 0.0042 a home-born slave, house-servant, family slave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jugis 5 0 0.2 9628.38 0.0023 adj., continual, perpetual; Lewis & Short
mora 5 0 0.2 9628.58 0.0013 a division of Spartan infantry (400 or 700 men) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coepto 5 0 0.2 9628.78 0.0033 to begin eagerly, begin, undertake, attempt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palatum 5 0 0.2 9628.98 0.0037 the palate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alum 5 0 0.2 9629.18 0.0022 a plant. Lewis & Short
palor 5 0 0.2 9629.38 0.0033 to wander up and down, wander, roam, saunter, be dispersed, straggle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,690 sponsus 5 0 0.2 9629.58 0.0043 a bail, suretyship Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alis 5 0 0.2 9629.78 0.0026 alid, old for alius: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verno 5 0 0.2 9629.98 0.003 to spring, feel new life, grow young Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
precor 5 0 0.2 9630.18 0.0012 to ask, beg, entreat, pray, supplicate, request, call upon, beseech, sue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sentis 5 0 0.2 9630.38 0.0033 A thorn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mora 5 0 0.2 9630.58 0.0013 the Spartan army Lewis & Short
coeptum 5 0 0.2 9630.78 0.0025 a work begun, beginning, undertaking Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palatus 5 0 0.2 9630.98 0.0036 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
caro 5 0 0.2 9631.18 0.0027 venison Lewis & Short
adversus 5 0 0.2 9631.38 0.0017 opposite, in opposition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,700 precarium 5 0 0.2 9631.58 0.0042 an oratory Lewis & Short
Tiburs 4 4 4 9635.58 0.0054 of Tibur, Tiburtine, L., H.— As subst n.: in Tiburti, in the Tiburtine territory Elem. Lewis
narro 4 4 4 9639.58 0.0016 to make known, tell, relate, narrate, report, recount, set forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jacto 4 4 4 9643.58 0.0012 to scatter Lewis & Short
passim 4 4 4 9647.58 0.0015 spread, scattered about far and wide, at different places, generally, in every direction, at random Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
elego 4 4 4 9651.58 0.0032 to convey away Lewis & Short
tympanum 4 4 4 9655.58 0.0036 a drum, timbrel, tambour, tambourine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
voro 4 4 4 9659.58 0.0027 to swallow whole, swallow up, eat greedily, devour Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conubium 4 4 4 9663.58 0.0027 marriage, wedlock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vinum 4 4 4 9667.58 0.0016 wine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,710 procul 4 4 4 9671.58 0.0009 in the distance, at a distance, away, apart, far, afar off, from afar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suscipio 4 4 4 9675.58 0.0014 to take, catch, take up, lift up, receive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
undique 4 4 4 9679.58 0.0011 from all parts, from every quarter, on all sides, all around, on every part, everywhere Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeterea 4 4 4 9683.58 0.002 in addition, beyond this, further, besides, moreover Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thetidium 4 4 4 9687.58 0.005 a town of Thessaly Lewis & Short
tot 4 4 4 9691.58 0.0009 so many, such a number of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
autem 4 4 4 9695.58 0.0015 but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pestis 4 4 4 9699.58 0.0017 an infectious disease, plague, pest, pestilence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infero 4 4 4 9703.58 0.0015 to bring in, introduce, bring to, carry in Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aio 4 4 4 9707.58 0.001 to say yes, assent, affirm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,720 Aurelius 4 4 4 9711.58 0.0039 A Roman Lewis & Short
admiror 4 4 4 9715.58 0.0023 to regard with wonder, admire: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
atqui 4 4 4 9719.58 0.003 but somehow, but in any wise, but yet, however, and yet, and nevertheless: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vultus 4 4 4 9723.58 0.0008 kindly Lewis & Short
Juventius 4 4 4 9727.58 0.005 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
metuo 4 4 4 9731.58 0.0013 to fear, be afraid, stand in fear, be apprehensive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
studium 4 4 4 9735.58 0.001 application, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amicitia 4 4 4 9739.58 0.0021 friendship Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
denique 4 4 4 9743.58 0.0014 and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ambo 4 4 4 9747.58 0.0015 both Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,730 vestis 4 4 4 9751.58 0.0014 collect., a covering for the body, clothes, clothing, attire, vesture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mingo 4 4 4 9755.58 0.004 to make water Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aestus 4 4 4 9759.58 0.0016 an agitation, glow, heat, rage of fire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
papilla 4 4 4 9763.58 0.0033 a nipple, teat, breast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quoniam 4 4 4 9767.58 0.0013 since now, since then, since, seeing that, as, because, whereas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jocosus 4 4 4 9771.58 0.0035 full of jesting, jocose, humorous, droll, facetious Lewis & Short
quandoquidem 4 4 4 9775.58 0.0033 since indeed, since, seeing that Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
misceo 4 4 4 9779.58 0.001 to mix, mingle, intermingle, blend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vaga 4 4 4 9783.58 0.0024 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
puellula 4 4 4 9787.58 0.0053 a little girl, little sweetheart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,740 plenus 4 4 4 9791.58 0.0008 full, filled Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Suffenus 4 4 4 9795.58 0.0097 a bad poet Lewis & Short
furtivus 4 4 4 9799.58 0.0037 stolen, purloined, pilfered Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perfidus 4 4 4 9803.58 0.0021 promise-breaking, faithless, dishonest, treacherous, perfidious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
necesse 4 4 4 9807.58 0.0019 unavoidable, inevitable, indispensable, necessary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
iterum 4 4 4 9811.58 0.0012 again, a second time, once more, anew Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pratum 4 4 4 9815.58 0.0018 a meadow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adulterium 4 4 4 9819.58 0.0035 adultery Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gens 4 4 4 9823.58 0.0007 a race, clan, house Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immemor 4 4 4 9827.58 0.002 unmindful, not thinking, forgetful, regardless, negligent, heedless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,750 hinc 4 4 4 9831.58 0.0006 from this place, hence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferox 4 4 4 9835.58 0.0014 wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trecenti 4 4 4 9839.58 0.0031 three hundred Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
floridus 4 4 4 9843.58 0.0029 in bloom, flowering Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furtum 4 4 4 9847.58 0.0021 theft, robbery Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imus 4 4 4 9851.58 0.0011 the lowest, deepest, last Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vorax 4 4 4 9855.58 0.004 swallowing greedily, devouring, ravenous, voracious, consuming Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
querela 4 4 4 9859.58 0.0016 gives some occasion for complaint Lewis & Short
eheu 4 4 4 9863.58 0.0039 ah! alas! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fama 4 4 4 9867.58 0.0008 a report, rumor, saying, talk, tradition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,760 ostendo 4 4 4 9871.58 0.0013 to stretch out, spread before, expose to view, show, point out, exhibit, display Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unde 4 4 4 9875.58 0.0008 Relat., from which place, whence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
numerus 4 2 2.5 9878.08 0.001 a number Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ceno 4 2 2.5 9880.58 0.0028 to dine, take a meal, eat dinner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quaeso 4 2 2.5 9883.08 0.0017 to beg, pray, beseech, entreat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cornu 4 2 2.5 9885.58 0.0013 a horn, antler Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fingo 4 2 2.5 9888.08 0.0012 to touch, handle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prospicio 4 2 2.5 9890.58 0.0018 to look forward, look into the distance, have a view, look out, look, see Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
malignus 4 2 2.5 9893.08 0.0019 ill-disposed, wicked, malicious, spiteful, envious, malignant, malign Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
antiquus 4 2 2.5 9895.58 0.0011 ancient, former, of old times Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,770 perjurium 4 2 2.5 9898.08 0.0033 a false oath Lewis & Short
obscuro 4 2 2.5 9900.58 0.002 to render dark, darken, obscure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Peleus 4 2 2.5 9903.08 0.0052 a king of Thessaly Lewis & Short
lympha 4 2 2.5 9905.58 0.0024 water, clear water, spring water Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mico 4 2 2.5 9908.08 0.0016 to move quickly to and fro, vibrate, quiver, shake, tremble, beat, palpitate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
brevis 4 2 2.5 9910.58 0.0011 short Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perpetuus 4 2 2.5 9913.08 0.0011 continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted, constant, entire, whole, perpetual Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magnanimus 4 2 2.5 9915.58 0.0019 greatsouled, high-minded, magnanimous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excio 4 2 2.5 9918.08 0.0023 frightened Lewis & Short
praesens 4 2 2.5 9920.58 0.0015 at hand, in sight, present, in person Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,780 ducenti 4 2 2.5 9923.08 0.0029 num. Lewis & Short
cinis 4 2 2.5 9925.58 0.0018 ashes, H. — Esp., of a corpse, the ashes: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lenis 4 2 2.5 9928.08 0.0018 soft, smooth, mild, gentle, easy, calm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
curvus 4 2 2.5 9930.58 0.0021 crooked, curved, bent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impotens 4 2 2.5 9933.08 0.0033 powerless, impotent, weak, feeble, helpless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suavis 4 2 2.5 9935.58 0.0022 sweet, agreeable, grateful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cena 4 2 2.5 9938.08 0.0029 a dinner, principal meal (anciently taken at noon, afterwards later): Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rupes 4 2 2.5 9940.58 0.0015 a rock, cliff Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fugo 4 2 2.5 9943.08 0.0011 to cause to flee, put to flight, drive off, chase away, rout, discomfit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frequento 4 2 2.5 9945.58 0.0019 to visit frequently, frequent, resort to, do frequently, repeat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,790 haedus 4 1 1.33 9946.92 0.0025 a young goat, kid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
probo 4 1 1.33 9948.25 0.0013 to make good, esteem good, approve, esteem, commend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
seneo 4 1 1.33 9949.58 0.002 to be old Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prodo 4 1 1.33 9950.92 0.0015 to put forth, exhibit, reveal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
servo 4 1 1.33 9952.25 0.0006 to make safe, save, keep unharmed, preserve, guard, keep, protect, deliver, rescue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mutuus 4 1 1.33 9953.58 0.0021 borrowed, lent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
compono 4 1 1.33 9954.92 0.0012 to bring together, place together, collect, unite, join, connect, aggregate: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nilus 4 1 1.33 9956.25 0.0025 the Nile, the river of Egypt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tento 4 1 1.33 9957.58 0.0011 to feel the pulse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Minois 4 1 1.33 9958.92 0.0052 Pasiphaë, the wife of Minos Lewis & Short
1,800 meditor 4 1 1.33 9960.25 0.0018 to reflect, muse, consider, meditate, give attention Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
velum 4 1 1.33 9961.58 0.0013 that which propels, a sail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
formo 4 1 1.33 9962.92 0.0011 to shape, fashion, form, build Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desidero 4 1 1.33 9964.25 0.0027 to long for, ask, demand, call for, wish for, desire, require, expect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
angusto 4 1 1.33 9965.58 0.0025 to make narrow, straiten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Umber 4 1 1.33 9966.92 0.0021 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
lego 4 1 1.33 9968.25 0.0009 to send with a commission, send as ambassador, depute, commission, despatch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
minister 4 1 1.33 9969.58 0.0018 subordinate, that serves, ministering Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vallum 4 0 1 9970.58 0.0017 a line of palisades, palisaded rampart, intrenchment, circumvallation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
victor 4 0 1 9971.58 0.0011 a conqueror, vanquisher, victor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,810 complexo 4 0 1 9972.58 0.0031 to encompass Lewis & Short
creo 4 0 1 9973.58 0.0014 to bring forth, produce, make, create, beget, give origin to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
accido 4 0 1 9974.58 0.0025 to fall upon, fall to, reach by falling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
geminus 4 0 1 9975.58 0.0012 born together, twin-born, twin- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impune 4 0 1 9976.58 0.0023 without punishment, unpunished, with impunity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juror 4 0 1 9977.58 0.0021 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
flatus 4 0 1 9978.58 0.0023 a blowing, breathing, snorting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
orbo 4 0 1 9979.58 0.001 to deprive, strip, spoil, rob, make destitute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
porta 4 0 1 9980.58 0.0016 a city-gate, gate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inventus 4 0 1 9981.58 0.0026 abl. sing. Lewis & Short
1,820 magus 4 0 1 9982.58 0.004 masc., a Magian, a learned man and magician Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deservio 4 0 1 9983.58 0.0026 to serve zealously, be devoted, be subject, be of service Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
famulus 4 0 1 9984.58 0.0026 serving, serviceable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nitor 4 0 1 9985.58 0.0024 brightness, splendor, lustre, sheen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fulcio 4 0 1 9986.58 0.002 to prop up, keep up by props, stay, support Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opulentus 4 0 1 9987.58 0.003 rich, wealthy, opulent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inferius 4 0 1 9988.58 0.003 sacrificial wine Lewis & Short
intestinus 4 0 1 9989.58 0.0037 inward, internal, intestine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
resideo 4 0 1 9990.58 0.0022 to sit back, remain sitting, remain behind, be left, stay, remain, rest, linger, tarry, abide, reside Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
delicatus 4 0 1 9991.58 0.0037 alluring, charming, pleasing, delightful, luxurious, voluptuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,830 spurcus 4 0 1 9992.58 0.0042 unclean, impure, foul, base, low Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aurea 4 0 1 9993.58 0.0011 the bridle of a horse Lewis & Short
pergo 4 0 1 9994.58 0.0014 to go on, proceed, press on, hasten, continue, go forward, march, make haste Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
principium 4 0 1 9995.58 0.0013 a beginning, commencement, origin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
macer 4 0 1 9996.58 0.0044 lean, meagre, thin, emaciated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concordia 4 0 1 9997.58 0.0024 an agreeing together, union, harmony, concord Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prae 4 0 1 9998.58 0.0022 before, in front of, in advance of Elem. Lewis
rusticus 4 0 1 9999.58 0.0021 of the country, rural, rustic, country- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
septimus 4 0 1 10000.58 0.0027 the seventh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fretum 4 0 1 10001.58 0.0017 a strait, sound, channel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,840 tunico 4 0 1 10002.58 0.0032 to clothe with a tunic. Lewis & Short
ignotus 4 0 1 10003.58 0.0016 unknown, strange, unrecognized, unfamiliar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
indico 4 0 1 10004.58 0.0021 to point out, indicate, inform, show, declare, disclose, make known, reveal, betray Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poto 4 0 1 10005.58 0.0011 to drink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Victor 4 0 1 10006.58 0.0011 a Roman historian of the fourth century Lewis & Short
pristinus 4 0 1 10007.58 0.0027 of Lewis & Short
conficio 4 0 1 10008.58 0.0017 to make ready, make, prepare, bring about, complete, accomplish, execute, consummate, fulfil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puro 4 0 1 10009.58 0.0021 to purify Lewis & Short
consul 4 0 1 10010.58 0.0019 a consul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Creo 4 0 1 10011.58 0.0016 A king of Corinth, who betrothed his daughter Creusa to Jason Lewis & Short
1,850 divino 4 0 1 10012.58 0.0014 to foresee, divine, foretell, predict, prophesy, expect, dread, conjecture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
multiplex 4 0 1 10013.58 0.0027 with many folds, much-winding Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
accido 4 0 1 10014.58 0.0025 to cut, cut at, cut into, cut down, fell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sirmio 4 0 1 10015.58 0.0063 a peninsula on the shores of the Lewis & Short
frons 4 0 1 10016.58 0.0013 a leafy branch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
usus 4 0 1 10017.58 0.0012 use, practice, employment, exercise, enjoyment Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impunis 4 0 1 10018.58 0.0021 unpunished Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Digitus 4 0 1 10019.58 0.0036 a proper name; Lewis & Short
ultro 4 0 1 10020.58 0.0015 to the farther side, beyond, on the other side Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poeto 4 0 1 10021.58 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,860 insidior 4 0 1 10022.58 0.0018 to lie in ambush, lie in wait for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Morta 4 0 1 10023.58 0.0016 one of the Fates Lewis & Short
probrum 4 0 1 10024.58 0.003 a shameful act, base deed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contego 4 0 1 10025.58 0.0027 to cover, roof, bury Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
resido 4 0 1 10026.58 0.0022 to sit down, settle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ridicula 4 0 1 10027.58 0.0038 a little stake Lewis & Short
Pergus 4 0 1 10028.58 0.0024 a lake in Sicily Lewis & Short
incoho 4 0 1 10029.58 0.0031 begins to sacrifice Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inimico 4 0 1 10030.58 0.002 to make hostile, set at variance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Constantius 4 0 1 10031.58 0.0035 the name of a Roman emperor who reigned from Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,870 Macer 4 0 1 10032.58 0.0044 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
pollicitum 4 0 1 10033.58 0.0035 a promise, pledge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vetero 4 0 1 10034.58 0.0014 mouldy Lewis & Short
colonia 4 0 1 10035.58 0.0034 a colony, colonial town, settlement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Concordia 4 0 1 10036.58 0.0024 nom. propr. Lewis & Short
fretus 4 0 1 10037.58 0.0015 leaning, supported, relying, depending, trusting, daring, confident Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
indico 4 0 1 10038.58 0.0018 to declare publicly, proclaim, publish, announce, appoint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
festum 4 0 1 10039.58 0.002 a holiday, festival, festal banquet, feast Elem. Lewis
delico 4 0 1 10040.58 0.0037 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
risus 4 0 1 10041.58 0.0019 a laughing, laughter, laugh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,880 sestertium 4 0 1 10042.58 0.004 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Neptunius 4 0 1 10043.58 0.0033 of Neptune, Neptunian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sospito 4 0 1 10044.58 0.0044 to save, keep safe, preserve, protect, prosper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
penis 4 0 1 10045.58 0.002 a tail (old) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
potus 4 0 1 10046.58 0.002 a drinking Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quaque 4 0 1 10047.58 0.0023 wheresoever Lewis & Short
lepus 4 0 1 10048.58 0.0029 a hare Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divinus 4 0 1 10049.58 0.001 of a god, of a deity, divine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sirmium 4 0 1 10050.58 0.006 an important city of Lewis & Short
Thetis 4 0 1 10051.58 0.0038 a sea-nymph, mother of Achilles Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,890 intestinum 4 0 1 10052.58 0.0037 a gut Elem. Lewis
lento 4 0 1 10053.58 0.0022 to make flexible, bend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arceo 4 0 1 10054.58 0.001 to shut up, enclose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abito 4 0 1 10055.58 0.0042 to go away Lewis & Short
novissimus 4 0 1 10056.58 0.0029 sup. of novus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
plurimus 4 0 1 10057.58 0.0021 most, very much, very many Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
probrus 4 0 1 10058.58 0.003 disgraceful Lewis & Short
ridiculus 4 0 1 10059.58 0.0035 exciting laughter, laughable, droll, funny, amusing, facetious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rufus 4 0 1 10060.58 0.0039 a common Roman surname Lewis & Short
seco 4 0 1 10061.58 0.0015 to cut, cut off, cut up, reap, carve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,900 acerbo 4 0 1 10062.58 0.0021 to aggravate, make worse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frustror 4 0 1 10063.58 0.003 to deceive, dis appoint, trick, elude, frustrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
optatus 4 0 1 10064.58 0.0033 wished, desired, longed for, welcome, desirable, pleasing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arista 4 0 1 10065.58 0.0033 the top of an ear, beard of corn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tergeo 4 0 1 10066.58 0.0019 to rub off, wipe off, wipe dry, wipe clean, cleanse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inimicus 4 0 1 10067.58 0.0016 unfriendly, hostile, inimical Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
confacio 4 0 1 10068.58 0.0017 to make together Lewis & Short
scriba 4 0 1 10069.58 0.0027 a public writer, official scribe, professional writer, clerk, secretary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pariter 4 0 1 10070.58 0.0012 equally, in an equal degree, in like manner, as well, as much, alike Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Colonia 4 0 1 10071.58 0.0035 a name given to several colonial Lewis & Short
1,910 deductor 4 0 1 10072.58 0.003 One who brings; a guide, teacher Lewis & Short
pinea 4 0 1 10073.58 0.0049 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
porro 4 0 1 10074.58 0.0027 forward, onward, farther on, to a distance, at a distance, afar off, far Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
isto 4 0 1 10075.58 0.0023 thither, to you, to where you are Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sestertius 4 0 1 10076.58 0.004 two and a half Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adventus 4 0 1 10077.58 0.002 a coming, approach, arrival Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prae 4 0 1 10078.58 0.0022 before, in front Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consulo 4 0 1 10079.58 0.0013 to meet and consider, reflect, deliberate, take counsel, consult, take care, have regard, look out, be mindful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Maenas 4 0 1 10080.58 0.005 a priestess of Bacchus, Bacchante Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Manes 4 0 1 10081.58 0.0009 a departed spirit, ghost, shade Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,920 dulcia 4 0 1 10082.58 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
senectus 4 0 1 10083.58 0.0016 old age, extreme age, senility Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sonitus 4 0 1 10084.58 0.0023 a noise, sound, din Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obsero 4 0 1 10085.58 0.0051 to bolt, bar, fasten, shut up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fructus 4 0 1 10086.58 0.0019 an enjoying, enjoyment, delight, satisfaction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unanimis 4 0 1 10087.58 0.0032 of one mind Lewis & Short
vale 4 0 1 10088.58 0.0021 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
educo 4 0 1 10089.58 0.0025 to bring up, rear, train, educate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
splendido 4 0 1 10090.58 0.0029 to make shining Lewis & Short
Thelis 4 0 1 10091.58 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
1,930 clemens 4 0 1 10092.58 0.0019 mild, calm, gentle: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
libenter 4 0 1 10093.58 0.0026 willingly, cheerfully, gladly, with pleasure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medullo 4 0 1 10094.58 0.0031 to fill with marrow Lewis & Short
minimus 4 0 1 10095.58 0.0017 least, smallest, very small, minute, trifling, insignificant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acuo 4 0 1 10096.58 0.0017 to sharpen, whet, point, make sharp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attigo 4 0 1 10097.58 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
leaena 4 0 1 10098.58 0.0042 a lioness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
egressus 4 0 1 10099.58 0.0031 a going out, going away, egress, departure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ariste 4 0 1 10100.58 0.0033 the name of a precious stone Lewis & Short
aureus 4 0 1 10101.58 0.001 of gold, golden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,940 vallis 4 0 1 10102.58 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
proficiscor 4 0 1 10103.58 0.0018 to set forward, set out, start, go, march, depart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sudor 4 0 1 10104.58 0.0024 sweat, perspiration Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gemino 4 0 1 10105.58 0.0017 to double Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parito 4 0 1 10106.58 0.0012 to prepare Lewis & Short
umbro 4 0 1 10107.58 0.0011 to plant Lewis & Short
incohatus 4 0 1 10108.58 0.005 begun, unfinished, incomplete, imperfect Elem. Lewis
defatiscor 4 0 1 10109.58 0.0029 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sepulto 4 0 1 10110.58 0.0034 to hold buried Lewis & Short
festus 4 0 1 10111.58 0.0018 of holidays, festive, festal, solemn, joyful, merry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,950 Urbius 4 0 1 10112.58 0.0012 in Rome on the Esquiline Hill Lewis & Short
cantus 4 0 1 10113.58 0.0012 a musical utterance, singing, song Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vagio 4 0 1 10114.58 0.0028 to cry, squall, scream Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pineus 4 0 1 10115.58 0.0048 of the pine, of pines, piny Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
porrum 4 0 1 10116.58 0.0027 a leek, scallion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puellus 4 0 1 10117.58 0.0025 a little boy Lewis & Short
duro 4 0 1 10118.58 0.0009 to make hard, harden, solidify Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inferiae 4 0 1 10119.58 0.0037 sacrifices in honor of the dead Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
locutus 4 0 1 10120.58 0.0023 a speaking, speech Lewis & Short
obsero 4 0 1 10121.58 0.0029 to sow, plant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
1,960 fruor 4 0 1 10122.58 0.0011 to derive enjoyment from, enjoy, delight in Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
principio 4 0 1 10123.58 0.0022 to begin to speak Lewis & Short
defetiscor 4 0 1 10124.58 0.0029 to become tired, grow weary, faint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
splendidus 4 0 1 10125.58 0.0023 bright, shining, glittering, brilliant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rustica 4 0 1 10126.58 0.0027 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acutus 4 0 1 10127.58 0.002 sharpened, pointed, sharp, cutting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fas 4 0 1 10128.58 0.0014 the dictates of religion, divine law Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Leaena 4 0 1 10129.58 0.0044 an heroic courtesan of Athens, in the time of Harmodius and Aristogīton Lewis & Short
futurus 4 0 1 10130.58 0.001 going to be, yet to be, to come, future Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cominium 4 0 0.25 10130.83 0.0057 a town of Samnium Lewis & Short
1,970 tute 4 0 0.25 10131.08 0.0037 pron. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mallus 4 0 0.25 10131.33 0.0038 a lock of wool Lewis & Short
Varia 4 0 0.25 10131.58 0.0011 A small city of the Sabines Lewis & Short
comitatus 4 0 0.25 10131.83 0.0022 attended, escorted, accompanied Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Silo 4 0 0.25 10132.08 0.0069 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
avis 4 0 0.25 10132.33 0.0013 a bird Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unctum 4 0 0.25 10132.58 0.004 a rich banquet, savory dish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Carinae 4 0 0.25 10132.83 0.0027 the Keels, a quarter in Rome, V., L., H. Elem. Lewis
Ludius 4 0 0.25 10133.08 0.0033 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
capitium 4 0 0.25 10133.33 0.0016 a covering for the head Lewis & Short
1,980 hospitium 4 0 0.25 10133.58 0.002 a hospitable reception, entertainment Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Carina 4 0 0.25 10133.83 0.0023 a mountain in Crete Lewis & Short
conceptum 4 0 0.25 10134.08 0.0029 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
notor 4 0 0.25 10134.33 0.0066 one who knows Lewis & Short
Arabus 4 0 0.25 10134.58 0.0029 Arabian Lewis & Short
Parthus 4 0 0.25 10134.83 0.0028 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
capta 4 0 0.25 10135.08 0.0022 a female captive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cominius 4 0 0.25 10135.33 0.0055 a Roman proper name Lewis & Short
datus 4 0 0.25 10135.58 0.0018 a giving Lewis & Short
Sena 4 0 0.25 10135.83 0.002 in which Hasdrubal was defeated Lewis & Short
1,990 tute 4 0 0.25 10136.08 0.0037 safely, securely, in safety, without danger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ilus 4 0 0.25 10136.33 0.0055 A son of Tros Lewis & Short
Larga 4 0 0.25 10136.58 0.0029 the name of a woman of bad repute Lewis & Short
Sestos 4 0 0.25 10136.83 0.0054 the Hellespont Lewis & Short
acra 4 0 0.25 10137.08 0.0034 a promontory in Magna Graecia Lewis & Short
comitatus 4 0 0.25 10137.33 0.002 an escort, train, retinue, suite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silus 4 0 0.25 10137.58 0.0039 pug-nosed, snub-nosed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sitis 4 0 0.25 10137.83 0.0016 thirst Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anno 4 0 0.25 10138.08 0.0021 come to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torto 4 0 0.25 10138.33 0.0034 to torture Lewis & Short
2,000 Capitium 4 0 0.25 10138.58 0.0017 a town in Sicily Lewis & Short
conceptus 4 0 0.25 10138.83 0.0025 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferio 4 0 0.25 10139.08 0.0011 to strike, smite, beat, knock, cut, thrust, hit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Arabus 4 0 0.25 10139.33 0.0029 a river in Gedrosia Lewis & Short
Parthus 4 0 0.25 10139.58 0.0028 a Parthian; Lewis & Short
versus 4 0 0.25 10139.83 0.0015 turned in the direction of, towards, facing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cominius 4 0 0.25 10140.08 0.0055 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
largior 4 0 0.25 10140.33 0.0025 to give bountifully, lavish, bestow, dispense, distribute, impart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sestus 4 0 0.25 10140.58 0.0048 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Nava 4 0 0.25 10140.83 0.0029 a river of Germany which flows into the Rhine near Bingen Lewis & Short
2,010 Acrae 4 0 0.25 10141.08 0.0035 A city of Sicily Lewis & Short
Silus 4 0 0.25 10141.33 0.0048 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
anno 4 0 0.25 10141.58 0.0021 to pass Lewis & Short
circum 4 0 0.25 10141.83 0.0012 to throw up all around: Elem. Lewis
nigro 4 0 0.25 10142.08 0.0017 the sea Lewis & Short
reus 4 0 0.25 10142.33 0.0017 concerned in a thing, party to an action Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mallon 4 0 0.25 10142.58 0.0038 the Bœotian name for the plant Nymphæa Lewis & Short
bone 4 0 0.25 10142.83 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
