Secession movement at the South.
The secession movement continues to be the great theme of discussion and comment throughout the country.
We present our readers this morning with further information, showing the progress of the impending revolution.
Secession Speeches.
The ball of the House of Representatives at
Columbia, S. C. was thronged with a brilliant audience on Thursday night last, to hear an address from
the Hon. John Bilboa, of
Tennessee, on the political aspects of the present time.
He said that
Tennessee was now like the ready eagle, and would, as surely as
South Carolina seceded and raised the standard of constitutional liberty, sustain her in the contest.
He spoke eloquently of the proud position of
South Carolina; of the heart of every free son of the
South beating in unison with her. His speech was enthusiastically received.
Mr. Porter was called on, and said as far as
South Carolina was concerned, the die has been cast — the rubicon crossed.
There was not one opinion from the mountains to the seaboard, and we were united as one man. A people so united could not be conquered, subdued, or put down by annihilation.
We stand upon our own soil, fighting for our homes and everything dear to us. Within less than a month this State would be out of the
Union, and he trusted it would be for weal and not for woe for honor, and not for shame.
Col. T. Y. Simons was loudly called for and made an eloquent response, which was most enthusiastically received.
He advocated the immediate and separate action by
South Carolina in warm and eloquent terms.
He said he announced himself nine months ago, in this very Hail that in the contingency of the election of a Black Republican
President, he would be an avowed and unqualified Disunionist.--
South Carolina should and must now go forward.
The numerous friends of
Col. Simons in
Columbia were highly gratified with his brilliant and perfectly spontaneous effort.
Ex. Governor Means,
Col. MacFarlan and others also spoke, all eloquently and well, and were heartily applauded.
This distinguished gentleman was invited to attend the mass meeting at
Abbeville, S. C. in his letter to the committee, he says the
Black Republican party may be said now to have the legislative and executive departments of the
He adds:
"How will they use them?
Look to their conduct in the States where they have had power, and answer the question yourselves.--Thank you that with the army and navy and 80 millions of money annually at their disposal, (all of which were obtained solely by reason of their enmity to your institutions,) that they will now relent — that they will cease to war on your institutions, cease to rob you, cease to protect murderers and incendiaries; that they will now deliver up fugitives from justice and labor — repeal personal liberty bills?
If you believe this, God Almighty help you, for no arm of flesh can save you. No, strike my countrymen, strike now — to-day is yours."
Southern credit.
The Columbia Guardian contradicts a statement in the New York Times, that "many Northern merchants are refusing credit to the
South Carolina merchants, even after they have settled to the last cent," and says:
Several agents from large New York houses have visited
Columbia during the past week, and we are informed by some of our leading merchants that they were never more anxious to receive orders.
This wholesale manufacture of libels against
South Carolina merchants is our part and parcel of the systematic warfare waged against Southern institutions.
No State in the
Union furnishes more reliable or prompter-paying merchants than this, and there is not a well-informed journal in New York city that does not know this fact.
The circulation, therefore, of such a gross slander proceeds from malice prepense, and is indicative of deep-seated malignity, that knows no restraints of truth or justice.
The hour of deliverance from political association with such slanderers is near at hand.
Southern resistance.
The Charleston Courier, of Friday last, has the following:
Letters from various portions of the
Southern States are constantly received in this city referring to the great political movement of this State, and in many cases, if not all, the present attitude and determination of the
State receive hearty commendation and offers of assistance.
A letter received yesterday from a county in
Georgia, which was believed to be largely against resistance, gives a more hopeful report.
Attitude of the Churches.
Upon this subject the Charleston Courier remarks.
We have lately had occasion to report the position and actions, severally, of the
Associations of
Alabama and
South Carolina, as officially defined by resolutions concurrently asserting the duty and policy of immediate secession.
Indications that have reached us from many sources, by letter and by personal testimony, assures us that the Methodist Episcopal Church (South) in this State, connected as if with the first great movement of ecclesiastical separation, is overwhelmingly.
If not unanimously, on the same platform.
Call to army and Navy officers.
The Charleston Mercury calls upon each and all the sons of
South Carolina, who are how engaged in the military service of the government of the
United States, to "renounce at once the sword and the rations of the vulgar oppressor, and to hasten at once to the homes that gave them birth, for the protection of their native soil, the preservation of the institutions of their State, and the maintenance of the liberty of freemen, bequeathed them by their fathers.
South Carolina wants her soldier-citizens around her now. The mother looks to her sons to protect her from outrage.
Shall she lose in vain?
She wants, now, military skill and science to direct the courage and energies of her people.
She looks to her army and navy officers to supply that want.
Let them return home at once, without any hesitation whatever.
They need have no more doubt of
South Carolina's going out of the
Union than of the world's turning round.
Every man that goes to the
Convention will be a pledged king-pledged for immediate separate State secession, in any event whatever.
