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Culpepper, Banks asked if there were further orders, and was referred to Gen. Roberts, Pope's chief of staff, who was to accompany him and indicate the line he was to occupy; which he took: Roberts saying to him repeatedly before he left, There must be no backing out this day ; words needing no interpretation, and hardly such as should be addressed by a Brigadier to a Major-General commanding a corps. Stonewall Jackson, with his own division, following Ewell's, had reached Gordonsville July 19th, and, sending thence for reenforcements, had received A. P. Hill's division, increasing his force to some 25,000 men; with which he advanced, August 7. driving back our cavalry and reaching Slaughter's or Cedar Mountain this day. August 9. From the splendid outlook afforded by this mountain, he saw his opportunity, and resolved to profit by it. Pushing forward Ewell's division on the Culpepper road, and thence to the right along the western slope of the mountain, but keeping it thoro
--22 in number — burnt or sunk, either at this time or when Walker was sent back by Corn. Porter to bring away the guns, &c., of the De Kalb; so that the Yazoo was thenceforth clear of Rebel vessels. Herron captured and brought away 300 prisoners, 6 heavy guns, 250 small arms, 800 horses, and 2,000 bales of Confederate cotton. He moved July 16-17. across, by order, from Yazoo City to Benton and Canton, in support of Sherman's advance to Jackson; but countermarched immediately, July 18-19. on information of Johnston's flight from Jackson, and, reembarking, returned July 21. to Vicksburg. While the siege of Vicksburg was in progress, Gen. Grant, compelled to present a bold front at once to Pemberton and to Johnston, had necessarily drawn to himself nearly all the forces in his department, stripping his forts on the river above him so far as was consistent with their safety. Milliken's Bend had thus been left in charge of Brig.-Gen. E. S. Dennis, with barely 1,061 So G
k a short distance to a strong position, where it held its ground, repulsing several determined charges, until the Rebels were willing to give it up. The day's loss was about 100 on either side; Cols. Drake (1st Virginia) and Gregg were among the Rebel killed; Capt. Fisher, 16th Pa., being the highest officer lost on our side. The ground was so rough and wooded that nearly all the fighting was done on foot. Gen. Meade crossed the Potomac at Berlin on the 18th; moving by Lovettsville, July 19. Union, July 20. Upperville, July 22. and Salem, July 24. to Warrenton; July 25. thus retaking the line of the Rappahannock which our army had left hardly two months before. This movement being in advance of Lee, who halted for some days near Bunker Hill, and made a feint of recrossing the Potomac, Meade was enabled to seize all the passes through the Blue Ridge north of the Rappahannock, barring the enemy's egress from the Shenandoah Valley save by a tedious flank march. Me
usiness in another direction. Hobson, on reaching the Ohio, had foreseen that the chase would be obliged to take water again, and had sent at once to Louisville to have the river well patrolled by gunboats. And, so soon as it became evident that Morgan was making for Pomeroy or Gallipolis with intent to cross, the inhabitants along the roads leading thither began to fall trees across them in his front, materially interfering with the freedom and celerity of his movements. At length, July 19. the weary, harassed raiders struck the Ohio just at daylight, at a ford a little above Pomeroy, and sent across two companies, who were received with a volley, which plainly said, No thoroughfare; and the next moment brought tidings of a gunboat, which had drawn off when fired at, but would of course spread the alarm far and wide. One of Morgan's Colonels now reported that he had charged and routed a hostile force posted in rifle-pits not far distant, capturing 150 prisoners; and the ch
to Washington; as had the 6th (Wright's) from before Petersburg, with directions that Gen. Wright should assume command. Had Early waited, his force, now reduced to 15,000, would have been confronted and crushed by one of at least 40,000. Wright's pursuit was not made in such force as lie should have had, and was timid and feeble. Crossing the Potomac at Edwards's ferry, he moved through Leesburg and Snicker's gap to the Shenandoah ; which he had partially crossed when Early turned July 19. upon him suddenly and fiercely, driving back his advance with a loss of fully 500. Wright recrossed after the enemy had moved off, but soon returned to Leesburg, and, turning over the command to Crook, repaired to Washington. Averill, moving from Martinsburg on Winchester, was fought July 20. near that city, for three hours, by a Rebel force, which he finally worsted; taking 200 prisoners and 4 guns; with a loss of 150 or 200 killed and wounded on either side. The approach of Early
herman resumed July 16. active operations by pushing Thomas over the Chattahoochee close on Schofield's right: the latter advancing, and with McPherson, now on our extreme left, reaching forward to strike the Augusta railroad east of Decatur: the whole army thus making a right-wheel movement, closing in upon Atlanta from the north-east. Obeying these orders, McPherson had broken up the railroad for some miles, while Schofield, on his right, had reached Decatur, and Thomas had crossed July 19. Peach-tree creek at several points — all skirmishing heavily; when, as Thomas was moving two of Howard's divisions to the left to close on Schofield, he was vehemently assailed July 20, 4 P M. in force by Hood, who struck suddenly and heavily Newton's division of Howard's corps, Hooker's corps, and Johnson's division of Palmer's; by whom he was repulsed, after a gallant struggle; wherein our total loss — mainly in Howard's corps — was 1,500; while the enemy left on the field 500 dead, 1<