conceptus 4 0 0.25 10143.08 0.0024 a conceiving, conception Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Arabus 4 0 0.25 10143.33 0.0029 the son of Apollo and Babylon Lewis & Short
2,020 Parthus 4 0 0.25 10143.58 0.0028 a surname Lewis & Short
pessimo 4 0 0.25 10143.83 0.003 to make utterly bad Lewis & Short
cominus 4 0 0.25 10144.08 0.0038 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cres 4 0 0.25 10144.33 0.0039 a Cretan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circum 4 0 0.25 10144.58 0.0012 around, round about, all around Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
merito 4 0 0.25 10144.83 0.0012 to earn, yield Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
occidens 4 0 0.25 10145.08 0.0038 the sunset, west, occident Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comitor 4 0 0.25 10145.33 0.0014 to join as an attendant, accompany, attend, follow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adnato 4 0 0.25 10145.58 0.0021 to swim up: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mallos 4 0 0.25 10145.83 0.0038 a city in Cilicia Lewis & Short
2,030 varia 4 0 0.25 10146.08 0.0011 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
silo 4 0 0.25 10146.33 0.0069 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
meritum 4 0 0.25 10146.58 0.0009 a merit, service, kindness, benefit, favor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hospita 4 0 0.25 10146.83 0.003 she who entertains, a hostess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Carina 4 0 0.25 10147.08 0.0023 a town of Troas Lewis & Short
Parthi 4 0 0.25 10147.33 0.003 with the Parthians Lewis & Short
Cinna 3 3 3 10150.33 0.0036 his party Lewis & Short
neu 3 3 3 10153.33 0.0016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arbor 3 3 3 10156.33 0.0011 the fig-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pinguis 3 3 3 10159.33 0.0013 fat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,040 rabidus 3 3 3 10162.33 0.0018 raving, mad, rabid, enraged Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nequeo 3 3 3 10165.33 0.0011 not to be able, to be unable, cannot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tellus 3 3 3 10168.33 0.0008 the earth, globe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
igitur 3 3 3 10171.33 0.0007 then, therefore, thereupon, accordingly, consequently Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praetor 3 3 3 10174.33 0.0021 a leader, head, chief, president, chief magistrate, chief executive, commander Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proicio 3 3 3 10177.33 0.0017 to throw forth, cast before, throw out, throw down, throw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excrucio 3 3 3 10180.33 0.0026 to torment, torture, rack, plague Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trux 3 3 3 10183.33 0.0013 wild, rough, hard, harsh, savage, fierce, ferocious, grim, stern Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caco 3 3 3 10186.33 0.0038 to go to stool.—Supin. acc., H.—With acc, to pass, void, Ph.: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imbuo 3 3 3 10189.33 0.0019 to wet, moisten, soak, steep, saturate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,050 integer 3 3 3 10192.33 0.0014 untouched Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conspicio 3 3 3 10195.33 0.0011 to look at attentively, get sight of, descry, perceive, observe, fix eyes upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dubito 3 3 3 10198.33 0.0011 to waver in opinion, be uncertain, be in doubt, be perplexed, doubt, question Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
efficio 3 3 3 10201.33 0.0012 to make out, work out, bring to pass, bring about, effect, cause, produce, make, form, execute, finish, complete, accomplish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nondum 3 3 3 10204.33 0.0011 not yet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pathicus 3 3 3 10207.33 0.005 submitting to lust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bracchium 3 3 3 10210.33 0.0013 the forearm, lower arm: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uro 3 3 3 10213.33 0.0011 to burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
templum 3 3 3 10216.33 0.0008 an open place for observation, place marked off by the augur's staff Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poema 3 3 3 10219.33 0.0023 a composition in verse, poem Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,060 classis 3 3 3 10222.33 0.0013 a class, great division Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lapis 3 3 3 10225.33 0.0013 a stone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discedo 3 3 3 10228.33 0.0012 to go apart, part asunder, divide, separate, disperse, scatter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infacetus 3 3 3 10231.33 0.0042 without wit, dull, stupid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
depono 3 3 3 10234.33 0.0012 to lay away, put aside, set down, lay, place, set, deposit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fallax 3 3 3 10237.33 0.0016 deceitful, deceptive, fallacious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
insulsus 3 3 3 10240.33 0.0029 unsalted, without taste, coarse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laedo 3 3 3 10243.33 0.0013 to hurt, wound, injure, damage Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
enim 3 3 3 10246.33 0.0007 for, for instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sicine 3 3 3 10249.33 0.0038 so? thus? in this way? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,070 thalamus 3 3 3 10252.33 0.0015 an inner room, chamber, apartment Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
implico 3 3 3 10255.33 0.0014 to infold, involve, entangle, entwine, inwrap, envelop, encircle, embrace, clasp, grasp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
invenustus 3 3 3 10258.33 0.0044 without charm, ungraceful, unattractive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concino 3 3 3 10261.33 0.0021 to sound in concert, sing harmoniously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rabies 3 3 3 10264.33 0.0013 rage, madness, frenzy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
remitto 3 3 3 10267.33 0.0013 to let go back, send back, despatch back, drive back, cause to return Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rursus 3 3 3 10270.33 0.0011 turned back, back, backwards Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
minax 3 3 3 10273.33 0.0018 jutting out, projecting, overhanging Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caelestis 3 3 3 10276.33 0.0012 of heaven, from heaven, of the heavens, heavenly, celestial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uxor 3 3 3 10279.33 0.0013 a wife, spouse, consort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,080 imito 3 3 3 10282.33 0.0013 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
illepidus 3 3 3 10285.33 0.004 impolite Lewis & Short
cingo 3 3 3 10288.33 0.001 to go around, surround, encompass, environ, gird, wreathe, crown: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
onus 3 3 3 10291.33 0.0014 a load, burden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tethys 3 3 3 10294.33 0.0028 an ocean-goddess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crinis 3 3 3 10297.33 0.0012 the hair, hair of the head Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eximius 3 3 3 10300.33 0.0017 taken out, excepted, exempt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frango 3 3 3 10303.33 0.0007 to break in pieces, dash to pieces, shiver, shatter, fracture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immitis 3 3 3 10306.33 0.0018 not mellow, harsh, unripe, sour Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praetereo 3 3 3 10309.33 0.0012 to go by, go past, pass by, pass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,090 progenies 3 3 3 10312.33 0.0016 descent, lineage, race, family Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ratio 3 3 3 10315.33 0.001 a reckoning, numbering, casting up, account, calculation, computation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
libido 3 3 3 10318.33 0.0014 pleasure, desire, eagerness, longing, fancy, inclination Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liquidus 3 3 3 10321.33 0.0013 flowing, fluid, liquid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defero 3 3 3 10324.33 0.0012 to bring away, carry off, take down, carry, take, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
celebro 3 3 3 10327.33 0.0008 to frequent, throng, crowd, fill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volito 3 3 3 10330.33 0.0015 to fly to and fro, fly around, flit about, flutter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mortalis 3 3 3 10333.33 0.0008 subject to death, destined to die, mortal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trepido 3 3 3 10336.33 0.0013 to hurry with alarm, be in confusion, be agitated, be disturbed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ulciscor 3 3 3 10339.33 0.0016 to avenge oneself on, take vengeance on, punish, recompense Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,100 languidus 3 3 3 10342.33 0.0019 faint, weak, dull, sluggish, languid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
egregius 3 3 3 10345.33 0.001 select, extraordinary, distinguished, surpassing, excellent, eminent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
apud 3 3 3 10348.33 0.0014 in the abode of Orcus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ater 3 3 3 10351.33 0.001 black, coal-black, gloomy, dark Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
irascor 3 3 3 10354.33 0.0011 to be angry, be in a rage Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
numen 3 3 3 10357.33 0.0006 a nod Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gemellus 3 3 3 10360.33 0.003 born together, twin-born, twin- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
improbus 3 3 3 10363.33 0.0011 not good, bad, wicked, reprobate, abandoned, vile, base, impious, bold, shameless, wanton Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lacus 3 3 3 10366.33 0.0013 an opening, hollow, lake, pond, pool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dissero 3 3 3 10369.33 0.0017 to examine, argue, discuss, speak, harangue, discourse, treat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,110 expers 3 3 3 10372.33 0.0015 having no part in, not sharing in, not privy to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cornelius 3 3 3 10375.33 0.0021 the oration of Cicero in defence of a certain C. Cornelius Lewis & Short
timeo 3 3 3 10378.33 0.0007 to fear, be afraid, be fearful, be apprehensive, be afraid of, dread, apprehend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bibo 3 3 3 10381.33 0.0014 to drink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
regina 3 3 3 10384.33 0.0014 a queen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dimitto 3 3 3 10387.33 0.0015 to send different ways, send out, send forth, send about, scatter, distribute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silex 3 3 3 10390.33 0.0022 a hard stone, flint, flint-stone, fire-stone, granite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
iambus 3 3 3 10393.33 0.0032 an iambic foot, iambus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pulvis 3 3 3 10396.33 0.0015 dust, powder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mirificus 3 3 3 10399.33 0.0031 wonderful, admirable, marvellous, extraordinary, strange Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,120 facilis 3 3 3 10402.33 0.0007 easy to do, easy, without difficulty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Caesar 3 3 3 10405.33 0.0012 founded by him Lewis & Short
decus 3 3 3 10408.33 0.0006 grace, glory, honor, dignity, splendor, beauty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dispereo 3 3 3 10411.33 0.0029 to go to ruin, be undone, perish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
surripio 3 3 3 10414.33 0.002 you have stolen away from me Lewis & Short
Tempe 3 3 3 10417.33 0.0026 plur. n. Lewis & Short
Laodamia 3 3 3 10420.33 0.0045 a daughter of Acastus; she followed her husband Protesilāus, who had been slain by Hector, to the Lower World Lewis & Short
satur 3 3 3 10423.33 0.0022 full, sated, having eaten enough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
annuo 3 3 3 10426.33 0.0015 at the first nod Lewis & Short
Caecilius 3 3 3 10429.33 0.0028 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
2,130 versiculus 3 3 3 10432.33 0.0028 a little line, mere line Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jocus 3 3 3 10435.33 0.0014 for the sake of the joke Lewis & Short
ingenuus 3 3 3 10438.33 0.0016 native, indigenous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
posthac 3 3 3 10441.33 0.0018 after this, hereafter, henceforth, in future Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Volusius 3 3 3 10444.33 0.0048 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
obduro 3 3 3 10447.33 0.0042 to be hard, hold out, persist, endure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hostis 3 3 3 10450.33 0.0006 a stranger, foreigner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
indignus 3 3 3 10453.33 0.0012 unworthy, undeserving, unfit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flumen 3 3 3 10456.33 0.0007 a flowing, flood, stream, running water Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
candeo 3 3 3 10459.33 0.0018 to be brilliant, be glittering, shine, glitter, glisten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,140 clamo 3 3 3 10462.33 0.001 to call, cry out, shout aloud, complain aloud Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Manlius 3 3 3 10465.33 0.0026 a gentile name Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Egnatius 3 3 3 10468.33 0.004 a Roman proper name. Lewis & Short
taberna 3 3 3 10471.33 0.0026 a rude dwelling, hut, cabin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incipio 3 3 3 10474.33 0.0009 to take hold, take in hand, begin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Verona 3 3 3 10477.33 0.0027 a city in Lewis & Short
mellitus 3 3 3 10480.33 0.0033 of honey, sweet with honey Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nefandus 3 3 3 10483.33 0.0015 unmentionable, impious, heinous, execrable, abominable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
facinus 3 3 3 10486.33 0.0015 a deed, act, action, achievement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
formosus 3 3 3 10489.33 0.0013 finely formed, beautiful, handsome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,150 paternus 3 3 3 10492.33 0.0014 of a father, fatherly, paternal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praemium 3 3 3 10495.33 0.0011 an advantage, prerogative, favor, license, privilege Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exerceo 3 3 3 10498.33 0.001 to drive, keep busy, keep at work, oversee, work, agitate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Idalium 3 3 3 10501.33 0.003 the Idalian mountain Lewis & Short
divido 3 1 1.5 10502.83 0.0013 to divide, force asunder, part Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
apiscor 3 1 1.5 10504.33 0.001 to reach, attain to, get, gain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coloro 3 1 1.5 10505.83 0.0017 to give a color to, color, tinge, dye Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
siccus 3 1 1.5 10507.33 0.0014 dry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obeo 3 1 1.5 10508.83 0.0011 to go, go to meet, go in opposition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
funestus 3 1 1.5 10510.33 0.0021 causing death, deadly, fatal, destructive, pernicious, calamitous, mournful, dismal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,160 obvius 3 1 1.5 10511.83 0.0012 in the way, so as to meet, meeting, to meet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Zephyrus 3 1 1.5 10513.33 0.0018 a gentle west wind, western breeze, zephyr Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quasso 3 1 1.5 10514.83 0.002 to shake violently, toss, brandish, wave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mulceo 3 1 1.5 10516.33 0.0014 to stroke, graze, touch lightly, fondle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
robur 3 1 1.5 10517.83 0.0009 hard-wood, oak-wood, oak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moechus 3 1 1.5 10519.33 0.0034 a fornicator, adulterer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
solea 3 1 1.5 10520.83 0.0032 a sole, sandal, slipper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sperno 3 1 1.5 10522.33 0.001 to separate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
queror 3 1 1.5 10523.83 0.0009 to express grief, complain, lament, bewail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
respergo 3 1 1.5 10525.33 0.0027 to sprinkle over, besprinkle, bestrew Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,170 exsto 3 1 1.5 10526.83 0.0012 to stand out, stand forth, project, protrude, extend above, tower Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
orbus 3 1 1.5 10528.33 0.0006 deprived, bereft, destitute, devoid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
asinus 3 1 1.5 10529.83 0.0027 an ass, C., L.—Fig., an ass, blockhead, dolt: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decurro 3 1 1.5 10531.33 0.0018 to run down, hasten down, run, hasten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
careo 3 1 1.5 10532.83 0.0008 to be without, be free from, be destitute of: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
finio 3 1 1.5 10534.33 0.0011 to limit, bound, enclose within boundaries Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exprimo 3 1 1.5 10535.83 0.0017 to press out, force out, squeeze forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spernor 3 1 1.5 10537.33 0.0024 to despise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
questus 3 1 1.5 10538.83 0.0016 a complaining, complaint, plaint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frons 3 1 1.5 10540.33 0.0007 the forehead, brow, front Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,180 consilium 3 1 1.5 10541.83 0.0009 a council, body of counsellors, deliberative assembly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
explico 3 1 1.5 10543.33 0.0016 to unfold, uncoil, unroll, unfurl, unclose, spread out, loosen, undo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inflecto 3 1 1.5 10544.83 0.0024 to bend, bow, curve, turn aside Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puerperium 3 1 1.5 10546.33 0.0038 a lying in, giving birth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
robigo 3 1 1.5 10547.83 0.0027 metallic oxide, rust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fremo 3 1 1.5 10549.33 0.0012 to roar, resound, growl, murmur, rage, snort, howl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taeter 3 1 1.5 10550.83 0.0017 offensive, repulsive, foul, noisome, shocking, loathsome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gymnasium 3 1 1.5 10552.33 0.0029 a Grecian school for gymnastic training, gymnasium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avitus 3 1 1.5 10553.83 0.0018 of a grandfather, ancestral Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
virido 3 1 1.5 10555.33 0.0014 become green Lewis & Short
2,190 faveo 3 1 1.5 10556.83 0.0009 to be favorable, be well disposed, be inclined towards, favor, promote, befriend, countenance, protect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sudo 3 1 1.5 10558.33 0.0016 to sweat, perspire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aperio 3 1 1.5 10559.83 0.0008 to uncover, lay bare Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Graius 3 1 1.5 10561.33 0.0015 of the Greeks, Grecian, Greek Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ineptio 3 1 1.5 10562.83 0.003 to be absurd, trifle, play the fool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
posterus 3 1 1.5 10564.33 0.0013 m Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eicio 3 1 1.5 10565.83 0.0018 to cast out, thrust out, drive away, put out, eject, expel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Neptunus 3 1 1.5 10567.33 0.0018 Neptune, god of the sea, son of Saturn and brother of Jupiter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flagellum 3 1 1.5 10568.83 0.0022 a whip, scourge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bacchor 3 1 1.5 10570.33 0.0025 to celebrate the festival of Bacchus, rave like Bacchae, revel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,200 fecundus 3 1 1.5 10571.83 0.0021 fruitful, fertile, productive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pellis 3 1 1.5 10573.33 0.0015 with a showy outside Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imber 3 1 1.5 10574.83 0.0012 a rain, heavy rain, violent rain, shower, pouring rain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pondus 3 1 1.5 10576.33 0.0009 a weight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nudus 3 1 1.5 10577.83 0.001 naked, bare, unclothed, stripped, uncovered, exposed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hiems 3 1 1.5 10579.33 0.0016 the winter, winter time, rainy season Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pretium 3 1 1.5 10580.83 0.0014 a price, money value, value in exchange Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frequens 3 1 1.5 10582.33 0.0013 often, regular, constant, repeated, assiduous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tres 3 1 1.5 10583.83 0.001 three Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
intereo 3 1 1.5 10585.33 0.0015 to go among, be lost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,210 numero 3 1 1.5 10586.83 0.0009 to count, enumerate, reckon, number, take account of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
communis 3 1 1.5 10588.33 0.0011 common, general, universal, public Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rogus 3 1 1.5 10589.83 0.0014 a funeral pile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sicco 3 1 1.5 10591.33 0.0015 to make dry, dry, dry up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
funesto 3 1 1.5 10592.83 0.0025 to pollute with murder, defile with slaughter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
texo 3 1 1.5 10594.33 0.0013 to weave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
committo 3 1 1.5 10595.83 0.0011 I. To bring together, join, combine, put together, connect, unite: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
statua 3 1 1.5 10597.33 0.0018 an image, statue, monumental figure, representation in metal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sumptus 3 1 1.5 10598.83 0.0019 outlay, expense, cost, charge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incultus 3 1 1.5 10600.33 0.002 untilled, uncultivated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,220 venter 3 1 1.5 10601.83 0.0015 the belly, paunch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sisto 3 1 1.5 10603.33 0.001 to cause to stand, place, set, set up, fix, plant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tepidus 3 1 1.5 10604.83 0.0019 moderately warm, lukewarm, tepid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paucus 3 1 1.5 10606.33 0.0008 few, little Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cognata 3 0 0.33 10606.67 0.0023 a female relation, kinswoman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
compositum 3 0 0.33 10607 0.0016 an agreement, compact Elem. Lewis
Rhoeteum 3 0 0.33 10607.33 0.0044 a city built on a promontory of the same name in Troas Lewis & Short
Nemesa 3 0 0.33 10607.67 0.0035 a river in Belgic Gaul Lewis & Short
Persicus 3 0 0.33 10608 0.003 Persian, of Persia Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praerupta 3 0 0.33 10608.33 0.0029 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
2,230 proditor 3 0 0.33 10608.67 0.0021 a betrayer, traitor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ingressus 3 0 0.33 10609 0.0018 an advancing, walking, gait Elem. Lewis
libero 3 0 0.33 10609.33 0.0011 to set free, free, liberate, manumit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sedum 3 0 0.33 10609.67 0.0012 houseleek Lewis & Short
everro 3 0 0.33 10610 0.0022 to sweep out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fatua 3 0 0.33 10610.33 0.0039 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Aethiopus 3 0 0.33 10610.67 0.0031 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
nubis 3 0 0.33 10611 0.0012 a cloud Lewis & Short
ancon 3 0 0.33 10611.33 0.0041 The arm of a workman's square Lewis & Short
opera 3 0 0.33 10611.67 0.0012 service, pains, exertion, effort, work, labor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,240 ultra 3 0 0.33 10612 0.0012 neither on that side nor on this Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infirmo 3 0 0.33 10612.33 0.0025 to establish in Lewis & Short
Piraeeus 3 0 0.33 10612.67 0.0037 the port of Athens Elem. Lewis
Lares 3 0 0.33 10613 0.0015 a city in Numidia Lewis & Short
restitutus 3 0 0.33 10613.33 0.003 P. of restituo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Secundus 3 0 0.33 10613.67 0.0011 a Roman proper name. Lewis & Short
acinus 3 0 0.33 10614 0.0045 A berry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adverso 3 0 0.33 10614.33 0.0012 verb. freq. Lewis & Short
Subis 3 0 0.33 10614.67 0.0036 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
otia 3 0 0.33 10615 0.0018 a kind of mussel Lewis & Short
2,250 udo 3 0 0.33 10615.33 0.0037 a sock of felt Lewis & Short
catulus 3 0 0.33 10615.67 0.0021 a young animal, whelp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praecepto 3 0 0.33 10616 0.0017 to prescribe often Lewis & Short
clareo 3 0 0.33 10616.33 0.0023 to be bright, shine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luno 3 0 0.33 10616.67 0.0014 to bend like a halfmoon, crook Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
librarium 3 0 0.33 10617 0.0035 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sido 3 0 0.33 10617.33 0.0014 to sit down, sink, settle, alight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
formus 3 0 0.33 10617.67 0.0007 warm Lewis & Short
angustus 3 0 0.33 10618 0.0015 narrow, strait, contracted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Graecus 3 0 0.33 10618.33 0.0016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
2,260 caesio 3 0 0.33 10618.67 0.0052 A cutting Lewis & Short
Larius 3 0 0.33 10619 0.003 a lake in Lewis & Short
ministra 3 0 0.33 10619.33 0.0022 a female attendant, maid-servant, assistant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
advocatus 3 0 0.33 10619.67 0.0026 one called to aid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Algidum 3 0 0.33 10620 0.004 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
sublimis 3 0 0.33 10620.33 0.0011 uplifted, high, lofty, exalted, elevated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallius 3 0 0.33 10620.67 0.0015 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
auster 3 0 0.33 10621 0.0015 the south wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
petitus 3 0 0.33 10621.33 0.0025 An inclining towards Lewis & Short
venustas 3 0 0.33 10621.67 0.0028 loveliness, comeliness, charm, grace, beauty, elegance, attractiveness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,270 intro 3 0 0.33 10622 0.0009 to go into, enter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ringor 3 0 0.33 10622.33 0.0025 to open the mouth wide, be vexed, chafe, snarl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
marceo 3 0 0.33 10622.67 0.0023 to be faint, droop, be feeble, be languid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meditatus 3 0 0.33 10623 0.0023 P. of meditor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
menstruo 3 0 0.33 10623.33 0.0034 polluted Lewis & Short
ollus 3 0 0.33 10623.67 0.0023 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
fucus 3 0 0.33 10624 0.0027 a drone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
here 3 0 0.33 10624.33 0.002 yesterday Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hortensis 3 0 0.33 10624.67 0.0031 of Lewis & Short
Rhoeteus 3 0 0.33 10625 0.0044 of the promontory of Rhoeteum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,280 Nemesis 3 0 0.33 10625.33 0.0032 the goddess of justice Lewis & Short
nilum 3 0 0.33 10625.67 0.0022 not a shred, nothing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aeque 3 0 0.33 10626 0.0017 equally, in like manner, just as, in an equal degree, to the same extent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gratia 3 0 0.33 10626.33 0.0009 favor, esteem, regard, liking, love, friendship, partiality Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
persicus 3 0 0.33 10626.67 0.003 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
ingredior 3 0 0.33 10627 0.0012 to advance, go forward, march, proceed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circo 3 0 0.33 10627.33 0.0017 To go about Lewis & Short
bona 3 0 0.33 10627.67 0.0023 see bonus. Elem. Lewis
eversus 3 0 0.33 10628 0.0023 1. P. of everro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ancon 3 0 0.33 10628.33 0.0041 a headland and bay Lewis & Short
2,290 Turbo 3 0 0.33 10628.67 0.0031 the name of a gladiator Lewis & Short
item 3 0 0.33 10629 0.0017 likewise, besides, also, further, moreover, too, as well Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fucus 3 0 0.33 10629.33 0.0027 a drone Elem. Lewis
Piraeus 3 0 0.33 10629.67 0.0038 of the Piraeus Elem. Lewis
Restitutus 3 0 0.33 10630 0.003 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
desideo 3 0 0.33 10630.33 0.0025 to sit long, sit idle, remain inactive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
specula 3 0 0.33 10630.67 0.0024 a look-out, watchtower Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
araneum 3 0 0.33 10631 0.0036 a cobweb Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallia 3 0 0.33 10631.33 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
penna 3 0 0.33 10631.67 0.0013 a feather, plume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,300 udus 3 0 0.33 10632 0.0023 wet, moist, damp, humid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Catulus 3 0 0.33 10632.33 0.0023 a cognomen in the Lewis & Short
praeceptum 3 0 0.33 10632.67 0.0016 a maxim, rule, precept, order, direction, command, injunction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
derideo 3 0 0.33 10633 0.0026 to laugh at, laugh to scorn, scoff at, deride, mock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fossa 3 0 0.33 10633.33 0.0019 a dilch, trench, fosse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
osculo 3 0 0.33 10633.67 0.0013 to supply with a mouth Lewis & Short
uterus 3 0 0.33 10634 0.0017 the womb, matrix Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
librarius 3 0 0.33 10634.33 0.0033 of books, belonging to books Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reficio 3 0 0.33 10634.67 0.0019 to make again, make anew, reconstruct, remake, restore, renew, rebuild, repair, refit, recruit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sido 3 0 0.33 10635 0.0014 a chief of the Lewis & Short
2,310 num 3 0 0.33 10635.33 0.0013 now Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hilarus 3 0 0.33 10635.67 0.0022 with comp, cheerful, gay, merry, blithe, jocund, joyful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tussio 3 0 0.33 10636 0.0036 to cough, have a cough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lasso 3 0 0.33 10636.33 0.002 to make faint, tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
linteo 3 0 0.33 10636.67 0.0039 a linen-weaver Lewis & Short
ministro 3 0 0.33 10637 0.0014 to attend, wait upon, serve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
advocatus 3 0 0.33 10637.33 0.0026 a legal assistant Lewis & Short
algidus 3 0 0.33 10637.67 0.0037 cold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sublimus 3 0 0.33 10638 0.0012 lofty, high Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Antium 3 0 0.33 10638.33 0.0033 An ancient town in Latium distinguished for the temple of Fortune Lewis & Short
2,320 auster 3 0 0.33 10638.67 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
hiberna 3 0 0.33 10639 0.0022 see hibernus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Bona 3 0 0.33 10639.33 0.0023 the good goddess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ligurio 3 0 0.33 10639.67 0.0038 whom they lick, whom they daintily feed upon Lewis & Short
marcus 3 0 0.33 10640 0.0019 a large hammer Lewis & Short
meditatus 3 0 0.33 10640.33 0.0023 a thinking, meditating upon Lewis & Short
menstruum 3 0 0.33 10640.67 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
durius 3 0 0.33 10641 0.0013 the night in which the Greeks descended from the interior of the horse Lewis & Short
Olympus 3 0 0.33 10641.33 0.0011 a high mountain on the borders of Macedonia and Thessaly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pando 3 0 0.33 10641.67 0.0019 to spread out, extend, unfold, expand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,330 Here 3 0 0.33 10642 0.002 the goddess of inheritance Lewis & Short
hortensius 3 0 0.33 10642.33 0.003 of Lewis & Short
Caecus 3 0 0.33 10642.67 0.0015 blind Lewis & Short
ponto 3 0 0.33 10643 0.0019 a large flat boat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rhoeteus 3 0 0.33 10643.33 0.0044 the name of a Rutulian Lewis & Short
Nemesis 3 0 0.33 10643.67 0.0032 a mistress of Tibullus Lewis & Short
Gratiae 3 0 0.33 10644 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
avia 3 0 0.33 10644.33 0.0013 a grandmother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cachinno 3 0 0.33 10644.67 0.0038 to laugh aloud, laugh immoderately. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ingressus 3 0 0.33 10645 0.0018 were prevented from moving Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,340 proelio 3 0 0.33 10645.33 0.0013 Impers. pass. Lewis & Short
prosper 3 0 0.33 10645.67 0.0016 of good omen Lewis & Short
lymphatus 3 0 0.33 10646 0.0038 distracted, frantic, beside oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
