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Elizabeth City deserted.refugees.&c., &c., &c., Petersburg, Feb. 14. --The editor of the Express, of this city, has received a letter from Suffolk, dated to-day, which states that information had been received there last evening that the Federals had re-embarked at Edenton, and had gone to some other point. The number of horses landed was over-estimated. The Federals assured the citizens of Edenton that they had not come to rob or harass them; but while the officers were giving those assurances to the people, the soldiers were filling their gunboats with cotton found on the wharf. Elizabeth City is partially deserted by the Federals. The latest information from Winton reports that nothing had been seen there of the Federal gunboats which started up the Chowan river from Edenton. They were, perhaps, only reconnoitering. Dr. Cohoon, a wealthy citizen of Elizabeth City, is now at Suffolk, a refuges. He remained there until the enemy had possession of Elizab
The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1862., [Electronic resource], Land Operations of the Potomac Flotilla. (search)
Latest from the North.arrival from Europe.Opposition in England to the restoration of the Union.interesting news items.&c., &c., &c., Norfolk, Feb. 14. --(Received at 8 o'clock 45 minutes P. M.--Northern papers, of the 13th inst., have been received here to-day by the flag-of-truce boat from old Point. The steamship Tentonia has arrived with European intelligence one day later than that received by the Jura at Portland. [This will be news of Feb. 1st.] The New York Herald, of yesterday, says that parties in England have resolved to object to every measure taken by the Government for the restoration of the Union. The Federal vessel Tuscarora has been ordered from Southampton by an official letter from Portsmouth. A new ministry has been formed in Holland. The Russians have been defeated in Circassia. French troops were being rapidly dispatched to Mexico. The Nashville was still at Southampton. The Paris correspondent of the Herald says
Latest from Fort Donelson.serious Damage to the Yankees. New Orleans, Feb. 14. --A private dispatch from Nashville says a dispatch had been received there, from Cave city, from Gen. Johnston, which states that we had 18 killed and 15 wounded at the battle at Fort Donelson. The enemy's loss in killed was from four to five hundred. Gen. Pillow has whipped the Yankees, and their gunboats are materially damaged. Copy of a private Dispatch. Nashville, Feb. 13. --The fight continued all day at Fort Donelson. We repulsed the enemy at all points of our line. The Federal gunboats retired evidently injured. Our loss was small, and our men are in flue spirits — The fight will probably be resumed to-morrow. [The above is merely confirmatory of dispatches previously published]
From Norfolk. arrival of the remains of Captains Wise and Coles and Lieutenant Selden--General Wise. Norfolk, Feb. 14. --The bodies of Captain O. Jennings Wise, Lieutenant William Seldon, and Captain Coles, were conveyed to this city this morning from Currituck, from whence the flag-of-truce boat went to Roanoke Island. Captain Wise had three wounds in his body, Lieutenant Seldon had a ball shot through his head. When General Wise saw the body of his son at he was deeply affected.
Arrival of 15,000 stand of arms at New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 14. --The steamer Victoria has run the blockade at this port. The blockading steamer fired 200 shells at her, but she arrived safe. Her cargo consists of 15,000 stand of arms, a large quantity of ammunition, coffee, &c.