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A letter from New-Orleans to the Mobile Register of March thirteenth, says that the Southern Commissioners are greatly dispirited at the reception which M. Thouvenel gave Mr. Slidell. But as Mr. Yancey observed in his speech, Slavery has made such a wall of partition between the South and Europe, that all hopes of a prompt recognition by England and France must be for the present abandoned. As to their want of cotton, I am of the opinion expressed by Mr. Semmes, of Louisiana, in the confederate Congress, and I have long since abandoned the idea that cotton is king. We have tested the power of King Cotton and found him to be wanting. We must now abandon all dependence on foreign intervention, and trust only our sword and the justice of our cause.--Mobile Register, March 18.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), The privilege of the Press in the South. (search)
The privilege of the Press in the South. On the eighteenth of March, the Governor and Executive Council of South-Carolina adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the editors and owners of newspapers in this State be informed, that if any of their employes shall fall under the conscription, the Adjutant and Inspector-General will be instructed to withhold from confederate service such of said conscripts as the editor or owner of such newspaper shall declare by affidavit to be absolutely necessary to carry on their respective establishments, and that the work cannot be done by workmen within their command or otherwise exempt: Provided, The number withheld shall not exceed seven for the Charleston daily papers, five for the Columbia daily papers, and two for each country paper: And provided, The conscripts withheld from confederate service shall be subject to be detailed to such local and special duty as may not seriously interfere with the business of their respective o
March 18.--The women of Nashville, Tenn., are treating the Yankees in that city with great contempt. When Gen. McCook of the Lincoln army arrived in Nashville, he sent up his card, with the request that he might renew his former acquaintance with Miss S. McNairy. The following was the patriotic reply of the noble and accomplished lady, written on the back of the card: Sir: I do not desire to renew my acquaintance with the invaders of my State. Two other Hessian officers obtruded their presence into the parlor of Dr. Martin, and sent up their cards to his daughter, Miss Bettie Martin, an elegant and accomplished young lady, requesting also the renewal of an old acquaintanceship. Repairing to the parlor, with a look of ineffable scorn and contempt, she dashed the card into their faces, and said: Your absence, sirs, will be much better company to me than your presence. --Charleston Mercury, March 20.