Once out of the
Union, nothing but
conquest will bring her back.
She is resolved, sick of the
Union, disgusted with it upon any terms, that are within the range of the widest possibility.
"Her sons, however, will be taken care of, whatever the result of her secession — for
that is a fixed fact.
Let them not hesitate; but rather let their promptitude bespeak the amount of their devotion to their native State."
Hon. J. H. Hammond, of
S. C., writes to the committee of the mass meeting at
South Carolina will certainly secede from the
Union on the 17th or 18th of December.--She intends to try it fully, at all costs.
No more compromises of any sort.
She will take no guarantees, but will go out high and dry, and forever.
Georgia will back her, there will be little or no trouble.
I only wish she had called her Convention for the day before, and gone out first.
We don't want to lead.--We will gladly give
Georgia the lead and all the honors.
Let her put forth her hand and grasp them.
She is, and must be the
Empire State of the
South, and
South Carolina will have, perhaps, a hard time without her sustaining arm. "
Monticello (Fla.) Friend says:
Dr. T. M. Palmer returned on Wednesday from a visit to the
Eastern portion of the
State, and informs us that there exists but one feeling among the people — that of secession.--He visited Newmansville,
Gainesville, Micanopy,
Lake City, and
Fernandina, and did not find a solitary submissionist.
Fernandina the people are very much excited.
On Monday, a Charleston steamer came sailing into that port with the
Palmetto flag flying at its mast-head.
A number of citizens boarded the vessel, and, after obtaining permission, run up two more flags--one with two stars, representing
South Carolina, and the other with large letters emblazoned upon it, '
Florida goes with
South Carolina.'"
The Inter-State flag.
The following is the inscription on the flag suspended across the river at
Augusta, Ga., connecting that State with
South Carolina:
The Day of our Deliverance is Dawning!
Georgia Coat of Arms Palmetto State.
So. Carolina Coat of Arms.
Georgia Coat of Arms Hands Clasped.
So. Carolina Coat of Arms.
Georgia Coat of Arms Empire State
So. Carolina Coat of Arms.
Now or never.
We will secede.
Side by Side-one Destiny.
Significant demonstration.
At a very large meeting in
Russell county, Ala., on the 26th ult., a committee reported straight-out secession resolutions, recommending, however,
consultation with the other slave States. These were overwhelmingly adopted by the meeting, which was estimated to consist of one thousand persons — the largest congregation ever assembled in
Russell county.
The Wilmington Journal, of Saturday, alluding to the probable action of the
North Carolina Legislature, says:
We have seen some members of both houses and of both parties, this week.
From what we could learn or hear, we came to the conclusion that the better opinion leans to the belief that a Convention will be called to consult and act upon the question of Federal relations.
Such is the present appearance of things.
No definite understanding seems to have been come to as to what course the
Convention is likely to adopt.
A Moderate view.
The Independent American, of
Troy, Ala., thinks the zeal of the secessionists outruns their discretion.
It says:
We are opposed to any action on the part of
Alabama until there is a full, free and earnest conference and consultation with the other Southern States.
North Carolina,
Kentucky and
Missouri, have as deep an interest in this question as the other Southern States--in fact, they have more — and they have a right to be heard.
Let us confer with them.
Let us hear what they have to say — let us treat them as
friends and not as
strangers--and then having heard them, let us take such measures as will best secure our rights, protect our interests, and advance our welfare.
A letter from New Orleans, Nov. 24, to the Charleston Courier, says:
the Legislature of
Louisiana, at its approaching session, will either immediately call a Convention of the people, or direct a popular vote to be taken whether they will have such a Convention.--The writer proceeds:
Last evening, there was a large meeting held in the
Odd Fellows' Hall, of persons in favor of forming a Southern States Rights Association.
It embraced numerous representatives of all parties, and was a very enthusiastic affair.
The ruling spirit was the gallant
Gladden, of your State, and the best speech was made by
Alexander Walker, of the
Delta newspaper.
An Association was formed, and its Constitution was numerously signed.
One of the features of the plan was the raising of a corps of Minute Men, who are pledged to hold themselves in readiness to defend the
South in its action, whenever authoritatively decided upon.
Meantime we are having rather tight times here.
One of our heaviest mercantile houses, that of
Messrs. Fellowes & Co., has suspended payment, with liabilities to the figure of $4,500,000, and assets reckoned at $5,000,000.--Another firm, one yet more substantial in the city, Walter,
Cox & Co., commission merchants and cotton traders, has felt itself also obliged to suspend.
But these houses will be found to have ample means to meet all their liabilities.
They have preferred this course to the sacrifice of the
Cotton shipped to it for sale.
These suspensions, it is cheering to know, involve only a delay, and are looked upon as necessary to protect the planters' interests.
Arms for the South.
