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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. Search the whole document.

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Parkersburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
where a body of militia had hastily assembled to oppose him; but he decamped on finding the militia in earnest. Passing thence through Versailles, July 12. and making capital bargains in horse-trades all along, his followers concentrated at Harrison, just across the Ohio line; sweeping around Cincinnati July 13-14. at distances of 7 to 20 miles, and pushing thence by Miamisville, Williamsburg, Sardinia, Piketon, and Jackson, they struck the Ohio at Buffington island, not far below Parkersburg, whence they counted on an easy escape through the poor, thinly settled adjacent region of West Virginia and north-eastern Kentucky to the more congenial shades of southwestern Virginia. Of course, they levied on the stores and granaries, as well as the stables and kitchens, along their route; but the pursuit was so hot that they found time to do comparatively little mischief. Crossing the Little Miami railroad, they obstructed the track at a spot suited to their purpose, and watched
Pea Vine Creek (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
ed his whole army upon Crittenden at Ringgold, crushed him, and then interposed between Thomas and Chattanooga. But when Negley and Baird were forced back from Dug gap, the game was too plain. Instead of a keen chase after a flying enemy, it was at once comprehended by our Generals that they must concentrate and fight for their lives. Lafayette lies some 25 miles south by east of Chattanooga, on the main highway leading thence into Georgia, behind Pigeon mountain, in a valley whence Pea Vine creek flows northward into the Chickamauga. Eight or ten miles north of Lafayette, the highway aforesaid passes through a gap in Pigeon mountain into McLamore's cove, crossing the West Chickamauga at Gordon's mill. As Bragg was well aware that Thomas was in the upper part of that cove or valley, he moved down this road by his right, with intent to flank the left of our army — or so much of it as he might find in the cove — meaning thus to interpose between it and Chattanooga, and, if possib
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
rom our own side exclusively. Let us now see it as it appeared to Gent. Bragg, posted on the crest of Mission ridge (until driven off), and enjoying by far the wider and clearer view of it. His report, being brief and pungent, is here given almost entire: headquarters army of Tennessee, Dalton, Ga., 30th Nov., 1863. Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond: Sir,--On Monday, the 23d, the enemy advanced in heavy force, and drove in our picket line in front of Missionary ridge, but made no further effort. On Tuesday morning early, they threw over the river a heavy force, opposite the north end of the ridge, and just below the month of the Chickamauga; at the same time displaying a heavy force in our immediate front. After visiting the right, and making dispositions there for the new developtment in that direction I returned toward the left, to find a heavy cannonading going on from the enemy's batteries on our forces occupying the slope of Lookout mountai
Greysville (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
upon Rossville, Gen. Hooker encountered Stewart's division and other troops; finding his left flank threatened, Stewart attempted to escape by retreating toward Greysville; but some of his force, finding their retreat threatened in that quarter, retired in disorder toward their right along the crest of the ridge; where they were m of Knoxville; while Sherman and Hooker pursued, at daylight, Nov. 2<*> the routed columns of Bragg: the former, by way of Chickamauga Station; the latter by Greysville and Ringgold; Palmer, in his advance, having overtaken and charged by the way the Rebel rear-guard under Gist, breaking it and capturing 3 guns: our advance — b battle-field to Chattanooga, Nov. 25-6. and was impelled directly thence to the relief of Knoxville — Sherman's corps likewise turning back Nov. 29. from Greysville, he assuming command also over Granger, and moving rapidly by Charleston, Athens, and London, to Knoxville; Dec. 6. making the last 84 miles over East Tennes
Tunnel Hill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
d every good soldier to the front. Rosecrans estimates Bragg's entire force, when he had thus been strengthened, at 92,000--an enormous excess over ours — and there is no reasonable doubt that he had at length more men under his command than composed the army which was blindly, eagerly rushing upon him, as if intent on a deer-hunt rather than a life-and-death struggle with a wary and formidable foe. Crittenden advanced Sept. 11. to Ringgold, throwing forward Wilder's mounted men to Tunnel hill, where they had a heavy skirmish, while Hazen, with Criteenden's rear division, closed up on the advance; but, by this time, Negley's division, of Thomas's corps, advancing to Dug gap, Sept. 10. had found it decidedly held by the enemy, who could not be persuaded to leave. Baird's division came up next morning; but both together were far too light, and wisely fell back, after a smart skirmish, retreating down the cove. And now Crittenden, justly alarmed for his communications, made