everto 3 0 0.33 10646.33 0.0017 to overturn, upturn, turn upside down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aegyptius 3 0 0.33 10646.67 0.0024 Egyptian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
forma 3 0 0.33 10647 0.0008 a form, contour, figure, shape, appearance, looks Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ancon 3 0 0.33 10647.33 0.0041 an ancient seaport town in the north of Picenum Lewis & Short
opero 3 0 0.33 10647.67 0.0014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
proco 3 0 0.33 10648 0.0034 to ask Lewis & Short
specula 3 0 0.33 10648.33 0.0024 a slight hope, glimmer of hope Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,350 altus 3 0 0.33 10648.67 0.0011 a nourishing Lewis & Short
antes 3 0 0.33 10649 0.0034 rows (of vines), V. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pennus 3 0 0.33 10649.33 0.002 pointed Lewis & Short
osculo 3 0 0.33 10649.67 0.0013 to kiss Lewis & Short
complaceo 3 0 0.33 10650 0.0025 to please greatly: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
librarius 3 0 0.33 10650.33 0.0033 a copyist, transcriber of books Lewis & Short
rapum 3 0 0.33 10650.67 0.0021 a turnip Lewis & Short
accepto 3 0 0.33 10651 0.0018 to take, receive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hilarus 3 0 0.33 10651.33 0.0022 name of a Roman freedman Lewis & Short
belle 3 0 0.33 10651.67 0.0033 prettily, neatly, well Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,360 Umbri 3 0 0.33 10652 0.0016 a people of Italy Lewis & Short
inane 3 0 0.33 10652.33 0.001 an empty space, void, open space Elem. Lewis
editor 3 0 0.33 10652.67 0.002 That which brings forth Lewis & Short
advoco 3 0 0.33 10653 0.002 to call, summon, invite: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aethiopis 3 0 0.33 10653.33 0.0055 a species of sage Lewis & Short
Algidus 3 0 0.33 10653.67 0.0038 a high snow-capped mountain Lewis & Short
Antius 3 0 0.33 10654 0.003 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
ausum 3 0 0.33 10654.33 0.0013 a bold deed, reckless act Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hiberno 3 0 0.33 10654.67 0.0022 to pass the winter, winter, occupy winter-quarters Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contextus 3 0 0.33 10655 0.0028 woven together, closely connected, continuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,370 ligurius 3 0 0.33 10655.33 0.0039 a kind of precious stone Lewis & Short
Marcus 3 0 0.33 10655.67 0.0019 a Roman prænomen Lewis & Short
menstruus 3 0 0.33 10656 0.0031 of a month, of every month, monthly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Durius 3 0 0.33 10656.33 0.0013 one of the principal rivers of Spain Lewis & Short
simila 3 0 0.33 10656.67 0.0013 the finest wheat flour Lewis & Short
Olympus 3 0 0.33 10657 0.0011 a city in Cilicia Lewis & Short
heres 3 0 0.33 10657.33 0.0019 an heir, heiress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hortensius 3 0 0.33 10657.67 0.003 a celebrated orator in the time of Cicero Lewis & Short
capus 3 0 0.33 10658 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
catulio 3 0 0.33 10658.33 0.0027 to desire the male Lewis & Short
2,380 compositus 3 0 0.33 10658.67 0.0016 well - ordered, orderly, regular Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ultra 3 0 0.33 10659 0.0012 on the farther side of, beyond, past, over, across Elem. Lewis
luna 3 0 0.33 10659.33 0.0012 the moon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rictum 3 0 0.33 10659.67 0.0044 the opening of the mouth, mouth opened wide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palmo 3 0 0.33 10660 0.0017 with antlers shaped like the palm of a hand Lewis & Short
Gratius 3 0 0.33 10660.33 0.0009 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
avia 3 0 0.33 10660.67 0.002 a plant Lewis & Short
cachinno 3 0 0.33 10661 0.0041 one who laughs violently Lewis & Short
proelior 3 0 0.33 10661.33 0.0013 to join battle, engage in battle, fight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prospero 3 0 0.33 10661.67 0.0019 to render fortunate, make happy, prosper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,390 intra 3 0 0.33 10662 0.0015 within Elem. Lewis
liquo 3 0 0.33 10662.33 0.0017 to make liquid, melt, dissolve, liquefy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
refectus 3 0 0.33 10662.67 0.0025 P. of reficio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lymphatus 3 0 0.33 10663 0.0038 madness Lewis & Short
mutuo 3 0 0.33 10663.33 0.0017 mutually, in return Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aegyptus 3 0 0.33 10663.67 0.0022 Egypt Lewis & Short
Graece 3 0 0.33 10664 0.0019 in the Greek language, in Greek Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Piraceus 3 0 0.33 10664.33 0.0039 the celebrated port of Athens Lewis & Short
pollex 3 0 0.33 10664.67 0.0024 the thumb Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procor 3 0 0.33 10665 0.004 to ask, demand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,400 angustum 3 0 0.33 10665.33 0.0017 a narrow place Elem. Lewis
germana 3 0 0.33 10665.67 0.0021 a full sister, own sister Elem. Lewis
continuo 3 0 0.33 10666 0.0017 immediatcly, forthwith, straightway, directly, without delay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
demeo 3 0 0.33 10666.33 0.0024 v. n., to go down, descend Lewis & Short
mus 3 0 0.33 10666.67 0.001 a mouse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nave 3 0 0.33 10667 0.0028 diligently, zealously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
speculum 3 0 0.33 10667.33 0.0018 a reflector, lookingglass, mirror Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gesta 3 0 0.33 10667.67 0.0012 deeds, acts, achievements Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pennus 3 0 0.33 10668 0.002 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
impensus 3 0 0.33 10668.33 0.0025 ample, considerate, great Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,410 Indi 3 0 0.33 10668.67 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
praecipio 3 0 0.33 10669 0.0014 to take beforehand, get in advance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acinum 3 0 0.33 10669.33 0.0045 a small berry: Elem. Lewis
num 3 0 0.33 10669.67 0.0013 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
contemptor 3 0 0.33 10670 0.0016 he who disregards, a contemner, despiser Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
derisus 3 0 0.33 10670.33 0.0037 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dureo 3 0 0.33 10670.67 0.0026 to be hard Lewis & Short
osculum 3 0 0.33 10671 0.0014 a little mouth, pretty mouth, sweet mouth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avius 3 0 0.33 10671.33 0.0014 out of the way, remote, trackless, untrodden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aeoles 3 0 0.33 10671.67 0.0024 the Æolians Lewis & Short
2,420 haustrum 3 0 0.33 10672 0.0019 a machine for drawing water Lewis & Short
Bellius 3 0 0.33 10672.33 0.001 a shortened form of the name Duellius Lewis & Short
Persica 3 0 0.33 10672.67 0.0033 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
vela 3 0 0.33 10673 0.001 the Gallic name for the plant Lewis & Short
prodeo 3 0 0.33 10673.33 0.0014 to go forth, come forth, come forward Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lassus 3 0 0.33 10673.67 0.002 faint, languid, weary, tired, exhausted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rapa 3 0 0.33 10674 0.0028 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
editum 3 0 0.33 10674.33 0.0018 Heights, elevations Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Muta 3 0 0.33 10674.67 0.0022 a goddess, called also Lewis & Short
Aethiops 3 0 0.33 10675 0.0027 an Ethiopian, negro: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,430 nubes 3 0 0.33 10675.33 0.0012 a cloud, mist, vapor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tendo 3 0 0.33 10675.67 0.0007 to stretch, make tense, stretch out, spread out, distend, extend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ausus 3 0 0.33 10676 0.0013 a hazard Lewis & Short
hibernus 3 0 0.33 10676.33 0.0019 of winter, wintry, winter- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
turbo 3 0 0.33 10676.67 0.0005 to make an uproar, move confusedly, be in disorder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infirmo 3 0 0.33 10677 0.0025 to weaken, invalidate, disprove, refute, impair, annul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lares 3 0 0.33 10677.33 0.0015 the tutelar deities of an entire city Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contextus 3 0 0.33 10677.67 0.0027 connection, coherence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ligurius 3 0 0.33 10678 0.0039 a gem Lewis & Short
similis 3 0 0.33 10678.33 0.0008 like, resembling, similar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,440 acinos 3 0 0.33 10678.67 0.0045 a fragrant plant Lewis & Short
subis 3 0 0.33 10679 0.0023 a kind of bird that breaks eagles' eggs Lewis & Short
nus 3 0 0.33 10679.33 0.0012 the understanding Lewis & Short
Olympus 3 0 0.33 10679.67 0.0011 a famous fluteplayer Lewis & Short
Germani 3 0 0.33 10680 0.002 the Baltic Lewis & Short
pandus 3 0 0.33 10680.33 0.0019 bent, crooked, curved Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
udo 3 0 0.33 10680.67 0.0027 to wet Lewis & Short
inanio 3 0 0.33 10681 0.0017 to make empty Lewis & Short
proba 3 0 0.33 10681.33 0.0022 a proof Lewis & Short
comis 3 0 0.33 10681.67 0.0009 courteous, affable, kind, obliging, friendly, loving: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,450 Luna 3 0 0.33 10682 0.0013 the modern marble of Carrara Lewis & Short
rictus 3 0 0.33 10682.33 0.0026 the aperture of the mouth, mouth opened wide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
serva 3 0 0.33 10682.67 0.0015 a female slave, hand-woman, maid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nuntia 3 0 0.33 10683 0.0022 a female messenger, she that brings tidings Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proelium 3 0 0.33 10683.33 0.0011 a battle, combat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prosperus 3 0 0.33 10683.67 0.0017 according to hope, as desired, favorable, fortunate, prosperous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
refectus 3 0 0.33 10684 0.0025 a restoration Lewis & Short
mutuo 3 0 0.33 10684.33 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Aegyptus 3 0 0.33 10684.67 0.0022 a king of Egypt Lewis & Short
aliqua 3 0 0.33 10685 0.0018 by any way, in any direction, any whither: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,460 Graecus 3 0 0.33 10685.33 0.0016 of the Greeks, Greek, Grecian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hilaris 3 0 0.33 10685.67 0.0019 cheerful, of good cheer, lively, gay, blithe, merry, jocund, joyful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pollex 3 0 0.33 10686 0.0024 the name of a slave of Cicero Lewis & Short
demereo 3 0 0.33 10686.33 0.0026 to deserve well of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desido 3 0 0.33 10686.67 0.0025 to sink, settle down, fall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mus 3 0 0.33 10687 0.001 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
solatus 3 0 0.33 10687.33 0.0031 sunburned Lewis & Short
Stimula 3 0 0.33 10687.67 0.0011 the goddess who pricks on Lewis & Short
sublime 3 0 0.33 10688 0.0012 aloft, loftily, on high Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallius 3 0 0.33 10688.33 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
2,470 gestio 3 0 0.33 10688.67 0.0016 to gesticulate, express strong feeling, leap, be transported, exult, be joyful, be delighted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impensus 3 0 0.33 10689 0.0025 outlay Lewis & Short
petitum 3 0 0.33 10689.33 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
intra 3 0 0.33 10689.67 0.0015 on the inside, within Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
derisus 3 0 0.33 10690 0.0037 mockery, scorn, derision Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Duris 3 0 0.33 10690.33 0.0014 a Greek author Lewis & Short
olla 3 0 0.33 10690.67 0.0029 a pot, jar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fuco 3 0 0.33 10691 0.0027 to color, paint, dye Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cerva 2 2 2 10693 0.0016 a hind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puriter 2 2 2 10695 0.003 purely, correctly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,480 daps 2 2 2 10697 0.0011 a solemn feast, sacrificial feast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
depereo 2 2 2 10699 0.0017 to go to ruin, perish, die, be lost, be undone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequalis 2 2 2 10701 0.0011 equal, like, even, on a par Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
agito 2 2 2 10703 0.0006 to set in violent motion, drive onward, move, impel, urge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
offero 2 2 2 10705 0.0007 to bring before, present, offer, show, exhibit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pallium 2 2 2 10707 0.0018 a cover, coverlet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thessalus 2 2 2 10709 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
illinc 2 2 2 10711 0.0011 from that place, thence, from yonder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
iners 2 2 2 10713 0.0008 without skill, unskilful, incompetent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
virgineus 2 2 2 10715 0.0012 of a maiden, of a virgin, maidenly, virgin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,490 prospecto 2 2 2 10717 0.0017 to look forth, look out, look at, view, behold, see after off, gaze upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rapax 2 2 2 10719 0.0015 tearing, furious, violent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
en 2 2 2 10721 0.0007 interj., calling attention, or expressing surprise or indignation, lo! behold! see! there! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expleo 2 2 2 10723 0.0011 to fill up, fill full, fill, stuff Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenebrae 2 2 2 10725 0.0006 darkness, gloom Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vestibulum 2 2 2 10727 0.0019 an enclosed space before a house, fore-court, entrance-court, vestibule Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prehendo 2 2 2 10729 0.0011 to lay hold of, grasp, snatch, seize, catch, take Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lectulus 2 2 2 10731 0.002 a small couch, bed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
disco 2 2 2 10733 0.0006 to learn, learn to know, acquire, become acquainted with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
specto 2 2 2 10735 0.0005 to look on, look at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, inspect, attend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,500 aestuo 2 2 2 10737 0.0015 to rage, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferreus 2 2 2 10739 0.001 made of iron, iron Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
noverca 2 2 2 10741 0.0017 a step-mother, stepdame Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nuto 2 2 2 10743 0.0014 to nod Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taedet 2 2 2 10745 0.002 it excites loathing, disgusts, offends, wearies Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pernicies 2 2 2 10747 0.0015 destruction, death, ruin, overthrow, disaster, calamity, mischief Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unguentum 2 2 2 10749 0.0018 an ointment, unguent, perfume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impello 2 2 2 10751 0.0008 I. To strike against, push, drive, smite, strike, reach Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exspiro 2 2 2 10753 0.0018 to breathe out, emit, blow out, exhale, give out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
approbatio 2 2 2 10755 0.0026 an approval, approbation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,510 benignus 2 2 2 10757 0.0007 kind, good, friendly, pleasing, favorable, benignant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
certamen 2 2 2 10759 0.0008 a decisive contest, measuring of forces, struggle, strife, dispute, dissen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puppis 2 2 2 10761 0.001 the hinder part of a ship, stern, poop Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cymbalum 2 2 2 10763 0.0022 a cymbal; two hollow plates of brass, which ring when struck together (used in festivals) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
succumbo 2 2 2 10765 0.0013 to fall down, lie down, sink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flecto 2 2 2 10767 0.0005 to bend, bow, curve, turn, turn round Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oportet 2 2 2 10769 0.0011 it is necessary, is proper, is becoming, behooves Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furibundus 2 2 2 10771 0.0016 raging, mad, furious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
difficilis 2 2 2 10773 0.001 hard, difficult, troublesome, impracticable, laborious, perilous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
euhoe 2 2 2 10775 0.0033 the cry of revellers at the festivals of Bacchus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,520 singulus 2 2 2 10777 0.0008 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nobilis 2 2 2 10779 0.0006 that is known, well-known, famous, noted, celebrated, renowned Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stimulo 2 2 2 10781 0.0011 to goad, rouse, set in motion, stir, spur, incite, stimulate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oraculum 2 2 2 10783 0.0013 a divine announcement, oracle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gigno 2 2 2 10785 0.0006 to produce, give birth to, beget, bear, bring forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imperator 2 2 2 10787 0.0014 a commander-in-chief, general Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laboriosus 2 2 2 10789 0.002 full of labor, laborious, toilsome, wearisome, difficult, troublesome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recipio 2 2 2 10791 0.0007 To take back, bring back, carry back, retake, get back, regain, recover Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
religo 2 2 2 10793 0.0017 to bind back, fasten up, bind fast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rumpo 2 2 2 10795 0.0006 to break, burst, tear, rend, rive, rupture, break asunder, burst in pieces, force open Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,530 fames 2 2 2 10797 0.0007 hunger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
firmo 2 2 2 10799 0.0007 to make firm, strengthen, fortify, sustain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suppono 2 2 2 10801 0.0014 to put below, set under Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fragro 2 2 2 10803 0.0019 to emit a smell Lewis & Short
annuus 2 2 2 10805 0.0011 of a year, lasting a year Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vulturius 2 2 2 10807 0.0026 a vulture Lewis & Short
protendo 2 2 2 10809 0.0018 to stretch forth, stretch, reach out, extend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lana 2 2 2 10811 0.0014 spin wool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laudo 2 2 2 10813 0.0004 to praise, laud, commend, honor, extol, eulogize, approve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sapio 2 2 2 10815 0.0006 to taste of, smack of, savor of, have a flavor of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,540 exsilio 2 2 2 10817 0.0011 to spring out, spring forth, leap up, start up, bound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
supero 2 2 2 10819 0.0004 to go over, rise above, overtop, surmount, transcend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ariadna 2 2 2 10821 0.0025 daughter of Minos Lewis & Short
gemo 2 2 2 10823 0.0006 to sigh, groan, lament Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
averto 2 2 2 10825 0.0009 to turn away, avert, turn off, remove: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
truculentus 2 2 2 10827 0.0017 savage, fierce, ferocious, stern, grim, harsh, cruel, fell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vellus 2 2 2 10829 0.001 wool shorn off, a fleece Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
virginitas 2 2 2 10831 0.0017 maidenhood, virginity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pulvinar 2 2 2 10833 0.0024 a couch of the gods, cushioned seat spread at a feast of the gods Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reviso 2 2 2 10835 0.0013 to look back, look back to see, come back to inquire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,550 dormio 2 2 2 10837 0.0013 to sleep Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abstineo 2 2 2 10839 0.0012 to keep back, keep off, hold back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sustollo 2 2 2 10841 0.0028 to lift, raise up, raise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
operio 2 2 2 10843 0.0008 to cover, cover over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tamquam 2 2 2 10845 0.0009 as much as, so as, just as, like as, as if, so to speak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
haereo 2 2 2 10847 0.0008 to hang, stick, cleave, cling, adhere, hold fast, be fixed, sit fast, remain close Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pinus 2 2 2 10849 0.0013 a pine, pine-tree, fir, firtree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vatinianus 2 2 2 10851 0.0039 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
propero 2 2 2 10853 0.0005 to make haste, hasten, be quick, be in haste, go quickly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lucellum 2 2 2 10855 0.0028 a small gain, slight profit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,560 rixa 2 2 2 10857 0.0016 a quarrel, brawl, dispute, contest, strife, contention Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
esuritio 2 2 2 10859 0.0033 a hungering, hunger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
munusculum 2 2 2 10861 0.0022 a small gift, trifling present Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nauta 2 2 2 10863 0.0009 a sailor, seaman, mariner, boatman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aestuosus 2 2 2 10865 0.0026 burning hot, glowing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ignarus 2 2 2 10867 0.001 ignorant, not knowing, unacquainted with, unskilled in, inexperienced, unaware Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unguis 2 2 2 10869 0.001 a nail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vario 2 2 2 10871 0.0007 to diversify, variegate, change Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
clarisonus 2 2 2 10873 0.0038 clear-sounding, loud Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vitis 2 2 2 10875 0.0007 a vine, grape-vine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,570 zona 2 2 2 10877 0.0013 a woman's girdle, belt, zone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
morbus 2 2 2 10879 0.0007 a sickness, disease, disorder, distemper, ailment, illness, malady Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
allocutio 2 2 2 10881 0.0027 consoling words Lewis & Short
tabula 2 2 2 10883 0.0011 a board, plank Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trabs 2 2 2 10885 0.0013 a beam, timber, rafter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
horreo 2 2 2 10887 0.0006 to stand on end, stand erect, bristle, be rough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cacumen 2 2 2 10889 0.0011 an extremity, point, peak, top, summit: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ira 2 2 2 10891 0.0005 anger, wrath, rage, ire, passion, indignation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jocor 2 2 2 10893 0.0016 to jest, joke Lewis & Short
prosterno 2 2 2 10895 0.001 to strew before, spread out, cast down, throw to the ground, overthrow, prostrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,580 rostrum 2 2 2 10897 0.0011 a beak, bill, snout, muzzle, mouth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
merus 2 2 2 10899 0.0011 pure, unmixed, unadulterated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eon 2 2 2 10901 0.0029 an unknown tree Lewis & Short
ager 2 2 2 10903 0.0004 productive land, a field, farm, estate, arable land, pasture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sudarium 2 2 2 10905 0.003 a handkerchief Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incendium 2 2 2 10907 0.001 a burning, fire, conflagration Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ineptia 2 2 2 10909 0.0021 silliness, folly, absurdity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
veridicus 2 2 2 10911 0.0021 truth-telling, truthful, veracious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praepono 2 2 2 10913 0.0012 to place in front, put upon, affix Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
violo 2 2 2 10915 0.0008 to treat with violence, injure, dishonor, outrage, violate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,590 Juno 2 2 2 10917 0.001 the planet Venus Lewis & Short
abrumpo 2 2 2 10919 0.0014 to break off, break away, tear, rend, burst, sever: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suscito 2 2 2 10921 0.0014 to lift up, raise, elevate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gingiva 2 2 2 10923 0.0032 a gum (of the jaw) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imperium 2 2 2 10925 0.0004 a command, order, direction, injunction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vado 2 2 2 10927 0.0013 to go, walk, go hastily, proceed rapidly, rush Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
porrigo 2 2 2 10929 0.0009 to stretch out, spread out, put forth, reach out, extend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vesanus 2 2 2 10931 0.0013 unsound of mind, mad, insane, raging Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conor 2 2 2 10933 0.0008 to undertake, endeavor, attempt, try, venture, seek, aim, make an effort, begin, make trial of: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ruo 2 2 2 10935 0.0005 to fall with violence, rush down, fall down, tumble down, go to ruin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,600 mitra 2 2 2 10937 0.0019 a headband, coif, turban (an Asiatic head-dress) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amnis 2 2 2 10939 0.0007 a river Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cesso 2 2 2 10941 0.0007 to be remiss, delay, loiter, cease from, stop, give over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
provincia 2 2 2 10943 0.0015 an office, duty, pursuit, charge, business, province Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deprecor 2 2 2 10945 0.0015 to avert by prayer, deprecate, plead against, beg to escape, seek to avoid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spumo 2 2 2 10947 0.0011 to foam, froth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impurus 2 2 2 10949 0.0018 unclean, filthy, foul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
via 2 2 2 10951 0.0004 a way, highway, road, path, street Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
columbus 2 2 2 10953 0.0022 a male dove, cockpigeon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adipiscor 2 2 2 10955 0.0014 to come up with, arrive at, reach, overtake Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,610 facetia 2 2 2 10957 0.0022 sarcasms Lewis & Short
fidelis 2 2 2 10959 0.0009 trusty, trustworthy, faithful, sincere, true Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subtilis 2 2 2 10961 0.0018 fine, nice, delicate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tandem 2 2 2 10963 0.0004 at length, at last, in the end, finally Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
thallus 2 2 2 10965 0.0035 a green stalk Lewis & Short
Battiades 2 2 2 10967 0.0033 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
capillus 2 2 2 10969 0.0008 collect., the hair of the head, hair Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verbosus 2 2 2 10971 0.0024 full of words, wordy, verbose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lacrima 2 2 2 10973 0.0007 a tear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corolla 2 2 2 10975 0.0019 a little crown or garland Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,620 radicitus 2 2 2 10977 0.0024 by the roots, utterly, radically Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
remoror 2 2 2 10979 0.0018 to hold back, stay, detain, obstruct, hinder, delay, defer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desiderium 2 2 2 10981 0.0014 a longing, ardent desire, wish, want, grief, regret Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eligo 2 2 2 10983 0.001 to pluck out, root out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nivit 2 2 2 10985 0.0009 it snows; Lewis & Short
sterilis 2 2 2 10987 0.0012 unfruitful, barren, sterile, unproductive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nutrix 2 2 2 10989 0.0013 a wet-nurse, nurse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
omnino 2 2 2 10991 0.0013 altogether, wholly, entirely, utterly, at all Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
temere 2 2 2 10993 0.0012 by chance, by accident, at random, without design, casually, fortuitously, rashly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inconsiderately, indiscreetly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
otiosus 2 2 2 10995 0.0017 at leisure, unoccupied, disengaged, unemployed, idle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,630 caelicola 2 2 2 10997 0.0019 a deity, god Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vacuus 2 2 2 10999 0.0007 empty, void, unoccupied, vacant, free, clear, devoid of, without Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ventosus 2 2 2 11001 0.0016 full of wind, windy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pudeo 2 2 2 11003 0.0008 to be ashamed, feel shame Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pusillus 2 2 2 11005 0.0019 very little, very small, petty, insignificant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suaviolum 2 2 2 11007 0.0032 a little kiss Lewis & Short
nuper 2 2 2 11009 0.0007 newly, lately, recently, freshly, not long ago, just Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alloquor 2 2 2 11011 0.0012 to speak to Lewis & Short
aureolus 2 2 2 11013 0.0023 golden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perhibeo 2 2 2 11015 0.0014 to bring forward, adduce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,640 validus 2 2 2 11017 0.0007 strong, stout, able, powerful, robust, vigorous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incola 2 2 2 11019 0.0012 an inhabitant, resident Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vendo 2 2 2 11021 0.0011 to sell, vend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reflagito 2 2 2 11023 0.0048 to demand again, demand back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mamurra 2 2 2 11025 0.0036 Formiæ Lewis & Short
expromo 2 2 2 11027 0.0018 to show forth, discover, exert, practise, exhibit, display Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
figo 2 2 2 11029 0.0006 to fix, fasten, drive, thrust in, attach, affix, post, erect, set up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Argivus 2 2 2 11031 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
haud 2 2 2 11033 0.0005 not, not at all, by no means Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avello 2 2 2 11035 0.0015 to tear away, rend off, pluck, snatch away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,650 veho 2 2 2 11037 0.0007 to bear, carry, convey, draw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vireo 2 2 2 11039 0.0004 to be green, be verdant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procurro 2 2 2 11041 0.0018 to run forth, rush forward, charge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cubo 2 2 2 11043 0.0011 to lie down, recline Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scelestus 2 2 2 11045 0.0016 impious, wicked, villanous, infamous, accursed, knavish, roguish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
emorior 2 2 2 11047 0.0018 to die off, die, decease Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exuviae 2 2 2 11049 0.0015 that which is stripped off, clothing, equipments, arms Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fateor 2 2 2 11051 0.0006 to confess, own, grant, acknowledge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenax 2 2 2 11053 0.0013 holding fast, griping, tenacious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impetus 2 2 2 11055 0.001 an attack, assault, onset Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,660 inquino 2 2 2 11057 0.0017 to befoul, stain, pollute, defile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procella 2 2 2 11059 0.001 a violent wind, storm, hurricane, tempest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recondo 2 2 2 11061 0.0013 to put up again, put back, lay up, put away, hoard, shut up, close, hide, conceal, bury Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
respondeo 2 2 2 11063 0.0007 to answer, reply, respond, make answer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discerpo 2 2 2 11065 0.0018 to tear in pieces, rend, mangle, mutilate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acies 2 2 2 11067 0.0007 a sharp edge, point, cutting part Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sumptuosus 2 2 2 11069 0.0024 very expensive, costing much, dear, sumptuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
identidem 2 2 2 11071 0.0021 again and again, repeatedly, often, now and then, at intervals, ever and anon, continually, constantly, habitually Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immo 2 2 2 11073 0.001 no indeed, by no means, on the contrary, nay, in reality: An Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infelix 2 2 2 11075 0.0008 unfruitful, not fertile, barren Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,670 laneus 2 2 2 11077 0.0027 woollen, of wool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excipio 2 2 2 11079 0.0007 To take out, withdraw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
