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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbus, Christopher 1435-1536 (search)
where there was wax there were also 1,000 other good things. The sailors also found, in one house, the head of a man in a basket, covered with another basket, and fastened to a post of the house. They found the same things in another village. The Admiral believed that they must be the heads of some founder, or principal ancestor of a lineage, for the houses are built to contain a great number of people in each; and these should be relations, and descendants of a common ancestor. Friday, Nov. 30. They could not get under way to-day because the wind was east, and dead against them. The Admiral sent eight men well armed, accompanied by two of the Indians he had on board, to examine the village inland, and get speech with the people. They came to many houses, but found no one and nothing, all having fled. They saw four youths who were digging in the fields, but, as soon as they saw the Christians, they ran away, and could not be overtaken. They marched a long distance, and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hutchinson, Thomas 1711-1780 (search)
It might be the act of a single person unknown, but in such a time it carried terror with it, which probably was the principal design of it: Whereas it has been reported that a permit will be given, by the custom-house, for landing the tea now on board a vessel lying in this harbor, commanded by Captain Hall: This is to remind the public that it was solemnly voted, by the body of the people of this and the neighboring towns, assembled at the Old South Meeting-house, on Tuesday, the 30th of November, that the said tea never should be landed in this province, or pay one farthing of duty. And, as the aiding, or assisting, in procuring, or granting, any such permit for landing the said tea, or any other tea so circumstanced, or in offering any permit, when obtained, to the master or commander of the said ship, or any other ship in the same situation, must betray an inhuman thirst for blood, and will also, in a great measure, accelerate confusion and civil war, this is to assure such
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mine Run, operations near (search)
time to prepare to meet his antagonist, and Meade's plans, so well laid, were frustrated. He concentrated his whole army on the west bank of Mine Run, and extended his fortifications along the line of that stream until they crossed the two highways on which Meade's army lay. In front of all was a strong abatis. Meade, however, resolved to attack Lee, and to Warren was intrusted the task of opening the assault, his whole force being about 26,000 men. He was to make the attack at 8 A. M., Nov. 30. At that hour Meade's batteries on the left and centre were opened, and skirmishers of the latter dashed across Mine Run and drove back those of the Confederates. But Warren's guns were not heard. He had found the Confederates much stronger than he expected, and prudently refrained from attacking. Satisfied that Warren had done wisely, Meade ordered a general suspension of operations. Lee's defences were growing stronger every hour, while Meade's strength was diminishing. His ration
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Parliament, English (search)
; for each member seemed to consider himself insulted by the independent spirit of the Americans. Every man in England, wrote Franklin, regards himself as a piece of a sovereign over America—seems to jostle himself into the throne with the King, and talks of our subjects in the colonies. The election for members of a new Parliament that took place in November, 1774, resulted in a large ministerial majority, which boded no good for the American colonies. The King, in his opening speech (Nov. 30), spoke of the daring spirit of resistance in the colonies, and assured the legislature that he had taken measures and given orders for the restoration of peace and order, which he hoped would be effectual. A large majority of both Houses were ready to support the King and his ministers in coercive measures; but there was a minority of able men, in and out of Parliament, utterly opposed to subduing the colonies by force of arms, and anxious to promote an amicable adjustment. The mercanti
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Polk, James Knox 1795-1849 (search)
e redress of the wrongs of our citizens naturally and inseparably blended itself with the question of boundary. The settlement of the one question in any correct view of the subject involves that of the other. I could not for the moment entertain the idea that the claims of our much-injured and long-suffering citizens, many of which had existed for more than twenty years, should be postponed or separated from the settlement of the boundary question. Mr. Slidell arrived at Vera Cruz on Nov. 30, and was courteously received by the authorities of that city. But the government of General Herrera was then tottering to its fall. The revolutionary party had seized upon the Texas question to effect or hasten its overthrow. Its determination to restore friendly relations with the United States, and to receive our minister to negotiate for the settlement of this question was violently assailed, and was made the great theme of denunciation against it. The government of General Herrera,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), C. S. S. Savannah, the (search)
