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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
draft should be carried out.—6. National Thanksgiving Day observed.—12. Gen. Robert Toombs exposes the bankruptcy of the Confederacy. —15. The Common Council of New York City voted $3,000,000 for conscripts.—21. National batteries opened on Charleston. —22. Beauregard protests against shelling Charleston.—25. Many regiments in the squares of New York City to enforce the draft; removed Sept. 5.—28. The Supervisors of New York county appropriate $2,000,000 for the relief of conscripts.— Sept. 4. Bread-riot at Mobile, Ala.—11. One-half of James Island, Charleston Harbor, captured by National troops.—13. Brilliant cavalry engagement at Culpeper Court-House, Va.—21. Sharp cavalry fight and National victory at Madison Court-House, Va.—24. Port of Alexandria. Va., officially declared to be open to trade. —Oct. 5. Confederates under Bragg bombarded Chattanooga, Tenn., from Lookout Mountain.—7. The British government seized the Confederate rams building in the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Decatur, Stephen, 1779- (search)
ion Decatur commanded a gunboat, which he laid alongside of a large Tripolitan war-ship, which he captured after a brief struggle. Immediately boarding another vessel, Decatur had a desperate personal struggle with the commander. The fight was brief but deadly. Decatur slew his antagonist, and the vessel was captured. The Americans withdrew, but four days later renewed the conflict, which was indecisive, but on Aug. 24 and 28, and Sept. 3, Preble repeated the attack, and on the night of Sept. 4 the Intrepid, under Captain Somers as a fire-ship, was lost in the attack, with all on board. In command of the frigate United States, Decatur captured the frigate Macedonian, Oct. 25, 1812, for which Congress gave him a gold medal. the Macedonian was a new ship, rated at thirty-six, but carrying forty-nine guns. She was badly cut in the fight, and Decatur thought best to order his prize to Newport, while he returned in the United States to New London. Both vessels sailed into New Y
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Holidays, legal. (search)
clamation of the President designating a day of Thanksgiving only makes it a legal holiday in those States which provide by law for it. The following is a list of the legal holidays in the various States and Territories: Alabama. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Mardi-Gras, Good Friday, April 26, July 4, first Monday in September, Dec. 25. Arizona. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30, July 4, Dec. 25, any day of Thanksgiving or general election. California. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Sept. 9, first Monday in October, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election. Colorado. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30, July 4, first Monday in September, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election. Connecticut. Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Fast Day, May 30, July 4, first Monday in September, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25. Delaware. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, first Monday in September, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25. District of Columbia. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, March 4, May 30, July 4, first Mond
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kentucky, (search)
entucky. Early in the summer the governor declared that arrangements had been made that neither National or Confederate troops should set foot on the soil of that State. The neutrality of Kentucky was respected many months. Pillow had urged the seizure of the bluff at Columbus, in western Kentucky, as an aid to him in his attempt to capture Cairo and Bird's Point, but the solemn assurance of the Confederate government that Kentucky neutrality should be respected restrained him: but on Sept. 4, General (Bishop) Polk, with a considerable force, seized the strong position at Columbus, under the pretext that National forces were preparing to occupy that place. The Confederate Secretary of War publicly telegraphed to Polk to withdraw his troops; President Davis privately telegraphed to him to hold on, saying, The end justifies the means. So Columbus was held and fortified by the Confederates. General Grant, then in command of the district at Cairo, took military possession of Padu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steam navigation. (search)
st successfully undertaken. From that day vast improvements have been made in steam navigation, until now steam-vessels are seen in all parts of the world, even among the ice-packs of the polar seas. the Clermont began regular trips between New York and Albany on Sept. 1, 1807, making the round trip of about 300 miles in 72 hours. On that day the following advertisement appeared in the New York newspapers: The North River steamboat will leave Paulus's Hook (Jersey City) on Friday, the 4th of September, at nine o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Albany on Saturday at nine o'clock in the afternoon. Provisions, good berths, and accommodations are provided. Before the breaking out of the War of 1812-15 Fulton and Livingston had caused six steamboats to be built for navigating the Hudson and for ferrying at New York. Steam navigation was soon in operation on the rivers and lakes of the United States and quite early on the sea. In 1808 Robert L. Stevens, son of John C., went in t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
my of the United States......Aug. 14, 1888 James Langdon Curtis, of New York, nominated for President, and James R. Greer (replaced by P. D. Wigginton, Oct. 2) for Vice-President, by the American party in convention at Washington......Aug. 15, 1888 President's message outlining a plan of retaliation in the matter of the fishery treaty......Aug. 23, 1888 Grover Cleveland's letter of acceptance......Sept. 8, 1888 Canadian retaliation bill passes House of Representatives by 176 to 4, Sept. 8; referred to the Senate committee on foreign relations......Sept. 10, 1888 Benjamin Harrison's letter of acceptance......Sept. 11, 1888 Immigration of Chinese in the United States, except officials, teachers, students, merchants, or travellers for pleasure, prohibited by act approved......Sept. 13, 1888 Hodjii Hussein Ghooly Khan, first minister from Persia to the United States, arrives in New York......Sept. 30, 1888 Levi P. Morton's letter of acceptance......Oct. 2, 1888
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
constitution of 1868: Nor shall the State assume, redeem, secure, or pay any indebtedness or pretended indebtedness claimed to be due by the State of Mississippi to any person, association, or corporation whatsoever, claiming the same as owners, holders, or assignees of any bond or bonds now generally known as Union Bank bonds or Planters' Bank bonds ......1875 Conflict between office-holders and people still continuing, several riots occur. notably at Yazoo City, Sent. 1, and Clinton, Sept. 4. Governor Ames again appeals to the President for protection, which is refused, and at the State election the Republican party is generally defeated......November, 1875 Lieut.-Gov. Alexander K. Davis impeached and found guilty, March 13; T. W. Cardoza, superintendent of public education, resigns, March 21; Governor Ames, having been impeached Feb. 25, resigns his office......March 28, 1876 Amendment to the constitution abolishing the office of lieutenant-governor......1876 State
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Dakota, State of (search)
ut......1876 Dakota school for deaf-mutes at Sioux Falls opened......1880 Yankton College, chartered in 1881, opened at Yankton......1882 Tin, detected as a black sand accompanying gold from the Black Hills, by Professor Pearce, of Argo, is practically discovered by Maj. Andrew J. Simmons, of Rapid City......1883 Seat of government removed from Yankton to Bismarck......Sept. 11, 1883 A convention called by some 400 delegates who met at Huron, June 19, convenes at Sioux Falls, Sept. 4, and frames a constitution for the State of Dakota to comprise the southern half of the Territory......Sept. 19, 1883 University of South Dakota at Vermilion opened......1883 Pierre University at East Pierre chartered and opened......1883 Sioux Falls University opened......1883 United States Senate passes a bill for the admission as a State of the southern half of Dakota Territory; that portion north of the 46th parallel to be called the Territory of Lincoln......1884 Agricu