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nce of 1 cent; red Western $1.30; prime white Canada $1.51 ½. Corn has an upward tendency — sales of 25,000 bushels at an advance of 1--mixed 65 ½@66 cents. Pink is dull. Lard is unchanged. Whiskey is dull at 17 ½@18 Sales in New York, February 16th of $5,000 Va. 6's at 76, $4,00 do. at 76 ½, and $5,000 N. C. 6's at 79. Baltimore, February 16th.--Flour dull — Howard st. and Ohio $5.12; City Mills $5--no sales. Wheat is steady — red $1.25@1.28; white $1.35@1.60. Corn is dull — yelFebruary 16th.--Flour dull — Howard st. and Ohio $5.12; City Mills $5--no sales. Wheat is steady — red $1.25@1.28; white $1.35@1.60. Corn is dull — yellow 68; white 63@63 Provisions quiet — mess $17.5. Lard 10@10 ½c. Coffee quiet at 12 Y@13 Whiskey dull at 18 Baltimore cattle market. Baltimore, Feb. 15. --The offerings at the scales yesterday were only 600 head, of which 150 head were driven to Philadelphia, and the balance were taken by Baltimore butchers at prices ranging from $3.50@4.75, and averaging $3.75 per 100 lbs. This average shows an advance of 62 ½ cents per 100 lbs. on last Thursday's rate. We would re
in, City Point. Charleston, Feb. 14.--Ar'd steam tug James Gray, Richmond. Boston, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schr. Magnolia, Richmond via City Point. Holmes' Hole, Feb. 13.--Sl'd. schr. Citizen, Virginia. Newport, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schrs. I. D. Snow and M. L. Partridge, Rockland, for Petersburg, Va.; Leading Breeze, Providence, for Rappahannock, Va. Plymouth, Feb. 5.--Cl'd schr. Martha Washington, Norfolk. Providence, Feb. 14.--Ar'd schr. S. B. Bailey, Norfolk. New York Feb. 16.--Cl'd stm'r. Yorktown, Richmond; schr. Leroy, Norfolk. Spoken.--Schr. Vapor, Dissosway, from Richmond for Rio Janeiro, Feb. 9, lat. 35.15, lon. 66. Disaster.--Schr. R. R. Freeman, of Tangier, Va., sunk in Quick's Hole, was visited on the 13th inst, by Capt. ower, the submarine diver, for the purpose of ascertaining the fate of her crew. He would commence operations on the 14th. Her mainmast was gone, and the foremast probably is by this time, as the rigging had been cut off.
Arrival of the City of Baltimorethe American crisis Absorbing Public attention in England.a truce between Sardinia and the Bourbons. New York,Feb, 16, --The steamer City of Baltimore, from Liverpool on the 30th ult., which was announced below late last night, has arrived. The American crisis was the leading topic of the English journals and among the business community. Senator Seward's speech had been published in all the papers and its merits freely canvassed. The London Times applauds his argument that South Carolina is guilty of rebellion, and says they are the principles which should have emanated from President Buchanan. A young man named Thomas Donigan, hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, has committed a murder in Liverpool by stabbing, and also nearly killed his father. Trade in France was very dull. The duty on oil and rags has been reduced at Naples. The latest advices from Gaeta say that a flag of truce had been sent to the Sardinia f
Departure of the Vigo. New YorkFeb. 16. --The steamship Vigo sailed at noon for Liverpool. She takes out no specie.
Southern Confederated Congress. Montgomery, Ala.Feb. 16. --A number of models for flags were presented and referred. A communication about war missiles was referred. A bill was reported from the Committee relative to citizenship, prescribing uniform rules of naturalization, was read by the caption only. Applications made for patents and copy rights was referred. The rest of the business was transacted in private session. President Davis, arrived last night. He was handsomely received and entertained. Cannons were fired, and a military and civic escort, headed by music, paraded the streets.
Congressional. Washington,Feb. 16. --Senate--Mr. Seward's amendment to the Tariff bill, extending the term of warehousing to three years, was adopted. So it now remains as in 1857. The bill was not finally acted on. House.--The Committees of Conference reported that they had agreed to the Deficiency and Legislative bills. Evening session unimportant. Adjourned.
From Florida. Tallahassee,Feb. 16. --The Legislature adjourned last night. The election of Senators to the Congress of the Confederated States was not brought in. A bill for issuing $500,000 of Treasury notes was passed. The Stay law was passed.
Exchange at New Orleans. New OrleansFeb. 16. --Sterling exchange still rules depressed, in consequence of the low quotations received from New York.--Very good bills were sold to-day at 1 per cent.premium.