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contributed nearly half a million of dollars for the defence of the Government. Added to the previous subscription of $250,000 by the Broadway Bank, these contributions amount, thus far, to $715,000, divided as follows:-- Bank of Commerce, by J. A. Stevens, President,$100,000 New York Exchange Bank, by S. Van Duzer, President,10,000 Mechanics' Bank, by S. Knapp, President,25,000 National Bank, by James Gallatin, President,25,000 Merchants' Bank, by A. E. Silliman, President,25,000 Manhattan Bank, by J. M. Morrison, President,25,000 Bank of the Republic, by R. H. Lowry, Cashier,60,000 Phoenix Bank, by M. P. Bryson, Cashier,25,000 Bank of New York, by A. P. Halsey, President,50,000 Bank of North America, by J. Seymour, President,20,000 Bank of America, by J. Punnett, President,50,000 Bank of the State of New York, by R. Withers, President,25,000 Shoe and Leather Bank, by A. V. Stout, President,25,000 Broadway Bank,250,000 Total,$715,000 --N. Y. Herald, April 29.
en, until they have been duly punished for the atrocious crimes in which they have involved themselves at Baltimore, Ross Winans, Thomas Winans, Abel of the Baltimore Sun, Kane, the Police Marshal, S. Teakle Wallis, and some others, are already known to the country. They are all traitors of the blackest dye, and amply merit the traitor's doom. We now learn the name of another of these conspirators to destroy the Union and ruin Maryland. It is signed to the following order served upon a peaceful citizen of Baltimore on Tuesday last: Baltimore, April 23. Mr. John T. Burgess:--You are hereby notified to leave the State of Maryland within twenty-four hours after receipt of this note from date, by authority of the Regulators' Committee of the State. W. G. H. Ehrman. When the final settlement of accounts takes place at Baltimore, Mr. W. G. H. Ehrman, of the Regulators' Committee of the State, need not fear that he will be overlooked or forgotten.--N. Y. Tribune, April 29.
achusetts soldiers in the act of levelling his musket, when he rushed in his shirt sleeves from his shop, disarmed the man by main force, and killed him with the bayonet. Some thirty negroes engaged in unloading a vessel dropped their work and joined in the assault on the Massachusetts men, and did good work with their handspikes. Every shotgun, rifle, or boy's pop-gun for killing tom-tits, is brought into use throughout the State, and the sentiment is universal that no more Northern troops shall cross the State without fighting their way every step, and every rock and tree on the roadside will cover a sharp-shooter. This city alone has appropriated half a million of dollars, and a million more has been given by private subscription. Winans is running 700 men night and day, in his immense establishment, casting cannon, shot, and shells, putting up grape and cannister, and preparing other munitions of war; and every thing is moving on a grand scale. --N. Y. Evening Post, April 29.
ave no occasion of complaint in reference to the conduct of the Federal troops, every proceeding being conducted in the most orderly manner. In no instance have the rights of any one been interfered with to their detriment. In cases where it was necessary to take possession of property for the use of the Government, the most ample compensation was allowed, and the owners of property were required to assess its valuation. A citizen who was the owner of four horses and carts was called upon to dispose of them for the transportation of baggage and supplies. He declined to sell them, but the officers stated that they must have them, and requested him to name his price. With the view of avoiding a sale, he asked the exorbitant price of $1,600. The property was taken, and a draft given for amount of the valuation. The presence of the troops has had the tendency of inflating the price of every description of provisions. Flour was held at $20 per barrel.--N. Y. Commercial, April 29.
On the route South, into the secession States, your baggage is examined, not directly upon your crossing the line between North Carolina and South Carolina, but at Florence, S. C., which is the inspection point. The cars ran up to a tall pole bearing the flag of the Confederate States. Then comes the revenue inspector, who calls out for passengers to hand over the keys of their baggage. Each trunk is taken out of the car, and its owner furnishes the key and aids the inspector in turning up the contents, and satisfies him that there is nothing contained in them. There is no getting off from this, and no feigned loss of keys nor bogus pretence of rusty locks can save you. No more offensive thing can be done than this to an American citizen in the United States, and it is one of the very last acts to which they will quietly submit.--V. Y. Express, April 29.
man to use such language respecting me and my people in my presence. And if you don't recant, I'll whip you here and now. I see your pistol, but I don't care for it. You have insulted me, sir, and you shall answer for it. The boaster, seeing the captain's determined bearing, and finding that he was in downright earnest, replied by saying that his remarks were general in their nature, and not by any means intended to apply to any particular person. Nothing was further from his purpose than to insult any person present, and particularly a stranger. To this the irate captain retorted: The language, sir, is an insult to the American name, and I for one will not stand it from any living man. No one but a traitor and a coward can talk in that way. Retract it! retract it! and with this he commenced advancing upon the Secessionist, who began weakening in the knees, and finally wilted, while Tarpaulin raked the traitor's fore and aft without mercy.--Sacramento (Cal.) Bee, April 29.