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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 13: (search)
have proved disastrous. I don't want to get into so tight a place again. I will cheerfully act in accordance with your views if you think it expedient to hold Hood back as long as possible. When you get all your troops together, and in fighting condition, we can whip Hood easily, and I believe make the campaign a decisive one. Before that the most we can do is to husband our strength and increase it as much as possible. * * * * J. M. Schofield, Major-General Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 3 P. M. Major-General Thomas, Nashville. I have just received your dispatch, asking whether I can hold Hood here three days. I do not believe I can. I can doubtless hold him one day, but will hazard something in doing that. He now has a large force, probably two corps, in my front, and seems preparing to cross the river above and below. I think he can effect a crossing to-morrow in spite of all my efforts to prevent, or to-night if he attempts it. A worse place than this for an inf