accolo 2 2 2 11081 0.0021 to dwell near, be a neighbor to: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stultus 2 2 2 11083 0.0009 foolish, simple, silly, fatuous, stupid, dull Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tabella 2 2 2 11085 0.0013 a small board Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incingo 2 2 2 11087 0.0021 to gird, gird about, surround Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
intactus 2 2 2 11089 0.0012 untouched, uninjured, intact Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ionius 2 2 2 11091 0.0016 of Lewis & Short
columen 2 2 2 11093 0.0018 a pillar, column Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vorago 2 2 2 11095 0.0018 an abyss, gulf, whirlpool, depth, chasm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,680 laetitia 2 2 2 11097 0.001 joy, exultation, rejoicing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
semel 2 2 2 11099 0.0008 once, a single time Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
molliculus 2 2 2 11101 0.0026 voluptuous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expolio 2 2 2 11103 0.0021 to smooth, polish, finish, adorn, embellish, refine, elaborate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Orgia 2 2 2 11105 0.0019 the orgies, nocturnal festival of Bacchus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
harena 2 2 2 11107 0.0009 sand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
propono 2 2 2 11109 0.001 to put forth, set forth, lay out, place before, expose to view, display Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crus 2 2 2 11111 0.0011 the leg, shank, shin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lingo 2 2 2 11113 0.0027 to lick Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ebriosus 2 2 2 11115 0.0028 given to drink, sottish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,690 severus 2 2 2 11117 0.0009 serious, sober, grave, strict, austere, stern, severe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expello 2 2 2 11119 0.0009 to drive out, drive away, thrust out, eject, expel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sternuo 2 2 2 11121 0.0034 to sneeze, sputter, crackle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aleo 2 2 2 11123 0.0038 a gamester Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sublevo 2 2 2 11125 0.0017 to lift from beneath, raise up, hold up, support Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
superbus 2 2 2 11127 0.0005 haughty, proud, vain, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, supercilious, domineering Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
barathrum 2 2 2 11129 0.002 an abyss, chasm, gulf, pit: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unigena 2 2 2 11131 0.0032 only-begotten, only Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilosus 2 2 2 11133 0.0031 hairy, shaggy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decerpo 2 2 2 11135 0.0016 to pluck off, tear away, break off, pluck, crop, gather Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,700 exsterno 2 2 2 11137 0.0041 to terrify greatly, affright Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aer 2 2 2 11139 0.0006 the air, atmosphere, sky, esp. the lower air Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nothus 2 2 2 11141 0.0021 illegitimate, born out of wedlock (of a known father) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
allus 2 2 2 11143 0.0024 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
futuo 2 2 2 11145 0.0027 to have carnal connection Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hendecasyllabi 2 2 2 11147 0.0028 verses of eleven syllables Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
horridus 2 2 2 11149 0.0008 standing on end, rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
periculum 2 2 2 11151 0.0006 a trial, experiment, attempt, test, proof, essay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pervigilo 2 2 2 11153 0.0019 to watch all night, remain awake, watch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
virtus 2 2 2 11155 0.0003 manliness, manhood, strength, vigor, bravery, courage, excellence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,710 confero 2 2 2 11157 0.0006 I. To bring together, collect, gather, unite, join: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
purgo 2 2 2 11159 0.001 to free from what is superfluous, make clean, make pure, clean, cleanse, purify Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quisnam 2 2 2 11161 0.0009 who then? who in the world? which, I insist? what, pray? (more pressing than quis) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rarus 2 2 2 11163 0.0007 of loose texture, thin, rare, not thick Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reflecto 2 2 2 11165 0.0015 to bend back, turn backwards, turn about, turn away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rubor 2 2 2 11167 0.0013 redness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Favonius 2 2 2 11169 0.0019 the west wind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arguo 2 2 2 11171 0.0008 to make known, show, prove, manifest, disclose, declare, betray Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thessalia 2 2 2 11173 0.002 Jason Lewis & Short
Brixia 2 2 2 11175 0.0022 a town in Lewis & Short
2,720 impudicus 2 2 2 11177 0.0021 shameless, impudent, without modesty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prosilio 2 2 2 11179 0.0015 to leap forward, spring forth, spring up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
emulgeo 2 2 2 11181 0.0039 to drain out, exhaust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spes 2 2 2 11183 0.0004 hope Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
substerno 2 2 2 11185 0.0021 to strew under, scatter below, spread beneath Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paeniteo 2 2 2 11187 0.0014 to make sorry, cause to repent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vincio 2 2 2 11189 0.0006 to bind, bind about, fetter, tie, fasten, surround, encircle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decoctor 2 2 2 11191 0.0033 a spendthrift, ruined man, bankrupt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abicio 2 2 2 11193 0.0012 to throw from one, cast away, throw away, throw down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
timor 2 2 2 11195 0.0007 fear, dread, apprehension, timidity, alarm, anxiety Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,730 prurio 2 2 2 11197 0.0025 to itch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consurgo 2 2 2 11199 0.0011 to rise, stand up, arise, start up, rise in a body, lift oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devoro 2 2 2 11201 0.0017 to swallow, gulp down, devour, consume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Dindymus 2 2 2 11203 0.0036 a mountain in Mysia near Pessinus, sacred to Cybele Lewis & Short
Scylla 2 2 2 11205 0.0017 the daughter of Phorcys Lewis & Short
Erechtheus 2 2 2 11207 0.003 a fabled king of Athens Lewis & Short
exspecto 2 2 2 11209 0.0007 to look out for, await, wait for Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adquiesco 2 2 2 11211 0.0022 to become quiet, come to rest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nimirum 2 2 2 11213 0.0013 without doubt, doubtless, indisputably, certainly, surely, truly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suffigo 2 2 2 11215 0.0022 to fasten beneath, attach, affix Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,740 palmula 2 2 2 11217 0.0027 an oar-blade, oar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
thiasus 2 2 2 11219 0.0027 a dance in honor of Bacchus, Bacchic dance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avidus 2 2 2 11221 0.0009 longing eagerly, desirous, eager, greedy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perfundo 2 2 2 11223 0.0011 to pour over, wet, moisten, bedew, besprinkle, drench, bathe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pertaedet 2 2 2 11225 0.0006 it wearies, disgusts, makes sick Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pono 2 2 2 11227 0.0002 to put down, set down, put, place, set, fix, lay, deposit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Postumius 2 2 2 11229 0.002 leading towards Genoa Lewis & Short
pumex 2 2 2 11231 0.002 a pumice-stone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desum 2 2 2 11233 0.0006 to be away, be absent, fail, be wanting, be missing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
semen 2 2 2 11235 0.0008 seed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,750 sermo 2 2 2 11237 0.0006 continued speech, talk, conversation, discourse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mula 2 2 2 11239 0.0021 a she-mule, mule Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
absumo 2 2 2 11241 0.0013 to take away, diminish, use up, consume, exhaust: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
siquis 2 2 2 11243 0.0012 if any whither Lewis & Short
exposco 2 2 2 11245 0.0017 to ask earnestly, beg, request, entreat, implore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adjuro 2 2 2 11247 0.0023 to swear to Lewis & Short
ardor 2 2 2 11249 0.0008 a burning, flame, fire, heat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torreo 2 2 2 11251 0.001 to dry up, parch, roast, bake, scorch, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Harpocrates 2 2 2 11253 0.0041 The Egyptian god of silence Lewis & Short
auxilium 2 2 2 11255 0.0007 help, aid, assistance, support, succor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,760 persequor 2 2 2 11257 0.0012 to follow perseveringly, follow after, follow up, pursue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concoquo 2 2 2 11259 0.0023 to digest: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moechor 2 2 2 11261 0.0034 to commit adultery Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
etsi 2 2 2 11263 0.0013 though, although, albeit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aeternus 2 2 2 11265 0.0006 of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, endless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alga 2 2 2 11267 0.0019 sea-weed, H.—Prov. of worthlessness: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tempestas 2 2 2 11269 0.001 a portion of time, point of time, time, season, period Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hesternus 2 2 2 11271 0.0017 of yesterday, yesterday's Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
podagra 2 2 2 11273 0.0022 the gout, podagra Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Diana 2 2 2 11275 0.0011 the goddess of light and of the moon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,770 saturo 2 2 2 11277 0.0015 to fill, glut, cloy, satiate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fluctuo 2 2 2 11279 0.0015 to move in waves, wave, undulate, fluctuate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hercules 2 2 2 11281 0.0009 a son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and god of strength Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immerens 2 2 2 11283 0.0027 undeserving, innocent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
utinam 2 2 2 11285 0.0009 oh that! I wish that! if only! would to heaven! would that! Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
platalea 2 0 0.5 11285.5 0.002 a waterfowl, spoonbill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cateno 2 0 0.5 11286 0.0014 intertwined Lewis & Short
initio 2 0 0.5 11286.5 0.0016 to begin, initiate, consecrate, admit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cista 2 0 0.5 11287 0.0027 a woven basket, wickerwork basket, box, T., C., Ct., Tb., O. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
interfacio 2 0 0.5 11287.5 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
2,780 praeter 2 0 0.5 11288 0.001 except, besides, unless, save, other than, not Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pristinus 2 0 0.5 11288.5 0.0014 former, early, original, primitive, pristine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prosum 2 0 0.5 11289 0.0007 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
conventus 2 0 0.5 11289.5 0.0016 a meeting, assembly, throng Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rudens 2 0 0.5 11290 0.0018 spun a long yarn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devincio 2 0 0.5 11290.5 0.0015 to bind fast, tie up, fetter, clamp Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maturus 2 0 0.5 11291 0.001 ripe, mature Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saeptum 2 0 0.5 11291.5 0.0013 a fence Lewis & Short
serpo 2 0 0.5 11292 0.0009 to creep, crawl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excelsus 2 0 0.5 11292.5 0.0013 elevated, lofty, high Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,790 Adoneus 2 0 0.5 11293 0.0035 An epithet of Bacchus Lewis & Short
figuro 2 0 0.5 11293.5 0.0012 to form, fashion, shape Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sudorus 2 0 0.5 11294 0.0015 dripping with sweat Lewis & Short
tenuo 2 0 0.5 11294.5 0.0007 to make thin, make slender, wear away, dilute, rarefy, attenuate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hebe 2 0 0.5 11295 0.0019 the goddess of youth Lewis & Short
Peleius 2 0 0.5 11295.5 0.0032 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Hyperborei 2 0 0.5 11296 0.0025 a fabulous people living at the extreme north Lewis & Short
pistrinum 2 0 0.5 11296.5 0.0025 a corn-mill, poundingmill, mill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volutus 2 0 0.5 11297 0.0024 a rolling Lewis & Short
biga 2 0 0.5 11297.5 0.0019 (very rare), and Elem. Lewis
2,800 Ladas 2 0 0.5 11298 0.0038 a runner of Alexander the Great, whose name became a proverb for swiftness Lewis & Short
praevertor 2 0 0.5 11298.5 0.0017 to outstrip, pass Elem. Lewis
contraho 2 0 0.5 11299 0.001 to draw together, collect, assemble Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spurcatus 2 0 0.5 11299.5 0.0039 filthy, foul, defiled Elem. Lewis
leno 2 0 0.5 11300 0.0016 a pimp, pander, procurer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defectus 2 0 0.5 11300.5 0.002 a falling away, desertion, revolt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desponsor 2 0 0.5 11301 0.0025 one who betroths Lewis & Short
molleo 2 0 0.5 11301.5 0.0011 to be soft Lewis & Short
movens 2 0 0.5 11302 0.0017 movable, portable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aegeus 2 0 0.5 11302.5 0.0023 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
2,810 fetus 2 0 0.5 11303 0.0011 filled with young, pregnant, breeding, with young Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Asinius 2 0 0.5 11303.5 0.0021 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
textum 2 0 0.5 11304 0.0016 that which is woven, a web Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attritus 2 0 0.5 11304.5 0.0025 a rubbing on Lewis & Short
Hostius 2 0 0.5 11305 0.0009 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
iliacus 2 0 0.5 11305.5 0.0018 relating to the colic Lewis & Short
caeruleus 2 0 0.5 11306 0.0014 like the sky, azure, blue, dark blue, dark green Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verber 2 0 0.5 11306.5 0.001 a lash, whip, scourge, rod Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praedico 2 0 0.5 11307 0.0013 you tell a different story Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volatus 2 0 0.5 11307.5 0.0015 a flying, flight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,820 labrusca 2 0 0.5 11308 0.0013 the wild vine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lotos 2 0 0.5 11308.5 0.0022 The name of several plants Lewis & Short
lustror 2 0 0.5 11309 0.0011 to frequent places of ill-repute Lewis & Short
ruro 2 0 0.5 11309.5 0.0008 to live in the country Lewis & Short
morsus 2 0 0.5 11310 0.0011 a biting, bite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sodalicius 2 0 0.5 11310.5 0.0029 of a sodalis, of fellowship, of companionship Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
statuo 2 0 0.5 11311 0.0007 to cause to stand, set up, set, station, fix upright, erect, plant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ars 2 0 0.5 11311.5 0.0003 practical skill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tincta 2 0 0.5 11312 0.0016 dyed cloths, colored stuffs Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pax 2 0 0.5 11312.5 0.0004 a compact, agreement, treaty, peace, treaty of peace, reconciliation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,830 Balbus 2 0 0.5 11313 0.0022 a Roman cognomen Lewis & Short
tumidus 2 0 0.5 11313.5 0.0009 swollen, swelling, rising high, protuberant, tumid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incultus 2 0 0.5 11314 0.0023 want of cultivation, neglect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
plumbo 2 0 0.5 11314.5 0.0022 To lead Lewis & Short
purpuro 2 0 0.5 11315 0.0013 to purple Lewis & Short
contectus 2 0 0.5 11315.5 0.002 P. of contego Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quini 2 0 0.5 11316 0.0015 [unavailable] Elem. Lewis
quocumque 2 0 0.5 11316.5 0.0013 to whatever place, whithersoever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
longinquo 2 0 0.5 11317 0.0015 to remove to a distance, put afar off Lewis & Short
mica 2 0 0.5 11317.5 0.0022 a crumb, bit, morsel, grain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,840 stupro 2 0 0.5 11318 0.0018 to defile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obsideo 2 0 0.5 11318.5 0.001 to sit, stay, remain, abide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amiculum 2 0 0.5 11319 0.0026 an outer garment, mantle, cloak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ictus 2 0 0.5 11319.5 0.0008 a blow, stroke, stab, cut, thrust, bite, sting, wound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praesideo 2 0 0.5 11320 0.0014 to guard, watch, protect, defend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viride 2 0 0.5 11320.5 0.0009 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
lito 2 0 0.5 11321 0.0011 to make an acceptable sacrifice, obtain favorable omens Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deficio 2 0 0.5 11321.5 0.0008 to withdraw, revolt, desert, fall off Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maternus 2 0 0.5 11322 0.0012 of a mother, maternal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
digredior 2 0 0.5 11322.5 0.0014 to go apart, go asunder, separate, part, go away, depart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,850 miror 2 0 0.5 11323 0.0004 to wonder, marvel, be astonished, be amazed, admire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abusus 2 0 0.5 11323.5 0.003 an abusing, using up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expressor 2 0 0.5 11324 0.0019 one who presses out Lewis & Short
Aemilius 2 0 0.5 11324.5 0.0016 the ship on which the booty acquired by L. Æmilius Paulus Lewis & Short
Faustus 2 0 0.5 11325 0.0013 A surname of Lewis & Short
strophium 2 0 0.5 11325.5 0.0025 a breast-band, stay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigoro 2 0 0.5 11326 0.0013 to cool down Lewis & Short
aper 2 0 0.5 11326.5 0.0011 a wild boar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oriens 2 0 0.5 11327 0.0013 the rising sun, morning sun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
turpiter 2 0 0.5 11327.5 0.0015 in an unsightly manner, repulsively Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,860 impressus 2 0 0.5 11328 0.0016 unpressed, not milked Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Phryx 2 0 0.5 11328.5 0.0017 Phrygian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vegetus 2 0 0.5 11329 0.0022 enlivened, lively, animated, vigorous, active, brisk, sprightly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
veternus 2 0 0.5 11329.5 0.0021 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
clementia 2 0 0.5 11330 0.0012 moderation, mildness, forbearance, benignity, clemency, mercy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Priapus 2 0 0.5 11330.5 0.0021 Priapus, the god of gardens and vineyards Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pugna 2 0 0.5 11331 0.0007 a hand-to-hand fight, fight at close quarters, battle, combat, action, engagement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conscriptus 2 0 0.5 11331.5 0.0018 one enrolled Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quadrivium 2 0 0.5 11332 0.0032 a place where four ways meet, cross-way, cross-road Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ramula 2 0 0.5 11332.5 0.0033 the hoof Lewis & Short
2,870 lucinus 2 0 0.5 11333 0.0018 one's natal hour Lewis & Short
remunero 2 0 0.5 11333.5 0.0025 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
demetior 2 0 0.5 11334 0.0027 to measure off, measure out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
displiceo 2 0 0.5 11334.5 0.0013 to displease, be unsatisfactory Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
domito 2 0 0.5 11335 0.0014 to tame, break in Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expensum 2 0 0.5 11335.5 0.0024 money paid, a payment Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nereus 2 0 0.5 11336 0.0017 Phocus, grandson of Nereus Lewis & Short
testor 2 0 0.5 11336.5 0.0008 to cause to testify, call as a witness, invoke, appeal to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gyrus 2 0 0.5 11337 0.0017 a circle, circular course, round, ring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tribus 2 0 0.5 11337.5 0.0009 a third part of the people Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,880 Hiberes 2 0 0.5 11338 0.0024 the Western Ocean Lewis & Short
Barba 2 0 0.5 11338.5 0.0013 a Roman name Lewis & Short
bombus 2 0 0.5 11339 0.0024 a hollow sound, humming, buzzing: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perpetuo 2 0 0.5 11339.5 0.0008 to cause to continue, perpetuate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infimo 2 0 0.5 11340 0.0017 to make low Lewis & Short
porcus 2 0 0.5 11340.5 0.0017 a tame swine, hog, pig Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Colchis 2 0 0.5 11341 0.0022 of Medea Lewis & Short
Africanus 2 0 0.5 11341.5 0.0012 of Africa, African Elem. Lewis
Conon 2 0 0.5 11342 0.0031 A renowned general of the Athenians, whose life was written by Nepos; Lewis & Short
regens 2 0 0.5 11342.5 0.0016 a governor, ruler Elem. Lewis
2,890 vilica 2 0 0.5 11343 0.0033 a female overseer, overseer's wife Elem. Lewis
crimino 2 0 0.5 11343.5 0.001 v. a.; Lewis & Short
lupus 2 0 0.5 11344 0.0008 a wolf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magnanimis 2 0 0.5 11344.5 0.0014 high-minded, magnanimous Lewis & Short
miles 2 0 0.5 11345 0.0006 a soldier Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
neptunia 2 0 0.5 11345.5 0.0023 a plant Lewis & Short
stagnum 2 0 0.5 11346 0.0012 a standing water, lake, pool, pond, swamp, fen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tullus 2 0 0.5 11346.5 0.0021 a Roman ambassador Lewis & Short
beta 2 0 0.5 11347 0.0025 a vegetable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
initium 2 0 0.5 11347.5 0.0015 a going in, entrance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,900 interficio 2 0 0.5 11348 0.0015 to put out of the way, destroy, bring to naught Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
profundus 2 0 0.5 11348.5 0.0008 deep, profound, vast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
locatum 2 0 0.5 11349 0.0015 the subject of a lease Elem. Lewis
degero 2 0 0.5 11349.5 0.0017 v. a., to carry away, carry off Lewis & Short
maena 2 0 0.5 11350 0.0028 a small seafish (eaten salted by the poor) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rudis 2 0 0.5 11350.5 0.0009 unwrought, untilled, unformed, unused, rough, raw, wild Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devinctus 2 0 0.5 11351 0.0018 devoted, strongly attached Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diluo 2 0 0.5 11351.5 0.0016 to wash away, dissolve, dilute, wash, drench Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
miserabilis 2 0 0.5 11352 0.0012 pitiable, miserable, deplorable, lamentable, wretched, sad Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
serta 2 0 0.5 11352.5 0.001 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,910 Adoneus 2 0 0.5 11353 0.0035 pertaining to Lewis & Short
officio 2 0 0.5 11353.5 0.0011 to come in the way of, hinder, oppose, thwart, obstruct Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oppositus 2 0 0.5 11354 0.0013 standing against, opposed, opposite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ortus 2 0 0.5 11354.5 0.0007 a rising Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
assitus 2 0 0.5 11355 0.0027 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
hebeo 2 0 0.5 11355.5 0.0018 to be blunt, be dull Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vagor 2 0 0.5 11356 0.0009 to stroll about, go to and fro, ramble, wander, roam, range, rove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prospectus 2 0 0.5 11356.5 0.0018 a lookout, distant view, prospect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
insolenter 2 0 0.5 11357 0.0026 unusually, contrary to custom Elem. Lewis
consilior 2 0 0.5 11357.5 0.0008 to take counsel, consult Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,920 later 2 0 0.5 11358 0.0009 a brick, tile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contremisco 2 0 0.5 11358.5 0.0021 to tremble, shake, shudder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
leno 2 0 0.5 11359 0.0019 through my intervention Lewis & Short
sereno 2 0 0.5 11359.5 0.001 to make clear, clear up, make serene Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mutio 2 0 0.5 11360 0.0018 nor should it even be muttered, be hinted at Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
explicate 2 0 0.5 11360.5 0.001 clearly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fetus 2 0 0.5 11361 0.0011 a bringing forth, bearing, hatching, producing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subter 2 0 0.5 11361.5 0.0015 below, beneath, underneath Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torquatus 2 0 0.5 11362 0.0018 adorned with a necklace, collared Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Caeruleus 2 0 0.5 11362.5 0.0014 the name of an aqueduct at Rome Lewis & Short
2,930 verbero 2 0 0.5 11363 0.001 to beat, strike, lash, knock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praedico 2 0 0.5 11363.5 0.0011 to say before, premise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vinculum 2 0 0.5 11364 0.0007 a means of binding, fastening, band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cornus 2 0 0.5 11364.5 0.0008 a cornel cherry-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
libella 2 0 0.5 11365 0.0016 an as, the tenth of a denarius Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saxum 2 0 0.5 11365.5 0.0005 a large stone, rough stone, broken rock, bowlder, rock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
securis 2 0 0.5 11366 0.001 an axe, hatchet, cleaver Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Abii 2 0 0.5 11366.5 0.0025 a Scythian tribe in Asia Lewis & Short
simus 2 0 0.5 11367 0.0013 flat-nosed, snub-nosed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expedio 2 0 0.5 11367.5 0.0009 to extricate, disengage, let loose, set free, liberate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,940 ferrugineus 2 0 0.5 11368 0.0021 of an iron gray color, dusky Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flagrantia 2 0 0.5 11368.5 0.0024 a glow, ardor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fremitus 2 0 0.5 11369 0.0014 a rushing, resounding, murmuring, humming, loud noise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taedium 2 0 0.5 11369.5 0.0013 weariness, irksomeness, tediousness, loathing, disgust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attero 2 0 0.5 11370 0.0015 to rub against, rub away, wear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tingo 2 0 0.5 11370.5 0.0008 to wet, moisten, bathe, dip, imbue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gutus 2 0 0.5 11371 0.0021 a narrow-necked flask, cruet, oil-flask Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pax 2 0 0.5 11371.5 0.0004 a slave's name Lewis & Short
balnearis 2 0 0.5 11372 0.0034 silver utensils used in baths Lewis & Short
impendeo 2 0 0.5 11372.5 0.0015 to hang over, overhang Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,950 inaniter 2 0 0.5 11373 0.0026 vainly, idly, uselessly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
plumbum 2 0 0.5 11373.5 0.0018 lead Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vento 2 0 0.5 11374 0.0016 to be wont to come Lewis & Short
intimo 2 0 0.5 11374.5 0.0014 flows into Lewis & Short
praeverto 2 0 0.5 11375 0.0017 to go before, precede, outstrip, outrun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cohorto 2 0 0.5 11375.5 0.0011 to exhort Lewis & Short
conjugo 2 0 0.5 11376 0.0017 to form, unite in Lewis & Short
miserabile 2 0 0.5 11376.5 0.0016 pitiably, wretchedly Elem. Lewis
laxo 2 0 0.5 11377 0.0011 to extend, make wide, open, expand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
longinquus 2 0 0.5 11377.5 0.0012 far removed, far off, remote, distant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,960 luo 2 0 0.5 11378 0.0009 to loose, free, pay off Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medicus 2 0 0.5 11378.5 0.0009 a surgeon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sagitto 2 0 0.5 11379 0.0012 to discharge arrows, shoot with arrows Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divorto 2 0 0.5 11379.5 0.0007 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
notatus 2 0 0.5 11380 0.0016 marked, known, noted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stuprum 2 0 0.5 11380.5 0.0016 defilement, dishonor, disgrace, violation, outrage, incest, lust Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obsido 2 0 0.5 11381 0.0015 to beset, invest, besiege, blockade Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amiculus 2 0 0.5 11381.5 0.0026 a pet friend, crony Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aptus 2 0 0.5 11382 0.0007 fastened, joined, fitted, bound, attached Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gravido 2 0 0.5 11382.5 0.0018 to load, impregnate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,970 avitium 2 0 0.5 11383 0.0019 the winged race Lewis & Short
praesidero 2 0 0.5 11383.5 0.0013 to be in advance of the constellations Lewis & Short
conus 2 0 0.5 11384 0.0018 a cone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
raptus 2 0 0.5 11384.5 0.0012 a snatching away, wrench Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cyrene 2 0 0.5 11385 0.0022 the school of philosophy founded by Aristippus Lewis & Short
repertus 2 0 0.5 11385.5 0.0018 A finding again Lewis & Short
Maternus 2 0 0.5 11386 0.0015 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
digressus 2 0 0.5 11386.5 0.0018 a parting, separating, departure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diverto 2 0 0.5 11387 0.0007 to visit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
effigies 2 0 0.5 11387.5 0.0012 a copy, imitation, counterpart, likeness, semblance, effigy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
2,980 mulco 2 0 0.5 11388 0.0012 to beat, cudgel, maltreat, handle roughly, injure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abutor 2 0 0.5 11388.5 0.0018 to use up, consume, spend, exhaust: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aemilius 2 0 0.5 11389 0.0016 a poet Lewis & Short
favea 2 0 0.5 11389.5 0.002 a favorite female slave Lewis & Short
Nonius 2 0 0.5 11390 0.0024 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
Strophius 2 0 0.5 11390.5 0.0027 a king of Phocis Lewis & Short
Aper 2 0 0.5 11391 0.0012 a Roman cognomen Lewis & Short
origo 2 0 0.5 11391.5 0.0009 a beginning, commencement, source, start, descent, lineage, birth, origin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Graii 2 0 0.5 11392 0.0012 the Grecian Alps Lewis & Short
Perseus 2 0 0.5 11392.5 0.0018 where Perseus's grandfather Lewis & Short
2,990 imprimo 2 0 0.5 11393 0.0013 to press upon, press against Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Phryx 2 0 0.5 11393.5 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Priapus 2 0 0.5 11394 0.0021 A town of Mysia Lewis & Short
propter 2 0 0.5 11394.5 0.0008 near, hard by, at hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hyperboreus 2 0 0.5 11395 0.0022 northern, polar, arctic Elem. Lewis
quadrivius 2 0 0.5 11395.5 0.0032 of the cross-roads Lewis & Short
ramulus 2 0 0.5 11396 0.0028 a twig, sprig, shoot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
curvo 2 0 0.5 11396.5 0.001 to crook, bend, bow, curve, round Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
remuneror 2 0 0.5 11397 0.0025 to repay, reward, recompense, remunerate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
demeto 2 0 0.5 11397.5 0.0024 to mow, reap, cut off, gather, crop, harvest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,000 displico 2 0 0.5 11398 0.0017 v. a., to scatter Lewis & Short
stipendior 2 0 0.5 11398.5 0.0018 to receive pay Lewis & Short
foras 2 0 0.5 11399 0.0017 out through the doors, out of doors, forth, out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fundus 2 0 0.5 11399.5 0.001 the bottom, lowest part Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
paco 2 0 0.5 11400 0.0007 are subdued Lewis & Short
turbido 2 0 0.5 11400.5 0.0015 to trouble Lewis & Short
infimus 2 0 0.5 11401 0.0015 lowest, last Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
