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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Major-General Samuel Jones of operations at Charleston, South Carolina, from December 5th to 27th, 1864. (search)
suitable point of passage, but at no time was I able to concentrate for the attack more than a thousand troops reliable for such service; for, by the concurrent testimony of the subordinate commanders, the reserves and militia could not be relied on to attack the enemy in their entrenchments. The number of the enemy on Gregory's neck I estimate at between four and five thousand. [Note.--It was the same body of troops, General Hatch commanding, that was defeated at Honey Hill, on the 30th November. It was then said to consist of 5,000 men of all arms. General Grant, in an official report, states the Federal loss at Honey Hill to have been 746 in killed, wounded and missing. Six days later, General Hatch landed with his command on Gregory's neck, and it is reasonable to estimate the number between four and five thousand.] Under instructions from the Lieutenant-General commanding, directing me if I could not dislodge the enemy from his position, to strengthen my own so as to h