The steamship
Montgomery arrived at
Savannah on Monday last, with 180 boxes of
Sharpe's patent carbines, 1,800 in all, and 40,000 conical ball cartridges, for the
State of Georgia.
They came from
Hartford, Connecticut, and were forwarded immediately to
One of the largest meetings ever held in
Petersburg, convened on Thursday night, in response to a call for a gathering of "all friends of the Federal Union." Resolutions of a conservative character were introduced by
Messrs. Collier and
Keiley, and voted down.
The following, introduced by
Hon. Roger A. Pryor, were adopted — a result not contemplated by the projectors of the movement.-- Blue cockades were numerous on the streets the next day:
Whereas, The people of
Virginia did originally ratify the
Federal Constitution in their sovereign character, and to the exercise of their own independent will; and did thereby delegate certain enumerated powers to the
Federal Government, for certain specific purposes, at the same time reserving to themselves all other rights and incidents of sovereignty, not so enumerated and delegated: Be it, therefore.
Resolved That the people of
Virginia have the right inherent and inviolable to judge for themselves "as well of the infractions of the constitutional compact as of the mode and measure of redress," and that whenever, in their judgment, the
Federal Government is perverted from the designs of its original institution, to the denial of their rights and the oppression of their liberties, they, the people of
Virginia, acting in their sovereign capacity, may and should vindicate their rights and liberties from the oppression of usurped and tyrannical power.
Resolved. That the systematic aggressions of the Abolitionists on the
Constitution and the rights of the
South, have at last resulted in the election of an avowed advocate of Negro Equality and the
Irrepressible Conflict, to the Presidency of the
United States, and the transfer of the
Executive powers of the
Federal Government to a party exclusively sectional in its organization and its arms, and notoriously inimical to the guarantees of slavery embodied in the fundamental compact of Union And
Whereas, Experience admonishes us that neither entreaty nor remonstrance, neither concession nor threats of resistance, avail to correct the march of anti-slavery encroachments.
Be it, therefore.
Resolved by the citizens of Petersburg, That a due regard to the welfare of this Commonwealth demands that the sovereign powers of the
State be now invoked, by call of a Convention, to determine the measures necessary to secure the rights and interests of the people of
Resolved further, That while
Virginia intends to assume in this emergency the position which her people, deliberating in their sovereign capacity, shall think most consistent with their own honor and interests; yet we would be recreant to the obligations of the common cause, and that tentative to the plainest dictates of prudent policy if we neglected to concert measures of mutual security with those States of the
South which are bound to us by identity of institutions and community of danger.
It was past midnight when the vote was taken, and large numbers had left the hall.--The result was applauded in the most enthusiastic manner.
The citizens of
Page county, irrespective of party, held a meeting last week, and adopted a series of conservative resolutions, deprecating the present condition of the country, and counselling moderation and prudence.
The people of the county are for the
Union, so long as it can be honorably preserved, and are not unwilling to do anything that will settle the question honorably and satisfactorily.
The secession question in California.
Advices from
San Francisco to the 17th of November, state that the people of
California were waiting with deep anxiety for the
Eastern news showing the disposition of the
Southern States on the dissolution question.
After hearing of
Lincoln's election, all political animosities greatly moderated, the Republicans as well as the Democrats seeming to be fearful of serious trouble from the present political condition of the country.
The Republican illumination in
San Francisco in honor of
Lincoln's election was a complete failure.
Not fifty houses in the city responded to the call of the
Republican State Central Committee to join in a general illumination.
The cause of it was that the Republicans generally were not in an exultant mood.
The Sacramento Standard, organ of the
Breckinridge Democracy, assumes that the dissolution of the
Union is inevitable, and urges
California and
Oregon to seriously consider the question of organizing a separate Republic on the
Pacific coast.
The idea seems to obtain little sympathy, and is denounced by a large portion of the press.
Vermont Refuses to repeal her nullification act.
On the 23d November, a majority of the committee of the
Vermont House of Representatives, to whom had been referred a bill to repeal an act passed in 1858, to secure freedom to all persons within that State, reported that the same ought to pass, upon the ground that the act of 1858 is unconstitutional.
After clearly stating the argument against the act, the committee proceed to say:
While we retain this law on our statute book, we are estopped for very shame as a party in
pari delicte from rebuking nullification or secession in other States.
By repealing the law we shall perform an act of simple justice to ourselves and the States with whose rights the law conflicts, and shall do much to encourage the hope of patriotic men every where that the bond which has so long held the States in one great and prosperous Union may survive the perilous discontents of the time, and endure for ages to come.
The bill which accompanied this report was reached on Tuesday, and, after an able speech in favor of its passage by
Mr. Thomas, of West Fairies, it was rejected, two to one.--Twenty-five Republicans voted for the repeal of the law. The Legislature has adjourned.