chorea 2 0 0.5 11401.5 0.0012 a dance in a ring, dance to music, V., H., O., Tb., Pr. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inquies 2 0 0.5 11402 0.0018 restless, unquiet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inuro 2 0 0.5 11402.5 0.0019 to burn in, burn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,010 colliga 2 0 0.5 11403 0.0024 a place for gathering nitrum Lewis & Short
Africus 2 0 0.5 11403.5 0.0021 African Elem. Lewis
prone 2 0 0.5 11404 0.0041 inclined, leaning, slanting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lar 2 0 0.5 11404.5 0.0009 the gods of places, protecting deities, Lares Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vinclum 2 0 0.5 11405 0.001 see vinculum Elem. Lewis
lora 2 0 0.5 11405.5 0.0015 a small Lewis & Short
Lupus 2 0 0.5 11406 0.0009 a surname in the Lewis & Short
respersus 2 0 0.5 11406.5 0.0026 a sprinkling over Lewis & Short
saucio 2 0 0.5 11407 0.0014 to wound, hurt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Silvius 2 0 0.5 11407.5 0.0011 the name of several kings of Lewis & Short
3,020 exsul 2 0 0.5 11408 0.0011 a banished person, wanderer, exile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stannum 2 0 0.5 11408.5 0.0012 an alloy of silver and lead Lewis & Short
flagello 2 0 0.5 11409 0.0017 to scourge, lash Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sumo 2 0 0.5 11409.5 0.0005 to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of, assume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anser 2 0 0.5 11410 0.0018 a goose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ostia 2 0 0.5 11410.5 0.0013 the duty of one of the quœstors to superintend the aqueducts leading to Rome Lewis & Short
beta 2 0 0.5 11411 0.0025 indecl, the Greek letter B, Iu. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perjurus 2 0 0.5 11411.5 0.0018 who breaks his oath Lewis & Short
vanus 2 0 0.5 11412 0.0006 containing nothing, empty, void, vacant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
platea 2 0 0.5 11412.5 0.002 a broad way, street, avenue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,030 infectus 2 0 0.5 11413 0.0012 not done, unwrought, unmade, undone, unaccomplished, unfinished Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cognitus 2 0 0.5 11413.5 0.0014 a becoming acquainted with Lewis & Short
juba 2 0 0.5 11414 0.0015 the beards Lewis & Short
purpura 2 0 0.5 11414.5 0.0012 purple color, purple Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ubique 2 0 0.5 11415 0.0009 in any place whatever, anywhere, in every place, everywhere Elem. Lewis
dego 2 0 0.5 11415.5 0.0013 to spend, pass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Maenades 2 0 0.5 11416 0.0031 the Italian Bacchantes Lewis & Short
rudis 2 0 0.5 11416.5 0.0009 a slender stick, staff for exercise in fighting, quarter-staff, foil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dilutus 2 0 0.5 11417 0.0027 thin, weak, dilute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
senecta 2 0 0.5 11417.5 0.001 old age, extreme age, senility Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,040 multiplico 2 0 0.5 11418 0.0015 to multiply, increase, augment Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fecundo 2 0 0.5 11418.5 0.0016 to make fruitful, fertilize Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obscurus 2 0 0.5 11419 0.0008 dark, darksome, dusky, shady, obscure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oppositus 2 0 0.5 11419.5 0.0013 a placing against, opposing, opposition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gena 2 0 0.5 11420 0.0009 a cheek; plur. Lewis & Short
assitus 2 0 0.5 11420.5 0.0027 situated near Lewis & Short
truncus 2 0 0.5 11421 0.0012 maimed, mutilated, mangled, dismembered, disfigured Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pondero 2 0 0.5 11421.5 0.0012 to weigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Ceres 2 0 0.5 11422 0.0009 the daughter of Saturn, goddess of agriculture, V., H., O.: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
postremo 2 0 0.5 11422.5 0.0014 at last, finally, last of all Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,050 princeps 2 0 0.5 11423 0.0005 first in order, foremost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
brevi 2 0 0.5 11423.5 0.0011 in a little while, in a short time, soon Elem. Lewis
profundum 2 0 0.5 11424 0.0009 a depth Elem. Lewis
contremo 2 0 0.5 11424.5 0.002 to tremble, quake Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subter 2 0 0.5 11425 0.0015 below, beneath, underneath, under Elem. Lewis
quini 2 0 0.5 11425.5 0.0015 five each Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
destinatus 2 0 0.5 11426 0.0018 fixed, determined, destined, inevitable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scitum 2 0 0.5 11426.5 0.0013 an ordinance, statute, decree, resolution, popular vote Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
doron 2 0 0.5 11427 0.0022 a gift Lewis & Short
serenus 2 0 0.5 11427.5 0.0008 clear, fair, bright, serene Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,060 eniteo 2 0 0.5 11428 0.0018 to shine forth, shine out, gleam, brighten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sicula 2 0 0.5 11428.5 0.0014 a little dagger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nicaea 2 0 0.5 11429 0.0027 The name of several cities Lewis & Short
obitus 2 0 0.5 11429.5 0.0013 her painful death Lewis & Short
Torquatus 2 0 0.5 11430 0.0019 the surname of T. Manlius Lewis & Short
hiemo 2 0 0.5 11430.5 0.0014 to winter, pass the winter, keep winter-quarters Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urina 2 0 0.5 11431 0.0024 urine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pretio 2 0 0.5 11431.5 0.0012 to prize Lewis & Short
genae 2 0 0.5 11432 0.0009 the cheeks Elem. Lewis
decursus 2 0 0.5 11432.5 0.0022 a running down, downward course, descent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,070 demens 2 0 0.5 11433 0.0009 out of one's senses, insane, demented, mad, raving, foolish, distracted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
securus 2 0 0.5 11433.5 0.0007 free from care, careless, unconcerned, untroubled, fearless, quiet, easy, composed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expeditus 2 0 0.5 11434 0.0017 unfettered, unimpeded, unencumbered, without a burden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nereis 2 0 0.5 11434.5 0.0017 a Nereid; Lewis & Short, Lewis & Short
farcio 2 0 0.5 11435 0.0026 to stuff, cram Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ferrugo 2 0 0.5 11435.5 0.0025 iron-rust, the color of iron-rust, dark-red, dark-chestnut, dusky color Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
occasus 2 0 0.5 11436 0.0013 a falling, going down, setting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
araneus 2 0 0.5 11436.5 0.0029 a spider, Ct. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
testatus 2 0 0.5 11437 0.0016 public, manifest, evident, indisputable, published Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tinnio 2 0 0.5 11437.5 0.0022 to clink, jingle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,080 balnearius 2 0 0.5 11438 0.0035 of baths, at baths Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Blanda 2 0 0.5 11438.5 0.001 A maritime town in Lucania Lewis & Short
inauratus 2 0 0.5 11439 0.0021 not gilded Lewis & Short
chartus 2 0 0.5 11439.5 0.0017 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
intimus 2 0 0.5 11440 0.0013 inmost, innermost, deepest, profound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
judex 2 0 0.5 11440.5 0.0008 in my judgment Lewis & Short
conjuncto 2 0 0.5 11441 0.0014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
contemno 2 0 0.5 11441.5 0.0007 to value little, esteem lightly, contemn, despise, disdain, disregard, defy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
laxus 2 0 0.5 11442 0.0015 wide, loose, open, spacious, roomy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
luo 2 0 0.5 11442.5 0.0009 was undergoing banishment as a punishment Lewis & Short
3,090 mantica 2 0 0.5 11443 0.0032 a bag for the hand, cloak-bag, portmanteau Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Medicus 2 0 0.5 11443.5 0.0009 a medical man, physician, surgeon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Midas 2 0 0.5 11444 0.0023 son of Gordius, and king of Phrygia. At his request he received from Bacchus, who wished to prove his gratitude for the hospitality Midas had accorded him, the boon that everything he touched should turn to gold. But as this extended also to food and drin Lewis & Short
Eros 2 0 0.5 11444.5 0.0032 Love Lewis & Short
exstantia 2 0 0.5 11445 0.0039 a standing out Lewis & Short
sordido 2 0 0.5 11445.5 0.0014 to dirty Lewis & Short
stabulo 2 0 0.5 11446 0.0018 to have an abode, dwell, be stabled Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obstinatus 2 0 0.5 11446.5 0.002 resolved, determined, resolute, steadfast, inflexible, stubborn, obstinate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thyni 2 0 0.5 11447 0.0041 of the Euxine in Thrace Lewis & Short
gravidus 2 0 0.5 11447.5 0.0014 laden, filled, full, swollen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,100 parthenice 2 0 0.5 11448 0.003 a plant, parthenium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uber 2 0 0.5 11448.5 0.0008 a teat, pap, dug, udder, breast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Idaeus 2 0 0.5 11449 0.0016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
certo 2 0 0.5 11449.5 0.0004 to match, vie with, fight, contend, struggle, combat, do battle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
victima 2 0 0.5 11450 0.0013 a beast for sacrifice, sacrifice, victim Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praesto 2 0 0.5 11450.5 0.0005 to stand out, stand before, be superior, excel, surpass, exceed, be excellent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cyrene 2 0 0.5 11451 0.0022 A nymph, mother of Aristæus Lewis & Short
dentio 2 0 0.5 11451.5 0.0021 lest the teeth grow Lewis & Short
saepio 2 0 0.5 11452 0.0015 to surround with a hedge, hedge in, fence in, enclose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
effigio 2 0 0.5 11452.5 0.0012 to form Lewis & Short
3,110 agger 2 0 0.5 11453 0.0012 a mass, heap, collection, pile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
struma 2 0 0.5 11453.5 0.0031 a scrofulous tumor, swollen gland, struma Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amens 2 0 0.5 11454 0.0012 out of one's senses, mad, frantic, distracted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
odoro 2 0 0.5 11454.5 0.001 to make fragrant, perfume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oppido 2 0 0.5 11455 0.0017 very, very much, completely, exceedingly, exactly, precisely Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Origo 2 0 0.5 11455.5 0.0009 a female proper name Lewis & Short
perenne 2 0 0.5 11456 0.0022 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Britanni 2 0 0.5 11456.5 0.0016 the larger island Lewis & Short
Perseus 2 0 0.5 11457 0.0018 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
pollio 2 0 0.5 11457.5 0.0022 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
3,120 commune 2 0 0.5 11458 0.0008 that which is common Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bacchantes 2 0 0.5 11458.5 0.0031 bacchantes, priestesses of Bacchus Elem. Lewis
socius 2 0 0.5 11459 0.0006 a fellow, sharer, partner, comrade, companion, associate Elem. Lewis
demissus 2 0 0.5 11459.5 0.0011 lowered, sunken, low-lying, low Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Sabini 2 0 0.5 11460 0.0018 the Sabines Lewis & Short
molesto 2 0 0.5 11460.5 0.0016 is troublesome Lewis & Short
stipendium 2 0 0.5 11461 0.0017 a paying of tax, tax, impost, tribute, contribution Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Teucer 2 0 0.5 11461.5 0.0018 of Troy Lewis & Short
turbidus 2 0 0.5 11462 0.0012 full of confusion, wild, confused, disordered Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hostia 2 0 0.5 11462.5 0.0012 an animal sacrificed, victim, sacrifice Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,130 infirmis 2 0 0.5 11463 0.0018 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
choreus 2 0 0.5 11463.5 0.0018 a choree, trochee (a metrical foot, ¯ ˘). Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inustus 2 0 0.5 11464 0.0024 not burned Lewis & Short
colligo 2 0 0.5 11464.5 0.0007 to obtain by begging Lewis & Short
commissum 2 0 0.5 11465 0.0012 an undertaking, enterprise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fictum 2 0 0.5 11465.5 0.0011 a deception, falsehood, fiction Elem. Lewis
labrum 2 0 0.5 11466 0.0011 a lip Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lar 2 0 0.5 11466.5 0.0009 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
levo 2 0 0.5 11467 0.0005 to lift up, raise, elevate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crocino 2 0 0.5 11467.5 0.0041 to anoint with saffron-ointment Lewis & Short
3,140 lorum 2 0 0.5 11468 0.0014 a thong, strap, strip of leather Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reliquus 2 0 0.5 11468.5 0.0007 left, left over, remaining Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lusius 2 0 0.5 11469 0.0022 a river of Arcadia Lewis & Short
rupa 2 0 0.5 11469.5 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
saucius 2 0 0.5 11470 0.0012 wounded, hurt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
socius 2 0 0.5 11470.5 0.0006 sharing, joining in, partaking, united, associated, kindred, allied, fellow, common Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exsulo 2 0 0.5 11471 0.0014 to be an exile, be banished, live in exile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Anser 2 0 0.5 11471.5 0.0018 a petulant and obscene poet Lewis & Short
tactus 2 0 0.5 11472 0.0014 a touching, touch, handling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opulens 2 0 0.5 11472.5 0.0017 rich, wealthy, opulent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,150 ostium 2 0 0.5 11473 0.0013 a door Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ubique 2 0 0.5 11473.5 0.0009 and where Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
injuria 2 0 0.5 11474 0.001 in an unjust manner Lewis & Short
interitus 2 0 0.5 11474.5 0.0014 death Lewis & Short
Juba 2 0 0.5 11475 0.0019 the name of two Numidian-kings Lewis & Short
Purpureo 2 0 0.5 11475.5 0.0014 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
deprehendo 2 0 0.5 11476 0.0012 to take away, seize upon, catch, snatch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rudo 2 0 0.5 11476.5 0.0009 to roar, bellow, bray Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divisor 2 0 0.5 11477 0.0011 one who distributes Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
multiplicus 2 0 0.5 11477.5 0.0017 variously compounded Lewis & Short
3,160 superveho 2 0 0.5 11478 0.0039 to carry over Lewis & Short
oppressus 2 0 0.5 11478.5 0.0017 a pressing down Lewis & Short
taurinus 2 0 0.5 11479 0.0021 of bulls, of oxen, taurine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tepido 2 0 0.5 11479.5 0.0017 to make lukewarm Lewis & Short
truncus 2 0 0.5 11480 0.0012 the stem, stock, bole, trunk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viator 2 0 0.5 11480.5 0.0013 a wayfarer, traveller Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praesento 2 0 0.5 11481 0.0014 looks like Lewis & Short
virgultum 2 0 0.5 11481.5 0.0017 a bush Lewis & Short
Princeps 2 0 0.5 11482 0.0005 a celebrated flute-player Lewis & Short
jejuno 2 0 0.5 11482.5 0.0018 to fast Lewis & Short
3,170 Britannus 2 0 0.5 11483 0.0015 of Britain: Elem. Lewis
consolo 2 0 0.5 11483.5 0.0016 to cheer, comfort, console Lewis & Short
propter 2 0 0.5 11484 0.0008 near, hard by, next to, close to Elem. Lewis
rapina 2 0 0.5 11484.5 0.0012 an act of robbery, robbery, plunder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Cyclades 2 0 0.5 11485 0.0023 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
destino 2 0 0.5 11485.5 0.0014 to make fast, make firm, bind, fix, stay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dignor 2 0 0.5 11486 0.0011 to deem worthy, honor, deign, condescend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Dorus 2 0 0.5 11486.5 0.0021 The legendary ancestor of the Dorians Lewis & Short
enitor 2 0 0.5 11487 0.0014 to force a way out, struggle upwards, mount, climb, ascend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Siculus 2 0 0.5 11487.5 0.001 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
3,180 Nicaeus 2 0 0.5 11488 0.0026 an epithet of Jupiter Lewis & Short
strideo 2 0 0.5 11488.5 0.0012 to make a harsh noise, hiss, whiz Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urinus 2 0 0.5 11489 0.0024 a wind-egg Lewis & Short
Phoebe 2 0 0.5 11489.5 0.0012 goddess of the moon (the Roman Diana) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inflexus 2 0 0.5 11490 0.0021 a bending, curving Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
insolens 2 0 0.5 11490.5 0.0016 unaccustomed, unusual, not used, contrary to custom Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vinea 2 0 0.5 11491 0.0016 a plantation of vines, vine-garden, vineyard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
puerperus 2 0 0.5 11491.5 0.0023 parturient, bringing forth children Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Robigus 2 0 0.5 11492 0.0032 a god of the Romans Lewis & Short
salsus 2 0 0.5 11492.5 0.0023 salted, salt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,190 mentitus 2 0 0.5 11493 0.0014 imitated, counterfeit, feigned Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abitus 2 0 0.5 11493.5 0.0025 a departure, removal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Nereis 2 0 0.5 11494 0.0017 a daughter of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus; the wife of Gelo, of Syracuse Lewis & Short
fartum 2 0 0.5 11494.5 0.003 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
foedus 2 0 0.5 11495 0.0009 foul, filthy, loathsome, repulsive, ugly, unseemly, detestable, abominable, horrible Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
taetro 2 0 0.5 11495.5 0.0022 to render foul Lewis & Short
tinnitus 2 0 0.5 11496 0.0024 a ringing, jingling, tingling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gymnasium 2 0 0.5 11496.5 0.0022 name of a Greek maiden Lewis & Short
auspico 2 0 0.5 11497 0.0019 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
blandus 2 0 0.5 11497.5 0.0006 of smooth tongue, flattering, fawning, caressing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,200 inauro 2 0 0.5 11498 0.002 to overlay with gold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
judico 2 0 0.5 11498.5 0.0012 to fine Lewis & Short
concapit 2 0 0.5 11499 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
recens 2 0 0.5 11499.5 0.0009 lately, freshly, newly, just, recently Elem. Lewis
vanum 2 0 0.5 11500 0.0007 emptiness, nothingness, naught Elem. Lewis
quoquam 2 0 0.5 11500.5 0.0018 to any place, in any direction, whithersoever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recens 2 0 0.5 11501 0.0009 directly from Rome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rigido 2 0 0.5 11501.5 0.0014 to harden Lewis & Short
mantice 2 0 0.5 11502 0.0032 the goddess of prescience Lewis & Short
Mide 2 0 0.5 11502.5 0.0023 a city in Bœotia Lewis & Short
3,210 secta 2 0 0.5 11503 0.0014 a beaten way, pathway, mode, manner, method, principle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sordidus 2 0 0.5 11503.5 0.0012 dirty, unclean, foul, filthy, squalid, sordid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stabulum 2 0 0.5 11504 0.0013 a standing-place, fixed abode Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obstino 2 0 0.5 11504.5 0.002 to resolve, determine, be firmly resolved, persist Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fossor 2 0 0.5 11505 0.0026 a digger, delver, ditcher Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tacita 2 0 0.5 11505.5 0.0013 the goddess of Silence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
optimas 2 0 0.5 11506 0.0011 of the best, of the noblest, aristocratic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thynus 2 0 0.5 11506.5 0.0039 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
parthenicon 2 0 0.5 11507 0.0036 a plant Lewis & Short
pauci 2 0 0.5 11507.5 0.0007 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
3,220 bestia 2 0 0.5 11508 0.0016 a beast, animal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uber 2 0 0.5 11508.5 0.0008 abounding, rich, full, fruitful, fertile, abundant, plentiful, copious, productive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Idaeus 2 0 0.5 11509 0.0016 A herald and charioteer of Priam Lewis & Short
catena 2 0 0.5 11509.5 0.0012 a chain, fetter, shackle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
veneno 2 0 0.5 11510 0.001 to poison, injure by slander Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
victimo 2 0 0.5 11510.5 0.0014 to offer in sacrifice Lewis & Short
praestus 2 0 0.5 11511 0.0013 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
prosum 2 0 0.5 11511.5 0.0007 to be useful, be of use, do good, benefit, profit, serve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Teucrus 2 0 0.5 11512 0.0018 of Teucer (king of Troy), Trojan Elem. Lewis
maturo 2 0 0.5 11512.5 0.0012 to make ripe, ripen, bring to maturity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,230 diligens 2 0 0.5 11513 0.0015 industrious, careful, assiduous, attentive, diligent, accurate, scrupulous, faithful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
serpens 2 0 0.5 11513.5 0.0011 a creeping thing, creeper, crawler, snake, serpent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excello 2 0 0.5 11514 0.0008 to be eminent, be superior, surpass, excel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aggero 2 0 0.5 11514.5 0.0013 to make a mound of, heap up, pile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Struma 2 0 0.5 11515 0.0038 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
amentum 2 0 0.5 11515.5 0.0024 a strap, thong: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frondeo 2 0 0.5 11516 0.0008 to put forth leaves, be in leaf, become green Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oppidum 2 0 0.5 11516.5 0.0009 a town, city, collection of dwellings Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
apertus 2 0 0.5 11517 0.0007 without covering, uncovered Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perennis 2 0 0.5 11517.5 0.001 lasting throughout the year, everlasting, never failing, unceasing, perpetual, perennial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,240 Pollio 2 0 0.5 11518 0.0022 a Roman surname. Lewis & Short
Cinium 2 0 0.5 11518.5 0.0017 a town of the island of Majorca Lewis & Short
coacto 2 0 0.5 11519 0.0015 to constrain Lewis & Short
color 2 0 0.5 11519.5 0.0007 color, hue, tint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lada 2 0 0.5 11520 0.0022 a shrub in Cyprus from which a Lewis & Short
praeter 2 0 0.5 11520.5 0.001 past, by, before, in front of, along Elem. Lewis
contractus 2 0 0.5 11521 0.0022 a shrinking, wrinkling Lewis & Short
lenis 2 0 0.5 11521.5 0.0011 a kind of vessel Lewis & Short
demitto 2 0 0.5 11522 0.0009 to send down, let down, drop, lower, put down, let fall, sink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
despondeo 2 0 0.5 11522.5 0.0019 to promise to give, promise, pledge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,250 motus 2 0 0.5 11523 0.0007 a moving, motion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adeo 2 0 0.5 11523.5 0.0008 To designate a limit, to this, thus far, so far, as far. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Aegeus 2 0 0.5 11524 0.0023 son of Pand on Lewis & Short
orbis 2 0 0.5 11524.5 0.0003 a ring, circle, re-entering way, circular path, hoop, orbit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Iliacus 2 0 0.5 11525 0.0018 of Ilium, Ilian, Trojan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
istuc 2 0 0.5 11525.5 0.0018 thither, to you, to where you are, in that direction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proceres 2 0 0.5 11526 0.001 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
labrum 2 0 0.5 11526.5 0.0011 a basin, tub, bathtub, vat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
levo 2 0 0.5 11527 0.0005 to make smooth, polish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crocinus 2 0 0.5 11527.5 0.0035 of saffron Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,260 lotium 2 0 0.5 11528 0.0027 urine Lewis & Short
lustro 2 0 0.5 11528.5 0.0006 to light up, illuminate, make bright Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Saxa 2 0 0.5 11529 0.0006 a surname of Lewis & Short
dolo 2 0 0.5 11529.5 0.0005 to chip with an axe, hew Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ejectus 2 0 0.5 11530 0.002 a breathing out Lewis & Short
morsum 2 0 0.5 11530.5 0.0024 a bit, little piece Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sodalicium 2 0 0.5 11531 0.003 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
famulor 2 0 0.5 11531.5 0.0018 to be a slave, serve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
novem 2 0 0.5 11532 0.0012 num, nine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obvio 2 0 0.5 11532.5 0.0011 to meet Lewis & Short
3,270 opulento 2 0 0.5 11533 0.0018 to make rich, enrich Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gutta 2 0 0.5 11533.5 0.0016 a drop Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
heri 2 0 0.5 11534 0.0019 yesterday Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
balbus 2 0 0.5 11534.5 0.0021 stammering, stuttering Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tumido 2 0 0.5 11535 0.0015 to cause to swell Lewis & Short
bigae 2 0 0.5 11535.5 0.002 a span of horses, pair, two horses harnessed to an open car Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
unguento 2 0 0.5 11536 0.002 to rub with sweet ointments Lewis & Short
uva 2 0 0.5 11536.5 0.0013 a grape, berry of the vine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
injurius 2 0 0.5 11537 0.001 that acts unlawfully Lewis & Short
zephyrius 2 0 0.5 11537.5 0.0018 wind-eggs Lewis & Short
3,280 unguentatus 2 0 0.5 11538 0.0034 anointed, perfumed Elem. Lewis
deprensa 2 0 0.5 11538.5 0.002 a species of military punishment, more severe than Lewis & Short
rufo 2 0 0.5 11539 0.0025 to make Lewis & Short
sagitta 2 0 0.5 11539.5 0.0009 an arrow, shaft, bolt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
senectus 2 0 0.5 11540 0.0011 the moroseness of old age Lewis & Short
supervehor 2 0 0.5 11540.5 0.0034 to pass by, sail by, turn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anne 2 0 0.5 11541 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opprimo 2 0 0.5 11541.5 0.0009 to press against, press together, press down, close Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Taurinus 2 0 0.5 11542 0.0023 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
genero 2 0 0.5 11542.5 0.0011 to beget, procreate, engender, produce, create Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,290 aurata 2 0 0.5 11543 0.0011 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
patrona 2 0 0.5 11543.5 0.0022 a protectress, patroness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Imbros 2 0 0.5 11544 0.0014 a small island in the Ægean Sea Lewis & Short
cero 2 0 0.5 11544.5 0.001 to cover Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
viatorius 2 0 0.5 11545 0.003 travellingdishes Lewis & Short
virgultus 2 0 0.5 11545.5 0.0017 full of bushes Lewis & Short
jejunus 2 0 0.5 11546 0.0016 hunger Lewis & Short
consolor 2 0 0.5 11546.5 0.0016 to encourage, animate, console, cheer, comfort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
supremum 2 0 0.5 11547 0.0009 for the last time Elem. Lewis
Libo 2 0 0.5 11547.5 0.0022 a Roman surname in the Lewis & Short
3,300 rapina 2 0 0.5 11548 0.0012 A turnip-field Lewis & Short
lis 2 0 0.5 11548.5 0.0009 a strife, dispute, quarrel, altercation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cyclas 2 0 0.5 11549 0.002 a circular, white or purple state-robe, with a border Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
denso 2 0 0.5 11549.5 0.001 to make thick, thicken, press, pack, close Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
faustus 2 0 0.5 11550 0.0012 of favorable omen, wellomened, fortunate, favorable, auspicious, lucky Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
strido 2 0 0.5 11550.5 0.0012 to make a shrill noise, sound harshly, creak, hiss, grate, whiz, whistle, rattle, buzz Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigor 2 0 0.5 11551 0.0011 cold Lewis & Short
auctus 2 0 0.5 11551.5 0.0015 increase, accession Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
impotentia 2 0 0.5 11552 0.0026 helplessness, weakness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Phoebus 2 0 0.5 11552.5 0.0007 Apollo as the god of light Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,310 vegeo 2 0 0.5 11553 0.003 to move Lewis & Short
veternus 2 0 0.5 11553.5 0.0021 lethargy, drowsiness, sluggishness, sloth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Clemens 2 0 0.5 11554 0.0015 a proper name Lewis & Short
vineus 2 0 0.5 11554.5 0.0016 wine Lewis & Short
colo 2 0 0.5 11555 0.0007 to spread out a fish-net Lewis & Short
conscribo 2 0 0.5 11555.5 0.0015 to write together, write in a roll, enroll, enlist, levy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lucina 2 0 0.5 11556 0.0018 she that brings to light, goddess of childbirth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maligno 2 0 0.5 11556.5 0.0014 maliciously ejecting Lewis & Short
roboro 2 0 0.5 11557 0.0012 to make strong, strengthen, invigorate, confirm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expendo 2 0 0.5 11557.5 0.0016 to weigh out, weigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,320 Nereius 2 0 0.5 11558 0.0024 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
antique 2 0 0.5 11558.5 0.0021 like the ancients, in the old fashion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pacatum 2 0 0.5 11559 0.0014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
gyro 2 0 0.5 11559.5 0.0021 to turn round in a circle Lewis & Short
auspicor 2 0 0.5 11560 0.0019 to take the auspices Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
barba 2 0 0.5 11560.5 0.0012 the beard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Bombos 2 0 0.5 11561 0.0034 a river of Cilicia Lewis & Short
inficio 2 0 0.5 11561.5 0.0009 to stain, tinge, dye, color Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Porcius 2 0 0.5 11562 0.0018 named after the elder Cato Lewis & Short
vilicus 2 0 0.5 11562.5 0.0019 an overseer of an estate, steward, bailiff Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,330 Colchi 2 0 0.5 11563 0.002 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Probus 2 0 0.5 11563.5 0.0013 a Roman surname Lewis & Short
contemptus 2 0 0.5 11564 0.0013 despised, despicable, contemptible, vile, abject Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crimen 2 0 0.5 11564.5 0.0006 a judgment, charge, accusation, reproach Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rigidus 2 0 0.5 11565 0.001 stiff, hard, inflexible, rigid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
femur 2 0 0.5 11565.5 0.0015 the thigh, upper part of the thigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suavium 2 0 0.5 11566 0.0015 a kiss; see savium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amissus 2 0 0.5 11566.5 0.0017 a loss Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Paluda 2 0 0.5 11567 0.002 an epithet of Minerva Lewis & Short
gravo 2 0 0.5 11567.5 0.0006 to make heavy, load, burden, weigh down, weight, oppress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,340 Tullius 2 0 0.5 11568 0.0017 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
Bestia 2 0 0.5 11568.5 0.0018 a cognomen in the Calpurnian family. Lewis & Short
perisson 2 0 0.5 11569 0.0019 the name of a plant Lewis & Short
capsula 1 1 1 11570 0.0017 a small box, casket Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incolumis 1 1 1 11571 0.0005 unimpaired, uninjured, unharmed, safe, sound, entire, whole Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
irrigo 1 1 1 11572 0.001 beaten soundly Lewis & Short
vulgus 1 1 1 11573 0.0004 with the people Lewis & Short
profundo 1 1 1 11574 0.0005 to pour out, pour forth, shed copiously, cause to flow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
confestim 1 1 1 11575 0.0007 immediately, speedily, without delay, forthwith, suddenly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
construo 1 1 1 11576 0.0008 to heap together, pile up, accumulate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,350 latusculum 1 1 1 11577 0.0022 a little side Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Libya 1 1 1 11578 0.0008 Numidian marble Lewis & Short
rasilis 1 1 1 11579 0.0015 scraped, smoothed, polished, smooth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
refringo 1 1 1 11580 0.0009 to break up, break open Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lumbus 1 1 1 11581 0.001 a loin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reporto 1 1 1 11582 0.0007 to bear back, bring again, carry back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defututus 1 1 1 11583 0.0024 exhausted Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
madeo 1 1 1 11584 0.0005 to be wet, be moist, drip, flow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scrinium 1 1 1 11585 0.0011 a case, chest, box, book-box, letter-case, desk, escritoire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
effluo 1 1 1 11586 0.0008 to flow out, flow forth, run out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,360 epistolium 1 1 1 11587 0.0015 a short letter, note Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exsequor 1 1 1 11588 0.0007 to follow to the grave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Falernus 1 1 1 11589 0.0009 Falernian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
