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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., With Slemmer in Pensacola Harbor. (search)
t of official mention. October 9th. Night attack by a Confederate force of one thousand men, under General R. H. Anderson, upon the camp of Colonel William Wilson's 6th New York (Zouave) regiment on Santa Rosa Island. The Confederates landed on the island at 2 A. M., burned a part of the camp four miles from Fort Pickens, and retired to their boats after encountering Union reenforcements from the fort. The losses in killed, wounded, and missing were: Union, 67; Confederate, 87. November 22d and 23d. Bombardment of the Confederate lines by the United States vessels Niagara (Flag-Officer McKean) and Richmond (Captain Ellison), and by Fort Pickens and the neighboring Union batteries. Although Fort McRee was so badly injured that General Bragg entertained the idea of abandoning it, the plan of the Union commanders to take and destroy it was not executed. January 1st, 1862. Bombardment of Forts McRee and Barrancas by Union batteries. May 9th. Burning and evacuation of
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
tes guarding the passage across it; and before he could overpower them, the divisions of McLaws and Ransom appeared. The whole remainder of Longstreet's corps followed from Culpepper soon after, and took up a strong position on the southern bank. As soon as this movement of Burnside was unmasked, General Lee suggested to General Jackson the propriety of his leaving the Valley of Virginia, to support Longstreet. He therefore complied at once, and beginning his march from Winchester, November 22nd, in eight days transferred his corps with an interval of two days rest, to the vicinity of Fredericksburg. His journey was through the great Valley to New Market, and thence by the Columbia Bridge, Fisher's Gap and Madison Court House, to Guinea's Station upon the railroad, a few miles south of Longstreet's position; where the troops arrived the 1st of December. But on the 21st of November, Sumner had summoned the town to surrender, under a threat of cannonading it the next day. The w
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 49: close of the Valley campaign. (search)
were beyond the reach of supplies. After dark on the 12th, we moved to Fisher's Hill, and next day returned in the direction of New Market, where we arrived on the 14th, no effort at pursuit being made. I discovered by this movement that no troops had been sent to Grant, and that the project of repairing the Manassas Gap Railroad had been abandoned. Shortly after our return to New Market, Kershaw's division was returned to General Lee, and Cosby's cavalry to Breckenridge. On the 22nd of November two divisions of the enemy's cavalry advanced to Mount Jackson, after having driven in our cavalry pickets. A part of it crossed over the river into Meem's Bottom at the foot of Rude's Hill, but was driven back by a portion of my infantry, and the whole retreated, being pursued by Wickham's brigade, under Colonel Munford, to Woodstock. On the 27th, Rosser crossed Great North Mountain into Hardy County, with his own and Payne's brigade, and, about the 29th, surprised and captured t
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
on the fineness of his speech, the fullness of his breast, his attitudes and his short steps, led me to believe the person was a woman instead of a lieutenant. Gen. Winder coming in shortly after, upon hearing my description of the stranger, said he would ascertain all about the sex. November 21 My mysterious lieutenant was arrested this morning, on the western route, and proved, as I suspected, to be a woman. But Gen. Winder was ordered by the Secretary to have her released. November 22 We have information that the enemy have invaded and taken possession of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Accomac and Northampton Counties. They invaded the two counties with a force of 8000 men, and we had only 800 to oppose them. Of course there could be no contest against such odds. They carried my tenant to Drummondtown, the county seat, and made him (I suppose) assist in raising the United States flag over the court-house. November 23 J. C. Breckinridge and Humphrey Marshall
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
fore yesterday some 40,000 rations were sent them by the United States flagboat-which will suffice for three days, by which time I hope many will be taken away. Our Commissary-General Northrop has but little meat and bread for them, or for our own soldiers in the field. It must be confessed they have but small fare, and, indeed, all of us who have not been picking and stealing, fare badly. Yet we have quite as good health, and much better appetites than when we had sumptuous living. November 22 We have nothing additional to-day, except another attempt to take Fort Sumter by assault, which was discovered before the crews of the boats landed, and of course it was defeated. Since then some shells have been thrown into the city of Charleston, doing little damage. This morning was bright and warm, the clouds having passed away in the night. November 23 Nothing of moment from the armies, although great events are anticipated soon. On Saturday, Gen. Winder's or Major