Battle Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
s sources 200 miles distant, while the mountains that closely imprison it increase the difficulties of approach and passage. But some pontoons were at hand; while other material was quietly collected at points concealed from hostile observation ; and a few days sufficed for the construction of bridges by Sheridan at Bridgeport, Reynolds at Shell Mound, some 10 or 15 miles above, and by McCook at Caperton's ferry, opposite Stevenson, below; while Gen. Brannan prepared to cross on rafts at Battle creek, between Bridgeport and Shell Mound. The passage was commenced Aug. 29. by McCook, and completed Sept. 8. at all points within ten days: the several corps pushing; forward, across high, steep mountains to concentrate at Trenton, Georgia, in the valley of Lookout creek, which runs north-easterly into the Tennessee just below Chattanooga. But it was not the plan to approach that stronghold in force down this narrow valley, but only with a brigade of Crittenden's corps, which shoul
Rossville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
on our right a full third of the distance to Rossville, a small hamlet situated in a gap of Missionds leading from the east and south-east into Rossville, and thus to Chattanooga. Rosecrans had b; our left being now fairly driven in to the Rossville and Lafayette road: though heavy clouds of dassing 20 guns on a ridge that commanded the Rossville road, forming an infantry support of such men, flanking our army, and pushing across the Rossville road, fighting desperately, and facing to th his small reserve corps, had been posted at Rossville, whence Col. J. B. Steedman, with six regimeent and he out of place; when he returned to Rossville. Gen. Whitaker's and Col. D. McCook's briga., commenced the withdrawal of his troops to Rossville. Gen. Reynolds was ordered, at 5 1/2 P. Mh of our army as still confronted him around Rossville, barring his way to Chattanooga. Thomas cou that Hooker must by this time be at or near Rossville, he gave Thomas, at 2 P. M., the order to ad[10 more...]
Tullahoma (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
captured his imprisonment and escape Rosecrans advances from Murfreesboro by Shelbyville and Tullahoma, to the Tennessee at Bridgeport Bragg flanked out of Chattanooga Rosecrans eagerly pursues and supplies, for a determined advance against Bragg's army confronting him at Shelbyville or Tullahoma, the noted and generally successful raider Morgan was preparing, on our right, for a more extes through gorges so narrow that two wagons could scarcely pass, was another intrenched camp at Tullahoma: Hardee's corps, 12,000 strong, at Wartrace, on the right of Shelbyville, covering the railroak the enemy's right, concentrating on Manchester, and thence menacing his communications below Tullahoma in such manner as to compel him to come out of his strongholds and fight a battle on ground whtle, and thoroughly alarmed the enemy; so that, on a renewal of Rosecrans's maneuvers to flank Tullahoma as he had flanked Shelbyville, Bragg decamped, Night of June 30. and three divisions of our
Sequatchie Valley (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
Nashville, to the Tennessee, and there debarked in fighting array, within eight days. Meantime, Bragg had sent a large portion of his cavalry, under Wheeler and Wharton, across Sept. 30. the Tennessee at Cottonport, between Chattanooga and Bridgeport, instructed to cut our communications and destroy our supplies so far as possible. Wheeler, doubtless thoroughly informed, made directly for a large portion of Gen. Thomas's train of 700 to 1,000 wagons, laden with supplies, then in Sequatchie valley, near Anderson's Cross-roads, which he captured Oct. 2. and burned; being attacked, directly afterward, by Col. E. M. McCook, who, with three regiments of cavalry, had been ordered from Bridgeport to pursue him. McCook had the better of the fight; but darkness closed it; and the enemy moved off during the night, while McCook had no orders to pursue him. Wheeler next struck McMinnville, in the heart of Tennessee, which, with 600 men, a train of wagons, and one of cars, was surrend
Brandenburg (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
Morgan's young brother was killed, leading a charge. And he had lost so much time at Tebb's bend and here, that our cavalry were closing in upon him; so the Rebel raider decamped at dark, during a furious rain, compelling his prisoners (whom he had not yet had time to parole) to race ten miles in ninety minutes to springfield--one, who could not or would not keep the pace, being shot dead by the way. Moving rapidly by Shepherdsville and Bardstown, July 6. Morgan struck the Ohio at Brandenburg, July 7. 40 miles below Louisville; seizing there the steamboats McCombs and Alice Dean, on which he crossed his command — increased, during his progress, by Kentucky sympathizers, till it was said now to number 4,000 men, with 10 guns. The Alice Dean was burned; the McCombs — which probably belonged to a friend, who had placed it where it would be wanted — was left unharmed. Gen. Hobson, who, with a bad start, had been following from the Cumberland, under the direction of Gen. H. M.<
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