noscito 1 1 1 11590 0.0013 to know recognize Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
studeo 1 1 1 11591 0.0005 to give attention, be eager, be zealous, take pains, be diligent, be busy with, be devoted, strive after, apply oneself, pursue, desire, wish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flexus 1 1 1 11592 0.0008 a bending, turn, winding, curve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obscenus 1 1 1 11593 0.0007 of adverse omen, ill-omened, ill-boding, inauspicious, ominous, portentous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frondosus 1 1 1 11594 0.0009 full of leaves, leafy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oppleo 1 1 1 11595 0.0011 to fill completely, fill up, fill Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
argutatio 1 1 1 11596 0.0022 a creaking Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,370 torvus 1 1 1 11597 0.0006 staring, keen, piercing, wild, stern, fierce, grim, savage (esp. in look or expression) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patrimonium 1 1 1 11598 0.0009 an inheritance from a father, paternal estate, inheritance, patrimony Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hisco 1 1 1 11599 0.0008 to open, gape, yawn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bustum 1 1 1 11600 0.0007 a place of burning and burying, funeral - pyre: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
umidus 1 1 1 11601 0.0007 moist, humid, damp, dank, wet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ustor 1 1 1 11602 0.0018 a burner of the dead, corpse-burner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
piger 1 1 1 11603 0.0006 unwilling, reluctant, averse, backward Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
polluo 1 1 1 11604 0.0007 to soil, defile, stain, foul, pollute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
postmodo 1 1 1 11605 0.001 afterwards, after a while, a little later Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
invoco 1 1 1 11606 0.0008 to call upon, invoke, appeal to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,380 primoris 1 1 1 11607 0.001 the first, first, foremost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concutio 1 1 1 11608 0.0005 to strike together Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consido 1 1 1 11609 0.0005 to sit down, take seats, be seated, settle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quindecim 1 1 1 11610 0.0009 fifteen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cortex 1 1 1 11611 0.0006 the bark, rind, shell, hull Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liquefacio 1 1 1 11612 0.0011 to make liquid, melt, dissolve, liquefy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
custodia 1 1 1 11613 0.0006 a watching, watch, guard, care, protection Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lydia 1 1 1 11614 0.0009 of Gyges Lewis & Short
revincio 1 1 1 11615 0.0008 to bind back, tie behind Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Roma 1 1 1 11616 0.0003 Rome, the mother city Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,390 marmoro 1 1 1 11617 0.0008 paved with stones Lewis & Short
sacculus 1 1 1 11618 0.0015 a small bag Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
distinguo 1 1 1 11619 0.0006 to separate, divide, part Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meretrix 1 1 1 11620 0.0008 a prostitute, courtesan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scilicet 1 1 1 11621 0.0004 you may know, you may be sure, it is certain, it is obvious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Minotaurus 1 1 1 11622 0.0016 a monster with a bull's head, born of Pasiphaë, wife of Minos Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abstergeo 1 1 1 11623 0.001 to wipe off, cleanse by wiping: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adhortor 1 1 1 11624 0.001 to encourage, exhort, stimulate, rouse, urge: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fabula 1 1 1 11625 0.0005 a narration, narrative Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spinosus 1 1 1 11626 0.0012 full of thorns, thorny, prickly, bristling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,400 stirps 1 1 1 11627 0.0004 the lower part of the trunk, stock, stem, stalk, root Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
octavus 1 1 1 11628 0.0007 the eighth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suspiro 1 1 1 11629 0.0007 to draw a deep breath, heave a sigh, sigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
glubo 1 1 1 11630 0.0022 to bark, peel; hence, to rob Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torpor 1 1 1 11631 0.0009 numbness, stupefaction, torpor, sluggishness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
percurro 1 1 1 11632 0.0006 to run, run along, run all the way, run through, hasten through, traverse, run over, pass over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pheneos 1 1 1 11633 0.0016 a town of Arcadia Lewis & Short
indistinctus 1 1 1 11634 0.0018 undistinguished, confused Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cibus 1 1 1 11635 0.0005 food, victuals, nutriment, fodder: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
colluceo 1 1 1 11636 0.001 to give light on every side Lewis & Short
3,410 concilio 1 1 1 11637 0.0005 to bring together, unite, reconcile, make friendly, win over, conciliate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conscelero 1 1 1 11638 0.0013 to stain with guilt, pollute, dishonor, disgrace: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quia 1 1 1 11639 0.0003 because Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Croesus 1 1 1 11640 0.001 a king of Lydia, celebrated for his riches Lewis & Short
recordor 1 1 1 11641 0.0008 to think over, bethink oneself of, be mindful of, call to mind, remember, recollect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
curiosus 1 1 1 11642 0.001 bestowing care, painstaking, careful, diligent, thoughtful, devoted, attentive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
remigium 1 1 1 11643 0.0009 an oar-plying, rowing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decoro 1 1 1 11644 0.0004 to adorn, embellish, grace, beautify, decorate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Delphi 1 1 1 11645 0.0008 the raven Lewis & Short
rivus 1 1 1 11646 0.0005 a small stream, brook Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,420 saxeus 1 1 1 11647 0.0009 of rock, of stone, rocky, stony Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mimicus 1 1 1 11648 0.0014 of mimes, farcical, extravagant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mnemosynon 1 1 1 11649 0.0016 a memorial Lewis & Short
Erycinus 1 1 1 11650 0.0011 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
abiegnus 1 1 1 11651 0.0014 of fir-wood, deal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expatro 1 1 1 11652 0.0022 (once), to finish, squander in voluptuousness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
naufragus 1 1 1 11653 0.0008 that suffers shipwreck, shipwrecked, wrecked Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exsupero 1 1 1 11654 0.001 to mount up, tower Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
albulus 1 1 1 11655 0.0012 whitish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flagito 1 1 1 11656 0.0008 to demand urgently, require, entreat, solicit, press, importune, dun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,430 focus 1 1 1 11657 0.0005 a fire-place, hearth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Amphitrite 1 1 1 11658 0.0013 Amphitrite Lewis & Short
fraudo 1 1 1 11659 0.0004 to cheat, beguile, defraud, rob Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
omen 1 1 1 11660 0.0005 a foreboding, prognostic, harbinger, sign, token, omen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
antea 1 1 1 11661 0.0007 before, earlier, formerly, aforetime, previously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
araneosus 1 1 1 11662 0.0018 full of spiders' webs. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
panis 1 1 1 11663 0.0006 bread, a loaf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attenuo 1 1 1 11664 0.0012 to make thin, attenuate, lessen, diminish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
guttur 1 1 1 11665 0.0005 the gullet, throat, neck Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tremebundus 1 1 1 11666 0.0011 trembling, quivering, shaking Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,440 hortulus 1 1 1 11667 0.0012 a little garden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Penius 1 1 1 11668 0.0015 a river in Colchis Lewis & Short
bimulus 1 1 1 11669 0.0017 only two years old Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pestilentia 1 1 1 11670 0.001 an infectious disease, plague, pest, pestilence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
uvidulus 1 1 1 11671 0.0024 moist, wet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pilleatus 1 1 1 11672 0.0014 covered with the pilleus, wearing a skull-cap Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
carbasus 1 1 1 11673 0.0008 fine flax, fine linen, Ct. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ventito 1 1 1 11674 0.0014 to come often, be wont to come, keep coming, resort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poples 1 1 1 11675 0.0008 the ham, hollow of the knee, hough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ceu 1 1 1 11676 0.0005 as, like as, just as Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,450 injustus 1 1 1 11677 0.0006 unequal Lewis & Short
irrumator 1 1 1 11678 0.0022 one who practises beastly obscenity Lewis & Short
comprehendo 1 1 1 11679 0.0006 to bind together, unite: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
labefacto 1 1 1 11680 0.0008 to cause to totter, shake, overthrow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
languesco 1 1 1 11681 0.0008 to become faint, grow weak, sink, be enfeebled Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
convulsus 1 1 1 11682 0.0009 P. of convello Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
letifer 1 1 1 11683 0.0009 death-bringing, death-dealing, deadly, fatal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ravidus 1 1 1 11684 0.0022 grayish Lewis & Short
reglutino 1 1 1 11685 0.0022 to unglue, unloose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
debeo 1 1 1 11686 0.0002 to withhold, keep back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,460 derelinquo 1 1 1 11687 0.0011 to forsake wholly, abandon, desert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rufulus 1 1 1 11688 0.0017 a tribune of the soldiers elected by the army Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devoto 1 1 1 11689 0.0009 v. intens. a. Lewis & Short
sagittifer 1 1 1 11690 0.0013 arrow-bearing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Dione 1 1 1 11691 0.0009 sacred to Venus Lewis & Short
memorabilis 1 1 1 11692 0.0006 that may be told, heard of, credible Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
satio 1 1 1 11693 0.0006 to fill, satisfy, sate, satiate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secedo 1 1 1 11694 0.0007 to go apart, go away, separate, withdraw, go aside, retire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
morbosus 1 1 1 11695 0.0015 debauched Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
erifuga 1 1 1 11696 0.0024 a runaway Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,470 sopor 1 1 1 11697 0.0005 a deep sleep, slumber Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fello 1 1 1 11698 0.0015 to suck Lewis & Short
oleum 1 1 1 11699 0.0007 oil, olive-oil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tabesco 1 1 1 11700 0.0009 to dwindle, waste away, melt, decay Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
opprobrium 1 1 1 11701 0.0009 a reproach, scandal, disgrace, dishonor, opprobrium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
osculatio 1 1 1 11702 0.0016 a kissing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tepor 1 1 1 11703 0.0011 a gentle warmth, lukewarmness, tepidity, tepor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genetrix 1 1 1 11704 0.0005 she that has borne, a mother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thracia 1 1 1 11705 0.0009 Thrace Lewis & Short
gravedo 1 1 1 11706 0.0015 a cold, catarrh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,480 patronus 1 1 1 11707 0.0007 a protector, defender, patron Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pelops 1 1 1 11708 0.001 Tantalus Lewis & Short
pertundo 1 1 1 11709 0.0012 to thrust through, bore through, perforate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Callisto 1 1 1 11710 0.0016 daughter of the Arcadian king Lycaon Lewis & Short
vena 1 1 1 11711 0.0006 a blood-vessel, vein Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
verpa 1 1 1 11712 0.002 i. e. membrum virile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inicio 1 1 1 11713 0.0008 to throw in, put in, hurl upon, put on, cast on, set into Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circumdo 1 1 1 11714 0.0005 to place around, cause to surround, set around: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vibro 1 1 1 11715 0.0007 to set in tremulous motion, move to and fro, brandish, shake, agitate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jocatio 1 1 1 11716 0.002 a joking, joke Lewis & Short
3,490 profanus 1 1 1 11717 0.0006 out of the temple, not sacred, common, profane, unholy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
compello 1 1 1 11718 0.0007 to accost, address Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
justus 1 1 1 11719 0.0003 legitimate Lewis & Short
latro 1 1 1 11720 0.0005 rage Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
creatrix 1 1 1 11721 0.0013 she who produces, a mother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deterior 1 1 1 11722 0.0007 lower, worse, poorer, meaner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
divello 1 1 1 11723 0.0008 to tear apart, rend asunder, tear in pieces, separate violently, tear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
merso 1 1 1 11724 0.0007 to dip, immerse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scortillum 1 1 1 11725 0.0018 a little harlot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
semilautus 1 1 1 11726 0.0024 half-washed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,500 evolvo 1 1 1 11727 0.0008 to roll out, roll. forth, unroll, unfold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nefarius 1 1 1 11728 0.001 impious, execrable, abominable, nefarious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adjuvo 1 1 1 11729 0.0006 animate Lewis & Short
Aganippe 1 1 1 11730 0.0015 A fountain in Bœotia Lewis & Short
superfluo 1 1 1 11731 0.0012 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
gelidus 1 1 1 11732 0.0003 icy cold, very cold, icy, frosty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thermopylae 1 1 1 11733 0.0012 the famous defile of Œta Lewis & Short
aucupium 1 1 1 11734 0.001 bird-catching, fowling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
harundinosus 1 1 1 11735 0.0022 abounding in reeds Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avarus 1 1 1 11736 0.0005 eagerly desirous, grasping Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,510 hilaro 1 1 1 11737 0.0008 to make cheerful, cheer, gladden, exhilarate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hyacinthinus 1 1 1 11738 0.0017 of the hyacinth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perduco 1 1 1 11739 0.0007 to lead through, lead, bring, conduct, guide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
umbilicus 1 1 1 11740 0.0011 the navel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incedo 1 1 1 11741 0.0004 to advance, march, proceed, stride, move, stalk, strut Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
piscis 1 1 1 11742 0.0004 a fish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
infundo 1 1 1 11743 0.0006 to pour in, pour upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cinerarius 1 1 1 11744 0.0022 a hair-curler Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
instituo 1 1 1 11745 0.0005 to put in place, plant, fix, set Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeopto 1 1 1 11746 0.0013 to choose rather, desire more, prefer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,520 proprius 1 1 1 11747 0.0003 not common with others, own special, several, individual, peculiar, particular, proper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lacteo 1 1 1 11748 0.0006 sucking children, sucklings Lewis & Short
cubiculum 1 1 1 11749 0.0009 a room for reclining, sleeping - chamber, bedchamber Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recuro 1 1 1 11750 0.0019 to restore, refresh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
curulis 1 1 1 11751 0.0009 of a chariot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
retono 1 1 1 11752 0.002 to thunder back, resound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scelero 1 1 1 11753 0.0005 to pollute, defile, desecrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ebur 1 1 1 11754 0.0007 works in ivory Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Emathia 1 1 1 11755 0.0013 Alexander Lewis & Short
abluo 1 1 1 11756 0.0007 to wash away, remove by washing: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,530 exturbo 1 1 1 11757 0.001 to drive out, thrust out, drive away, thrust away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fascino 1 1 1 11758 0.0013 to enchant, bewitch, fascinate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aether 1 1 1 11759 0.0004 the upper air, sky, firmament: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fervidus 1 1 1 11760 0.0006 glowing, burning, fiery, fervid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amaracus 1 1 1 11761 0.0012 marjoram: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
omnivolus 1 1 1 11762 0.002 willing all things Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
talentum 1 1 1 11763 0.0008 a talent, half a hundred-weight (a Grecian standard of weight) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pacifico 1 1 1 11764 0.0012 to make peace, conclude peace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
peraeque 1 1 1 11765 0.0015 quite equally, uniformly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ulna 1 1 1 11766 0.0007 the elbow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,540 canities 1 1 1 11767 0.0009 a gray color, grayish-white, hoariness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
causa 1 1 1 11768 0.0002 a cause, reason, motive, inducement, occasion, opportunity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vesanio 1 1 1 11769 0.0012 to be insane Lewis & Short
praecipuus 1 1 1 11770 0.0005 taken before others, particular, peculiar, especial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vilis 1 1 1 11771 0.0005 of small price, of little value, purchased at a low rate, cheap Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
istic 1 1 1 11772 0.0009 there, in that place, where you are Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procax 1 1 1 11773 0.0007 pertinacious, bold, insolent, forward, pert, wanton Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
commendo 1 1 1 11774 0.0006 to commit for protection, intrust, confide, deposit with Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jugerum 1 1 1 11775 0.0007 an acre Lewis & Short
pudor 1 1 1 11776 0.0003 a shrinking from blame, desire of approval, shame, shamefastness, modesty, decency, propriety Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,550 lectica 1 1 1 11777 0.0011 a litter, sedan, portable couch, palanquin, sofa, lounge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ligo 1 1 1 11778 0.0005 to tie, bind, bind together, bind up, bandage, bind fast Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cupressus 1 1 1 11779 0.001 the cypress (an evergreen tree, sacred to Pluto) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decies 1 1 1 11780 0.0007 num. adv. Lewis & Short
descendo 1 1 1 11781 0.0004 to climb down, come down, descend, fall, sink Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
satyrus 1 1 1 11782 0.0007 a Satyr, forest-god of the train of Bacchus, with goat's feet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secubitus 1 1 1 11783 0.002 a lying apart, sleeping alone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
durities 1 1 1 11784 0.0011 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mitis 1 1 1 11785 0.0003 mild, mellow, mature, ripe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sessor 1 1 1 11786 0.0013 one who sits, a sitter, spectator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,560 abduco 1 1 1 11787 0.0006 to lead away, take away, carry off, remove, lead aside: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silvicultrix 1 1 1 11788 0.0024 living in the woods Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exhibeo 1 1 1 11789 0.0007 to hold forth, tender, present, deliver, give up, produce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Achilles 1 1 1 11790 0.0006 a Grecian hero. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
soccus 1 1 1 11791 0.0011 a low-heeled shoe, light shoe, Grecian shoe, slipper, sock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obsum 1 1 1 11792 0.0007 obesse, to be against, be prejudicial to, hinder, hurt, injure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tegimen 1 1 1 11793 0.0006 of the shield Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fututio 1 1 1 11794 0.002 copulation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ostento 1 1 1 11795 0.0006 to present to view, show, exhibit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tibia 1 1 1 11796 0.0007 a large shin-bone, tibia, shin, leg Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,570 aurifer 1 1 1 11797 0.001 goldbearing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
transeo 1 1 1 11798 0.0004 to go over, go across, cross over, pass over, pass by, pass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avunculus 1 1 1 11799 0.001 a maternal uncle, mother's brother Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
penetro 1 1 1 11800 0.0005 to enter, penetrate, betake oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immineo 1 1 1 11801 0.0006 to project over, lean towards, hang down over, overhang, overarch Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pervolvo 1 1 1 11802 0.0018 to roll over, tumble about Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vanesco 1 1 1 11803 0.0011 to pass away, disappear, vanish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
platanus 1 1 1 11804 0.001 the platane tree, Oriental plane Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caterva 1 1 1 11805 0.0005 a crowd, troop, throng, band, mob (of men): iuvenum, V.: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
veneror 1 1 1 11806 0.0003 to reverence, worship, adore, revere, venerate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,580 cervix 1 1 1 11807 0.0004 a head-joint, neck, nape Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
juventa 1 1 1 11808 0.0004 the age of youth, youth Lewis & Short
converto 1 1 1 11809 0.0004 to turn round, cause to turn, turn back, reverse, direct Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tritonis 1 1 1 11810 0.0014 of Lake Triton, of Pallas, Palladian Elem. Lewis
rastrum 1 1 1 11811 0.001 a toothed hoe, rake, mattock Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lividus 1 1 1 11812 0.0009 of a leaden color, bluish, blue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
refulgeo 1 1 1 11813 0.0007 to flash back, shine again, reflect light, be refulgent, glitter, glisten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reposco 1 1 1 11814 0.0008 to demand back, ask again Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
matutinus 1 1 1 11815 0.0008 of the morning, morning-, early Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
meto 1 1 1 11816 0.0004 to reap, mow, crop, gather, collect, harvest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,590 dudum 1 1 1 11817 0.0004 a short time ago, little while ago, not long since, but now Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
effundo 1 1 1 11818 0.0004 to pour out, pour forth, shed, spread abroad Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
monumentum 1 1 1 11819 0.0005 that which brings to mind, a remembrancer, memorial, monument Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
equidem 1 1 1 11820 0.0004 verily, truly, indeed, at all events Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Silenus 1 1 1 11821 0.0011 the snub-nosed and drunken tutor of Bacchus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excido 1 1 1 11822 0.0006 to fall out, drop down, fall away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spuma 1 1 1 11823 0.0009 foam, froth, scum, spume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
febriculosus 1 1 1 11824 0.0018 feverish, sick of a fever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
agnosco 1 1 1 11825 0.0005 to recognize, identify, make out: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
studiosus 1 1 1 11826 0.0006 eager, zealous, assiduous, anxious, fond, studious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,600 filia 1 1 1 11827 0.0005 a daughter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nummus 1 1 1 11828 0.0006 a piece of money, coin, money Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aliunde 1 1 1 11829 0.0009 from another, from another source, from elsewhere: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
appareo 1 1 1 11830 0.0005 that this only is apparent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenus 1 1 1 11831 0.0007 a stretched cord, noose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hiulco 1 1 1 11832 0.0012 to cause to gape, open in chinks Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hyrcani 1 1 1 11833 0.0013 the Caspian Sea Lewis & Short
perfero 1 1 1 11834 0.0004 to bear through, bring home Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
buxifer 1 1 1 11835 0.002 bearing boxtrees Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
umor 1 1 1 11836 0.0006 a liquid, fluid, moisture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,610 calamus 1 1 1 11837 0.0005 a reed, cane: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pignus 1 1 1 11838 0.0004 a pledge, gage, pawn, security, guaranty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pituita 1 1 1 11839 0.0014 slime, clammy moisture, phlegm, rheum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pollux 1 1 1 11840 0.001 a son of Tyndarus and Leda, twin brother of Castor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vexo 1 1 1 11841 0.0005 to shake, jolt, toss violently Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coeo 1 1 1 11842 0.0005 to go together, come together, meet, assemble, collect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
involo 1 1 1 11843 0.0012 to fly at, rush upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Stymphalius 1 1 1 11844 0.0018 Stymphalian Elem. Lewis
quingenti 1 1 1 11845 0.0009 thousands upon thousands Lewis & Short
Cortynia 1 1 1 11846 0.0015 a town of Crete Lewis & Short
3,620 raphanus 1 1 1 11847 0.0018 a radish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
redivivus 1 1 1 11848 0.0011 freshened up, used again, renewed, renovated (of old building-materials) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
custodio 1 1 1 11849 0.0006 to watch, protect, keep, defend, guard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defendo 1 1 1 11850 0.0004 to ward off, repel, avert, keep off Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
demonstro 1 1 1 11851 0.0008 to point out, indicate, designate, show Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
despuo 1 1 1 11852 0.0013 to spit out, spit upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mergo 1 1 1 11853 0.0004 to dip, dip in, immerse, plunge, sink, bury Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
seges 1 1 1 11854 0.0005 a cornfield Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mollesco 1 1 1 11855 0.0012 to become soft, soften Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nebula 1 1 1 11856 0.0006 mist, vapor, fog, smoke, exhalation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,630 sollers 1 1 1 11857 0.0008 skilled, skilful, clever, dexterous, adroit, expert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aegrotus 1 1 1 11858 0.001 sick, diseased Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spiro 1 1 1 11859 0.0004 to breathe, draw breath, respire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aevum 1 1 1 11860 0.0004 neverending time, eternity: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flaveo 1 1 1 11861 0.0009 to be golden yellow Lewis & Short
obesus 1 1 1 11862 0.0012 that has eaten, fat, stout, plump Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Amathus 1 1 1 11863 0.0015 a town in the southern part of Cyprus Lewis & Short
octo 1 1 1 11864 0.0007 num, eight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
funis 1 1 1 11865 0.0007 a rope, sheet, line, cord Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenebricosus 1 1 1 11866 0.0014 full of darkness, utterly obscure, shrouded in gloom, dark, gloomy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,640 gannio 1 1 1 11867 0.0016 to bark, snarl, growl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palaestra 1 1 1 11868 0.0009 a wrestling school, wrestling-place, place of exercise, gymnasium, palaestra Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
grabatus 1 1 1 11869 0.0014 a low couch, camp-bed, pallet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
patefacio 1 1 1 11870 0.0006 to lay open, open, throw open Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
percutio 1 1 1 11871 0.0004 to strike through and through, thrust through, pierce, transfix Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urgeo 1 1 1 11872 0.0003 roll up Lewis & Short
caper 1 1 1 11873 0.0008 a he-goat, goat: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
premo 1 1 1 11874 0.0002 to press Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proclivus 1 1 1 11875 0.001 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
lacesso 1 1 1 11876 0.0005 to excite, provoke, challenge, exasperate, irritate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,650 conscendo 1 1 1 11877 0.0006 to mount, ascend, climb Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
limes 1 1 1 11878 0.0006 a path, passage, road, way, track Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recrepo 1 1 1 11879 0.0024 to resound, echo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
demano 1 1 1 11880 0.002 to flow down, glide down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discrucio 1 1 1 11881 0.0012 to rack to pieces, torture Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dolus 1 1 1 11882 0.0004 a device, artifice, contrivance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
elevo 1 1 1 11883 0.0009 to lift up, raise Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
extenuo 1 1 1 11884 0.0009 to make small, reduce, diminish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stella 1 1 1 11885 0.0005 a star Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nutrio 1 1 1 11886 0.0005 to suckle, nourish, feed, foster, bring up, rear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,660 amplector 1 1 1 11887 0.0004 to twine around, encircle, encompass, embrace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
surgo 1 1 1 11888 0.0002 to rise, arise, get up, stand up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
omentum 1 1 1 11889 0.0016 fat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
antenna 1 1 1 11890 0.0011 the ends of the sail-yards covered with the sails Lewis & Short
Arsinoe 1 1 1 11891 0.0015 mother of the third Mercury Lewis & Short
papaver 1 1 1 11892 0.001 a poppy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ausculto 1 1 1 11893 0.001 to hear with attention, listen to, give ear to Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tumulo 1 1 1 11894 0.0006 to cover with a mound, bury, inter, entomb Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hortus 1 1 1 11895 0.0005 a garden, pleasure-garden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Bithynia 1 1 1 11896 0.0011 a very fruitful province in Asia Minor Lewis & Short
3,670 perniciter 1 1 1 11897 0.0016 nimbly, swiftly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incurvo 1 1 1 11898 0.001 to bend, bow, curve Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
innitor 1 1 1 11899 0.0007 to lean upon, support oneself by Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vigeo 1 1 1 11900 0.0005 to be lively, be vigorous, thrive, flourish, bloom, be strong Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Prometheus 1 1 1 11901 0.001 a son of Iapetus, who stole fire from heaven for men Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comprobo 1 1 1 11902 0.0009 to approve, assent to, sanction, acknowledge: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
languidulus 1 1 1 11903 0.0014 somewhat feeble Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reboo 1 1 1 11904 0.001 to bellow back, resound, reecho Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
decedo 1 1 1 11905 0.0006 to go away, depart, withdraw, retire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dirus 1 1 1 11906 0.0003 ill - omened, ominous, boding, portentous, fearful, awful, dread Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,680 mendacium 1 1 1 11907 0.0007 a lie, untruth, falsehood, fiction Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secerno 1 1 1 11908 0.0004 to put apart, sunder, sever, part, divide, separate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