iding gracefully into the element which was to bear her to foreign lands, there to be crowned with the laurels of success. On May 25 this purely American-built vessel left Savannah, Ga., and glided out from its waste of marshes, under the command of Capt. Moses Rogers, with Stephen Rogers as navigator. The port of New London, Conn., had furnished these able seamen. The steamer reached Liverpool June 20, the passage having occupied twenty-six days, upon eighteen of which she had used her paddles. On the arrival of the vessel on the coast of Ireland, Lieut. John Bowie, of the King's cutter Kite, sent a boat-load of sailors to board the Savannah to assist her crew to extinguish the fires of what his Majesty's officers supposed to be a burning ship. the Savannah, after visiting Liverpool, continued her voyage on July 23, and reached St. Petersburg in safety. Leaving the latter port on Oct. 10, this adventurous craft completed the round voyage upon her arrival at Savannah, Nov. 30.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sherman, William Tecumseh 1820-1829 (search)
as not a part of Sherman's plan. The Nationals were attacked at the Oconee River while laying a pontoon bridge, but the assailants, largely composed of Wheeler's cavalry, were defeated. Kilpatrick made a feint towards Augusta to mislead the Confederates as to Sherman's destination, also to cover the passage of the army over the Ogeechee River, and, if possible, to release Union captives in the prison-pen at Millen. Kilpatrick and Wheeler had several skirmishes, but no severe battles. On Nov. 30, Sherman's whole army, excepting one corps, had passed the Ogeechee. This was a most skilful manoeuvre; and then, having destroyed the principal railways in Georgia over long distances, Sherman was prepared to make a final conquest of the State. Moving on seaward, the division of Hazen had a severe skirmish (Dec. 4) at Statesburg, south of the Ogeechee. General Sherman's headquarters during March to the sea. Attack on Fort McAllister. The Confederates were dispersed. On the same d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Texas, (search)
criminate plunder of the public property. So ended the Civil War in the field. Andrew J. Hamilton was appointed by the President provisional governor in the summer of 1865, and measures were taken for the reorganization of civil government there. Under the reconstruction acts of 1867, Texas, with Louisiana, was made a military district, and subjected to military rule under General Sheridan. A convention assembled Dec. 7, 1868, adopted a constitution, which was ratified at an election (Nov. 30 to Dec. 3) in 1869, and a governor and legislature were chosen at the same time. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the national Constitution were ratified (Feb. 23, 1870), and on March 30, by act of Congress, the State was entitled to representation in Congress. On April 16 the government was transferred to the civil authorities. Population in 1890, 2,235,523; in 1900, 3,048,740. See Benton, Thomas H.; United States of America, Texas, in this volume. Presidents of republic.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
under the reconstruction act, which sits at Jackson, Jan. 7 to May 15, 1868, is rejected by the people by 56,231 for and 63,860 against......June 28, 1868 National Union Republican party of Mississippi in convention at Jackson, nominate Louis Dent for governor, the majority of the Democrats concur......Sept. 8, 1869 At State election the constitution of May 15, 1868, is ratified by 105,223 for and 954 against; the vote against disfranchising Confederate soldiers almost unanimous......Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1869 Congress readmits Mississippi into the Union......Feb. 17, 1870 School law organizing a State board of education and providing for a superintendent of public education......1870 Planters, Manufacturers, and Mechanics' Association of the State of Mississippi incorporated......1871 Any rate of interest agreed upon in writing made legal; 6 per cent. the legal rate in the absence of any agreement......1873 At a mass-meeting of taxpayers of Warren county at Vicksburg,
Throckmorton removed, E. M. Pease appointed......July 30, 1867 General Sheridan relieved and General Hancock substituted as commander of the 5th Military District......Aug. 17, 1867 Gen. J. Reynolds appointed to command of 5th Military District......July 28, 1868 Constitution, framed by a convention called under the reconstruction acts by General Hancock, which sat at Austin, June 1, to December, 1868, is submitted to Congress, March 30, and ratified by people, 72,395 to 4,924......Nov. 30–Dec. 3, 1869 Legislature ratifies the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United States......Feb. 18, 1870 Congress readmits Texas into the Union......March 30, 1870 Public school system inaugurated......September, 1871 A special election for State officers: Richard Coke, Democrat, elected governor by 85,549 votes to 42,663 for Governor Davis, Republican......Dec. 2, 1873 Supreme Court decides that the law authorizing the election of Dec. 2, 1873,