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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for September 7th or search for September 7th in all documents.

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uctures were in like manner destroyed. A boat's crew from the Essex was sent ashore, some days later, at Natchez, to procure ice for our sick sailors, and was unexpectedly attacked by some 200 armed civilians, who killed or wounded 7 of her crew. Porter thereupon opened fire on the town, bombarding it for an hour, and setting a number of its houses on fire, when the Mayor surrendered. On her way down the river, the Essex had a smart engagement with the rising batteries at Port Hudson. Sept. 7. Gen. Butler's preparations having rendered the retaking of New Orleans hopeless, the meditated attack on it was abandoned, and the forces collected for that purpose transferred to other service. An incursion into the rich district known as Lafourche, lying south-west of New Orleans, between that city and the Gulf, was thereupon projected, and General — late Lieut.--Weitzel, was sent with a brigade of infantry and the requisite artillery and cavalry, to reestablish there the authority
contribute to the subsistence or efficiency of an army, were seized by wholesale, not only for present use, but thousands of animals were driven across the Potomac to replenish their wasted and inadequate resources. Gen. McClellan was early apprised Sept. 3. of the disappearance of the Rebels from his front, and soon advised that they were crossing into Maryland. His several corps were accordingly brought across the Potomac and posted on the north of Washington; which city he left Sept. 7. in command of Gen. Banks, making his headquarters that night with the 6th corps, at Rockville. He moved slowly, because uncertain, as were his superiors, that the Rebel movement across the Potomac was not a feint. But his advance, after a brisk skirmish, on the 12th entered Frederick, which the Rebels had evacuated, moving westward, during the two preceding days, and through which his main body passed next day. Here he was so lucky as to obtain a copy of Lee's general order, only four da
voke clamor; but to divide his forces, or allow them to be cooped up here, was to court destruction. He did what Johnston tried, when too late, to have done with regard to Vicksburg — he relinquished Chattanooga and saved his army ; retiring Sept. 7-8. southward into Georgia, and posting his divisions along the highway from Gordon's mill to Lafayette, facing Pigeon mountain, through whose passes our army was expected to emerge from McLamore's cove. Rosecrans was evidently misled — thoughen. Frazier, who with four regiments held the gap, and had refused to quit it while he could, supposing himself able to hold it. But his men were in good part disaffected or discouraged, while the mill whereon he depended for flour was burned Sept. 7. by two companies of Shackleford's men, who crept through his lines and fired it unperceived. When Burnside arrived, Sept. 9. Frazier had refused our summons; but he found, soon afterward, good reason to change his mind, and surrendered his
renchments at Bayou Metea; whence he was, after some fighting, dislodged Aug. 27. and driven over the bayou; burning the bridge behind him, and so checking pursuit. Gen. True's brigade, from Memphis, reaching Clarendon on the 29th, was ferried over the White next day, and a general advance resumed; Steele concentrating at Brownsville, and, after attempting to pass Bayou Metea on the north and being baffled by miry swamps, decided to move by the left to the Arkansas, which he struck Sept. 7. near Ashley's mills; where Davidson's cavalry, reconnoitering in the advance, had another sharp skirmish with the enemy; Steele, finding himself embarrassed with 700 more sick; whom, along with his train, he was obliged to leave True's brigade and Ritter's cavalry to guard, while he pushed up the Arkansas and fought his way into Little Rock; Davidson, supported by two divisions and two batteries, crossing directly, and approaching that city on the south side of the river. Davidson, havi
to take a survey of the ground; until, a little after dark, Sept. 6. the sap was pushed by the south face of the fort, leaving it on their left, crowning the crest of the counterscarp near the flank of the east or sea front, completely masking all the guns in the work, save those on this flank, and removing a row of long pikes which had been planted at the foot of the counterscarp as an impediment to assault. Gen. Gillmore directed Gen. Terry to assault in three columns at 9 A. M.; Sept. 7. that being the hour of ebb tide, which gave the broadest beach whereon to advance the assaulting columns; but, by midnight, it was discovered that the garrison were escaping; and with such celerity did they move that we took but 70 prisoners. They left 18 guns in Wagner and 7 in Battery Gregg. Though 122,300 pounds of metal had been hurled at it at short range from breaching guns-none of them less than a 100-pounder — within the last two days, the bomb-proof of the former was found subs
position, which was thoroughly reconnoitered, but Sherman was in no hurry to attack it. Soon, flying rumors, then more trust-worthy accounts, imported that Hood had blown up whatever he could in Atlanta and decamped: Stewart's corps retreating on McDonough, while the militia were marched off eastward to Covington. The news was fully confirmed on the 4th by a courier from Slocum, who had entered the city unopposed on the morning after Hood's withdrawal. Sherman thereupon returned Sept. 5-7. to Atlanta, and, encamping his army on all sides, allowed it that season of rest which, under his able leadership, it had so nobly earned. Atlanta had been cheaply won; for, not only was the position one of great importance, but the loss of munitions, guns, locomotives, cars, manufacturing machinery, &c., was very great, and such as the Confederacy could no longer afford. Yet, when Sherman had succeeded, without loss, in placing at least 70,000 veterans between it and the better part of H
for the last twenty years. Directly on the back of this, the tidings were flashed over the country, Sherman has taken Atlanta! Farragut has carried the defenses of Mobile! emphasized by a Proclamation Sept. 3. from President Lincoln for thanksgiving in all the churches on the following Sabbath, with the National thanks to Sherman, Farragut, Canby, and their associates, and salutes of 100 guns from every Navy Yard and naval arsenal Sept. 5. for Mobile, followed by like salutes Sept. 7. from each military headquarters and military arsenal for Atlanta. It was in vain that Gen. McClellan attempted to stem the swelling tide, so suddenly evoked, by a letter of acceptance which was in effect a repudiation of the platform whereon he had just been placed. He said: The Union was originally formed by the exercise of a spirit of conciliation and compromise. To restore and preserve it, the same spirit must prevail in our councils and in the hearts of the people. The reestabl