senesco 1 1 1 11909 0.0008 to grow old, become aged, grow hoary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
excutio 1 1 1 11910 0.0004 to shake out, shake off, cast out, drive out, send forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exspuo 1 1 1 11911 0.0015 to spit out, spit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adulescens 1 1 1 11912 0.0008 growing, near maturity, young, youthful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sordeo 1 1 1 11913 0.0006 to be dirty, be mean, be despised, be unvalued, appear worthless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequoreus 1 1 1 11914 0.0007 of the sea, marine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
squalidus 1 1 1 11915 0.0009 stiff, rough, dirty, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
femella 1 1 1 11916 0.0018 a young female, girl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,690 Sulla 1 1 1 11917 0.0008 a family name in the Cornelian gens Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
genialis 1 1 1 11918 0.0009 of generation, of birth, nuptial, genial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thyias 1 1 1 11919 0.0014 a Bacchante Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Helena 1 1 1 11920 0.001 a Helen Lewis & Short
Penates 1 1 1 11921 0.0005 the Penates, guardian gods of the family, household gods Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tyrius 1 1 1 11922 0.0007 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
peruro 1 1 1 11923 0.0008 to burn up, waste by fire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
plango 1 1 1 11924 0.0007 to strike, beat Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vendito 1 1 1 11925 0.001 to keep offering for sale, try to sell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
certatim 1 1 1 11926 0.0006 in rivalry, emulously, zealously, with competition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,700 verpus 1 1 1 11927 0.0017 a circumcised man Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circumsilio 1 1 1 11928 0.0017 to leap around, dance around Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vicis 1 1 1 11929 0.0004 change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
profero 1 1 1 11930 0.0004 to carry out, bring forth, produce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comperio 1 1 1 11931 0.0007 to obtain knowledge of, find out, ascertain, learn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pupula 1 1 1 11932 0.0016 the pupil of the eye Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quando 1 1 1 11933 0.0003 I. Adv, at what time? when? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
litoralis 1 1 1 11934 0.0019 of the sea-shore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
deflecto 1 1 1 11935 0.0008 to bend aside, turn away, divert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rhenus 1 1 1 11936 0.0007 The Rhine Lewis & Short
3,710 dentatus 1 1 1 11937 0.0012 having teeth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
detineo 1 1 1 11938 0.0006 to hold off, keep back, detain, check Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scortum 1 1 1 11939 0.0008 a harlot, prostitute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dubius 1 1 1 11940 0.0003 moving two ways, fluctuating Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
semimortuus 1 1 1 11941 0.0017 half-dead Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moneo 1 1 1 11942 0.0003 to remind, put in mind of, admonish, advise, warn, instruct, teach Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nefas 1 1 1 11943 0.0004 indecl, something contrary to divine law, an impious deed, sin, crime Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oblittero 1 1 1 11944 0.0011 to blot out, erase Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ambulatio 1 1 1 11945 0.0013 a walking about, walk Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anhelo 1 1 1 11946 0.0007 to breathe with difficulty, gasp, pant, puff Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,720 tantusdem 1 1 1 11947 0.001 just so great Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
argentum 1 1 1 11948 0.0005 silver Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
palimpsestus 1 1 1 11949 0.0019 a parchment rewritten after erasure, palimpsest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
audacter 1 1 1 11950 0.0009 boldly, courageously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
haruspicium 1 1 1 11951 0.0015 inspection of victims, divination Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aveho 1 1 1 11952 0.001 to carry off, take away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hydrochous 1 1 1 11953 0.0018 the constellation Lewis & Short
peregrinus 1 1 1 11954 0.0005 from foreign parts, strange, foreign, exotic, alien Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
urtica 1 1 1 11955 0.0013 a nettle, stinging-nettle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vehemens 1 1 1 11956 0.0007 Of living beings, eager, violent, furious, impetuous, ardent, vehement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,730 celero 1 1 1 11957 0.0004 to quicken, hasten, accelerate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ingenero 1 1 1 11958 0.0014 to implant, engender, produce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
insto 1 1 1 11959 0.0004 to stand upon, take a position Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cliens 1 1 1 11960 0.0007 a personal dependant, client Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
voluntas 1 1 1 11961 0.0005 will, free-will, wish, choice, desire, inclination Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Itylus 1 1 1 11962 0.002 the son of Ze thus Lewis & Short
procumbo 1 1 1 11963 0.0007 to fall forwards, sink down, fall prostrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lacteolus 1 1 1 11964 0.0014 milk-white Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consequor 1 1 1 11965 0.0007 to follow, follow up, press upon, go after, attend, accompany, pursue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
contorqueo 1 1 1 11966 0.0008 to turn, twist, twirl, swing, whirl, brandish, wield, hurl Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,740 lenio 1 1 1 11967 0.0005 to soften, mollify, moderate, assuage, soothe, calm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
retraho 1 1 1 11968 0.0007 to draw back, withdraw, call back Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Malius 1 1 1 11969 0.0004 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
robustus 1 1 1 11970 0.0008 of oak-wood, oaken, oak- Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
desisto 1 1 1 11971 0.0007 to leave off, cease, give over, desist from Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rutilus 1 1 1 11972 0.0006 red, golden red, reddish yellow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diffindo 1 1 1 11973 0.0011 to cleave asunder, split, divide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ecquis 1 1 1 11974 0.0006 Direct, Is there any one? any? any one? anybody? anything? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sepulcretum 1 1 1 11975 0.0024 a burial-place, cemetery Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
emergo 1 1 1 11976 0.0008 to bring forth, bring to light, raise up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,750 sibilus 1 1 1 11977 0.0008 a hissing, whistling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Eumenides 1 1 1 11978 0.0009 the Furies Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
experior 1 1 1 11979 0.0004 to try, prove, test, experience, endure Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exuro 1 1 1 11980 0.0007 to burn out, burn up, consume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nervosus 1 1 1 11981 0.0014 sinewy, nervous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fastus 1 1 1 11982 0.0006 scornful contempt, disdain, haughtiness, arrogance, pride Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
noctifer 1 1 1 11983 0.002 the eveningstar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aetherius 1 1 1 11984 0.0007 of the upper air, heavenly, ethereal, celestial: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Fescenninus 1 1 1 11985 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
amarities 1 1 1 11986 0.0016 bitterness: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,760 occupo 1 1 1 11987 0.0004 to take into possession, seize, occupy, master, win Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oratio 1 1 1 11988 0.0006 a speaking, speech, discourse, language, faculty of speech, use of language Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tondeo 1 1 1 11989 0.0007 to shear, clip, crop, shave Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pasithea 1 1 1 11990 0.0018 one of the three Graces Lewis & Short
triginta 1 1 1 11991 0.0007 thirty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perambulo 1 1 1 11992 0.0012 to ramble through, go through, traverse, perambulate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Urania 1 1 1 11993 0.0014 the Muse of Astronomy, Urania Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeco 1 1 1 11994 0.0008 a crier, herald Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
villa 1 1 1 11995 0.0006 a country-house, country-seat, farm, villa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vocatio 1 1 1 11996 0.0015 an invitation to dinner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,770 istinc 1 1 1 11997 0.0011 from there, thence, from where you are Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procedo 1 1 1 11998 0.0005 to go before, go forward, advance, proceed, march on, move forward, go forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
commingo 1 1 1 11999 0.0022 to pollute, defile: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recolo 1 1 1 12000 0.0009 to till again, cultivate anew, work over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
declaro 1 1 1 12001 0.0008 to disclose, make evident, reveal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dicax 1 1 1 12002 0.0013 talking sharply, satirical, sarcastic, acute, witty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salillum 1 1 1 12003 0.0024 a little salt-dish, salt-cellar Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discerno 1 1 1 12004 0.0007 to separate, set apart, mark off, bound, part, divide Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
secubo 1 1 1 12005 0.0015 to lie apart, sleep alone, live alone Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eruditulus 1 1 1 12006 0.0022 somewhat experienced Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,780 Achivus 1 1 1 12007 0.001 Achaean, Grecian, O. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
socer 1 1 1 12008 0.0007 a father-in-law Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
advento 1 1 1 12009 0.0007 to advance, press forward, march on, approach Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subduco 1 1 1 12010 0.0006 to draw away, take away, lead away, carry off, wrest, withdraw, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Alpis 1 1 1 12011 0.0006 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
fluentisonus 1 1 1 12012 0.0019 waveresounding Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obtero 1 1 1 12013 0.001 to bruise, crush Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fuga 1 1 1 12014 0.0003 a fleeing, flight, running away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gaius 1 1 1 12015 0.0009 a Roman prœnomen Lewis & Short
armo 1 1 1 12016 0.0002 to furnish with weapons, arm, equip Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,790 terror 1 1 1 12017 0.0005 great fear, affright, dread, alarm, terror, panic Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tigillum 1 1 1 12018 0.0014 a small bar of wood, little beam Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
transfero 1 1 1 12019 0.0005 to bear across, bring through, carry over, convey over, transport, transfer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ubicumque 1 1 1 12020 0.0008 wherever, wheresoever Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
injecto 1 1 1 12021 0.0009 to lay on Lewis & Short
victoria 1 1 1 12022 0.0004 victory Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
interior 1 1 1 12023 0.0007 inner, interior, middle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
confiteor 1 1 1 12024 0.0006 to acknowledge, confess, own, avow, concede, allow, grant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lancino 1 1 1 12025 0.0016 to squander, dissipate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consulatus 1 1 1 12026 0.0008 the office of consul, consulate, consulship Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,800 laurus 1 1 1 12027 0.0004 a bay-tree, laurel-tree, laurel (sacred to Apollo) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conviva 1 1 1 12028 0.0008 a table companion, guest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crepida 1 1 1 12029 0.0013 a sandal, sole with straps, half-shoe, Grecian shoe Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cuniculosus 1 1 1 12030 0.0024 abounding in rabbits Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
requiesco 1 1 1 12031 0.0006 to rest, take rest, repose Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devoco 1 1 1 12032 0.0013 to call off, call away, recall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Mavors 1 1 1 12033 0.0006 Mars, the god of war (old) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saevitia 1 1 1 12034 0.0008 fury, fierceness, violence, harshness, savageness, cruelty, barbarity, severity Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Memmius 1 1 1 12035 0.0012 name of a Roman Lewis & Short
Sapphicus 1 1 1 12036 0.0016 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
3,810 egelidus 1 1 1 12037 0.0013 Ex Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
equus 1 1 1 12038 0.0002 a horse, steed, charger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silesco 1 1 1 12039 0.0016 to become still, fall silent, grow calm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exsilium 1 1 1 12040 0.0005 banishment, exile Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sonipes 1 1 1 12041 0.0009 with sounding feet, noisy-footed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suesco 1 1 1 12042 0.0005 to become used, accustom oneself Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
appeto 1 1 1 12043 0.0008 to strive for, reach after, grasp at: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furtim 1 1 1 12044 0.0007 by stealth, secretly, privily, furtively, clandestinely Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aridulus 1 1 1 12045 0.0016 somewhat dry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tepefacio 1 1 1 12046 0.0011 to make lukewarm, make tepid, warm, tepefy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,820 Parnasus 1 1 1 12047 0.0008 of Apollo Lewis & Short
totidem 1 1 1 12048 0.0005 just so many, just as many, the same number of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hedera 1 1 1 12049 0.0007 ivy, ivy-vine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hodie 1 1 1 12050 0.0006 to-day Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
peliacus 1 1 1 12051 0.0014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
Iacchus 1 1 1 12052 0.001 Bacchus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perfidia 1 1 1 12053 0.0007 faithlessness, treachery, perfidy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imaginosus 1 1 1 12054 0.0022 full of fancies Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
persolvo 1 1 1 12055 0.0006 to unravel, solve, explain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
calathiscus 1 1 1 12056 0.0019 a small wicker-basket Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,830 insulto 1 1 1 12057 0.0007 to spring at, leap upon, leap, bound, jump, spring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vomo 1 1 1 12058 0.0005 to puke, spew, throw up, vomit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
compar 1 1 1 12059 0.001 like, equal to, corresponding: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pulvinus 1 1 1 12060 0.0013 a cushion, bolster, squab, pillow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
latibulum 1 1 1 12061 0.0014 a hiding-place, lurking-hole, covert, den Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corvus 1 1 1 12062 0.0008 a raven Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
reduco 1 1 1 12063 0.0005 to lead back, bring back, conduct back, escort back, accompany Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
custos 1 1 1 12064 0.0004 a guard, watch, preserver, keeper, overseer, protector, defender, attendant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
renovo 1 1 1 12065 0.0005 to renew, restore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
revoco 1 1 1 12066 0.0003 to call again, call back, recall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,840 meridio 1 1 1 12067 0.001 to take a mid-day nap, have a siesta.—Supin. acc Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
minuo 1 1 1 12068 0.0005 to make small, lessen, diminish, divide into small pieces Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sella 1 1 1 12069 0.0008 a seat, settle, chair, stool Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mollicellus 1 1 1 12070 0.0019 soft, delicate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mucus 1 1 1 12071 0.0014 snivel, mucus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
necdum 1 1 1 12072 0.0008 [unavailable] Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sollicitus 1 1 1 12073 0.0005 thoroughly moved, agitated, disturbed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
splendeo 1 1 1 12074 0.0006 to shine, be bright, gleam, glitter, glisten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stolidus 1 1 1 12075 0.0008 slow, dull, obtuse, coarse, uncultivated, rude, stupid, stolid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
susurro 1 1 1 12076 0.0009 to hum, buzz, murmur, mutter, whisper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,850 frigidulus 1 1 1 12077 0.0014 chilly, somewhat faint Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Orcus 1 1 1 12078 0.0006 the Lower World, prison of the dead, Orcus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tenellulus 1 1 1 12079 0.0019 very tender, delicate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gradior 1 1 1 12080 0.0004 to take steps, step, walk, go, advance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
au 1 1 1 12081 0.0012 interj., of pain or surprise (anteclass.), Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hamadryas 1 1 1 12082 0.0012 a woodnymph, hamadryad, dryad Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
turgidulus 1 1 1 12083 0.0014 puffed, swollen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
humanus 1 1 1 12084 0.0003 of man, human Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perdepso 1 1 1 12085 0.0024 to knead, work over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Bootes 1 1 1 12086 0.001 the nearly stationary constellation Bootes Lewis & Short
3,860 ululatus 1 1 1 12087 0.0009 a howling, wailing, shrieking, loud lamentation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
persaepe 1 1 1 12088 0.0009 very often Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imploro 1 1 1 12089 0.0007 to invoke with tears Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pipio 1 1 1 12090 0.0019 to pip Lewis & Short
carnifex 1 1 1 12091 0.0009 an executioner, hangman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vatinius 1 1 1 12092 0.0013 the name of a Roman Lewis & Short
polio 1 1 1 12093 0.0005 to smooth, furbish, polish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
portus 1 1 1 12094 0.0003 a harbor, haven, port Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cimex 1 1 1 12095 0.0014 a bug Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
insipiens 1 1 1 12096 0.0011 unwise, foolish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,870 praefor 1 1 1 12097 0.0009 to say beforehand, utter in advance, premise, preface Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vindex 1 1 1 12098 0.0006 a maintainer, defender, protector, deliverer, liberator, champion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
invictus 1 1 1 12099 0.0004 unconquered, unsubdued, unconquerable, invincible Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Amathusia 1 1 1 12100 0.0018 Venus (worshipped at Amathus in Cyprus), Ct., O. Elem. Lewis
propinquus 1 1 1 12101 0.0004 near, nigh, neighboring Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conscius 1 1 1 12102 0.0005 knowing in common, conscious with, privy, participant, accessory, witnessing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pompeius 1 1 1 12103 0.0008 a gentile name Elem. Lewis
cruor 1 1 1 12104 0.0004 blood, bloodshed, gore, a stream of blood Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
limpidus 1 1 1 12105 0.0011 limpid, transparent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rector 1 1 1 12106 0.0005 a guide, leader, director, ruler, master, helmsman, pilot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,880 restringo 1 1 1 12107 0.0012 to bind back, bind fast, tighten Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
marinus 1 1 1 12108 0.0007 of the sea, sea-, marine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discupio 1 1 1 12109 0.0016 to desire greatly, long Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scabies 1 1 1 12110 0.001 a roughness, scurf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
murus 1 1 1 12111 0.0004 a wall, city wall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sincerus 1 1 1 12112 0.0007 clean, pure, sound, uninjured, whole, entire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
extollo 1 1 1 12113 0.0006 to lift out, lift up, raise, elevate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amplificus 1 1 1 12114 0.0019 splendid Lewis & Short
surio 1 1 1 12115 0.0009 to be in heat Lewis & Short
fulgor 1 1 1 12116 0.0006 lightning, a flash of lightning Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,890 Gallicanus 1 1 1 12117 0.0014 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
articulus 1 1 1 12118 0.0009 a joint, knuckle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
auspicium 1 1 1 12119 0.0005 divination by the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pernix 1 1 1 12120 0.0009 persistent, persevering Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praecerpo 1 1 1 12121 0.0015 to pluck beforehand, gather prematurely Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vigesco 1 1 1 12122 0.001 to become lively, grow vigorous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prandeo 1 1 1 12123 0.001 to take breakfast, breakfast, eat for luncheon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vito 1 1 1 12124 0.0004 to shun, seek to escape, avoid, evade Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
zonula 1 1 1 12125 0.0022 a little girdle Lewis & Short
recedo 1 1 1 12126 0.0003 to go back, fall back, give ground, retire, withdraw, recede Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,900 rejecto 1 1 1 12127 0.0011 cast up Lewis & Short
resolvo 1 1 1 12128 0.0005 to untie, unfasten, unbind, loose, loosen, release, open Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
derigeo 1 1 1 12129 0.0012 v. a., to remove hardness, to soften Lewis & Short
salaputium 1 1 1 12130 0.0024 (a humorous appellation), a little man, manikin, Liliputian Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Menenius 1 1 1 12131 0.0015 a Roman tribe Lewis & Short
duplex 1 1 1 12132 0.0005 twofold, double Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mulus 1 1 1 12133 0.001 a mule Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exedo 1 1 1 12134 0.0012 to eat up, consume, devour Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adulter 1 1 1 12135 0.0007 adulterous, unchaste Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
notesco 1 1 1 12136 0.0015 to become known Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,910 suppernatus 1 1 1 12137 0.0024 lamed in the hip Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oliva 1 1 1 12138 0.0007 an olive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hellespontus 1 1 1 12139 0.0011 the Sea of Helle Lewis & Short
tuba 1 1 1 12140 0.0005 a trumpet, war-trumpet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
immaturus 1 1 1 12141 0.0008 untimely, unripe, immature, premature Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pervenio 1 1 1 12142 0.0005 to come up, arrive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
plangor 1 1 1 12143 0.0012 a striking, beating Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
catagraphus 1 1 1 12144 0.002 painted, variegated: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ponticulus 1 1 1 12145 0.0018 a little bridge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circumsisto 1 1 1 12146 0.0013 to take one's stand around, surround, stand around: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,920 cogitatio 1 1 1 12147 0.0008 a thinking, considering, deliberating, thought, reflection, meditation, imagination Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prostituo 1 1 1 12148 0.0012 to set forth in public, expose to dishonor, prostitute, offer for sale Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pupulus 1 1 1 12149 0.0019 a little boy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
constituo 1 1 1 12150 0.0005 to put, place, set, station Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
convello 1 1 1 12151 0.0009 to tear away, pluck up, pull off, wrest, rend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
litterator 1 1 1 12152 0.0017 a grammarian, philologist Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defloresco 1 1 1 12153 0.0016 to drop blossoms, fade, wither, decay, decline Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
macula 1 1 1 12154 0.0007 a spot, mark, stain Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rhesus 1 1 1 12155 0.0014 the son of a Muse Lewis & Short
rubeo 1 1 1 12156 0.0005 to be red, be ruddy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,930 dilacero 1 1 1 12157 0.001 to tear to pieces, tear apart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
membrana 1 1 1 12158 0.0012 a skin, membrane Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
messis 1 1 1 12159 0.0006 a gathering of crops, harvest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
semirasus 1 1 1 12160 0.0022 half-shaven Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exagito 1 1 1 12161 0.0007 to rouse, keep in motion, disquiet, harass, persecute, disturb, torment, vex Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
admoveo 1 1 1 12162 0.0006 to move to, move towards, bring up, bring near, carry, conduct, drive: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aemulus 1 1 1 12163 0.0006 striving earnestly after, emulating, rivalling, vying with, emulous Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
anilitas 1 1 1 12164 0.0024 the old age of a woman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frondator 1 1 1 12165 0.0016 one who strips off leaves, a dresser, pruner Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tardipes 1 1 1 12166 0.0018 limping, halting Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,940 pallidulus 1 1 1 12167 0.0016 somewhat pale, rather colorless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Thespiae 1 1 1 12168 0.0014 on Mount Helicon Lewis & Short
audax 1 1 1 12169 0.0004 daring, bold, courageously, spirited Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Troicus 1 1 1 12170 0.0012 of Troy, Trojan Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
usquam 1 1 1 12171 0.0005 Of place, at any place, anywhere Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ingens 1 1 1 12172 0.0002 not natural, immoderate, vast, huge, prodigious, enormous, great, remarkable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
instruo 1 1 1 12173 0.0005 to build in, insert Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeporto 1 1 1 12174 0.002 to bear before Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
coacervo 1 1 1 12175 0.0012 to heap together, heap up, collect in a mass Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
primaevus 1 1 1 12176 0.0011 in early life, youthful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,950 voluptas 1 1 1 12177 0.0004 satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure, delight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
prosequor 1 1 1 12178 0.0006 to follow, accompany, attend, follow after, escort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
concredo 1 1 1 12179 0.0013 to intrust, consign, commit: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consero 1 1 1 12180 0.0007 to sow, plant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lassulus 1 1 1 12181 0.0015 worn out, weary Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quaerito 1 1 1 12182 0.0011 to seek earnestly, ask persistently Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
liberalitas 1 1 1 12183 0.001 a characteristic of a freeman, ingenuousness, frankness, affability Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ramus 1 1 1 12184 0.0004 a branch, bough, twig Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
despicio 1 1 1 12185 0.0005 to look down upon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
diffundo 1 1 1 12186 0.0005 to spread by pouring, pour out, pour forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,960 Europa 1 1 1 12187 0.0007 Minos Lewis & Short
muscosus 1 1 1 12188 0.0011 full of moss, mossy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abscondo 1 1 1 12189 0.0008 to put out of sight, hide, conceal: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nocturnus 1 1 1 12190 0.0005 of night, by night, nocturnal Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
subsellium 1 1 1 12191 0.001 a low bench, seat, form Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Oarion 1 1 1 12192 0.002 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
anceps 1 1 1 12193 0.0006 that has two heads, two-headed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suspendo 1 1 1 12194 0.0004 to hang up, hang, suspend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frico 1 1 1 12195 0.0007 to rub, rub down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
orator 1 1 1 12196 0.0006 a speaker, orator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,970 arbitrium 1 1 1 12197 0.0005 a judgment, decision of an arbitrator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
glaber 1 1 1 12198 0.0016 smooth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parco 1 1 1 12199 0.0003 to act sparingly, be sparing, spare, refrain from, use moderately Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attraho 1 1 1 12200 0.001 to draw, pull Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torosus 1 1 1 12201 0.0015 full of muscle, muscular, brawny, lusty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
habito 1 1 1 12202 0.0004 to dwell, abide, reside, live Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Trinacria 1 1 1 12203 0.001 the island of Sicily Lewis & Short
Phaethon 1 1 1 12204 0.0012 the sun's disk Lewis & Short
indidem 1 1 1 12205 0.0013 from the same place Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praecurro 1 1 1 12206 0.001 to run before, hasten on before, precede Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,980 villula 1 1 1 12207 0.0014 a little country-house, small villa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conqueror 1 1 1 12208 0.0007 to complain, bewail, lament, deplore: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quotiens 1 1 1 12209 0.0003 how often? how many times? Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
declino 1 1 1 12210 0.0007 to bend aside, turn away Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rite 1 1 1 12211 0.0005 according to religious usage, with due observances, with proper ceremonies, ceremonially, solemnly, duly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eruo 1 1 1 12212 0.0006 to cast forth, throw out, root up, dig out, take Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abhorreo 1 1 1 12213 0.0008 to shrink back from, have an aversion for, shudder at, abhor: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exorior 1 1 1 12214 0.0005 to come out, come forth, spring up, rise, appear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spatium 1 1 1 12215 0.0004 a space, room, extent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aestimatio 1 1 1 12216 0.001 the determination of value, value, valuation, appraisement Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
3,990 statim 1 1 1 12217 0.0006 steadily, regularly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fluito 1 1 1 12218 0.0008 to float, flow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obtingo 1 1 1 12219 0.0009 to fall to the lot of, befall, occur Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Transpadanus 1 1 1 12220 0.0015 beyond the Po Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perluceo 1 1 1 12221 0.0012 to shine through, glimmer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inambulatio 1 1 1 12222 0.002 a walking up and down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vappa 1 1 1 12223 0.0016 wine without flavor, vapid wine Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
venor 1 1 1 12224 0.0007 to hunt, chase Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
clam 1 1 1 12225 0.0006 secretly, privately, covertly, in secret Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praeterquam 1 1 1 12226 0.001 beyond, besides, except, other than, save Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,000 Zephyritis 1 1 1 12227 0.0019 the Zephyritide Lewis & Short