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
been made this year. A lady, whose husband is a prisoner in the North, writes to the Secretary, asking the release of her apple-brandy (in Virginia) from the clutches of the impressing officer. She and her daughters had distilled 500 gallons, upon which they depended to procure other supplies, etc. Brandy is selling at $75 per gallon--37,500. Pretty well for the old woman and her three daughters! Apples are worth $100 per barrel; but the currency (Confederate) is nearly worthless. November 22 Rained in torrents last night; cold this morning and cloudy. All quiet below. But there was an alarm, night before last, growing out of a stampede of some 50 of the enemy's beeves. They charged upon our line, regardless of the fire of cannon and musketry, and were all captured after penetrating our works. Brave cattle! Gov. Vance writes that if Wilmington be attacked by a large force in the rear of Fort Fisher, its fall is inevitable, unless two brigades of veteran troops be
te minute description of my room, its furniture, the beats of the sentinels, etc.; that part of my letter was objected to By General Miles. and was rewritten accordingly. Let me renew the caution against believing the statements of correspondents in regard to me. To calumniate a state prisoner and thus either gratify or excite hatred against him, is an old device, and never was a fairer opportunity presented to do so without the fear of contradiction than is offered in my case. November 22d. It is six months since we parted, and I know no more of the purpose in regard to me than I did then. Measured by painful anxiety for you and your helpless charge, these months are to me many, many years. From the anguish and doubly painful trial, because I could learn nothing of you, I have extracted the consolation of increased pride and fully sustained confidence I do take care of my health; all the motives you enumerate are ever before me; and others, of which you are less apt to
dred cavalry, four regiments of infantry, and two batteries of artillery, were reviewed by Gen. Love and Gov. Morton and staff this afternoon, on the large common west of Camp Vajen, at Indianapolis, Ind. The column was nearly a mile in length, and altogether it was one of the grandest sights ever witnessed in the West. Several thousand people were in attendance. The coffee mill guns were objects of great curiosity, and performed to the satisfaction of the admiring crowd.--Cincinnati Commercial, November 22. The Fifteenth regiment N. Y. S. V., this afternoon made the first attempt at pontoon bridge building, near their camp, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac. The pontoons of India rubber were inflated, and a bridge one hundred and eighty-eight feet long laid in thirty-three minutes. Fifty men crossed at ordinary and double-quick time, and on the run, and horses walked over. The regiment is supplied with a pontoon train and tools for constructing bridges and fortifications.
November 22. This morning, at New Orleans, Lieut. Morel, of the Third District Police, upon information received, arrested a German named Frenzel, who lived on Charles street, in the Second District, charging him with being an incendiary and a traitor to the State and Southern Confederacy. It appears that Frenzel, who was quite an intelligent man, had excited Lieut. Morel's suspicions, by remarks that he was reported to have made in favor of Lincoln and his dynasty; he was watched — the result of which was, that he was heard to boast that there was a powerful organization in New Orleans — at least five thousand strong — which, the moment that the Lincoln army made its apance there, or on the coast, would rise and help them to the best of their ability.--New Orleans Crescent, November 23. Charles MacBETHeth, Mayor of the city of Charleston, S. C., issued a proclamation calling upon the citizens to assist the military and civil authorities in putting the city in a proper st<
November 22. A party of National troops, consisting of details from four companies of the First New York cavalry, under the command of Captain Harkins, had a skirmish with a body of rebels near Winchester, Va., and succeeded in capturing four men and thirty horses.--Baltimore American. Major-General Sumner, commanding the right grand division of the army of the Potomac at Fredericksburgh, Va., in reply to a communication from the Mayor and Common Council of that town, praying that the town should not be fired upon informed them that he was authorized to say that so long as no hostile demonstration was made from the town it would not be shelled.--(Doc. 54.) Commander Foxhall A. Parker, of the steamer Mahaska, in conjunction with a body of land forces under Brigadier-General Naglee, made an expedition into Mathew County Va., and together destroyed twelve salt-works, with a large quantity of salt, burned five schooners, two sloops, and a number of scows and boats, and ca