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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A tribute to the army of Tennessee. (search)
ashington through the Jerseys, so that they wrung from their adversary the confession that, It was a dark day for the Federal arms when they confronted the Confederates on the Chattahoochee. And when the leader changed, and the plan changed, when retreat gave way to advance, and defence to attack, the same soldierly qualities shone even more conspicuously. Take that series of fragmentary and unsuccessful attacks from Peach Tree creek, July 20, passing in swift succession, to Franklin, November 30. Evacuating Atlanta, halting awhile on the Chattahoochee, winding among the hills of Alabama, crossing the Tennessee at Florence, flanking Columbia (a labor lost by the strange apathy at Spring Hill), struggling up that deadly slope at Franklin against that stream of leaden fire — Franklin, where the eagleeyed, keen-sighted Forest was misled — for he said, at the head of our line: Boys, they haven't any works worth naming; you'll go over them like a flash; pressing for a fortnight before