progigno 1 1 1 12228 0.0009 to beget, bear, bring forth Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
proximus 1 1 1 12229 0.0003 the nearest, next Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
confutuo 1 1 1 12230 0.0024 to cohabit with, Ct. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
convivium 1 1 1 12231 0.0005 a meal in company, social feast, entertainment, banquet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cuniculus 1 1 1 12232 0.0011 a rabbit, cony Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
locus 1 1 1 12233 0.0002 a place, spot Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
devolvo 1 1 1 12234 0.001 to roll down Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Memnon 1 1 1 12235 0.0012 son of Tithonus and Aurora Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sarcinula 1 1 1 12236 0.0014 a little pack, small bundle, fardel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,010 scurra 1 1 1 12237 0.001 an idler, loafer, man about town Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
egeo 1 1 1 12238 0.0005 to be needy, be in want, be poor, need, want, lack, have need Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exsolvo 1 1 1 12239 0.0009 to loose, unloose, set loose, release, deliver, free Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adorior 1 1 1 12240 0.0008 to approach as an enemy, fall upon, assail, assault, attack: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aequinoctialis 1 1 1 12241 0.0016 equinoctial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
spumosus 1 1 1 12242 0.0011 full of foam, covered with foam Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
floridulus 1 1 1 12243 0.0017 somewhat blooming Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
offirmo 1 1 1 12244 0.0015 to hold fast, persevere Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
appeto 1 1 1 12245 0.002 he that strives eagerly for Lewis & Short
assula 1 1 1 12246 0.0018 A splinter Lewis & Short
4,020 Thia 1 1 1 12247 0.0019 The wife of Hyperion Lewis & Short
totiens 1 1 1 12248 0.0004 so often, so many times, as often, the same number of times Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hederiger 1 1 1 12249 0.002 ivy-bearing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perspicio 1 1 1 12250 0.0007 to look through, look into, look at, see through Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caligo 1 1 1 12251 0.0006 a thick air, mist, vapor, fog Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
imulus 1 1 1 12252 0.0024 the lowest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inguen 1 1 1 12253 0.0008 the groin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
postulo 1 1 1 12254 0.0006 to ask, demand, claim, require, request, desire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
justificus 1 1 1 12255 0.002 that acts justly Lewis & Short
Latmius 1 1 1 12256 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
4,030 contubernalis 1 1 1 12257 0.0013 a tent-companion, messmate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cultor 1 1 1 12258 0.0005 a cultivator, tiller Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ludicer 1 1 1 12259 0.0009 belonging to play, serving for sport, done in sport, sportive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scomber 1 1 1 12260 0.0014 a mackerel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
mugio 1 1 1 12261 0.0007 to low, bellow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eviro 1 1 1 12262 0.002 to emasculate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
afficio 1 1 1 12263 0.0004 designated Lewis & Short
suburbanus 1 1 1 12264 0.0011 near the city, near Rome, suburban Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
objurgo 1 1 1 12265 0.001 moderately Lewis & Short
anguinus 1 1 1 12266 0.0016 of serpents, snaky Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,040 aucto 1 1 1 12267 0.0004 to increase much, prosper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
autumo 1 1 1 12268 0.0011 to say aye, assert, aver, affirm, say Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Battus 1 1 1 12269 0.0015 A name given to Aristotle of Thera Lewis & Short
turpiculus 1 1 1 12270 0.0019 rather vile, repulsive, deformed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
humilis 1 1 1 12271 0.0004 low, lowly, small, slight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
boreas 1 1 1 12272 0.0006 the north wind: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ululo 1 1 1 12273 0.0008 to howl, yell, shriek, wail, lament loudly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perscribo 1 1 1 12274 0.001 to write in full, write at length, write out Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vecta 1 1 1 12275 0.0008 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
induco 1 1 1 12276 0.0005 to lead in, bring in, introduce, conduct, lead up, bring forward Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,050 posco 1 1 1 12277 0.0003 to ask urgently, beg, demand, request, desire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Vetera 1 1 1 12278 0.0004 a town of Lewis & Short
praegestio 1 1 1 12279 0.002 to desire greatly, delight Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conclamo 1 1 1 12280 0.0008 to cry out together, shout, make acclaim: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lacrimo 1 1 1 12281 0.0005 to shed tears, weep Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conscribillo 1 1 1 12282 0.0024 to mark by beating, mark with welts Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quidem 1 1 1 12283 0.0002 assuredly, certainly, in fact, indeed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
radio 1 1 1 12284 0.0005 irradiated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
currus 1 1 1 12285 0.0004 a chariot, car, wain, wagon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
removeo 1 1 1 12286 0.0005 to move back, take away, set aside, put off, drive away, withdraw, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,060 reticeo 1 1 1 12287 0.0008 to be silent, keep silence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maledico 1 1 1 12288 0.0008 to speak ill of, abuse, revile, slander, asperse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
russus 1 1 1 12289 0.0016 red Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Scamander 1 1 1 12290 0.0016 A river in Troas Lewis & Short
septemgeminus 1 1 1 12291 0.0015 sevenfold Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
elleborus 1 1 1 12292 0.0014 hellebore (a remedy for mental diseases) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
solaciolum 1 1 1 12293 0.0019 a little comfort, little solace Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nix 1 1 1 12294 0.0005 snow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nutus 1 1 1 12295 0.0005 a nodding, nod Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
omnipotens 1 1 1 12296 0.0006 almighty, omnipotent Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,070 Antimachus 1 1 1 12297 0.0014 A Greek poet of Colophon Lewis & Short
fumo 1 1 1 12298 0.0005 to smoke, steam, reek, fume Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gallicus 1 1 1 12299 0.0006 Of Lewis & Short
papyrus 1 1 1 12300 0.0011 the paper-plant, paper-reed, papyrus; hence, a garment of papyrus-bark Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
parvulus 1 1 1 12301 0.0007 a skirmish Lewis & Short
pernumero 1 1 1 12302 0.0016 to count out, reckon up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
petitor 1 1 1 12303 0.0013 a seeker, applicant, candidate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
poculum 1 1 1 12304 0.0005 a drinking-vessel, cup, goblet, bowl, beaker Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Charybdis 1 1 1 12305 0.0009 a whirlpool between Italy and Sicily, personified as a female monster, Iu.: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vigilo 1 1 1 12306 0.0004 to watch, keep awake, not to sleep, be wakeful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,080 intorqueo 1 1 1 12307 0.0008 to twist, wind about, fold, wrench, distort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vitta 1 1 1 12308 0.0008 a band, fillet, chaplet, headband Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Eous 1 1 1 12309 0.0005 of dawn, of the morning Elem. Lewis
labo 1 1 1 12310 0.0003 to totter, be ready to fall, begin to sink, give way, be loosened Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pudicitia 1 1 1 12311 0.0007 shamefastness, modesty, chastity, virtue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quercus 1 1 1 12312 0.0006 an oak, oak-tree, Italian oak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
levamen 1 1 1 12313 0.001 an alleviation, mitigation, solace, consolation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ligneus 1 1 1 12314 0.0009 of wood, wooden Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
relego 1 1 1 12315 0.0008 consigns him to Egeria Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lupa 1 1 1 12316 0.0008 a she-wolf Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,090 resono 1 1 1 12317 0.0004 to sound again, resound, ring, re-echo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ruina 1 1 1 12318 0.0004 a rushing down, tumbling, falling down, fall Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salax 1 1 1 12319 0.0012 lustful, lecherous, salacious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
moribundus 1 1 1 12320 0.0008 dying, at the point of death, moribund Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
errabundus 1 1 1 12321 0.0013 wandering about, vagrant, at random Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exeo 1 1 1 12322 0.0003 to go out, go forth, go away, depart, withdraw, retire Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
falx 1 1 1 12323 0.0006 a curved blade, pruningknife, pruning-hook Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alacer 1 1 1 12324 0.0006 lively, brisk, quick, eager, excited, glad, happy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flosculus 1 1 1 12325 0.0012 a little flower, flow eret Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
olivum 1 1 1 12326 0.0008 Oil Lewis & Short
4,100 frux 1 1 1 12327 0.0005 fruit, produce, pulse, legumes Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aqua 1 1 1 12328 0.0002 water Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Athenae 1 1 1 12329 0.0006 Athens, C., L., H., O. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incolo 1 1 1 12330 0.0006 to be at home, abide, dwell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
planta 1 1 1 12331 0.0006 a sprout, shoot, twig, graft Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
iniquus 1 1 1 12332 0.0003 uneven, slanting, steep Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cogito 1 1 1 12333 0.0005 to consider thoroughly, ponder, weigh, reflect upon, think Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
labyrintheus 1 1 1 12334 0.0018 labyrinthine, intricate Elem. Lewis
libro 1 1 1 12335 0.0005 to poise, balance, hold in equilibrium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cumque 1 1 1 12336 0.0004 whenever, always Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,110 Cytorus 1 1 1 12337 0.0017 made of boxwood Lewis & Short
repono 1 1 1 12338 0.0005 to put back, set back, replace, restore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
defrico 1 1 1 12339 0.0015 to rub off, rub down, rub hard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maculo 1 1 1 12340 0.0006 to spot, stain, defile, pollute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Rhodos 1 1 1 12341 0.0009 the Colossus Lewis & Short
deperdo 1 1 1 12342 0.0011 to destroy, ruin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
messor 1 1 1 12343 0.0011 a reaper Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ducenties 1 1 1 12344 0.0015 two hundred times. Lewis & Short
semitarius 1 1 1 12345 0.002 fond of by-ways Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
efflo 1 1 1 12346 0.0009 to blow out, breathe out, exhale Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,120 ephebus 1 1 1 12347 0.001 a youth (strictly a Greek from 16 to 20 years of age) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nanciscor 1 1 1 12348 0.0006 to get, obtain, receive, meet with, stumble on, light on, find Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exseco 1 1 1 12349 0.0012 to cut out, cut away, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fagus 1 1 1 12350 0.0009 a beech-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flexanimus 1 1 1 12351 0.0018 moving, affecting, touching Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
obloquor 1 1 1 12352 0.0013 to speak against, interrupt, contradict, rail at, abuse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
fortasse 1 1 1 12353 0.0005 perhaps, peradventure, probably, possibly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Syrtis 1 1 1 12354 0.0009 a sand-bank in the sea.— Esp., two sand-banks on the coast of Africa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pallidus 1 1 1 12355 0.0007 pale, pallid, colorless Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
grandis 1 1 1 12356 0.0003 full-grown, large, great, full, abundant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,130 torus 1 1 1 12357 0.0005 a swelling, protuberance, fleshy part, muscle, brawn Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tutamen 1 1 1 12358 0.0014 a means of defence, protection, safeguard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caprimulgus 1 1 1 12359 0.0019 a milker of goats, countryman Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
vetulus 1 1 1 12360 0.001 elderly, somewhat old, advanced in life, no longer young Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
virgatus 1 1 1 12361 0.0016 made of twigs Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conservo 1 1 1 12362 0.0007 to retain, keep safe, maintain, preserve, spare Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
corripio 1 1 1 12363 0.0005 to seize, snatch up, grasp, collect, take hold of, arrest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cuspis 1 1 1 12364 0.0006 a point, pointed end, blade, head Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lycaonius 1 1 1 12365 0.0012 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
reverto 1 1 1 12366 0.0004 see revertor. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,140 Sacae 1 1 1 12367 0.0018 a people of Northern Asia Lewis & Short
diffututus 1 1 1 12368 0.0024 exhausted by indulgence Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
salus 1 1 1 12369 0.0003 soundness, health, good health, vigor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dissolvo 1 1 1 12370 0.0006 to take apart, disunite, part, destroy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Eurotas 1 1 1 12371 0.001 the principal river of Laconia Lewis & Short
absorbeo 1 1 1 12372 0.001 to swallow down, devour: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expeto 1 1 1 12373 0.0007 to seek after, strive for aim at, demand, ask Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
faba 1 1 1 12374 0.0011 a bean, horse-bean Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stipes 1 1 1 12375 0.0007 a log, stock, post, trunk, stake Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Amastris 1 1 1 12376 0.0019 a town in Paphlagonia Lewis & Short
4,150 ancilla 1 1 1 12377 0.0008 a maid-servant, handmaid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
suspicor 1 1 1 12378 0.0007 to mistrust, suspect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
frigero 1 1 1 12379 0.0016 to cool, refresh with coolness Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
arbitror 1 1 1 12380 0.0007 to testify on information and belief, depose to one's best knowledge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
glaeba 1 1 1 12381 0.0008 a lump of earth, clod Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
attribuo 1 1 1 12382 0.0009 to assign, allot, make over Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
torpeo 1 1 1 12383 0.0006 to be stiff, be numb, be inactive, be torpid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Hadria 1 1 1 12384 0.0012 the Adriatic Sea Lewis & Short
tripudium 1 1 1 12385 0.0013 a measured stamping, leaping, jumping, dancing, exultant dance, solemn dance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
percello 1 1 1 12386 0.0006 to beat down, throw down, overturn, upset Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,160 caenum 1 1 1 12387 0.0008 dirt, filth, mud, mire: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pharsalos 1 1 1 12388 0.0016 Cœsar's victory over Pompey Lewis & Short
chorus 1 1 1 12389 0.0004 a dance in a ring, choral dance, dance: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inscius 1 1 1 12390 0.0007 not knowing, ignorant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
claustra 1 1 1 12391 0.0006 a lock, bar, bolt Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
volatilis 1 1 1 12392 0.0013 winged, flying Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
conchylium 1 1 1 12393 0.0012 a shell - fish, C.; a purple shell-fish, Ct. — Esp., an oyster: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
consanguineus 1 1 1 12394 0.001 of the same blood, related by blood, kindred, fraternal: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
putridus 1 1 1 12395 0.0011 rotten, decayed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lector 1 1 1 12396 0.0008 a reader Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,170 Cornificius 1 1 1 12397 0.0015 the name of a Roman plebeian Lewis & Short
quovis 1 1 1 12398 0.0009 to any place whatever, whither you will Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recoquo 1 1 1 12399 0.0012 to boil again, renew by boiling Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Delius 1 1 1 12400 0.0007 no. Lewis & Short
rivalis 1 1 1 12401 0.0011 of the same brook, a neighbor, competitor, rival suitor, rival, adversary in love Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
discidium 1 1 1 12402 0.0012 a parting, separation, disagreement, dissension, discord Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
millies 1 1 1 12403 0.001 a thousand times better Lewis & Short
Sestianus 1 1 1 12404 0.002 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
municeps 1 1 1 12405 0.0011 an inhabitant of a free town, burgher, citizen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
expallesco 1 1 1 12406 0.0014 to grow pale, turn pale (only perf.) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,180 exsulto 1 1 1 12407 0.0009 to spring vigorously, leap up, jump up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aestimo 1 1 1 12408 0.0007 to determine the value of, estimate, value, rate, appraise: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
albico 1 1 1 12409 0.0013 to be white Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
flagitium 1 1 1 12410 0.0008 a shameful act, passionate deed, outrage, burning shame, disgraceful thing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Telemachus 1 1 1 12411 0.0016 the son of Ulysses and Penelope Lewis & Short
Otho 1 1 1 12412 0.0012 of the emperor Otho Lewis & Short
particeps 1 1 1 12413 0.0008 sharing, partaking, participant Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aurora 1 1 1 12414 0.0006 the morning, dawn, daybreak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
hortor 1 1 1 12415 0.0005 to urge, press, incite, instigate, encourage, cheer, exhort Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ideo 1 1 1 12416 0.0006 for that reason, on that account, therefore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,190 immundus 1 1 1 12417 0.0008 unclean, impure, dirty, fllthy, foul Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pestilens 1 1 1 12418 0.0009 pestilential, infected, unhealthy, unwholesome Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ploxemum 1 1 1 12419 0.0022 a wagon-box Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praetextatus 1 1 1 12420 0.0011 wearing the toga praetexta Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
irrumatio 1 1 1 12421 0.0022 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
prognatus 1 1 1 12422 0.0011 born, descended, sprung Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
comprecor 1 1 1 12423 0.0015 to pray to, supplicate, implore: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Dindymene 1 1 1 12424 0.002 Cybele Elem. Lewis
juxta 1 1 1 12425 0.0006 were just as indignant Lewis & Short
conjugator 1 1 1 12426 0.0022 one who joins Lewis & Short
4,200 langueo 1 1 1 12427 0.0005 to be faint, be weary, be languid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quasi 1 1 1 12428 0.0005 as if, just as if, as though Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
convoco 1 1 1 12429 0.0008 to call together, convoke, assemble, summon Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Lethaeus 1 1 1 12430 0.0009 of Lethe, Lethean Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cresco 1 1 1 12431 0.0003 to come into being, spring up Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
raucisonus 1 1 1 12432 0.0015 hoarsesounding Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cunnus 1 1 1 12433 0.0013 the female pudenda Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
delabor 1 1 1 12434 0.0006 to fall, sink, slip down, glide down, descend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
maeror 1 1 1 12435 0.0008 a mourning, sadness, grief, sorrow, lamentation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
memor 1 1 1 12436 0.0003 mindful, remembering, heedful Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,210 miseresco 1 1 1 12437 0.0012 to feel pity, have compassion Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
multivolus 1 1 1 12438 0.0017 of many desires Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
accubo 1 1 1 12439 0.0011 to lie at, lie beside Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
nemorivagus 1 1 1 12440 0.0019 wandering in the woods Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
falsiparens 1 1 1 12441 0.0022 having a pretended father Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
stupor 1 1 1 12442 0.0009 numbness, dulness, insensibility, stupor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oleo 1 1 1 12443 0.0006 to emit a smell, smell of, smell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
applico 1 1 1 12444 0.0007 to join, connect, attach, add: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oscito 1 1 1 12445 0.0013 turn towards the sun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aries 1 1 1 12446 0.0008 a ram, C., V. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,220 truso 1 1 1 12447 0.0018 freq, to push often, push hard Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
benefacio 1 1 1 12448 0.0009 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
calix 1 1 1 12449 0.001 a cup, goblet, drinkingvessel Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
placidus 1 1 1 12450 0.0002 gentle, quiet, still, calm, mild, peaceful, placid Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inhibeo 1 1 1 12451 0.0009 to hold in, hold back, keep back, restrain, curb, check Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
circumcurso 1 1 1 12452 0.0019 to run around, run about: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
integellus 1 1 1 12453 0.0015 pretty safe, in fair condition Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
praesertim 1 1 1 12454 0.0007 especially, chiefly, principally, particularly Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
caerulus 1 1 1 12455 0.0008 azure, blue, dark blue, cerulian Elem. Lewis
justitia 1 1 1 12456 0.0005 the whole of the laws Lewis & Short
4,230 conturbo 1 1 1 12457 0.001 to confuse, disturb, derange, disorder, confound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
cultrix 1 1 1 12458 0.0012 a cultivator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
scopulus 1 1 1 12459 0.0005 a projecting point of rock, rock, cliff, crag, shelf, ledge Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dos 1 1 1 12460 0.0006 a marriage portion, dowry Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
effero 1 1 1 12461 0.0003 to carry out, take out, bring forth, take away, remove Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sicut 1 1 1 12462 0.0005 so as, just as, as Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
evito 1 1 1 12463 0.0009 to shun Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
affligo 1 1 1 12464 0.0005 I will dash thee to the earth Lewis & Short
nugae 1 1 1 12465 0.0007 jests, idle speeches, trifles Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
succendo 1 1 1 12466 0.0007 to kindle beneath, set on fire below Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,240 flebilis 1 1 1 12467 0.0006 to be wept over, lamentable, deplorable Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oblecto 1 1 1 12468 0.0008 to delight, divert, entertain, amuse, interest Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
apeliotes 1 1 1 12469 0.002 the east wind, Ct. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tantillus 1 1 1 12470 0.0012 so little, so small Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
furcilla 1 1 1 12471 0.0017 a little fork, pitchfork Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
oricilla 1 1 1 12472 0.0024 an ear-lap Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Gaza 1 1 1 12473 0.0008 a treasure, royal treasury Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Themis 1 1 1 12474 0.0013 the goddess of justice and of prophecy Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
humus 1 1 1 12475 0.0004 the earth, ground, soil Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
bracchiolum 1 1 1 12476 0.0018 a small arm, delicate arm: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,250 caesaries 1 1 1 12477 0.001 the hair, head of hair, locks (only sing.). Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Urios 1 1 1 12478 0.002 a title of Jupiter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Pisaurum 1 1 1 12479 0.0014 of Pisaurum Lewis & Short
verecundus 1 1 1 12480 0.0008 ashamed Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
inflo 1 1 1 12481 0.0006 to blow into, blow, inflate, swell Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
possideo 1 1 1 12482 0.0005 to have and hold, be master of, own, possess Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
instar 1 1 1 12483 0.0005 an image, likeness, resemblance, appearance Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
procreo 1 1 1 12484 0.001 to bring forth, beget, generate, procreate, produce Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Propontis 1 1 1 12485 0.0012 the Propontis Lewis & Short
lacrimula 1 1 1 12486 0.0016 a little tear, tearlet Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,260 pugillaris 1 1 1 12487 0.0016 filling the fist, as large as the clenched hand Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
quadraginta 1 1 1 12488 0.0009 forty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
radix 1 1 1 12489 0.0005 a root Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
crux 1 1 1 12490 0.0006 a gallows, frame, tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
recumbo 1 1 1 12491 0.0008 to lie down again, lie down, recline Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
remugio 1 1 1 12492 0.0012 to bellow back, low in answer Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dedico 1 1 1 12493 0.0008 to dedicate, consecrate, set apart Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
medullula 1 1 1 12494 0.0022 marrow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
saltem 1 1 1 12495 0.0005 saved, save, at least, at the least, at all events, anyhow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
dispicio 1 1 1 12496 0.0011 to descry, discern, perceive, make out, distinguish, detect Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,270 scando 1 1 1 12497 0.0006 to rise, climb, mount, clamber, get up, ascend Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ebrius 1 1 1 12498 0.0007 full, sated Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
eluo 1 1 1 12499 0.001 to wash off, cleanse by washing Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sevoco 1 1 1 12500 0.0013 to call apart, lead aside, summon away, withdraw Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
abjungo 1 1 1 12501 0.0015 to unyoke Lewis & Short
singultus 1 1 1 12502 0.0009 a sobbing, panting, choking, convulsive sigh Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
specus 1 1 1 12503 0.0008 a natural cavity, cave, cavern, grot, den, chasm, channel, pit Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
amabilis 1 1 1 12504 0.0008 worthy of love, lovely, amiable, attractive Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
supercilium 1 1 1 12505 0.0008 an eyebrow Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Tagus 1 1 1 12506 0.0008 a river in Lusitania Lewis & Short
4,280 funditus 1 1 1 12507 0.0007 from the bottom, from the foundation Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tinnulus 1 1 1 12508 0.0014 ringing, tinkling, shrillsounding Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
tribuo 1 1 1 12509 0.0004 to assign, impart, allot, bestow, confer, yield, give Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ulmus 1 1 1 12510 0.0008 an elm, elm-tree Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
perpetior 1 1 1 12511 0.0007 to bear steadfastly, suffer firmly, stand out, abide, endure, be patient Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
incandesco 1 1 1 12512 0.0013 to grow warm, be heated, glow, kindle Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
India 1 1 1 12513 0.0009 India beyond the Ganges Lewis & Short
cauda 1 1 1 12514 0.0006 a tail Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Chiron 1 1 1 12515 0.001 one of the Centaurs Lewis & Short
inops 1 1 1 12516 0.0004 without resources, helpless, weak Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,290 commemoro 1 1 1 12517 0.0007 to recall to memory, call to mind, be mindful of, keep in mind, remember: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
jugalis 1 1 1 12518 0.0007 of Lewis & Short
lapillus 1 1 1 12519 0.0007 a little stone, pebble Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lignum 1 1 1 12520 0.0006 gathered wood, firewood Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
loquela 1 1 1 12521 0.001 speech, words, discourse Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
religio 1 1 1 12522 0.0004 conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation, duty Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
lupanar 1 1 1 12523 0.0012 a house of ill-repute Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
respecto 1 1 1 12524 0.0012 to look back, look round, gaze about Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
magistra 1 1 1 12525 0.0007 a mistress, directress Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
rumor 1 1 1 12526 0.0005 a rustle, murmur, vague sound Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,300 migro 1 1 1 12527 0.0006 to remove, depart, flit, migrate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sector 1 1 1 12528 0.0007 to follow eagerly, run after, attend, accompany, press upon, follow after, chase, pursue Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
sesquipedalis 1 1 1 12529 0.0016 of a foot and a half, half a yard long Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
silvestris 1 1 1 12530 0.0007 of a wood, of forest, overgrown with woods, wooded, woody Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
natio 1 1 1 12531 0.0008 a birth, origin Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
acervus 1 1 1 12532 0.0007 a mass of similar objects, pile, heap: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
exstinguo 1 1 1 12533 0.0005 to put out, quench, extinguish Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
neptis 1 1 1 12534 0.0011 a granddaughter Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
adultero 1 1 1 12535 0.001 to commit adultery, C. Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
aera 1 1 1 12536 0.0004 counters; Lewis & Short
4,310 stadium 1 1 1 12537 0.001 a stade, stadium, furlong (125 paces, 625 Roman feet, or 606 3/4 English feet) Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Firmanus 1 1 1 12538 0.0015 [unavailable] Lewis & Short
nuptialis 1 1 1 12539 0.0012 of a marriage, wedding-, nuptial Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
alnus 1 1 1 12540 0.0009 the alder Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
summitto 1 1 1 12541 0.0005 puls forth Lewis & Short
obsto 1 1 1 12542 0.0004 to stand before, be opposite Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
foveo 1 1 1 12543 0.0003 to warm, keep warm Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
gentilis 1 1 1 12544 0.0009 of a clan, of a gens Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
Athos 1 1 1 12545 0.001 o Lewis & Short
thyrsus 1 1 1 12546 0.0009 Of a plant, a stalk, stem.—Esp., a staff twined with ivy and vine, Bacchic staff, thyrsus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
4,320 auricula 1 1 1 12547 0.0012 the external ear, ear Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
trans 1 1 1 12548 0.0006 across, over, to the farther side of Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
avolo 1 1 1 12549 0.0012 to fly away: Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
horrifico 1 1 1 12550 0.0011 to ruffle, make rough Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
penetralis 1 1 1 12551 0.0006 piercing, penetrating, inward, inner, internal, interior, innermost Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
ubertim 1 1 1 12552 0.0013 abundantly, copiously Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis
pervinco 1 1 1 12553 0.0011 to conquer completely, be victorious Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis